`Chief Manufacturing Officer – Georgia Institute of Technology
`Executive Director – Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute
`HUSCO Ramirez Distinguished Chair in Fluid Power and Motion Control
`George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Atlanta, Georgia USA
`September 18, 2023
`Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
`Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
`Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
`Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
`Mechanical Eng.
`Electrical Eng. & Comp. Sci.
`Mechanical Eng.
`Mechanical Eng.
`Chief Manufacturing
`Executive Director
`HUSCO Ramirez
`Distinguished Chair in
`Fluid Power and Motion
`Chief Manufacturing and
`Energy Officer
`Chief Manufacturing
`Officer and Senior
`Distinguished Staff
`Manufacturing Science
`Founding Division
`Assistant Director for
`Advanced Manufacturing
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Cybersecurity Manufacturing
`Innovation Institute (CyManII)
`Oak Ridge National Laboratory
`Oak Ridge National Laboratory
`(185 personnel / $200M annual budget)
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Office of Science and Technology
`Policy, Executive Office of the
`RoboticVisionTech EX2005
`ABB v. RoboticVisionTech
`Professor and BMW Chair
`of Manufacturing Emeritus
`Professor and BMW Chair
`of Manufacturing
`Director of Automotive
`Engineering Program
`Director of the Carroll A.
`Campbell Jr. Graduate
`Engineering Center
`Summer Faculty
`Associate Professor
`Special Consultant to the
`Government of Malaysia
`Associate Professor
`Assistant Professor
`Participating Guest
`Summer Faculty
`Draper Research Fellow
`Research Intern
`Research Student
`President of the United States of
`Clemson University
`Clemson University
`Clemson University - International
`Center for Automotive Research
`Clemson University - International
`Center for Automotive Research
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Sandia National Laboratories
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`United Nations Development Program
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Lawrence Livermore National
`Lawrence Livermore National
`Robotics and Assembly Systems
`Division of the C. S. Draper Laboratory
`The Timken Company
`Laboratory for Manufacturing and
`Productivity, M.I.T.
`North Manufacturing and Eng., Inc.
`Major Board / Committee Positions
`1. Member, Department of the Navy’s Science and Technology Board federal
`advisory committee
`2. President American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2023 –
`3. Member, Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration,
`Advisory (NNSA) Committee for Nuclear Security, 2023 – Present.
`4. Member, National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine,
`Laboratory Assessment Board (LAB), 2023 – present.
`5. Chief Technology Officer, National Center for Manufacturing Sciences,
`2023 – present.
`6. Member, National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine,
`National Materials and Manufacturing Board (NNMB), 2022 – present.
`7. Member, Board of Governors, Manufacturing Leadership Council, National
`Association of Manufacturers (NAM), 2022 – present.
`8. Member, National Academy of Engineering, Defense Materials,
`Manufacturing, and Infrastructure (DMMI) Standing Committee, 2021 –
`9. Board of Governors American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
`2019 – present.
`10. President –Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), 2018.
`11. Member Scientific Advisory Committee for the Oak Ridge National
`Laboratory’s Energy and Environmental Sciences Directorate, 2018 – 2019.
`12. Board of Directors – National Center for Defense Manufacturing and
`Machining (NCDMM), 2013 – present.
`13. Board of Trustees – MTConnect Institute, 2013 – present.
`14. Board of Directors –Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), 2010 –
`15. Board of Directors – National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS),
`2009 – 2012, 2013 – present.
`16. Board of Directors (Security Officer) – International TechneGroup,
`Incorporated, 2009 – 2019.
`17. President for the North American Manufacturing Research Institute of
`SME, 2007 – 2008.
`1. The Hideo Hanafusa Outstanding Investigator Award for
`International Symposium on Flexible Automation, 2022.
`2. The North American Manufacturing Research Institute of the Society of
`Manufacturing Engineers Outstanding Lifetime Service Award, 2022.
`3. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Albert M. Sargent Progress
`Award, 2021.
`4. International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) Scientist
`Medal, 2021.
`5. Elected to the National Academy of Engineering, for development and
`implementation of innovative digital manufacturing technologies and
`system architectures, 2020.
`6. The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Manufacturing Industries
`Division Board, Thatcher Brothers Prize, 2016.
`7. The Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
`Technology – Zeigler Outstanding Educator Award, 2015.
`8. The American Society of Mechanical Engineering, Swanson Federal
`Fellow, 2012.
`9. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Education Award, 2010.
`10. Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
`11. Clemson University – Frank A. Burtner Award for Excellence in
`Advising, 2007.
`12. Fellow of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2006.
`13. The Association for Manufacturing Technology, Charles F. Carter Jr.,
`Advancing Manufacturing Award, 2005.
`14. Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004.
`15. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Gustus L. Larson
`Memorial Award, 2002.
`16. Georgia Institute of Technology – Outstanding Faculty Leadership for
`the Development of Graduate Research Assistants Award, 2002.
`17. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Blackall Machine
`Tool and Gage Award, 2001.
`18. Georgia Institute of Technology – “Class of 1940 W. Howard Ector’s
`Outstanding Teacher Award,” 2000.
`19. Society of Manufacturing Engineers Philip R. Marsilius Outstanding
`Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, 1996.
`20. American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal
`Award, 1995.
`for Automotive
`International Symposium
`21. Best Paper Award,
`Technology and Automation Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 1995.
`22. National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty Fellow, one of 15
`awarded in engineering in the U.S., 1993.
`23. George Tallman Ladd Award for Excellence in Research at the Carnegie
`Institute of Technology (College of Engineering), Carnegie Mellon
`University, 1992.
`24. National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award, 1992.
`25. Brown & Sharpe Outstanding Metrology Grant Recipient of 1991.
`26. Stephen Lee Award Department of Engineering and Public Policy,
`Published Books and Parts of Books
`1. Kurfess, T.R., Handbook of Manufacturing and Automation, chapter on
`Precision Engineering, editors A. Kusiak and R. C. Dorf, pp. 345-369,
`John Wiley, New York, NY, 1994.
`2. Kurfess, T.R., Jenkins, H.E., Control Handbook, chapter on Ultra-High
`Precision Control, editor, William Levine, pp. 1386-1405, CRC Press,
`Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 1996.
`3. Kurfess, T.R., Jenkins, H.E., Control Systems Applications, chapter on
`Ultra-High Precision Control, editor, William Levine, pp. 212-231,
`CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 2000.
`4. Kurfess, T.R., Jenkins, H.E., Dorf, R.C., Computer-Aided Design,
`Engineering, and Manufacturing System Techniques and Applications,
`Manufacturing Systems Processes Vol. VI¸ chapter on Production of
`High Quality Parts by the Process of Grinding in Manufacturing
`Systems, pp. 3-1 – 3-32, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 2001.
`5. Kurfess, T.R., Mechanical System Design Handbook, chapter on
`Precision Manufacturing, editors, O. Nwokah and Y. Hurmuzlu, pp.
`151-179, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 2002.
`6. Heck, B.S., Kurfess, T.R., Mechatronics Handbook, chapter on Digital
`Signal Processing for Mechatronic Applications, pp. 29-1 – 29-19, CRC
`Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 2002.
`7. Dawson, T. G., Kurfess, T. R., Metal Cutting and High Speed
`Machining, chapter on Wear Trends of PCBN Cutting Tools in Hard
`Turning, pp. 221-231, editors D. Duidzinski, A. Molinaryu and H.
`Schulz, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York, NY, 2002.
`8. Kurfess, T. R., Nagurka, M. L., The Engineering Handbook 2nd Edition,
`chapter on Robots and Controls, pp. 176-1 – 176-15, CRC Press, Inc.,
`Boca Raton, FL, 2005.
`9. Kurfess, T. R. (Editor), Robotics and Automation Handbook, CRC
`Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 2005.
`10. Jenkins, H. E., Nagurka, M. L., Kurfess, T. R., The Electrical
`Engineering Handbook 2nd Edition, chapter on Robots Dynamics and
`Control, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, pp. 14-13 – 14-37, 2006.
`11. Kurfess, T. R., Billington, S. A., Liang, S. Y., Condition Monitoring and
`Control for Intelligent Manufacturing, chapter on Advanced Diagnostics
`and Prognostic Techniques for Rolling Element Bearings, Springer,
`London, pp. 137 – 165, 2006.
`12. Karhade, O.G., Kurfess, T. R., Micro-Manufacturing, chapter on
`Metrology, Inspection and Process Control on Micro-Scales, Wiley,
`Hoboken, NJ, pp. 71 – 96, 2011.
`13. Lynn, R., Chen, A., Locks, S., Nath, C., Kurfess, T. R., IFIP Advances
`in Information and Communication Technology, chapter on Intelligent
`and Accessible Data Flow Architectures for Manufacturing System
`Optimization, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication
`Technology, pp.27-35, 2015.
`Refereed Publications
`Journal Papers Published or Accepted
`1. Kurfess, T. R., Whitney, D. E. and Brown, M. L., “Verification of a
`Dynamic Grinding Model,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,
`Measurement, and Control, Vol. 110, No. 4, pp. 403-409, December
`2. Whitney, D. E., Edsall, A. C., Todtenkopf A. B. and Kurfess, T. R.,
`Tate, A. R., “Development and Control of an Automated Robotic Weld
`Bead Grinding System,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,
`Measurement, and Control, Vol. 112, No. 2, pp. 166-176, June 1990.
`3. Kurfess, T. R. and Nagurka, M. L., “Understanding the Root Locus
`Using Gain Plots,” IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp.
`37-40, August 1991.
`4. Nagurka, M. L. and Kurfess, T. R., “Gain and Phase Margins of SISO
`Systems from Modified Root Locus Plots,” IEEE Control Systems
`Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 123-127, June 1992.
`5. Kurfess, T. R., Whitney, D. E., “Predictive Control of a Robotic
`Grinding System,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol.
`114, pp. 412-420, November 1992.
`6. Kurfess, T. R. and Whitney, D. E., “An Analysis and Improvement of
`the Predictive Control Integrating Component,” ASME Journal of
`Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 183-
`188, March 1993.
`7. Kurfess, T. R. and Whitney, D. E., “Decoupled Control/Error Weighting
`for Predictive Control,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,
`Measurement, and Control, Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 188-193, March 1993.
`8. Kurfess, T. R. and Nagurka, M. L., “Foundations of Classical Control
`Theory with Reference to Eigenvalue Geometry,” Journal of the
`Franklin Institute, Vol. 330, No. 2, pp. 213-227, March 1993.
`9. Nagurka, M. L. and Kurfess, T. R., “An Alternate Geometric
`Perspective on MIMO Systems,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,
`Measurement, and Control, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp. 538-543, September
`10. Vasseur, H., Cagan, J. and Kurfess, T. R., “Economic Analysis of
`Quality Innovation,” Manufacturing Review, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 343-
`352, December 1993.
`11. Kurfess, T. R. and Nagurka, M. L., “Geometric Links Among Classical
`Controls Tools,” IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp.
`77-83, February 1994.
`12. Kurfess, T. R. and Nagurka, M. L., “A Geometric Representation of
`Root Sensitivity,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement,
`and Control, Vol. 116, No. 4, pp. 305-309, June 1994.
`13. Kurfess, T. R. and Banks, D. L., “Statistical Verification of Part
`Geometry,” Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 353-361, May
`14. Jenkins, H.E. Kurfess, T.R. and Dorf, R.C., “Design of a Robust
`Controller for a Grinding System,” The IEEE Transactions on Control
`Systems Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 40-49, January 1996.
`15. Banks, D. L., Kurfess, T. R., and Wolfson, L. J. “Assessing Geometric
`Conformance,” Computing Science and Statistics, 1995.
`16. Kurfess, T. R., Banks, D. L., Wolfson, L. J., “A Multivariate Statistical
`Approach to Metrology,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and
`Engineering, November 1996, Vol. 118, No l., pp. 652-657.
`17. Bittle, S. D., Kurfess, T. R., “An Active Piezoelectric Probe For
`Precision Measurement on a CMM,” Mechatronics, June, 1997, Vol. 7,
`No. 7, pp. 337-354.
`18. Jenkins, H. E., Ludwick, S. and Kurfess, T. R., “Determination of a
`Grinding Model,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement
`and Control, Vol. 119, No. 2, pp. 289-293, June 1997.
`19. Jenkins, H. E. and Kurfess, T. R., “Dynamic Stiffness Implications for
`a Multi-Axis Grinding System,” Journal of Vibration and Control,
`August 1997, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 297-313.
`20. Vasseur, H., Cagan, J. and Kurfess, T. R., “Use of a Quality Loss
`to Select Statistical Tolerances,” ASME Journal of
`Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 119, No. 3, pp. 410-416,
`August 1997.
`21. Shiroishi, J., Li, Y., Liang, S., Kurfess, T., Danyluk, S., “Bearing
`Condition Diagnostics Via Multiple Sensors,” Mechanical Systems and
`Signal Processing, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 693-705, September, 1997.
`22. Ludwick, S., Jenkins, H. E., Kurfess, T. R., “Design and
`Implementation of a Tube Wall Thickness Measurement System,”
`ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 120,
`No. 2, pp. 471-475, May 1998.
`23. Longanbach, D. L., Kurfess, T. R., “Real-Time Measurement for an
`Internal Grinding System,” Transactions of the North American
`Research Institute, Vol. 26, pp. 317-322, May 1998.
`24. Choi, W., Kurfess, T. R., “Uncertainty of Extreme Fit Evaluation for
`Three Dimensional Measurement Data Analysis,” Computer-Aided
`Design, Vol. 30, No. 7, pp. 549-557, June 1998.
`25. Gallagher, C. T., Kurfess, T. R., “Design and Implementation of a
`System for Rapid Inspection of Critical Dimensions In High Volume
`Production,” Mechatronics, Vol. 87, No. 7, pp. 413-425, June, 1998.
`26. Choi, W., Kurfess, T. R., Cagan, J., “Sampling Uncertainty in
`Coordinate Measurement Data Analysis,” The Journal of the American
`Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 153-163, July
`27. Zhang, C., Li, Y., Kurfess, T. R., Danyluk, S., and Liang, S.,
`“Minimizing the influence of Operating Condition Variations in
`Bearing Diagnostics,” International Journal of Condition Monitoring &
`Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.
`23-29, January 1999.
`28. Yang, Y., Kurfess, T. R., Liang, S. Y., and Danyluk, S., “Application of
`A Specialized Capacitance Probe in Bearing Diagnosis,” Wear, Vol.
`225-229, Part 2, pp. 1215-1221, April 1999.
`29. Jenkins, H. E. and Kurfess, T. R., “Adaptive Pole-Zero Cancellation in
`Grinding Force Control,” The IEEE Transactions on Control Systems
`Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 363-370, May 1999.
`30. Shiroishi, J., Li, Y., Liang, S., Kurfess, T., Danyluk, S., “Vibration
`Analysis for Bearing Outer Race Condition Diagnostics,” Journal of the
`Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 484-492,
`31. Choi, W., Kurfess, T. R., “Dimensional Measurement Data Analysis
`Part I, a Zone Fitting Algorithm,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing
`Science and Engineering, Vol. 121, No. 2, pp. 238-245, May 1999.
`32. Choi, W., Kurfess, T. R., “Dimensional Measurement Data Analysis
`Part II, Minimum Zone Evaluation Design,” ASME Journal of
`Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 121, No. 2, pp. 246-250,
`May 1999.
`33. Claudet, A. and Kurfess, T., “Data Reduction for Computational
`Analysis of 3D Coordinate Measurement Data,” Transactions of the
`North American Research Institute, Vol. 27, pp. 287-292, May 1999.
`34. Yang, Y., Kurfess, T.R., Liang, S., Danyluk, S., “Application of a
`Specialized Probe in Bearing Diagnosis,” Wear (225-29), pp. 1215-
`1221, 1999.
`35. Ulmer, B. C., Kurfess, T. R., “Integration of an Open Architecture
`Controller with a Diamond Turning Machine,” Mechatronics, Vol. 9,
`No. 4, pp. 349-362, June 1999.
`36. Li, Y., Billington, C., Zhang, C., Kurfess, T., Danyluk S., and Liang, S.
`Y., “Adaptive Prognostics for Rolling Element Bearing Condition,”
`Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 13(1), pp. 103-113, 1999.
`37. Li, Y., Billington, C., Zhang, C., Kurfess, T., Danyluk S., and Liang, S.
`Y., “Dynamic Prediction of Defect Propagation on Rolling Element
`Bearing,” Tribology Transactions of Society of Tribologists &
`Lubrication Engineers (STLE), Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 385-392, 1999.
`38. Zhang, C., Qiu, J., Kurfess, T. R., Danyluk, S., and Liang, S. Y., “Impact
`Dynamics Modeling of Bearing Vibration for Defect Size Estimation,”
`International Journal of Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic
`Engineering Management (COMADEM), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 37-42, July
`39. Li, Y., Kurfess, T. R., Danyluk, S., and Liang, S. Y., “Diagnostics and
`Prognostics of a Single Surface Defect on Roller Bearings,”
`International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, pp. 1173-
`1185, Vol. 214, Part 3, 2000.
`40. Dawson, T. G., Kurfess, T. R., “An Investigation of Tool Wear and
`Surface Quality in Hard Turning,” Transactions of the North American
`Research Institute, Vol. 28, pp. 215-220, May 2000.
`41. Li, Y., Kurfess, T. R., and Liang, S. Y., “Stochastic Prognostics for
`Rolling Element Bearings,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
`Academic Press, London, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 747-762, 2000.
`42. Kurfess, T. R., “Challenges and Directions for Integrating Mechatronics
`into Early Design,” International Journal of Engineering Education,
`Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 421-425, April 2001.
`43. Dawson, T. G., Kurfess, T. R., “Hard Turning, Tool Life, and Surface
`Quality,” Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 4, pp. 88-98, April
`44. Dawson, T. G., Kurfess, T. R., “Tool Life, Wear Rates, and Surface
`Quality in Hard Turning,” Transactions of the North American Research
`Institute, Vol. 29, pp. 175-182, May 2001.
`45. Claudet, A. C., Kurfess, T. R., “Face Assignment for three Dimensional
`Coordinate Measurement Data,” Transactions of the North American
`Research Institute, Vol. 29, pp. 557-562, May 2001.
`46. Longanbach, D. M., Kurfess, T. R., “In-Process Gage Frequency
`Response Measurement,” Mechatronics, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 754-757,
`June 2001.
`47. Cowan, R., Kurfess, T. R., Schertz, D., “An Adaptive Statistically Based
`Controller for Through-Feed Centerless Grinding,” ASME Journal of
`Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 123, No. 3, pp. 380-386,
`August 2001.
`48. Razavi, H. A. Kurfess, T. R., “Real-Time Control of a Reciprocating
`Surface Grinder using Unfalsification and Learning Concept,”
`International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing Vol.
`15, no. 5, pp. 503-518, August 2001.
`49. Williams, T., Ribadeneira, X, S. Billington, S. A., T. Kurfess, T. R.,
`“Rolling Element Bearing Diagnostics in Run-To-Failure Lifetime
`Testing,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Academic Press,
`London, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 979-993, 2001.
`50. Kurfess, T. R., Witzel, J. G., “Using Mechatronics in Early Design,”
`Mechatronics, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 241-249, March 2002.
`51. Dawson, T. G., Kurfess, T. R., “Experimental Results from Turning
`Hardened AISI 52100 Steel with Ceramic-Coated PCBN Cutting
`Tools,” Transactions of the North American Research Institute, Vol. 30,
`pp. 337-343, May 2002.
`52. Stone, W. L., Kurfess, T. R., “Titanium Aluminide – Thermal
`Diffusivity, Heat Capacitance, and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion as
`a Function of Temperature,” Transactions of the North American
`Research Institute, Vol. 30, pp. 417-421, May 2002.
`53. Tucker, T. M., Kurfess, T. R., “Newton Methods for Parametric Surface
`Registration: Part I: Theory,” Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 35, No. 1,
`pp. 107-113, 2003.
`54. Tucker, T. M., Kurfess, T. R., “Newton Methods for Parametric Surface
`Registration: Part II: Experimental Validation,” Computer-Aided
`Design, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 114-120, 2003.
`55. Razavi, H. A., Danyluk, S., Kurfess, T. R., “Force Control Grinding of
`Gamma Titanium Aluminide,” International Journal of Machine Tools
`& Manufacture, Vol. 43, pp. 185-191, 2003.
`56. Crudele, M., Kurfess, T. R., “Implementation of a Fast Tool Servo with
`Repetitive Control for Diamond Turning,” Mechatronics, Vol. 13, No.
`3, Pages 243-257, 2003.
`57. Razavi, H. A., Kurfess, T. R., “Detection of Wheel and Workpiece
`Contact/Release in Reciprocating Surface Grinding,” ASME Journal of
`Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 125, No. 2, pp. 394-395,
`May 2003.
`58. Kurfess, T. R., “Producing the Modern Engineer,” International Journal
`of Engineering Education, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 118-123, May 2003.
`59. Shilling, M., Kurfess, T. R., “Edge Point Extraction for Two
`Dimensional Analysis,” Transactions of the North American Research
`Institute, Vol. 31, pp. 435-441, May 2003.
`60. Kirkland, E., Kurfess, T. R., Liang, S. Y., “An Optical Coordinate
`Measuring Machine for Nanoscale Dimensional Metrology,” Journal of
`Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.
`8 No. 1, pp 39-44, January 2004.
`61. Stone, W., Kurfess, T. R., “Grinding Titanium Aluminide: An
`Investigation of Subsurface Damage,” Abrasives
`Magazine, pp. 22-26, Jan/Feb 2004.
`62. Chen, A. H., Kurfess, T. R., “Bounding Box Techniques to Initialize
`Optimization of Primitive Geometry Fitting,” Transactions of the North
`American Research Institute, Vol. 32, pp. 119-126, May 2004.
`63. Chen, A. H., Kurfess, T. R., “Bounding Box Techniques to Initialize
`Optimization of Primitive Geometry Fitting,” Journal of Manufacturing
`Systems, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 15-21, 2004 (same publication as previous
`64. Kirkland, E., Kurfess, T. R., Liang, S. Y., “A Nano Coordinate
`Measuring Machine Using Optical Auto-Focusing Probe,” International
`Journal for Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.
`11-15, 2004.
`65. Shin, D., Kurfess T. R., Three-Dimensional Metrology of Surface
`Extracted from a Cloud of Measured Points Using a New Point-to-
`Surface Assignment Method, An Application to PCB-Mounted Solder
`Pastes,” Precision Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 302-313, July 2004.
`66. Nichols, J. F., Kurfess, T. R., “Metrology of High Aspect Ratio
`MEMS,” Journal of Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 556-
`559, October 2004.
`67. Kim, B., Schmittdiel, M. C., Degertekin, F. L., Kurfess, T. R.,
`“Scanning Grating Microinterferometer for MEMS Metrology,” ASME
`Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 126 No. 4, pp.
`807-812, November 2004.
`68. Chinn, D., Ostendorp, P., Haugh, M., Kershmann, R., Kurfess, T.,
`Claudet, A., Tucker, T., “Three Dimensional Imaging of Liga-Made
`Microcomponents,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and
`Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 4, pp. 813-821, November 2004.
`69. Claudet, A. A., Kurfess, T. R., “Comparison of Three Dimensional
`Coordinate Measurement Data and CAD Models,” Nanotechnology and
`Precision Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 241-248, April 2005.
`70. Dawson, T. G., Kurfess, T. R., “Quantification of Tool Wear Using
`White Light Interferometry and Three-Dimensional Computational
`Metrology,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,
`Vol. 45, No. 4-5, pp. 591-596, April 2005.
`71. Schmittdiel, M. C., Kurfess, T. R., Degertekin, F. L., “Scanning Optical
`Microinterferometer for MEMS Metrology,” Transactions of the North
`American Research Institute, Vol. 33, pp. 97-104, May 2005.
`72. Dawson, T. G., Kurfess, T. R., “Modeling the Progression of Flank
`Wear on Uncoated and Ceramic-Coated PCBN Tools in Hard Turning,”
`ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, , Vol. 128,
`No. 1, pp. 104-109, January, 2006.
`73. Kurfess, T. R., “What can CMMs Do?” Manufacturing Engineering,
`Vol. 136, No. 3, pp. 173-184, March 2006.
`74. Krueger, K. W., Kurfess, T. R., “Bore Waviness Measurement Using an
`In-Process Gage,” Transactions of the North American Research
`Institute, Vol. 34, pp. 507-514, May 2006.
`75. Mears, L. M., Kurfess, T. R., “Application of a Linear Center
`identification Scheme to Deterministic Polar Positioning,” Transactions
`of the North American Research Institute, Vol. 34, pp. 619-625, May
`76. Chen, A. R., Kurfess, T. R., “Integrated Inspection and Process Control
`for Machining a Circular Contour on a Two-Axis Vertical Turning
`Lathe,” International Journal of Manufacturing Research, Vol. 1, No.1,
`pp. 101-117, 2006.
`77. Kurfess, T. R., “CMMs Are Key to Auto Quality” Manufacturing
`Engineering, Vol. 137, No. 3, pp. 131-140, September 2006.
`78. Tucker, T. M., Kurfess, T. R., “Point Cloud to CAD Model Registration
`Methods in Manufacturing Inspection,” ASME Journal of Computing
`and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 4, December, 2006.
`79. Kurfess, T. R., “Vision Systems: Warts and All - Vision systems do many
`things well, but be sure you understand their limitations,” Manufacturing
`Engineering, Vol 138, No. 1, January 2007.
`80. Mears, L., Kolarits, F., Thompson, M. and Kurfess, T. R., “Design of a
`Flexible Centering Tooling System,” International Journal of Computer
`Applications in Technology, pp. 52-62, Vol. 28, No. 1, January, 2007.
`81. Soa, B.S., Jung, Y.H., Kurfess, T. R., Hwang, S. M., “5-Axis Machining
`Speed Enhancement by Step Length Optimization,” Journal of
`Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 187-188, pp. 2-5, June 2007.
`82. Stone, W., Kurfess, T. R., “Grinding Titanium Aluminide – Subsurface
`Damage, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and
`Management, Vol. 12, No. 1-3, pp. 131-140, 2007.
`83. Harrison, I. S., Kurfess, T. R., Oles, E. J., Singh, P. “Inspection of White
`Layer in Hard Turned Components Using Electrochemical Methods,”
`ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 129,
`No. 2, pp. 447-452, April 2007.
`84. Mears, L. M., Kurfess, T. R., “Impulsive-Actuation Part Positioning
`Through Constrained Energy Balance Planning,” Transactions of the
`North American Research Institute, Vol. 35, pp. 521-528, May 2007.
`85. Kurfess, T. R., Tucker, T. M., Aravalli, K., Panyam, M., “GPU for
`CAD,” Computer-Aided Design & Applications, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 853-
`862, 2007.
`86. Kim, B., Degertekin, F.L., Kurfess, T. R., “Micromachined Scanning
`Grating Interferometer for Out-of-Plane Vibration Measurement of
`MEMS,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 17,
`No. 1, 17 pp. 1888-1898, 2007.
`87. Nichols, J. F., Shilling, K. M., Kurfess, T. R., “A Review of MEMS
`metrology Solutions,”
`International Journal of Manufacturing
`Technology and Management, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 344-359, March 2008.
`88. Dawson, T. G., Kurfess, T. R., “Optimisation of Cutting Conditions in
`Hard Turning using Ceramic-Coated and Uncoated PCBN Cutting
`Tools” International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and
`Management, Vol. 14, No. 3/4, pp. 448-460, June 2008.
`89. Tarbutton, J., Kurfess, T. R., “Modeling and System Identification of a
`High Precision Measurement Machine,” International Journal of
`Manufacturing Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 198-215, March 2008.
`90. Karhade, O. G., Degertekin, F. L., Kurfess, T. R., “SOI-Based Micro
`Scanning Grating Interferometer: Device Characterization, Control and
`Demonstration of Parallel Operation,” Journal of Micromechanics and
`Microengineering, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1-8, April 2008.
`91. Vaughan, J., Fortgang, J., Singhose, W., Donnell, J., Kurfess, T. R.,
`“Using Mechatronics to Teach Mechanical Design and Technical
`Communication,” Mechatronics, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 179-186, May
`92. Mears, L. M., Kurfess, T. R., “Open-Loop Velocity Planning to Mitigate
`the effect of Stiction in Pushing Positioning,” Transactions of the North
`American Research Institute, Vol. 36, pp. 301-308, May 2008.
`93. Tarbutton, J. A., Kurfess, T. R., “Auto-Tuning of a High Precision
`Measurement System,” Transactions of the North American Research
`Institute, Vol. 36, pp. 121-128, May 2008.
`94. Limroth, J. C., Tarbutton, J. A., Kurfess, T. R., “Review of Recent
`Patents Related to Graphical Embedded Programming,’’ Recent Patents
`on Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1-13, pp. 1-9, June 2008.
`95. Carter J. A., Tucker, T. M., Kurfess, T. R., “3-Axis CNC Path Planning
`Using Depth Buffer and Fragment Shader,” Computer-Aided Design &
`Applications, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 612-621, 2008.
`96. Kurfess, T. R., “Micro Metrology — Commercial Options,”
`Commercial Micro Manufacturing Magazine, Vol. 1 No. 4 pp 22 - 28 &
`41-42, August 2008.
`97. Mears, L., Falcon, J., Kurfess, T. “Real-Time Sliding Friction
`Identification and Analysis: Applications of Control,” IEEE Control
`Systems Magazine special issue on Modeling and Control of Systems
`with Friction, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp 20-28, 2008.
`98. Panyam, M., Tucker, T. M., Kurfess, T. R., “Least-Squares Fitting of
`Analytic Primitives on a GPU,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol.
`27, No. 3, pp. 130-135, July 2008.
`99. Roth, J.T., Mears, L., Djurdjanovic, D., Yang, X. and Kurfess, T. R.,
`“Quality and Inspection of Machining Operations: CMM Integration to
`the Machine Tool,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and
`Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 5, October 2009.
`100.Karhade, O. G., Degertekin, F. L., Kurfess, T. R., “Active Control of
`Grating Interferometers for Extended-Range Low-Noise Operation,”
`Optics Letters, Vol. 34, No 19, pp. 3044-3046, 2009.
`101.Molnar M.F., Bohlander R.A., Kurfess T.R., Strunk BT, Geary WJ,
`Dion G.L., Nutter P, Erevelles W.F., Harrelson R.P., Wohlers T., Fidan
`I., Rivero-Diaz IV, “Paving
`the Way Through Recognition,”
`Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 142, No. 2, pp. 16-17, February, 2009.
`102.Omar, M., Mears, M.L., Kurfess, T.R., Kiggans, R., “Organizational
`Learning in Automotive Manufacturing: A Strategic Choice,” Journal
`of Intelligent Manufacturing, 10.1007/s10845-009-0330-6, October,
`103.Karhade, O. G., Degertekin, F. L., Kurfess, T. R., “Active Control of
`Micro Interferometers for Low Noise Parallel Operation,” IEEE/ASME
`Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-8, 2010.
`104.Krueger, K. W., Kurfess, T. R., “Comparison of Correlation Methods
`for Profile Measurements,” Transactions of the North American
`Research Institute, Vol. 38, pp. 339-346, May 2010.
`105.Roth, J., Djurdjanovic, D., Yang, X., Mears, L., Kurfess, T., Quality
`and Inspection of Machining Operations: Tool Condition Monitoring,
`ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 132,
`No 4, 2009.
`106.Tarbutton, J. A., Kurfess, T. R., Tucker, T. M., “Graphics Based Path
`Planning for Multi-Axis Machine Tools,” Computer-Aided Design &
`Applications, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 612-621, 2010.
`107.M. Estrems, M., Sánchez H.T., Kurfess. T.R., C. Bunget, C. “Effects of
`Wear on Cutting Forces in End-Milling Nickel Alloy,” Advanced
`Materials Research, Vol. 498, pp. 79-84, 2012.
`108.Jones, J., Kuttolamadom, M, Mears, L., Kurfess, T.R., “Life-Cycle
`Integration of Titanium Alloys into the Automotive Segment for
`Vehicle Light-Weighting: Part I - Component Redesign, Prototyping,
`and Validation,” SAE International Journal of Materials and
`Manufacturing, April Vol. 5, No. 1 pp. 247-259, April, 2012.
`109. Jones, J., Kuttolamadom, M, Mears, L., Kurfess, T.R., “Life-Cycle
`Integration of Titanium Alloys into the Automotive Segment for
`Vehicle Light-Weighting: Part II-Component Life-Cycle Modeling and
`Cost Justification,” SAE International Journal of Materials and
`Manufacturing, April Vol. 5, No. 1 pp. 26-259, April, 2012.
`110.Kuttolamadom, M.A., Mears, Thom

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