Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 5, no. 10 (1999), 730-741
`submitted: 14/4/99, accepted: 7/9/99, appeared: 28/10/99"!"Springer Pub. Co.
`Electronic Throttle Control – A Dependability Case Study
`Hans Mauser
`(Siemens AG, ZT PP 2
`Erwin Thurner
`(Siemens AG, ICN WN ES HW 42
`Abstract: The so-called Electronic Throttle Control unit was a big step towards reducing
`important parameters like fuel consumption or exhaust emmission. Due to its safety-criticality,
`a dependability study was initiated by the manufacturer Siemens Automotive. As the most
`important result, values could be stated for the quantitative estimation of the safety-critical and
`the availability-relevant cases. The study was based on the existing safety concept, but after this
`study, a slightly changed system architecture of the ECU was proposed to VDA (Verband der
`Automobilindustrie), which enhances availability and safety of the ECU significantly, at about
`the same cost. For this study, a new kind of Markov evaluation method was used, called TEFT
`(Time-Extended Fault Trees). This was necessary to deal with concepts like multiple faults,
`faulty states, and time. In this paper, the questions raised by the Electronic Throttle Control
`system are described, together with our way to solve these problems.
`Key Words: Dependability, Availability, Safety, Markovian methods, TEFT (Time-Extended
`Fault Trees), Cars, Powertrain, ECU (Electronic Control Unit), Electronic Throttle Control
`1 Problem Description
`Higher requests caused by public and by law, to improve fuel consumption, exhaust
`emmission, or comfort, forced the development of the Electronic Throttle Control
`(ETC) system. This solution removes the traditional Bowden cable, and uses the
`torque request instead as relevant parameter [see Fig. 1]. The torque request can be
`generated by the driver or by car comfort systems.
`VW EX1007
`U.S. Patent No. 6,588,260
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 1




`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`2.1 Sensor Faults
`From the beginning, the pedal sensor was considered to be safety-critical. Due to this,
`the sensors generally are built with redundancy, to be able to detect and to mask
`appearing faults. Note that common-mode failures like a mechanical sensor break has
`the same effect as they have at Bowden cables, namely stuck at a random sensor value
`– e.g. at highest value! The measures to avoid faults in the A/D converters were not
`clear at the project beginning: the standard architecture only checks the A/D
`converters regularly, in the other architectures we also considered alternatives with
`redundant components.
`Other sensors – like the oil temperature sensor – were not considered safety-
`critical. Here, the goal of this study was to check the plausibility of these assumptions.
`Other "sensor" signals come via the CAN bus. These signals were also
`considered, and their influence on the system behavior appeared as being under-
`2.2 Actuator Faults
`Actuators do directly influence the engine behavior. Examples are ignition angle
`and fuel injection mass. The throttle seemed to be most significant: Here, both
`actuators faults and sensor faults may appear, and this device is critical due to high
`temperature or ice.
`Actuator faults have in common, that they are rather an availability problem than
`safety-critical: They rather decrease the engine performance than increasing it.
`2.3 Faults of the Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
`The remaining faults appear in the ECU: Examples are processor faults, computing
`faults caused by hardware defects, or driver faults. These faults cause random values.
`Some of these faults are transient ones, so measures (like plausibilty checks) can be
`taken to detect and possibly mask them.
`In the ECU, the most failure-avoiding concepts of the ETC system are found.
`These will be considered next.
`3 Monitoring Concepts
`To make sure that the system is functioning correctly also in case of faults, several
`checking strategies were designed. The overall goal was to discover as many faults as
`possible and to trigger an adequate reaction, in order to avoid critical states. Particu-
`larly the runaway case, i.e. undesired high engine performance, has to be avoided.
`To get the desired torque (performance) the ECU controls the parameters air mass,
`fuel mass, ignition angle. The ECU also controls the checking concepts. Due to this
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 3


`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`important role, the main processor is considered to be very important. The software of
`the ECU was considered as correct, but hardware faults that lead to software errors
`were taken into account:
`– Faults that lead to a partial processor failure.
`– Memory faults that influence critical variables.
`– I/O errors, e.g. given by the A/D converters.
`3.1 Processor Monitoring
`Processor monitoring are measures that guarantee the correct function of the ECU
`processors. Examples are watchdog-timers. Due to a two-processor concept, each
`ECU processor can be checked by the other. Implemented function tests are:
`Instruction set tests execute representative instruction sequences and check the
`# Memory tests detect stuck-at faults in the processor memory.
`# Test computings check the complete function of a software part, by executing tests
`and comparing the results.
`These monitoring-means efficiently check processor functions. Note that most
`processor faults lead to a total system failure causing an engine halt.
`3.2 Process Monitoring
`Process monitoring deals with the complete function of the ETC system. This is done
`by executing all safety-critical computation twice. To guarantee the efficiency of this
`checking strategy, the system has to be redundant ("two channels"). The processors
`get input values from different sensors, they have own A/D converters, and they use
`diverse software. By these measures, the appearing of identical faults is avoided.
`3.3 Plausibility Monitoring and Signal Comparison
`All the input values are checked for their plausibility. Short circuits and wire breaks
`can be discovered as leaving the allowed value range. All safety-critical input values
`are measured by two sensors, and compared between each other. Sensors often use
`different transfer functions.
`These checks deal with the complete input stream, including sensors, signal wires,
`and A/D converters.
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`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`4 Safety Reactions
`In order to guarantee the safety of the ETC system, a variety of safety reactions with
`different severity grades were implemented. The overall goal was to keep the system
`running as long as possible, e.g. to be able to maintain the heating function of the
`motor in very cold regions.
`Thus, the following system modes were implemented (in rising severity):
`intact: Although an error occured, the system reacts according to its specification.
`In this mode, the built-in redundancy avoids a system error. This state is possible
`as long as no safety-critical fault occors.
`extended limp home: In this mode, the car still reacts on the pedal request, but
`acceleration and torque are reduced, in order to avoid endangering. Thus, the
`driver is able to react within reasonable time.
`limp home: The engine runs a slightly higher idle number-of-revolutions. The goal
`is to maintain heating and servo functions. Possibly, the car still can be moved.
`safety stop: In this mode, the car is stopped. This mode is selected, if no other
`means are able to maintain safety.
`The safety of the system modes increases in the sense, that the probability of a
`runaway decreases. These modes are implemented as internal states. The selection of
`the appropriate state as a fault reaction is an important part of the safety-concept.
`For the modeling approach is important, that this system has an internal memory.
`The ECU reaction depends on the current mode, i.e. on the errors that occured in the
`5 Modeling Technique
`We took an "extended fault tree approach" to model this system. To motivate this, let
`us shortly consider some features of standard fault trees:
`# Fault trees are a system function that maps sets of component faults onto a
`specified undesired event.
`# Stochastic dependencies have to be taken into account explicitly. In many fault
`tree tools, extensions exist to decribe this. A similar problem is raised by common-
`mode failures.
`# Using highly redundant or re-configurable systems, the fault sequence sometimes
`plays a role: It is a difference, if a component fails first, or its checking function
`(cf. silent errors!). This kind of faults need the introduction of states. Unfortu-
`nately, fault trees only consist of (combinatorial) system functions. Furthermore,
`fault trees are usually defined over sets of faults, not over ordered sets.
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 5


`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`# For the system analysis, only relevant fault sequences have to be considered. Thus,
`we have to "cut" the evaluation, when the system is coming into the safety stop
`# Fault rates may be state-dependent. A typical example is warm redundancy.
`Note that this obstacles need not cause problems if they are properly taken into
`account. But on the other hand, for complex systems it can be rather difficult to model
`this using fault trees. Furthermore, significant errors can be caused by a naive
`evaluation of redundant systems.
`Generalised Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPNs, [1]) are able to cope with the aspects
`mentioned above. This formalism uses a Petri Net extension for the description of the
`system failure behavior and its interdependencies, and maps this net to Markov chains
`for an evaluation, as pointed out in [1]. Thus, concurrent subsystems, synchronisation,
`system states, and exponential failure rates can be modeled consistently.
`5.1 The TEFT Approach
`For modeling the ETC system, we used our Markovian technique TEFT (Time-
`Extended Fault Trees). In this approach, the system function is modeled using fault
`trees, and the temporal behavior is modeled by GSPNs. The state transitions caused by
`faults are described by fault trees in a functional way. This comprises component
`faults, distinguished by the state in which they may occur, and the sequential state.
`TEFT can only be used for acyclic Markov chains. This usage is motivated by the
`repairing strategy of car-based systems: As soon as a fault occurs, cars are expected
`to be repaired in a way they behave like new ones, i.e. the Markov chain is reset to its
`initial state.
`The evaluation is done by state space exploration: All fault sequences are
`generated, until a given depth, i.e. number of errors, is reached. This reachability
`graph with the exponential fault rates of the components, spans a Markov chain. The
`evaluation of this Markov chain gives the probability of the considered failures. For
`the performance of the Markov chain solver it is very important, that the reachability
`graph does not need to be held within memory, thus avoiding the main obstacle of
`state space explosion. The TEFT evaluation algorithm evaluates 200,000 states within
`one minute, so that one billion states can be reached within reasonable computing
`time. Furthermore, time-consuming iteration is avoided. The solution can be given as
`closed-form expression.
`This TEFT approach enables the modeler to put very detailed questions to the
`system by computing several fault sequences, e.g. to measure how long the system can
`be used after the first fault.
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 6


`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`5.2 System Components
`The first modeling step is to break the system down into its "components" or "logical
`blocks". This dissection is determined by the appropriate abstraction level.
`The ETC system was broken down into 40 logical blocks, comprising sensors,
`actuators, processors, and software components. If several logical blocks appear to be
`a serial system, they can be aggregated to one single logical block, to ease modeling
`and reduce the evaluation complexity. For each component the failure modes are
`listed; this work is done on the base of a FMEA. Note that these failure modes only
`describe the faults of a single component. Here, several failure modes are possible, i.e.
`the pedal faults can be described in "Runaway/Middle/Idle" rather than in a Boolean
`"Ok/Faulty". For ETC, we considered 72 failure modes. All the failure modes get
`(exponential) fault rates, expressed in FIT (Failure In Time, i.e. within 109 hours).
`5.3 Functional Part
`The fault effects, i.e. the system behavior that can be watched from outside, were
`distinguished like this:
`intact: The car reacts in the specified way.
`# accelaration drift: Slight undesired accelerations are noted by the driver. The
`driver usually is able to compensate this system reactions; they compare to effects
`like sudden wind changes.
`limited performance: The car still reacts on the pedal request, but acceleration
`and torque are reduced. This reaction appears in system mode extended limp
`idle performance: The engine runs at slightly increased idling speed. This
`reaction appears in system mode limp home.
`engine stop: The engine is turned off.
`runaway: Undesired high engine performance appears, e.g. high accelerations.
`These effects are considered like "top events" in faults trees, i.e. undesired
`resulting events. Each combination of faults falls into exactly one of these categories;
`this circumstance can be used for model consistency checks. The modeling has to be
`done manually. In our case, it required an extensive modeling specification; in this
`work package, we and our customers had many useful discussions and got a lot of
`very relevant knowledge that was represented in the resulting model. In the modeling
`phase, the multi-value property of faults and the availability of system states, which
`are implemented in TEFT, turned out to be extremely useful.
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 7


`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`5.4 Temporal Behavior
`Time appeared in two aspects:
`1. Some faults were only possible after primary faults, i.e. not in every case and
`particularly not in the initial state of the system. TEFT describes this by using
`state-dependend activation conditions.
`2. The internal states, i.e. the system memory, have to be modeled. TEFT implements
`this by a reference on more than one state.
`6 Model Validation
`A big advantage of TEFT is, that every fault sequence and its effect can be listed. This
`list may be compared to minimal cut sets of fault trees, but representing ordered sets.
`It can also be sorted by the resulting FIT rate. This representation may remind to a
`FMECA analysis, but the criticality is not estimated, but computed. (There are also
`some formal differences, so we will avoid naive comparison.)
`This list can also be used as a base for generating test cases: Then, it can be used
`to compare the real system directly with the modeled one. And it can be compared
`systematically with every system that leaves a production line.
`The length of the list produced by TEFT is not always a pure advantage: Several
`100,000s of list entries can no longer handled with standard table calculation tools.
`Furthermore, to order the results may become difficult. On the other hand, it really
`reflects the system complexity, and by using postprocessors the handling can become
`very easy, without losing information. We often do this by writing a "question sensi-
`tive postprocessor". This makes the captured results very valuable.
`The evaluation speed makes it also possible to vary parameters, and to enable the
`modeler to study the effect on the complete system. This can be used both for the
`variation of component values, and for components, whose FIT rates are unknown,
`e.g. very new components.
`7 Modeling results
`We modeled and evaluated several system alternatives, to study several architectural
`changes that were in discussion.
`All systems have in common, that redundant pedal and throttle sensors are used.
`System differences are:
`# System #1: This is a one-processor solution. The processor does process checking.
`We modeled this system to compare the availability of the redundant solution to a
`– non-existing – naive one.
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 8


`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`# System #2a: This system uses two processors, which do processor checks. No
`process checking is done.
`# System #2b: The only difference to #2 is the process checking.
`# System #3: This is a kind of true 2-channel system. The processors do processor
`checks; in addition the 2nd processor does process checking. Both processors have
`A/D converters, and the redundant pedal and throttle signals are delivered to both
`The following table gives an overview of the main system differences [see Table
`1]. Note: "p1" means processor #1.
`System #1
`System #2a
`System #2b
`System #3
`p1 and p2
`2x p1
`p1 and p2
`check p1
`check p2
`Table 1: Significant differences of the considered system alternatives
`7.1 Single Faults
`Since cars are expected to be maintained regularly, single faults are expected to play
`the most important role in the system. All the systems turned out to be rather similar;
`exception was the safety-critical runaway case. For the runaway probability we got
`the following values [see Fig. 2]:
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 9


`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`Fig. 2: Results for single faults (scale is linear, using arbitrary units)
`Much less than 1% of the single faults lead to a runaway. The fault cases are:
`# The greatest part of the resulting probability is caused by faulty torque requests via
`the CAN bus. Note that in such cases the ETC system has no possibility to
`recognize these torque requests as faulty. These requests can be induced by several
`car components; examples are gear switch signal at automatic transmissions, the
`so-called deceleration slip control, or faulty reference voltage at the pedal sensor.
`Moreover, at system #3 these torque requests are the only single faults that lead to
`the runaway case.
`# Faults in the A/D converters may cause a runaway, if both pedal sensor values are
`wrong. This is possible, if both analogue signal from the pedal are multiplexed to a
`single A/D converter; only at system #3 this fault constellation is avoided. The
`A/D converter errors can be recognized with a rather high probability, so that the
`resulting effect is rather small. But this is the only single fault that leads to the
`runaway case system #2b.
`# Systems without process check – e.g. system #2b – may trigger the runaway case
`by faulty torque computings.
`# Systems without processor check – e.g. system #1 – may trigger the runaway case
`by a processor error.
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 10


`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`The modeling result was that only the systems #3 and #2b are safe enough for the
`real-world implementation. Another result was to have a closer view to the external
`torque requests: Their plausibility cannot be checked by ETC-immanent means. Due
`to this, these comfort (!) signals have to be considered as being safety-critical.
`7.2 Double Faults
`The main goal for the double fault examination was to make sure the single fault
`results. Another goal was to have statements, if it is critical to run the car after some
`single faults. Fortunately double faults turned out to lead mainly to idle performance
`or engine stop. This result emphasises the relevance of single faults as the main safety
`criterion [see Fig. 3].
`Fig. 3: Results for double faults (scale is linear, using arbitrary units)
`7.3 Common-Mode Failures
`Following common-mode failures lead to a runaway.
`# Common pedal value error, e.g. if the pedal breaks.
`# Common throttle value error. But this fault can be recognized by using the air
`mass sensor, maybe by other engine parameters.
`# Common A/D converter error. The most likely cause is a faulty reference voltage.
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 11


`Mauser H., Thurner E.: Electric Throttle Control ...
`# Common processor errors. They are mainly caused by software faults.
`These failures can be avoided by a diversity approach.
`8 Conclusions
`The TEFT modeling method turned out to be able to scrutinize even complex systems,
`in order to make the systems safer by targeted architecture optimisation. This guided
`optimisation is a sound base to design systems efficiently and to save costs for
`unnecessary components, which can be an additional failure cause.
`[1] Ajmone Marsan, M.; Balbo, G.; Conte, G.: "Performance Models of Multipro-
`cessor Systems"; MIT-Press 1986
`[2] DIN 25424: "Fehlerbaumanalyse. Methode und Bildzeichen". 1981 (part 1) and
`1990 (part 2)
`[3] DIN 25448: "Ausfalleffektanalyse (Fehler-Möglichkeits- und -Einfluß-Ana-
`lyse)". 1990
`Jurgen, R.: "Automotive Electronics Handbook". McGraw-Hill 1995
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1011 - Page 12

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