` Communications, Inc.
`11 IIK!J[]~II I I
`® Signaling Products
`Price List
`Effective April 1, 2003
`Represented by:
`The C-6200 VoIP dispatch console is a multi-line full featured desktop console compatible
`with conventional radio system using the industry standard sequential high level guard tone
`formats such as Motorola or M/A Com tone-remote consoles, and Vega C-2000, C-2002,
`C-1610, C-1616, and C-6124 Series tone-remote consoles and 223 series radio tone adapters.
`C-6200 VoIP dispatch Console and IP-223 adapter panel
`The C-6200 VoIP console will accommodate up to eighteen (2 or 4-wire) radio
`circuits. The C-6200 is programmed via the Ethernet port on the back of the
`console using your Web Browser on your computer. Programming cable is
`included with purchase.
` NOTE: Line cards are not included (see pricing below)
`Dual line card for the C-6200 console
`Software console for control of six channels
`Software console for control of twelve channels
`Software console for control of eighteen channels
`Dual IP remote adapter panel
` Shelf for mounting the IP-223 into a 19 inch rack application (supports two
`Handset option for IP-223 (no Hookswitch or cradle required)
`A microphone is not included with the above pricing
`please select a microphone from the list below
`Gooseneck microphone
`Desk microphone
`Handset with cradle
`Lightweight, operator-style headset with PTT switch and HB-2 adapter
`Adapter (dual ¼ inch to modular) box for headset (not included), with volume
`control and supervisory jack
`List Price
` 6,000.00
` 1,659.00
` 2,159.00
` 2,659.00
` 1,500.00
`Prices effective April 1, 2003
`Page 1 of 8
`Motorola Solutions, Inc., Ex1025, p. 1
`The following DSP-223, TRA-223 and 1223C radio tone adapters are compatible with
`industry standard sequential high level guard tone formats such as Motorola or M/A Com
`tone-remote consoles, and all Vega Series tone-remote consoles.
`DSP-223 and TRA-223 Tone-Remote Station Adapters
`The DSP-223 is a (digital signal processor based) encased tone remote station
`panel with PTT, Monitor, F1-F99. Requires a programming kit and cable
`assembly (see below)
`DSP223PRG Programming Kit for the DSP-223 adapter panel consists of a software diskette
`and a cable interface.
`The TRA-223 tone adapter provides PTT and monitor function only, on one
`operating frequency.
`Handset option (no Hookswitch or cradle required)
` Shelf for mounting the DSP-223 / TRA-223 into a 19 inch rack application
`(supports two DSP-223 / TRA-223)
`Power Supply for DSP-223 / TRA-223 adapter panel
`Transformer for 600-ohm balanced transmit and receive audio to and from the
`radio. Used only on the TRA-223 and 1223C, not required for DSP-223
`List Price
`List Price
`1223 Tone-Remote Station Adapter
`The basic 1223C board provides PTT and monitor function only, on one operating frequency.
`A Model 1224 board is added to the 1223C for every four frequencies
`PC board (no panel); PTT/monitor only; 2-wire (half-duplex) or 4-wire (half-duplex
`or full-duplex)
`Four-frequency expansion PC board
`Lightning-protector option for 1223C
`Transformer option for 600-ohm balanced transmit and receive audio to and from
`radio. Used only on the TRA-223 and 1223C, not required for DSP-223
`DC Adapters
`Active unencased single-frequency dc-remote station adapter with bi-directional
`amplification and solid-state sensing. Accepts +6 mA or +9 mA to +15 mA PTT
`current levels, and -2.5 mA or -6 mA monitor current levels
`Active unencased two-frequency/PTT/monitor dc-remote station adapter with bi-
`directional amplification and solid-state sensing. Programmable. Accommodates
`virtually all dc current programming formats.
`List Price
`Page 2 of 8
`Prices effective April 1, 2003
`Motorola Solutions, Inc., Ex1025, p. 2
`C-2000 SF
`2000 Series Tone-Remote Control Radio Consoles
`C-2000 HS Handset, single-line tone-remote console. Includes two-way compression, intercom,
`PTT, monitor, F1-F99 select, and notch filter. 2- or 4-wire and with local control
`relay closure. Generates industry-standard sequential tone format. Compatible with
`223 series station panels The C-2000 is also programmable to generate the 2300-Hz
`PTT with no function tone, for use in air-transportation industry.
`Dispatcher-style version of C-2000 HS, includes a panel microphone, Note: does
`not include the optional desktop-microphone
`Single Frequency Telephone console used in emergency services ring down circuit
`C-2002 HS Handset, two-line tone-remote console. Includes two-way compression, intercom,
`PTT, monitor, F1-F99 select, and notch filter. 2- or 4-wire and with local control
`relay closure. Generates industry-standard sequential tone format. Compatible
`with 223 series station panels The C-2002 is also programmable to generate the
`2300-Hz PTT with no function tone, for use in air-transportation industry.
`Dispatcher-style version of C-2002 HS, includes a panel microphone, Note: does
`not include the optional desktop-microphone.
`Wall mount kit for C-2000 and C-2002 console
`C-1616 Series Tone-Remote Radio Control Consoles
`Compact desktop dispatcher-style two-line/sixteen-frequency tone-remote console
`with line-activity monitor and two volume controls for selected and summed
`unselected audio.
`Same as above, but with four-lines
`Same as above, but with six-lines
`C-1616-2R Two-line 19 inch rack mount console
`C-1616-4R Four-line 19 inch rack mount console
`C-1616-6R Six-line 19 inch rack mount console
`C-1610-CARD Dual tone line module for upgrading a C-1610 and C-1616-2 / 4 console.
`The DTLM allows for additional two lines.
`A microphone is not included in the above pricing; please select a microphone
`from the list below.
`Desktop Microphone option for both C-2000 and C-1610/C-1616 Console
`Footswitch Option for both C-2000 and C-1610/C-1616
`Adapter (dual 1/4-inch to modular) box for headset (not included), with volume
`control and supervisory monitor jack
`Lightweight, operator-style headset with PTT switch and HB-2 adapter
`Handset with cradle (used on the C-1610/C-1616 desktop console)
`Gooseneck microphone (used on C-1610/C-1616 desktop console)
`EGM-40Q« Gooseneck microphone for the C-1610R/C-1616R Rack mount console
`Replacement Power supply for C-2000
`Replacement Power supply for C-1610/C-1616
`List Price
` 1,119.00
` 1,161.00
` 1,117.00
`List Price
` 1,662.00
` 2,054.00
` 2,423.00
` 2,998.00
` 3,357.00
` 3,716.00
`Prices effective April 1, 2003
`Page 3 of 8
`Motorola Solutions, Inc., Ex1025, p. 3
`500 Series Dial-Up Remote Console and Panel
`Dial-up remote control console. Uses special secure tone format to control RP-251
`remote station panel over US public switched telephone network
`Dial-up remote station panel with up to 99 addresses and remote programming
`capability. Controlled by C-550 console over US public switched telephone network
`DTMF-12« 12-button DTMF-pad encoder for C-550 console (installed)
`DTMF-12M«12-button DTMF-pad encoder with 25 memories for C-550 console (installed)
`« indicates non-Vega-manufactured product; original manufacturer's warranty will apply.
`330 Tone Notch Filter
`Tone notch filter (Standard frequency of 2175HZ)
`NON STANDARD Tone notch filter (specify frequency)
`List Price
`List Price
` List Price
`200 Series Cards and Cages
`19-inch rack-mounting frame with front cover and 115-Vac power supply. Holds up
`to 10 plug-in assemblies and 10 TB-10 terminal blocks. Sockets, terminal blocks,
`and wiring not included
`Same as 211-PS without power supply
`Top or bottom cover for 211 Series panel
`Compact case. Holds two plug-in assemblies and one TB-10 terminal block. Sockets,
`terminal block, and wiring not included
`19-inch rack mounting enclosed case. Only 1.75 in high. Holds three plug-in
`assemblies and three TB-10 terminal blocks. Sockets, terminal blocks, and wiring
`not included
`10-position terminal-block kit for 211, P-217, and P-218, with hardware
`22-pin connector kit for 211, P-217, and P-218; includes 2 guides
`44-pin connector kit for 211, P-217, and P-218; includes 2 guides
`Extender card for 211 Series panel
`Tone decoder with notch filter, adjustable on- and off-delay times, transformer input,
`and JK-22 connector kit; 2175 Hz stock frequency
`Four-wire to four-wire dual transformer card; includes JK-22 connector kit
`Two-wire to four-wire single hybrid card; includes JK-22 connector kit
`Universal mounting card for small modules. Provides plug-in compatibility to 211
`panel. Includes JK-22 connector kit
`Page 4 of 8
`Prices effective April 1, 2003
`Motorola Solutions, Inc., Ex1025, p. 4
`200 Series Cards continued
`Dual version of L-351; includes four transformers and JK-22 connector kit
`Summing line-driver amplifier for use with E-509; includes JK-22 connector kit
`Sequential tone generator card. Provides Motorola/M/A /Com tone-remote control
`format. Includes JK-22 connector kit
`Relay module; provides four relay outputs (DPDT) and four open-collector outputs.
`Includes JK-44 connector kit
`DTMF message decoder; 1-5 digits; includes JK-22 connector kit
`Blank card for custom circuits (has solder pads for installing components). Includes
`JK-44 connector kit
`† Next to price indicates programming or tuning charge
`Wiring Charges
`211 Cards and panels prices do not include wiring charges.
`"Telco" Type Panels and Accessories
`19-inch L x 6-inch H rack mounting "telco" type frame, similar to (or same as)
`Tellabs Type 10 or Dantel or Wescom Type 400 panel. Holds up to 12 plug-in
`assemblies. Includes 12 wire wrap sockets. Wiring not included.
`Same as above except a panel is hinged to the back of the 1211. The panel comes
`with one wire wrap terminal strip, but will accommodate up to ten-wire wrap terminal
`strips for ease in connections. Wiring not included
`List Price
` 342.00†
`List Price
`477-0101 Wire wrap terminal strip
`Extender card for the 1211 panel
`Back plane PC assembly for the model 1505 cards, brings three of the connector
`inputs and outputs into one Centronics 25 pair connector.
`List Price
`System Modules for "Telco" Type 10 or Type 400 Panels
`NOTE: The following modules plug into "telco" type card shelves, such as the Vega Model 1211,
`Tellabs Type 10, or Dantel or Wescom Type 400. Connectors are typically preinstalled in the card
`shelf and, therefore, are not included with modules. Typical operating voltages are +11 Vdc to +16
`Audio mixer/line driver.
`Sequential tone generator card. Provides Motorola/M/A Com tone- remote control
`format. Frequencies F-1 through F12, settable to sequence two function tones if
`Audio processor module (similar to console functions).
`Octal relay module. Eight 2PDT relays with active control circuitry. Front-panel
`indication of activated relays.
`Universal mounting card for Type 10 chassis
`Prices effective April 1, 2003
`Page 5 of 8
`Motorola Solutions, Inc., Ex1025, p. 5
`C-6124 multi-Radio and Telephone line console with crosspatch
`C-6124 Control Consoles includes control unit, end bus module
`and appropriate expansion modules.
`Six-line console
`Twelve-line console
`Eighteen-line console
`Twenty four-line console
`C-6124R Rack Mount Control Consoles
`NOTE: Console pricing does not include the Microphone or Line Cards
`(see pricing below).
`Line Cards
` Sequential Tone Line Module
`DLM/PLM-1 Dial-up Line and Phone line Module
`Accessories and Options
`Adapter (dual 1/4-inch to modular) box for headset (not included)
`with volume control and supervisory monitor jack
`Lightweight, operator-style headset with PTT switch and HB-2 adapter
`Desk Microphone
`Gooseneck noise canceling microphone
`Gooseneck noise canceling microphone for rack mount console
`Gooseneck non-noise canceling microphone
`Gooseneck non-noise canceling microphone for rack mount console
`Extender Card for line Cards
`« indicates non-Vega-manufactured product; original manufacturer's warranty will apply.
` List Price
`List Price
`List Price
`List Price
`Rack Mount six-line console
`Rack Mount twenty-four line console
`Page 6 of 8
`Prices effective April 1, 2003
`Motorola Solutions, Inc., Ex1025, p. 6
`All prices are in U.S. dollars, FOB Lincoln factory.
`Terms are NET 30 DAYS to approved accounts.
`A minimum of three weeks is required to open a new account on approved credit.
`First purchase order under $100.00 will be COD unless otherwise prearranged with Sales Department.
`Minimum order: $50.00.
`Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.
`GSA Contract Number GS-35F-0550K
`Contact: DV Services, Inc
`4707 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 115
`Washington DC 20008-5619
`Phone: 202-537-1601 Fax: 202-537-1608
`CMAS Contract Number 3-01-58-0186A
`Contact: Radio Accessories Headquarters
`6119-A 27th Street
`Sacramento, CA 95822
`Phone: 916-422-3453 Fax: 916-422-0665
`Warranty (Limited)
`All Telex-manufactured Vega signaling products are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects in
`materials and workmanship for three years, beginning at the date of original purchase. If such a malfunction
`occurs, the product will be repaired or replaced (at our option) without charge during the three-year period, if
`delivered to the Telex factory. Warranty does not extend to damage due to improper repairs, finish or
`appearance items, or malfunction due to abuse or operation under other than the specified conditions, nor
`does it extend to incidental or consequential damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
`incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This warranty gives the
`customer specific legal rights, and there may be other rights which vary from state to state. Model numbers
`followed by << apply to non-Telex-manufactured products; original manufacturer's warranty will apply.
`Please contact Telex for specifics.
`No liability will be accepted for damages directly or indirectly arising from the use of our materials or from
`any other causes. Our liability shall be expressly limited to replacement or repair of defective materials.
` Communications, Inc.
` Signaling Products
`8601 East Cornhusker Highway, Lincoln, NE 68507
`Phone: (402) 465-7026 / (800) 752-7560 Fax: (402) 467-3279
`E-mail: vega@telex.com, Web: www.vega-signaling.com
`Prices effective April 1, 2003
`Page 7 of 8
`Motorola Solutions, Inc., Ex1025, p. 7
`Vega Signaling Sales Offices
`(1) Associated Systems
`P.O. Box 5211
`Manchester, NH 03108
`(603) 472-2297 Fax: (603) 472-3464
`(2) PMC Associates
`9 Westlake Court
`Somerset, NJ 08873
`(732) 563-0366 Fax: (732) 563-9174
`(3) All American Associates
`16 Cardon Drive
`Ruckersville, VA 22968
`(434) 985-6236 Fax: (434) 985-1297
`Eldersburg, MD 21784
`(410) 552-6723 Fax: (410) 552-6724
`Richmond, VA 23231
`(804) 652-4755 Fax: (804) 652-4756
`Bensalem, PA 19020
`(215) 639-1530 fax: (215) 245-1805
`(4) Secom Systems
`5255 Triangle PKWY, Ste 670
`Norcross, GA 30092
`(770) 453-9411 (800) 252-4120
`Fax: (770) 453-9786
`Knightdale, NC 27545
`(919) 975-0410 Fax: (919) 975-1909
`Palm Coast, FL 32137
`(386) 439-6357 Fax: (386) 439-6358
`Franklin, TN 37069
`(615) 646-3915 Fax: (615) 646-4064
`Miami, FL 33176
`(305) 232-0817 Fax: (305) 232-6533
`Page 8 of 8
`P.O. Box 607
`Aurora, OH 44202-0607
`(330) 995-1560 (800) 767-7352 Fax:
`(330) 995-1561
`(6) New Era Sales
`1034 Summit Drive
`Carmel, IN 46032
`(317) 844-4530 Fax: (317) 844-4534
`(7) EPI Technologies, Inc
`41258 N. Westlake Avenue
`Antioch, IL 60002
`(847) 395-1776 Fax: (847) 395-1798
`(8) Horizon Comm Sales
`P.O. Box 888
`Mineola, TX 75773
`(903) 569-0324 (800) 442-1734
`Fax: (903) 569-0360
`Houston-Magnolia, TX 77355
`(281) 356-7989 Fax: (281) 252-6203
`(9) North Central Marketing, LLC
`P.O. Box 437,
`Cameron, MO 64429
`(816) 632-5880 Fax: (816) 632-2729
`(877) 682-9522
`(10) Aurora Marketing
`2018 S. Pontiac Way
`Denver, CO 80224
`(303) 758-3051 Fax: (303) 758-6630
`(800) 525-3580
`(11) Manon Engineering, Inc.
`10605 NE 68th Street
`Kirkland, WA 98033
`(425) 827-7449 Fax: (425) 827-7099
`(12) DacoM
`6119-A 27th Street
`Sacramento, CA 95822
`(916) 422-3453 Fax: (916) 422-0665
`(13) GVT Marketing Services
`P.O. Box 390459
`Anza, CA 92539
`(909) 763-1001 Fax: (909) 763-1004
`Canadian Orders and Inquiries
`Cartel Communications
`9415 202 Street
`Langley, BC V1M 4B5
`(604) 888-9711
`(800) 663-0070 (Canada only)
`Fax: (604) 888-2712
`Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1H8
`(416) 747-6444 Fax: (416) 747-9933
` Communications, Inc
` Signaling Products
`8601 East Cornhusker Hwy
`Lincoln, NE 68507
`(402) 465-7026 / (800) 752-7560
`Fax: (402) 467-3279
`E-mail: vega@telex.com
`Web: www.vega-signaling.com
`Prices effective April 1, 2003
`Motorola Solutions, Inc., Ex1025, p. 8