`Filed June 2, 194l
`7 operas Z 7 orode.
`Ex. 1009, Page 1
`Industrial Revolution Inc.
`Patented May 4, 1943
`Thomas D. Torode, Detroit, Mich.
`Application June 2, 1941, Serial No. 396,305
`2 Claims. (C. 30-147)
`To every one the thorough usefulness of the
`In further carrying out the invention, and
`knife, fork and spoon for eating purposes gen
`with particular reference to Figure 1, the same
`erally, has always been well recognized, and the
`Comprises handle portion , being tapered as
`purpose of this invention is to provide a utensil
`shown and having one of its ends terminating
`to neck 2, then extending and forming fork body
`whereby these three important elements are COm
`bined in a single structure, thus eliminating the
`3, one end of said body terminating to a series
`necessity of the presence of three different uten
`Of spaced apart times 4.
`sils for this purpose.
`The Opposite end of handle portion termi
`There are countless advantages of this in
`nates to spoon bowl 5 as shown.
`vention that may be derived from its use, one of
`Finger pressure arm 6 is provided and is an
`these advantages is the fact that a person who is
`integral part of handle portion f. The com
`physically incapacitated, or who has the loss of
`plete structure is made of a single piece of suit
`one hand or arm, and possessing only One hand
`able metal, preferably of stainless steel.
`or arm to aid him in regularly eating and drink
`Knife blade portion is a part of body 3.
`ing, to such persons as these this invention is
`It is undertsood that in order to use knife
`humbly dedicated.
`portion adequate pressure may be exerted upon
`Another advantage of the invention is that it is
`arm 6 for this purpose. The fork tines 4 and
`similarly advantageous to able-bodied persons in
`the Spoon 5 are both used in the customary man
`all walks of life, and particularly for students
`of schools and colleges, for hospitals and Santi
`With reference to Figure 3 in which a modified
`tariums, and the like, principally because the
`form of the invention is shown, it is noted that
`the structure retains handle portion , neck 2,
`general use of the invention will save much time
`fork body 3, tines 4 and finger pressure arm 6.
`in serving meals and in cleansing the same after
`Spoon bowl 5 only being omitted.
`Still another advantage of the invention is
`In conclusion, let it be understood that the
`complete disclosure herewith is merely illus
`that it is invaluable for camping, and would
`have an important value for extensive use by
`trative of the general principle of the invention
`the Army and Navy.
`sought to be protected by Letters Patent, and that
`The invention is very simple, and for this
`any contemplated changes made therein, such
`as proportion or design, would fall directly with
`reason it may be manufactured at a cost that
`would permit a selling price well within reach
`in the scope of the claims.
`of all, notwithstanding the fact that it may be
`Having thus fully described my invention, what
`artistically designed and exceedingly attractive
`I claim as new is:
`in appearance.
`1. In a table utensil of the character described,
`With the foregoing in mind, it will become
`the combination of an integral structure formed
`readily apparent that the invention possesses
`successively with a series of fork tines, a knife,
`a handle portion and a spoon, a finger pressure
`further advantages, all of which will be clearly
`arm being arranged upon the handle portion in
`revealed during the course of the following de
`position to enable the application of manual
`talled description, illustrated throughout the ac
`Companing drawing, and more fully pointed out
`force to said knife.
`in the subjoined claims.
`2. In a table utensil of the character described,
`the combination of an integral structure formed
`With reference to the drawing: .
`is a top plan view of the complete
`Successively with a series of forked tines at one
`end, a solid portion of substantially the same
`Figure 2 is a side elevation of the view indi
`width as the tines with a knife at one side, a
`cated in Figure 1.
`tapering handle with a finger pressure arm on
`Figure 3 is a top plan view of a modified
`the side of its neckportion opposite to that upon
`form of the finvention.
`which the knife is formed, and a spoon at the
`Figure 4 is an enlarged transverse section taken
`opposite end of the handle,
`upon line 4-4 of Figure 1.
`Figure 5 is a longitudinal section taken upon
`line S-S of Figure 1.
`Ex. 1009, Page 2
`Industrial Revolution Inc.