`George Moncrief, Trent Townsend, and Scotty Swillie
`USACE Engineer Research and Development Center, Major Shared Resource Center (ERDC MSRC),
`Vicksburg, MS
`{George.C.Moncrief, Trent.W.Townsend, Scotty.Swillie}@erdc.usace.army.mil
`High performance computing (HPC) within the
`Department of Defense (DoD) is vital to the execution of
`the research and development mission. However, users
`must access these resources using interfaces that are
`complicated, specialized, primitive, and opaque. ezHPC
`was developed to address this complexity. The ezHPC
`project is interesting in that it abstracts for the user many
`of the technical details and tools related to HPC within
`the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization
`(HPCMP) while providing a Web-based
`application that allows user access to HPC resources.
`technology, the ezHPC security model addresses the DoD
`security requirements for authentication, confidentiality,
`availability, and integrity. This paper discusses an
`architecture that employs end-to-end encryption, open-
`source technologies, message authentication codes, and
`authentication of users via
`the HPCMP-modified
`implementation of
`the Massachusetts
`Institute of
`Technology Kerberos. This architecture provides ezHPC
`the flexibility to reduce the technology barrier to those
`unfamiliar with interactive use of HPC systems while
`providing significant capability to more advanced users.
`The subsequent abstraction of HPC resources constitutes
`a security model
`for any Web-enabled application
`programming interface.
`1. A Brief Historical Perspective
`The High Performance Computing Modernization
`performance computing, storage, and networking to the
`Department of Defense (DoD) Science and Technology
`and Test and Evaluation communities. The platforms
`providing these high performance technologies have
`historically occupied a niche
`in computing when
`compared with the numbers and cultural changes brought
`about through single-user, so-called personal computers.
`The user interfaces provided with these systems by
`their vendors reflected their status as niche providers and
`were intended for and used by the very few, highly skilled
`niche consumers of high performance systems. As the
`price-performance ratio has fallen and market penetration
`increased with HPC systems, the number of users with
`access to these systems has increased. Consequently, the
`failure of HPC user interfaces to expose the available
`computational power to the less-initiated user has become
`increasingly obvious. They are often character-mode,
`command-line interfaces. Sometimes they are more
`graphical in nature, employing color and form that
`represent function, but without the refinement found in
`more popular, more widely deployed operating systems.
`HPC user interfaces are complicated. They mirror the
`architecture of their systems by being very specialized,
`requiring significant investment of the user’s time to
`learn, and being primitive in the granularity of available
`The HPCMP has developed and provided to users a
`collection of command-line clients as a means of
`interaction with HPC systems. These clients, though very
`capable, have all the inherent user interface failures
`mentioned already. The clients function best for a subset
`of users who have strained to develop their skills and
`the point
`interface becomes
`transparent to them. The commands and functions of the
`systems have become a mental expectation. Conversely,
`those users who have not developed this ability are duly
`their efforts
`to accomplish efficient
`interaction with the HPC systems.
`By contrast, the Web browser interface to the World
`Wide Web has taken the world by storm in a relatively
`few years. The Web browser itself has become a popular
`icon of computing. Many variations on a theme exist, but
`the essential and well-understood functions of Web
`browsers are easily identified by novice users. The Web
`browser has mapped interaction to common sense.
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`2. Introduction
`The ezHPC project at the US Army Engineer
`Research and Development Center Major Shared
`Resource Center abstracts the function and use of HPC
`batch computing systems and makes those functions
`available through a Web server interface in a way that
`enables developers to write applications that take better
`advantage of the associations already present in almost
`everyone’s mind.
`The ezHPC project has studied both the batch
`processing and most commonly used
`functions of HPC systems and developed an application
`programming interface (API) that organizes and codifies
`those functions. The project deployed this API as a Web-
`enabled technology to provide the greatest capability to
`the greatest number of users. The ezHPC project is
`authoring both a client using Microsoft
`tools and a Web browser client
`demonstrate the value, elegance, and portability of this
`But this is a double-edged sword. The pervasive
`presence of the Web technology, making the API
`available, also offers its greatest potential for exploitation.
`Using a Web server to provide an API means that anyone
`who understands the transport protocols involved in
`communicating with the Web server may potentially
`abuse the service in one of three locations: the client that
`communicates with the Web server via the API, the Web
`server advertising the API, or the communications
`between the client and Web server.
`1. Exploitation of the client may permit an attacker
`to assume the identity of a legitimate user,
`issuing commands that take advantage of the
`user’s access to attack the remote system or
`violate the integrity of the user’s data.
`2. Exploitation of the API at the Web server may
`permit an attacker to control the Web server and,
`thus, the relationships in which the Web server is
`trusted. The Web server is trusted by and
`communicates with other systems on the local
`network to which it is connected, the HPC
`systems with which it corresponds on behalf of
`the user, and at least one other system used to
`manage a database of user metadata.
`3. Exploitation of the communications between the
`client and the Web server may permit an attacker
`to masquerade as the Web server to the client or
`the client to the Web server. If the Web server is
`trusted by the client, the client will provide valid,
`useable login credentials, on behalf of the user,
`to the attacker. If the client is trusted by the Web
`server, the Web server may provide valuable
`user data to the attacker.
`identities and relationships
`paramount to preserving the integrity of the data that is
`processed by the systems that trust them.
`This paper discusses the measures taken in the design
`of the ezHPC project to preserve the attributes of
`nonrepudiation as they relate to the identity of the client
`and of the Web server, and the communication between
`these entities, as well as protecting the API from abuse.
`In doing this, it illustrates how open-source software has
`been used to inexpensively accomplish development of
`security features and enable much-needed user interface
`3. Design Features
`Some prominent assumptions basic to the security of
`this project are briefly described below:
`1. The system on which the client application
`executes is either a single-user system or is a
`multiuser system that assigns unique accounts to
`individual users and distinguishes unprivileged
`user accounts from privileged user accounts.
`Individual users possess unique credentials that
`uniquely identify them to the Web server. Note
`that use of these credentials by someone other
`than the person to whom they are assigned
`defeats all
`further attempts at security or
`privacy. Multi-user systems that feature elevated
`privileges for certain groups or users must have
`policies that restrict the user(s) or group(s) with
`elevated privileges from inappropriate use of
`credentials belonging to other users.
`2. Physical access to the server computer system
`has been restricted such that only authorized staff
`may gain contact with the server.
`3. The operating system on the computer executing
`the Web server must have been configured for
`secure operation in accord with relevant security
`policy and best practices. Best practices include
`steps to disable unnecessary services, and assign
`file system permissions and ownership consistent
`with existing users, keep operating system
`patches up to date, and exercise access control
`where appropriate.
`4. The Web server has been configured with default
`settings updated to control access, and default or
`unnecessary scripts,
`files, etc., have been
`removed from the Web server content directory
`5. A code review has been conducted of all scripts
`and source code for executable binaries used by
`the Web server to provide content to the client.
`This code review should be performed by
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`someone familiar with secure software coding
`If a database provides content to the Web server
`for distribution or transfer to the client, all input
`passed to the Web server from the client should
`be sanitized, prior to use, by someone familiar
`with the data access procedures.
`The steps indicated above cohere as a process, or
`layer of protection.
` The absence or
`application of any of them may result in the ultimate
`failure of all of them to protect the systems from attack.
`A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
`Initial authentication of users is performed by a
`system called “Kerberos.” Kerberos
`is a network
`authentication protocol developed and maintained by the
`Institute of Technology
`(MIT) and
`employs secret key cryptography to obtain a high level of
`confidence regarding the identity of a client user. MIT
`provides an open-source implementation of Kerberos that
`has been reviewed and used for several years by many
`governmental, private, and public sector organizations all
`over the world. The Kerberos implementation used by the
`ezHPC project has been used by the HPCMP for several
`years to authenticate its user community to DoD systems
`deployed across the United States.
`The primary authenticating principle used by the
`Kerberos protocol is that of a shared secret. The Kerberos
`server, called a “KDC,” stores a secret given to it by and
`known only to the client user. Often, this secret is simply
`a password. A client system employing Kerberos for
`authentication can obtain a password, or other identifying
`object, from a client user and transform that object in a
`way that makes it virtually impossible to identify the
`original object. The transformed object can then be
`passed to a KDC, and the KDC will perform the same
`transformation operations on its copy of the shared secret.
`If the object transformed on the KDC is identical with the
`object received from the client user, the KDC will agree
`that the client is who they say they are and provide the
`client user with a credential endorsing their identity.
`By design, ezHPC is more than a simple client/server
`application that is experienced by the user. A client
`application connects to the ezHPC Web server, but the
`Web server performs functions
`that more closely
`resemble those of a combination proxy/bastion host. In
`order to abstract the complexity of the HPC system
`interface from the user, the API receives commands from
`the ezHPC client, translates those commands into the
`appropriate form, and passes them to the HPC system for
`execution. Upon receiving the results of the command
`from the HPC system, the ezHPC application server
`provides these data to the ezHPC client. Ultimately, the
`result is an interface between the client and the target
`HPC system. However, all communication between the
`client and the HPC system(s) passes through the Web-
`enabled ezHPC application server and is processed by the
`In addition to the three components mentioned thus
`far, the client browser, the application server, and the
`HPC system; ezHPC also employs a database server to
`support by
`storing per-user
`information, also called user profile data, about user jobs
`and HPC system configuration. This database is located
`on a separate system from the ezHPC application server,
`restricting the database’s exposure to only the ezHPC
`application server. Neither the client application nor the
`HPC system ever directly connects to or receives
`connections from the database server.
`Below is a diagram showing the components and
`interrelationships of the ezHPC project.
`Figure 3.1
`Because the target HPC systems are comparatively
`unlimited in number and physical location, the security
`model utilized by the ezHPC project will not discuss
`security practices exercised by administrators of the
`systems to which ezHPC will connect beyond that already
`discussed above.
` However, the design of ezHPC
`introduces a well-defined interface between the client and
`the HPC system that adds an additional layer of protection
`to both. The design of the API lowers the number of
`potential attack vectors between the client and the HPC
`system. A client does not have a terminal session
`established to an HPC resource, so the compromise of a
`client system does not directly expose an existing, already
`authenticated connection to the attacker. Authentication
`credentials may be stolen by an attacker to be used for an
`HPC system compromise attempt, but the use of short-
`lived credentials limits even further this window of
`After discussing the critical prerequisites of host
`security applied to all components, the next area of
`exploitation are
`the communications between each
`component. To enforce the principles of confidentiality,
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`authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation related to
`these interactions, a number of open-source tools were
`utilized. The first target of communications exploitation
`is the connection between the ezHPC client and the
`ezHPC application Web server. The initial authentication
`is executed by the application server on behalf of the user.
`If successfully authenticated, the user is given an
`Kerberos credential, or
`ticket, and a unique user
`identification number (UID) that are both stored only in
`memory. The Kerberos ticket is wrapped in an additional
`layer of strong encryption using a secret key. Along with
`the user’s UID, this key is stored in the user’s profile in
`the database. When the client issues a service call to the
`API, the encrypted ticket and UID are included in the call.
`The API compares the UID with that stored in the
`database and tries to use the associated encryption key to
`the Kerberos
`is used
`commands to the HPC systems. If the decryption is
`successful, the request is issued to the HPC system. In
`this way, every service request includes a layer of
`authentication at
`the API
` To ensure
`confidentiality, integrity, and nonrepudiation of this
`communication between the client and Web server, the
`Hyper Text Transport Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer
`(https) was utilized. Https is syntactically identical to the
`http protocol, but
`the client/server
`performed over an encrypted Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
`protocol connection. Along with encrypting the data, the
`SSL protocol creates a type of digital signature called a
`Message Authentication Code
`cryptographic hash algorithm. The MAC value protects
`both the integrity of a message and its authenticity by
`allowing those who possess the secret key to detect any
`the message content.
` To ensure
`nonrepudiation of the sender, https also utilizes a session
`key. The client that possesses this key is presumed to be
`the legitimate originator of the message.
`During the progress of a user’s session, many queries
`to the supporting database may be made unbeknownst to
`the user. Communication between the Web server and the
`database server is tightly controlled to provide an
`acceptable level of trust. To authenticate to the database
`for each session, the application server must provide a
`single username/password combination that is changed
`manually every 60 days. This credential is stored on the
`Web server in an encrypted file readable only by the Web
`server. To certify the confidentiality and integrity of this
`interaction, an open-source tool called Stunnel was used
`in conjunction with OpenSSL. Stunnel is a program that
`provides end-to-end encryption of arbitrary Transmission
`Control Protocol (TCP) connections inside a pre-existing
`SSL tunnel. For ezHPC, Stunnel secures a non-SSL
`aware MySQL database server. A feature of Stunnel is
`that it is TCP Wrappers-aware. TCP Wrappers adds a
`layer of access control to applications using its library,
`providing source address filtering for connection requests
`sent to local server applications. Stunnel uses TCP
`Wrappers in the ezHPC project to limit connections to
`only those from the specific IP address of the Web server.
`However, IP addresses may easily be spoofed. To
`address this, a second feature of Stunnel was used; that is,
`Stunnel may be configured to request a specific Public
`Key Infrastructure certificate at connection time and
`reject the connection if the client cannot provide this
`certificate. Spoofing the IP address and foiling TCP
`Wrappers are possible, but possession of the correct
`certificate is exceedingly difficult to fake. In this way,
`nonrepudiation is ensured assuming the certificate for the
`Web server is kept secret.
`The actual database running on the database server is
`a MySQL-AB product. While the default configuration
`of this database accepts connections from any host, it was
`reconfigured to only allow connections from the local
`host. Of course, the Web server requires connections to
`the database that execute on a different physical system.
`As mentioned, Stunnel was the method used to secure the
`traffic from the Web server to the database server. The
`end of the encryption tunnel running on the database
`server receives packets from the Web server and forwards
`them to the correct port listening on the local host. This
`design makes the connection between the database
`listener and the Web server limited to the local host,
`rather than exposing the ear of the database to the world.
`This affords the favorable condition of denying all true
`external connections to the database, thus not advertising
`the listening database.
`Finally, the communication between the Web server
`and the HPC system must be addressed. The Web server
`issues service requests to the HPC systems on behalf of
`the user, via a version of Secure Shell (OpenSSH) that has
`been modified
`to accept only HPCMP Kerberos
`authentication. As stated above, Kerberos ensures the
`authentication of the user, while both Kerberos and
`transmission by using strong encryption of the commands
`issued to and responses received from the HPC systems.
`Moreover, Kerberos and OpenSSH utilize a session key to
`provide nonrepudiation of the sender and a MAC to
`ensure message integrity.
`4. Conclusion
`The proliferation of open-source software has
`significantly reduced the burden of securing projects such
`as ezHPC. The combination of open-source software
`with World Wide Web technologies encourages the
`design and creation of software that is both easy to use
`and trustworthy. Readily available, up-to-date tools such
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`as OpenSSL give the software engineer a much greater
`capability to virtually plug in confidentiality, integrity,
`and nonrepudiation. Kerberos makes industrial-strength
`authentication a low-hanging fruit. Open-source software
`has provided many of the tools that make low security-
`risk application development more a question of design
`and far less an issue of code development, even though
`excellent code implementation cannot alleviate problems
`caused by poor application design. These authors believe
`that ezHPC has provided an application design that not
`only offers a low risk profile but also gives users a
`significantly improved interface to HPCMP systems.
`ezHPC reduces the interface complexity for novice users
`and gives conveniences previously unavailable
`experienced users.
`1. Kerberos, http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/.
`2. OpenSSL, http://www.openssl.org/.
`3. Apache Web Server, http://httpd.apache.org/.
`4. MySQL, Database Server, http://dev.mysql.com/.
`5. Stunnel, http://www.stunnel.org.
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