`c12) United States Patent
`Habibi et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,095,237 B2
`Inventors: Babak Habibi, North Vancouver (CA);
`Simona Pescaru, North Vancouver
`(CA); Mohammad Sameti, Coquitlam
`(CA); Remus Florine! Boca, North
`Vancouver (CA)
`(73) Assignee: RoboticVISIONTech LLC, Great Falls,
`VA (US)
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 525 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/634,874
`(22) Filed:
`Aug. 6, 2003
`(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 348/287,
`348/291, 154, 190, 42, 94,552, 191; 901/14,
`901/17, 46--47, 6; 414/730, 737; 382/154,
`382/103, 106, 276, 293, 295, 298; 700/245-246,
`700/257-259, 253, 279; 29/407.04, 714,
`29/407.1, 702,720,218; 318/568.15, 568.13,
`318/568.16, 640
`See application file for complete search history.
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`5, 2004.
`* cited by examiner
`ABB Inc. Exhibit 1001, Page 4 of 19
`ABB Inc. v. Roboticvisiontech, Inc.
` IPR2023-01426
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 1 of 7
`US 8,095,237 B2
`(!) -LL
`ABB Inc. Exhibit 1001, Page 5 of 19
`ABB Inc. v. Roboticvisiontech, Inc.
` IPR2023-01426
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 2 of 7
`US 8,095,237 B2
`l 6
`Camera Space 26
`Tool Space 28
`-r V
`/,: u,,,,
`Training Space 32
`Robot Base Space 30
`Fig. 2
`ABB Inc. Exhibit 1001, Page 6 of 19
`ABB Inc. v. Roboticvisiontech, Inc.
` IPR2023-01426
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 3 of 7
`US 8,095,237 B2
`Camera to Tool
`~~ - " Calibration
`" ➔
`Tool /If
`Object Frame defined for each
`position in Tool Space
`Fig. 3
`~tool path memorized
`/ / at training in object frame
`/ ·- :_L-------~,
`//~ ✓ -~
`,/ ~·~-. £~-~
`Object Frame 3lf
`Object Space 3 b
`ABB Inc. Exhibit 1001, Page 7 of 19
`ABB Inc. v. Roboticvisiontech, Inc.
` IPR2023-01426
`eVtSionF'octory - Demo
`fjfe !,lode f.pgin
`D I ~ I B I 1!S I □Tlfill I l!lil ~ I l2l
`[ ~;:
`~ = ~
`? ....
`0 ....
`~ CJ.,--__ -=::::,..,---i-______ ~
`fil00001 Origin: -6♦.24, 2.19, 699.08, XAxis: -63.32, -197.81, 699.133, YAxis: 35,75, 3.65, 697.17
`T:-156.56, -82.52, 85UO. R: -0.76, o:35, -G.20
`Deviations T: -0.04, -0.01, 0.00. R: 0.00, -0.00, -0.01
`FIG. 4
`rJJ =(cid:173)
`0 ....
`d r.,;_
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`!Update 1m.1
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`I •I
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`Object hm e - - - - - - - - - ,
`ObJect Aof Heighl (mm); I 1:!5.00000J
`(ia D!Sjlley
`Origin (mm)!§:](§[] ~
`~ (mm}!2&3.00 I~~
`YAxls (mm )~~§ : : ]
`I Save gold•~ calb
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`!Version: 1.41 Product: 0021! !Operoto,
`ABB Inc. Exhibit 1001, Page 8 of 19
`ABB Inc. v. Roboticvisiontech, Inc.
` IPR2023-01426
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 5 of 7
`US 8,095,237 B2
`Calibration of the camera mounted
`on the robot arm
`Position the camera on the robot arm so it is orthogonal to the
`"Calibration Model". Define the "Training Space" for the robot aligned
`with the template used for calibration
`Compute camera intrinsic parameters and the "Camera Space->
`Training Space" transformation
`Compute "Camera Space-::> Tool Space"
`transformation using the "Camera Space->
`Training Space" transformation and inquiring
`the robot about the "Tool" position in "Training
`FIG. 5
`ABB Inc. Exhibit 1001, Page 9 of 19
`ABB Inc. v. Roboticvisiontech, Inc.
` IPR2023-01426
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 6 of 7
`US 8,095,237 B2
`Teaching The Object Features & Robot Operation
`Place the object in the "Training Space" and capture an image
`with the robot in the calibration position (where the "Camera
`Space-> Training Space" transformation was calculated)
`Select from the image at least 5 visible
`I Calculate feature 3D position in "Training Space"
`G. 6
`Define an "Object Space " aligned with the 'Training
`Space" but connected to the object and transform
`the 30 coordinates of the features in that space
`Compute the "Object Space -> Camera Space" transformation using the 30
`position of the features inside this space and the position in the image by computing
`an extrinsic calibration using the camera calibration from previous step
`Define an "Object Frame" inside "Object Space "to be used for teaching the
`robot operation path. Compute this Frame position & orientation in "Tool Space"
`using the transformation from "Object Space-> Camera Space" and "Camera
`Space-> Tool Space"
`Send the "Object Frame" to the robot and train the
`robot operation path inside this space
`ABB Inc. Exhibit 1001, Page 10 of 19
`ABB Inc. v. Roboticvisiontech, Inc.
` IPR2023-01426
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 7 of 7
`US 8,095,237 B2
`Object Positioning and Robot Guidance
`Position the robot in a predefined position above the bin
`with object.If no object is in the field of view move robot
`until an anchor feature is found in the image
`Use the position and orientation of anchor feature to
`compute the expected position of the rest of the
`features; Find the position of all the visible features in the
`With the positions· of features from the image and their
`corresponding positions in "Object Space" (calculated in the
`training session) use the camera calibration to compute the
`transformation between the "Object Space " and"Camera
`Space". Use camera extrinsic calibration.
`Use the transformation from above to calculate the
`movement of the robot to position the camera so that it
`appears orthogonal to the object- same position.as in
`training. In this way all the features will be as similar as
`possible to those at training This will make the recognition
`and positioning more accurate.
`Find "Object Space-> Camera Space" transformation the
`same way as in the previous step (using the features
`positions); Compute object frame memorized at training
`using the found transformation and "Camera Space-> Tool
`Space" transformation
`l •
`Send the computed "Object Frame" to the robot;
`Use the "Tool" position to define the frame in "Robot
`Space"; Perform the trained operatin path on the object
`inside this space
`FIG. 7
`ABB Inc. Exhibit 1001, Page 11 of 19
`ABB Inc. v. Roboticvisiontech, Inc.
` IPR2023-01426
`US 8,095,237 B2
`This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 10/153,680, filed May 24, 2002 now U.S.
`Pat. No. 6,816,755 which is pending.
`The invention relates to the field of vision guided robotics,
`and more particularly to a method and apparatus for single
`image three dimensional vision guided robotics.
`least 5 visible object features from the image; iii) creating a
`3D model of the object ("Object Model") by calculating the
`3D position of each feature relative to a coordinate system
`rigid to the object ("Object Space"); ( c) training a robot
`5 operation path by: (i) computing the "Object Space-Sensor
`Array Space" transformation using the "Object Model" and
`the positions of the features in the image; (ii) computing the
`"Object Space" position and orientation in "Robot Frame"
`using the transformation from "Object Space-Sensor Array
`Space" and "Robot-Eye Calibration"; (iii) coordinating the
`desired robot operation path with the "Object Space"; (d)
`carrying out object location and robot guidance by: (i) acquir(cid:173)
`ing and forming an image of the object using the sensor array,
`searching for and finding said at least 5 trained features; ii)
`with the positions of features in the image and the correspond-
`15 ing "Object Model" as determined in the training step, com(cid:173)
`puting the object location as the transformation between the
`"Object Space" and the "Sensor Array" and the transforma(cid:173)
`tion between the "Object Space" and "Robot Frame"; (iii)
`communicating said computed object location to the robot
`20 and modifying robot path points according to said computed
`object location.
`The invention further provides a system for carrying out the
`foregoing method.
`In drawings which illustrate a preferred embodiment of the
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a vision-guided robot;
`FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating the relative
`frames of reference for calculating the position of the object;
`FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram illustrating the calculation of
`the intended operation path on the object;
`FIG. 4 is a representation of the operator's computer screen
`for selecting reference features on the object;
`FIG. 5 is a flow chart illustrating the calibration of the
`camera mounted on the robot arm;
`FIG. 6 is a flow chart illustrating the method of teaching the
`object features and handling path; and
`FIG. 7 is a flow chart illustrating the method of object
`positioning and handling.
`Robots have long been widely used in manufacturing pro(cid:173)
`cesses for many applications. Many different types of sensors
`are used to guide robots but machine vision is increasingly
`being used to guide robots in their tasks. Typically such
`machine visio

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