`2001 Spring
`Connecting the
`' Mobile World
`Networking the World tm
`Vehicular Technology Conference,
`Spring, 2001
`Proceedings Volume 4
`May 6-9, 2001, Rhodes, Greece
`Geoscope Exhibit 2026
`Apple v. Geoscope
`IPR2024-00032, Page 1 of 49
`1 KE. 57C
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`2001 VTC Spring, IEEE VTS 53rd Vehicular Technology Conference
`Copyright and Reprint Permission.
`Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to
`photocopy beyond the limit of U.S. copyright law for private use of patrons those
`articles in this volume that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the
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`Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. For other copying, reprint or republication
`permission, write to IEEE Copyrights Manager, IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes
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`Copyright© 2001 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`IEEE Catalog Number:
`: 01CH37202
`: 0-7803-6728-6
`: 0-7803-6729-4 (Microfiche Edition)
`: 1090-3038
`Additional copies of this Conference Record are available from :
`IEEE Service Center
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`The institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc .
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`Geoscope Exhibit 2026
`Apple v. Geoscope
`IPR2024-00032, Page 2 of 49
`General Chairman's Message
`Welcome to the IEEE 53 rd Vehicular Technology Conference. This conference has been
`organized by the VTS Israeli Chapter. Unfortunately, we could not host you in Israel, as
`we had originally planned. However, we trust that the facilities at Rodos Palace in the
`Island of Rhodes will prove to be an excellent replacement, adding the promise that we
`will invite you to a meeting in Israel for one of the near future VTCs.
`As usual we are publishing both a CD-ROM and a hard copy book as conference
`proceedings. However, we have thought that time is ripe to deviate a little from the
`normal fonn . In the past the book was designed to follow the conference. As a result it
`was organized by the chronological order of the presentations. However, as the number
`of papers grew, the book became multi-volumes and heavy, with diminishing value as a
`companion to the flow of the conference. Also, as the book became optional, not every
`participant purchased the book. The conclusion from these observations is that the book
`makes more sense as a post-conference tool. This led to a new ordering of our book and
`CD-ROM. i.e., rather than by sessions, they are organized by topics.
`In order to help the participant in the course of the conference we have extended the
`program by including short abstracts of the presentations. Naturally, these are organized
`by sessions. We hope you find these arrangements more beneficial.
`I would like to take this opportunity and to thank all our volunteers, members of the
`Organizing committee, members of the Technical Program Committee and all others for
`their help and dedication. Without them there would be no conference.
`As a plenary talk we have thought you might be interested in a new and novel idea, with
`interesting features , which is being considered for local wireless applications, with all its
`promises and perils. I am referring to UWB, which stands for Ultra Wide Band.
`Reuven Meidan,
`Fellow, IEEE
`General Chair,
`VTC 2001- Spring
`Kansas City, Mo.
`Geoscope Exhibit 2026
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`IPR2024-00032, Page 3 of 49
`Table of Contens
`1 Antennas and Propagation _________________ _
`11 Adaptive Antennas and Arrays _______________ _
`Comparison of Multiple Antenna Techniques for UMTS Downlink Capacity
`Enhancement _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`A. Alexiou
`Lucent Technologies Optimus, UK
`Novel Radiation Pattern by Genetic Algorithms in Wireless Communication _ _ _ _ _
`C. Chien-Ching, C. Chien-Hung
`Tamkang University, China
`The Performance of Multi-Element Antenna Systems in Freuency Selective Fading
`Environments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`F. Choy I, M. Cherniakov 2
`I Queensland University ofTecgnology, Australia
`2 University of Birmingham , UK
`Experimental Study of Adaptive Antennas for Handheld Terminal Applications _ _ _
`F. Choy! , M. Cherniakov 2, J. Homer 3
`I Queensland University of Technology, Australia
`2 The University of Birmingham , UK
`3 University of Queensland, Australia
`On Nonlinear Beamforming for Interference Cancellation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`C. X u, C. law, S. Yoshida
`Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
`Joint Spatiotemporal Parameter Estimation for OS-CDMA System in Fast Fading
`Multipath Channel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`Z. Gu, E. Gunawan, Z. Yu
`Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
`Distributed Versus Centralized Antenna Arrays in Broadband Wireless Neteworks __
`M. Clark, T Willis, l. Greenstein, A. Rustako, V. Erceg, R. Roman
`AT & T Labs- Research, USA
`Adaptiva Antenna Arrays for Co-Channel Interference Cancellation in Space-time
`coded Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Li I, K. l etaief 2, R. Cheng 2, Z. Cao I
`I Tsinghua University, P.R. China
`2 Hong Kong Un ivesity, Hong Kong
`Beamforming Capacity and SNR Maximization for Multiple Antenna Systems _ _ _ _
`S. Jafar, A. Goldsmith
`Stanford Un iversity, USA
`Joint Angle of Arrival and Angle-Spread Estimation of Multiple Users Using an
`Antenna Array and a Modified MUSIC Algorithm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`I. Jami, R. Ormondroyd
`Royal Military College of Science, UK
`Directional Power Based Admission Control for WCDMA Systems using Antenna
`Arrays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Ramiro-Moreno I, K. Pedersen 2, P. Mogensen 2
`I Aalborg University, Denmark
`2 Nokia Networks, Denmark
`A Simple Downlink Antenna Array Algorithm Based on a Hybrid Scheme of
`Transmit Diversity and Conventional Beamforming _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`K. Pedersen, P. Mogensen
`Nokia Networks, Denmark
`Adaptive Low Profile Array Antennas for Smart Car Antenna Systems _ _ _ _ _ _
`R. Kronberger I, H. Lindenmeier 2. l. Reiter 2, J. Hopf 2
`I Fuba Automotive, Germany
`2 University of Bundeswehr Munich, Germany
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`A New Channel Estimation Method for RF Beamforming Implementable in Mobile
`Terminals -=-:::-:--:----:---".'"""""':-:---~----------------------
`Y. Liang I. F. Chin I. A. Kot 2
`I Center for Wireless Communications, Singapore
`2 School of EEE, Singapore
`Asymptotically Optimal Open-Loop Space-Time Architecture Adaptive to Scattering
`A. Lozano. F. Farrokhi. R. Valenz uela
`Lucent Technologies Optimus, USA
`Adaptive-Rank Receiver for Space-Time DS CDMA Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`M. Nicoli, U. Spagnolini
`D.E.l. Politecnico di Milano, Italy
`Shift Invariance Algorithms for the Delay/Angle Estimation of Multipath _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Picheral, U. Spagnolini
`D.E.l. Politecnico di Milano, Italy
`Impact of Adaptive Array Architectures on S-Aloha Protocol Performance _ _ _ _ _
`R. de Araujo I. F. Cavalcanti 2. J. Mota 2
`I lnstitut National des Telecommunications, France
`2 Federal University ofCeara DEE, Brazil
`Wideband Dual-Polarized Base Station Antenna for GSMl800 and WCDMA
`UMTS ------------------------------
`v. Voipio
`Nokia Networks, Finland
`Uniform Spherical Distributions for Adaptive Array Applications _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Verhaevert, £. Van Lil, A. Van de Cape/le
`Adaptive Space-time Coding in Fading Channels _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`W. Tao. R. Cheng, K. Letaief
`Hong Kong Univesity , Hong Kong
`Adaptive MIMO Techniques for UTRA-TDD Mode _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`C. Degen. C. Walke, A. Lecomte, B. Rembold
`RWTH Aachen University of Technology, Germany
`Hybrid-Selection/Optimum Combining _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Winters, M. Win
`AT&T Labs-Research, USA
`The EM Algorithm for DOA Estimation in IS-95 Reverse Link _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`R. Zelenovsky I, M. Grivet 2
`I Institute Militar de Engenharia, Brasil
`2 PUC/Rio, Brazil
`Application of Music for Spatial Reference Beamforming for SDMA in a Smart
`Antenna for GSM and DECT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`A. Margarita, S. Flores, L. Rubio, V. Almenar, J. Corral
`Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
`Convolutionally Coded Multi-Antenna Transmission in WCDMA Over
`Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channel
`£. Kunnari, D. Tujkovic
`Center for Wireless Communications, Finland
`A Fast Tracking Method for Time-variant DOA of Signals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`X. Su. X. Xu. Y. Yao
`Tsinghua University, P.R. China
`Multi-Input Multi-Output Maximum Likelihood Detection for a Wireless System _ _ _
`X. Zhu. R. Murch
`Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
`Performance Analysis of MIMO-MMSE-DFE Multiuser Receiver for TDMA Mobile
`Systems with Spatial Diversity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Hwang. C. Chen
`Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan
`Smart Antennas Performance Evaluation and Capacity Increase for WCDMA UMTS _
`R. Martinez, D. Trosa, L. Haro, M. Calvo
`Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
`I 13
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`Hopped Delay Diversity for EDGE --------------------
`K. Kuchi I. R. Pirhonen I. R. Srinivasan 2
`I Nokia Research Center, USA
`2 Lincom Wireless Communications, USA
`A New Adaptive Downlink Beamforming Method for WCDMA System _ _ _ _ _ _
`D. Shim I. F. Alam 2. B. Woerner 2
`I LG Eelectronics Inc., Korea
`2 Virginia University, USA
`Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Genetic Algorithms
`P. Karamalis. A. Marousis. A. Kanatas, P. Constantinou
`National Technical University of Athens, Greece
`A Radio System with Multi-Element Antennas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`V. Jungnickel. V. Pohl. U. Kruger. C. van He/molt, T Haustein. S. Stanczak
`Heinrich-Hertz-lnstitut, Germany
`Performance Analysis of Work-length Effect on the Hardware Design in MMSE/DD
`Space-Time Array Receiver _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. lee. H. Oh. M. Kyeong
`ETR I, Korea
`RF Gain/Phase and 1/Q Imbalance Error Correction Technique for Multi-channel
`Array Antenna Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`H. Park, C. Park, H. Oh, M. Kyeong
`ETRI , Korea
`Real-Time Implementation ofMMSE Adaptive Beamformer using Modified Systolic
`J. Park, H. Oh. M. Kyeong
`ETRI, Korea
`A Novel Space-Time Pre-Multiuser Downlink Transmission Scheme Suitable for
`TDD-CDMA Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`W. Wang. X Wu, Q. Yin
`Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
`Block Based RLS Re-Spread Re-Spread Multitarget Array: Algorithm and
`Performance ----------------------------
`z Du. P. Gong, W. Wu
`Beijing University of Posts & Telecomm, P.R. China
`Measurement of the Array- Antenna Directional Pattern and Bit Error Rate of
`Space-Time Equalizer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`T. Toda, Y. Aihara, Y. Kamio
`YRP Mobile Telecommunications, Japan
`Exploiting the Data-Rate Potential ofMIMO Channels: Multi-Stratum Space-Time
`U. Wachsmann, J. Thielecke, H. Scholten
`Ericsson Eurolab, Germany
`Measurement of the Capacity of MIMO Systems in Frequency-Selective Channels _ _
`A. Molisch / , M. Steinbauer 2. M. Toeltsch 2, E. Banek 2, R. Thoma 3
`I AT&T Labs-Research, USA
`2 INTHF, Austria
`3 IKM, Germany
`Combined Channel-Modified Adaptive Array MMSE Canceller and Viterbi Equalizer _
`R. Friedman. Y. Bar-Ness
`New Jersey Inst. Of Technology, USA
`MIMO Measurement and Joint M-D Parameter Estimation of Mobile Radio Channels
`A. Richter. D. Hampicke. G. Sommerkorn, R. Thoma
`llmenau University of Technology, Germany
`Adaptive Cell Sectorization for UMTS Third Generation CDMA Systems _ _ _ _ _
`R. Giuliano. F. Mazzenga. F. Vatalaro
`Universita degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Italy
`Analysis of Surface Waves in Microstrip Array _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`M. Wnuk, W. Kolosowski. M. Amanowicz, R. Dufrene
`Military University of Technology, Poland
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`New Antennas for Personal Communications ________________
`M. Wnuk. W. Kolosowski. M. Amanowicz
`Military University ofTechnology, Poland
`A Spatio-Temporal Channel Model for Position Location Techniques via AOA
`and TDOA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Kim, W. Chung
`SungKyunKwan University, Korea
`Feedback Schemes for FDD WCDMA Systems in Multipath Environments _____
`J. Hamalainen I. R. Wichman 2
`I Nokia Networks, Finland
`2 Nokia Research Center, Finland
`Soft Handoff Analysis of CDMA Systems using Novel Switched-Beam Smart Antennas
`with Polarization Diversity_______________________
`W. Wang, I. Lu. S. Liu
`Polytechnic University, USA
`Effect of Mixer Phase Distortions on the DOA Tracking Algorithm for an Adaptive
`Antenna Array___________________________
`W. Hou, H. Kwon
`Wichita State University, USA
`A Novel Polarization Smart Antenna _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Shapira, S. Miller
`Celletra Ltd., Israel
`Transmission Considerations for Polarization-Smart Antennas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`S. Miller, J. Shapira
`Celletra Ltd., Israel
`Interference Distributions in Mixed Service WCDMA Systems - Opportunities for
`Advanced Antenna Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Barta I, M. Ericson 2, B. Goransson 2, B. Hagerman 2
`I Ericsson Research , Hungary
`2 Ericsson Research, Sweden
`12 Channel Measurement/Modeling/Prediction __________ 268
`On the Distribution of Relevant Radio Channel Figures in Different Propagation
`Environments for Performance Evaluation ofWCDMA Systems_________
`A. Alayon Glazunov. J. Berg
`Ericsson Research, Sweden
`Coupling at Cross, T and L Junctions in Tunnels and Urban Street Canyons _____
`J. lee, H. Bertoni
`Polytechnic University, USA
`A Statistical Approach to Bertoni-Walfisch Propagation Model for Mobile Radio
`Design in Urban Areas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`I. Cavdar
`Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
`Keyholes, Correlations and Capacities of Multi-element Transmit and Receive
`Antennas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`D. Chizhik. G. Foschini. M. Gans, R. Valenzuela
`Lucent Technologies, USA
`BLAST Systems Capacity Measurments at 2.44 GHz in Suburban Outdoor
`Environment ____________________________
`M. Gans, N. Amitay. Y. Yeh. H. Xu, R. Valenzuela, T Sizer, R. Storz, D. Taylor, W. MacDonald,
`C. Tran, A. Adamiecki
`Lucent Technologies, USA
`Effect of Channel Estimation on the Accuracy of the Capacity Estimation _ _ _ _ _
`P. Kyritsi I, R. Valenzuela 2, D. Cox I
`I Stanford University, USA
`2 Lucent Technologies, USA
`Propagation Study in Urban Environment at 25 and 40 GHz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`N. Moraitis, P. Constantinou
`National Technical University of Athens, Greece
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`On Modelling of Aggregated Teletraffic Using Generalized Fokker-Planck
`Equation ____________________________ _
`S. Primak I. D. Makrakis 2. V. Lyandres 3
`I The University of Western Ontario, Canada
`2 The University of Ottawa, Canada
`3 Ben-Gurion University of The Negev, Israel
`Shadow Fading Corelation Between Uplink and Downlink
`E. Perahia I. D. Cox 2
`I mDiversity Inc., USA
`2 Stanford University, USA
`Shadow Fading Cross Correlation Between Basestations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`E. Perahia I. D. Cox 2. S. Ho I
`I mDiversity Inc., USA
`2 Stanford University, USA
`Correlation Control in the Multichannel Fading Simulators _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`T Poutanen. J. Ko/11
`Electrobit Ltd., Finland
`Outage Probabilities of Dual Selection Combiners in a Correlated Nakagami Fading
`with Cochannel Interference _____________________ _
`J. Reig. N. Cardona, L. Rubio
`Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
`Radio Channel Measurements on an Eigth-Branch Indoor Office Distributed
`Antenena System _________________________ _
`T Sorensen I. P. Mogensen 2
`I Aalborg University, Denmark
`2 Nokia Networks, Denmark
`Mobile Propagation Loss with a Low Base Station Antenna for NLOS Street
`Microcells in Urban Area ______________________ _
`A. Tang, .J. Sun, K. Gong
`Tsinghua University, P.R. China
`Measured Path Loss and Multipath Propagation Characteristics in UHF and Microwave
`Frequency Bands for Urban Mobile Communications _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`Y. Oda. R. Tsuchihashi. K. Tsunekawa, M. Hat a
`NIT Docomo Inc., Japan
`Spatial Channel Model and Measurements for IMT-2000 Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`M. 8uehrer. S. Arunachalam, K. Wu, A. Tone/lo
`Lucent Technologies Optimus, USA
`Statistical Model of W-CDMA Signals Over Realistic Multipath Channel _ _ _ _ _ _
`D. Oh. G. l ee, D. Choi. C. Kim
`Chonnam National University, Korea
`Site-specific Simulation of Ship Safety/Surveillance Radars Operating in Harbour
`Environments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`L. Valle, 8. Cobo. I. Pae:::., R. Torres
`Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
`Impact of Shadowing Effect and its Countermeasure Methods for Wireless 1394
`Home Network __________________________ _
`T Udagawa I. H. Zhang I, T Arita I. T Nasu 2, M. Nakagawa 2
`I Telecommunications Advancement Organization, Japan
`2 Keio Univtersity, Japan
`The Verification ofa Deterministic Spatio-Temporal Channel Modeling Approach
`by Applying a Deconvolution Technique in the Measurement _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`H. Zhu/ , J. Takada 2, T Kobayashi 3
`I Nokia Research Center, Japan
`2 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
`3 YRP Mobile Telecommunications, Japan
`A Spatio-Temporal Ray Launching Propagation Model for UMTS Pico and
`Microcellular Environments
`8. Lee, A. Nix, J. McGeehan
`University of Bristol, UK
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`Analysis of the LS Estimation Error on a Rayleigh Fading Channel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`T. Ekman
`Uppsala University, Sweden
`Intelligent Base Station Hand-Over Algorithms Based upon a Precise Power Drop
`Model _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`M. Doh/er, A. Marbini, H. Aghvami
`King's College London, UK
`Design and Simulation of a Vector Channel Sounder for UMTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`A. Marousis, P. Karamalis, A. Kanatas, P. Constantinou
`National Technical University of Athens, Greece
`Neural Networks Applications for the Prediction of Propagation Path Loss in Urban
`Environments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`I. Popescu/ , I. Nafornita 2. P. Constantinou 3, A. Kanatas 3, N. Moraitis 3
`I University ofOradea, Romania
`2 Technical University ofTimisoara, Romania
`3 National Technical Univesity of Athens, Greece
`Predicting Multi-Element Receive &Transmit Array Capacity Outdoors with
`Ray Tracing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. ling, D. Chizhik, R. Valenzuela
`Lucent Technologies, USA
`Microwave Path-loss Characteristics in Urban LOS and NLOS Environments _ _ _ _
`H. Masui / , M. Ishii / , K. Sakawa / , H. Shimizu / , T. Kobayashi/ , M. Akaike 2
`I YRP Mobile Telecommunications, Japan
`2 Science University of Tokyo, Japan
`Spatial Characterization of Urban Mobile Radio Channels _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`M. Toeltsch / , J. Laurila 3, A. Molisch /, K. Kallio/a 2,3, P. Vainikainen 2, £. Banek 1,4
`I Technische Universitat Wien, Austria
`2 Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
`3 NRC, Finland
`4 FTW, Austria
`Low Complexity Channel Estimation for the WB-CDMA Terminal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`£. Batut, M. Arndt
`FT R&D DIH/OCF, France
`A Mixed-Cell Propagation Model for lnterfernce Prediction in a UMTS Network _ _ _
`£. Tameh, A. Nix
`University of Bristol, UK
`A Novel Approach to the Modelling of Natural Surface Scattering for 3D Channel
`Prediction -----------------------------
`M. Pettersen / , G. Stette I. J. Noll 2
`I Norwegian University, Norway
`2 Telenor Resrarch and Development, Norway
`Channel Estimation for EGPRS Modems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`£. Yakhnich
`Comsys Communication and Signal Processing Ltd., Israel
`An Indoor IS-2000 Transmit Diversity Evaluation using Propagation Measurements _
`G. Messier, W. Krzymien
`TRLabs, Canada
`A Field Prediction Model for Urban Environment Based on Pattern Recognition
`and Statistical Ray Tracing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`V. Degli-Esposti, A. De 'Marsi, F. Fuschini
`University of Bologna, Italy
`Implementation Techniques of Broadband Radio Channel Simulators _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`T. Jamsa, T. Poutanen, J. Meinila
`Electrobit Ltd., Finland
`13 Indoor Propagation
`Propagation of Millimetric Waves in Rough Sidewals Mining Environment _ _ _ _ _
`M. Ndoh, G. Delisle
`Laval University, Canada
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`Effects of Human Shadowing, Traffic and Antenna Movements on 62.4GHz Indoor
`RLAN's Channels _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`A. Siamarou, M. Al-Nuaimi
`University of Glamorgan, UK
`Wideband Propagation Measurements for Indoor Rician Fading Radio Channels
`at 62.4GHz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`A. Siamarou, M. Al-Nuaimi
`University of Glamorgan, UK
`Multipath Delay Spread and Signal Level Measurements for Indoor Wireless Radio
`Channels at 62.4GHz
`A. Siamarou, M. Al-Nuaimi
`University of Glamorgan, UK
`Performance Improvement of Wireless 1394 Using Multiple-Element Antenna System_
`H. Zhang I, T Udagawa I, T Arita I, K. Kobayashi 2, M. Nakagawa 1,2
`I Telecommunications Advancement Organization, Japan
`2 Keio University, Japan
`A Multi-Wall-and-Floor Model for Indoor Radio Propagation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`M. Lott I, I. Forkel 2
`I Siemens AG, Germany
`2 R WTH Aachen , Germany
`Accuracy Analysis ofGO/UTD Radio Channel Modelling in Indoor Scenarios
`Including Cross-Polarization _____________________ _
`S. Loredo, L. Valle, I. Paez, R. Torres
`Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
`Site-Specific BER Similation for Indoor Wireless Communications _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`R. Torres, B. Manteca, S. Loredo, L. Valle
`Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
`Feasibility Study for Wireless Data Transmission inside Space Platforms _ _ _ _ _ _
`M. Domingo, R. Torres
`Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
`Analysis and Measurement of EM Field Distribution in Area Where DECT System
`Works ------------------------------
`w. Kolosowski, M. Wnuk, G. Rozanski
`Military University of Technology, Poland
`2 Wireless Access
`21 Multiple Access Technology _______________ _
`Pre-Selection Based Reduced-Complexity MLMUD for OS-CDMA Systems _ _ _ _ _
`E. Al-Susa, D. Cruickshank
`The University of Edinburgh, UK
`Throughput Analysis of Strongly Interfering Slow Frequency-Hopping Wireless
`F. Floren I, A. Stranne I, 0. Edfors I, B. Molin 2
`I Lund University, Sweden
`2 Axis Communications AB, Sweden
`Performance ofVSG-CDMA and MC-CDMA in Multirate Systems
`Z. Guo, K. Letaief
`Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
`Admission Control and Adaptive CDMA for lnterated Voice and Data Services _ _ _
`X. Tang I, A. Goldsmith 2
`I U.C. Berkeley, USA
`2 Stanford University, USA
`An Enhanced Adaptive Time Slot Assignment using access statistics in
`TD/CDMA TDD system _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`S. Park, M. Kim, N. Kim
`Ewha Women's University, Korea
`A New Access Scheme for Common Packet Channel in W-CDMA System _ _ _ _ _
`J. So, D. Cho
`KAIST, Korea
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`Influence of System Load on Channel Estimation in an MC-CDMA Mobile Radio
`Communication System - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`T. Salzer, D. Mattier, l. Brunel
`Mitsubishi Electric ITE, France
`Optimal Linear Multiuser Receiver in OS-CDMA System ____________
`W. Wang, Z. Xu. X. Wu, Q. Yin
`Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R. China
`Performance Analysis of the Random Access Channel (RACH) in WCDMA _____
`I. Vukovic, T. Brown
`Motorola Inc., USA
`Erlang Capacity of Multiclass CDMA Cellular System____________
`J. Castaneda-Camacho, D. Lara-Rodriguez
`Non-Linear Multiuser Detection for Circuit-Switched and Packet-Switched
`Integrated CDMA Systems_____________________
`S. Sfar, K. Letaief. R. Murch
`Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
`Adaptive Multicode CDMA for Uplink Throughput Maximization________
`S. Jafar, A. Goldsmith
`Stanford University, USA
`System Level Interference Mitigation Schemes in EGPRS: Mode-0 and Scheduling__
`K. Balachandran I, K. Chang 2, *W. Luo / , S. Nanda 3
`I Lucent Technologies, USA
`2 Coree Networks, USA
`3 Narad Networks, USA
`Joint Control of Slot Assignments and Traffic Policing in Wireless Packet Switched
`Netwoks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`D. lee, C. Chou
`National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
`Enhanced Channel Access Techniques for Wireless Multimedia Terminals_____
`A. /era I, A. Modafferi/, G. Aiello I, A. Molinaro 2, S. Marano 3
`I D.I.M.E.T.-University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
`2 university of Messina, Italy
`3 University of Calabria, Italy
`Broadband Packet Wireless Access Appropriate for High-speed and High-capacity
`Throughput _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`H. Atarashi, S. Abeta, M. Sawahashi
`NTT Docomo Inc., Japan
`ML Estimation and Correction of Frequency Offset for MC-CDMA Systems over
`Fading Channels __________________________
`Q. Tian, K. Letaief
`I Purdue University, USA
`2 Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
`Performance Evalation ofCDMA/PRMA Techniques for LEO Constellations____
`N. Batsios, I. Tsetsinas, F. Pav/idou
`Aristotle University ofThessaloniki, Greece
`22 Spread Spectrum Technology ______________ 581
`A Frequency Domain Error Analysis for Channel Estimation with Variable
`Averaging Interval _________________________
`D. Xiaojian, Y. Xiaohu
`Southeast University, P.R. China
`OS-CDMA and Adaptive Modulation Based TOMA Dual Mode Scheme for High Speed
`Data Transmission Service in Wireless Multimedia Communication Systems____
`T. Inoue, S. Sampei, N. Morinaga
`Osaka University, Japan
`A Simple Method to Calculate the Error Probability for 2d Rake Receivers _____
`A. Poloni. U. Spagno/ini
`D.E. 1. Politecnico di Milano, Italy
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`Impact of Reconstruction Error Using Canonical Channel Representation in
`Direct-Spread Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Hkegard
`SINTEF Telecom and Information, Norway
`Optimization of Spread Spectrum Characteristics from Channel Measurements _ _ _
`M. lienard, V. Degardin, P. Degauque
`University of Lille, France
`Adaptive Multiuser Receiver Using a Support Vector Machine Technique _ _ _ _ _
`S. Chen, A. Samingan, l. Hanzo
`University of Southampton, UK
`VSB Wideband CDMA for Overlay System and its Implementation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`D. Kim I, D. Roh 2, Y. Choi I. S. Kwon I, M. l ee I
`I Yonsei Univers ity, Korea
`2 LG Information & Communications, LTD. , Korea
`Multiple Access Interference Cancellation in Fading Multipath Channels:
`Progress and Limitations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`J. Andrews, T Meng
`Stanford University, USA
`Blind Space-Time Rake Structure Based on Second Order Statistics for DS-CDMA __
`R. Piechocki, N. Canagarajah, J. McGeehan
`University of Bristol, UK
`Modified Leaky LMS Algorithm for Channel Estimation in DS-CDMA Systems _ _ _
`S. Jo I, J. Choi 2, Y. lee 2
`I Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Korea
`2 KAIST, Korea
`A 2 IR: An Asynchronous and Adaptive Hybrid ARQ scheme for 3G Evolution _ _ _ _
`A. Das, F. Khan, S. Nanda
`Lucent Technologies, USA
`Using Multi-Level QAM Modulation in CDMA System _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`Y. Wei, E. Tiedemann, F. ling, S. Sarkar
`Generation Verification and Assignment of Hopping Channels to VHF Combat Nets_
`J. Pawelec 1, T Szymczyk 2, R. Piotrowski 2
`I Univresity of Technology, Poland
`2 Defence Communication Inst., Poland
`23 OFDM
`Receiver Architectures for FMT Broadband Wireless Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`N. Benvenuto, S. Tomasin, l. Tomba
`University of Padova/DEI, Italy
`A Constrained Approach to Pre-Equalization for TDD OFDM Systems _ _ _ _ _ _
`M. Butler, P. Fletcher, A. Nix, D. Bull
`University of Bristo l, UK
`Channel Estimation Versus Equalization in an OFDM WLAN System
`S. Boumard, A. Mammela
`VTT Electronics, Finland
`A New Class of Signal Processing Schemes for Bandwidth-eeficient OFDM Transmission
`with Low Envelope Fluctuation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`R. Dinis, A. Gusmao
`lnstituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
`Performance Evaluation of a Signal Processing Scheme for Multicarrier Transmission
`with Quasi-constant Envelope _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`R. Dinis. A. Gusmao
`lnstituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
`A Study of the Performance ofHiperlan/2 and IEEE 802.1 la Physical Layers _ _ _ _
`A. Doi,jexi, S. Armour. M. Butler. A. Nix, D. Bull
`University of Bristol , UK
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`Impact of the Channel Estimation onto the BER-Performance of PSAM-OFDM Systems
`in Mobile Radio Channels
`I. Gaspard
`T-Nova Deutsche Telekom Inn. , Gennany
`A Fine Frequency and Fine Sample Clock Estimation Technique for OFDM Systems_
`S. Duncan. R. Heaton, B. Hodson
`Mitsubishi Electric VIL, UK
`A Pilot-Signal Assisted Channel Estimation Scheme for Multi-Carrier Modulation _ _
`0. Muta. Y. Akaiwa
`Kyushu University, Japan
`Wavelet Based OFDM for Wireless Channels ----------------
`8 . Negash. H. Nikookar
`DelfUniversity, The Netherlands
`Transmitter Impairments in OFDM-Based Wireless LAN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`M. Pauli I, U. Wachsmann I, M. Sunde/in 2, P. Schramm I
`I Ericsson Eurolab, Germany
`2 Ericsson Radio Systems AB, Germany
`Performance of DMT Systems in Dispersive Channels with Correlated Impulsive Noise_
`G. Pay, M. Safak
`Hacettepe University, Turkey
`Blind Estimation of Time and Frequency Offset for PCC-OFDM ---------
`}. Shentu, J. Armstrong
`La Trobe University, Australia
`Improved Adaptive Downlink for OFDM/SDMA-Based Wireless Networks _ _ _ _ _
`S. Thoen, L. Van der Perre, M. Engels
`IMEC, Belgium
`A Joint Estimation Algorithm of Symbol Timing and Carrier Offset in OFDM Systems_
`J. Wu, Q. Zhou, K. Cheng
`Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
`Channel Estimator for OFDM Systems with 2-l)imensional Filtering in the Transform
`Domain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`C. Wong. C. Law, Y. Guan
`Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
`Analysis of the Demodulation Techniques for OFDM Signals under Correlated
`Rayleigh Fading _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`L. Wan, V. Dubey
`Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
`High Bit Rate Transmission Scheme with a Multilevel Transmit Power Control for
`the OFDM Based Adaptive Modulation Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`T Yoshiki, S. Sampei, N. Morinaga
`Osaka University, Japan
`TCM, TTCM, BICM and Iterative BICM Assisted OFDM-based Digital Video
`Broadcasting to Mobile Receivers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`C. lee, S. Ng, L. Piazza. L. Hanzo
`Univ. of Southampton, UK
`Analysis of Nonlinear Effects in OFDM Communications Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`N. Erma/ova
`Helsinki Univrsity of Technology, Finland
`A Novel Partial Sampling MMSE Receiver for Uplink Multi-Carrier CDMA _ _ _ _ _
`P. Zang, K. Wang, Y. Bar-Ness
`New Jersey Inst. of Technology, USA
`Joint Adaptive Power Control and Detection in OFDM/SDMA Wireless LANs
`J. Li 2. K. Letaief I. R. Cheng I, Z. Cao 2
`I Hong Kong University, Hong Kong