PTO/AIA/15 (10-17)
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`I 149369-00103
`Attorney Docket No.
`I Mark Catchpole
`First Named Inventor
`Priority Mail Express" I
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`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
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`0 The address associated with Customer Number:
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`OR D Correspondence address below
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`Registration No.
`February 4, 2019
`149369.00101 /117148002v.1
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 1


`Application Data Sheet
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`Exhibit 1002
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`This Application
`Continuation of
`Continuation of
`Continuation of
`Continuation of
`Continuation of
`14/309,476 (now U.S.
`Patent No. 9,536,516)
`13/253,223 (now U.S.
`Patent No. 8,768,696)
`12/554,607 (now U.S.
`Patent No. 8,036,890)
`10/503,463 (now U.S.
`Patent No. 7,587,319)
`Parent Filing
`371 National
`Stage of
`PCT /GB2003/000459
`Page# 2
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`Exhibit 1002
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`Exhibit 1002
`Page 5


`NOTE: This Application Data Sheet must be signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33(b). However, if this Application
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`See 37 CFR 1.4(d) for the manner of making signatures and certifications.
`Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`Stephen A. Soffen
`Registration Number
`Page# 5
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 6


`Docket No.: 149369-00103
`In re Patent Application of:
`Mark Catchpole
`Application No.: Not Yet Assigned
`Confirmation No.: NIA
`Filed: Concurrently Herewith
`Art Unit: NIA
`Examiner: Not Yet Assigned
`MS Amendment
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Madam:
`Prior to examination on the merits, please amend the above-identified U.S. patent
`application as follows:
`Amendments to the Specification begin on page 2 of this paper.
`Remarks/ Arguments begin on page 3 of this paper.
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 7


`Application No. Not Yet Assigned
`First Preliminary Amendment
`DocketNo.: 149369-00103
`Page 1, after the title, please insert the following:
`This is a continuation of Application No. 15,392,396, filed December 28, 2016, which is
`a continuation of Application No. 14/309,476, filed June 19, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,536,516,
`which is a continuation of Application No. 13/253,223, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,768,696, filed October
`5, 2011, which is a continuation of Application No. 12/554,607, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,036,890, filed
`September 4, 2009, which is continuation of Application No. 10/503,463, now U.S. Pat. No.
`7,587,319, filed May 24, 2005, which is a 371 oflnternational Application No.
`PCT/GB2003/000459, filed February 4, 2003, which claims foreign priority to United Kingdom
`Application No. 0202546.8 filed February 4, 2002, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein
`by reference in their entireties.
`149369.00101/117148204v. I
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 8


`Application No. Not Yet Assigned
`First Preliminary Amendment
`DocketNo.: 149369-00103
`This application, which is a continuation, has been amended to add a reference to the
`parent applications in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 120.
`Dated: February 4, 2019
`Respectfully submitted,
`Stephen A. Soffen
`Registration No.: 31,063
`1825 Eye Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20006-5403
`(202) 420-2200
`Attorney for Applicant
`DSMDB-3174234 vl
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 9


`The present invention generally relates to a speech recognition circuit which uses
`parallel processors for processing the input speech data in parallel.
`Conventional large vocabulary speech recognition can be divided into two processes:
`front end processing to generate processed speech parameters such as feature vectors,
`followed by a search process which attempts to find the most likely set of words spoken
`from a given vocabulary (lexicon).
`The front end processing generally represents no problem for current processing
`systems. However, for large vocabulary, speaker independent speech recognition, it is
`the search process that presents the biggest challenge. An article by Deshmukh et al
`entitled "Hierarchical Search for Large-Vocabulary Conversational Speech
`Recognition" (IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, September 1999, pages 84 to 107),
`the content of which is hereby incorporated by reference, discusses the general concepts
`oflarge vocabulary speech recognition. As discussed in this paper, one algorithm for
`perfonning the search is the Viterbi algorithm. The Viterbi algorithm is a parallel or
`breadth first search through a transition network of states of Hidden Markov Models.
`An acoustic model for words in a lexicon are represented as states-of Hidden Markov
`Models. These states represent phones or n phones in a phone model of the words. The
`search requires the evaluation of possible word matches. It is known that such a search
`is computationally intensive.
`In order to speed up the processing performed during such a search in a speech
`recognition system, parallel processing has been explored. In an article by
`MK Ravishankar entitled "Parallel Implementation of Past Beam Search for Speaker(cid:173)
`Independent Continuous Speech Recognition" (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalor,
`India, July 16, 1993) a multi-threaded implementation of a fast beam search algorithm is
`disclosed. The multi-threading implementation requires a significant amount of
`communication and synchronization among threads. In an MSC project report by
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 10


`R Dujari entitled "Parallel Viterbi Search Algorithm for Speech Recognition" (MIT,
`February 1992) the parallel processing of input speech parameters is disclosed in which
`a lexical network is split statically among processors.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide an improved circuit which can perform
`parallel processing of speech parameters.
`In accordance with a first embodiment of the present invention, a speech recognition
`circuit comprises an input port such as input buffer for receiving parameterized speech
`data such as feature ve_ctors. A lexical memory arrangement is provided which contains
`lexicon data for word recognition. The lexical data comprises a plurality of lexical tree
`data structures representing a plurality oflexical trees. Each lexical tree data structure
`comprises a model of words having common prefix components and an initial
`component which is unique as an initial component for lexical trees. A plurality of
`lexical tree processors are connected in parallel to the input port and perform parallel
`lexical tree processing for word recognition by accessing the lexical data irr the lexical
`memory arrangement A results memory arrangement is connected to the lexical tree
`processors for storing processing results from the lexical tree processors and lexical tree
`identifiers to identify lexical trees to be processed by the lexical tree processors. A
`controller controls the lexical tree processors to process lexical trees identified in the
`results memory arrangement by performing parallel processing of a plurality of lexical
`tree data structures.
`Thus in accordance with this embodiment of the present invention, the processing in
`order to perform word recognition is distributed across the processors by controlling the
`processors to perform processing on different lexical trees. The controller controls the
`processor by the processes to provide for efficient process management by distributing
`lexical processing to appropriate processors.
`The lexical tree data structure can comprise a phone model of words, wherein the
`components comprise phones. For reduced storage, the lexical tree data structure can
`comprise a mono phone lexical tree. The mono phone lexical tree can be used to
`generate context dependent phone models dynamically. This enables the use of context •
`dependent phone models for matching and hence increased accuracy whilst not
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 11


`increasing memory requirements. Alternatively, the lexical tree data structure can
`comprise context dependent phone models.
`The processing performed by each processor in one embodiment comprises the
`comparison of the speech parameters with the lexical data, e.g. phone models or data
`derived from the lexical data (e.g. dynamically generated context dependent phone
`models) to identify words as a word recognition event and to send information
`identifying the identified words to the results memory as the processing results. In this
`embodiment a language model processor arrangement can be provided for providing a
`language model output for modifying the processing results at a word recognition event
`by a lexical tree processor. The modification can either take place at each lexical tree
`processor, or at the language model processing arrangement.
`In one embodiment each lexical tree processor determines an output score for words in
`the processing results at word recognition events. Thus in this embodiment the
`language model processing arrangement can modify the score using a score for a
`language model for n preceding words, where n isan integer.
`In one embodiment the controller instructs a lexical tree processor to process a lexical
`tree by passing a lexical tree identifier for the lexical tree and history data for a
`recognition path associated with the lexical tree from the results memory. The history
`data preferably includes an acewnulated score for the recognition path. This enables a
`score to be determined based on the scor-e for the recognition path to accumulate a new
`score during recognition carried out using the lexical tree data structure. The scores can
`be output in the processing results to the results memory during the processing of the
`speech parameters so that the scores can be used for pruning.
`In one embodiment of the present invention, each lexical tree processor operates on
`more than one lexical tree at the same time, e.g~ two lexical trees represented by two
`different lexical tree data structures, or two lexical trees represented by the same data
`structure but displaced in time (which can-be termed to instances of the same lexical
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 12


`At word recognition events, the controller determines new Jexical tree identifiers for
`storing in the results memory for words identified in the results memory for respective
`word events. In order to reduce the processing, the controller can prune the new lexical
`tree identifiers to reduce the number ofJexical trees which are required to be processed.
`This pruning can be achieved using context dependant n phones to reduce the number of
`possible next phones. The number can be further reduced by using a language model
`look ahead technique.
`In one embodiment of the present invention, the lexical tree processors are arranged in
`groups or clusters. The lexical memory arrangement comprises a plurality of partial
`lexical memories. Each partial lexical memory is connected to one of the groups of
`lexical tree processors and contains part of the lexical data. Thus a group of lexical tree
`processors and a partial lexical memory form a cluster. Each lexical tree processor is
`operative to process the speech parameters using a partial lexical memory and the
`controller controls each lexical tree processor to process a lexical tree corresponding to
`partial lexical data in a corresponding partial lexical memory.
`In another embodiment of the present invention the lexical memory arrangement
`comprises a plurality of partial lexical memories. Each partial lexical memory being
`connected to one of the lexical tree processors and containing part of the lexical data.
`Each lexical tree processor processes the speech parameters using a corresponding
`partia1 lexical memory and the controller is operative to control each lexical tree
`processor to process a lexical tree corresponding to partial lexical data in a
`corresponding partial lexical memory.
`In one embodiment of the present invention the lexical memory arrangement stores the
`lexical tree data structures as Hidden Markov Models and the lexical tree processors are
`operative to perfonn the Viterbi search algorithm using each respeetive lexical tree data
`structure. Thus in this way, this embodiment of.the present invention provides a
`parallel Viterbi lexical tree search process for speech recognition.
`The first aspect of the present invention is a special purpose circuit built for performing
`the speech recognition search process in which there are a plurality of processors for
`performing parallel lexical tree processing on individual lexical tree processors.
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 13


`In another aspect of the present invention a speech recognition circuit comprises an
`input port such as-an input buffer for reGeiving parameterized speech data such as
`feature vectors. A plurality of lexical memories are provided which contain in
`combination complete lexical data for word recognition. Each lexical memory contains
`part of the complete lexical data. A plurality of processors are provided connected in
`parallel to the input port for processing the speech parameters in parallel. The
`processors are arranged in groups in which each group is connected to a corresponding
`lexical memory to form a cluster. A controller controls each processor to process the
`speech parameters using partial lexical data read from a corresponding lexical memory.
`The results of processing the speech parameters are output from the processors as
`recognition data.
`Thus this aspect of the present invention provides a circuit in which speech recognition
`processing is performed in parallel by groups of processors operating in parallel in
`which each group accesses a common memory of!exical data. This aspect of the
`present invention provides the advantage of parallel processing of speech parameters
`and benefits from a limited segmentation of the lexical data. By providing a plurality of
`processors in a group with a common memory, flexibility in the processing is provided
`without being bandwidth limited by the interface to the memory that would occur if
`only a single memory were used for all processors. The arrangement is more flexible
`than the parallel processing arrangement in which each processor only has access to its
`own iocal memory and requires fewer memory interfaces (i.e. chip pins). Each
`processor within a group can access the same lexical data as any other processor in the
`group. The controller can thus control the parallel processing of input speech
`parameters in a more flexible manner. For example, it allows more than one processor
`to process input speech parameters using the same lexical data in a lexical memory.
`This is because the lexical data is segmented into domains which are accessible by
`multiple processors.
`In a preferred embodiment this aspect of the present invention is used in combination
`with the first aspect of the present invention. In such an arrangement each processor
`performs lexical tree processing and the lexical data stored in each lexical memory
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 14


`comprises lexical tree data structures which each comprise a model of words having
`common prefix components and an initial component thatis unique.
`In preferred embodiments of the second aspect of the present invention, the preferred
`embodiments of the first aspect of the present invention are incorporated.
`Embodiments of the present invention will now be described withTeference to the
`accompanying drawings in which:
`Figure 1 is a diagram of a speech data processing circuit for generating parameterized
`speech data (feature vectors);
`Figure 2 is a diagram of a speech recognition circuit in accordance with an embodiment
`of the present invention;
`Figures 3a and 3b are schematic diagrams illustrating lexical tree structures;
`Figure 4 is a flow diagram illustrating the process perfonned by a lexical tree processor
`to determine a temporary lexical tree score in accordance with an embodiment of the
`present invention;
`Figure 5 is a flow diagram illustrating the process perfonned by the lexical tree
`processor for processing the input feature vectors in accordance with an embodiment of
`the present invention; and
`Figure 6 is a flow diagram illustrating the process perfonned by the controller in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`Figur-e 1 illustrates a typical circuit for the parameterization of input speech data. In this
`embodiment the parameters generated are speech vectors.
`A microphone 1 records speech in an analogue form and this is input through an anti(cid:173)
`aliasing filter 2 to an analogue-to-digital converter 3 which samples the speech at
`48 kHz at 20 bits per sample. The digitized output signal is normalized (4) to generated
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 15


`a 10 millisecond data fra."lle every 5 milliseconds with 5 milfrseconds overlap (5). A
`pre-emphasis operation 6 is applied to the data followed by a hamming window 7. The
`data is then fast Fourier transfonned (FF1) using a 512 point fast Fourier transform (8:)
`before being filtered by filter bank 9 into 12 frequencies. The energy in the data frame
`5 is also recorded (13) as an additional feature and together with the 12 frequency
`outputs of the filter bank 9, 13 feature vectors (10) are thus produced and these are
`output as part of the 39 feature vectors 14. First and second derivatives (11 and 12) are
`taken of the 13 feature vectors 10 to complete the generation of the 39 feature vectors
`The arrangement illustrated in Figure 1 is purely given for illustration. The present
`invention encompasses any means by which speech and data can be parameterized to a
`suitable form for input to the search process as will be described in more detail
`Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of a speech recognition circuit in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention for performing the search process. The
`parameterized speech data, which in this embodiment comprise feature vectors, are
`input to a feature vector buffer 20. The feature vector buffer 20 is provided to buffer the
`incoming feature vectors to allow lexical tree processors 21 to read and process the
`feature vectors in the buffer 20 via a feature vector bus 24. A plurality k of lexical tree
`processors 21 are arranged in a respective lexical tree processor cluster 22. Each lexical
`tree processor cluster 22 has an acoustic model memory 23 in which is stored lexical
`data for use by the lexical tree processors 21 within the lexical tree processor cluster 22.
`Each lexical tree processor 21 in the lexical tree processor cluster 22 is connected to the
`acoustic model memory 23 within the lexical tree processor 22. There are N lexical tree
`processor clusters and thus there are Nk lexical tree processors 21 connected by the
`feature vector bus 24-to the feature vector buffer 20. Bach lexical tree processor21 is
`capable of processing a different lexical tree and thus Nk lexical trees can be processed
`in parallel. The acoustic model memories 23 store as a whole a complete set of lexical
`data, i.e. lexical tree data structures for use in the lexical tree processing by the lexical
`tree processors 21. Each acoustic model memory 23 contains part or a segment of the
`lexical tree data. Since lexical tree processors 21 in a lexical tree processor cluster 22
`access the same acoustic model memory 23, it is possible for more than one lexical tree
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 16


`processor 21 to process the same lexical data. This provides for some degree of
`flexibility in the controlling of the processing by the lexical tree processors 21. -.Further,
`the acoustic model memories 23 need not contain only one copy of the lexical data. It is(cid:173)
`possible to build in a redundancy in the data to further enhance the flexibility. This
`avoids any bottleneck in the processing due to the search processing focusing on a small
`number oflexical trees.
`A results memory 25 is provided for storing processing results from the lexical tree
`processors 21 which are received over the path score and history bus 26. The results
`memory 25 also stores information on lexical trees to identify which lexical trees are to
`be processed. A search controller 27 is provided to control the processing performed by
`the lexical tree processors 21 in dependence upon a program and data stored in program
`and data memory 28. The search controller reads the path scores and lexical tree
`identifiers from the results memory and controls the le:irical tree processors accordingly.
`A language model processor 29 is provideff which is connected to each lexical tree
`processor 21 by a language model bus 30. The language model processor 29 accesses a(cid:173)
`language model memory 31 to read language model data for provision to lexical tree
`processors 21 in response to language model data requests. External control of the
`language model memory 31 is provided by a word constrains input. The language
`model processor 29 determines a score for a word occurring following N previous
`words using N grams. When a lexical tree processor requires a language model score a
`request is sent to the language model processor 29 over the language model bus 30
`identifying the current-word and the N-1 previous words. A language model score for
`the N gram can be returned to the lexical tree processor 21 for the modification of the
`score at the end of a branch of lexical tree processing. The lexicaLtree processor can
`modify the score in accordance with the language model and output a score to the
`results memory 25 for a word at the end of a branch of the lexical tree processing. Thus
`the results memory stores the results as an ordered list of scores for words together with
`their histories.
`The results memory 25 stores the foJlowing data:
`Initial lexical tree data. This comprises pointers to an initial set of lexical trees.
`No history data is associated with the initial set of lexical trees. The initial set of lexical
`Amazon / Zentian Limited
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 17


`trees is predetermined and stored in the results memory 25 based on the most likely
`initial phones of an utterance. This initial lexical tree data is required to initialize the
`search process.
`History data for search results. This comprises a record of a recognition path
`through the lexical tree recognition process perform

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