`Sheha et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,019,532 B2
`Sep. 13, 2011
`USO080 19532B2
`(75) Inventors: Michael A. Sheha, Laguna Niguel, CA
`(US); Angie Sheha, Laguna Niguel, CA
`(73) Assignee: TeleCommunication Systems, Inc.,
`Annapolis, MD (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 124 days.
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 11/370,794
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 7, 2006
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2006/0200305A1
`Sep. 7, 2006
`Related U.S. Application D
`elated U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/659,643, filed on Mar.
`7, 2005.
`38 A
`3. R e
`5,727,057 A
`3/1998 Emery
`5,774,824 A
`6, 1998 Streit
`5,801,700 A
`9, 1998 Fison
`5,802,492 A
`9, 1998 DeLorime
`5,926,118 A
`7/1999 Hayashida
`5,944,768 A
`8, 1999 to
`2866 A 339 Esh et al. ............... TO1,211
`6,138,003 A 10/2000 Kingdon
`6,169,516 B1
`1/2001 Watanabe
`6,182,006 B1
`1/2001 Meek
`6,182,227 B1 258 R
`6,185.426 B1
`22001 A perovic
`Supplementary European Search Reportin European Appl. No. 0275
`0 138 dated Oct. 13, 2010.
`Primary Examiner — Jack Keith
`Assistant Examiner — Jonathan M Dager
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — William H. Bollman
`The preferred embodiments of the present invention are
`(51) E.I/26
`directed to an improved mapping and navigational system.
`(52) U.S. Cl. 1/21 7. 7. 201206, 29. Specifically, the present invention is directed to a system for
`701/212:340/995. 1; 340/995.14; 340 265. defining and assigning geographical boundaries to points of
`interests on a graphical map, where the geographical bound
`(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 701/201,
`aries preferably correlate to spatially defined boundaries of
`701/209, 211
`the respective points of interests. In accordance with one
`See application file for complete search history.
`embodiment of the present invention, the points of interest,
`along with the respective defined geographical boundaries,
`References Cited
`can be transferred from a personal computing device to a
`telecommunication device, such as a portable communica
`tion device, so as to be used for mapping purposes and to set
`off proximity alerts when the portable communication
`device, equipped with a GPS unit, enters or exits the geo
`graphical boundary of a particular point of interest.
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`Supplementary European Search Report in European Appl. No.
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`* cited by examiner
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 2
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 13, 2011
`Sheet 1 of 7
`US 8,019,532 B2
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 3
`U.S. Patent
`US 8,019,532 B2
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 4
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 13, 2011
`Sheet 3 of 7
`US 8,019,532 B2
`IdV IdV.L.Sd5)
`No. “N,
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 5
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 13, 2011
`Sheet 4 of 7
`US 8,019,532 B2
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 6
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 7
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 13, 2011
`Sheet 6 of 7
`US 8,019,532 B2
`| 1
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 8
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 13, 2011
`Sheet 7 Of 7
`US 8,019,532 B2
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 9
`The present invention claims the benefit under 35 USC
`119(e) of U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/659,
`643 filed Mar. 7, 2005, the contents of which are incorporated 10
`by reference herein.
`1. Field of Invention
`This present invention relates to a method and system for
`selecting, assigning, and creating Geofences based on using
`known map elements and/or point of interest (POI) data, such
`as parks, golf courses, Schools, buildings, etc. using a plural
`ity of user interface (UI) computing devices. Additionally, 20
`this invention combines the use of saving these Geofences on
`a Telecommunication Device (i.e., mobile device) that has
`location capability for the purpose of acting on said
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Telecommunication devices, specifically wireless tele
`phones, are achieving widespread use today. Such telecom
`munication devices are commonly used to establish commu
`nication between other telecommunication devices. Recently
`telecommunication devices are becoming more than just 30
`communication devices, but also a computing platform for
`executing applications similar to the early days of the per
`Sonal computer era, where devices had limited memory and
`processing resources. The difference is that these new tele
`communication devices, while currently provide a limited 35
`computing platform, also enable wireless data access to the
`Internet and expose the telephone's telephony functionality.
`These new telecommunication devices are well known to
`people that are skilled in the art.
`Prior art systems, such as GPS enabled mobile devices, 40
`have been used in combination with Geofences, a common
`term to those that are skilled in the art, that defines a virtual
`spatial boundary (i.e., proximity range) for the purpose of
`creating triggers when the mobile location enabled devices
`enter and/or exit said boundaries. The prior art method for 45
`defining these boundaries requires the use of a graphical user
`interface (UI) tool for creating a polygon shaped “box” and/or
`trigger lines that are used to cause events to occur based on the
`crossing of said lines. Another prior art method of creating
`Geofences requires selectingapoint feature. Such as a latitude 50
`and longitude, and then defining either a radius or major/
`minor axis for the point feature in order to create a boundary
`around the point feature. This option can be offered using
`default values such that the user is required to enter little
`information, except the center location of the bounding box. 55
`As people that are skilled in the art will agree, creating a
`geofence is a difficult spatial concept to represent in one's
`mind without the aid of a spatial map. Even then it is very
`difficult to fully represent due to map scales, etc. For example,
`a golf course might represent on a map an irregular shaped 60
`polygon which is hard to represent with a circle, rectangle,
`polygon, etc., and even more difficult to representifa user has
`to draw the geofences using a GUI tool. Using Such an irregu
`larly shaped geofence is difficult for the user to establish in
`prior art methods, as well as difficult for inclusion into the 65
`mobile device, which will use the said geofences to act upon
`the required trigger events.
`US 8,019,532 B2
`As people that are skilled in the art will appreciate, provid
`ing a means to significantly simplify this process to a “one
`click” model would allow the use of implementing geofences
`for the inclusion into mass market devices. Such as a wireless
`location-enabled cell phone, etc.
`Until now, an adequate Solution to these problems has
`eluded those skilled in the art. Thus, there exists a need to
`provide a solution that enables users to simply and easily
`create geofences that are based on real-world objects without
`the need to have to draw or model a geofence. For example, if
`a user would like to create a geofence for the “Bound Brook
`High School', then as those skilled in the art would appreci
`ate, a user would only have select the map element, or in this
`case, the point of interest (POI), to create a geofence. This
`invention would correlate the spatially defined and recorded
`information and create a geofence boundary that emulates the
`actual spatially defined and recorded boundary of the object.
`This invention provides many important benefits for location
`based applications which are an important and integral part of
`improving work flow and/or consumer related processes.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a method
`and system for enabling a very simple and efficient way to
`easily create and define geofences using a “one selection”
`process without the need to eithera-priori know the extent of
`the object and/or define the boundary, such as using a map
`related object, such as a river, stream, ocean, lake, mountain,
`forest, reservoir, state, city, region, Zip code, or the like, or
`using a point of interest (POI). Such as a park, place of wor
`ship, school, university, restaurant, mall, or the like.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a method
`and system for using a "one selection’ process for selecting a
`map or POI database that spatially represents the extents of an
`object. This map data and/or POI data however consists of the
`full and detailed spatial information that fully defines the
`object, such as a Park. In one embodiment, a Park feature is
`defined as a single and/or multiple polygon objects that fully
`represent the Park feature.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a method
`and system for allowing map related objects and/or POI
`objects to be represented using a plurality and various com
`binations of spatial representations, such as polygons,
`polylines, and/or point objects, to fully define the geofence
`that mirrors the actual map and/or POI object as accurately as
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`method and system for allowing map and/or POI point
`objects, which do not have extents, to use a default extent,
`Such as a radius to define the objects correctly.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`method and system for allowing map and/or POI objects to
`automatically have varying extents based on other geofences
`and/or map related spatial data in the vicinity of the “selected
`map or POI features for defining the extent of the object. For
`example, in one embodiment, a user that selects a restaurant,
`which is a point object, in a densely packed metropolitan area
`would have a default defined radius that would be much
`Smaller than a similar restaurant in a sparse urban area. This
`algorithmic approach allows for a more intelligent means to
`create geofences for the purpose of preventing false positives,
`etc., when point features are within close proximity to other
`geofences and/or other map objects.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`method and system for storing these “one selection
`geofences onto either a single server, cluster server, or the
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 10
`US 8,019,532 B2
`like, or on a mobile handset device which calculates the
`location information for the processing of the geofence trig
`gers. In one embodiment, a handset that calculates the loca
`tion information will also store the geofence data locally for
`use without the need of the network, such as the Internet,
`Intranet, Extranet, WDN (wireless data network), EDN (engi
`neering data network), or the like, for the processing the
`geofences to cause trigger events. In another embodiment, the
`handset would send GPS points to a single or distributed
`and/or clustered server system for the processing of the
`geofence data. The latter embodiment requires more network
`traffic than processing the geofence data locally, since in this
`invention that data is differentially synchronized to the hand
`set, which even further mitigates the required network band
`width for this invention.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`method and system for representing a plurality of points that
`define the polygon. Since multiple points make it very diffi
`culty to fully and correctly represent the actual polygon of the
`map data element and/or POI element for devices with limited
`resources, such as memory, disk space, etc., this invention
`provides the capability to decimate the polygon, polyline, or
`the like, into its minimal representation that represents the
`actually map object (i.e., map element and/or POI element).
`This invention also provides a method to decimate the poly
`gon, polyline, or the like, below its minimal representation in
`order to satiate the limited resources of the device, such as a
`wireless phone.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`method and system for providing an interface to input this
`“one selection' process. This interface can consist of, but is
`not limited to, voice input, IVR, text, touch pad, keyboard,
`mouse, multi-modal, or the like, for the purpose of defining a
`geofence by selecting a map data element and/or POI ele
`ment. For example, in one embodiment, a user can use an IVR
`voice input device to say the name of the POI, such as “Pasa
`dena High School'. This would indicate to the system that a
`geofence would be sent to the mobile location handset that
`would define a geofence around “Pasadena High School'. In
`this embodiment, when the target mobile location handset
`either enters or leaves this geofence, certain event alerts
`would be triggered that the user had previously defined for the
`said handset.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`method and system to allow a user to select an object on a
`map. Such as a map element and/or POI object for adding a
`geofence to a mobile device. A user only has to select the
`object to add it to the handset within the map view. Addition
`ally, a user can also drag-and-drop the object to the represen
`tation of the mobile device for allowing the user to easily add
`a geofence to a mobile location-enabled device. This enables
`users to quickly and easily add geofences to devices without
`having to worry about the actual boundary and/or draw the
`polygon to represent the spatial representation that requires a
`FIG. 1 illustrates a network system for providing a com
`munication channel between various wireless and landline
`computing devices;
`FIG. 2 illustrates one embodiment of the present invention
`showing a personal computer with an integrated web
`FIG.3 illustrates one embodiment of the present invention
`of a wireless Telecommunication Device and an accompany
`ing high-level block diagram of a wireless Telecommunica
`tion Device;
`FIG. 4 illustrates one embodiment of a map view and
`various polygon and polyline map and POI objects;
`FIG. 5 illustrates one embodiment of the various spatial
`related objects and their respective geofences representa
`FIG. 6 illustrates another embodiment of the various spa
`tial related objects and their respective geofences representa
`FIG. 7 illustrates yet another embodiment of the various
`spatial related objects and their respective geofences repre
`This present invention relates to a method and system for
`selecting, assigning, and creating Geofences based on using
`known map elements and/or point of interest (POI) data, such
`as parks, golf courses, Schools, building, etc. using a plurality
`of user interface (UI) computing devices. Additionally, this
`invention combines the use of Saving these Geofences on a
`Telecommunication Device (i.e., mobile device) that has
`location capability for the purpose of acting on said
`The present invention may be embodied in a pre-commer
`cial (non-public) and internal application called “AtlasLink'
`which is owned and licensed by Networks In Motion, Inc. of
`Irvine, Calif.
`FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 illustrate high-level diagrams of one
`embodiment that is a suitable computing and networking
`environment in which the invention may be implemented.
`The invention will be described in the general context of an
`application that executes on an operating system in conjunc
`tion with a personal computer or server, but those skilled in
`the art will realize that this invention may also be imple
`mented in combination with other program modules. Pro
`gram modules typically include routines, programs, data
`structures, etc. that perform particular tasks or implement
`particular abstract data types. This invention is not limited to
`a typical personal computer, but may also be utilized with
`other computing systems, such as handheld devices, mobile
`lap top computers, wireless phones, in-vehicle navigation
`systems, programmable consumer electronics, mainframe
`computers, distributed computer systems, etc., and the like.
`FIG. 1 is a network block diagram illustrating the connec
`tion (125 & 101) of both wireless 100 and wired 126 Tele
`communication devices to an Application Service Provider
`(ASP) 123, also referred to as an online server system. This
`online server system may be configured at a single location
`and on a single computer, or can be configured as a distributed
`computer system and at different locations. The wireless
`Mobile Telecommunication Devices 100 are wirelessly con
`nected 101 to a nearby wireless base station 102, which are
`typically connected or have access to 105 the Internet, Intra
`net, or Extranet 106. Additionally, a landline Telecommuni
`cation Device 126 is typically connected to a nearby central
`office 124 which is connected or has access to 123 the Inter
`net, Intranet, or Extranet 106. Additionally, the Application
`Service Provider (ASP) 123 also has access 109 to the Inter
`net, Intranet, or Extranet 106. The ASP 123 generally consists
`of a front-end firewall and XML router 113 which itself has
`access (111 & 114 & 119) to other local computing modules,
`such as a database 112, POI server 115, geocoding server 116,
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 11
`US 8,019,532 B2
`mapping server 117, and webpage client server 118. The
`web-server front-end 118 can be connected to the outside
`Internet, Intranet, or Extranet 106 either through the local
`front-end firewall 113, or as in this embodiment, via 120 the
`web server 121, which is connected 122 directly to the Inter
`net, Intranet, or Extranet 106 by using a software firewall
`which is well known to those skilled in the art. Additionally,
`either mobile 104 or landline 108 computing devices, such as
`apersonal computer, are connected to the Internet, Intranet, or
`Extranet 106, either directly 107 or through a wireless con
`nection 103 and base station 102.
`FIG. 2 illustrates a typical personal computer 150, that
`includes a central processing unit (CPU) 173, video adapter
`172, hard disk drive 157, optical disk 158, serial port 159,
`magnetic disk drive 163, system bus 156, and network inter
`face 176-s177 & 167 & 169-s109. The hard disk drive 157
`typically refers to a local non-volatile storage system for
`storing large amounts of data, Such as a web browser program
`files or cookies or a user's Contact data. The optical disk 158
`typically refers to a CD-ROM disk used for storing read-only
`data, such as an installation program. The serial port interface
`159 is typically used to connect 161 the computer 150 to
`external devices 160, Such as a keyboard, mouse, and graphi
`cal touch screen interface, and also can connect 164 to posi
`tioning devices 165, such as a GPS receiver. The keyboard
`and mouse 160, amongst other input devices 165, enable
`users to input information into the computer 150. The con
`nection 161 & 164 cables can include a serial cable or uni
`versal serial bus (USB) cable. Other input devices, that are not
`shown, may include a joystick, Scanner, camera, microphone,
`or the like. The magnetic disk drive 163 is typically used to
`store small amounts data, in comparison to a hard 157 or
`optical 158 disk drive, and typically lacks the data transfer
`rates of those other storage drives, but it enables both readable
`and writable capability. The hard disk drive 157, optical disk
`drive 158, serial port interface 159, and magnetic disk drive
`163 are all connected to the main system bus 156 of the
`computer 150 for transferring data. A monitor 170 or other
`type of display device, such as a LCD display, is connected
`171 to the computer system’s 150 video adapter 172, which is
`connected to the system bus 156. Additional peripheral output
`devices, which are not included in this embodiment, such as a
`printer, speaker, etc., can also be connected to a personal
`computer 150. The system bus 156 also connects to the net
`work interface 176, central processing unit (CPU) 173, and
`system memory 151. The system memory 151 contains both
`random access memory (RAM) 153, and read only memory
`(ROM) 152, that typically consists of the BIOS (Basic Input/
`Output System) of the computer, necessary for containing
`basic routines that enable the transfer of information between
`elements within the personal computer 150. The RAM 153
`stores a number of program modules, such as the web browser
`and synchronization applications 155, and the Operating Sys
`tem 154 of the personal computing device 150 or personal
`computer 150. One example of such a program module 155
`would be a web browser that is connected to the “AtlasLink'
`server that was previously mentioned.
`FIG. 3 illustrates a next generation wireless Telecommu
`nication Device 311 which typically includes a display 314,
`an antenna 313, and a keypad 312. The next generation wire
`less Telecommunication Device 311 & 300, as illustrated in
`FIG. 3, provides a foundation 302 for running programs or
`applications that can access the Telecommunication Device's
`311 internal interfaces, such as the Bluetooth 309, Speech/
`Audio Codec 308, GPS Interface 307, TAPI (Telephony
`Application Program Interface) 306 Interface, Screen/Key
`pad API (Application Program Interface) or Interface 305,
`Camera API 304, or the like as well known to those that are
`skilled in the art. As those that are skilled in the art will
`appreciate, a Telecommunication Device (300 & 311) will
`also include scheduling/timers 310 for scheduling specific
`events as is provided with standard computing platforms.
`Additionally, next generation Telecommunication Devices
`(300 & 311) have graphical user interfaces (GUI) 301 for
`applications to allow user input using a graphical display 314.
`As people skilled in the art will appreciate, these next gen
`eration Telecommunication Devices provide the means to
`access the Telecommunication Devices internal APIs using a
`middleware 302 platform, such as J2ME or BREW, which are
`both well known to those skilled in the art. This simplifies the
`development process since there is significant Support for
`obtaining developer access to the Telecommunication
`Device's internal APIs, such as the TAPI interface for making
`telephone calls and capturing call logs.
`The preferred embodiment for illustrating a mapping inter
`face is shown in FIG. 4, this typically consists of a mapping
`program and/or web browser 401, a toolbar 400, a canvas for
`the map 402 & 404, a cursor for selecting objects 403. Con
`tained in the map are a plurality of map objects 405 & 406 &
`407 & 408 & 409 & 410 & 411 & 412 which have some shape
`to them that can be represented by a geofence. A user is able
`to select a map object, by which in this preferred embodiment
`a user would use a cursor 403, and then add it to a mobile
`device. In another embodiment, a user selects the map object
`405 and then drags-and-drops 414 the object onto a represen
`tation of the mobile handset 413. In this embodiment, this
`operation will send the actual representation of the geofence
`to the mobile device. As those skilled in the art will appreci
`ate, a geofence sent to the device will also incorporate a slight
`buffer region in order to mitigate false positives, which can be
`remotely configured on a device-by-device basis.
`In another embodiment a user can select a category from a
`directory or Yellow Pages, such as parks. The results would
`return a list of parks, such as, but not limited to:
`1. Yosemite National Park
`2. Rocky Mountain Park
`3. Big Bear
`A user would then only need to select the desired park in
`the list using a standard GUI interface for the device, which
`can consist of a touch screen, rocker control (as used on a
`wireless device), etc. After the selection has been made, the
`geofence would be scheduled to be polled or pushed to the
`mobile location device for user-defined geofence event alerts.
`As shown in FIG. 5, there are a number of map objects
`shown in a map view 500 that can be represented using this
`“one selection process, such as an Airport 501, Mall 503,
`Country Club 507, and an office at an address 505. When each
`one of these objects are “selected using a plurality of means
`described in this invention, this invention’s preferred embodi
`ment for adding these geofences is to use the Douglas-Peu
`cker algorithm to decimate the polygon, polyline, etc., to a
`minimal representation that outlines the desired spatial
`object, and for that decimated information to be sent to the
`mobile location device for geofence triggering.
`FIG. 6 illustrates other polygon and polyline items that can
`be geofenced from a map view 600, such as Dodger Stadium
`602 and its geofenced representation 601. Additionally, a
`polyline. Such as a river 603 can also have a geofenced rep
`resentation 604 illustrated by a dashed line in this embodi
`ment. For a polyline, a geofenced polygon and/or polyline
`with a boundary distance of D distance units that are perpen
`dicular to the polyline that creates the geofenced boundary
`can be created for use in event alerts, etc., defined by the user.
`Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., Exh. 1005, p. 12
`US 8,019,532 B2
`FIG.7, illustrates various additional polygons 701 & 706 &
`703 in a map view 700 and their respective geofenced repre
`sentations 702 & 705 & 704 that are created using this “one
`selection’ process for defining a geofenced boundary.
`It should be noted that the present invention may be embod
`ied in forms other than the preferred embodiments described
`above without departing from the spirit or essential charac
`teristics thereof. The specification contained herein provides
`sufficient disclosure for one skilled in the art to implement the
`various embodiments of the present invention, including the
`preferred embodiment, which should be considered in all
`aspect as illustrative and not restrictive; all changes or alter
`natives that fall within the meaning and range or equivalency
`of the claim are intended to be embraced within.
`sending said geofence data to the mobile communication
`device over the wireless communications network to
`enable a location-based application that generates the
`7. The machine-readable storage medium of claim 1,
`wherein said method further comprising the step of decimat
`ing the geofence data for sending to the mobile communica
`tions device.
`8. The machine-readable storage medium of claim 7.
`wherein said step of decimation is performed using the Dou
`glas-Peucker algorithm.
`9. A method for identifying and selecting a point of interest
`or map object and a geofe
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