
`version 0.4 ofthe sequencer
`. #7 change 5289 edit on 2001/08/13 by Hefebwr@llefebvre_laptop_1r400 (binary+D
`added an exemple ofregistry file management
`. #6 change 5260 edil on 2601/08/13 by Neiebvr@ilefebvre_laptop_r400 (binaryD
`updated spec for acqueneer
`. #5 change 4001 edit on 2001/07/05 by Hefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+D
`lockin is on
`. #4 change 4000 edit on 2001/07/05 by Hefebvr@llefebvre laptop 1400 (binary)
`sequencer checkin
`#3 change 3999 edit on 2601/07/05 by pmitchel@pmitchel_iris (binarytt)
`changefile type to lock
`. #2 change 3330 edit on 2001/06/07 by Hetebvr@illefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary)
`safety backup
`. #1 change 3105 add on 2001/05/25 byMefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_1400 (binary)
`vackup sequencer
` /RE/R40CSequencer. dee
`#18 change 10172 edi
`1/11/16 by lefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_1400 (binaryt+
`chikin in order to move to documents (o the new branch
`. #17 change 9346 edit on 2001/11/06 bylefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_2400 (binaryH}
`sequencer spec backup
`. #16 change 8606 edil on 2001/10/26 by Hefebvr@illefebvre_laptop_1400 (binaryth)
`Sequencer spec V1.0.
`#15 change 8175 edit on 2001/10/22 by Hefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+1)
`sequencer v1.0 BACKUP GNIE.Ynot yet complete.
`.. #14 change 8081 edit on 2001/10/19 by Hefebv G@illefebvre laptop 1400 (binary+])
`One before laet major architectural revision ofthe sequencer before the implementation
`spec, Control flow is complete and was accepted by SW team. Remains before freezing 1.0:
`external and internal interfaces
`.. #13 change 7930 edit on 2001/10/17 byllefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_1400 (binary 'D)
`version 0.8 ofthe sequencer spec. It contains the new control flow porcedure as well as
`updated external interfaces.
`. #12 change 7380 edit on 2001/10/05 by llefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_1400 (binary)
`version 0.7 ofthe sequencer. Interfaces and control managment added
`. HLL change 7261 edit on 2001/10/03 by Hefebvi(@llefebvre_laptop_1400 (binaryth)
`backup ofthe sequencer +register loading diagram
`.. #10 change 6865 edit on 2001/09/24 by Hefebvr@illefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+1)
`new spec ofthe Sequencer.
`.. #9 change 6790 edit on 2001/09/21 by llefeowr@llefebvre laptop 1400 (binary+D
`E spec backup + HZ stats + SC spee backup
`.. #& change 5698 edit on 2001/08/24 byHefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 Cbinary+b
`Page 1 of 2
`Ex, 2043 --- R400_Sequencer(version 0.1 to 1.2).doc
`Page Z of2
`Ex. 2043 --- R400_Sequencer (version 0.1 to 1.2}.dee
`ATI 2043
`LG v. ATI
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 1 of 325
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 1 of 325


`te fepot/4ad/doc_lib/d
`.. #62 change 118771 edit on 2003/08/29 by Hefebvr@llefebvr_r400_montreal (binary+1)
`Fixing number ofbits in the anto-coant.
`.. branch into //depet'r600/r100_doc_lib/design/blocks/sq/R4 00_Sequencer.doc#l
`branch inte //depot/vamato/logacwr400/doc lib/design/blocks/sq/R400 Scquencer.dec#1
`‘OL change 114724 edit on 2003/08/04 byHefebwr@illefebwr_r400_montreal (binary+l}
`Corrected the max number for mem exports to be § instead of 9
`.. #60 change 109934 edit on 2003/07/09 byllefebvr@llefebvr_r400_montreal (binary+1)
`Fixing VC table.
`.. #39 change 107233 edit on 2003/06/20 byHefebvr@llefebwr_r4U0_montreal (binary+1}
`Backup, ne major changes.
` 8 change 103316 edit un 2003/05/30 by Hefebvi @ilefebw_1400_tmontreal (binarytby
`Added comments about address register.
`.. #57 change 101984 edit on 2003/05/21 by llefebvr@llefebvre laptop 1490 (binary+l)
`more precisions on XYST generated register.
`... #36 change 101037 edit on 2003/05/14 by Hetebvr@lletebwr_14G0_montreal (binary+t)
`Fixing the spec some morc to match R500. Added somediagrams(SQ internals}
`.. #55 change 100004 edit on 2003/05/08 byletebvr@ilefebwr_r4C0_montreal (binary+D
`Someinterface updates.
`.. #54 change 98760 odit on 2003/05/62 bylicfebvr@llcfcbvr_r46G_montreal (binary 1)
`forgot to remove | waterfall signal
`.. #53 change 98500 edit on 2003/05/61 byLefebvr@llefebvr_r10G_montreal (inary+t)
`Refreshing the interfaces per Andi’s last mail.
`#52 change 9S401 edit on 2003/04/30 by liefebvr@llefebvr_r40G_montreal (binary+1)
`Updated the SQ->SPinterfaces for the R500.
`Page 1 of 8
`bx, 2044... RAQU_Sequencer (version 1.4 to 2.11).doc
`.. #41 change $0832 edit on 2003/01/30 by lefebvr@illefebwre_laptop_r400 (binary+1.
`wording change for the predicate override bit.
`.. #40 change 78984 edit on 2003/01/23 by Hefebvr@llefebvr_r400 (binary+1)
`small correction on memoryexport buffersizes.
`#39 change 77093 edit on 2003/01/16 by Hefebvr@llefebwr_1406 (binary+)
`Modified the alloc instruction to include a no-serial bit.
`.. #38 change 77001 edit on 2003/01/15 by lefebwr@llefebwr_r466 (binaryt1}
`interface change from the SX (alloc deailoc bus} and interface change from the SP
`(predicates and kill mask).
`.. #37 change 74942 edit on 2003/01/07 by iefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+!)
`New revision ofthe spec
`.. #36 change 59941 edit on 2002/10/29 by lefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r403 (binary+})
`backup and $Q->SP interface change.
`#35 change 58563 edit on 2002/10/22 by Hefebvr@llefebwre_laptop_r400 (binary+)
`Detined the memory exports better.
`.. #34 change 57527 edit on 2002/10/16 by llefebvr@llefebwre_laptop_r400 (binary+})
`Clarifications and minor updates. Version 2.08.
`.. #33 change 56881 edit on 2002/10/14 byllefebvr@llefebvre_laptop1400 (binary+})
`Loops, jumps and calls are now using a 13 bit address whichallows tojump aud call and
`loop around any control flow addresses (does not reqpires to be even aryrnore)
`.. #32 change 56634 edit on 1002/10/11 by lefebvr@llefebvre_laptop1499 (oinary+i)
`Revision 2.06 ofthe spec.
`431 change 50456 edit on 2002/09/16 by Hefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+)
`Newspin ofthe SQ spec including some interface changes and auto-counter architectural
`changes (for multipass pixel/vertex shaders}.
`Page 3 of 8
`Ex. 2044 --- R400Sequencer(version 1.4 to 2.11).doc
`... #51 change 97450edit on 2003/04/24 by Hefebvr@llefebwre_laptop_r400(binary+1)
`Updated stall conditions.
`Made swizzle change:
`Added more R506specit
`... #50 change 97161 edit on 2003/04/23 by Ilefebvr@llefebwre_laptop_r400(binary+1)
`interface name changesfor the SQ>SPfetch swizzles
`... #49 change 97092edit on 2603/04/23 byIlefebvr@llefebwre_laptop_r400 (binary+1)
`Added SP stall conditions to the 8G
`.. #48 change 96572 edit on 2003/04/19 by Hefebwr@illefebvr_r400_montreal (binary+!)
`Documentation changes for R500.
`. #47 change 93456 edit on 2003/04/02 by Hefebwr@ilefebve_1400_tmontreal (binurytly
`update to the control flow instruction.
`Adding timing diagram for the SQ--VC/TPtransfers.
`. #46 change 92587 edit on 2003/03/28 by Hefebvr@llefebwre_laptop_1466 (binary+D
`added swizzie codes to the spec.
`.. #45 change 87762 edit on 2603/02/28 by Hefebvr@lltefebw_1400 (binary+)
`Added the new SX interface.
`.. #44 change 82838edit on 2003. ‘Q7 by Hefebw@ilefebvr_r400(binary+D)
`small update regarding the implementation change for the Pos Allocated / PC allocated
`#43 change 81 538 edit. on 2603/02/03 by Hefebwr@)ilefebvr_r400 (hinary+1)
`Missed bits 41 and 42 in the SQ_EXECinstruction format. Those are RESERVED as
`.. #42 change 81401 edit on 2003/02/03 by Nefebwr@ilefebvr_r400 (binary+!)
`refined the interfaces te the SP te specifywich signals should or shouldn't be pipelined.
`Page 2 of 8
`bx, 2044 --- R400Sequencer(version 1 4 to 2.11}.doc
`.. #30 change 49717 edit on 2001/09/05 by Hefebw@ilefebvre_laptup_1400 (binary)
`updated spec.
`.. #29 change 49244 edit on 2002/09/02 by Hefebvr@ilefebvre_laptop_r406 (binary+D
`new spec
`.. #28 change 48839 edit on 2002/08/29 by Hefebwr@lilefebvre_laptop_ri00 (binary+D
`Updated the SQ>SP interface. Added comment on the Constant load bus.
`#27 change 48097edit an 2002/08/26 by Hefebwr@ilefebvre_laptap_r4d6 (binary+1
`Added ihe new SQ->SPinstruction interface.
`.. #16 change 46138 edit on 2002/08/14 by Hefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+D
`Changed the MASK mnemonics ta KTLT.
`Added DS'l opcode.
`Added MUL_PREV2 opcode
`Reerdered the opcodes
`in primlib and SP.
`Implemented the new KILL and SET SCALAR opcodes, they are now all comparing the
`ALPHAchannel to 0.0f (instead of comapring against the RED channel).
`. #23 change 44021 edit on 2602/08/02 by Netebwr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+)}
`New parameter gencration schemeincluded in the spec.
`#24 change 41 606 edit on 2662/07/19 by Hefebwr@illefebwre_laptap_race (binary+)
`SQ backup
`. #23 change 40691 edit on 2002/07/15 by Hefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binarvt+D
`New sequencer spec.
`.. #22 change 37951 edit on 2002/07/03 byllefebwe@ilefebvre_laptop_ri00 (binary+1)
`#21 change 31433 edit on 2062/06/03 by llefebw@ilefebvre_laptap_r400 (binary+1
`Backup and minor updates.
`Page 4 of 8
`Ex, 2044 --- R400_Sequencer (version 1 4 to 2.11}.dec
`ATI 2044
`LG v. ATI
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 2 of 325
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 2 of 325


`new revision ofthe sequencer spec v1.6
`#8 change 12335 edit on 2002/01/03 byllefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+
`backup ofthe spec
`. #7 change 11833 edit on 2001/12/17 by Hefebvi@iilefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+D
`.. #6 change 11563edit on 2001/12/11 byllefebvr@ilefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+b
`Version 1.5 ofthe sequencer spec. See Revision changes of the document fordetails.
`. #S change 11443 edit on 2001/12/10byHefebvr@lefebvre_laptop_r4uc (binary+1
`backup. Updated the constant memory management section by copying stuff from the
`R400 state management document by Mike Mantor
`#4 change 11393 edit on 2001/12/07 byHefebvr@illefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+))
`. #3 change 11306 edit on 2001/12/06 by Hefebvidiilefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+
`New revision ofthe sequencer spec.
`.. #2 change 11246 edit on 2001/12/65 byllefebvr@ilefebvre_laptop1400 (binary+1
`Updated the register spec.
`. #1 change 11061 branch on 2901/12/03 bypraltchel@pmitchel_r400_win_marlboro
`mv doc_lib/parts to doc_lib/design/blocks
`branch from //depotir400/doc_libiparts/sq/R400_Sequencer.doc#t #3
`.. #3 change LL048 edit on 2001/12/03 byHefebve@ilefebwre_laptop_r400 (binary+})
`submited for Paul to move stuff around again.
`branch into //depot/r400/dec_lib/design/blocks/sq/R400_Sequencer.dac#L
`.. #2 change 10774 edit on 2001/11/27 by llefebvr@!lefebvre_laptop_r400_emu (oinary+!)
`Page 6 of 8
`by, 244 --- RAU0Sequencer (version 1.4 to 2.11}.doc
`new spin on the sequencer spec
`... #20 change 27717 edit on 2002/05/13 byllefebvr@Ulefebvre_laptop1400 (binary+!)
`Changed CF opcodes, $Q->SP interface and 8P->S0 conslunt index loud interface.
`.. #19 change 26057 edit on 2002/05/02 by lefebr@llefebvre_laptop_r40U Coinary+!)
`Modification on the Control flow instructions.
`... HLS change 23957 edit on 2002/04/19 by liefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+}.
`The new control flow scheme is nowincluded in v2.0 ofthe sequencer spec.
`.. FLT change 23946 edit on 2002/04/19 by liefebwr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+!)
`Last version of the spec with the old cortral flaw scheme
`. #L6 change 20326 edit on 2002/03/25 by Hefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r100 (oinary+!)
`Upated the interfaces and added an exporting rule section.
`#15 change 20199 edit on 2002/03/22 by lefebvr@llefebwre_laptop_r400 (binary+)
`Some minor changesto the SQ interfaces.
`.. #L4 change 19503 edit on 2002/03/18 by Hefebvr@llefebwre_laptop_r400 (binary+}.
`Changed the interfaces to reflect the fact that the PCs are nowin the SX blocks
`.. #L3 change 17380 edit on 2002/03/04 byliefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r409 (binary4
`New revision of the sequencer spec.
`... #L2 change 14466 edit on 2602/02/04 by liefebvr@flefebvre_laptop_1400 (binary+1)
`Version 1.7 of the Sequencer spec.
`.. HEL change 13088 edit on 2002/01/15 by Hefebw@illefebvre_laptop_1400 (binarytfy
`redondant opcodes corrected.
`.. FLO change 13957 edit on 2002/01/15 by liefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r409 (binary+|)
`‘There wa
`error in the control flow section. Checked in the spec so that Richard
`has a correct vers
`on to build the assembler on.
`... #9 change 12798 edit on 2002/01/09 byllefebwr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+!)
`Page 3 of &
`bx, 2044 --- RAUU_Sequencer (version 1.4 to 2.11).doc
`opened the files with the wrong client
`41 change 10705 branch on 2001/11/26 by pmitchel @pmitchel_r400_win_marlhora
`another rename to match r30@
`.. .. Branch from //depotr400/doc_lib/parts_lib/sq/R400_Sequencer.doc#3
`.. #3 change 10699 branch on 2001/11/26 by pmitchel@pmitchel_r400_win_marlboro
`doing rename properly
`branch from //depetir400/doc_lib/blacks/sq/R406_Sequencer.dacés
`. branch inte //depot/ri00/dec_lib/parts/sq/RA0G_Sequencer.doctl
`.. 72 change 10698 delete on 2001/11/26 by pmitchel@pmitchel_r400_win_marlboro (binary+!)
`fix mistuke
`.. #1 change 10691 branch on 2001/11/26 bypmitche!@pmitchel_r40Q_win_marlboro
`rename "blocks" to "parts_lib™
`branch from //depotir400/dac_lib/bla:
`..#3change 10697 add on 2001/11/26 bypmitchel@pmitchel_r400_win_marlbore (binary+D
`branchinte //depat/r400/dec_lib/parts_lib/sq/R400_Sequencer dac#3
`.. #4 change 10695 delete on 2001/11/26 by pmitchel@pmitchel_r400_win_mariboro (binary+1)
`33 change 10593 edit on 2001/11/26 by llefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 Ginary+
`closing for Paul to movefiles around
` change 10676 edit on 2001/11/26 bylefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r400 (binary+1)
`changedthe file type to binary and locked
` .. .. branch inte //depot/r400/doc_lib/parts_lib/sq/R400_Sequencer.docit
`.. #L change 10674 add on 2001/11/26 by
`Hefebvr@llctcbwre lapiop r400 (binary)
`Page 7 of 8
`Ex. 2044 -- R100_Sequencer(version 1.4 to 2.11).doc
`Page 8 of 8
`Ex, 2044 --- R100_Sequencer (version 1.4 to 2.11}.doc
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 3 of 325
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 3 of 325


`#6 change 3996edit on 2001/07/05 by pmitchel@pmitchel_iris (binary+1)
`change Meiype to prevent simultaneous open for edit
`.. #5 change 2314 edit on 2001/04/23 by smorcin@smorcin_r400 (binary)
`Updated area to new area estimate, post texture path changes
`checked in top level spee for larry to add to it
`.. #4 change 871 edit on 2001/02/02 by smorein@smorein_r400 (binary)
`Added a bunch ofnew docnments, also updated area.
`.. #3 change 585 edit on 2000/12/19 by smorein@smorein 1400 (binary}
`newaree estimate and intial re spec.
`#2 change 496 edit on 2000/12/11 by smorein@smorein_r400 (binary)
`added block descriptions, addedtiling
`.. #1 change 130 add on 2000/11/15 by smorein@smorein_r100 (binary)
`Adding the initial versions of several specs.
`Page 1 of I
`Ex. 2045 --- R400 Architecture Proposal Log --- r40Cspec.doc
`ATI 2045
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 4 of 325
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 4 of 325


`/depotir400/arch/doc/chip/R400 Top Level Spec.DOC
`#7 change 3995edit on 2001/07/05 bypmitchel@pmitchel_iris (binary+1)
`change file type to prevent simulizreous open for edit
`.. #6 change 3091 edit on 2001/05/24 by lsciler@ma_Isciler (binary)
`Updated RB and MC block diagrams
`. 45 change 2950 edit on 2001/05/17 by smorein@smorein_r400 (binary)
`updated spec, finally checked in
`.. #4 change 2359 edit on 2001/04/26 bylefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_1400 (binary)
`updated top level spec to match RE and SC specs
`.. #3 change 2347 edit on 2001/04/25 by lseiler@ma Iseiler (binary)
`Added text about the RB and MC plus descriptions of some RB features
`#2 change 2314 edit on 2001/04/23 hy smorein@smorein_r400 (binary)
`Updatedarea to newarea estimate, post texture path changes
`checkedin toplevel spec for larry to add to it
`.. #1 change 1741 add on 2001/03/15 by smorein@smorein_r400 (binary)
`adding first real version oftop level spec.
`Page 1 of I
`Ex. 2046 --- R400 Top Level Spec.DOC
`ATI 2046
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 5 of 325
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 5 of 325


`#19 change 10769 delete on 2001/11/27 by pmitchel@pmitchel_r400_win_marlbore (binary)
`mv to doc_lib/paris
`. #18 change 10501 odit on 2001/11/21 by askondo@andi_r400_doos (binary)
`opcode update
`. branch
`into /depol’r400/dos
`«#17 change 1U5OU edit on 2!
`/11/21 by askende@andi_r40U_docs (binary)
`updated a couple of opeodes
`.. #16 change 9723 edit on 2001/11/12 by askende@andi 1400 docs (binary)
`#15 change 6889 edit on 2001/09/25 by askende@andi_decs (binary)
`newest version
`change 5466 edit on 2001/08/17 by askende@andi_docs (binary)
`newrev ofthe spec
`mm change 4960 edit on 2001/08/01 by askende@andi_decs(binary)
`new rev
`#12 change 4929 edit on 2001/07/31 by askende@andi_docs (binary)
`. FLT change 4033 edit on 2001/07/06 by askende@andi_dccs (binary)
`update of the specs
`.. #10 change 3585 edit on 2001/06/20 by askende@andi_dees (binary)
`new rev
`.. #9 change 3574 edit on 2001/06/20 by askende@andi_docs (binary)
`new rev
`. #8 change 3565 edit on 2001/06/19 by askende@andi_docs (binary)
`now row
`. #7 change 3560 edit on 2601/06/19 by askende@andi_docs (binary)
`Tew Tey
`. #6 change 3558 edit on 2001/06/19 by askende@andi_docs (binary)
`another rev
`#5 change 3553 edit on 2001/06/19 by askende@andi_docs (binary)
`another rev (rev.03) ofthe shader spec
`. #4 change 3138 edit on 2001/05/29 by askende@andi_docs (binary}
`more updates to the spec
`. #3 change 3020 edit on 2601/05/21 by askende@andi_docs (binary)
`another revision ofthe shader spec
`#2 change 2712 edit on 2001/05/09 by askende@andi_docs (binary)
`more updates
`. HL change 2700 add on 2001/05/09 by askende@andi_docs(binary)
`Page 1 of 2
`Ex. 2047 --- Shader Document Log --- Shaders.doc
`Page i of2
`Ex. 2047 --- Shader Document Log --- Shaders.doc
`ATI 2047
`LG vy. ATI
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 6 of 325
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 6 of 325


`Change 175294 on 2004/06/24 by mmanlor@PL_wrnantorLT_1400_witt
`< initial checkin of osm random generator with minor changes to supporting files>
`Change 172110 on 2004/06/07 byHefebvr@llefebvr_r400_linux_mariboro
`Fixing bad resource hang unthe verlex shader.
`Change 171407 on 2004/06/02 by Hefebvr@lllefebvr_r400_linux_mariboro
`Fixing Qnan issuc
`Change 168815 on 2004/05/19 by Hefebvr@llefebvr_r400_linux_marlboro
`Integrate ofthe number of RS stations tixes trom Xenos.
`Chango 168560 on 2004/05/18 by Icfebvr@llcfebvr r400 linux marlboro
`Rack integration of the AddreValid fix from Kenos
`Change 168033 cn 2004/05/14by Hefebvr@ilefebvr_1400_linux_mariboro
`Integration of Randy's Kill maks changes from Xenos.
`Change 167975 on 2604/05/14 byHefebwr@ilefebwr_r400_linux_maribaro
`Blanket integrate ofthe Xenos emulator files for 8Q,SP.8X to RAGG.
`Change 167630 on 2004/05/13 by mmantor@FL_mmantorLT_r460_win
`<madealterations to tpformatter to work in sp standalone envircnment made vsp
`more hardware like in pred, kill, mova, write enables and update on testbench>
`Change 155924 on 2004/03/17 bylofebvr@llefcbvr 1400 cinu montreal
`th psx tracker data ony, no
`Integration from Xenos
`the valid bit change.
`functionnal change here.
`Change 155819 on 2004/03/17 byHefebwr@llefebvr_r400_emu_montreal
`Integration of the gpr c ug base address change Hrom Xenus.
`Change 154760 on 2004/03/12 by kryan@kryan_1400_win_marlboro_XP
`Integrate changes from Xonos/devel to myr400/branch to r466/devel
`Integrate Kenos/devel to rid branch
`- Added YIELD* keywords to the Shader Assembler.
`- Added processing for serial bitin SQ and Shader Assembler.
`- Changed handling of Control flow constants in Emulator
`Lo nore closely mati Ure lardware.
`Change 154141 on 2004/03/10 by Hefebvri@Hefebvr_r400_linux_mariboro
`integration ofthe valid bit bug fix from Xcnos
`Change 153494 on 2004/03/08 by efebvri@ilefebvr_r400_emu_montreal
`Integration ofthe VS_DONE_EVENTchange trom Nenos.
`Change 152749 on 2004/03/04 by Ucfebwr@llefebvre laptop r460 emu
`Tntegration ofthe PRED_COND_CAT J. change to R406.
`Change 152663 on 2004/03/04 by Netebvr@Hlefedvre_laptop_ri00_emu
`Fixing COND_JIMP and COND_CALLpredicated. Also fixing bit mask problem in the
`SX that controls the tracker.
`Change 151381 on 2004/02/26 by Hefebvr@ilefebvre_laptop_r400_emu
`Integration ofthe cond prod
`ite fix from Xcnos
`Change 151315 on 2004/02/26 by lefebvr@llefebvr_r400_linux_marlboro
`Removing the storage for RT parametersin the emuitor from the register space and the
`Change 151063 on 2004/02/25 by Hefebwr@lefebwr_r400_1 ux_miarlboro
`incorporating Vom's changests the emulator.
`Change 149973 on 1004/02/19 by Hefebvr@llefebvr_r400. ux_marlboro
`Validated Tur's fix.
`Change 149972 on 2004/02/19 by Hetebvriglefebvr_r400_emu_montreal
`Fixing the control flow machine in the cmulator to remove an extra trip to the RS on a
`Change 149638 on 2004/02/17 by Hefebvn@iilefebwr_r400_emu_montreal
`Page | of 75
`Ex, 2048 --- R400 Sequencer Ernuiator FH --- folder_history
`Page 2 of 75
`Ex. 2048 --- R400 Sequencer Emulator FH --- folder_history
`This rakes the ernulator write to PV/PS on all units even when the operation is
` ‘ill
`‘The emulator now ignores the MSBof the countfield.
`predicated. Unlythe writes io the registers are blocked on predication (and pred vector
`Change 147181 on 2004/02/04 by Hofebwe@llefebvre laptop 460 emu
`Change 149424 on 2004/02/16 byHefebwr@llefebve_1400_emu_montreal
`Adding Sy--S2X¢ event dump file,
`Fixing REP bug.
`Change 146961 on 2004/02/03 by mearl@mear!_xenos_linax_orl
`Change 149402 on 2004/02/16 by Hefebvr@illefebwr_r400_emu_montreal
`Updated the cmulator to match the hardware.
`This fixes the COND_EXEC_PREDopcodeso it returns the thread with the correct
`Change 146954 on 1004/02/03 by Hefebw@illefebvre_laptop_r406_ermu
`resource when the predicate vectoris dirty.
`Fixing alloc with no serial tolowed byserialized instruction bug (emulator wasn't
`Change 148881 on 2004/02/12 by Hetebvr@llefebvr_r400_emu_montreal
`The predicate clean bit was overwritten instead of being “anded" in creating less clause
`boundaries than it should have onihe ensulutor.
`Change 146738 on 2004/02/02 by untmanlor@FL_uanunturLT_r460_witt
`Change 148666 on 2004/02/11 by Hefebvr@illefebwr_r400_emu_montreal
`<added checking of vector and scalar results all the time, constant address and export
`control&fog overlay, More values are randomized
`Thisisafix for the control flow instruction mismaich in the case of a
`COND_EXEC_PRED opcode. The emulator wasn't updating the resource field whils the HW
`Change 146655 on 1004/01/31 by mmantor@mmantor_xenos_linux_orl
`<added include directoryfor crayola_enum.h and fixed vectpipe makefile to use env
`variables for dep dir>
`Change 146634 on 2604/01/31 by mmantor(@FL_mmantorLT_r400_win
`<saved environment updates, problem with last checking»
`Change 145651 on 2004/01/31 by mmantor@FL_mmantorLT_p1G0_win
`<preparing for intrinsityrelease, updated makes to be compatible with multiple
`SROOT and SBRANCH environment,
`directories using
`variables and cleaned up sp_vector.v for readabilt
`and removed unused signals,
`functionally equivalent>
`Change 146535 on 2004/01/30 by llefebvr@ilefebvr_r400_linux_marlboro
`Adding Tom's changes to the emulator and SP testbench.
`Change 146499 on 2004/01/30 by Hefebwri@Hefebvr_r400_linuxmarlboro
`Removing IW accurcate flag
`Change 146490 on 2004/01/36 by Hefebvr@alefebvr_r400_emn_montreal
`Removing numbers.h
`Change 148344 on 2004/02/16 byNetebvr@llefebwr_1400_eru_montreal
`Enabling PRED_CLEANinstructions in primlib. Fixed a probiem with
`CGND_EXEC_PREDCLEANENDopcodeinthe emulater.
`Change 148246 on 2004/02/09 by donaldli@donaldl_xenos_linux_orl
`Added flat_shading signal for use in the SX parameter subtract function.
`(ic.if flat_shading is true, ignore infinity checks; just de subtract. Result
`should be zero.)
`Change 148084 cn 2004/02/09 by Hefebvr@illefebvre_laptop_r400_emu
`Implemented the REP function in the emulator.
`Change 147954 on 2004/02/07 by donaldi@donaldl_xenos_linux_orl
`Fixed bug when cafling parameter_sub during creation of vectors
`Ge. lessthan@ and greaterpointS parameters were swapped).
`Change 147952 on 2004/02/07 by unmanior@unnantor_xenus_linux_orl
`<added test bench for DiffEng param_sub in the sx for numericalverification>
`Change 147697 cn 2004/02/06 by Hefebvr@ilefebvre_laptop_r400_emu
`Page3 of 75
`Ex, 2048 --- R400 Sequencer Emulator FH --- folder_history
`Page dof 75
`Ex. 2048 --- R406 Sequencer Emulator FH ---
`ATT 2048
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page7 of 325
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 7 of 325


`Chuuge 146478 on 2004/01/36 by Helebwe@illefebwe_1400_linux1
`Fixing badcasting in the 1B
`Change 146091 on 2004/01/25 byIefebvr@llefebwe_r400_emu_montreal
`Fixing SX buffer size management problern when EXPORT_BUFFERsize > 128.
`Change 146069 on 2004/01/29 by mmanion@mmant enos_limux_orl
`<updated makefilc for standalone rand vector generator for vsp>
`Change 146053 on 2004/01/29 by mmanton@FL_mmantorLT_r400_win
`«added newfiles for last checkin
`Change 146062 on 2004/01/29 by mmantor@FL_mmantorLT_r400_win
`<repartition mare vector scaler pipe (vsp) into seperate class to support lower level
`random test bench and intrinsityefforts.
`moved all math from sq_alu.cpp to vsp.cpp>
`Change 145619 on 2004/01/27 by Ilefebvr@llefebve_1400_emu_montreal
`Added VS_FETCH_DCINE eventandinterface pulseto the CP for the
`PL_LIMEBUFFERearly de-allocation ofthe vertex butter.
`Change 145089 on 2004/01/23 by Ilefcbvr@llefebwr 1400 cmu montreal
`Added event propagation to the SX (from the SQ}. Need to tis it off in Xenos to the BC.
`Change 143941 on 2004/01/26 by Hetebvr@llefebvr_r400_linux_mariboro
`i) Fixed Kill
`and waterfall issue (400s¢_Killgt_O1 cpp)
`co-issue problem (only in non-optimized mode)
`2) Fixed waterfall and mova
`3) Fixed SX durapfile WAN sign propagation probiern
`Change 143832 on 2004/01/19 by mmantor@FL_tmmantorLT_ri00_win
`<updated the vectpipetest.exe do process
`interleaved threads, all opcodes and
`changed tb_vector back lo simple design. All ope pass 460000 instruction random
`testing >
`Change 113255 on 2004/01/15 by flefebvr@lefebwr_1100_emu_montreal
`Added VS_FETCH_DONEcontrolflow instruction.
`Added VS_FETCH_DONEpulse to CP interface.
`Placed the hooks for when the event will be created.
`Change 143096 on 2064/01/14 by larlogs@hartugs_xenos_linux_orl
`Change to fix ferret dump filefor VGL_SQ_Verts interface. ‘his change passed
`regress_e and perts_lib_relpl.
`Change 141968 on 2004/01/09 by Hefebwr@llefedvre_laptop_r400_emu
`Adding wamingsfor bad register settings on VS_CONST_BASE and VS_CONST_SIZE
`(surm must be < 512).
`Change 141694 on 2004/01/08 bylefebwe@llcfeovre laptop r400 cmu
`Fixing DB_ALU_SIZE to say we need 2X the numberof constants than highest use ina
`Fixing VS_NUM_RHGtesayit is number ofregisters -1
`Fixing bug in predicated loop end where the jump backto the start ofthe loop wasnt
`Change 140866 on 2604/01/06 by Hefebwr@illefebvre_laptop_r406_emn
`is the newalu code as provided by Tom. uses the new 27 dit adder.
`Passed release_parts_lib, the eraulator regreszion and the tb_eqspsx regression. also
`passed 4000000 vectors on the SP testbench.
`Change 149078 on 2003/12/29 by lefebwri@llefebwr_r400_emu_montreal
`Fixing flush te zere preblem on MUL_PREV2
`Fixing CONST abs modifier probdicm.
`Change 139972 on 2003/1 2/29 by Hefebvr@lefebvr_r400_emu_montreal
`Reverting Tom's changes(try 3}
`Change 139970 on 2003/12/29 by Hlefebwr@llefedvr_r400_emu_montreal
`Reverting Tom's changes(ry 2)
`Change 139968 on 2003/12/29 by Hefebwr@llefebvr_ri00_emu_montreal
`Reverting Tom's changes. eybrake the random tests with LSB missmatches.
`Change 139346 on2603/12/23 by Hefebwr@illefebwr_r400_emu_montreal
`Fixed SX te
`send Nens on invalid positions.
`Fixed waterfalling on CONSTopcodes.
`¢ debug info to SX->PA dumps.
`Change 139084 on 2003/1 2/22 by Hefebwi@lefedvr_r400_emu_montreal
`Page 5 of 78
`Ex, 2048 --- R400 Sequencer Emulator FH --- folder_history
`Page 6 of 75
`Ex. 2048 --- R400 Sequencer Emulator FH --- folder_history
`Adding more dumpinfo in the SX-2RR color dump.
`Adding bug fixes in 27 bit adder path (not used).
`Changc 138986 on 2003/12/26 by mmanton@mmantor xenos linux orl
`<claiged csilo uly make one pass fur paragen and genindex and write re dump
`files correctly,
`fixed a timing loop in pix tthreadbuffer >
`Change 138150 on 2003/12/17 by tlefebvr@'lefebwr_r100_emu_montreal
`Removed power of 2 specific wrapping to allow any size VTX and PIX RS.
`Change 138102 on 2003/12/17 by Hefebwr@ilefebwr_1400_emu_montreal
`Added programable VTX and PIX RS
`es (from state register).
`Added pregramable SX export buffer siz:
`Added progratuable mamber of EA buffers
`in S20.
`Added programable State export slots in SX.
`Change 138048 on 2003/12/17 byllefebvr@llefebvr_r100_emu_montreal
`The emulator now outputs an error message and exits uppon bad usage of the address
`Change 137942 on 2003/12/16 by Hetebvr@llefebvr_r400_linux_mariboro
`The testbench now compiles and runs on Linus.
`Change 137854 on 2003/12/16 by rramsey@rramsey_xenos_linux_or!
`Change emulator so param cache reads for params not exported by the VS
`still show up in sq_sx_pcaddr.
`Fix cf_resource_change logic in the cfs so it catches the clause boundary
`where a cf instr with only tex instr gels sent to the alu cbs,
`Change 137313 on 2603/12/12 by mmanion@FL_mmantorL T_r400_win
`<update for standalone vp test>
`Change 137273 on 2003/12/12 by Hefebvr@efebwre_laplep_1400_eniu
`Fixing another data scrmable on PRUNC
`d MAX4vte match exactly numeri
`Medificd MAXand Min opcodes to removethe subtract that could cause an LSB
`missmatch on the compare.
`Fixed Nan on FLOORscalar.
`Change 137256 on 2003/12/12 by lefebvr@!lefebvre_laptop_ri00_emu
`This is fixing the Nan anddata scramble on scalar TRUNC.
`Change 137124 on 1003/12/12 by Hefebwr@llefebvre_laptop_ri0G_emu
`This is fixing the CONST opcodefailure. This is an SQ onlychange so itwill not affect
`the SP tevtbenct.
`Change 137080 on 1003/12/11 by mmantor(@FL_mmantorLT_r4¢0_win
`<tmp remove scalar prev opcodesfor standalone testing>
`Change 137063 on 2003/12/11 by Hefebwr@Uefebvre_laptop_r400_enm
`Changing swizzles on CUBEinstruction to exactly match SP.
`Change 136833 on 2003/12/10 by Hlefebwe@llefedvre_laptop_r400_emu
`Fixing PRED_SET*®apcades ta match HW behavior
`Fixing bad channel select on KILL* and MAX4 opcodes.
`Change 136832 on 1603/12/10 by mmantor@FL mmantorLT r460 win
`<added ull ups aud provide pred upcode swizzle changes and kill in Ure standalone
`Change 136727 on 1003/12/10 by mmantor@FL_mmantorLT_r4¢0_win
`<added all vector ops>
`Change 136641 on 2003/E 2/10by llefebwr@illefebvre_laptopr400_emu
`Fix for vector TRUNC +/- 3 clamping issues.
`Change 136533 on 2003/12/09 by unantor@FL_mnanturLT_r460_wint
`add VectPipeTest that test the vectorpipeofthesp.
`Change 136540 on 1063/12/09 by llefebwr@ilefebvre_laptop_r400_emu
`This viiwuld fix TRUNC nanfailures and DOT2Add INF and NANfailures.
`Change 136519 on 2003/12/09 by Uefebvr@iilefebvre_laptopr400_emu
`Another pags on the SP files to be more ITW lookalike.
`Change 136387 on 2003/12/09 by llefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_r406_emu
`This is the new SP files more HWlookalike. Also fixes DOTZADD SRCCswizzle
`Page 7 of 75
`Ex, 2048 --- R406 Sequencer Emulator FH --- foldcr_history
`Page 8 of 75
`Ex. 2048 --- R4GC Sequencer Emulator FH--- foldcer_history
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 8 of 325
`ATI Ex. 2110
`Page 8 of 325


`Change 136287 on 2003/12/68 byllefebvr@ilefebwre_laprep_r460_ermn
`The TRUNC was rounding instead of clamping when dealing with negative numbers
`(LSB of mantissa only)
`Change 135538 on 2003/12/64 byvromaker@vromaker_ernul_r400_linux_marlbore
`- updated vtx and pix thread buffer sizes
`Change 135361 on 2003/12/04 byHefebvr@ilefebwr r400 cmu montreal
`This should fix -/6 probleras in CUBE (501-502). And TRUNC te +0 issue (runc_02).
`Change 131820 on 2003/12/02 by Hefebvr@llefebwr_r100_emu_montreal
`Fixing the CUBE cpoode. Itwas reading from SRCB.X while if should have read from
`Fixed bad SRC selection for Te in cube opcode.
`Fixed +/. 0 problem in the multiply engine
`Change 133025 on 2003/11/20 by meari@mearl_xenos_linux_orl
`Fixed 2 primitive per clockinterpolation bug in the emulator.
`Change 132250 on 2003/1 £/17 by efebw@llefebvr_r400_linux_marlbora
`Changing emulator andtests to meet with the new cube swizzles wich now are for SRCA
` zeny (
`stead ofzzyx). Also chang

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