
`Dr. Eric Cole, Ph.D.
`Cybersecurity, Networking, Computer, and IT Expert
`44651 Provincetown Drive,
`Ashburn, VA 20147
`Cell Phone: (703) 909-2998
`Expert Overview
`Dr. Eric Cole, Ph.D. is a cybersecurity, networking, computer, and information technology (IT) expert
`who has built a solid reputation in the information technology industry over the last three decades. His
`educational experience includes a master’s degree in computer science from the New York Institute
`of Technology, and a doctorate in network security from Pace University. Dr. Cole’s expert involvement
`in the information technology industry is demonstrated by his appointment as the commissioner on
`cybersecurity for the 44th president, holding a position as a senior fellow at SANS, and being elected
`to the Purdue University Executive Advisory Board. The accomplishments he has earned include an
`induction into the Information Security Hall of Fame, and he has been awarded as a Cyber Wingman from
`the US Air Force. Aside from his seasoned technical expertise, he is an author of various publications,
`like his recently released book, Cyber Crisis, which debuted at #1 on the Wall Street Journal’s Best-
`Sellers List. Dr. Cole’s expertise and experience includes working with both plaintiff and defense coun-
`sel as a cybersecurity, networking, computer, and IT expert.
`Types of Cases
`As an expert witness, Dr. Cole provides valuable insights and technical expertise for several types of
`cases. Below is a list of selected, sample case types:
`• Apportionment
`Infringement & Non-Infringement
`• Validity & Invalidity
`• Trade Secrets
`• Data Breaches
`Areas of Expertise
`As an industry-recognized expert, with over 30 years of firsthand experience, he has built a solid
`background and knowledgeable insight in several areas of technology. Below is a list of selected,
`sample areas of expertise:
`• Cybersecurity
`• Networking
`• Operating Systems
`• E-Commerce
`• Web Technologies
`• Protocols and Communications
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`Professional Experience
`Secure Anchor Consulting Services: 2005-Present
`Founder and CEO
`Provides consulting services to Fortune 500, Fortune 50, financial institutions, international organiza-
`tions, and the federal government. Employs innovative technology and technical components (network
`security, network architecture, and incident response, NOC/SOC design) to provide security solutions.
`SANS (Sysadmin Audit Network Security): 1999-2019
`Director of the Cyber Defense Initiative
`Lead instructor and course developer for several security courses, including the top selling courses.
`One of the highest rated instructors and one of the few instructors teaching a variety of courses. Ex-
`ecuted and contributed to the development of several of the GIAC certifications including GIAC Cer-
`tified Security Essentials (GSEC), GIAC Certified Advanced Incident Handling Analysts (GCIH) and
`GIAC Certified Firewall Analysts (GCFW). Responsible for staying up on technology and developing
`new course material covering the state of the art in networking, information technology, and security.
`Created and led several key efforts including the Level One Notebook, Top 10/20 Vulnerability List,
`and the Cyber Defense Initiative, which included authoring the Critical Controls for Effective Cyber
`Defense. Developed business plans and created new technological initiatives. Const antly re-
`searched, assessed, and evaluated new security products and research efforts.
`STI (SANS Technology Institute): 1999-2015
`Dean of Faculty
`A member of a five-person team tasked with creating a degree-granting educational institution and
`obtaining certification from the state of Maryland. Offered two master’s degree programs focused on
`technical people needing managerial skills and managers needing technical skills. Designed and im-
`plemented curriculum and provided leadership to faculty. STI successfully received accreditation
`from the state of Maryland.
`McAfee: 2009-2011
`SVP, CTO of the Americas
`As McAfee’s visionary and evangelist, responsible for strongly influencing the company’s strategic
`and technical direction, development, and growth as the global leader in digital security solutions.
`Key leader in the execution of technology strategy for platforms, partnerships, and external relation-
`ships. Worked closely with CEO, EVP of Product Operations, and other key stakeh olders to estab-
`lish a product vision and road map to achieve McAfee’s goals and focused on identifying and captur-
`ing intellectual property and driving innovation across the company.
`Lockheed Martin: 2005-2009
`IS&GS Chief Scientist LM Senior Fellow
`The Sytex Group, Inc. (TSGI) was acquired by Lockheed Martin with a key component being the in-
`tellectual property created under the CTO leadership. Dr. Cole was selected by Lockheed Martin for
`its prestigious fellowship program, an award it makes to less than 1% of its 130,000 employees. As a
`Lockheed Martin Senior Fellow (the first Fellow within Lockheed Martin’s Information Technology Di-
`vision), he was a frequently invited speaker at a variety of conferences and security events. As Lock-
`heed Martin Chief Scientist, performed research and development to advance the state-of-the art in
`information systems security. Specialized in secure network design, perimeter defense, vulnerability
`discovery, penetration testing, and intrusion detection systems. Played a lead technical advisory role
`in many high-profile, security-focused projects for Federal clients to include civil, Intel and Depart-
`ment of Defense, including the FBI Sentinel, DHS Eagle, JPL, Hanford, and FBI IATI programs.
`The Sytex Group, Inc. (TSGI): 2001-2005
`Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
`Positioned the company to achieve corporate growth and meet financial targets by utilizing and
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`enhancing technology. Worked as an executive team member to determine and implement technical
`direction and focus of company. Experience with running projects including managing development
`efforts to exceed client requirements. Created an intellectual pro perty portfolio that included patents,
`journals, books, and white papers, resulting in an overall increase in market value and customer en-
`gagement. The efforts of the research team’s intellectual property increased advertising, market
`share and customer satisfaction through conferences, proposals, and magazine articles. Maintained
`full accountability for revenue of $55 million and was indirectly involved in revenue of over $80 mil-
`lion. Provided continuous leadership to a research team of over twenty people creating intellectual
`property that surpassed teams twenty times their size. Yearly patents were in line with the top one
`thousand producing patent companies in the United States.
`Developed and executed creative techniques for influx of technology into no n-technical business
`units to drive revenue and profit. Interfaced with government officials, including the Pentagon, The
`White House and Capitol Hill, and corporate executives to identify critical network security problems
`that needed to be addressed and researched.
`GraceIC: 2000-2001
`Chief Security Officer (CSO)
`Designed and executed strategy for establishing GraceIC as a leader in the network security arena.
`Developed the product line and built the services. Managed and directed security employees. Pro-
`vided leadership and implemented internal security infrastructure, such as secure email, proper pro-
`tection of data and security policies. Presented at national and international conferences and au-
`thored several articles. Performed and documented research into the area of future applications and
`solutions to the network security problem existing in the current market. Trained salespeople, pro-
`gram managers and engineers on how to sell, manage, and deliver security services. Maintained a
`pulse on technology in the marketplace to produce market plans.
`American Institutes for Research: 1999-2000
`Chief Information Officer (CIO)
`Brought in to fix and revamp the entire IT infrastructure based on the organization having experi-
`enced several security breaches, virus outbreaks and unreliable performance on the network. Within
`three months, stabilized the entire IT infrastructure and within nine months rebuilt the entire infra-
`structure. Designed the network to achieve a balance between functionality and security while mini-
`mizing the monetary impact to the organization. After one year, there were no severe security
`breaches, and all attempted breaches were contained prior to causing any significant monetary loss.
`Virus problems were contained and controlled, and network uptime was 99.999%. Security and per-
`formance increased while overall IT costs were reduced by 15%. In addition, provided technical sup-
`port for DARPA-sponsored research projects. Helped invent technology and innovation that lead to a
`spin-off company, Pynapse, which created a state-of-the-art intrusion detection system known as
`Checkmate that was later sold to SAIC.
`Vista Information Technologies: 1998-1999
`VP of Enterprise Security Services
`Developed the Enterprise Security Services Group and was responsible for all internal and external
`security issues. Tracked and managed separate profit and loss center for security. Grew the team
`from one person to over twelve people and executed several million in annual revenue in less than a
`year. Set up the security and other monitoring services for the NOC/SOC. Created all security ser-
`vices offerings and generated all necessary marketing and sales material. Followed and assured
`compliance with business plan and financial tracking of security group. Performed security assess-
`ments and consulted on all areas of security. Designed, implemented, and monitored security solu-
`tions including firewall design, intrusion detection, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.
`Performed evaluation and analysis of security tools and provided technical recommendations and
`product improvements for VC funded startups. Key presenter at Cisco sponsored security seminars
`around the country and performed partnership activities with Fortune 500 organizations.
`Telligent: 1996-1998
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`Director of Security
`Created and managed IT Corporate Security Department. Pivotal point of contact for all se curity con-
`cerns. Evaluated strategic plans and operational activities by performing risk assessment and deter-
`mining how it might impact corporate security. Designed security solutions to meet operational
`needs. Integrated security and helped create NOC to provide proper monitoring of network. Devel-
`oped the company’s security policy and all required security guidelines. Set up lab to accurately as-
`sess and enhance the security features of the network. Performed and executed several computer
`investigations. Assisted and advised the legal department on laws, regulations, and policies relating
`to computer and information security. Evaluated several secure email solutions and installed PGP
`company wide. Established and set up web traffic monitoring and password tracking systems.
`Central Intelligence Agency: 1991-1996
`Program Manager / Technical Director for the Internet Program Team with the Office of Technical
`A Senior Officer of the agency that implemented the Internet Program Team that specialized in rapid
`development and in exploiting the latest Internet technologies to meet customers’ requirements. The
`team designed, developed, assessed, and deployed products over three-to-six-month intervals. De-
`signed and developed several secure communication systems. Responsible for providing technical
`direction, technical design, security assessment, and programming modules. Secured internal serv-
`ers, continually performed intrusion detection, and reviewed audit logs. Performed independent se-
`curity reviews and penetration testing of Internet servers (World Wide Web) for other offices. Identi-
`fied several weaknesses and devised ways to fix those problems and secure the system. Received
`letter of appreciation from the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and six Exceptional Performance
`Computer Engineer with Office of Security
`Member of the information security assessment team. Evaluated and performed security assess-
`ment of network operating systems. Identified potential vulnerabilities and ways to secure the holes.
`Designed a large-scale auditing system with automated review capability. Worked on several virus
`Doctorate in Network Security, Pace University (2004)
`Master of Science in Computer Science, New York Institute of Technology, Honors. (1994)
`Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, New York Institute of Technology, Honors. (1993)
`Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
`Created several of the Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) programs and exams.
`Organizations / Associations
`Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
`Computer Security Institute (CSI)
`Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)
`International Computer Security Association (ICSA)
`International Who’s Who in Information Technology Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE)
`HoneyNet Project - member (by invitation only)
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`1. Eric Cole. Cyber Crisis. BenBella Books, 2021.
`2. Eric Cole. Online Danger: How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from the Evil Side of
`the Internet. Morgan James Publishing, 2018.
`3. Eric Cole. Advanced Persistent Threat: Understanding the Danger and How to Protect Your Or-
`ganization. Syngress, 2012.
`4. Eric Cole. Network Security Bible.2nd Edition. Wiley, 2009.
`5. Eric Cole, Ronald L. Krutz, James Conley, Brian Reisman, Mitch Ruebush, Dieter Gollman, and
`Rachelle Reese. Wiley Pathways Network Security Fundamentals Project Manual. Wiley, 2007.
`6. Eric Cole and Sandra Ring. Insider Threat: Protecting the Enterprise from Sabotage, Spying,
`and Theft. Syngress, 2006.
`7. Eric Cole. Hiding in Plain Sight: Steganography and the Art of Covert Communication. Wiley,
`8. Eric Cole. Hackers Beware: The Ultimate Guide to Network Security. New Riders/Sams Publish-
`ing, 2001.
`Recent Expert Witness Experience
`Optionality Consulting Pte. Ltd. v Edge Technology Group LLC, James Nekos, and John Pecoraro,
`United States District Court Southern District of New York,
`Case No. 18-cv-05393
`Provided expert report services for Defendant Edge Technology Group, LLC.
`Adventist Health System Sunbelt Healthcare Corporation v. RxCrossroads, LLC, d/b/a Covermymeds,
`LLC, United States District Court Middle District of Florida (Orlando Division),
`Case No. 6:22-cv-880-PGB-LHP
`Provided expert declaration services for plaintiff Adventist Health System Sunbelt Healthcare
`Celgard, LLC v. Shenzhen Senior Technology Material Co., et al., United States District Court Northern
`District of California,
`Case No. 19-cv-05784-JST
`Provided expert report services for plaintiff Celgard, LLC.
`K.Mizra, LLC, v. Cisco Systems, Inc., United States District Court for the Western District of Texas (Waco
` Case No. 6:20-cv-01031-ADA
`Provided expert report and deposition services for plaintiff K.Mizra LLC.
`Future Field Solutions, LLC, et al. v. Erik Van Norstrand, Circuit Court for Howard County, Maryland,
`Case No. C-13-CV-22-000581
`Provided expert report services and participated in hearing for plaintiff Future Field Solutions,
`Janssen Products, L.P. v. eVenus Pharmaceuticals Laboratories, Inc., United States District Court for the
`District of New Jersey,
`Case No. 3:20-cv-09369-ZNQ-LHG
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`Provided expert declaration services for plaintiff Janssen Products, L.P.
`In the Matter of Certain Computer Network Security Equipment and Systems, Related Software, Compo-
`nents Thereof, and Products Containing Same, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Vir-
`ginia (Norfolk Division),
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1314 (ITC).
`Provided an expert report, declaration, and testimony on behalf of plaintiff Centripetal Networks
`Virtru Corporation v. Microsoft Corporation, United States District Court for the Western District of Texas
`Waco Division,
`IPR No. IPR2023-00019
`Provided expert declaration services for plaintiff Virtru Corporation.
`Ivanti, Inc. v. Patch My PC, LLC, United States District Court for the District of Colorado,
`Case No. 1:22-cv-00643-RMR-SKC
`Provided declaration and deposition services for plaintiff Ivanti, Inc.
`Genesis 1 Oil Services, LLC v. Wismann Group LLC, United States District Court for the Central District
`of California,
`Case No. 8:20-cv-02114-SSS-ADS
`Provided expert declaration services for plaintiff Genesis 1 Oil Services LLC.
`Palantir Technologies Inc. v. Marc L. Abramowitz, United States District Court for the Northern District of
`California (San Jose Division),
`Case No. 5:19-cv-06879-BLF
`Provided expert reports, trial prep, and deposition services trade secrets (2022).
`CUPP Cybersecurity LLC, et al. v. Trend Micro, Inc., et al., United States District Court for the Northern
`District of Texas (Dallas Division),
`Case No. 3:18-cv-01251-M
`Provided expert reports and deposition services for plaintiff CUPP Cybersecurity LLC.
`Sarah Freele v. ADT, LLC, United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas (Dallas Division),
`Case No. 3:21-cv-01104-X
`Provided expert report data breach and data compromise (2021).
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Monarch Networking Solutions, LLC, United States Patent and Trademark Office,
`Case No. IPR2020-01708
`Provided expert declaration (2022).
`Sunstone Information Defense v. International Business Machines Corporation, United States District
`Court for the Western District of Texas (Waco Division),
`Case No. 6:20-cv-01033-ADA
`Provided expert reports, depositions, demonstrations, and testimony on behalf of plaintiff Sun-
`stone Information Defense (2022).
`Boston Scientific Corp., et al. v. Nevro Corp., United States District Court for the District of Delaware (Wil-
`Case No. 1:18-cv-00644-CFC-CJB
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`Provided opening report and deposition trade secrets (2018).
`Shana Doty v. ADT, LLC d/b/a ADT Security Services, United States District Court for the Southern Dis-
`trict of Florida (Fort Lauderdale Division),
`Case No. 20-cv-60972
`Provided expert witness consulting services, expert report, and deposition services on behalf of
`plaintiff Shana Doty (2020).
`United States of America v. Lucy Xi, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
`Criminal Action: 16-22-5
`Provided expert witness consulting services on behalf of defendant Lucy Xi (2021).
`Centripetal Networks, Inc. v. Lookingglass Cyber Solutions, Inc., et al., United States District Court for the
`Eastern District of Virginia (Richmond Division),
`Case No. 3:21-cv-000597
`Provided expert witness consulting services on behalf of plaintiff Centripetal Networks, Inc.
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Samsung Electronics America, Inc. v. Communication Technologies,
`Inc., United States Patent and Trademark Office,
`Docket No. 9843-0140IP1
`Provided expert declaration services for plaintiff Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
`WSOU Investments, LLC d/b/a Brazos Licensing and Development v. F5 Networks, Inc., United States
`District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria Division),
`Case No. 3:20cv724
`Provided expert reports and deposition services for plaintiff WSOU Investments.
`Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York v. Nortonlifelock, Inc., United States District Court
`for the Eastern District of Virginia (Richmond Division),
`Case No. 3:13-cv-00808
`Provided expert reports, depositions, demonstrations, and testimony on behalf of plaintiff Trus-
`tees of Columbia University in the City of New York (2022).
`Appian Corporation v. Pegasystems Inc. and Youyong Zou, Fairfax County Circuit,
`Court Case No. 2020-07216
`Provided expert reports, depositions, demonstrations, and testimony on behalf of plaintiff Appian
`Corporation (2022).
`Sprint Communications L.P. v. Charter Communications Inc., et al., United States District Court of Kansas
`(Kansas City),
`Case No. 2:20-cv-02161
`Provided expert witness consulting services on behalf of defendant Charter Communications Inc.
`Root Insurance Co. v. Genpact (UK) Ltd., JAMS Arbitration
`REF. No. 1450007525
`Provided expert reports, depositions, and arbitration support on behalf of respondent Genpact
`(UK) Ltd. (2022).
`Securities and Exchange Commission v. Zhoubin Hong, et al., United States District Court for Central
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`District of California,
`Case No. 2:20-cv-04080-MCS
`Provided expert report on behalf of the plaintiff Securities and Exchange Commission (2021).
`Synopsys, Inc. v. Risk Based Security, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
`(Richmond Division),
`Case No. 3:21-cv-00252
`Provided expert report, deposition, and demonstration on behalf of plaintiff Synopsys, Inc. (2022).
`Cox Automotive, Inc., et al. v. The Reynolds and Reynolds Company, American Arbitration Association,
`AAA Case No. 01-19-0000-4548
`Provided expert report on behalf of respondent The Reynolds and Reynolds Company (2021).
`Fortinet, Inc., v. Forescout Technologies, Inc., United States District Court for the Northern District of Cali-
`fornia (San Francisco Division),
`Case No. 3:20-cv-03343-EMC
`Provided expert declaration, expert report, and deposition services for plaintiff Fortinet, Inc.
`Bitglass, Inc. v. Netskope, Inc. et al., United States District Court for the Northern District of California
`(San Francisco Division),
`Case No. 3:20-cv-005216
`Provided expert report on behalf of plaintiff Bitglass, Inc. (2020).
`802 Systems, Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
`(Marshall Division),
`Case No. 2:20-cv-00315-JRG
`Provided expert declaration infringement and validity for plaintiff 802 Systems, Inc. (2020).
`Fourth Dimension Software v. Der Touristik Deutschland GMBH, United States District Court for the
`Northern District of California,
`Case No. 19-CV-05561-CRB
`Provided expert report and deposition services for plaintiff Fourth Dimension Software.
`Energy Intelligence Group, Inc. v. Kirby Inland Marine, L.P., United States District Court for the Southern
`District of Texas (Houston Division),
`Case No. 4:19-cv-03520
`Provided expert report and deposition services for plaintiff Energy Intelligence Group, Inc.
`Freshub, Inc., et al. v., Inc., et al., United States District Court for the Western District of
`Texas (Austin Division)
`Case No. 1:19-CV-00885-ADA
`Provided expert report, deposition, and trial testimony services on behalf of plaintiff Freshub Inc.,
`et al. (2021).
` Finjan, Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc., United States District Court for the Northern District of California,
`Case No. 5:17-cv-00072-BLF-SVK
`Provided expert report and deposition testimony on behalf of plaintiff Finjan, Inc. (2020).
`NexStep, Inc. v. Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, United States District Court for the District of Del-
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`Case No. 19-1031 (RGA)(SRF)
`Provided expert reports and deposition services to plaintiff NexStep, Inc.
`Unified Patents, Inc. v. Kioba Processing, LLC, US Patent Trial, and Appeals Board,
`Case No. IPR2020-01695
`Provided expert declaration on behalf of plaintiff Unified Patents, Inc. (2020).
`Unified Patents, LLC, v. Biometric Associates, L.P., United States Patent and Trademark Office,
`File No. 4910-101
`Provided expert declaration services for plaintiff Unified Patents, LLC.
`Mark Voelker v. BNSF Railway Company, United States District Court of Montana Missoula Division,
`Case No. 9:18-CV-00172-DLC
`Provided expert report on behalf of defendant BNSF Railway Company (2020).
`Finjan, Inc. v. Qualys, Inc, United States District Court for the Northern District of California
`Case No. 4:18-cv-07229-YGR
`Provided expert report and deposition services for plaintiff Finjan, Inc.
`BrandRep, LLC v. Ruskey, et al., Court of Chancery of The State of Delaware,
`Case No. 2018-0541-SG
`Provided expert report and deposition testimony on behalf of defendant Ruskey, et al. (2020).
`Association of Owners of Kukui Plaza v. American Savings Bank FSB, Circuit Court of the First Circuit,
`State of Hawai‘i,
`Case No. 18-1-0660-05
`Provided expert report on behalf of defendant American Savings Bank FSB (2020).
`Finjan, Inc. v. SonicWall, Inc., United States District Court for the Northern District of California
`Case No. 5:17-cv-04467-BLF
`Provided expert report and deposition services for plaintiff Finjan, Inc.
`Finjan, Inc. v. Rapid7, Inc. and Rapid7, LLC, United States District Court for the District of Delaware
`Case No. 1:18-cv-01519-MN
`Provided expert report and deposition services for plaintiff Finjan, Inc.
`Centripetal Networks, Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of
`Case No. 2:18-cv-00094
`Provided expert report, deposition testimony, and trial testimony on behalf of plaintiff Centripetal
`Networks, Inc. (2020).
`Unified Patents v. TransactionSecure, LLC, United States Patent Trial and Appeals Board,
`Case No. IPR2020-00321
`Provided written declaration on behalf of the petitioner Unified Patents (2019).
`Glenn Winder v. Marriott International, Inc., et al., Ontario Court of Superior Justice,
`Case No. CV-1800611365-00CP
`Provided written opinion on behalf of the plaintiff Glenn Winder (2019).
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`Fortinet, Inc. v. British Telecommunications Public Limited Company, United States Patent Trial, and Ap-
`peals Board,
`Case No. IPR2019-01327 and IPR 2019-01328
`Provided written declaration on behalf of the patent owner British Telecommunications (2019).
`Finjan, Inc. v. Juniper Network, Inc., United States District Court for the Northern District of California,
`Case No. 3:17cv5659
`Provided expert report, deposition testimony, and trial testimony on behalf of plaintiff Finjan, Inc.
`Vivian Deveroux V. Apple, Inc., Superior Court of the State of California County of Santa Clara,
`Case No. 1-14-cv-271773
`Provided expert report and deposition testimony on behalf of plaintiff Vivian Deveroux (2019).
`United States of America v. Shan Shi, et al., United States District Court for the District of Columbia,
`Case No. 1:17-cr-00110-CRC
`Provided trial testimony on behalf of defendant Shan Shi, et al. (2019).
`Colortokens, Inc. v. Medovich, United States District Court for the Northern District of California,
`Case No. 3:18-cv-2444
`Provided expert opinion on behalf of defendant Medovich. (2019).
`Avepoint, Inc. v. Onetrust, LLC., Patent Trial and Appeals Board, Post Grant Review,
`Case No. PGR 2018-00056
`Provided expert report on behalf of plaintiff Avepoint, Inc. (2019).
`Finjan, Inc. v. ESET, LLC, et al., United States District Court for the Southern District of California,
`Case No. 3:17-cv-0183-CAB-BGS
`Provided expert report and deposition services for plaintiff Finjan, Inc.
`Centripetal Networks, Inc. v. Keysight Technologies, United States District Court for the Eastern District of
`Case No. 2:17-cv-3836
`Provided expert report, deposition testimony, and trial testimony on behalf of plaintiff Centripetal
`Networks, Inc. (2018).
`Gubarev, et al. v. Buzzfeed, Inc., et al., United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida,
`Case No. 0:17-cv-60426
`Provided expert report on behalf of plaintiff Gubarev, et al. (2018).
`Daniel Bennett v. Lenovo (Canada), Inc., et al., Ontario Superior Court of Justice,
`Court File No. CV-15-00523714-00CP
`Provided expert consultation on behalf of plaintiff Daniel Bennett (2018).
`Finjan, Inc. v. Blue Coat Systems, Inc., United States District Court for the Northern District of California,
`Case Nos. 5:15-cv-3295; 5:13-cv-3999
`Provided expert report, deposition testimony, and trial testimony on behalf of plaintiff Finjan, Inc.
`Zscaler, Inc. v. Symantec Corporation, United States Patent Trial, and Appeals Board,
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`Case No. IPR2018-00929
`Provided written declaration on behalf of the patent owner Symantec Corporation (2018).
`YLD Limited v. The Node Firm, LLC, et al., United States District Court for the Northern District of Califor-
`nia (San Francisco),
`Case No. 3:16-cv-399
`Provided expert report and deposition testimony on behalf of defendant The Node Firm, LLC, et
`al. (2017).
`Phishme, Inc. v. Wombat Security Technologies, Inc., United States District Court of Delaware,
`Case No. 1:16-cv-403
`Provided expert report, deposition testimony, and supplemental expert report on behalf of plaintiff
`Phishme, Inc. (2017).
`Smith, et al. v. Federal Title & Escrow Company, et al., United States District Court for the District of Co-
`Case No. 1:17-cv-1580
`Provided expert opinion on behalf of plaintiff Smith, et al. (2017).
`Unified Patents, Inc. v. Universal Secure Registry, LLC, US Patent Trial, and Appeals Board,
`Case No. IPR2018-00067
`Provided expert declaration, deposition testimony, and supplemental expert declaration on behalf
`of plaintiff Unified Patents, Inc. (2017).
`BASCOM Global Internet v. AT&T Mobility, LLC, United States District Court for the Northern District of
`Case No. 3:14-cv-03942
`Provided expert report on behalf of the defendant AT&T Mobility, LLC. (2017).
`Page 11 of 11 | Current CV as of Aug. 10, 2023
`Dr. Eric Cole, Ph.D.
`American Airlines, Ex. 1007, p.11
`American Airlines v. Advanced Transactions

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