`txreplicate4 alu
`txreplicate4 tex
`id_cnst_cn txreplicate’
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3100 of 5393
` Cex
`C maxcon
`Max con
`C max con
` Cex
`mem write
`ti con
`mpegindexmul ticon ticon
`ti con
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3100 of 5393


` Cex
`mpeg index multi con
` ti_con
`ti con
`ti con
`t_ rtenabled
`t rt enable
`t rt enabled
`t rt enabled
`Max con
`max con
`max con
` Cex
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3101 of 5393
`e Le
`rbbmWU 2D_
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`D_ D
`e Le
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`rbbm W
`Le Le
` 3D_idl
` MHhdp_clean
` CRTC PFI LIP D2GRPH update pendingoff
`rbbm W
`LIP DIGRPH update pendingoff
`rbbm W
`rbbm W
`OV_FLIP_ D1OVL_ update pendingoff
`OV_FLIP D20VL_ update pendingoff
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`_VIPH2 dma_idle
`_idect semaphore
`rbbm W
`t BIF RBBM agp flush off
`rbbm W fe t CRTC DIMODE vline
`rbbm_W r
`rbbm W t CRTC DIMODE vline on
`rbbm W t CRTC DIMODE vline re
`rbbm W t CRTC D2MODE vline fe
`rbbm WU t CRTC D2MODE vline on
`rbbm W t CRTC D2MODE vline re
`rbbm W
`update pendingoff
`rbbm WU
`update pendingoff
`rbbm W
`L update pendingoff
`rbbm W QL
`L update pendingoff
` [[idle03
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`rbbm WUrt RT idle clean 01
`**APATLY* -
`- -
`rbbmWUrtVIPHO dmaidle
`rbbmWUrt_VIPH1 dmaidle
`rbbmWUrt_VIPH2 dmaidle
`rbbm_WUrtVIPH3 dmaidle
`rbbm WUrt pad ext sig rising edge
`rbbm_cpqueuedholds nonqueued
`cp_rbbm. cmp
`rbbm_int nrt_gfxpipeidlerderr
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`rbbm_int rderr
`rtleearmwaitidletriggerevents 16
`rteediscretes arm_rearm_events 32
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3106 of 5393
`lling02 events
`lling04 events
`lling07 events
`lling08 events
`discretes fal
`rteediscretes fal
`rtee discretes fal
`rtee discretes fal
`rteediscretes fal
`rtee discretes fal
`rteediscretes fal
`rteediscretes fal
`rtee discretes fal
`rteediscretes fal
`rtee discretes fal
`rteediscretes fal
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3106 of 5393


`tes falling12 events
`tes falling13events
`tes falling14 events
`tes falling15events
`tes falling16events
`tes falling17 events
`tes falling18 events
`tes falling19events
`ree a
`Cee a
`tes falling20events
`Cee a
`ree a
`tes falling21events
`tes falling22 events
`tes falling23events
`ree a
`Cee a
`Cee a
`ree a
`cee a
` tes invert 03 events 16
`tes falling24 events
`tes falling25events
`tes falling26events
`tes falling27 events
`tes falling28 events
`tes falling29events
`tes falling30events
`tes falling31events
`tes invert00 events 16
`tes invert01 events 16
`tes invert02 events 16
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`tes inver
`tes inver
`_05_ even
`ree a
`tes inver
`t 06even
`tes inver
`t_O7 even
`Cee a
`tes inver
`_08 even
`tes inver
`_09 even
`tes inver
`10 even
`tes inver
`11 even
`tes inver
`12 even
`Cee a
`tes inver
`13 even
`ree a
`tes inver
`14 even
`tes inver
`15 even
`Cee a
`ree a
`cee a
`ree a
`Cee a
` 19 even
`17 even
`18 even
`16 even
`tes inver
`tes inver
`tes inver
`tes inver
`20 even
`tes inver
`21 even
`tes inver
`22 even
`tes inver
`_23 even
`tes inver
`_24 even
`tes inver
`25 even
`tes inver
`_27 even
` tes invertes invert t 04 even
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`tes invert 28 events 16
`ree a
`Cee a
`tes invert29 events 16
`tes invert30 events 16
`tes invert31 events 16
`tes level00events 16
`tes level O01events 16
`tes level02 events 16
`tes level03events 16
`tes level04 events 16
`Cee a
`ree a
`tes level05events 16
`tes level06events 16
`tes level07 events 16
`tes level08 events 16
`ree a
`Cee a
`Cee a
`ree a
`cee a
`tes level10events 16
`tes level11events 16
`tes level12 events 16
`tes level13events 16
`tes level14 events 16
`tes level09events 16
`tes level15events 16
`tes level16events 16
`tes level17 events 16
`tes level18 events 16
`tes level19events 16
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3109 of 5393


`tes J
`ts 16
`ts 16
`ree a
`ces 4
`|22 even
`ts 16
`tes J
`ts 16
`Cee a
`Ces 1
`|24 even
`ts 16
`tes J
`ts 16
`tes J
`ts 16
`ces 1
`27 even
`ts 16
`tes J
`|28 even
`ts 16
`Cee a
`ces J
`ts 16
`ree a
`Cee a
`ree a
`cee a
`ree a
`Cee a
` evel
`tes J ces i
` ts 16
`ces 4
`ts 16
`tes manual disarm events 16
`tes rising00 events
`tes rising 01 events
`tes rising 02 events
`tes rising03 events
`tes rising 04 events
`tes rising05 events
`tes rising06events
`tes rising 07 events
`tes rising08 events
`tes rising 09 events
`tes rising10 events
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`tes rising11 event
`tes rising12 even
`tes rising 13 event
`tes rising14 event
`tes rising 15 even
`tes rising16even
`tes rising17 event
`tes rising 18 event
`ree a
`Cee a
`Cee a
`tes rising19 even
`tes rising 20 event
`ree a
`tes rising 21 event
`tes rising22 even
`tes rising 26 event
`tes rising27 event
`tes rising 28 even
`tes rising29 even
` tes rising 31 eventes rising30 event
`tes rising 23 event
`tes rising24 event
`tes rising 25 even
` ceea
`Cee a
`ree a
`cee a
`ree a
`isplayl_comp_events 16
`isplay2 comp_events 16
`Cee a
`tee mem linear search events 2
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3111 of 5393


`tee mem poll comp 000 events 16
`tee mem poll comp 001 events 16
`tee mem poll comp 010 events 16
`tee mem poll comp 011 events 16
`tee mem poll comp 100 events 16
`tee mem poll comp 101 events 16
`tee mem poll comp 110 events 16
`tee mem poll comp 111 events 16
`tee mem poll comp masks events 16
`tee mem poll comp masks events 16 random
`tee mem poll comp swaps events 16
` |intervals events 16
`tee reg poll comp 111 events |comp_queued_nonqueued_events 16
`ear search even CS
`tee reg lin
`tee reg poll comp 000 events
`tee reg poll comp 001 events
`tee reg poll comp 010 events
`tee reg poll comp O11 events
`tee reg poll comp 100 events
`tee reg poll comp 101 events
`tee reg poll comp 110 events
`teevipcompevents 16
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`Cc cons
`C cons
`C cons
`t_bool maxl
`C cons
`t_bool max2
`C cons
`Cc cons
`C cons
` C cons
`C cons
`Cc cons
`C cons
`C cons
`Cc cons
`C cons
`ran ran
` t_short2
`t_indr2 short
`t_indr2 short2
`t_ ringshort
`t_ ringwriteenable
`t_ short
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`t_ constant tex_maxl
`t_ constantwriteenable
`t_ scissors
`t_st_indrl match
`t_st_indrl_ mismatch
`t_st_indrl mismatch2
`t_st_indrl mismatch3
`t stindrl mismatch4
`t_st_indrl ps
`t_st_indrl ps only
`t_st_indrl sub1lk0
`t_ st_indrl sublkl
`t stindrl sublkl only
`t_st_indrl sublk2
`t_st_indrl sublk2 only
`t_ st_indrl sub1lk3
`t_st_indrl sublk3 only
`t stindrl sublk4
`t_st_indrl sublk4 only
`t_ st_indrl sublk5
`t_ st _indrl sublk5 only
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`t indrl sublk?
`t_indrl sublk? only
`t_indr2 match
`t_indr2 mismatch
`_indr2 mismatch2
`t_indr2 mismatch3
`tindr2 mismatch4
`_indr2 ps
`t_indr2 ps only
`t_indr2 subl
`t indr2 subl
`t_indr2 subl
`_indr2 subl
`t_indr2 subl
`—indr2_ subl
`_indr2_ subl
`t indr2_subl
`_indr2 subl
`kl only
` KS only
` t_indrl sublko
`k2 only
`k3 only
`k 4
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`t_indr2 sublko
`t indr2 sublk?7
`t_indr2 sublk? only
`_indr2 vs_only
`t_ ringmatch
`t_ ringmismatch2
`t ringmismatch3
`_ringps only
` _indr2 sublk6only
`_ ringsub]
`t_ ringsubl
`lk4_ only
`_ ringsub]
`t_ ringsubl
`lk2 only
`t_ ringsubl
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`set_st_ ringsublk5only
`set_st_ringsublk7 only
`set_st_ ringvs
`set_st_ringvs_ only
`set_st_stress a
`set_st_stress b
`set_st_stress c
`set_st_stress ¢
`set_st_stress f
`cp_rbbm.cmp rbbmWr.
`cp_rbbm.cmp rbbmWr.
`cprbbm.cmp rbbmWr.
`cp_rbbm.cmp rbbmWr.
`trans bitblt
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`typeO_indl_ ind2 a
`typeOindl ind2 b
`cp_rbbm.cmp rbbmWr.cmp
`rbbmWr. cmp
`730 viz querya
`rbbmWr. cmp
`731 viz querydraw_indx
`rbbmWr. cmp
`viz querydraw_indxindrl
`rbbmWr. cmp
`733 viz querydraw_indxindr2
`rbbmWr. cmp
`viz querydrawindxmultipass
`cp_rbbm.cmp rbbmWr.cmp
`735 viz querydrawindxring
`rbbmiWr. cmp
`736 viz queryindrl
`rbbmWr. cmp
`viz queryindrl simple
`viz queryindr2
`rbbmWr. cmp
`viz queryindr2 simple
`740 viz queryring
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`rbbmWr. cmp
`viz queryringsimple
`waitregmempoll mem0
`waitregmempoll mem0rt
`waitregmempoll meml
`waitregmempoll mem2
`waitregmempoll mem3
`waitregmempoll regl
`waitregmempoll reg2
`0 wait_reg_mempoll_reg0 2002Sep24
`waitregmempoll reg3
`Pass count = 732 Fail countTests Run_count = 751 Incompletecount
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`Total Tests
`Regression Summary for CP UNIT Simulations in Orlando
`Tests Run
`Tests Pass
`3 Pass
`7:16:24 2002
`Date: Thu Sep
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3120 of 5393
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`Regression Summary for CP UNIT Simulations in Orlando
`Date: Thu Oct 10
`1:11:50 2002
`Total Tests
`Tests Run
`Tests Pass
`3 Pass
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`2:28:22 2002
`Regression Report For CP - Project = r400 Created on Sat Sep 28
`RunTime Baseline
`Test Status ProbableCauseofFailures
`cp_mh_req.cmp mh_cp_rd.cmp
`cpmh_req.cmp cprbbm.cmp mhcp_rd.cmp rbbmWr.cmp
`3d_draw_indx2 b
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`SmallText BM
`Typed192 BM
`TypeOIQ2 BMIBPacket
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`brushtypes 1314
`cp_mh_req.cmp mh_cp_rd.cmp rbbmWr.cmp
`cond_writemempoll mem
`condwritemempoll mem2
`condwritemem_poll mem3
`condwritemem_poll mem_rt
`condwritemempoll reg
`condwritemempoll reg2
`condwritemempoll reg3
`cp_bios scratch
`cpib2 base000bufszXxXx
`cp_ib2 base001bufszXXx
`cpib2 base010bufszXxx
`cp_ib2 base011bufszXxx
`cp_ib2_ basel100_bufszXxx
`cpib2 basel0lbufszxXxx
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`cpib2 basell0bufszXxXxx
`cp_ib2 baselllbufszXxXx
`cp_interrupt_rt_events 16
`cp_iq2 alignment_000
`cp_iq2 alignment001
`cp_ig2 alignment_010
`cp_iq2 alignment011
`cp_ig2 alignment_100
`cp_iq2 alignment101
`cpiq2 alignment110
`cp_ig2 alignment_111
`cpiqalignment 011
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`cpiqalignment 100
`cpoutput_stress random
`cprbalignment 011
`cp_rb_alignment_ 100
`cprbalignment 101
`cp_rbalignment _110
`cprbalignment 111
`rbbmiWr. cmp
`rbbmWr. cmp
`rbbmWr. cmp
` L**
`rbbmWr. cmp
`rbbmWr. cmp
`0 P
`** PAI
`0 P
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3126 of 5393


`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3127 of 5393
`rbbmWr. cmp
`rbbmiWr. cmp
`rbbmWr. cmp
`0 P
`0 P
`0 P
`cp_mh_req.cmp mh_cp_rd.cmp
`0 P
`0 P
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3127 of 5393


`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3128 of 5393
`0 P

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