`c12) United States Patent
`Lennox et al.
`(IO) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 9,822,536 B2
`Nov. 21, 2017
`Inventors: Matthew Lennox, Cronulla (AU);
`Rodney Burge, Miranda (AU); Adam
`Farrow, Miranda (AU)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC ........... E04D 5/00-5/12; E04D 12/002; E04G
`21/28; E04G 2021/248
`See application file for complete search history.
`(73) Assignee: Matthew Lennox, Cronulla (AU)
`References Cited
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 65 days.
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) PCT Filed:
`Jun. 2, 2009
`(86) PCT No.:
`PCT I AU2009/000685
`§ 371 (c)(l),
`(2), ( 4) Date: May 31, 2011
`(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2009/146487
`PCT Pub. Date: Dec. 10, 2009
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2012/0186722 Al
`Jul. 26, 2012
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Jun. 2, 2008
`Jul. 30, 2008
`(AU) ................................ 2008202416
`(AU) ................................ 2008203409
`Int. Cl.
`E04G 21128
`E04D 12100
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC ........... E04G 21128 (2013.01); E04D 121002
`(2013.01); E04D 5100 (2013.01); E04D 5/06
`(2013.01); E04G 2021/248 (2013.01)
`4,769,962 A
`4,818,588 A
`9/1988 Pohl
`4/1989 Okabe
`Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority, dated Oct.
`8, 2010 by the Australian Patent Office, for International Application
`PCT/ AU2010/001026.
`Primary Examiner - Carson Gross
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - Knobbe Martens Olson
`& Bear LLP
`A covering of a damaged or uncompleted building; the
`covering including a film of heat shrinkable material
`stretched over damaged or uncompleted portions of the
`building; the film formed as a sheet comprising an assembly
`oflengths of the heat shrinkable material applied to surfaces
`of the building.
`12 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`1 4~
`Structural Wrap Exhibit 1013, Page 1
`Structural Wrap v Stormseal, IPR2024-00084
`US 9,822,536 B2
`Page 2
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Oct. 30, 2008
`Jan. 22, 2009
`(AU) ................................ 2008101060
`(AU) ................................ 2009200232
`Int. Cl.
`E04D 5/06
`E04D 5100
`E04G 21/24
`References Cited
`6,425,213 Bl*
`6,632,496 Bl
`6,797,218 Bl
`2005/0217202 Al*
`2008/0022620 Al
`2008/0060302 Al *
`7/2002 Lachapelle ................ 52/169.14
`10/2003 Johnson
`9/2004 Bickerstaff
`10/2005 Crook .......................... 52/782.1
`1/2008 Crowley
`3/2008 Bletsos et al. .................. 52/408
`English language translation of the Abstract of European Patent
`Application No. 0410275.
`International Search Report of the International Searching Author(cid:173)
`ity, dated Oct. 8, 2010 by the Australian Patent Office, for Interna(cid:173)
`tional Application PCT/AU2010/001026.
`International Search Report of the International Searching Author(cid:173)
`ity, dated Jul. 20, 2009 by the Australian Patent Office, for Inter(cid:173)
`national Application PCT/ AU2009/000685.
`* cited by examiner
`Structural Wrap Exhibit 1013, Page 2
`Structural Wrap v Stormseal, IPR2024-00084
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 21, 2017
`Sheet 1 of 7
`US 9,822,536 B2
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`Fig. 1
`Structural Wrap Exhibit 1013, Page 3
`Structural Wrap v Stormseal, IPR2024-00084
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 21, 2017
`Sheet 2 of 7
`US 9,822,536 B2
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`Structural Wrap v Stormseal, IPR2024-00084
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 21, 2017
`Sheet 3 of 7
`US 9,822,536 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 21, 2017
`Sheet 4 of 7
`US 9,822,536 B2
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`Ds 9,822,536 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 21, 2017
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`Structural Wrap Exhibit 1013, Page 7
`Structural Wrap v Stormseal, IPR2024-00084
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 21, 2017
`Sheet 7 of 7
`US 9,822,536 B2
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`US 9,822,536 B2
`This application is a §371 national phase entry of Inter(cid:173)
`national Application No. PCT/AU2009/000685, filed Jun. 2,
`2009, which claims priority to Australian Patent Application
`No. 2008202416, filed Jun. 2, 2008, Australian Patent Appli(cid:173)
`cation No. 2008203409, filed Jul. 30, 2008, Australian
`Patent Application No. 2008101060, filed Oct. 30, 2008, and
`Australian Patent Application No. 2009200232, filed Jan.
`22, 2009, the entire contents of which are incorporated
`herein by reference.
`The present invention relates to protective covering of 15
`roofs and walls of a building and, more particularly, to the
`covering of damaged or under construction roofs, as well as
`the covering of walls of buildings.
`Roofs, as well as walls, are susceptible to damage from
`high winds, rain or hail. Tiled roofs for example may have
`a considerable area of tiles either damaged from hail impact,
`or dislodged completely as the result of high intensity 25
`storms. Shingled roofs are liable to be similarly damaged,
`and even metal sheeted roofs may suffer partial or total
`removal of one or more sheets. Damage to roofs and walls
`may also be caused by the impact of falling trees, large
`branches, or other objects made airborne under high wind 30
`Storm or impact damage cannot usually be immediately
`repaired so that to prevent further or potential damage to the
`interior of the building, temporary covering must be pro(cid:173)
`vided. Typically canvas (or similar material) tarpaulins are 35
`placed over the damaged part of the roof and secured to the
`structure by ropes.
`One disadvantage of this method of temporary covering is
`the difficulty of adequately securing a tarpaulin to the roof
`or walls so that they remain very vulnerable to dislodgement 40
`should high winds prevail or recur and often require con(cid:173)
`tinuing attention and adjustment. Moreover, they are heavy
`and awkward to position, posing occupational health and
`safety issues. A further disadvantage is that they are expen(cid:173)
`sive to acquire and bulky to store, and if the many roofs are 45
`damaged in one storm event, the number of tarpaulins
`available may be inadequate.
`Buildings under construction, particularly timber framed,
`brick clad dwellings, are frequently constructed in a
`sequence where the timber frame, including that of the roof, 50
`is completed a considerable time before the roof cladding
`can be added. A disadvantage of this construction technique
`is that during this period the timber of the structure, which
`may even include timber or particle board flooring, is liable
`to deterioration from water and sun. A further disadvantage 55
`of this sequence of construction is that, if rain intervenes at
`the time further internal work is scheduled, the lack of roof
`covering may cause considerable delay and financial loss.
`A system of covering a roof with a film of material for the
`purpose of preventing damage from wind shear was dis- 60
`closed in US 2005/0217202. However this US application
`teaches a method of application of the film from a roll of film
`hoisted up onto the roof surface, the film being unrolled in
`situ with overlapping edges of the film being secured by the
`application of adhesive tape. Rolls of film are heavy and in 65
`practice the manipulation of a roll of film and the edge
`taping required on even an intact roof surface is extremely
`difficult, if not dangerous and is completely impractical for
`application to the roof framing of an uncompleted building.
`It is common practice to provide a moisture resistant
`barrier or wrap to a building structure. Such barriers or
`building wraps are particularly important for those structures
`that are constructed of timber framing. It is known to apply
`a weather resistant wrap over the timber studs of a building
`in order to resist the ingress of moisture. This moisture can
`cause unwanted structural movement in framework con-
`IO structed from kiln dried timber.
`The material is typically in the form of a flexible plastic
`film such as polyethylene. Prior art practice for applying
`building wrap comprises unrolling, measuring and cutting
`strips of wrap on the ground and then subsequently joining
`them to form a single sheet for subsequent nailing or stapling
`across the vertical walls or stud frame of a structure.
`Because of the slippery nature of the wrap material and
`difficulties in managing said wrap in windy conditions it is
`20 often extremely awkward or even dangerous to work at
`elevated locations. Also areas of slack or looseness can arise
`when the preformed sheet is nailed or stapled to the struc(cid:173)
`ture. This results in air pockets which may detract from the
`insulating and sealing properties of the wrap.
`Older buildings frequently included asbestos material for
`roofing, wall cladding and pipe lagging. Removal of such
`material, for example during renovations, repair or for health
`risk reasons, provides hazards from loose asbestos flakes
`and fibres escaping into the environment.
`It is an object of the present invention to address or at least
`ameliorate some of the above disadvantages.
`1. The term "comprising" (and grammatical vanat10ns
`thereof) is used in this specification in the inclusive
`sense of"having" or "including", and not in the exclu(cid:173)
`sive sense of "consisting only of'.
`2. The above discussion of the prior art in the Background
`of the invention, is not an admission that any informa(cid:173)
`tion discussed therein is citable prior art or part of the
`common general knowledge of persons skilled in the
`art in any country.
`Accordingly, in a first broad form of the invention, there
`is provided a roof cover system for damaged or uncompleted
`roofs; said cover system including a film of heat shrinkable
`material stretched over a said damaged or uncompleted roof;
`said film formed as a sheet comprising an assembly of
`lengths of said heat shrinkable material prepared on a
`ground surface; said sheet positioned on said roof and
`brought into conformity with surfaces of said roof through
`application of heat.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film provides a temporary
`waterproofing of a damaged roof.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film provides a temporary
`waterproofing of an unclad roof of a building under con(cid:173)
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film is provided with a
`heat reflecting surface.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film forms a permanent
`heat reflecting layer.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film is retained by
`mechanical means at edges of a said damaged or uncom(cid:173)
`pleted roof.
`Preferably, said mechanical means include a temporary
`batten affixed under eaves of said roof.
`Structural Wrap Exhibit 1013, Page 10
`Structural Wrap v Stormseal, IPR2024-00084
`US 9,822,536 B2
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film has a thickness of
`between 0.6 and 0.7 mm.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film is a film of low(cid:173)
`density polyethylene.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film includes shrinking
`resins, UV inhibitors, anti-brittling compounds and strength(cid:173)
`In another broad form of the invention, there is provided
`a method of protecting a roof structure from water ingress;
`said method including the steps of:
`(a) selecting a roll of heat shrinkable film of suitable
`(b) cutting a required number of lengths of said film from
`said roll; said lengths sufficient to extend from one edge
`of said roof structure to an opposite edge, and sufficient 15
`to cover at least a portion of said roof,
`( c) assembling at least two lengths of said heat shrinkable
`film laid out along a ground surface into a sheet of
`( d) attaching a trailing end of said sheet at an edge of said 20
`roof structure,
`( e) taking a leading edge of said sheet to said opposite
`(f) attaching said leading edge of said sheet at said
`opposite edge,
`(g) applying heat with a heat gun to said sheet of heat
`shrinkable film.
`Preferably, said roof structure comprises an existing roof
`damaged through wind shear or impact.
`Preferably, said roof structure comprises unclad roof 30
`framing of a building under construction.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film is provided with a
`heat reflecting surface; said heat shrinkable film forming a
`heat reflective layer under roof cladding.
`Preferably, said trailing edge and said leading edge of said 35
`sheet are attached by means of a batten affixed under outer
`ends of rafters of said roof structure.
`Preferably, said trailing edge and said leading edge of said
`sheet are attached by means of a batten affixed under eaves
`of said roof structure; portions of each said trailing edge said 40
`leading edge wrapped around a said batten.
`Preferably, said method further includes the step of:
`(a) securing an outer edge of a side of said sheet of heat
`shrinkable film to an edge of said roof structure where
`said side adjoins a said edge of said roof structure.
`In another broad form of the invention, there is provided
`a vented roof cover system for damaged or uncompleted
`roofs; said cover system including a film of heat shrinkable
`material stretched over a said damaged or uncompleted roof;
`said film formed as a sheet comprising an assembly of 50
`lengths of said heat shrinkable material prepared on a
`ground surface; said sheet prepared with at least one vent
`element so as to allow communication between volumes of
`air within a roof space under said sheet and air above said
`Preferably, said vent comprises a base portion and a
`flexible flap adapted to cover an aperture in said base portion
`so as to prevent ingress of rain water.
`Preferably, said base portion is proved with an adhesive
`layer; said adhesive layer exposed by removal of a peel-off 60
`protective cover layer; said vent affixed over an aperture
`prepared in said sheet.
`Preferably, said sheet is positioned on said roof and
`brought into conformity with surfaces of said roof through
`application of heat.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film provides a temporary
`waterproofing of a damaged roof.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film provides a temporary
`waterproofing of an unclad roof of a building under con(cid:173)
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film is provided with a
`heat reflecting surface.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film forms a permanent
`heat reflecting layer.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film is retained by
`mechanical means at edges of a said damaged or uncom-
`10 pleted roof.
`Preferably, said mechanical means include a temporary
`batten affixed under eaves of said roof.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film has a thickness of
`between 0.6 and 0.7 mm.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film is a film of low(cid:173)
`density polyethylene.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film includes shrinking
`resins, UV inhibitors, anti-brittling compounds and strength(cid:173)
`In still another broad form of the invention, there is
`provided a method of preparing a sheet of heat shrinkable
`material for protecting a roof structure from water ingress;
`said method including the steps of:
`(a) selecting a roll of heat shrinkable film of suitable
`(b) cutting a required number of lengths of said film from
`said roll; said lengths sufficient to extend from one edge
`of said roof structure to an opposite edge, and sufficient
`to cover at least a portion of said roof,
`( c) assembling at least two lengths of said heat shrinkable
`film laid out along a ground surface into a sheet of
`( d) cutting at least one aperture into said sheet of material,
`( e) affixing a vent over said aperture so as to allow
`communication between air volumes above and below
`said sheet of material.
`Preferably, said method includes the further steps of:
`(a) attaching a trailing end of said sheet at an edge of said
`roof structure,
`(b) taking a leading edge of said sheet to said opposite
`( c) attaching said leading edge of said sheet at said
`opposite edge,
`( d) applying heat with a heat gun to said sheet of heat
`shrinkable film.
`Preferably, said roof structure comprises an existing roof
`damaged through wind shear or impact.
`Preferably, said roof structure comprises unclad roof
`framing of a building under construction.
`Preferably, said heat shrinkable film is provided with a
`heat reflecting surface; said heat shrinkable film forming a
`heat reflective layer under roof cladding.
`Preferably, said trailing edge and said leading edge of said
`sheet are attached by means of a batten affixed under outer
`55 ends of rafters of said roof structure.
`Preferably, said trailing edge and said leading edge of said
`sheet are attached by means of a batten affixed under eaves
`of said roof structure; portions of each said trailing edge said
`leading edge wrapped around a said batten.
`Preferably, said method further includes the step of:
`(a) securing an outer edge of a side of said sheet of heat
`shrinkable film to an edge of said roof structure where
`said side adjoins a said edge of said roof structure.
`In still another broad form of the invention, there is
`65 provided a method of applying a moisture proof building
`wrap to a structure is disclosed, said method including the
`steps of:
`Structural Wrap Exhibit 1013, Page 11
`Structural Wrap v Stormseal, IPR2024-00084
`procuring a roll of building wrap in the form of a heat
`shrinkable plastic film,
`attaching a free edge of said film to an inside perimeter
`edge of said structure and disposing an opposite leading
`edge of said film horizontally across to an opposite side 5
`of said structure one or more times to form one or more
`horizontal bands of said film for fixing thereto, and
`applying heat to said bands to shrink the film tight against
`said structure.
`Preferably a plurality of horizontal bands of film are 10
`applied in overlapping fashion to entirely cover said struc(cid:173)
`Preferably, the joints between said horizontal bands are
`sealed with tape.
`Preferably, said heat is applied to the corner perimeters 15
`and top and bottom plate areas to shrink the film into sealing
`engagement with said structure.
`Preferably, said bands are overlapped by about 300 mm.
`Preferably, the film is then cut as required to accommo(cid:173)
`date wall penetrations such as windows and doors.
`It is further preferred to cut around said wall penetrations
`allowing a minimum of 300 mm rise therearound and to
`subsequently apply additional heat to ensure film shrinkage
`back for a moisture tight seal against said structure.
`It is further preferred to use a 150 mm low density 25
`polyethylene film which contains fife retardant, reflective
`film, shrinking resins, UV inhibitors, anti-brittling com(cid:173)
`pounds and strengtheners. One film that -a currently used is
`known under the brand name "Buildseal" and produced by
`Optimum Metallising Pity Ltd of Kings Park NSW.
`Embodiments of the present invention will now be
`described with reference to the accompanying drawings 35
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a portion of a building of
`which the roof has sustained damage,
`FIG. 2 is a side sectioned view of a portion of a building
`and existing roof structure to which has been applied a roof 40
`cover system according to the invention,
`FIG. 3 is a side sectioned view of a portion of a partly
`completed building showing the application of a roof cover
`system of the invention to unclad roof framing,
`FIG. 4 is a further side sectioned view of the building of 45
`FIG. 3 showing the roof cover system of the invention
`functioning as a permanent sarking layer,
`FIG. 5 is an illustration of the preparation of a sheet of
`heat shrinkable material prepared on a ground surface as an
`assembly of lengths of material taken from a roll of film,
`FIG. 6 is a perspective view of a portion of heat shrinkable
`material in position over a section of roof in which the sheets
`of material were prior prepared with air vents,
`FIG. 6a is a perspective view of one preferred embodi(cid:173)
`ment of the air vents of FIG. 6.
`FIG. 7 shows a schematic perspective view of an impact
`or storm damaged wall of a building, and
`FIG. 8 shows a schematic perspective view of a timber
`stud structure undergoing construction or renovation.
`US 9,822,536 B2
`shrinking resins, UV inhibitors, anti brittling compounds
`and strengtheners for tear resistance. The film is preferably
`between 0.6 and 0.7 mm in thickness and is provided in rolls
`of various widths and lengths. In at least one preferred form
`of the film, it is provided with a heat reflective surface.
`First Preferred Embodiment
`With reference to FIG. 1, typical damage to a tiled roof 10
`ofa building 14 may include the loss ofanumberoftiles due
`to a high wind shear event, leaving the building 14 open to
`the ingress of water. Water ingress may also occur if the tiles
`are cracked for example from heavy hail impact or falling
`trees or branches. Emergency temporary repair is provided
`by the roof cover system of the invention by applying the
`above described film over that portion of the roof which has
`sustained damage.
`If required, sharp edges protruding from the roof surface
`may first be covered with suitable wadding and adhesive
`tape to prevent possible tearing of the film during applica-
`20 tion.
`The extend of roof to be covered is measured and the most
`suitable available width roll of the heat shrinkable film
`selected. Film is cut to one or more lengths sufficient to
`extend from one edge of the roof to an opposite edge. With
`reference to FIG. 2, a trailing edge of a length of film is
`mechanically attached to the first edge 16 of the roof 10. In
`one preferred method as shown in FIG. 2, the trailing edge
`15 of the film 18 is wrapped once around a length of batten
`20 preferably as long as the width of the film, and the batten
`20 mechanically fixed to the underside 22 of the eaves 24 at
`30 the first edge of the roof.
`The leading edge is now passed over the roof to the
`opposite edge (not shown) of the roof and the leading edge
`secured to the opposite side eaves in similar manner to that
`already described. If the outer side edge of the length of film
`adjoins an edge of the roof, this may be similarly secured
`under the eaves along that side of the roof. Alternatively, the
`leading edge may be secured to the barge or fascia boards.
`Heat is now applied to the film at the underside of the
`eaves 24 with a heat gun (not shown) to cause the film 18 to
`shrink securely around the batten and the undersides of the
`eaves. The heat gun, now attached to an extension arm (not
`shown), is then used to apply heat to the entire length of film
`18 stretched over the roof surface, causing it to tightly
`conform to the surface and covering missing or cracked tiles
`If the extent of the damage requires, successive lengths of
`film can be applied side by side with an overlap of preferably
`300 mm. Heat is applied along these overlaps to seal the
`edges of the adjoining lengths together.
`Valley areas and other discontinuities in the roof surface
`can be accommodated by cutting film to suit the are involve
`and heat sealing to adjoining film length edges. Vertical roof
`penetrations, such as chinmey stacks ventilators and the like,
`are sealed by preferably a 300 mm rise of film. Edges of riser
`55 sections of film can be taped or cable-tied to the penetration.
`By the above means, a damaged roof can be rapidly and
`securely covered to prevent water ingress and damage to the
`inside of the building. Unlike tarpaulins which are difficult
`to secure an remain liable to dislodgement in high winds, the
`60 heat shrinkable film by conforming closely to the roof
`surface, provides a secure seal over the damage until per(cid:173)
`manent repairs can be made.
`The roof cover system of the present invention provides
`for a system and method for covering a damaged or uncom- 65
`pleted roof of a building. The system uses a heat shrinkable
`film, preferably a low-density polyethylene containing
`Second Preferred Embodiment
`In a second preferred embodiment of the invention, a
`damaged section of a roof to be temporarily protected prior
`Structural Wrap Exhibit 1013, Page 12
`Structural Wrap v Stormseal, IPR2024-00084
`to permanent repair, is again covered by a heat shrinkable
`film. In this embodiment however, the method of application
`is different.
`Instead of attempting to apply individual lengths of film,
`attaching a length at a first end to the eaves at one side of the 5
`roof, stretching the length over the roof to be attached at the
`eaves at the opposite side, and taping the edges of adjoining
`lengths of film together, the method of this embodiment,
`with reference to FIG. 5 is as follows:
`(a) the location of the damaged section 12 of roof 10 is 10
`assessed in relation to the nearest opposing edges of the
`(b) the length of film required to extend between the
`opposing roof edges is estimated, allowing for over(cid:173)
`hang and fixing requirements,
`( c) the width of the damaged area is ascertained and the
`number of lengths of the available film required to
`cover and overlap the damaged area determined,
`( d) the number of lengths of material 18 is then cut from
`a roll 40 of the film and laid out side by side on the 20
`(e) while on the ground, adjoining edges of the lengths of
`film are taped to form a waterproof assembled sheet of
`heat shrinkable film, sufficient to stretch from one roof
`edge to the opposite roof edges and of sufficient width 25
`to cover the damaged area.
`This assembled sheet is now pulled up onto the roof,
`positioned so as to cover the damaged area and outer ends
`fastened in similar manner as previously described above.
`An advantage of this method is that there is no need to lift 30
`a relatively heavy roll of heat shrinkable material onto the
`roof and unroll it one what may be quite steep surfaces.
`Moreover it has been found in practice that the arrangement
`described in the first preferred embodiment above of taping
`the edges of adjoining lengths of the material together on the 35
`roof is both difficult and dangerous. This is especially so if
`the damage to the roof is extensive and perhaps been
`rendered structurally unsafe. The method of the present
`described embodiment minimises activity on the roof sur(cid:173)
`face, requiring only that one edge of the sheet of material be 40
`carried over the roof from a first edge to an opposite edge.
`Third Preferred Embodiment
`In a third preferred embodiment of the invention, a heat
`shrinkable film may be applied to the roof framing of an
`uncompleted building. In this embodiment as shown in FIG.
`3, the heat shrinkable film 18 is applied after the roof
`framing is complete but preferably prior to the attachment of
`facia boards.
`In this embodiment also, lengths of film are prepared from
`suitable width rolls sufficient to stretch from one side of the
`roof to an opposite side. In this case the trailing and leading
`edges of the length of film are preferably attached by means
`of battens 20 fixed to the underside of the outer ends 26 of 55
`rafters 28, that is between the outer ends of the rafters 28 and
`the wall frame 30.
`The heat shrinkable film 18 in this embodiment, is pro(cid:173)
`vided with a heat reflecting upper surface 32 so that the film
`18 forms a permanent sarking layer beneath the roofing
`cladding, either tiles 34, as shown in FIG. 4, or metal
`sheeting. Thus in this embodiment the heat shrinkable film
`of the invention act both to protect the timberwork of a
`building under construction and provides a replacement for
`conventional reflective sarking.
`The weatherproof nature of the heat shrinkable material
`applied in this way provides for internal work on the
`US 9,822,536 B2
`building to continue in the event of inclement weather, thus
`increasing productivity and economy of construction.
`It will be understood that the method of application
`described in the second preferred embodiment above is also,
`indeed perhaps even more so, applicable to the present
`embodiment. In this case manipulating a roll of material and
`taping edges of lengths of material together over the open
`framework of the roof of a building under construction is
`even more difficult so that assembly on the ground, perhaps
`into a number of sheets, prior to placement over the roof
`framing, is clearly advantageous.
`In each of the above described embodiments, the sheet of
`material may be further prepared, as shown in FIG. 6, by
`15 adding a distribution of air vents 100 at various locations in
`each of the strips 18. Preferably, the vents 100, as shown in
`FIGS. 6 and 6A, take the form of one-way covers or flaps
`110 which are affixed over an aperture 112 cut into the strips
`of film 18 at the desired location. The flaps 110 are so
`arranged as to prevent the ingress of rainwater while allow(cid:173)
`ing the passage of air.
`In one preferred form the vent 100 is pre-formed of low
`density polyethylene and provided with a self adhesive base
`114. To apply the vent 100 after the aperture has been
`prepared, a protective cover 116 is peeled off the adhesive
`layer of base 114 and the vent 100 pressed into position.
`These vents allow the exhalation of air from underneath
`the sheet of material, either as a result of higher air pressure
`arising within the roof space, for example through rising
`warm air or through the ingress of wind, or due to negative
`pressure above the sheet material.
`Fourth Preferred Embodiment
`Referring first to FIG. 7 there is a cladded structure
`indicated generally as 1 with an area 2 of impact or storm
`damage in side wall 3. In accordance with the invention the
`structure is wrapped as defined above with horizontal bands
`4 of a heat shrinkable polyethylene film. The bands prefer(cid:173)
`ably overlap by about 300 mm and are heated at the comer
`perimeters 4A and top and bottom plate areas 4D and 4C
`preferably using a hand held LPG heat gun or the like. The
`film then shrinks and seals tight against the building and also
`against itself along the overlapping joints 4D to exclude
`45 weather and moisture. Although not shown in the drawings
`a substructure batten type frame with diagonal bracing is
`preferably built over the damaged area 2 before the film is
`With the timer stud structure 5 of FIG. 8 the building wrap
`50 is applied directly over the studs 6 in horizontal bands 190
`mm wide in a similar fashion to FIG. 1. While only the lower
`band 7 is shown adjacent the bottom plate 8 subsequent
`bands are applied as described earlier in overlapping fashion
`up to the top late 9. Heat is then applied to the perimeter
`corners 11 and top and bottom plate areas to shrink the film
`to seal against itself along taped overlapping joints and also
`against the structure.
`Preferably the film is provided with an outer reflective
`surface so as to also provide thermal insulation and a cost
`60 effective replacement for conventional wall sarking and
`With both structures as mentioned earlier the film is cut
`after wrapping to accommodate doors, windows and other
`Other uses, benefits and advantages will become apparent
`from the following summary and preferred methodology for
`the invention.
`Structural Wrap Exhibit 1013, Page 13
`Structural Wrap v Stor

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