`W. Choi", C. Ryu'*, and H. Kim***
`Department of Automation Engineering, Inha University
`Inchon, 402-751, Korea
`* g
`*** hikim@,inha.ac.kr
`Incorporation of various types of sensors increases the degrees
`of autonomy and intelligence of mobile robots (mobots) in
`perceiving surroundings, which at the same time imposes a large
`computational burden on data processing. The purpose of the
`research presented in this paper is to develop a low-cost multi-
`sensor system and
`incidental algorithms for autonomous
`navigation of a mobot.
`This paper proposes digital image processing schemes for map-
`building and localization of a mobot using a monocular vision
`system and a single ultrasonic sensor in indoor environments. In
`localization, the camera calibration is preceded so that the depth
`information can be acquired from the image obtained by a single
`camera. For map-building, fast and effective image processing
`techniques based on morphology are applied
`to reduce
`computational complexities.
`For preliminary experiments, we have integrated a mobot system
`whose main components are a mono-vision system, a single
`ultrasonic sensor, and a notebook PC, mounted on a mobile base.
`The proposed algorithms were implemented, and the mobot was
`able to localize itself in an allowed position error range and to
`locate dynamic obstacles moving reasonably fast inside a
`building. The overall results demonstrate the suitability of the
`proposed methods for developing autonomous service mobots in
`indoor environments.
`One of the most fundamental requirements for intelligence of
`autonomous mobots
`is the automated navigation skill of
`traveling from a current position to a goal position without
`unplanned collision. The intelligent navigation consists of three
`major components: (i) path planning where a mobot searches for
`optimal paths between the two positions based on global
`information provided by a map, (ii) collision avoidance where a
`mobot keeps itself away from unexpected obstacles using sensor
`measurements while traveling, and (iii) localization in which a
`mobot finds its position in the global coordinate system of the
`map[ 1 I.
`In particular, the exact and accurate map is essential as a model
`of environment for path planning and localization. Although the
`map can be constructed by human operators,
`it is very
`cumbersome to update the map when the map requires constant
`modification for frequently changing environment. The map-
`building is an ancillary function of a mobot constructing a digital
`map based on its sensor measurements.
`Meanwhile, the purpose of perception of autonomous mobots in
`navigation is two-fold, localization and obstacle detection. While
`active localization requires pre-known artificial landmarks[2],
`passive localization detects structural features of environment
`using various sensors. Although vision is not necessary for most
`of mobot tasks, it is desirable for unstructured environments due
`to its long-range, high resolution, and passive sensing ability[3].
`This paper presents a map-building scheme using single
`ultrasonic sensor, where an occupancy grid map is converted to a
`grayscale image and then various digital image processing
`techniques are applied to the image to extract spatial features and
`possible routes in indoor environment. It also describes simple
`but effective procedures of camera calibration and image
`processing techniques for localization using a mono-vision
`system. The localization includes a camera calibration process
`which enables the mobot to measure the range in a single image
`frame, and utilizes
`linear structural
`environment such as doors and corridor lines.
`There are two representation models of map for autonomous
`mobots, grid-based map and topological map. While grid-based
`map[4] models mobot's environment by equi-spaced grid cells
`each of which contains a degree of occupancy indicating the
`presence of obstacles in the corresponding region of the
`environment, topological map[ 11 represents environment as a
`graph where nodes correspond to distinct places such as corners
`and edges, and arcs are clear routes between pairs of nodes.
`Since both models posses orthogonal strengths and weaknesses,
`one can be supplementary to the other. This section presents a
`series of morphological image processing procedures to find an
`optimal path from an occupancy grid-based map.
`0-7803-5731-0/99/$10.00 01999 IEEE
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`RoboticVisionTech EX2007
`ABB v. RoboticVisionTech
`2.1. Building an occupancy grid-based image
`In order to acquire an occupancy grid-based map, the mobot
`repeats stop-and-go at every Im interval following the wall of
`indoor environment as shown in Fig. 1, and fires the single
`ultrasonic sensor around with the interval of 18" as depicted in
`Fig. 2 .
`represent uncertainty. This non-zero minimum value assignment
`prevents erroneous interpretation of measurements caused by
`abrupt changes of probabilities in later updating. And, the
`uniform distribution along B direction is assumed to account for
`the fact that the cells inside the beam angle of the sonar sensor
`cannot be discriminated. Fig. 3 is a 3D plot of the proposed
`probability density function for d=2m, ~,,,,~=0.4, and ad=0.2m.
`Fig. 1 . Wall-following path for map-building.
`Direction of
`sonar measurements
`4 t
` ! 7
` f
`Direction of
`mobot - *
`Fig. 2. Directions of ultrasonic sensor emasurements.
`At each range measurement d by the sonar sensor, the occupancy
`value at a grid cell (r,8), where r is the distance from the sensor
`and B is the angle from the beam direction, is given by a joint
`probability density function as following:
`(r - d ) > 30,
`The above density function is jointly formed by a Gaussian
`distribution in r direction and a uniform distribution in B
`direction, which is similar to the one proposed by Elfes[S]. The
`modification is made so that the occupancy values of the cells
`whose distance from the sensor is less than d cannot be lower
`than p,,,,,,, and those of the cells far behind d are assigned 0.5 to
`Fig. 3. 3D plot of occupancy values in grid-based map.
`Initial degrees of occupancy for cells are set to 0.5, and as the
`mobot travels and makes sonar measurements, the occupancy
`values of each cell is updated by using the Bayesian probability
`updating rule as
`where {d}, represents the set of entire measurements by the
`sonar sensor until t. The above updating rule reinforces the
`degree of occupancy at a certain grid cell from the past value
`based on the current measurement.
`the degrees of
`After completing a wall-following path,
`occupancy ranging from 0 to 1 are inverse-linearly converted to
`integers between 0 to 255 in order to visualize the occupancy
`grid map by 8bit-per-pixel gray scale image. Fig. 4 is the
`resulted image for the environment in Fig. 1, where each pixel
`has the spatial resolution of 0 . 2 5 ~ 1 by 0.25m and the darker
`pixels show more probably occupied region. Once the map is
`transformed to a 2D gray scale image (it is called occupancy
`image), various image processing methods can be applied to
`extract spatial information useful for mobot's autonomous
`navigation. In this research, some of basic functions
`morphological image processing[6] have been utilized in order
`to carry out path planning in the occupancy image.
`2.2. Morphological image processing
`technique used
`Morphological image processing
`is a
`manipulate the shape of regions of an image for aesthetic
`purposes, whose basic idea is to exploit prior knowledge of the
`shape of image distortions in order to remove these distortions.
`In the context of morphological image processing, the so-called
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox. Downloaded on December 22,2023 at 16:46:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`structuring element and the basic operators erosion and dilation
`are the focus of attention. Erosion removes pixels from region
`borders while dilation adds pixels to a border. A structuring
`element which is a mask operator of a given shape determines
`the removal or addition of pixels by being handled like an
`ordinary local operator in digital image processing.
`0 Erosion : if the whole structuring element lies inside a region,
`then set the current pixel in the output image to I.
`0 Dilation : if at least one pixel of the structuring element lies
`inside a region, then set the current pixel in the out image to 1.
`The function of each step is as following:
`i) Thresholding dichotomizes multi-level occupancy into two
`states, clear or occupied. Fig. 6 is the result of thresholding
`Fig. 4 with the threshold value of 0.5. It is easily noticeable
`that a sonar sensor gives quite amount of inconsistent readings.
`Fig. 4. Occupancy image.
`Fig. 5 shows the proposed procedure of: image processing to
`extract an optimal path of the mobot from the occupancy image
`of the environment. The operations in morphological image
`processing using the structuring element are based on the
`following rules :
`Input: Occupancy image
`8 Output: Binary image
`Fig. 6. Binary image after thresholding.
`ii) Opening removes the borders of frayed regions due to the
`incorrect sonar measurements, whose result is shown in Fig. 7.
`The borders become smooth and clear, and the regions
`corresponding to the incorrect measurements are separated
`from the target region.
`. Pixel resolution:
`n i
`Input image: 0.25x0.25m2
`Output image: 0.75x0.75m2
`.. .
`Input: Start & goal positions
`Output: Shortest path
`Fig. 5. Procedure of image processing to extract an optimal path.
`Fig. 7. Result image after opening.
`IV - 688
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`iii) Seed-filling eliminates the small blobs isolated from the
`target region.
`iv) Closing fills the gaps inside the region and along the border
`to make sure that there is no occupied cell inside the clear
`region. Fig. 8 is the result of seed-filling followed by closing.
`v) Cell-growing combines a block of 3x3 pixels into a single
`cell. The resulted image is more condensed and the spatial
`resolution is degraded but still high enough for positioning of
`the mobot whose base area is 0.75x0.75m2.
`vi) Morphological thinning extracts the Voronoi graph of the
`target region as shown in Fig. 9.
`Fig. 8. Result image after seed-filling then closing.
`Perception of environment using a mono-vision system requires
`a mathematical modeling for image projection and coordinate
`transformation. In practice, the exact mathematical modeling
`cannot be obtained because of the lack of necessary parameters.
`Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 10, 2D image does not provide
`depth information due to the projective transformation from 3D
`to 2D. Consequently, extraction of the depth from a 2D image
`can be accomplished only with a certain amount of constraints
`about environment. In this work, it is assumed that spatial
`features of environment lie on or near the floor and that the
`mono-vision system is looking at the floor with a fixed slant
`angle. This section focuses on camera calibration and image
`processing for extracting linear features for localization of the
`mobot based on a mono-vision system.
`3.1. Modeling and calibration of vision system
`In Fig. 10, a point vector w=(X,Y,Z)' in the world coordinate
`system is mapped to a pixel c=(x,y,z)'
`in the image coordinate
`system as following:
`C h = PCRpR,ReGwh
`where ch is in the homogeneous image coordinate, wh is in the
`homogeneous world coordinate, P is the projection matrix of the
`camera lens, C is the translation matrix by r, Rp R, and Re are
`the rotation matrices according to Z, X, and Y-axis by the angles
`/?, a, and 8, respectively, and G is another translation matrix by
`W,,=(X,,Y~,Z~)~. This mapping relation can be simplified as
`where k is an arbitrary constant.
`Fig. 9. Voronoi graph after morphological thinning.
`In the Voronoi graph, the pixels having more than three branches
`become the nodes, then an arc is established between a pair of
`nodes if there is no occupied cell in their connected path. Each
`arc is assigned a weight corresponding to its distance.
`Fig. 10. Geometry of a camera system.
`For the inverse-mapping from the image coordinate to the world
`IV - 689
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`coordinate, z in ch is not given. And, according to the above
`assumption, (X,Y) which represents 2D positions in the floor is
`computed while the height Z in wh is ignored. Then, the inverse-
`mapping can be written as
`L k J
`In order to find the elements of A-',
`the inverse-mapping
`relation can be also expressed in the form of
`gxX + hyX + iX - ax- by - c = 0
`f = O
`Since there are two equations with nine unknowns, at least five
`pairs of (xg) and (X,Y) can determine a unique A-'. Once
`A-' is found, (X,Y) in the world coordinate is obtained from the
`corresponding (x,y) as
`dx+ey+ f
`X =
`and Y =
`By differentiating X and Y with respect to x and y respectively,
`the spatial resolutions along both directions in the world
`coordinate are expressed as
`(ah - bg)y + (ai - cg)
`(gx + hy+ ixgx + hy + i + g )
`(eg - hd)x + (ei - h f )
`(gx+ hy + ixgx+ hy + i + h )
`The above equations predict the actual spatial resolutions along
`horizontal and vertical directions over the floor.
`A Y =
`3.2. Image processing for heading and position correction
`Mobots use odometry to acquire the relative position and
`heading from the initial position and heading. The odometry is
`an open-loop control which can not cope with the slip between
`wheels and floor. Even a slight difference in the diameters of
`wheels causes an error in heading. The position and heading
`errors by odometry accumulate as the mobot travels. Hence,
`periodical localization and correction are necessary to nullify the
`accumulated errors[7].
`Fig. 11 summarizes the procedure of localization performed in
`this research. A single frame image from the mono-vision system
`is processed to extract linear features in indoor environment such
`as edges along the floor and doors. Canny's operator[S] and
`Hough transform[9] are modified and utilized for edge detection
`and line detection, respectively. The positions of the detected
`linear features are inversely mapped from the image coordinate
`to the world coordinate by A-'. Then, the mobot's actual
`position is computed by referencing the positions of door corners
`over the floor edge, and the heading direction by the direction of
`the floor edge lines.
`The proposed method for localization is not only implemented
`but also computationally optimized to overcome the computatio-
`nal burden that is often imposed by most of digital image
`processing techniques.
`Fig. 11. Procedure of localization using mono-vision system.
`Fig. 12 shows the mobot used in the experiment. a single
`ultrasonic sensor and a mono-vision system along with a
`notebook PC are mounted on a mobile base.
`The Voronoi graph can be considered as a weighted graph where
`if there is a direct path between a pair of nodes, the weight of the
`corresponding arc is its distance, otherwise the weight is set to
`infinity. Given a start and a goal positions, a shortest path
`between them can be found by applying the Dijkstra's algorithm
`to the weighted graph. Fig. 13 is an example of path planning,
`where thin lines are direct paths among nodes. Some of them are
`passing through the obstacles. This is caused by incorrect
`reconstruction of the obstacles in the proposed image processing
`method, which needs to be corrected and fixed as a future work.
`Fig. 12. A mobot system in experiment.
`For calibrating the mono-vision system, the camera is mounted
`to look at the region of 3.2m(W) by 4.5m(L) on the floor 2m
`ahead of the mobot. The size of the corresponding image is
`480(x) by 2 2 0 0 . 26 pairs of known positions in the region are
`found and applied to the two linear equations for A-'. Using
`the least square estimation, it is uniquely determined as 1
`lV - 690
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`The position error in the inverse mapping by the above ,kl
`was 1.4cm in average with the maximum of 3.6cm, which is
`quite accurate for positioning of the mobot. It also implies that
`the mono-vision system has been properly calibrated.
`In order to verify the correctness of the predicted spatial
`resolution AX and AY derived above, they are compared with the
`actual resolutions obtained by real measurements of distance
`divided by the number of pixels. As shown in Fig 14, their
`difference was within 0.3mm.
`Experimental navigation has carried out, and the proposed
`method for localization demonstrated its usefulness by allowing
`position errors only within 4.7cm. .
`The purpose of this paper is to develop a low-cost multi-sensor
`system of a mono-vision sensor and a single ultrasonic sensor for
`autonomous navigation of a mobot in indoor environment. In
`this paper, measurements from the single sonar sensor and the
`Bayesian updating rule produce the occupancy grid-based map
`in a wall-following round trip, and then a morphological image
`processing scheme converts the occupancy image into a Voronoi
`graph of the environment. This paper also implements a camera
`calibration process by which the mobot is provided distance
`information with a mono-vision sensor.
`The effectiveness of the proposed methods for autonomous
`navigation of a service mobot is preliminarily demonstrated by
`experiments with a mobot in indoor environment. Future works
`include extending the image processing methods for a multi-
`sensor system with a stereo-vision sensor and multiple sonar
`sensors and integrating them to a service mobot.
`Fig. 13. Example of path planning.
`D. Kortenkamp and T. Weymouth, "Topological Mapping for
`Mobile Robots using a Combination of Sonar and Vision
`sensing," Proc. of 12Ih National Conference on AI, 1994, pp.
`M. Betke and L. Gurvits, "Mobile Robot Localization Using
`Landmarks," IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, Vol.
`13, NO. 2, 1997, pp. 251-263.
`[3] A. Fujimori, P.N. Nikiforuk, and M. Gupta, "Adaptive
`Navigation of Mobile Robots with Obstacle Avoidance,"
`IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 13, NO. 4,
`1997, pp. 596-602.
`[4] H. Moravec and A. Elfes, "High resolution maps from wide
`angle sonar," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on
`Robotics anddutomation, 1985, pp. 116-121.
`[5] A. Elfes, "Using occupancy grids for mobile robot perception
`and navigation," IEEE Computer, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1989, pp.
`[6] R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing,
`Addison-Wesley Co., 1993.
`[7] C. Chang and K. Song, "Environment Prediction for a
`Mobile Robot in a Dynamic Environment," IEEE Trans. on
`Robotics anddutomation, Vol. 13, No. 6, 1997, pp. 462-472.
`[8] J. Canny, "A Computational Approach to Edge Detection,"
`IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
`Vol. 8, NO. 6, 1986, pp. 679-697.
`[9] B. Burns, et. al., "Extracting Straight Lines," IEEE Trans. on
`on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 8, No. 4,
`1986, pp. 174-188.
`along the distance
`Fig. 14. Comparison of the predicted spatial resolution
`with the actual spatial resolution.
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