I lllll llllllll Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llllll Ill lllll llll
`[11] Patent Number:
`(45] Date of Patent:
`Oct. 3, 2000
`9/1998 Doyle ...................................... 340/439
`12/1998 Kaman .................................... 340/439
`12/1998 Cowan .................................... 370/338
`2/1999 Zyburt et al. ....................... 340/323 R
`6/1999 Zyburt et al. ........ ..................... 701/24
`2/2000 Schoenbeck et al. ... ................. 73/116
`United States Patent [19]
`Uchida et al.
`Inventors: Toshihiro Uchida; Hiroshi Honda;
`Akihiro Tanaka; Kazunori Sakai;
`Norimasa Hiramatsu, all of Aichi-ken,
`(73] Assignee: Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisa,
`Toyota, Japan
`(21] Appl. No.:
`PCT Filed:
`Nov. 13, 1997
`PCT No.:
`§ 371 Date:
`Jul. 12, 1999
`§ 102(e) Date: Jul. 12, 1999
`(87] PCT Pub. No.: W098/21077
`PCT Pub. Date: May 22, 1998
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Nov. 13, 1996
`Nov. 25, 1996
`Japan .................................... 8-302164
`Japan .................................... 8-313908
`Int. CJ.7 ....................................................... B60Q 1/00
`(52] U.S. CJ. .......................... 340/999; 340/439; 340/539;
`701/24; 455/420
`(58] Field of Search ..................................... 340/639, 539,
`340/531, 999; 73/116; 701/24; 770/338;
`455/420; 702/122
`References Cited
`8/1989 Krass, Jr. et al.
`........................ 701/35
`1/1994 Berra et al. ................................. 701/ 1
`8/ 1995 Parrillo .............................. ...... 455/420
`3/1996 Smith ............. ......................... 455/456
`4/1996 Gormley ................................... 701/48
`0 383 593
`6 -229767
`6 -297983
`7 -223516
`Eu ropean Pat. Off ..
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Primary Examiner-Benjamin C. Lee
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Burns, Doane, Swecker &
`Mathis, LLP
`A vehicle onboard device having characteristics capable of
`being changed communicates with a vehicle to set a char(cid:173)
`acteristic value to an optimum value. Parameters for setting
`conditions of an electronic device are called out of an
`E2PROM 14; of the vehicle 10; and are transmitted to a
`technology center 40 via a dealer 201 , and an information
`center 301 . Each dealer 201' the information center 301' and
`the technology center 40 accumulate the parameters. The
`technology center 40 can collect the parameters of numerous
`vehicles and characteristic values for electronic control of
`each of the vehicles and can calculate newest and optimum
`parameters. The technology center 40 transmits this newest
`and optimum vehicle information to the vehicle 10,:, and
`each vehicle updates the parameters thereof to these newest
`and optimum parameters. Accordingly, the parameters of the
`vehicle are set as the newest parameters.
`13 Claims, 15 Drawing Sheets
`1 2 A
`,\ 9
`52 A
`5 4A
`5 6 A
`1 4A
`6 8 J---1
`6 4 '--'"'
`7 o ·
`7 2 ~ J DISPLAY
`! AIR
`7 6 ~rl DOOR WCK
`PCNA Ex. 1034
`U.S. Patent 11,208,029


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 1 of 15
`F I G. 1
`38 D
`1 Oj


`F I G. 2
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 3of15
`F I G. 3
`106~.....__._ _
`___._ _ _ _


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 4of15
`F I G. 4


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 5 of 15
`F I G. 5
`"- CO~ON N
`? .


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 6 of 15
`F I G. 6


`FIG. 7
`1 2. I
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`1 2 B AUDIO
`1 2 D
`1 2 E
`1 5 B
`1 5 c
`1 2 F
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 8 of 15
`F I G. 8


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 9of15
`F I G. 9
`y ..----- --


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 10 of 15
`F I G. 1 0


`F I G. 1 1
`12A 14A 128 148
`12n 14n
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`CPUll llCPUll
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`F I G . 1 2
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`6 8 Jr-I WIPER I

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`7 4
`7 2 ~ DISPLAY
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`1 2 A
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 13 of 15
`F I G. 1 3


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 14 of 15
`FIG. 1 4


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2000
`Sheet 15 of 15
`FIG. 1 5
`1-""v 670


`characteristic values of the ECU governing the new vehicle
`onboard device are different or are unrecorded. Accordingly,
`it is necessary to set at least the pertinent characteristic
`values every time the vehicle onboard device is replaced
`5 with a new device or other parts .
`However, in the conventional system, the characteristic
`1l1e present invention relates to a vehicle infonnation
`values for electronic control of the vehicle are obtained and
`communication device and a vehicle information commu(cid:173)
`are maintained and checked in accordance with the sugges(cid:173)
`nication system, and particularly re lates lo a vehicle infor(cid:173)
`tion of the ana ly zed results of the service cen ter.
`mation communication device and a vehicle infonnation
`communication system communicating information with a 10 Accordingly, it is necessary to perform a complicated opera(cid:173)
`vehicle when characteristics of a vehicle onboard device
`tion in which the characteristics of all vehicle onboard
`devices are obtained and the pertinent characteristic values
`which characteristics are capable of being changed are
`in the maintenance and checking are set to suitable values
`changed intentionally by a user, or by geographical factors,
`every time a vehicle onboard device is replaced with a new
`15 device or with another part.
`Further, are now vehicles capable of being equipped
`with controllers such as a telephone system, a navigation
`system, a TV system, etc., and information according to the
`tastes of the main user, e.g. the driver, may be recorded to
`20 each of these controllers. This information may consist of
`personal infonnation such as a rest of telephone numbers,
`address data, a list of recorded locations relating to desti(cid:173)
`nations of the navigation system, etc. set by an individual.
`This personal infonnation is not as widely used as the
`25 control information, but there is a desire for temporarily and
`reliably holding this personal information.
`However, in the conventional system, the characteristic
`value of the individual vehicle can be maintained and
`checked, but no non-general use information such as per-
`30 sonal information can be held.
`In consideration of the above facts, an object of the
`present invention is to provide a vehicle information com(cid:173)
`munication device and a vehicle information communica(cid:173)
`tion system capable of communicating with a vehicle lo set
`a characteristic value of a vehicle onboard device capable of
`changing the characteristics to their optimum values.
`Further, in addition to the above object, another object of
`the present invention is to provide a vehicle information
`communication device and a vehicle information commu(cid:173)
`nication system capable of simply setting the characteristics
`of the vehicle onboard device capable of changing the
`In recent years, a plurality of electronic control units
`(hereinafter, called ECUs) have been mounted in a vehicle.
`This plurality of ECUs are connected lo each other by a bus
`so that a local area network (hereinafter, called a LAN) is
`constructed. Data can be communicated between these
`Each of the plurality of ECUs controls the characteristics
`of a vehicle onboard device. Characteristic values for deter(cid:173)
`mining the characteristics of the vehicle onboard devices
`governed by of each ECU is stored in that ECUs. For
`example, when the vehicle onboard device is a headlamp,
`there is an ECU for controlling a turning-on operation in
`which the headlamp is automatically turned on when the
`vehicle enters a tunne l and is also automatically turned on in
`the evening, etc. In this case, the headlamp is turned on when
`illuminance from an illuminance sensor is Jess than a
`predetermined value. This automatic turning-on time, i.e.,
`the predetermined illuminance value can be set as a different
`value in depending on the user and the local area.
`Accordingly, there are cases in which a change in the
`predetermined illuminance value is required.
`A general control system for an automobile is proposed as
`a system capable of changing the control parameter program 40
`of each of the ECUs mounted in such a vehicle in accor(cid:173)
`dance with a user's taste (see Japanese Patent Application
`Laid-Open (JP-A) No. 6-219187). In this technique, a char(cid:173)
`acteristic value for electronic control of the vehicle is
`obtained by a controller and is sent to a service center and 45
`the analyzed results of the characteristic value can be shown
`To achieve the above objects, a vehicle information
`to a driver. Further, it is possible lo maintain and check the
`communication device in the invention described in claim 1
`characteristic value as to whether or not there is a problem
`comprises control means for a vehicle which is mounted in
`with the characteristic value proper to the vehicle.
`the vehicle and is connected to a vehicle onboard device
`However, in the conventional system, the characteristic 50 having characteristics capable of being changed, and which
`stores characteristic values fo r determining the characteris-
`values of the individual vehicle can be maintained and
`checked, but characteristics arising from the intentions of the
`tics of the vehicle onboard device and controls the charac-
`user of from the local geography can be automatically
`teristics of the vehicle onboard device using these charac-
`refiected. Further, the characteristic values of the individual
`teristic values; and communication control means which can
`vehicle can be maintained and checked, but characteristics 55 be connected to said control means for a vehicle, and which
`stores characteristic values for determining characteristics of
`arising from the intentions of the user or from the local
`geography cannot be reflected. Furthermore, the character-
`said vehicle onboard device, including previously predeler-
`istic values must be finely adjusted for each individual
`mined characteristic values of said control means for a
`vehicle. For example, changes in the characteristics arising
`vehicle, and also reads characteristic values stored in said
`from the tastes of many users and the characteristic values 60 control means for a vehicle and obtains stored characteristic
`of a particu.lar vehicle are co ntinually changing.
`val.ues corresponding to the read characteristic values, and
`Accordingly, the user's intentious, etc. canuot be reflected
`updates characteristic values stored in said control means for
`by ouly simply maintaining and checking the characteristic
`a vehicle to said obtaiued characteristic values.
`the vehicle information communication device
`Further, there is a case in which the vehicle onboard 65 described in claim 1, the invention described in claim 2 is
`device is replaced with a new device or other parts due to the
`characterized in that said communication control means


`information including previously determined characteristic
`values of said control means for a vehicle and reads char(cid:173)
`acteristic values stored in said control means for a vehicle as
`vehicle information and obtains accumulated vehicle infor(cid:173)
`mation corresponding to read vehicle information, and
`updates characteristic values stored in said control means for
`a vehicle with characteristic values included in the obtained
`vehicle information.
`In the vehicle information communication device
`described in claim 2, the invention described in claim 3 is
`characterized in tbat said communication control means
`comprises accumulating means for accumulating the vehicle
`information including previously determined characteristic
`values of said control means for a vehicle; and communi(cid:173)
`cation control means which is connected to said control
`means fo r a vehicle and said accumulating means and reads
`the characteristic values stored in said control means for a
`vebicle as vehicle information and obtains the vehicle infor(cid:173)
`mation accumulated in said accumulating means and which
`corresponds to read vehicle information, and updates char(cid:173)
`acteristic values stored in said control means for a vehicle lo
`characteristic values included in the obtained vehicle infor(cid:173)
`In th e vehicle information communication device
`described in claim 2 or 3, lhe invention described in claim
`4 is characterized in that said control means for a vehicle is
`connected via a local area network for a vehicle lo a plurality
`of vehicle onboard devices each of whose characteristics are
`capable of being altered, and stores each characteristic value
`for determining each of the characteristics of said plurality
`of vehicle onboard devices, and controls the characteristics
`of each of said plurality of vehicle on board devices by each
`characlerislic value.
`th e vehicle information communication device
`described in any one of claims 2 to 4, the invention described
`in claim 5 is characterized in that said accumulating means
`accumulates vehicle information calcuJated on the basis of
`information of a plurality of vehicles read by said commu(cid:173)
`nication control means.
`In the vehicle information communication device
`described in claim 1, the invention described in claim 6 is
`characterized in that said communication control means is
`provided externally of said vehicle and can be connected to
`said control means for a vehicle by wireless communication 45
`and comprises receiving means for receiving said informa(cid:173)
`tion bv said communication control means from said control
`mean~ for a vehicle, and transmitting means for transmitting
`said information to said control means for a vehicle; and,
`when information including characteristic values is trans- 50
`milted and received between said control means for a
`vehicle and said communication control means, said receiv(cid:173)
`ing means and said transmitting means simultaneously per(cid:173)
`form at least one portion of the reception of said information
`in said receiving means and the transmission of said infor- 55
`malion in said transmitting means.
`In th e vehicle information communication device
`described in claim 6, the invention described in claim 7 is
`characterized in that said communication control means
`receives request information requested from a vehicle from 60
`said control means for a vehicle, and transmits response
`information expressing a response to said request informa(cid:173)
`tion from said communication control means to said control
`means for a vehicle.
`tb e ve hicle information communication device 65
`described in claim 6 or 7, the invention described in claim
`is connected to said control means for a vehicle by wireless
`communication using a mobile wireless telephone circuit.
`In the vehicle information communication device
`described in claim 1, the inventio n described in claim 9 is
`5 characterized in that said control means for a vehicle com(cid:173)
`prises a plurality of device control means each controlling
`characteristics for determining characteristics of each
`vehicle onboard devi.ce governed by eacb device control
`means, and each device control means stores characteristic
`10 values for determining characteristics of said vehicle
`onboard devices as main characteristic values in memory
`means, and the memory means is capable of storing char(cid:173)
`acteristic values for determining characteristics of another
`vehicle onboard device as subcharacteristic values, and
`controls characteristics of a governed vehicle onboard
`15 device on the basis of the main characteristic value stored in
`the memory means; and said communication control means
`comprises register means for storing characteristic values of
`the governed vehicle onboard devices in each of the memory
`means of said device control means as the main character-
`20 istic values and storing main characteristic values other than
`the main characteristic values to be stored in at least one of
`said memory means in this memory means as subcharacter(cid:173)
`istic values; and update means which obtains the main
`characteristic values and the subcharacterislic values stored
`25 in each of the memory means of said device control means,
`and calculates the main characteristic values of the device
`control means relative to the obtained subcharacteristic
`values on the basis of the obtained subcharacteristic values
`and the main characteristic values stored in the memory
`30 means of the device control means relative to these sub(cid:173)
`characterislic values, and updates the main characteristic
`values of the memory means of said device control means to
`the calculated main characteristic values.
`In the vehicle information communication device
`described in claim 9, the invention described in claim 10 is
`characterized in that the vehicle information communication
`device further comprises changing means for changing main
`characteristic values stored in said memory means wherein,
`when the main characteri5tic values are changed by said
`40 changing means, said register means stores in main charac(cid:173)
`teristic values in the memory means aparl from the memory
`means having the changed main characteristic values as the
`subcharacteristic values.
`In the vehicle informatiou communication device
`described in claim 9 or 10, the invention described in claim
`11 is characterized in that the plurality of device control
`means of said control means for a vehicle are connected to
`each other by a local area network for a vehicle.
`The invention described in claim 12 resides in a vehicle
`information communication system characterized in that
`information is communicated between control means for a
`vehicle for controlling characteristics of a vehicle onboard
`device mounted in the vehicle using of characteristic values
`for determining the characteristics of the vehicle onboard
`device and characteristic value memory meaus provided
`externally of said vehicle and storing said characteristic
`values, wherein: characteristic values for determining the
`characteristics of said vehicle onboard device, including
`previously determined characteristic values of said control
`means for a vehicle are stored in said characteristic value
`memory means; the characteristic values stored in said
`control means for a vehicle are read; the characteristic
`values corresponding to the read characteristic values and
`stored in said characteristic values memory means are
`obtained; and the characteristic values stored in said control
`means for a vehicle are updated to said obtained character-


`TI1e invention described in claim 13 resides in a vehicle
`information communication system characterized in that
`information is communicated between control means for a
`vehicle for controlling characteristics of a vehicle onboard
`device mounted in the vehicle using characteristic values for 5
`determining the characteristics of the vehicle onboard device
`and characteristic value memory means provided externally
`of said vehicle and storing said characteristic values,
`wherein the vehicle information communication system
`simultaneously performs at least one portion of each of 10
`processing for receiving information including said charac(cid:173)
`teristic values from said control means for a vehicle con(cid:173)
`nected by wireless communication, and processing for trans(cid:173)
`mitting information including said characteristic values to
`said control means for a vehicle connected by wireless 15
`The invention described in claim 14 resides in a vehicle
`information communication system characterized in that
`information is communicated between control means for a
`vehicle for controlling characteristics of a vehicle onboard 20
`device mounted in the vehicle using characteristic values for
`determining the characteristics of the vehicle onboard device
`and characteristic vaJue memory means provided externally
`of said vehicle and storing said characteristic values,
`wherein: said control means for a vehicle comprises a 25
`plurality of device control means each controlling charac(cid:173)
`teristics for determining the characteristics of each vehicle
`onboard device governed by the device control means and
`each device control means stores characteristic values for
`determining the characteristics of said vehicle onboard 30
`device as main characteristic values, and has memory means
`capable of storing characteristic values for determining
`characteristics of another vehicle onboard device as sub(cid:173)
`characteristic values, and controls the characteristics of the
`governed vehicle onboard device on the basis of the main 35
`characteristic values stored in the memory means; said
`control means for a vehicle stores the characteristic values of
`the governed vehicle on board device in each of the memory
`means of said device control means as main characteristic
`values, and stores main characteristic values other than the 40
`main characteristic values to be stored in at least one of said
`memory means in this memory means as subcharacteristic
`values; and said control means for a vehicle obtains the main
`characteristic values and the subcharacteristic values stored
`in each of the memory means of said device control means,
`and calculates the main characteristic values of the device
`control means relative to the obtained subcharacteristic
`values on the basis of the obtained subcharacteristic values
`and the main characteristic values stored in the memory
`means of the device control means relative to these sub- 50
`characteristic values, and updates the calculated main char(cid:173)
`acteristic value to the main characteristic values of the
`memory means of said device control means.
`In the invention of claim 1, the control means for the
`vehicle controls the characteristics of a vehicle onboard
`device mounted in the vehicle by the stored characteristic
`values. Vehicle onboard devices include interior electric
`mounted devices such as a headlamp device, etc., chassis
`devices such as a suspension device, etc. Guiding devices
`such as a communication device, a navigation system, etc.
`capable of changing characteristic values of a telephone and
`the like provided within the vehicle can be adopted as a
`vehicle onboard device. The characteristic values of these
`communication devices may consist of a telephone directory
`for storing dial numbers determined in advance and regis(cid:173)
`tered by a user, sound volumes at the time of
`guiding device may consist of display ranges of destinations
`and map information, etc. This control means for the vehicle
`can be connected to the communication control means. This
`communication control means stores the characteristic val(cid:173)
`ues for determining the characteristics of the vehicle
`onboard device including the previously determined char-
`acteristic values of the control means for the vehicle. The
`communication control means reads the characteristic val(cid:173)
`ues stored in the control means for the vehicle and obtains
`the stored characteristic values corresponding to the read
`characteristic values. The communication control means
`also updates the characteristic values stored in the control
`means for the vehicle to the obtained characteristic values.
`Thus, the characteristic values stored in the control means
`for the vehicle are read and the corresponding characteristic
`values are obtained and updated so that the characteristic
`values stored in the control means for the vehicle can be
`updated to optimum characteristic values and the character(cid:173)
`istic values of the control means for the vehicle can be
`adjusted to the best state.
`In the invention of claim 2, as mentioned above, the
`control means for the vehicle controls the characteristics of
`the vehicle onboard device such as a interior electric
`mounted device such as a headlamp device, etc. mounted in
`the vehicle, a chassis device, etc. such as a suspension
`device, etc. by the stored characteristic values. There is an
`ECU for performing control governing each of these vehicle
`onboard devices in this control means for the vehicle. This
`control means for a vehicle is connected to the communi-
`cation control means. This communication control means
`can be connected to accumulating means for accumulating
`vehicle information including the previously determined
`characteristic values of the control means for a vehicle. The
`accumulating means consists of a technology center and a
`central processing center for collecting various kinds of
`technical information, etc. In the vehicle information, the
`type of vehicle having the characteristic values can be set as
`attribute information with respect to the characteristic val(cid:173)
`It is possibl.e to treat the characteristic values in accor-
`dance with the type of car by adding the type of car to the
`vehicle information even when the characteristic values are
`different for each type of car. The communication control
`means reads the characteristic values stored in the control
`45 means for the vehicle as vehicle information and obtains the
`vehicle information accumulated in the accumulating means
`and corresponding to the read vehicle information. The
`vehicle information can be read when the characteristics of
`the vehicle onboard device are adjusted by a dealer, etc.
`The communication control means also updates the char-
`acteristic values stored in the control means for the vehicle
`to characteristic values included in the obtained vehicle
`information. The communication control means consists of
`a controller of a dealer, an automobile inspection place, etc.
`55 able to be connected to the vehicle and able to be also
`connected to the technology center, etc. by a telephone
`circuit etc. Thus, the characteristic values stored in the
`control means for the vehicle are read and the corresponding
`vehicle information is obtained and the characteristic values
`60 are updated so that the characteristic values stored in the
`control means for the vehicle can be updated lo optimum
`characteristic values and the characteristic values of the
`control means for a vehicle can be adjusted to the best state.
`In the invention of claim 3, the communication control
`65 means is connected to the control means for the vehicle and
`the accumulating means. The communication control means


`the vehicle as vehicle information and obtains the vehicle
`information accumulated in the accumulating means and
`corresponding to the read vehide information. The commu(cid:173)
`nication control means then updates the characteristic value
`stored to tbe means for the vehicle to a characteristic 5
`value included in the obtained vehicle information. Thus, the
`characteristic value stored to the control means for the
`vehicle is read and the corresponding vehicle information
`accumulated in the accumulating means is obtained and the
`characteristic value is updated. Accordingly, the character-
`istic value store

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