Nikolaos P. Papanikolopoulos
`McKnight Presidential Endowed Professor in CS
`Distinguished McKnight University Professor
` Director, Minnesota Robotics Institute
`Department of Computer Science and Engineering
`University of Minnesota
`200 Union Street SE
`Minneapolis, MN 55455
`phone: (612) 625-0163
`fax: (612) 625-0575
`• Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
`Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering, August 1992.
`GPA: 4.0 / 4.0.
`Thesis: “Controlled Active Vision” under the supervision of Professor Pradeep K. Khosla.
`• Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
`Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 1988.
`GPA: 4.0 / 4.0.
`Project: “FORS: Flexible Organizations” under the supervision of Professor Sarosh Talukdar.
`• National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
`Diploma of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering, July 1987.
`GPA: 8.75 / 10.0.
`Project: “Use of Fuzzy Logic in the Selection of Gains of the PID Controller” under the supervision of
`Professor Spyros Tzafestas.
`Professional Experience
`• Director Minnesota Robotics Institute: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`July 2019 - present.
`• Professor: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`Fall 2001 - present.
`• Associate Professor: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`Fall 1996 - 2001.
`• Assistant Professor: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`Fall 1992 - 1996.
`Mercedes EX1037
`U.S. Patent No. 11,208,029


`Research Experience
`• University of Minnesota, September 1992 - Present
`Computer Vision and Sensing
`Object Recognition
`Intelligent Transportation Systems
`Machine Learning
`Medical Robotics
`Sensor Networks
`Robotic Visual Tracking and Servoing
`Sensor-Based Control in Transportation Systems
`Active Vision
`Computer Engineering
`Signature Recognition and Identification
`Computer Engineering
`• Carnegie Mellon University, August 1987 - August 1992
`Robotics, Computer Vision, and Control
`Computer Integrated Manufacturing
`Tool Integration
`Software Engineering
`• National Technical University of Athens, September 1986 - July 1987
`Fuzzy and Intelligent Control
`Industrial Experience
`• Consultant: University of Cyprus, Nicosia Cyprus.
`Helped in the creation of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2001 - 2005.
`• Consultant: Banner Engineering, Carnegie Robotics, Sentera, KYOS, Tennant, ISS, Best Buy, Moai
`Technologies, MOVE eye, VideoNEXT Inc., DATACARD Inc., etc., Minneapolis, MN.
`Developed computer vision algorithms for vehicle tracking, camera calibration, precision agriculture,
`human tracking, object recognition, and fingerprint recognition, 1997 - Present.
`• Consultant: IMS ExpertServices, ΑΒΒ, Toyota, Canon, Intel, Tetra Tech, iRobot, Κenyon and
`Kenyon, Orrick, Perkins Coie LLP, Fish & Richardson, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett &
`Dunner LLP, Oblon, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, LLP, Phillips Nizer LLP, Andrews Kurth Kenyon
`LLP, and Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott LLP, Minneapolis, MN.
`Provided technical expertise in litigation that involves surveillance systems, robotics, computer vision,
`vehicle monitoring systems, human activity monitoring, and motion control devices, 2012 - Present.
`• Consultant: Architecture Technology Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN.
`Developed algorithms and software for multi-robot teams, 2003 - 2005.
`• Founder: ReconRobotics Inc., Edina, MN.
`Developed different robotic platforms, 2005-Present.
`• Software Engineer: Piraeus Service Bureau, Piraeus, Greece.
`Developed software for inventory control, accounting, and factory automation. August 1983 - July 1987.


`• Director of Undergraduate Studies: University of Minnesota,
` Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`Supervised the CSE Undergraduate Program, Fall 2001 – Spring 2004.
`• Associate Professor: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`Taught several undergraduate and graduate courses, Fall 1996 - 2001.
`• Assistant Professor: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`Taught several undergraduate and graduate courses, Fall 1992 - 1996.
`Teaching Experience
`• Professor: University of Minnesota,
` Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`Taught several undergraduate and graduate courses, Fall 2001 - Present.
`Journal Papers (Significant papers are in bold)
`• Teaching Assistant: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
`Assisted in the teaching of the graduate course “Robotic Systems”, Spring 1989.
`1. Schwartzwald, A., Tlachac, M., Guzman, L., Bacharis, T., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P.,
`“Tumbling Robot Control Using Reinforcement Learning: An Adaptive Control Policy
`That Transfers Well to the Real World," in IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine,
`2. Guzman, L., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., "Robotic Embodiment of
`Human-Like Motor Skills via Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Robotics and
`Automation Letters, Volume 7, No. 2, April 2022, pp 3711-3717. The paper was
`also presented at the 2022 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation.
`3. Henderson, T., Favour, R., Hamlen, B., Mitha, I., Bowe, E., and Papanikolopoulos,
`N.P., "Hovering Locomotion for UAVs with Thrust-Vectoring Control Surfaces", IEEE
`Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 7, No. 2, April 2022, pp 5214-5221. The
`paper was also presented at the 2022 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and
`4. Cherian, A., Stanitsas, P., Wang, J., Harandi, M., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos,
`N.P., “Learning Log-Determinant Divergences for Positive Definite Matrices”, IEEE
`Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 44, No. 9, 2022, pp 5088-
`5. Mallery, K., Canelon, D., Hong, J., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Design and
`Experiments with a Robot-Driven Underwater Holographic Microscope for
`Low-Cost In Situ Particle Measurements”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems,
`Volume 102, No. 2, 2021.


`6. Rickman, J., Struyk, G., Simpson, B., Byun, B., and Papanikolopoulos, N., “The
`Growing Role for Semantic Segmentation in Urology”. European Urology Focus,
`Volume 7, No. 4, 2021, pp 692-695.
`7. Martin, R., Leppink-Shands, P., Tlachac, M., DuBois, M., Conelea, C., Jacob, S.,
`Morellas, V., Morris, T., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “The Use of Immersive
`Environments for the Early Detection and Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders”,
`Frontiers in Digital Health, Section Connected Health, Volume 2, February 2021.
`8. Heller, N., Isensee, F., Maier-Hein, K., Houd, X., Xied, C., Lid, F., Nand, Y., Mue,
`G., Ling, Z., Hane, M., Yaoe, G., Gaoe, Y., Zhangh, Y., Wangh, Y., Houh, F., Yang,
`J., Xiong, G., Tiank, J., Zhongk, C., Mal, J., Rickmana, J., Deana, J., Stai, B.,
`Tejpaul, R., Oestreicha, M., Blake, P., Kaluzniako, H., Razao, S., Rosenberg, J.,
`Moore, K., Walczaka, E., Rengel, Z., Edgerton, Z., Vasdev, R., Peterson, M.,
`McSweeney, S., Peterson, P., Kalapara, A., Sathianathen, N., Papanikolopoulos,
`N., and Weight, C.J., “The State of the Art in Kidney and Kidney Tumor
`Segmentation in Contrast-enhanced CT Imaging: Results of the KiTS19
`Challenge”, Medical Image Analysis, January 2021.
`9. Stanitsas, P., Cherian, A., Morellas, V., Tejpaul, R., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and
`Truskinovsky, A., “Image Descriptors for Weakly Annotated Histopathological Breast
`Cancer Data”, Frontiers in Digital Health, Section Connected Health, December 2020.
`10. Zermas, D., Nelson, H., Stanitsas, P., Morellas, V., Mulla, D., and Papanikolopoulos,
`N.P., “A Methodology for the Detection of Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn Fields Using
`High-Resolution RGB Imagery”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and
`Engineering, October 2020.
`11. Stai, B., Heller, N., McSweeney, S., Rickman, J., Blake, P., Vasdev, R., Edgerton, Z.,
`Tejpaul, R., Peterson, M., Rosenburg, J., Kalapara, A., Regmi, S., Papanikolopoulos,
`N., and Weight, C., “Public Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in
`Medicine”, Journal of Endourology, Volume 34, No. 10, October 2020.
`12. Zermas, D., Morellas, V., Mulla, D., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “3D Model
`Processing for High Throughput Phenotype Extraction – the Case of Corn”,
`Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 172, May 2020.
`13. Beksi, W., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “A Topology-based Descriptor for 3D Point
`Cloud Modeling: Theory and Experiments”, Image and Vision Computing, Volume 88,
`August 2019, pp 84-95.
`14. Walczak, N., Fasching, J., Cullen, K., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P.,
`“Toward Identifying Behavioral Risk Markers for Mental Health Disorders: An Assistive
`System for Monitoring Children's Movements in a Preschool Classroom”, Machine
`Vision and Applications, Volume 29, No. 4, May 2018, pp 703-717.
`15. Bernstein, G., Hadjiyanni, T., Cullen, K., Robinson, J., Harris, E., Young, A., Fasching,
`J., Walczak, N., Lee, S., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Use of Computer
`Vision Tools to Identify Behavioral Markers of Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive
`Disorder: A Pilot Study”, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology,
`Volume 27, No. 2, March 2017, pp 140-147.
`16. Zhang, D., Zhao, J., Zhang, F., Jiang, R., He, T., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Last-
`Mile Transit Service with Urban Infrastructure Data”, ACM Trans. on Cyber-Physical
`Systems, Volume 1, No. 2, February 2017.


`17. Cherian, A., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Bayesian Nonparametric
`Clustering of Positive Definite Tensors”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and
`Machine Intelligence, Volume 38, No. 5, May 2016, pp 862-874.
`18. Fehr, D., Beksi, W., Zermas, D., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Covariance Based Point
`Cloud Descriptors for Object Detection and Recognition”, Computer Vision and Image
`Understanding, Volume 142, January 2016, pp 80-93.
`19. Sivalingam, R., Boley, D., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Tensor Dictionary
`Learning for Positive Definite Matrices”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Volume 24,
`No. 11, November 2015, pp 4592-4601.
`20. Andersh, J., Cherian, A., Mettler, B., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “A Vision Based
`Ensemble Approach to Velocity Estimation for Miniature Rotorcraft”, Autonomous
`Robots, Volume 39, No. 2, August 2015, pp 123-138.
`21. Cherian, A., Sra, S., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Efficient Nearest
`Neighbors via Robust Sparse Hashing”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,
`Volume 23, No. 8, August 2014, pp 3646-3655.
`22. Somasundaram, G., Cherian, A., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Action
`Recognition Using Global Spatio-Temporal Features Derived from Sparse
`Representations”, Volume 123, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, June
`2014, pp 1-13.
`23. Hashemi, J., Tepper, M., Spina, T., Esler, A., Morellas, V., Papanikolopoulos, N.P.,
`Egger, H., Dawson, G., and Sapiro, G., “Computer Vision Tools for the Non-
`invasive Assessment of Autism-related Behavioral Markers”, Autism Research
`and Treatment, June 2014.
`24. Sivalingam, R., Boley, D., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Tensor Sparse Coding for
`Positive Definite Matrices”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume
`36, No. 3, March 2014, pp 592-605.
`25. Drenner, A., Janssen, M., Kottas, A., Kossett, A., Carlson, C., Lloyd, R., and Papanikolopoulos,
`N.P., “Multi-robot Teams with Miniature Robots and Mobile Docking Stations”, Journal of
`Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 72, No. 2, November 2013, pp 263-284.
`26. Cherian, A., Sra, S., Banerjee, A., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Jensen-Bregman LogDet
`Divergence with Application to Efficient Similarity Search for Covariance Matrices”, IEEE
`Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 35, No. 9, September 2013,
`pp 2161-2174.
`27. Somasundaram, G., Sivalingam, R., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Classification
`and Counting of Composite Objects in Traffic Scenes Using Global and Local Image Analysis”,
`IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 14, No. 1, March 2013, pp 69-81.
`28. Joshi, A., Porikli, F., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Scalable Active Learning for Multi-
`Class Image Classification”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
`Volume 34, No. 11, November 2012, pp 2259-2273.
`29. Ribnick, E., Sivalingam, R., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and Daniilidis, K., “Reconstructing
`and Analysing Periodic Human Motion from Stationary Monocular Views”, Computer
`Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 116, No. 7, July 2012, pp 815-826.
`30. Min, H., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Robot Formations Using a Single Camera and Entropy-
`Based Segmentation”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 68, No. 1, March
`2012, pp 21-41.


`31. Bird, N., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Optimal Image-Based Euclidean Calibration of
`Structured Light Systems in General Scenes”, IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and
`Engineering, Volume 8, No. 4, October 2011, pp 815-823.
`32. Sharma, M., Dos Santos, T., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and Hui, S.K., “Feasibility of Intra-fraction
`Whole Body Motion Tracking for Total Marrow Irradiation”, Journal of Biomedical Optics,
`Volume 16, No. 5, May 2011.
`33. Ribnick, E., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “3D Reconstruction of Periodic Motion from a
`Single View”, International Journal of Computer Vision, Volume 90, No. 1, October 2010,
`pp 28-44.
`34. Atev, S., Miller, G., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Clustering of Vehicle Trajectories”, IEEE
`Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 11, No. 3, September 2010, pp 647-657.
`35. Veeraraghavan, H., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Learning to Recognize Video-based Spatio-
`temporal Events”, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 10, No. 4,
`December 2009, pp 628-638.
`36. Cao, D., Masoud, O., Boley, D., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Online Motion Classification
`Using Support Vector Machines”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 113, No.
`10, October 2009, pp 1064-1075.
`37. Bodor, R., Jackson, B., Masoud, O., Fehr, D., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “View-Independent
`Motion Classification Using Image-Based Reconstruction”, Image and Vision Computing,
`Volume 27, No. 8, July 2009, pp 1194-1206.
`38. Ribnick, E., Atev, S., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Estimating 3D Positions and
`Velocities of Projectiles from Monocular Views”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and
`Machine Intelligence, Volume 31, No. 5, May 2009, pp 938-944.
`39. Anderson, M., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Implicit Cooperation Strategies for Multi-robot
`Search of Unknown Areas”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 53, No. 4,
`December 2008, pp 381-397.
`40. Joshi, A., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Learning to Detect Moving Shadows in Dynamic
`Environments”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 30,
`No. 11, November 2008, pp 2055-2063.
`41. Fiore, L., Fehr, D., Bodor, R., Drenner, A., Somasundaram, G., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P.,
`“Multi-Camera Human Activity Monitoring”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume
`52, No. 1, May 2008, pp 5-43.
`42. Kilambi, P., Joshi, A., Ribnick, E., Masoud, O., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Estimating
`Pedestrian Counts in Groups”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 110,
`No. 1, April 2008, pp 43-59.
`43. Rybski, P., Roumeliotis, S., Gini, M., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Appearance-Based Mapping
`Using Minimalistic Sensor Models”, Autonomous Robots, Volume 24, No. 3, April 2008, pp.
`44. Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “EvalWare: Signal Processing for Robotics”, IEEE Signal Processing
`Magazine, Volume 25, No. 1, 2008, pp 154-157.
`45. Masoud, O., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Using Geometric Primitives to Calibrate Traffic
`Scenes”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 15, No. 6,
`December 2007, pp 361-379.


`46. Bodor, R., Drenner, A., Schrater, P., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Optimal Camera Placement
`for Automated Surveillance Tasks”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 50, No.
`3, November 2007, pp 257-295.
`47. Cannon, K., LaPoint-Anderson, M., Bird, N., Panciera, K., Veeraraghavan, H.,
`Papanikolopoulos, N., and Gini, M., “Using Robots to Raise Interest in Technology Among
`Underrepresented Groups”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 14, No. 2, June
`2007, pp 73-81.
`48. Veeraraghavan, H., Bird, N., Atev, S., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Classifiers for Driver
`Activity Monitoring”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume
`15, No. 1, February 2007, pp 51-67.
`49. Veeraraghavan, H., Schrater, P., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Robust Target Detection
`and Tracking Through Integration of Color, Motion, and Geometry”, Computer Vision
`and Image Understanding, Volume 103, No. 2, August 2006, pp 121-138.
`50. Pearce, J., Powers, B., Hess, C., Rybski, P., Stoeter, S., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Using
`Virtual Pheromones and Cameras for Dispersing a Team of Multiple Miniature Robots”, Journal
`of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 45, No. 4, April 2006, pp 307-321.
`51. Stoeter, S., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Kinematic Motion Model for Jumping Scout
`Robots”, IEEE Trans. on Robotics, Volume 22, No. 2, April 2006, pp 398-403.
`52. Atev, S., Arumugam, H., Masoud, O., Janardan, R., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “A Vision-
`Based Approach to Collision Prediction at Traffic Intersections”, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent
`Transportation Systems, Volume 6, No. 4, December 2005, pp 416-423.
`53. Jackson, B., Bodor, R., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Deriving Occlusions in Static Scenes from
`Observations of Interactions with a Moving Figure”, Advanced Robotics, Volume 19, No 10,
`2005, pp 1043-1058.
`54. Bird, N., Masoud, O., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and Isaacs, A., “Detection of Loitering Individuals
`in Public Transportation Areas”, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 6,
`No. 2, June 2005, pp 167-177.
`55. Stoeter, S., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Autonomous Stair-Climbing with Miniature
`Jumping Robots”, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, Volume 35,
`No. 2, April 2005, pp 313-325.
`56. Maurin, B., Masoud, O., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Tracking All Traffic: Computer Vision
`Algorithms for Monitoring Vehicles, Individuals, and Crowds”, Robotics and Automation
`Magazine, Volume 12, No. 1, March 2005, pp 29-36.
`57. Dos Santos, C., Stoeter, S., Rybski, P., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Panoramic Imaging for
`Miniature Robots”, Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 11, No. 4, December 2004, pp
`58. Perrin, D., Kadioglu, E., Stoeter, S., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Grasping and Tracking
`Using Constant Curvature Dynamic Contours”, International Journal of Robotics
`Research, Volume 22, No. 10-11, October 2003, pp 855-871.
`59. McMillen, C., Stubbs, K., Rybski, P., Stoeter, S., Gini, M., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P.,
`“Resource Scheduling and Load Balancing in Distributed Robotic Control Systems”, Robotics
`and Autonomous Systems, Volume 44, No. 3-4, September 2003, pp 251-259.


`60. Veeraraghavan, H., Masoud, O., and Papanikolopoulos, N., “Kalman Filter Based Tracking for
`Monitoring Intersections”, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 4, No. 2,
`June 2003, pp 78-89.
`61. Masoud, O., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., "A Method for Human Action Recognition",
`Image and Vision Computing, Volume 21, No. 8, 2003, pp 729-743.
`62. Rybski, P., Stoeter, S., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., Burt, I., Dahlin, T., Gini, M., Hougen, D.,
`Krantz, D., and Nageotte, F., "Sharing Control: a Framework for the Operation and
`Coordination of Multiple Miniature Robots", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine,
`Volume 9, No. 4, 2002, pp 41-48.
`63. Perrin, D., Masoud, O., Smith, C., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Snakes for Robotic Grasping”,
`accepted to the journal ANALEKTA.
`64. Rybski, P., Stoeter, S., Gini, M., Hougen, D., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., "Performance
`of a Distributed Robotic System Using Shared Communications Channels: A Framework
`for the Operation and Coordination of Multiple Miniature Robots", IEEE Transactions on
`Robotics and Automation, Volume 18, No. 5, October 2002, pp 713-727. It also appeared
`in “Advances in plan-based control of robotic agents,” Lecture Notes in Artificial
`Intelligence, Volume 2466, 2002, pp. 211-225.
`65. Stoeter, S., Rybski, P., McMillen, C., Stubbs, K., Gini, M., Hougen, D., and Papanikolopoulos,
`N., "A Robot Team for Surveillance Tasks: Design and Architecture", Robotics and
`Autonomous Systems, Volume 40, No. 2-3, August 2002, pp 173-183.
`66. Gupte, S., Masoud, O., Martin, R., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., "Detection and Classification of
`Vehicles", IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 3, No. 1, March 2002, pp
`67. Masoud, O., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “A Novel Method for Tracking and Counting
`Pedestrians in Real-time Using a Single Camera”, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,
`Volume 50, No. 5, September 2001, pp 1267-1278.
`68. Eriksson, M., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Driver Fatigue: A Vision-Based Approach to
`Automatic Diagnosis”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 9,
`2001, pp. 399-413.
`69. Singh, R., Voyles, R., Littau, D., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., "Shape Morphing-Based Control
`of Robotic Visual Servoing", Autonomous Robots, Volume 10, No. 3, 2001, pp 317-338.
`70. Masoud, O., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and Kwon, E., "The Use of Computer Vision in Monitoring
`Weaving Sections", IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 2, No.1, March
`2001, pp 18-25.
`71. Rybski, P., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., Stoeter, S., Krantz, D., Yesin, K. Gini, M., Voyles, R.,
`Hougen, D., Nelson, B., and Erickson, M., "Enlisting Rangers and Scouts for
`Reconnaissance and Surveillance", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 7,
`No. 4, December 2000, pp 14-24.
`72. Singh, R., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., "Planar Shape Recognition by Shape Morphing",
`Pattern Recognition, Volume 33, No. 10, October 2000, pp 1683-1699.
`73. Pavlidis, I., Morellas, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “A Vehicle Occupant Counting System
`Based on Near-Infrared Phenomenology and Fuzzy Neural Classification”, IEEE Trans. on
`Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 1, No. 2, June 2000, pp 72-85.


`74. Pavlidis, I., Symosek, P., Fritz, B., Bazakos, M., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., "Automatic
`Detection of Vehicle Occupants-The Imaging Problem and its Solution", Machine Vision and
`Applications, Volume 11, No. 6, April 2000, pp 313-320.
`75. Singh, R., Cherkassky, V., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., " Self-Organizing Maps for the
`Skeletonization of Sparse Shapes", IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, Volume 11, No. 1,
`January 2000, pp 241-248.
`76. Pavlidis, I., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and Mavuduru, R., “Signature Verification Through the Use
`of Deformable Structures”, Signal Processing, Volume 71, 1998, pp 187-201.
`77. Pavlidis, I., Singh, R., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “On-Line Handwriting Recognition Using
`Physics-Based Shape Metamorphosis”, Pattern Recognition, Volume 31, No. 11, November
`1998, pp 1589-1600.
`78. Smith, C., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Issues and Experimental Results in Vision-Guided
`Robotic Grasping of Static or Moving Objects”, Industrial Robot, Volume 25, No. 2, 1998, pp
`79. Toczyski, W.D., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “A Fast Directional Filter Set for Pyramidal
`Image-Based Robotic Systems”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 10,
`No. 6, December 1997, pp 557-571.
`80. Smith, C., Brandt, S., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Eye-in-hand Robotic Tasks in
`Uncalibrated Environments”, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 13, No.
`6, December 1997, pp 903-914.
`81. Smith, C., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Grasping of Static and Moving Objects Using a Vision-
`Based Control Approach”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications,
`Volume 19, No. 3, July 1997, pp 237-270.
`82. Richards, C., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Detection and Tracking for Robotic Visual Servoing
`Systems”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 13, No. 2, June 1997,
`pp 101-120.
`83. Smith, C., Richards, C. Brandt, S., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Visual Tracking for Intelligent
`Vehicle-Highway Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Volume 45, No. 4,
`November 1996, pp 744-759.
`84. Couvignou, P., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., Sulllivan, M., and Khosla, P.K., “The Use of Active
`Deformable Models in Model-Based Robotic Visual Servoing”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic
`Systems: Theory and Applications, Volume 17, No. 2, October 1996, pp 195-221.
`85. Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “The Framework of Controlled Active Vision”, Mathematical and
`Computer Modelling, Volume 24, No. 5-6, September 1996, pp 145-163.
`86. Nelson, B., Papanikolopoulos, N. P., and Khosla, P.K., "Robotic Visual Servoing and Robotic
`Assembly Tasks", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 3, No. 2, June 1996, pp
`87. Papanikolopoulos, N.P., Nelson, B., and Khosla, P.K., “Six Degree-of-Freedom Hand/Eye
`Visual Tracking with Uncertain Parameters”, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation,
`Volume 11, No 5, October 1995, pp 725-732.
`88. Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Selection of Features and Evaluation of Visual Measurements During
`Robotic Visual Servoing Tasks”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems: Theory and
`Applications, Volume 13, August 1995, pp 279-304.


`89. Lau, P., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and Boley, D., “Gabor-QR Decomposition for Image
`Encoding”, Electronics Letters, Volume 29, No. 25, December 1993, pp 2182-2183.
`90. Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and Khosla, P.K., “Adaptive Robotic Visual Tracking: Theory
`and Experiments”, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Volume 38, No. 3, March 1993, pp
`429 - 445.
`91. Papanikolopoulos, N.P., Khosla, P.K., and Kanade, T., “Visual Tracking of a Moving
`Target by a Camera Mounted on a Robot: A Combination of Control and Vision”, IEEE
`Trans. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 9, No. 1, February 1993, pp 14 - 35.
`92. Stoa, P., Talukdar, S. N., Christie, R. D., Hou, L., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Environments for
`Security Assessment and Enhancement”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy
`Systems, Volume 14, No. 2 - 3, April - June 1992, pp 249 - 255.
`93. Khosla, P.K., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Telerobotic Visual Servoing”, Journal of Applied
`Intelligence, Volume 2, August 1992, pp 127 - 154.
`94. Papanikolopoulos, N.P.,
`for Flexible Design”, Journal of
`“FORS: A Software Tool
`IntelligentManufacturing, Volume 2, No. 1, February 1991, pp 5 - 15, Chapman and Hall.
`95. Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “FORS: A Graph Based Design Environment”, Computers in Industry,
`Volume15, No. 4, December 1990, pp 303 - 315, Elsevier Publishing.
`96. Tzafestas, S., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Incremental Fuzzy Expert PID Control”, IEEE
`Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Volume 37, No. 5, October 1990, pp 365 - 371.
`Book Chapters
`1. Chun, W., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Robot Surveillance and Security”, Springer Handbook
`of Robotics, 2015.
`2. Janssen, M., Drenner, A., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Distributed Robotic Teams: A
`Framework for Simulated and Real-World Modeling”, Invited Chapter in the Encyclopedia of
`Complexity and Systems Science, ed. W. Dixon, Springer Verlag, 2008.
`3. Drenner, A., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “A Framework for Large-Scale Multi-Robot Teams”,
`Invited Chapter in the Book Modeling and Control of Complex Systems, ed. A. Pitsillides and P.
`Ioannou, 2007.
`4. Rybski, P., Gini, M., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “Using Visual Features for Localizing within
`Topological Maps of Indoor Environments”, Invited Chapter, ed. L. Jain, September 2005.
`5. Sullivan, M., Papanikolopoulos, N. P., Singh, R., and Pavlidis, I., “Using Active Deformable
`Models in Robotic Visual Servoing”, Invited Chapter for the Book Event-Based Sensing,
`Planning and Control of a Robotic System: An Integrated Approach, ed. N. Xi, T.J. Tarn, and B.
`Ghosh, Academic Press,1998.
`6. Nelson, B., Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and Khosla, P.K., “Visual Servoing for Robotic Assembly”,
`Invited Chapter for the Book Visual Servoing-Automatic Control of Mechanical Systems with
`Visual Sensors, World Scientific Series in Robotics and Automated Systems, ed. K. Hashimoto,
`World Scientific Publishing, September 1993.


`7. Papanikolopoulos, N.P., and Khosla, P.K., “Controlled Active Vision”, Invited Chapter for the
`Book Perceptual Robotics, Springer Verlag, December 1993.
`Conference Papers (The presenter’s name is underlined; Significant papers are in bold)
`1. Nelson, H., Smith, C., Bacharis, A., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P, “Robust Plant
`Localization and Phenotyping in Dense 3D Point Clouds for Precision Agriculture”, to
`appear, Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation,
`London, UK, May 29 – June 2, 2023.
`2. Bacharis, A., Nelson, H., and Papanikolopoulos, N.P., “View Planning Using Discrete
`Optimization for 3D Reconstruction of Row Crops”, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/RSJ
`International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '22), pp 9195-9201,
`Kyoto, Japan, October 23-27, 2022.
`3. Wang, Z., and Papanikolopoulos, N., “Spatial Action Maps Augmented with Visit
`Frequency Maps for Exploration Tasks”, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/RSJ
`International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '21), pp 3175-3181,
`Prague, Czech Republic, September 27 - October 1, 2021.
`4. Canelon-Suarez, D., Westlake, S.,Wang, Y., and Papanikolopoulos, N., "Design and
`Characterization of a Multi-Domain Unmanned Vehicle Operating in Aerial, Terrestrial,
`and Underwater Environments", Proceedings of the 2021 Int. Conference on
`Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pp 1466-1471, Athens, Greece, June 15-18,
`5. Schwartzwald, A., and Papanikolopoulos, N., “Sim-to-Real with Domain
`Randomization for Tumbling Robot Control”, Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/RSJ
`International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '20), pp 4411-
`4417, Las Vegas, NV, October 25-29, 2020.
`6. Nelson, H., and Papanikolopoulos, N., “Learning Continuous Object Representations
`from Point Cloud Data”, Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
`on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '20), pp 2446-2451, Las Vegas, NV, October
`25-29, 2020.
`7. Wang, Z., and Papanikolopoulos, N., “Estimating Pedestrian Crossing States Based on
`Single 2D Body Pose”, Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
`Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '20), pp 2205-2210, Las Vegas, NV, October 25-
`29, 2020.
`8. Canelon-Suarez, D., Wang, Y., and Papanikolopoulos, N., "Omnibot: A Small Versatile
`Robotic Platform Capable of Air, Ground, and Underwater Operation ", Proceedings of
`the 2020 Int. Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pp 1742-1747,
`Athens, Greece, September 1–4, 2020.
`9. Henderson, T., Jenson, D., D’Sa, R., Kilian, J., and Papanikolopoulos, N., "Design and
`Fabrication of a Nomadic Solar-Powered Quad-Rotor", Proceedings of the 2020 Int.
`Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pp 1628-1635, Athens, Greece,
`September 1–4, 2020.
`10. Heller, N., McSweeney, S., Peterson, M., Peterson, S., Rickman, J., Stai, B., Tejpaul,
`R., Oestreich, M., Blake, P., Rosenberg, J., Moore, K., Walczak, E., Rengel, Z.,
`Edgerton, Z., Vasdev R., Kalapara, A., Sathianathen, N., Papanikolopoulos, N., and


`Weight, C., “An international Challenge to Use Artificial Intelligence to Define the State
`of the Art in Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation in CT Imaging”, EMJ Urol. 2020;
`8 [Suppl 2]: pp 25-26, 2020.
`11. Henderson, T., and Papanikolopoulos, N., “Adaptive Control of Variable-Pitch
`Propellers: Pursuing Minimum-Effort Operation”, Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Int.
`Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp 7470-7476, Paris, France, May 31 –
`August 31, 2020.
`12. Heller, N., Rickman, J., Weight, C., and Papanikolopoulos, N., “The Role of Publicly
`Available Data in MICCAI Papers from 2014 to 2018”, Proceedings of the Labels 2019,

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