`Volume 20, Number 5, 2018
`ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
`DOI: 10.1089/dia.2018.0106
`Glucose Sensing in the Subcutaneous Tissue:
`Attempting to Correlate the Immune Response
`with Continuous Glucose Monitoring Accuracy
`Jeffrey I Joseph, DO, Gabriella Eisler, BS, David Diaz, PhD, Abdurizzagh Khalf, PhD,
`Channy Loeum, and Marc C. Torjman, PhD
`S afe and effective blood glucose (BG) control using a
`closed-loop artificial pancreas system requires a continu-
`ous glucose monitoring (CGM) system that is reliable, accu-
`rate, timely, and easy to use.1–5 The real-world performance of
`commercial needle-type subcutaneous tissue glucose sensors
`has significantly improved over the past 20 years, due to op-
`timization of their mechanical design, porous membranes,
`enzyme electrochemistry, signal processing, automated intro-
`ducer, and method of manufacture.6–8
`Despite these technological advances, the accuracy and
`longevity of current CGM are limited due to the subcutane-
`ous tissue’s cellular and humoral immune response to glucose
`sensor insertion and maintenance.9–14 The tissue’s reaction to
`short-term sensor implantation (1–7 days), medium-term im-
`plantation (7–14 days), and long-term implantation (>14 days)
`includes tissue injury, blood–biomaterial interaction, provi-
`sional matrix formation, acute inflammation, chronic inflam-
`mation, granulation tissue development, foreign body reaction,
`and fibrosis/fibrous capsule formation.15 The duration of each
`sequence and degree of immune reaction depend upon the
`tissue type, the amount of initial tissue trauma, the bioma-
`terial’s size, shape, composition, and surface texture, addi-
`tional tissue trauma due to macro-/micromotion, chemical
`leaching, electric current leaching, and the age and immune
`competency of the individual patient.11,14–22
`Insertion of a glucose sensor’s needle and electrode
`through the epidermis and dermis into the subcutaneous tis-
`sue damages cells, connective tissue, and extracellular ma-
`trix.9,11,12 The sensor’s thin and flexible electrode remains
`within this region of subcutaneous tissue after removal of the
`introducer needle. Injured arterioles, capillaries, and ve-
`nuoles release plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and
`activated platelets into the surrounding tissue.
`Arterioles may initially constrict to limit blood loss but
`will eventually dilate to increase local blood flow for nutrient
`delivery and waste product removal. Activation of the co-
`agulation cascade and the release of cytokines cause capil-
`laries to leak protein-rich plasma into the wound that coats
`the electrode with a layer of proteins and thrombus.15 A
`chemical gradient guides the migration of acute inflamma-
`tory cells from adjacent vascular tissue to the local environ-
`ment surrounding the implanted electrode.24
`Neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages infiltrate the
`surrounding tissue and actively phagocytize bacteria, injured
`cells, and debris, and release protease enzymes and reactive
`oxygen species. Fibroblasts, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and
`mast cells also migrate from adjacent capillaries into the
`wound and secrete a wide variety of cytokines, chemokines,
`and growth factors that modulate the acute inflammatory and
`wound healing process.11,14,15,17,22–24
`Glucose sensor performance (accuracy, time lag, and sig-
`nal stability) can be highly variable for 1–12 h after insertion
`of the electrode into the subcutaneous tissue. The reasons for
`this variability are multifactorial, complex, and poorly un-
`derstood.25,26 Loss of functional capillary vessels and local
`vasoconstriction can decrease the delivery of glucose, oxy-
`gen, and other nutrients, and decrease the removal of cellular
`waste products. Injured lymphatic vessels can limit the re-
`moval of edema fluid, cellular waste products, and phago-
`cytized debris. The tissue surrounding the glucose sensor
`electrode may become acidotic due to the accumulation of
`carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and protons, an environment that
`may cause variable enzyme function (glucose oxidase/de-
`hydrogenase) or function of the electrochemistry.11,27 The
`large number and high metabolic activity of the neutrophils
`and macrophages that surround the implanted electrode may
`further decrease the local concentration of oxygen and in-
`crease interstitial fluid acidosis.
`A layer of acute inflammatory tissue (containing damaged
`cells, connective tissue, edema fluid, and immune cells) may
`surround the working electrode to become a mechanical or
`physical barrier that significantly inhibits/slows the inward
`diffusion of glucose and oxygen. Metabolically active cells
`adjacent to the electrode (red blood cells, macrophages, and
`Department of Anesthesiology, Jefferson Artificial Pancreas Center, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University,
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
`ABBOTT Exhibit 2044
`Dexcom v. Abbott Diabetes Care, IPR2023-01409


`neutrophils) actively consume glucose, significantly de-
`creasing the number of glucose molecules reaching the
`working electrode. Macrophages have been identified as the
`major cell type producing a ‘‘Cell-Based Metabolic Barrier’’
`that limits the diffusion of glucose from the adjacent inter-
`stitial fluid to the sensor’s electrodes, causing an artificially
`low sensor output signal.10,12,28 Thus, performance of an
`enzyme-based electrochemical glucose sensor may be sig-
`nificantly affected by the dynamically changing local tissue
`environment immediately adjacent to the working and ref-
`erence electrodes.16,25
`The cellular, humoral, and chemical environment sur-
`rounding a CGM electrode will start to stabilize within sev-
`eral hours and become more stable within 12 h of
`implantation, depending upon the amount of initial tissue
`trauma, ongoing tissue trauma due to body movement, and
`the degree of immune response produced by the individual
`patient. Thrombus will undergo fibrinolysis, neutrophils and
`macrophages will continue to phagocytize debris, and cap-
`illary vessels will regain their vasomotor control and no
`longer release protein-rich fluid into the wound.15,27
`Neutrophil numbers will decrease after a few days if the
`wound does not become contaminated/infected with bacteria.
`Macrophage numbers will increase over time to further
`phagocytize debris and modulate the immune response. Fi-
`broblasts will transform into myofibroblasts in 2–5 days and
`synthesize extracellular matrix and collagen with fibrils that
`may parallel the surface of the electrode in an attempt to
`confine or wall off the foreign body.19–21 A dense layer of
`macrophages may surround the electrode and combine to
`produce foreign body giant cells.15,22 A layer of inflamma-
`tory cells and fibrous tissue that becomes thick, dense, and
`continuous may significantly affect sensor performance and
`limit longevity.10,17,22 The formation of granulation tissue
`with new normally functioning capillary and lymphatic
`vessels may take several weeks to develop and probably will
`not form in the environment immediately adjacent to the
`CGM’s electrodes.29,30
`Early generation subcutaneous tissue glucose sensors were
`Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for only
`3 days of use and required frequent recalibration multiple
`times per day to maintain sufficient accuracy for real-time
`monitoring, but not good enough for dosing insulin without a
`confirmatory BG measurement. Improvements in electrode
`insertion, size, softness, flexibility, membrane biomaterial,
`and electrochemistry have decreased the degree of initial and
`ongoing tissue damage, leading to enhance sensor stability/
`These enhancements along with improvements in signal
`averaging and filtering have improved accuracy enough for
`the FDA to approve the use of real-time CGM data to dose
`insulin without requiring a confirmatory BG measurement.4–8,31
`Recent clinical trials using current CGM in closed-loop and
`hybrid closed-loop artificial pancreas systems have been
`extremely promising.1–3 Despite these advances, the accu-
`racy, lag time, reliability, longevity, and overall clinical
`performance of current commercial CGM systems are limited
`by the variable subcutaneous tissue’s immune response to
`needle/electrode insertion and maintenance.
`In a recent issue of the journal Diabetes Technology &
`Therapeutics, Rigla et al. describe a human clinical trial that
`correlated the subcutaneous tissue’s immune response with a
`metric of CGM accuracy.32 The authors should be com-
`mended for completing a systemic study in ambulatory hu-
`mans that
`included a qualitative/quantitative analysis of
`tissue histology surrounding implanted glucose sensors for
`1 and 7 days. These data are important because the number
`of CD68 positive macrophages/0.01 mm2 surrounding the
`electrodes was significantly higher in those CGM that had a
`mean absolute relative difference (MARD) >10%, whereas
`the CGM electrodes surrounded by significantly fewer mac-
`rophages had a lower MARD% (better accuracy). This as-
`sociation between macrophage location/density on CGM
`performance and other histology findings is consistent with
`prior in vitro and animal study results.
`Unfortunately, the current human study methods have
`many limitations that may seriously affect the conclusions.

`2 CGM system was used with a second-generation
`The iPro

`glucose sensor and CareLink iPro software (Med-
`tronic MiniMed, Northridge, CA) to determine MARD for
`the 7-day study.33,34 This system records sensor signals for
`6 days and requires a retrospective calibration using two
`reference BG measurements at start up and at least three
`reference BG measurements per 24 h, no longer than 12 h
`apart.35 The number of BG measurements used to calculate
`MARD was limited to one to four per day because the 12 study
`subjects self-monitored their blood glucose (SMBG) using a
`commercial glucose meter and test strips only 5.7 – 1.6 times
`per day.
`In addition, the methods do not describe which SMBG
`measurements were used for CGM calibration or used for
`calculating MARD. SMBG measurements used for calibra-
`tion should be obtained during a period of glucose stability to
`minimize calibration error.34,36 Since five of the study sub-
`jects were not diabetic and seven of the subjects had type 2
`diabetes mellitus (T2DM), the overall mean BG level was
`113 – 17 mg/dL with only an 87.6–158 mg/dL range. Dia-
`betes is known to affect the immune response to tissue injury
`and wound repair. The results do not report whether diabetes
`status affected per day MARD or histology results, and
`whether BG range or rate of change during SMBG mea-
`surements used for calibration affected MARD. A quality
`CGM accuracy study requires a much larger number of BG
`measurements per day using a reference analyzer over a
`wider range of BG values and rates of change.4,5,8,34,37–39
`Of note, the number of macrophages and tissue histology
`results obtained on day 7 were correlated with MARD results
`from CGM data recorded for the entire 7-day period. This
`correlation should have been limited to CGM data recorded
`from day 7 only or perhaps days 6 and 7 due to the dynamically
`changing environment surrounding the CGM electrodes. There
`may have been few macrophages located adjacent to the
`electrode for several days after implantation of some sensors.
`In addition, the histology analysis should have quantified the
`thickness, density, and continuity of the surrounding layer of
`inflammatory/fibrous tissue to determine whether these me-
`chanical parameters correlated with MARD.
`In conclusion, Rigla et al. successfully demonstrated a
`significant correlation between the number of macrophages
`surrounding the CGM electrodes implanted in humans for
`7 days and overall glucose sensor accuracy. These data
`support the importance of the local tissue environment im-
`mediately adjacent to the CGM electrodes on glucose sen-
`sor performance, especially the location and number of
`ABBOTT Exhibit 2044
`Dexcom v. Abbott Diabetes Care, IPR2023-01409


`metabolically active macrophages. The authors are encour-
`aged to continue this important area of research in patients
`with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and T2DM using real-
`time CGM systems over a wide range of glucose values,
`understanding the difficulty in recruiting patients scheduled
`to undergo abdominoplasty surgery. Study of the subcuta-
`neous tissue’s acute inflammatory reaction to CGM implan-
`tation over a 14-day period would facilitate the development
`of next-generation glucose sensors with enhanced accuracy
`and longevity.
`Author Disclosure Statement
`J.IJ. is a cofounder and equity owner of Capillary Biomedical,
`Inc., a company dedicated to developing glucose sensor and
`insulin delivery systems for people with diabetes mellitus. He is
`also the Chairman of Capillary Biomedical’s Scientific and
`Clinical Advisory Boards. J.IJ. is also an equity owner and
`member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Thermalin Diabetes,
`Inc., a company dedicated to developing novel insulin formu-
`lations for people with diabetes. M.C.T. is an equity owner and
`member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Capillary Biome-
`dical. Research at the Jefferson Artificial Pancreas Center related
`to insulin delivery has been funded by NIH-NIDDK, The Ju-
`venile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), Frederick Bant-
`ing Foundation, Capillary Biomedical, and Thermalin Diabetes.
`G.E., D.D., A.K., and C.L. have nothing to disclose.
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`ABBOTT Exhibit 2044
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`Address correspondence to:
`Jeffrey I Joseph, DO
`Department of Anesthesiology
`Jefferson Artificial Pancreas Center
`Sidney Kimmel Medical College
`Thomas Jefferson University
`Jefferson Alumni Hall # 565
`1020 Locust Street
`Philadelphia, PA 19107
`ABBOTT Exhibit 2044
`Dexcom v. Abbott Diabetes Care, IPR2023-01409

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