`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization •
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`9 December 2010 (09.12.2010)
`I lllll 1111111111 11111111111 lllll 11111 111111111111111 1111111111 lllll lllll 111111111111111 11111111
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2010/139478 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`H04M 3/42 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/EP20 I 0/0033 78
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publlcatlon Language:
`4 Jm1e 2010 (04.06.2010)
`(30) Priority Data:
`10 2009 023 927.8 4 June 2009 (04.06.2009)
`(71) Appllcant (for all designated States except US):
`DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG [DE/DE]; Friedrich(cid:173)
`Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 8 01111 (DE).
`Inventors; and
`Inventors/Applicants (for US only): PRIKOWITSCH,
`Florian [AT/AT]; Neusiedlzeile 52, A-2304 Orth/Donau
`(AT). VANENTIN, Sascha [AT/AT]; Dostgasse 5-7,
`AT-1140 Wien (AT).
`SOZIEN; Schtunannstrasse 97-99, 40237 Otisseldorf
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for eve1y
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, :MW, MX, :MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD,
`SE, SO, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicaied, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, M\\', MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`EE, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, lS, lT, LT, LU,
`L V, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG)
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of
`the earlier application (Rule 4. 17(iii))
`[Continued on next page]
`~ 43
`41 46
`Network Cloud
`(57) Abstract.: The inventions relates to a method for
`call control when setting up a conummication link from
`a first calling terminal device, particularly from a mo(cid:173)
`bile radio tenninal device which logged into or associ(cid:173)
`ated with a first communication network, via one or
`more communication networks to at least one called
`tenninal device, wherein a server associated with the
`first conurnmicatiou network is used to report back the
`current status to the calling terminal device from the
`network. According to the invention an application is
`used to evaluate the status reported back from the net(cid:173)
`work and a plurality of difterent actions can be defined
`and performed within the call control upon the stat11s
`reported back from the network. Depending on said sta(cid:173)
`llis one or more action(s) is/ are performed which em(cid:173)
`anate(s) from the first calling tenninal device and/or
`which is/are allocated thereto.
`Fig. 4
`iiiiiiii --
`iiiiiiii --== ==
`iiiiiii -
`iiiiiiii --iiiiiiii
`iiiiiiii -iiiiiiii -
`- i
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 1 of 25


`WO 2010/13 94 78 Al I lllll llllllll 1111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111
`with international search report (Art. 21 (3))
`before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 2 of 25


`WO 2010/139478
`Method for call control when setting up a communication link
`The invention relates to a method for call control when setting up a
`communication link from a first calling terminal device, particularly from a mobile
`radio terminal device which is logged into or is associated with a first
`communication network, via one or more communication networks to at least
`one called terminal device, wherein a server associated with the first
`communication network is used to report back the current status to the calling
`terminal device from the network.
`Such methods for call control when setting up a communication link are known.
`In particular, it is known practice to signal to the calling terminal device that the
`called subscriber is unavailable or that the line is busy, for example. It is also
`known practice for the called subscriber, known as the B subscriber, to be able
`to implement various actions, such as call diversion or an individual mailbox
`A drawback of the known methods is that the caller, i.e. the A subscriber, is not
`able to individually prescribe any kind of actions, but rather he is merely able to
`react to the status reported back from the network.
`The object of the invention is therefore to develop a method for call control
`when setting up a communication link from a first calling terminal device such
`that the caller, i.e. the A subscriber, is able to individualize outgoing actions and
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 3 of 25


`WO 2010/139478
`define actions resulting therefrom in order to be able to react to any reported
`call statuses as desired and to be able to act.
`The invention achieves this object by means of a method according to claim 1.
`Advantageous developments of the invention are specified in the subclaims.
`A particular advantage of the method for call control when setting up a
`communication link from a first calling terminal device, particularly from a mobile
`terminal device which is logged into or associated with a first communication
`network, via one or more communication networks to at least one called
`terminal device, wherein a server associated with the first communication
`is used to report back the current status to the first terminal device from
`the status is used to evaluate the network, is that an application reported back
`from the network and can be used to define and perform a plurality of different
`actions within the call control upon the status reported back from the network,
`wherein depending on said status one or more action(s) is/ are performed which
`emanate(s) from the first calling terminal device and/or which is/are allocated
`the first calling terminal device is therefore a mobile radio terminal
`device within a mobile radio network. The invention is not limited thereto,
`and can also be applied to fixed line terminal devices which are
`associated with a fixed line network.
`However, in this context, the term communication network also covers any form
`of such networks, particularly data networks, fixed telephone networks and also
`mobile radio networks.
`By means of the invention a method can be performed, including interfaces
`therefore, enabling the A subscriber, i.e. the caller himself, to individualize
`outgoing actions, such as calls, short messages (SMS), multimedia messages
`(MMS) and the like and to define the actions resulting from the call status. This
`is preferably realized by a software, installed on the local terminal device of the
`caller, i.e. of the A subscriber, for controlling actions and the server which is
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 4 of 25


`WO 2010/139478
`connected to the related network for the purpose of forwarding the respective
`network or call status, or for independently implementing the actions defined by
`the A subscriber.
`The status to be evaluated is thus reported by a server in the first
`communication network. In this case, first communication network denotes any
`network which the calling terminal device is logged into or with which it is
`associated. To set up a communication link to the B subscriber, one or more
`networks, particularly also mobile radio networks, may also be incorporated.
`Preferably, the status reported back to the calling first terminal device from the
`network is the call status and/or the login status of the called terminal device,
`and/or the availability of the called terminal device and/or the network status,
`particularly the availability of the network or resource availability within the
`communication network(s).
`By way of example, the call status may be the message that the call is outgoing.
`It is also possible to report back whether or not the terminal device of the called
`B subscriber is currently logged into the network. If mobile radio networks are
`used, status may also denote the quality or availability of a radio link. The term
`network status particularly covers the resource availability within the network,
`particularly a mobile radio network, and/or the network utilization and/or the
`case of network overload.
`The term current status therefore covers individual or a plurality of relevant
`status messages, so that the invention allows comprehensive and meaningful
`call control.
`The actions of the A subscriber or of the calling terminal device associated with
`the A subscriber which are able to be defined for call control may be the
`transmission of an identifier for the calling terminal device, such as a telephone
`number and/or a name transmission and/or may be a prescribable individual
`announcement or recording and/or a generated announcement and/or a text
`message (SMS) and/or a multimedia message (MMS) which is transmitted to
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 5 of 25


`WO 2010/139478
`the called terminal device or a memory unit associated with said terminal
`By way of example, the term memory unit thus covers a recording unit, a
`telephone answering machine or an electronic memory or the like. It may also
`be a buffer integrated in a communication network in order to allow transmission
`at a later time if the called terminal device of the B subscriber is currently not
`logged in or available.
`In one preferred embodiment, the action which can be defined for call control is
`call diversion and/or call forwarding.
`This allows the A subscriber, i.e. the caller, to define call forwarding operations
`already, e.g. if the called terminal device of the B subscriber is currently not
`logged in to the network or the line is busy.
`In one preferred embodiment, the action to be performed on the basis of the
`status report within the call control is configured using a user interface
`associated with the first terminal device.
`Preferably, the terminal device, particularly in the form of a mobile radio terminal
`device, has a graphical user interface with appropriate menu control in order to
`allow simple configuration and use for the user and particularly in order to
`associate the possible actions to be implemented with the status reports and to
`perform the configuration.
`Preferably, an application is provided which is used to configure the actions to
`be performed on the basis of the status report within the call control.
`In this case, the application can be executed on the first calling terminal device
`of the A subscriber and/or on a server associated with the first communication
`network. However, it is also possible for this application to be executed in a
`distributed manner both on the first calling terminal device of the A subscriber
`and on a server associated with the first communication network. This allows
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 6 of 25


`WO 2010/ 139478
`the greatest possible breadth of application. In particular, the method can also
`be applied if the terminal device used is unsuitable for installing and executing
`an appropriate application for executing the method. In this case, the call control
`can be shifted completely to the server.
`If the application by means of which the method is executed and/or controlled is
`executed on the first calling terminal device of the A subscriber, the application
`can be provided by a server associated with the first communication network
`and can be transmitted to the terminal device.
`In order to prevent misuse, it is possible for the user of the first terminal device,
`i.e. the A subscriber, to log on to and/or register on a server associated with. the
`first communication network, particularly by means of the transmission of a
`telephone number associated with the first terminal device, particularly an ISDN
`15 or an MSISDN, and/or an appliance number, where a status report is
`transmitted by the network server only to logged-on and/or registered terminal
`An exemplary embodiment of the invention may have the following appearance:
`20 An A subscriber installs an appropriate piece of application software on his
`terminal device. The settings implemented on the terminal device provide the A
`subscriber with the option of implementing and prescribing certain actions on
`the basis of the status reports and events reported back in the course of the call
`By way of example, these actions prescribed by the A subscriber may be
`individual announcements, tones or music, or may be the implementation of
`diversions and call forwarding operations. In addition, it is possible to send
`ready-made text messages and/or multimedia messages and/or voice
`30 messages, particularly including individual recorded voice messages and the
`like. It is also possible to generate and transmit appropriate announcements,
`and, by way of example, also to make calendar entries for a requested return
`call if the B subscriber is unavailable.
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 7 of 25


`WO 2010/139478
`The application associated with the A subscriber terminal device therefore
`contains the logic for how to react to respective events. In addition, obtainment
`or use of the application itself does not necessarily require logon. Provision may
`be made for this for reasons of security, however.
`The network services required for the application to work are signaled to the
`terminal device of the respective A subscriber in real time using a server which
`needs to be provided for this purpose, and are based on the call statuses or
`network statuses which are typical of the respective network.
`Preferably, use of the functionality implemented on the server, such as the
`signaling and transmission of network statuses etc., requires logon by the A
`subscriber or registration using his terminal device in order to prevent possible
`misuse, or in order to be able to explicitly associate the services used with the
`In this case, the network operator can use the server itself to define a list of
`network statuses which are requested from the network or are signaled and
`transmitted to the terminal device of the A subscriber.
`The server preferably has an appropriate database associated with it which
`stores particularly subscriber data records and/or configurations in retrievable
`If, although an A subscriber is registered, he does not have an appropriate
`application installed on his terminal device, for example if the terminal device he
`uses does not provide this option, it is also possible for actions to be controlled
`directly by means of an appropriate profile on the server of the network itself,
`said profile being explicitly allocated to the A subscriber by an appropriate
`database on the server. Access to such a profile is then possible using an
`Internet interface for the user, i.e. the A subscriber, for example.
`Regardless of the manufacturer of the terminal device used by the A subscriber
`or of the operating system running on said terminal device, the basic function of
`the application comprises processing of the events, i.e. of the reported status
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 8 of 25


`WO 2010/ 139478
`information, signaled by the subscription/application server of the
`communication network in real time.
`The settings implemented on the terminal device and/or on the server provide
`the A subscriber (caller) with the option of implementing/controlling the desired
`actions on the basis of events reported back in the course of the call control
`(call handling).
`Said A subscriber actions may be the following , for example:
`individual announcements, tones or music, particularly for calls via a mobile
`radio network,
`the implementation of diversions and/or forwarding operations,
`the sending of ready-made SMS/MMS/voice messages,
`the generation of appropriate announcements,
`the making of calendar entries relating to return calls.
`The A subscriber application (on the terminal device of the A subscriber) is
`therefore the actual A subscriber interface and contains the logic for how to
`react to respective events. For the purpose of communication with the
`20 subscription/application server of the network, an appropriate interface is
`provided (e.g. using binary SMS).
`For the execution of individual A subscriber actions, resources required for this
`purpose are, in principle, stored/available on the terminal device itself.
`The following options are conceivable in order to install and start up the relevant
`application (software) on the terminal device of the A subscriber:
`(free) direct download onto the A subscriber terminal device
`installation on the terminal device via PC link, e.g. via a USB port or the
`push technology via URL
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 9 of 25


`WO 2010/ 139478
`The subscription/application server is the network interface to the A subscriber
`terminal device and is used both for subscriber data management, (optional)
`monitoring of the A subscriber call control (call handling), for the management
`of network events and the signaling thereof to the A subscriber terminal device,
`5 and also as an interface to post-processing systems.
`Usually, use of the application's scope of functions which is based on network
`events requires one-off logon by the A subscriber.
`In this case, there may be various logon options for the A subscriber, for
`example via a text or multimedia message (SMS, MMS) or else via computer
`networks such as the Internet via appropriate Internet interfaces. The scope of
`those network events which can be used by the application of the terminal
`device for action control is likewise defined on the subscription/application
`15 server.
`In exceptional cases, the network events required for controlling actions on the
`A subscriber terminal device, i.e. the application, are signaled to the relevant A
`subscriber terminal device independently by the network. In this case, it is
`20 possible to dispense with the logon to the subscription/application server for the
`purpose of event signaling and terminal device action control.
`The invention is explained in more detail below with reference to the figures, in
`figure 1 shows obtainment and installation of the application by means of a
`computer via a computer network;
`figure 2 shows logon and registration of the A subscriber (caller) via a network
`interface on the server via a computer network;
`figure 3 shows logon and registration of the A subscriber (caller) on the server
`using binary communication;
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 10 of 25


`WO 2010/ 139478
`figure 4 shows an application example of the call control.
`In the figures, identical components have been denoted by identical reference
`Figure 1 shows an example of the obtainment of the application for call control
`which is needed on the terminal device 10 of the A subscriber.
`In the present example, the operator's own Internet portal 80 of the
`communication network operator is used by the customer/A subscriber to obtain
`the software.
`The operator provides the application which is required for local use of the
`service for download via its own web portal 80 or via a third-party provider or
`the like to the server 20 by means of an appropriate request 11 . This may be
`done either in the form of software packages which can executed directly on the
`terminal device 10 (handset) or in the form of source code information.
`To this end, the customer/A subscriber uses his PC to connect to the web portal
`20 80 by means of http/ftp/ssh or the like and, having indicated his MSISDN and
`selected 12 the terminal device/handset used (type/brand), downloads 14 his
`relevant application from the server 20.
`The MSISDN and terminal device information is, in the present case, already
`stored 13 temporarily on the subscription/application server 20.
`The application is installed 15 and configured by the A subscriber on the basis
`of the appliance-specific installation procedures on the terminal device 10 itself.
`30 The configuration can take place before the actual activation of the service use
`on the terminal device 10 (on the basis of application and/or version).
`Figure 2 shows the logon via a network interface, wherein the application is
`downloaded via the air interface of the mobile radio terminal device 10.
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 11 of 25


`WO 2010/ 139478
`The customer/A subscriber wishes to install the required application on his own
`terminal device 10 using a PC or using the air interface and, in relation to
`obtainment and use, decides on the Internet interface logon variant.
`5 The customer/A subscriber calls the web portal 80 {Internet page) of the
`relevant service operator and logs on for use by using the terminal device 10 to
`indicate 21 his MSISDN and the terminal device 10 used (type/brand).
`The web portal 80 forwards 22 this logon information to the
`10 subscription/application server 20.
`When the data provided by the A subscriber have finished being
`checked/authenticated 23 using post-processing systems or databases 30, an
`appropriate subscriber entry is created in the database 30 on the
`subscription/application server 20.
`If necessary, the information from the installation is forwarded to
`post-processing systems for the purpose of customer provisioning, e.g.
`particular entries in the home location register, accounting option, or the like 24.
`Optionally, in parallel therewith, it is also possible for the A-subscriber initiated
`request/logon to be checked/authenticated by existing subscriber databases 30.
`It would be possible to restrict this to existing customer groups.
`25 On the basis of legal and technical requirements, in this example the logon
`check by the server is performed by means of a confirmation query 25 which is
`additionally sent by the subscription/application server and which needs to be
`answered in the positive by the A subscriber.
`30 Since, in the case of logon via the Internet interface 80 (web interface), it cannot
`be assumed that the application is available on the terminal device 10 of the A
`subscriber that is used, this query 25 and confirmation 26 are provided using
`standard SMS (SMS = short message service, text message).
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 12 of 25


`WO 2010/ 139478
`Following transmission of the OK/not OK information 26 to the server 20, the A
`subscriber is sent a final SMS 27 of appropriate content. It is conceivable for the
`A subscriber also to be notified of a temporarily valid reference (link) to the
`subscription/application server 20 at the same time, via which the direct
`transmission of request software is made to the A subscriber via an air interface
`in line with the indicated terminal device 10 (type/brand).
`Should the logon process started by the A subscriber on the web portal 80 still
`be active, the logon confirmation 28 is also transmitted 29 to the A subscriber in
`this way.
`The logon is then implemented and the subscriber can use the service, at best
`without delay.
`In the example shown in figure 3, the logon, i.e. the subscription, and
`registration are effected using binary messages in the form of binary SMSs.
`The customer/A subscriber has installed and configured the application locally
`on his own terminal device 10 using his PC and now wishes to use the
`functionality provided by the communication network operator.
`For this purpose, he decides upon the variant of service activation via the
`terminal device application, which necessitates communication between the
`terminal device 10 and the subscription/application server 20 on the basis of
`25 binary SMSs which cannot be viewed by the customer.
`The customer uses the terminal device to select the "service activation"
`function , which initiates the dispatch of a binary SMS 31 (of appropriate content)
`to the subscription/application server 20.
`On the subscription/application server 20, an entry which can be associated
`with the sender is created and, if necessary, the information from the installation
`is forwarded to post-processing systems/databases 30 for the purpose of
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 13 of 25


`WO 2010/139478
`customer provisioning (e.g. trigger allocation on the HLR (home location
`register), accounting option ... ).
`Optionally, in parallel therewith, it is also possible for the A-subscriber initiated
`request/logon 32 to be checked/ authenticated by existing subscriber databases
`30.It would likewise be possible to restrict this to existing customer groups.
`On the basis of legal and technical requirements, in this example the logon
`check is performed by means of a confirmation query 33 which is sent by the
`subscription/application server.
`Said confirmation request is received by the terminal device application likewise
`as a binary SMS, is indicated to the customer/A subscriber via the display of the
`terminal device 10, i.e. via a graphical user interface, for the purpose of
`confirmation, and the OK/not OK information 35 is transmitted to the server 20
`The logon is now implemented and the subscriber can use the service, at best
`without delay. As confirmation 36, the subscriber is sent a further SMS of
`appropriate content.
`Figure 4 shows an application example of the call control according to the
`After downloading a freely available application (e.g. JAVA/WinMobile), the
`customer/A subscriber sends an SMS 41 in order to log on to the
`subscription/application server 20 and then selects a profile of announcements
`for the case "subscriber busy", and also the action "return call reminder if busy"
`on his terminal device 10.
`the logon for a known functionality, In the background, besides the customer
`test 42 for customer data consistency takes place using transmitted identifiers
`such as MCC (Mobile Country Code -country identifier for the addressing of
`mobile radio stations) and/or MNC (Mobile Network Code -code for identifying
`mobile radio networks). This allows a restriction to certain customer groups by
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 14 of 25


`WO 2010/ 139478
`the service operator. The check is performed by means of a query 42 by the
`server 20 in a database 30 which is associated with the server 20 and has the
`relevant customer data.
`If a call 43 to another terminal device 40 (i.e. to the B subscriber) is now
`initiated from the relevant terminal device 10 and the network sends a "Busy"
`acknowledgement 44, this event 44 is picked up 45 from the network by the
`subscription/application server 20 and is signalled 46 to· the application on the
`terminal device 10 for further evaluation.
`On the A subscriber terminal device 10, those actions linked to the "busy" event
`are then performed ... i.e. the previously implemented announcement is
`addressed/played back by said event and, in parallel therewith, an appointment
`is created in the A subscriber calendar with the subject line "return call to
`15 No xxx required".
`Different speakers or ready-made text are conceivable for the announcement
`20 Since the relevant application can also be provided as open source software, it
`is possible for the scope of functions of the application to be freely extended by
`the customer.
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 15 of 25


`WO 2010/139478
`1.A method for call control when setting up a communication link from a first calling
`terminal device, particularly from a mobile radio terminal device which logged into
`or associated with a first communication network, via one or more communication
`networks to at least one called terminal device, wherein a server associated with
`the first communication network is used to report back the current status to the
`calling terminal device from the network, characterized in that an application is
`used to evaluate the status reported back from the network and that a plurality of
`different actions can be defined and performed within the call control upon the
`status reported back from the network, wherein depending on said status one or
`more action(s) is/ are performed which emanate(s) from the first calling terminal
`device and/or which is/are allocated thereto.
`2.The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the status reported back to
`the first terminal device from the network is the call status and/or login status of
`the called terminal device and/or the availability of the called terminal device
`and/or the network status, particularly the availability of the network or resource
`availability within the communication network(s).
`whichin that the actions 3.The method according to in claim 1 or 2, characterized
`can be defined for call control are the transmission of an identifier of the calling
`terminal device and/or of a predeterminable individual announcement or recording
`and/or of a generated announcement and/or of a text message and/or of a
`multimedia message which is transmitted to the called terminal device or to a
`memory unit associated with said terminal device.
`Petitioner Exhibit 1011, Page 16 of 25


`WO 2010/139478
`in that theclaims, characterized 4.The method according to one of the preceding
`actions which can be defined for call control is a call diversion and/or a call
`claims, characterized 5.The method according to one of the preceding
`in that the
`action(s) to be performed depending on of the status report within the call control
`is/can be configured using a user interface associated with the first terminal
`6.The method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that an
`application is provided which can be/is used to configure the action(s) to be
`performed depending on of the status report w

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