(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/00997.42 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Apr. 6, 2017
`CHOI et al.
`US 2017.0099.742A1
`(71) Applicant: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.,
`Suwon-si (KR)
`(72) Inventors: Jong-Min CHOI, Seongnam-si (KR):
`Woong-Chan KIM, Suwon-si (KR):
`Daehyeong PARK, Seongnam-si (KR):
`Sung-Gun CHO, Hwaseong-si (KR);
`Sung-Joo CHO, Bucheon-si (KR);
`Young-Sik CHOI, Hwaseong-si (KR):
`Kwang-Hwan KIM, Suwon-si (KR):
`Soonwoong YANG, Suwon-si (KR):
`Min-Sung LEE, Suwon-si (KR);
`Seungjoon LEE, Seoul (KR); Yuchul
`CHANG, Suwon-si (KR)
`(21) Appl. No.: 15/273,072
`(22) Filed:
`Sep. 22, 2016
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 62/236,504, filed on Oct.
`2, 2015.
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Dec. 23, 2015 (KR) ........................ 10-2015-0184750
`Jul. 18, 2016 (KR) ........................ 10-2016-OO90761
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H05K 5/06
`H05K 5/03
`H05K 5/02
`H05K 5/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC ........... H05K5/069 (2013.01); H05K5/0017
`(2013.01); H05K 5/03 (2013.01); H05K
`5/0217 (2013.01)
`An electronic device including a waterproof structure is
`provided. The electronic device includes a housing that
`includes a first face, a second face that faces in a direction
`Substantially opposite to the first face, and a side Surface that
`at least partially encloses a space between the first face and
`the second face, a middle plate arranged between the first
`face and the second face inside the housing to be substan
`tially parallel to the first face, extending from the side
`Surface, and including at least one opening, a printed circuit
`board arranged between the middle plate and the second
`face, a display arranged between the middle plate and the
`first face, and including a face directed toward the second
`face, and a seal member configured to hermetically seal the
`at least one opening of the middle plate, and arranged
`between the face of the display and the middle plate.
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`US 2017/0099.742 A1
`Apr. 6, 2017
`0001. This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C.
`S119(e) of a U.S. Provisional application filed on Oct. 2,
`2015 in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and assigned
`Ser. No. 62/236,504, and under 35 U.S.C. S 119(a) of a
`Korean patent application filed on Dec. 23, 2015 in the
`Korean Intellectual Property Office and assigned Serial
`number 10-2015-0184750, and of a Korean patent applica
`tion filed on Jul.18, 2016 in the Korean Intellectual Property
`Office and assigned Serial number 10-2016-0090761, the
`entire disclosure of each of which is hereby incorporated by
`0002 The present disclosure relates to an electronic
`device. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to an
`electronic device that includes a waterproof structure.
`0003. As functional differences have been considerably
`reduced among electronic devices of respective manufac
`turers, the electronic devices are being gradually slimmed in
`size, and are being developed to increase the rigidity of
`electronic devices and to strengthen the design aspects of the
`electronic devices, as well as to differentiate functional
`elements thereof
`0004. According to an embodiment, among the differen
`tiated functional elements, a waterproof function is very
`important, particularly for an electronic device that is min
`iaturized and universally carried by a user. According to an
`embodiment of the present disclosure, the electronic device
`may include a seal member disposed therein for a water
`proof function. According to another embodiment of the
`present disclosure, the seal member is designed in consid
`eration of an effective arrangement relationship with other
`components within the electronic device.
`0005. The above information is presented as background
`information only to assist with an understanding of the
`present disclosure. No determination has been made, and no
`assertion is made, as to whether any of the above might be
`applicable as prior art with regard to the present disclosure.
`0006 Aspects of the present disclosure are to address at
`least the above-mentioned problems and/or disadvantages
`and to provide at least the advantages described below.
`Accordingly, an aspect of the present disclosure is to provide
`an electronic device.
`0007. In accordance with an aspect of the present disclo
`sure, an electronic device is provided. The electronic device
`includes at least one seal member disposed therein for a
`waterproof function. According to an embodiment, the seal
`member may be interposed between at least two housings
`(e.g., a bracket, a housing, and a window), and when the
`corresponding housings are coupled to each other, the seal
`member may implement the waterproof function in a man
`ner of sealing an inner space of the electronic device.
`0008 According to an embodiment, in a case where the
`housing is a display that includes a window and a display
`module disposed on the rear face of the window, the seal
`member may be arranged along the rim of the window other
`than the display module, and the seal member arranged
`along the rim of the window may be attached to the rim of
`another housing. When the seal member is arranged in this
`manner, it is necessary to separately provide a region in
`which the seal member is disposed in addition to a region in
`which the display module is disposed, which may enlarge a
`black matrix (BM) region (such as a bezel region) of the
`display, or may hinder the reduction of the BM region.
`0009. According to various embodiments, an electronic
`device including a waterproof structure may be provided.
`0010. According to various embodiments, an electronic
`device including a waterproof structure may be provided
`which may reduce or exclude a BM region of a display of the
`electronic device.
`0011. In accordance with another aspect of the present
`disclosure, an electronic device is provided. The electronic
`device includes a housing including a first face, a second
`face that faces in a direction substantially opposite to the first
`face, and a side Surface that at least partially encloses a space
`between the first face and the second face, a middle plate
`arranged between the first face and the second face inside the
`housing to be substantially parallel to the first face, extend
`ing from the side Surface, and including at least one opening,
`a printed circuit board arranged between the middle plate
`and the second face, a display arranged between the middle
`plate and the first face, and including a face directed toward
`the second face, and a seal member configured to hermeti
`cally seal the at least one opening of the middle plate, and
`arranged between the face of the display and the middle
`0012. Other aspects, advantages, and salient features of
`the disclosure will become apparent to those skilled in the art
`from the following detailed description, which, taken in
`conjunction with the annexed drawings, discloses various
`embodiments of the present disclosure.
`0013 The above and other aspects, features, and advan
`tages of certain embodiments of the present disclosure will
`be more apparent from the following description taken in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
`0014 FIG. 1 is a perspective view illustrating a front side
`of an electronic device according to various embodiments of
`the present disclosure;
`0015 FIG. 2 is a perspective view illustrating a rear side
`of an electronic device according to various embodiments of
`the present disclosure;
`0016 FIG. 3 is an exploded perspective view illustrating
`an electronic device according to various embodiments of
`the present disclosure;
`0017 FIGS. 4A and 4B are views illustrating a state in
`which a first seal member is arranged in a housing of an
`electronic device according to various embodiments of the
`present disclosure;
`0018 FIG. 4C is a view illustrating a state in which a key
`input device is arranged in a housing of an electronic device
`according to various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`(0019 FIGS. 4D, 4E, and 4F are views illustrating a state
`in which a second seal member is disposed in a housing of
`an electronic device according to various embodiments of
`the present disclosure;
`AliveCor, Inc. Exhibit 1014
`Ex. 1014.66


`US 2017/0099.742 A1
`Apr. 6, 2017
`0020 FIGS. 4G and 4H are views illustrating a state in
`which third and fourth seal members are disposed in a
`housing of an electronic device according to various
`embodiments of the present disclosure;
`FIG. 4I is a view illustrating a housing of an
`electronic device that is provided with a filling member
`introduction hole for introducing a waterproofing filling
`member according to various embodiments of the present
`0022 FIGS. 4J and 4K are views illustrating a state in
`which a display is disposed in the housing in which the first
`to fourth seal members are arranged according to various
`embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0023 FIGS. 4L and 4M are views illustrating a state in
`which a waterproofing filling member is applied to a filling
`member introduction hole according to various embodi
`ments of the present disclosure;
`0024 FIG. 4N is a view illustrating a state in which a
`waterproofing filling member is applied to a housing before
`a display is applied according to various embodiments of the
`present disclosure;
`0025 FIG. 5A is a view illustrating a state in which a seal
`member is arranged in a housing according to various
`embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0026 FIG. 5B is a view illustrating a state in which a
`display is arranged on an upper portion of a housing in
`which a seal member is arranged according to various
`embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0027 FIG. 5C is a view illustrating a state in which a
`waterproofing filling member is applied between a seal
`member and a display according to various embodiments of
`the present disclosure;
`0028 FIG. 6A is a view illustrating a state in which a seal
`member is arranged in a housing according to various
`embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0029 FIGS. 6B and 6C are views illustrating a state in
`which a display is arranged on an upper portion of a housing
`in which a seal member is arranged according to various
`embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0030 FIG. 6D is a view illustrating a portion of a housing
`having a filling member introduction hole for introducing a
`waterproofing filling member according to various embodi
`ments of the present disclosure;
`0031 FIGS. 6E and 6F are views illustrating a state in
`which a waterproofing filling member is applied between a
`housing and a display according to various embodiments of
`the present disclosure;
`0032 FIGS. 6G and 6H are views illustrating a configu
`ration of a display to which a waterproofing filling member
`is applied according to various embodiments of the present
`0033 FIG. 6I is a view illustrating a configuration of a
`housing to which a waterproofing filling member is applied
`according to various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0034 FIG. 6J is a view illustrating a state in which a
`waterproofing filling member is applied according to various
`embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0035 FIG. 6K is a sectional view taken along line J1-J1'
`of FIG. 6J;
`0036 FIG. 6L is a sectional view taken along line J2-J2'
`of FIG. 6J;
`0037 FIG. 7A is a view illustrating the rear side of a
`display to which a waterproofing filling member is applied
`according to various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0038 FIG. 7B is a view illustrating an arrangement of a
`waterproofing filling member when a display and a housing
`are coupled to each other according to various embodiments
`of the present disclosure;
`0039 FIG. 7C is a view illustrating a state in which a
`waterproofing filling member is applied between a housing
`and a display according to various embodiments of the
`present disclosure;
`0040 FIGS. 8A, 8B, and 8C are views illustrating a state
`in which a waterproofing filling member is applied to both
`side faces of a display coupled to a housing according to
`various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`FIGS. 9A,9B, and 9C are views illustrating a state
`in which a waterproofing filling member is applied to a space
`generated by a structure of a display module according to
`various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0042 FIG. 10 is a flowchart illustrating a process in
`which at least one seal member is disposed in an electronic
`device according to various embodiments of the present
`0043 FIG. 11 is a flowchart illustrating a process in
`which at least one seal member is disposed in an electronic
`device according to various embodiments of the present
`0044 FIG. 12 is an exploded perspective view illustrat
`ing an electronic device that is provided with a seal member
`according to various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`FIG. 13A is a view illustrating the front side of a
`housing in which at least one seal member is disposed
`according to various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0046 FIG. 13B is a view illustrating the rear side of a
`housing in which at least one seal member is disposed
`according to various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0047 FIG. 13C is a sectional view of a main part of an
`electronic device that is provided with the seal member of
`FIG. 13B according to various embodiments of the present
`0048 FIGS. 14A, 14B, and 14C are views illustrating a
`waterproof structure for an electric connection member of a
`display module according to various embodiments of the
`present disclosure;
`0049 FIGS. 15A and 15B are views illustrating a water
`proof structure for an electric connection member of a
`display module according to various embodiments of the
`present disclosure;
`0050 FIGS. 16A, 16B, and 16C are views illustrating a
`waterproof structure for an electric connection member of a
`display module according to various embodiments of the
`present disclosure;
`0051 FIGS. 17A, 17B, and 17C are views illustrating a
`waterproof structure for an electric connection member of a
`key input device according to various embodiments of the
`present disclosure;
`0052 FIGS. 18A and 18B are views illustrating a water
`proof structure applied to a camera module according to
`various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0053 FIGS. 19A and 19B are views illustrating a water
`proof structure applied to a camera assembly according to
`various embodiments of the present disclosure;
`0054 FIG. 20 is a flowchart illustrating a process in
`which at least one seal member is disposed in an electronic
`device according to various embodiments of the present
`disclosure; and
`AliveCor, Inc. Exhibit 1014
`Ex. 1014.67


`US 2017/0099.742 A1
`Apr. 6, 2017
`0055 FIG. 21 is a flowchart illustrating a process in
`which at least one seal member is disposed in an electronic
`device according to various embodiments of the present
`0056 Throughout the drawings, like reference numerals
`will be understood to refer to like parts, components, and
`0057 The following description with reference to the
`accompanying drawings is provided to assist in a compre
`hensive understanding of various embodiments of the pres
`ent disclosure as defined by the claims and their equivalents.
`It includes various specific details to assist in that under
`standing but these are to be regarded as merely exemplary.
`Accordingly, those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize
`that various changes and modifications of the various
`embodiments described herein can be made without depart
`ing from the scope and spirit of the present disclosure. In
`addition, descriptions of well-known functions and con
`structions may be omitted for clarity and conciseness.
`0058. The terms and words used in the following descrip
`tion and claims are not limited to the bibliographical mean
`ings, but, are merely used by the inventor to enable a clear
`and consistent understanding of the present disclosure.
`Accordingly, it should be apparent to those skilled in the art
`that the following description of various embodiments of the
`present disclosure is provided for illustration purpose only
`and not for the purpose of limiting the present disclosure as
`defined by the appended claims and their equivalents.
`0059. It is to be understood that the singular forms “a.”
`“an, and “the include plural referents unless the context
`clearly dictates otherwise. Thus, for example, reference to “a
`component Surface' includes reference to one or more of
`Such surfaces.
`0060. In the present disclosure, the expression “have’.
`“may have”, “include’ or “may include” refers to existence
`of a corresponding feature (e.g., numerical value, function,
`operation, or components such as elements), and does not
`exclude existence of additional features.
`0061. In the present disclosure, the expression “A or B.
`“at least one of A or/and B, or “one or more of A or/and B’
`may include all possible combinations of the items listed.
`For example, the expression “A or B, “at least one of A and
`B', or “at least one of A or B refers to all of (1) including
`at least one A, (2) including at least one B, or (3) including
`all of at least one A and at least one B.
`0062. The expression “a first”, “a second”, “the first', or
`“the second used in various embodiments of the present
`disclosure may modify various components regardless of the
`order and/or the importance but does not limit the corre
`sponding components. For example, a first user device and
`a second user device indicate different user devices although
`both of them are user devices. For example, a first element
`may be termed a second element, and similarly, a second
`element may be termed a first element without departing
`from the scope of the present disclosure.
`0063. It should be understood that when an element (e.g.,
`first element) is referred to as being (operatively or com
`municatively) “connected,” or “coupled, to another ele
`ment (e.g., second element), it may be directly connected or
`coupled directly to the other element or any other element
`(e.g., third element) may be interposer between them. In
`contrast, it may be understood that when an element (e.g.,
`first element) is referred to as being “directly connected,” or
`“directly coupled to another element (second element),
`there are no element (e.g., third element) interposed between
`0064. As used herein, the expression “configured to may
`be interchangeably used with the expression “suitable for,
`“having the capability to”, “designed to”, “adapted to’,
`“made to”, or “capable of The term “configured to may not
`necessarily imply “specifically designed to in hardware
`Alternatively, in some situations, the expression "device
`configured to may mean that the device, together with other
`devices or components, “is able to For example, the phrase
`“processor adapted (or configured) to perform A, B, and C
`may mean a dedicated processor (e.g., embedded processor)
`only for performing the corresponding operations or a
`generic-purpose processor (e.g., central processing unit
`(CPU) or application processor (AP)) that can perform the
`corresponding operations by executing one or more software
`programs stored in a memory device.
`0065. Unless defined otherwise, all terms used herein,
`including technical and Scientific terms, have the same
`meaning as those commonly understood by a person skilled
`in the art to which the present disclosure pertains Such terms
`as those defined in a generally used dictionary may be
`interpreted to have the meanings equal to the contextual
`meanings in the relevant field of art, and are not to be
`interpreted to have ideal or excessively formal meanings
`unless clearly defined in the present disclosure In some
`cases, even the term defined in the present disclosure should
`not be interpreted to exclude embodiments of the present
`0.066 An electronic device according to various embodi
`ments of the present disclosure may include at least one of
`for example, a Smartphone, a tablet personal computer (PC),
`a mobile phone, a video phone, an electronic book reader
`(e-book reader), a desktop PC, a laptop PC, a netbook
`computer, a workstation, a server, a personal digital assistant
`(PDA), a portable multimedia player (PMP), a Moving
`Picture Experts Group phase 1 (MPEG-1) audio layer-3
`(MP3) player, a mobile medical device, a camera, and a

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