User's Guide ‘
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`Electronic user's guide released subject to "Nokia User's Guides Terms and Conditions, 7th June,
`Issue 4 EN
`Petitioner Exhibit 1054, Page 1 of 137


`We, NOKIA CORPORATION declare under our sole responsibility that the product
`NHL-2NAis in conformity with the provisions of the following Council Directive:
`1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be found from
`Copyright © 2002 Nokia. All rights reserved.
`Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage ofpart or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited.
`Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarksor
`tradenamesoftheir respective owners.
`Nokia tune is a trademark of Nokia Corporation.
`This product includes software licensed from Symbian Ltd © 1998-2002
`© 1998-2002 Symbian Ltd. All rights reserved. Symbian and Symbian OS are trademarks of Symbian Ltd. All rights reserved.
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`Java™ and all Java-based marks are trademarksor registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,Inc.
`Stac ®, LZS ®, ©1996, Stac, Inc., ©1994-1996 Microsoft Corporation. Includes one or more U.S. Patents: No. 4701745, 5016009, 5126739, 5146221, and 5414425. Other
`patents pending.
`Hi/fn ©, LZS ®,©1988-98,Hi/fn. Includes one or more U.S. Patents: No. 4701745, 5016009, 5126739, 5146221, and 5414425. Other patents pending.
`Part of the software in this product is © Copyright ANT Ltd. 1998. All rights reserved.
`m-Router Connectivity Components © 2000-2002 Intuwave Limited. All rights reserved. (
`US Patent No 5818437 and other pending patents. T9 text input software Copyright (C) 1997-2001. Tegic Communications,Inc. All rights reserved.
`Nokia operates a policy of continuous development. Nokia reserves the right to make changes and improvementsto anyof the products described in this document without
`prior notice.
`Under no circumstancesshall Nokia be responsible for any loss of data or income or any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages howsoever caused.
`The contents of this documentare provided ‘as is’. Except as required by applicable law, no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to,
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`the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice
`The availability of particular products may vary by region. Please check with the Nokia dealer nearest to you.
`Petitioner Exhibit 1054, Page 2 of 137


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`FOr YOUr SAatety.....ssscccseecssesseeseseessteesseneeees 5
`General information ..........s:ccssscsssessseees 7
`Standby MOE......ccsecsescseesseseessesseesesseessesseesaeeseeeseeseeeaceseeaeees 7
`MONU ...eseesececseceesseeseeseesseeseeaceaeeseesuesesneeaceaeeaseateaeeeseeaeeeeseeaseas 9
`OPtiOns ViSts.......eeesesseecseesseesseeesteeseesseesneeenteeneeenteeseeeneesseens 10
`Navigation bar - moving horizontally ...........ssseeee 11
`Actions common to all applications...cesses 11
`VOIUME CONTIOL ......eseecseeseececeseeeeeseeseesaceseeseeaeeateaeesteseaseess 13
`YOUr PlRONe.......eeececesseeneeeseeeseeeseenseeneeensees 15
`Making @ Call.....eeseessessescesstessesseeestesteeseeseesseasenteseeseeeneensss 15
`ANSWETING & Call ...eseeseesstecseestesstecseestesseeneeeateneesatenteeneenseenss 17
`Log - Call register and general 10G .........-ssssesceeeceeeees 20
`SIM FOI ED .....essseecesstesstessssseessessteeseesseeseesseeateeaeesteeseesseeaseeaees 24
`SOTCINGS......csecseccestecsseeesteeseeeeneeeseeeeneeesenens 25
`Changing general Settings ........sssssscsecserseeseeseereeeseees 25
`PHONE SttINGS .....e.essesceeseecsessesseeeeeseeaeesaeeseeseeateseeseeetesseaseees 25
`Call S@ttiNOS.......-eessesseecseesstesseeesteesseesstesneeenteentesntessteesneesseees 27
`CONNECTION SETTINGS .......ceesseeceecseeesteesseeestesseeesteesteesteeeeeees 29
`Date And tiie ..0....eeeeseecseceeceeseeeeseeseesneesesaeeateaeeaeeseeseeeeseens 35
`SOCULILY ...ecssescsessseseesseeseessesseessceseeseesseeseesseeaeeeseessesaeeneeaeessees 36
`Call barring (metwork ServiCe)....sssssssssscsssssescsssseecesssees 40
`NOCtWOFK....cssessecsesseeseesseeseeseeseeseeetesesteeaesaesaeeateaeeaeeseesseeseeseens 40
`ACCESSOLY SCtTINGS......-seestecceecstesessteestestesstesteestesatenteeseensees 41
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`CONTACTHS.......csccesseesesseeensseessceeeesseeenseeensoeess 42
`Creating CONTACT Cars...cesses 42
`Copying contacts between the SIM card and phone
`MEM OLY..eesseeeceseseseseseseeeseecsescseeeeneeaeeeeseacaneeeeeaeaeeteeeseanenaeeees 42
`Editing CONTACT CAMS «0... eects tesstesseesteeseesteenteseentesseens 43
`Options when viewing a Contact Card... 44
`Managing Contact QrOUupS.......essessecseceseeseeetseeeeseeeeesees 48
`Camera and IMagEs.......s:cssscsseesenesseeeeees 50
`TAKing PICtUreS eesseecsesseesseeeeeeseseetesteeseeeaseneeseenteaeeneensees 50
`Images - StOringG PICtULES.......esseecseecsecseeceeseeseeeseesseeeee 53
`MESSAGIING.....1ccsecccsneeseecneeesseeseeeeneeessneeseees 58
`Messaging - General informatiOn.........ccsscsesseseeceeeeeees 59
`WIHItiing COXt.....eeseeceecsecsesseeeeeseeseessesestesaeeacsaeeseeaeeaeeetesaeeeeatens 61
`Creating and Sending NEW MESSAGES.....:ssccseeseecceeeeeeees 65
`INDOX - TECEIVING MESSAGES.......-sesceeceeceeseeeeesesstesteeaeeateees 70
`My FOIDELS ....cssessessessssessesscsncsessesessacsessesseesescseesteacseessseeseeots 74
`Ma ilOOX.....csscssssessesssssssessssscsssssseeessasseesesseseesacassatsasseesteaesneeees 75
`OUtDOX.....ecsesssessessessessssssesscsesacsacseseatessessessesutsuesnesassatententensess 80
`Viewing messages ON a SIM Card uu...sess 80
`Cell broadcast (network SerViCe) .....cesssscsescesceesseecsessteeee 80
`SErViCE COMMANA CCItOF......sescsesseecseeseesseeseeseeseeeseesteeseeees 81
`Petitioner Exhibit 1054, Page 3 of 137


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`BOOKIMArKS VICW......sssceseccesecescececeececcerececcessstsceceetaeeseacesees 103
`Making a connection to a WAPServiCe.......-:-:se 104
`Ending a WAP CONNECHION........sssessesctecseestesseeestesteenteeees 106
`WAP browser S€ttilS.......sssseecsesseecsesstessteseeestesnteseenteeaees 106
`WAPCONNECTION SOCULItY......-eeceeceeceecseeeeteesteseeseseeeeeees 107
`TOOIS .esscesceseseeseeceeeeeneeesseeeseeesneeseeeeneessaees 108
`Application manager - installing applications and
`SOPCWAL EC... eessecseeseeseeseeseesseeaesseeaeeateaeesseeteeseeaseaeeseeateateaeeateaees 108
`Applications (SaVa™)...sssssssssssssscsssssessessssseessesssnssesssssseess 111
`CONNECAIVITY .....:eeeceeeceeecneesseeeenseneeenees 114
`Bluetooth CONNECTION uu... cesseseecteceesteceesseeeeesssteeeeeteaeees 114
`Infrared CONNECTION .........-ccsecseccecseeseecsesteseeseeseesteseesteeatens 119
`Connecting your phone to a COMPUTET........essseeseeses 121
`Troubleshooting........:csscceecsecseeeseseeeees 122
`QERA.....secssessessessessessessesessussucsucsacsacsaeeesesuesesscsaesneeseeateneeaseess 123
`MESSAGING SETLINGS.........seecseecsesstessteseesesesteeeestesatentesneensees 81
`PrOFICS ....2cccecesecesseeeseeeeseeenseeeseeesneeseeneneeees 88
`Changing the profile ........eesceesceecseecstecsteesteeseesteesseeeneeees 88
`CUSTOMISING PLOFIIES.......eeceecseeeceesctescseeentecstecsteeseesseesseeete 88
`FAVOULITES.....cccecceseeeseeesseeenseeeseeeeneeeeseeneeees 90
`Adding SNOFtCULS ........eseseeseecseesesssessteeseesaeestesneesteentenseeateanes 90
`Calendar and T0-d0.......::csscssessseseesses 91
`Creating Calendar Cntries .......ssecessessescseecseecsteesteeneente 91
`Setting Calendar Alaris. .......esssescssscsecsesesseseeseeseesesees 94
`Sending Calendar Cntrie.......esccsessessecseseeceeseeneeesees 94
`TOO on eeesesssessessecseeseeseeseesseseeseeaeeaseasesseseeeseeeeaeeseeseeateaeeaeeeaeens 95
`EXtUAS ..cseseeseteeseeenseeseeesseenseeseneeneesesneeseeees 96
`CalCULATON «oes eessesssssseessecseessesseessessnseecessesneesteeseesaeeseesnesneesseees 96
`COMPOSEM...ecseecseecstessseesstecstecssecssecaseesueesseesseecnteeaeecaneeaneeaneente 96
`CONVELTEL....cseecseessecseesesseesseessesnessseeseesseesesaeesseeetesateneesseessees 98
`NOTES ...eeeecesessseseeseeeseeeeseeseeseeseestesassaesueeaseaneateseeseeseeseeateaeeass 99
`COCK ...eeesssesseessesssesseesseeeeesaesseesueessesaeesaeeaeesseeseesaceaueeseeaeeaseens 100
`RECOMCEN.....ssesseeseeseecsessesseesesaeeeeeeacseeseeateateseesteeeesteenseateneenes 101
`Services (WAP)....csssssssssesssstesstessseees 102
`Basic steps for accessing and using WAPservices.. 102
`Setting up the phone for WAP ServiCeS........:-s:ssses 103
`Battery information .......sscscsseseeseees 126
`Care and maintenance .........::cseeeeeee 127
`Important safety information............. 128
`DCX wa eeseeccnsceenteeneeeenneesneeeneeeeseeeseeeeneeenaes 132
`Petitioner Exhibit 1054, Page 4 of 137


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`switched on andin service. Press\#7 as
`3)—many times as needed ( exit a call, to | Note: Check the model numberof any charger
`exit a menu, etc.) to clear the display. Enter
`before use with this device. This device is intended
`the emergency number, then press(&/. Give for use when supplied with power from ACP-7,
`your location. Do notendthe call until told to
`ACP-8, ACP-9, ACP-12 and LCH-9.
`do so.
`Pe WARNING! Useonly batteries, chargers and
`accessories approved by the phone manufacturer
`for use with this particular phone model. The use of
`any other types may invalidate any approval or
`warranty applying to the phone, and may be
`For availability of approved accessories, please check with
` YOur dealer.
`When youdisconnect the powercord of any accessory,
`grasp and pull the plug, not the cord.
`The wireless phone describedin this guide is approved for
`use on the EGSM 900 and GSM 1800 network.
`Dualbandis a network dependant feature. Check with
`your local service provider if you can subscribe to and use
`this feature.
`A number offeatures included in this guide are called
`connect incompatible products.
`Network Services These are special services that you
`CALLING Ensure the phoneis switched on
`arrange through your wireless service provider. Before you
`can take advantage of any of these Network Services,
`and in service. Enter the phone number,
`including the area code,
`then press (7. To
`endacall, press 24. To answera call, press must subscribe to them through yourservice provider and
`obtain instructions for their use from your service provider.
`Note: Some networks may not supportall
`C EMERGENCYCALLS Ensurethe phoneis
`Network Services
`Petitioner Exhibit 1054, Page 6 of 137


`1. General information
`Nokia 7650 provides various functions, which are very handy for daily use, such as Camera,
`Clock, alarm clock, Calculator, and Calendar.
`Stickers in the sales package
`• The stickers contain important information for service and customer support purposes.
`• Attach sticker [II to your warranty card, see p. 140.
`Standby mode
`The indicators described below are shown when the phone is ready for use, with no
`characters keyed in. In this state, the phone is in 'standby mode'. In Fig. 1:
`A Shows the signal strength of the cellular network at your current location. The higher
`the bar, the stronger the signal. The symbol is replaced with the GPRS symbol l!I when
`GPRSconnection has been set to When available and a connection is available in the network
`or in the current cell. See 'Packet data (General Packet Radio Service, GPRS)', p. 30 and
`'GPRS', p. 35.
`B Shows an analogue or a digital clock. See also settings for 'Date and time', p. 35 and
`settings for Standby mode ➔ Background image, p. 26.
`C Indicates in which cellular network the phone is currently being used.
`D Shows the battery charge level. The higher the bar, the more power left in the battery.
`E Navigation bar: shows the currently active profile. If the selected profile is General, the
`current date is displayed instead of the profile name. For further information, see
`'Navigation bar - moving horizontally', P- ll and 'Profiles', p. 88.
`F Shows the current shortcuts assigned for the selection keys ~ and -=,.
`ro -Q.)
`Fig. 1 Standby mode
`with a background
`Tip! You can
`change the selection key
`shortcuts and the
`background image. See
`the settings for 'Standby
`mode', p. 26.
`Copyright © 2002 Nokia. All rights reserved .
`Petitioner Exhibit 1054, Page 7 of 137


`ro -(LJ
`Messaging Camera
`Note: Your phone has a screen saver. If there are no actions for five minutes, the
`display is cleared and a screen saver becomes visible. See p. 21... To deactivate the
`screen saver, press any key or open the sliding keypad.
`Indicators related to actions
`One or more of the following icons may be shown when the phone is in standby mode:
`r9- Indicates that you have received new messages to the lnbox in Messaging. If the
`indicator is blinking, the phone memory is low and you must delete some data. For further
`information, see 'Memory low', p. 122.
`QCI - Indicates that you have received one or several voice messages. See 'Calling your
`voice mailbox', p. 1.§.
`,+, - Indicates that there are messages waiting to be sent in Outbox. Seep. 5..9.,
`;J. - Shown when Incoming call alert has been set to Silent and Message alert tone to None
`in the currently active profile. See 'Profiles', p. 88.
`..-0 - Indicates that the phone's keypad is locked. See the Quick start guide .
`... - Indicates that you have an active alarm. See 'Clock', p. 100.
`• - Indicates that Bluetooth is active. Note that, when data is transmitted via Bluetooth,
`(e) is shown.
`~ - Indicates that all calls to the phone are diverted. oo" - Indicates that all calls to
`the phone are diverted to a voice mailbox. See 'Settings for call diverting', p . .ill, If you have
`two phone lines, the divert indicator for the first line is _L.,, and for the second line 2,,.
`See 'Line in use (network service)', p. 28.
`2 - Indicates that you can make calls using phone line 2 only (network service). See 'Line
`in use (network service)', p. 28.
`Copyright © 2002 Nokia. All rights reserved.
`Petitioner Exhibit 1054, Page 8 of 137


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