Limited-lifetime Shared-access in Mobile Systems
`Zygmunt J. Haas and Sanjoy Paul
`ATBT Bell Laboratories, Room 15G-212
`67 Whippany Road, Whippany, N J
`phone: (201) 386-6563, e-mail: haas@ustad.
`In this paper, we propose a simple access protocol to shared
`information in a mobile environment. The objective of the
`proposed scheme is to allow a specified set of users access
`to shared information and protect the confidentiality of the
`information from users outside this set. The set of users
`may be updated from time to time. In particular, the du-
`ration during which a user is allowed access to the shared
`information may be restricted. Furthermore, the informa-
`tion itself has limited lifetime and the confidentiality of the
`information has to be preserved during this lifetime only.
`The proposed access protocol is in particular suited to the
`mobile environment, because of the loose binding of the
`communicating entities.
`1 Introduction: The Problem
`In this paper, we investigate the problem of limited-lifetime
`confidential access in a mobile environment. The problem
`and the underlying set of assumptions is as follows:
`0 The information, referred to here as the secrei, confi-
`dentiality of which needs to be protected, is of limited
`lifetime. The confidentiality is to be protected during
`this lifetime only.
`0 The secret typically consists of a large amount of data.
`0 A specific set of users, referred to here as the sub-
`scribers, is allowed to access the secret. Non-subscribers
`should be prevented from accessing the secret.
`0 A user becomes a subscriber by remitting an electronic
`payment, such as charging his credit card account, for
`0 The set of subscribers may change from time to time.
`In particular, the duration during which a subscriber is
`allowed access to the secret, referred to here as the sub-
`scription period, may be restricted. The subscription
`period is also subscriber-dependent. In other words,
`the subscriber set is dynamic.
`e The number of subscribers is typically very large.
`e A subscriber is to be delivered the secret (or a portion
`of the secret) upon request.
`Our environment is that of a mobile system. In such
`a system, subscribers may be disconnected from the net-
`work frequently and for long time durations. The system
`should not incur expenditures (in transmission resources,
`for example) for disconnected users. Moreover, there is the
`underlying assumption that the communication in such a
`system may be provided, at least in part, by wireless links.
`Thus the amount of transmitted data should be minimized.
`To address the mobile environment, our protocol is based
`on the connectionless Client-Server model, loosely coupling
`the subscribers to the secret holder. Because mobile ma-
`chines are less reliable, the amount of data cached on the
`mobile is minimized. Finally, the system incurs no trans-
`mission costs for disconnected users.
`An example of an application with the above require-
`ments is the edectronic newspaper - the secret, confiden-
`tiality of which needs to be protected. In this application,
`a set of users (the subscribers) are allowed access to the
`newspaper for predetermined, by the paid subscription fee,
`length of time. Typically, a newspaper contains a large
`amount of data; a user is usually interested in a small por-
`tion of the information in the newspaper. As old news are
`of little value, confidentiality of an old newspaper edition
`need not be preserved.
`Because we do not place any restrictions on the storage
`system nor on the transmission medium, our protocol needs
`to ensure that no one can easily access the secret without
`being authorized to do so. In our example application,
`the newspaper can be stored on a public server and the
`transmission can be done over the broadcasting wireless
`We would like to emphasize that there is no need to pro-
`vide a strong crypto system, because of the limited lifetime
`of the secret. It is sufficient that the strength of the sys-
`tem is such that the anticipated time to break the secret is
`longer than the secret’s lifetime. (We refer to this property
`as weak crypto system.) Alternatively, it suffice that the
`expected expenses associated with breaking the system are
`significantly higher than the price of the subscription.
`The challenge is, thus, to propose a set of simple pro-
`tocols, capable of supporting the above assumptions. We
`have said simple, as the protocols are to be executed on
`CPU cycle-limited and storage-limited mobile machines.
`We base our protocol on ‘not-so-new’ scheme of two se-
`quential symmetric crypto systems, which is described in
`the next section. Section 3 outlines the message exchanges
`in our protocol, showing how the secret is protected from
`various attacks. In section 4, we provide some additional
`thoughts on how the interface routine, a central element
`in our protocol, can be constructed. Finally, section 5
`presents a short summary of the paper. Additional ma-
`terial can be found in [l].
`0-7803-2486-2/95 $4.00 0 1995 IEEE
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Stevens Institute of Technology. Downloaded on December 13,2022 at 19:55:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Page 1 of 5


`Figure 1: The Locker Key scheme
`Figure 2: The Locker Key scheme: basic description
`Throughout this paper we use E k ( z ) to denote informa-
`tion 3: encrypted with the key k .
`2 The Locker Key Scheme
`A brute force solution to the shared access problem pre-
`sented in the previous section is to establish a secure link
`between any subscriber and the location of the secret. This
`can be accomplished by assigning a secret key I<; to the
`user i (the key being known to the user and to the secret
`holder), so that when a user requests access to the secret,
`his identity is verified and the secret or part of the secret
`is encrypted with ICi and sent to the user. The major
`problem with this solution is that it is performed on the
`encryption-per-access basis; i.e. , each time a user requests
`access to the secret, the secret holder invokes the encryp-
`tion algorithm. This places a relatively large load on the
`secret holder, especially during peak demand times and can
`lead to slow system response. The opposite approach, in
`which “real-time” CPU cycles are “traded” for memory by
`storing (in the network or on the mobiles) a copy of the
`encrypted secret per subscriber, is prohibitively expensive
`in the amount of required storage, since the secret contains
`large amount of data, only a small portion of which will be
`accessed by a subscriber.
`Our protocol is based on a simple scheme, which we re-
`fer to here as the Locker K e y scheme. The scheme is based
`on two symmetric cryptographic systems: the master key,
`K M K , and a user specific key, I<, for user i. The idea is
`to protect the information from users outside the group by
`encrypting it with the Master Key K M K and making the
`master key available to the users within the group only.
`User i is provided with a locker (usually a buffer at the
`server, but can be anywhere in the network) in which K M K
`is placed encrypted (locked) with I<i (i.e., EK,(I<MK) is
`stored at the user i buffer). The secret is encrypted with
`I<MK and can be made publicly available. When user i
`wants to access the secret, he first retrieves the K M K from
`E K , ( X M K ) by using I<i (unlocking his locker) and then re-
`trieves the secret by using K M K . The scheme is pictorially
`depicted in Figure 1, where k1 is the user’s private key and
`I<MK is the master key.
`3 The Locker Key Scheme for
`tronic Newspaper Access
`section 1. We first present the basic scheme, and then ad-
`ditional modifications, necessary to support the required
`level of confidentiality protection.
`The basic scheme is as follows: a single copy of the news-
`paper is stored on the server!, encrypted with the master
`key, K M K . User i that wishes to purchase a current copy of
`the electronic newspaper, send.s his credit card number and
`user-generated key, K; to the server. In return, K M K is
`locked in his locker; i.e., the ke,y E K , ( K ~ ~ K ) is placed in the
`user-i buffer. When user i requests a copy of the newspaper
`or an article in the newspaper, she “opens her locker,” re-
`trieves the key K M K , and deuypts the encrypted portion
`of the newspaper.
`The exchange of information for the proposed scheme is
`shown in Figure 2 and starts with user-i subscription to the
`service by sending his ID (i.e., i), credit card number, his
`key (I<*), and current dateltime to the newspaper server,
`encrypted with t8he public k e y of the server.’ The user ID
`Throughout this paper we use the term “user” to specify
`either a human operator or an application program. The
`actual meaning will be clear from the context.
`In this section, we show how the basic Locker K e y scheme
`can be used to build a protocol that preserves limited-
`lifetime secret confidentiality in a dynamic subscriber set
`environment. To facilitate the exposition, we use the elec-
`‘Note that we assume that the server’s public key is available from
`a key registry, which is the equivalent to “yellow pages” for public key
`tronic newspaper example as the application. The reader
`cryptography and allowing secure transmission of set-up or query d a t a
`to various servers, such as newspaper, weather, stock-quotes, etc. Public
`is, however, reminded that the protocol presented here can
`key encryption is used only a t this set-up stage for secure transmission
`support any application with the requirements outlined in
`of the secret information of user i t o the server (e.g., the key K,) and to
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Stevens Institute of Technology. Downloaded on December 13,2022 at 19:55:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Page 2 of 5


`user requests first the index of the articles (which is an
`article itself), with each future access requesting a single
`article per request. Thus each newspaper article is individ-
`ually encrypted and stored on the server, allowing access
`to one article at a time.
`Note the following features of the basic protocol:
`is stored at the
`encrypted newspaper
`0 The newspaper encryption is done once (per master
`The encryption can be done “off-line” (i.e., not “real-
`time”), thus eliminating possible server congestion in-
`stances when the demand peaks.
`Even if the master key changes periodically, the server
`does not multicast the new key. As long as the lockers
`of the eligible users are modified, the users can ac-
`cess the lockers with their respective I(, and retrieve
`the new master key. Since redistribution of the often-
`changed key to inactive (e.g., disconnected) users in
`a mobile environment wastes expensive bandwidth,
`while our protocol avoids such waste through the use
`of the Locker Key mechanism, our protocol is espe-
`cially suited for the mobile environment.
`can be the mobile’s IP address, for example. Alternatively,
`it can be assigned by the server. The credit card number
`is used for billing purposes and can be the user’s account
`number, his phone number, or any other charge mecha-
`nism. Ki is the user-generated, user-specific key that will
`be used to encrypt the communication between the server
`and user-i. (In general, the key Ki could be user’s credit
`card number. However, to allow more flexibility and to im-
`prove the security level of the scheme, the two parameters
`are separated here.)
`The date/time2 in the subscription message is the date/time
`on the mobile machine when the subscription message is
`generated and is used to protect against retransmission at-
`tack or network packet duplication. It is assumed that the
`timers of the server and the user are very loosely synchro-
`nized. (For example, synchronization within 15-30 minutes
`are sufficient.) Received subscription message will be ex-
`ecuted only if there is no current subscription under the
`same billing account and if the following holds:
`JTimemessage - Timeserve,I Limit,
`where Timemessage and Timeseroe, are the date/time field
`from the subscription message and the date/time at the
`server when the subscription message is received, respec-
`tively. The Limit is the allowable missynchronization be-
`tween the mobile’s and the server’s timers in addition to
`the maximum network delay.
`If a subscription message is lost, the user times out and
`resends its subscription message. It the lost message reap-
`pears at the server, because of condition (1) only one of the
`subscription messages is executed and the other is ignored.
`The server can, optionally, confirm the subscription. When
`a user requests newspaper data, he sends to the server his
`ID (i) with the description of the requested data (data-
`descriptors), which can be optionally encrypted with K,for
`privacy (i.e., if a user does not want others to know what
`data he is accessing, the data-descriptors may be encrypted).
`The server responds by sending the current K M K encrypted
`with K i and the requested newspaper data, encrypted with
`KMK. A similar mechanism used in the subscription pro-
`cess to avoid retransmission attack or network packet du-
`plication could also be used in every data request message.
`However, we note that the consequences of retransmission
`attacks or packet duplication in data request messages are
`not as severe as in the subscription case, since in the former
`the result is only that protected data will be retransmitted,
`while in the latter a user may be charged several times for
`the same subscription.
`The server may periodically re-encrypt the newspaper
`with a new master key, K M K , and place this new key in
`all the eligible lockers. When a user’s access permission
`expires, his locker is not reloaded with the new master key.
`We assume that, since the newspaper contains rather a
`large amount of data, users requests are article-based; i.e.,
`The basic scheme, as described here, is susceptible to
`fraud by malicious subscribers, because they can distribute
`one or more of the following pieces of information to non-
`subscribers, breaking the confidentiality of the system: ICi,
`K M K , and the newspaper itself. Note that since the autho-
`rized user i has access to Kj, K M K , and EKMK(newspaper),
`he can retrieve the newspaper and distribute it to an unau-
`thorized user j . Alternatively, if the newspaper contains a
`large amount of data, which is impractical or costly to de-
`crypt and distribute in its entirety, user i may choose to
`hand only K M K to user j. User j can tap a newspaper ar-
`ticle when it is send to another user and decrypt the article
`using his (illegal) knowledge of K M K . Furthermore, user
`j can now impersonate user i by requesting a newspaper
`article from the server. Some limited protection against
`distribution of K M K is provided by changing the master
`key frequently. In that case, user j, who has obtained
`an old master key from user i, will not be able to read
`the newspaper, because the newspaper is now encrypted
`with a new master key. This, of course, might not prevent
`a malicious user from periodically, possibly automatically,
`retrieving and rebroadcasting the value of K M K .
`The periodical change of ICMK requires user i to fre-
`quently re-distribute the new K M K to user j. Instead, user
`i can hand to user j his private key, K i , allowing user j
`to fully ”impersonate” user i (i.e., accessing user-i locker).
`All the above scenarios compromise the confidentiality of
`the system.
`In the modified version of the basic protocol, the above
`fraudulent behaviors are prevented by restricting the users
`from having direct access to the server. This is accom-
`plished by introducing the notion of the interface routine.
`The interface routine is a (relatively short) software pro-
`gram, which is sent as an object code to the user as part of
`hide the identity of the user. In all other cases, symmetric cryptography
`is used.
`*It is assumed that all the dates and times are adjusted to one standard
`time, EST, for example.
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Stevens Institute of Technology. Downloaded on December 13,2022 at 19:55:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Page 3 of 5


`4’‘ --‘I-----
`RSA(i, credit card#, Kiy datdtime)
`the subscription process (see Figure 3).3 The interface rou-
`tine provides a means for the user’s machine to access the
`server, in such a way that the value of the K M K is hidden
`from the user, thus preventing the user from distributing
`the ICMK or from decrypting and distributing the news-
`paper. The routine can be considered as an extension of
`the server, remotely executing on the user’s hardware. To
`access the newspaper, user simply executes the interface
`routine, which fetches EK,(ICMK) from the server trans-
`parently to the user. The routine should also provide a
`Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the user. All the oper-
`ation of the routine is automatic, hiding the (anyway low)
`complexity of the protocol. It is emphasized that usage of
`the interface routine does not complicate the access, but ac-
`tually simplifies the access procedure. (In fact, GUI would
`be most probably provided anyway to the subscribers).
`When user requests the newspaper article, the interface
`routine retrieves from the server the E K ~ ( K M K ) together
`with the encrypted portion of the requested article. The
`routine, then, uses the user’s ICi to decrypt the master
`key, which is in turn used to decrypt the newspaper. The
`cleartext is then handed to the user’s program or displayed
`on his screen (through the GUI, for example). Thus, all
`communication between the user is with the routine and
`not with the server directly.
`The fact that a user knows her Ki allows her to intercept
`the communication between the routine and the network,
`to retrieve E K , ( K M K ) , and to obtain the K M K , bypassing
`the routine all together. This problem can be eliminated
`by creating I(; from two components: one supplied by the
`user, KY, and one supplied by the server, Kf . ICi is then
`3There may be some concern of running a code provided by the ser-
`vice provider on users’ machine. Firstly, we point out that this is not
`a new approach; the Intelligent Agents (e.g., General Magic Telescript
`Language) are designed t o move within the network and be executed on
`users’ machine. Secondly, a limited shell may be created on the users’
`machine, restricting the operation of such code.
`Figure 4: Modification to protect against user’s intercep-
`computed by the server and the routine, for example as:
`Ir‘i = ICY @ K f . This change is depicted in Figure 4. The
`server-supplied IC! is hidden in the routine; thus I<i is not
`known to the user. Now, even if a user intercepts the com-
`munication between the server and the routine, she cannot
`retrieve K M K , because Ki is not known to her. The rou-
`tine can be sent to the user in the clear, because nobody
`other than the specific user cain provide K: to the routine
`to compute Ki that is required for the routine to operate.
`A dishonest user i still can transmit a copy of his routine
`to an unauthorized user j , which can use the routine to ac-
`cess the newspaper. Note that user i needs to supply user
`j with his (secret) key I/?. User j can then invoke the rou-
`tine and supply Ir‘Y to the routine to read the newspaper.
`We suggest the following two solutions to the problem:
`Prevention by apprehension: Similarly to [2], the in-
`terface routine, when invoked using correct I<?, allows
`access to the original useit’s billing information (e.g.,
`his credit card number), by flashing the billing infor-
`mation of the original (legal) user on the screen, for
`example. In that case, the original user i may be re-
`luctant to give it away.
`Charge per-access: In this approach, in addition to the
`subscription, a user may be charged small fee on the
`per-access basis. Alternatively, the initial subscription
`fee allows some limited number of accesses. In this
`way, the original user that hands his routine to another
`user will be charged (or effectively charged) for the
`other user’s accesses.
`Finally, we note that another form of fraudulent behavior
`is to redirect the routine output to a file (e.g., as bit-map)
`and distribute the file to unauthorized users. Protection
`against such behavior falls undier the category of electronic
`marking for copyright protectiion and is beyond the scope
`of this work. An interested reader is referred to [3] and [2]
`for more details.
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Stevens Institute of Technology. Downloaded on December 13,2022 at 19:55:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Page 4 of 5


`4 The Security of the Interface
`The scheme presented in this work relies on the fact that
`the interface routine is made relatively difficult in the weak
`security sense to tamper with, so that it can hide the val-
`ues of the keys. Additionally, it should be impossible for
`anyone to write his own version of the routine, without the
`forgery being prevented (or at least detected) by the server.
`(See also [3] and [2].) We present here some thoughts on
`the design of the interface routine. Interested reader should
`also examine current literature on software copyright.
`One way of ensuring the security of the interface routine
`is to have “customized” routine structure. The objective is
`to make automatic retrieval of data from the routine code
`impossible and manual retrieval much more expensive (in
`time, in the required resources, etc) than the price of a sin-
`gle newspaper’s edition. In particular, reverse engineering
`(i.e., disassembly of the code) should be made considerably
`more difficult, requiring “manual” processing. Customiza-
`tion of the routine may, for example, involve changing the
`location of the keys within the routine’s code or within the
`run-time memory, changing the data flow of the routine’s
`execution, adding extra commands, etc. Furthermore, the
`routine should be often re-distributed; for example, with
`every new newspaper edition. Thus, an attempt to dis-
`assemble the routine code will allow the offender to gain
`illegal access only to that edition and assuming that the
`cost involved in disassemblying the code is much higher
`than the price of access to a single edition, an attempt to
`illegaly access the routine will not pay off.
`Specifically, we would like to address the issue of cus-
`tomizing the routine’s execution flow. Random interleav-
`ing data and executable code may prevent automatical dis-
`assembly of the code. Changing this interleaving pattern
`frequently (i.e., with every routine’s edition) will require
`the offender to understand the flow of the code and man-
`ually decode it each time. This approach may be partic-
`ularly effective, if the hidden keys can be translated into
`meaningful machine language instructions. Then, the key
`location is randomly moved within the machine code of the
`routine. Furthermore, indirect reference to the location of
`a key will require the intruder to closely follow the code
`execution flow to determine this location. The key to se-
`curity of the routine is in the “randomness” of the routine
`structure. In other words, the number of possible routine
`structures should be so large, that it would be prohibitively
`expensive for an intruder to collect all possible versions of
`the routine. For example, this can be achieved by dividing
`the code into a large number of small modules and ran-
`domly shuffling the modules and the locations of the keys.
`For examples of hiding the keys within the routine code see
`5 Summary
`We have proposed a simple protocol that provides con-
`fidential access to a limited-lifetime information in a mo-
`bile environment. An illustrative example of an application
`demonstrating our underlying assumptions is the electronic
`newspaper. In this application, a large number of users
`subscribe to the service, which allow them to access the
`large amount of data that the newspaper contains. The set
`of subscribers, as well as their subscription period change
`dynamically. Because the confidentiality of the informa-
`tion needs to be preserved during limited lifetime only and
`because of the relatively low cost of subscription, the pro-
`tocol needs to provide only, what we call, weak-security
`level; i.e., an attempt to break it requires longer than the
`limited-lifetime or is more expensive than the subscription
`Our protocol is based on a simple scheme, which we re-
`fer to here as the Locker Key scheme. In this scheme, the
`secret is encrypted by a master key and stored once on a
`central server. The master key, whose size is significantly
`smaller than the size of the secret, is then multiply en-
`crypted by a subscriber-specific key.
`Performance analysis of the scheme indicates that, with
`reasonable parameter values, the gain in access time is re-
`duced two to three orders of magnitude. The server load
`is also considerably reduced. We envision that, with the
`proliferation of mobile multi-media services, this scheme
`may be of particular interest, finding applicability for vari-
`ous applications with similar requirements as the ones pre-
`sented here.
`6 Acknowledgement
`We would like to thank Michael Reiter and Thomas Woo
`for commenting on an earlier version of the paper.
`[l] Z. J. Haas and S. Paul, “Limited-lifetime Shared-
`Access in Mobile Systems,” to appear in ACM Wire-
`less Networks Journal, 1995.
`[2] A. Choudhury, N. Maxemchuk, S. Paul, and
`H. Schulzrinne, “Copyright Protection for Electronic
`Publishing over Computer Networks”, submitted for
`[3] J . T. Brassil, S. Low, N. F. Maxemchuk, and
`L. O’Gorman, “Electronic Marking and Identification
`Techniques to Discourage Document Copying,’’ Info-
`com’94, pp. 1278-1287, Toronto, Canada, June 14-16,
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Stevens Institute of Technology. Downloaded on December 13,2022 at 19:55:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Page 5 of 5

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