Virtual ogic 2.7
`Software U ser’s Guide
`ai ¥}
`Technical Publications
`ATI Ex. 2076
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`Important Notice
`This documentts for informational and instructional purposes. IKOS Svstems. Inc. reserves the nght
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`The terms and conditions governing the sale and licensing of IKOS Svstems, Inc. products are set
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`This document contains proprictary information. In addition, the software programs and hardware
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`IKOS® is a registered trademark of IKOS Systems. Inc.
`VHDL Accelerator”is registered uademark of IKOS Systems. Inc.
`Vovager™ is registered trademark of IKOS Systems. Inc.
`SimLink'™ is a trademark of IKOS Systems.Inc,
`Gemini™ is a trademark of IKOS Systems. Inc.SimMatrix™ is a registered trademark of Precedence.Inc.
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`Copyright “1999 by IKOS Systems. Inc.
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`Written in the U.S. A.
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`Table of Contents
`Manuals [.
`Table of Contents 2... ee ee ee ee he iti
`List of Figures 2.0. 0 ee ee ee ee we we we ee XK
`Listof Tables... 2... ee et te ee we ee te ee ts XXili
`Introduction . 2.0. ee ee eee ee ee BS
`02 28
`VirtuaLogic’s Technology Advantages
`2 7. ee 88
`VirtuaLogic Emulation System Components. 2...) we 28
`Hardware.)ee 26
`Logic Analyzer.
`2 2 ln Lo
`Loe ee ee BF
`Target Interfaces 2. 2 lt Lo. Coe ee BB
`Target System2 88
`00) 2B
`VirtuaLogic Compiler 2. ee ee BB
`Timing Resyathesis
`2 7 ee 2
`Interconnect Resynthesis
`6 wwe BY
`Backend Place and Rous Manager.) 2. 2 ee BD
`0 8. ee
`Virtual Probe Analysis Tools
`Diagnostics2 BG
`VirtuaLogic User's Guide
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`Software Flow.
`0 2we BO
`Using the Graphical User Interface (GUD... 2... -..---..-.---- 33
`Environment Setup.
`2 2.) 8B
`Path Setup.
`2 2 ee BB
`Starting the Graphical Compiler Interface. 2 ee
`2 21 ee BA
`Invoking the VirtuaLogic Software.) A
`Configurations = 2)| BB
`Configmame 6. ee BB
`Starting evl on a Pre-existing Configuration
`2 2... ee
`2 2... 8

`Building a Sinele-ASIC Configuration,
`Software Executables
`22 8B
`Navigating the GVL Interface.
`2 2)2 BF
`evl Window Lavout.
`Screen Elements 2.
`2 7) BF
`2 2)... Lo.
`tee ee BF
`Dragand Drop 2 2.) ee BB
`Multiple Selection,

`2 2) BY
`Scrolling Text Windows
`22 88
`Director, and File Browsers. 2 ee BY
`“P puttons, AG
`Optional Test Fields.
`2 2. ee AD
`Common Parts ofthe Interface.
`Note Tab Bar.
`2 ww ee AG
`Multi-ASIC Button 2) 2) AD
`Main Button Bar... . 2... ee A
`2 2, Lo Coe A
`Patho 2
`2 2 Lo.
`Lo. ee
`2 2.
`2 2) 4B
`Nels. ee AB
`Terminals2) aD
`Search 2we FB
`Show Path 6. ee ee AB
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`Additional Features
`Regular Expression Syntax
`Reguiar Expression Example .
`Clipboard .
`Insert File .
`Write File .
`Append File .
`Reload 2.we. SI
`02 ee SI
`Quit2 ee ee SM
`Errors Window .
`Help .
`ShowLog .
`Save Errors
`File Browser .
`Path .
`Files .
`Optional Text Ficlds .
`Design Import... 0.2... ee ee ee ee ee ee ee
`00 BB
`Netlist Import.
`Nethsts 0
`2 0) SB
`22 8G
`6 2) ee ee BF
`Entering Pathnames
`2 2)... ee SF
`Nellists Requirements
`Notlist Defines =
`2 2) 2 Lo.
`Lo. Soe BR
`Input Netlist Typo.
`22 BB
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`Root Module.
`2 2. 2 eG
`Technology Mapping. 2...) 80
`Technolopy 2. 0.) ee GT
`Bonded Out Cores.2 ee GM
`Instance Removal Example
`2 2. 2. ee 2B
`Technology Files 20 (63
`Memory Specification,
`© 2.)ee BA
`2. 2) 2) 65
`Memory Parameters.
`Memory Namo2 0G
`Coments File
`2 2. ee 06
`2 2... 0G
`Instance-Specific Contents File
`Write EnableScnse
`2 1 ee GF
`Memories 20 6B
`ShowMemories oo.
`oo. BB
`Coe eee ee 6B
`Defining Memories with Netlist Prototypes...
`Defining Memories without Netlist Prototypes
`6 we OY
`Memon VOTerminals. 2.0 BY
`Ports.2 FD
`Voclors ee TM
`22 ee ee TT
`Output Enabic Senseee
`Delete Memory.
`0 2 ee FB
`0 ee FR
`2ee FD
`Import Memory File.
`Clock Files
`2 0)2 FR
`2 2... ee FB
`Memory Files
`Trivecr Files2 ee FB
`Probe Files2 FB
`Check Memory. 2 7) oo.
`oo. Co FR
`Memory Example.2
`Adding thc Memory. 2. ee FA
`Adding the Port Information ©.)A
`Adding the Memory Parameters Information.
`7 2.)
`Timing Specification © 2) ee 8
`Clock Domain 2 2). FP
`Building the Waveforms 2 FR
`Multiple Domains...) IG
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`DataSignals2) BO
`Feedthrough Signals 2.
`2. 2... ee. BI
`Feedthroughs and Verify Simulation 2
`2 2) 2) BB
`Rising2 8B
`Rising Edge Synchronous Inputs ee 8S
`Falling Edge Synchronous Inpuis
`2 ww 8G
`Both Edge Synchronous Inpus
`Rising Edge Synchronous Outputs© ee eB
`Falling Edge Synchronous Oulpuls. ee. 8
`Both Edge Synchronous Outputs
`| ee 8D
`Lo. Se BT
`2 2 Lo.

`Asvuchronous Inputs.
`Asynchronous Preset and Reset Sigmals we ee eG
`Asynchronous Dala Signals 2.)
`Unconnected Inputs and Outputs.|
`Outpul Clocks enihe Target Svsiem 2. wwwe 98
`Inpuls Derived from Outputs 2 ee 8
`Bidircelional Signals ©2 OS
`2 0) 8S
`Design /O Terminals
`Insimictions2 OS
`Add Domain.
`. 2... ae Co ee 9G
`2 00 98
`Add Clocked DataSignal.
`2 2.2 98
`2 0) we ee 88
`Add Asynchronous DataSignal
`Import Timing2) 88
`Clock Files
`2 2 ee BF
`2 OF
`Memory Files
`Trigger Files1
`Probe Files
`2 7.) ee OF
`Verification 2... ee ee ee ee 99
`5we), FOO
`Netlist Qualification Errors
`RunDROee LO
`Change the Design andRun DRO 2. ee LOT
`1we OB
`Error Messages.
`Source Code of Error/Warning Message . | Loe
`foe ee eee OD
`Net Waming Message Assessment. 2). eee eee LO
`22 1B
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`. 104
`. 104
`. 105
`. 105
`. 105
`. 106
`. 106
`. 106
`. 107
`. 107
`. 108
`. LOB
`. 108
`. 108
`. LO9
`. LO9
`. L1G
`. 112
`J 112
`Sort By .
`Show Fields .
`Gen Virtualized Model
`Virtualized Simulation Model
`VSMLimitations .
`Preserving Design hicrarchy .
`Gencrating a VSM
`Sinulatinga VSM... 2...
`Step |: Simulate the Input Neilisi
`Step 2: Prepare the Testbench
`Sicp 3: Resimulate the Modified Testhench.
`Step 4: Simulate the VSM_-
`Resolving Simulation Scenarios
`Initializing the design
`Timescale Issues
`Input Timing Issues .
`Clock Ordenng and Period Issues.
`Vector Capture.
`Probing. 2.0. ee ee et ee es
`Overview .
`Probe Windows
`Probe Group Name .
`Probe Nets.
`Probe Groups
`Add Group.
`Delete Group.
`Write Virsim Configuration .
`Import Probes
`Clock Files
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`2 6 ee ee ETB
`Memory Files
`TriggerFiles. ee ee LB
`Probe Files
`0we LY
`100% Visibility2 HS
`100%Visibility Cable 22 120
`100%Visibility Benefits 2.
`22 LO
`100% Visibility Costs
`2 2) ee 120
`2 0. ee LT

`100% Visibility Restrictions.
`Conditional Capture © oo.
`oo. Se LD
`Number of LA Probe Cards2...
`Compiler... . 2... ee ee 123
`Intreduction.. 2). 12
`Flow Chatt
`27 12
`Hardware Configuration,
`Emulation Platform =.
`0 0. ee LE
`2 2)2. 128
`Maximum NumbecrofBoards
`. 20...) ee. 128
`Enable usc in Multi-ASIC.
`2 2 ee. L2G
`Compilation Files 2. 0... ee NB?
`Partition File.
`0 0. 127
`Placement File.
`2 2. ee 2
`Terminal Constraint File
`2 2.) 0. 2?
`06 ee e128
`Compiler Options
`Compiler Options Listed Alphabetically ©
`2 2 ee LB
`Compiler Options Listed by Category.) ws ee A
`2 2. «BB
`Capacity Control Areuments
`Mm.we ee LBB
`2ee ee. BA
`2 0. eB
`Partition Contro] Parameters.
`(Ue 2... Lo. Coe ee BT
`CUE, ee 15S
`PE ee, 188
`2 2) 2.) ee ee BB
`Database File Suppression Switches
`swritevpd 2 2 ee BB
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`TIOVIC 2ke ee ee ew ey , EBB
`snosmD ee ee 188
`odbc BY
`2 ee 1D
`Analysis/Transformation Control.
`OSG 22 ee. «BD
`-NoSvncQS 2we ee. TAD
`NFfi ge. 140
`“NAM ee LAT
`Net2 Lo. See eee A
`“TNH oo.
`oo. Se LS
`BO. 146
`22 Lo
`toe ee ee. LAF
`NOXOT 2. oo.
`oo. Se LAG
`08 ee. FEO
`MOXIAT 2 0. ee «LEO
`“MIAT 0
`22. LEO
`2 0De EG
`OXSAT 2 2. ee eee LS
`NOXTAT 2.0 ee LST
`20 ee LST
`-SDPN 2we ee LS
`2 2 ee 152
`© 6) ee 152
`eclkopt..2 15
`XCrossDomamlO ee ee LSB
`-XFTL 2
`2 2ee ee LBA
`un ta
`I I
`Control of Output Simulation Models .
`-Vbc .
`-vhn . eee
`rr oo.
`oo. So SG
`| I I
`a a
`-q .
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`-TerscProbe2 ee ee LEY
`-Dump 2.we ee LSD
`Arcuments Not Sct Manualit
`c-Libwe. 162
`DB. ee. LER
`“NPB ee ee, 168
`Roth2 ee 168
`CIR 168
`Mem 2
`0 2. ee. 163
`2| ee. 164
`2 2) 2. ee. LF
`-ProbeCard2 ee LOAF
`8 | ee. 14
`oo. Se LBS
`-ProbeMap oo.
`-ProbeDB ee Lo. Soe ee. LOR
`-IncProbo |we ey LOS
`0 2 ee. 165
`Pod. 166
`slarech ee. 166
`siargctfile ee. LOB
`ssyspatl ee. LO?
`carrpatt ee LEP
`Me ee LBP
`esmemmap .. ee ee LE?
`2 2 ee. LB
`22 ee. 168
`-definesfile 2
`soond2. 168
`TR ee ee LEB
`Mo... ee ee. 169
`PAD ee. LOD
`KO 16D
`clypdwe ee. 109
`Po we ee. LPO
`PR Lo.
`foe ee LT
`Auto-Start FPGA Compile.
`0 2)2 LT
`Froomevl 2.2 LGR
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`Fromthe vle Scnpt
`Compiler Log .
`Run Compiler
`Incremental Probe Compile
`Show Log.
`Improved Emulation Performance
`No-Flows for Modeling .
`No-Flows to Compile a Design.
`2 0. 2 s.
`No-flows to huprove Emulation Speed
`Special No-flowSemantics for Bidirectional Top-Level I/Gs
`Visibility for Bidirectional IOs with No-Flows
`Using No-Flows
`No-Fliows on Buses
`No-Flows in Combinational Loops .
`No-Flowat Output of Latches
`Net Tie-Offs .
`Designs with Multiple Asynchronous Clocks.
`Script Driven Activities .
`Script Driven Generation of Virtualized Model
`Script Driven Design Compilation
`Script Driven Place and Route -
`vie Commands .
`pprma .
`browse .
`vprobe .
`rirsim .
`VRC .
`vic. browse_constants .
`Incerreet Net Value in the Circuit
`. 180
`. 180
`. 181
`_ 18 t
`. 182
`. 182
`. 183
`. 183
`. 183
`. 183
`. 184
`. 184
`. 184
`. 184
`_ 185
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`Design Removal During Sccond Dead Logic Elimination,
`. 2.
`2 2... E85
`© 2. 18
`Running Repeat Configurations
`Creating a New Configuration Database ©
`2 2.) ee. LRG
`Suggestions for Repeat Configurations. 2.
`6 6. ee ey LRG
`Configuration Input Files.
`2 2). EB
`Multi-ASIC Designs... 0. et te et ee ee ee ee oe LBD
`20ee ERY
`Multi-ASIC Setup =0 90
`ASiC InstanceName...) EG
`Configuration List2 TT
`© 2. 2 ee EG
`Configuration Selection.
`Path 2 2. ee TT
`Filter,2 ee ee IT
`2 2 ee EG
`62 LS
`Configurations ©
`Delete ASICs. 2) GP
`Pushinto ASIC.
`72 ae Coe ee 192
`Check ASICS)
`7 0) ee E92
`Gather ASICBits. ee LOD
`Build ASICs2) 192
`Interrupt.2 ee, 192
`22 ee ee LYD
`Muilti-ASICs Definition. 2... 2... to Coe ee ee 193
`Multi-ASIC Flow.
`22 ee 193
`Whento Use the Multi-ASIC Switch 2... . to Coe eee 19S
`Constraints on IndividualASICS © 0)we
`ASIC Configuration 2. 0). LDF
`FPGA Compile... ee ee ee ee 197
`Overview 20 L9F
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`Machine List... 2... 2 ee 198
`Remote Machine Resourees. 2 ee LOS
`AllKnown Hosts.
`2 0.
`2 2) 2) ee. BOO
`Niceness 2.) 201
`Place & Route Tasks 0 2) 20
`Place& RouteLog. 2. 2.2 202
`Run FPGA Place& Route.
`2 2) ee 2002
`Reset HostList.2) 208
`Deleie Place & RouteData..2... 203
`Interrupt.©.. 203
`Stopping Place and Route Dunng Compilation =
`2 7). 208
`Pause.2ee 2038
`Show Log.
`22 ee, 204
`Run FPGA Compilation from the Command Line.
`. 0. 2... oe
`Task Management 200, BOF
`viaskk Commands
`. 2.) ee BOF
`add ww ee 204
`rOMOVG ee 205
`2 2 ee 208
`MEO ee 2OS
`statusee 208
`exit. 206
`woe ee ee BOG
`qmit Loe
`help. ee. 208
` 2OF
`0 2)
`Hung Jobs.
`viask Command. ©.) 2) ee BOF
`. 209
`Overview 20 209
`6 2 ee 21D
`Emulator and Logic Analyzer Setup.
`. 2... 2). BIG
`EmulatorBox 2. 2.
`2 2) ee 21
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`Logic ELT
`LA Probe Cards.
`2 2. 2) ee ATT
`Virsim Host 2) ee TT
`2 2 ee BT
`Sample Depth
`Probe Window 2 2). ee 212
`Emulator Clock.
`2 2 ee BY?
`2 0. 2. ee 212
`EmulatorCommands .
`Connect to EmulatorHost.
`0 2) 21D
`Conncet to Emulator Hardware,
`7 2 218
`Download Designand Memory
`Emulator VO Pods Enabled 2
`2 0.we 2S
`2 2) 2 ee BMA
`2 2. e214
`Functional Test.
`2 2.) 2 ee BIS
`Functional TestPurpose. 2.) ee 2B
`Vectors. ee 218
`Reload Memory,
`08 BNF
`Upload Memory.we ee 2?
`Poke Memory Value. 2)2 BW?
`22 ee aT
`Logic Analyzer Commands...) 2.) BB
`Connectto Logic Analyzer
`2 2) ee BIB
`Download Trigger.
`2 | ee 2B
`Record/Stop oo.
`oo. Se BID
`Upload Waveform Data 2.
`2 De ee BID
`7 2 ee 21D
`Logic Anahzer Window 2
`Waveform Traces 2 = oo oo BBO
`Display Waveform |we 220
`WirSim Hierarchy 2. 2) 22D
`VirSim Waveform.
`28. 220
`WirSim Register,
`VirSim Source.
`0 2 ee 22 T
`2we 22
`VirSim Logic.
`©6 ee ee BB
`EmulatorLog 2
`0 2. 2B?
`Design Emulation Speed
`2. 2) 2B
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`Clock Relationships.
`© 2) 2) 2B?
`Multiple Domain Designs asa Single Domain.
`2 0. 2... 28
`Design Emulation Speed Example ©. ww. ee 2D
`Resetting the Emulator Target System.
`2 2) 2 ee
`Amalysis. 6. 06 ce ee ee ee ee ee eee
`Overview 20 BBP
`Probe Windows 2) 2B
`100% Wisibility
`22 229
`100% Visibility Dees Not Support Conditional Capture.
`2 2.) 2. 28
`Probe Upload and Display Methadology.
`2 2... BI
`Probe Groups
`2 6.) 282
`Logic Analysis Trigger. 7) 2B
`Tngger Definition. ©)2 BBB
`TnggerFSM Svntax.
`2 2) ee BB
`Trigger FSM Commands. 2...) . ee 2B
`. ) ln Loe
`Coe ee ee BBA
`stale oo.
`oo. Se BBG
`clsestate2 BBP
`Entenng Tigger FSM 2 2). BBP
`Tngacr FSM Dialog Boxes © 2. 2) BBB
`2 2 ee 2BB
`New Term | we 28D
`New Else 2
`02 BBD
`Set Trigger Stale ee. BAD
`Open TrigeerFile 2
`2 2 ee. 2D
`Write Trigger File. 2, PAT
`Show Errors| ee aT
`Examples 200 ee, BAD
`Example} 2A
`Example? 2.
`2we BAD
`2 22 ee 2AB
`2 2 ee 248
`Examples 2.
`0 we 2A
`Example6 2).we BAF
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
` ee AAS
`Example 7
`Example S$ 2.
`|we 2S
`Tripeer FSM Resources
`2 0) ee BAS
`Downloading a Logic Analyzer Trigger2. 2
`Resetting the Emulator Target System 2
`0 7) BAB
`Using the Logic Analyzer with Functional Test.
`= =. es 2
`Syntax, Semantics, and Reference Library. .....0..006. 000008. 0251
`Overview 2
`00 BST
`VirtuaLogic Structural Verilog Subset.
`0 2.) BB
`Venlog Identifiers.
`2 2. ee 28D
`2 2 ee BBD
`Module Definition Svntax,
`22, BR?
`0 22 233
`Simple Assignments.
`2 2.) BSS
`Compiler Directives.
`2 2) Lo.
`toe ee BBS
`Unsupported Verilog Constructs 6) 22
`Memory Specification.
`Textual swntax .
`Terminal Bindings
`Semantics .
`Timing Specification .
`Semantics .
`Probe List Format.
`Textual Syntax.
`_ 255
`_ 257
`. 239
`VirtuaLovic Reference Library... 2... 2. 7) . 26O
`Trouble Shooting Guide. 2...ce 28
`20 ee 263
`Software Installation
`2 2.
`22 268
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`Design Import and Verification. ©.
`2 2.) 2A
`2 ee BOD
`2 0.
`Additional lmport and Verification Problems .
`Timescale Issues ee. BBY
`Input TimingIssues BID
`Clock Ordering Issues www ee AID
`Clock Period Issues 2) 2) Be
`Design Compilation 2.
`22 BPD
`Partitioning= BFA
`22 BFS
`Configuration Download 2 2.

`2 2. 2 ee BFE
`Debug Activity.
`2ee BFE
`Virtual Swapping.
`2 2... FF
`Diagnosing the Problem...) .we BFF
`Command Syntax2. TT
`virtual-swap Command
`2| FT
`2 2) ee 2TB
`Column Swap LIB
`Row Swap 2) en Loe
`woe ee ee ee BIB
`Board Swap 2. 2.) ) en Loe
`Coe ee ee ID
`Noncompiling FPGAs.
`2. 2...) ) ee BIG
`Correcting Noncompiling FPGAs with -FPiSwitch 6 7.) De, aD
`Correcting, Fitting Problems with -CUi Switch.
`Lo. Doe ee . 2BO
`PC Farm . 0... ce ee ee ee es 281
`Overview 22 ee. 28
`Hardware Requirements.
`2. 2. 2. 2 ee 28
`Software Requirements.
`2 2.) BRT
`PC Setup.
`22 ee. BBB
`Software Installation 2.
`22 BR?
`2 2. 2B
`Obtaininga RSH Dacmon.
`RSHDaemon 2... ee, 2B
`Testthe RSH Daemon 2.) 1 ee BBB
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|[ i Figures _f ables | | Back
`OblainingaRSHDacmon. 2... ee, 284
`VMWY/Xilinx Software.2 BBA
`©2 BBS
`VNC (optional).
`Obtaining VNC Software 2. 0) ee BRS
`01 BBS
`Farm Usage 2
`From the Command Line. 2...) BBS
`FromtheGUE...) 286
`Maintenance Scripts
`0 2.). 28G
`Avatar... 0 ee ee ee ee 287
`00 BRI
`Using Avatar,2, 287
`In-Circuit Emulation 2
`6 2 ee es 2BF
`Diagnosis and Tesi Mode
`2 2 ee ee BBB
`Configuration Directory Setup. BBB
`Invoking gavt2 BRD
`Copying Old Files. 2. 2)ee BBY
`. 2...2 BEY
`Using Avatar
`2 0) BOD
`Glossary. ee ee 291
`Index 2... ce ee ee ee ee te ee ee LOS
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`List of Figures
`Manuals [.
`[ contents |
`Figure |
`Figure 2
`Figure 3
`Figure 4
`Figure 5
`Figure 6
`Figure 7
`Figure 8
`Figure 9
`Figure 10
`Figure 11]
`Figure 12
`Figure 13
`Figure 14
`Figure 15
`Figure 16
`Figure 17
`Figure 18
`Figure 19
`Figure 20
`Figure 21
`Figure 22
`Figure 23
`Figure 24
`Figure 25
`Figure 26
`Figure 27
`Figure 28
`Figure 29
`System Components...2... 27
`VirtuaLogic Software Process Flow... 0.000. 0. ee eee 31
`Sereen Elements 2...2 38
`VirtualBrowser Window...0 ee 42
`Find Window.
`02 45
`Clipboard Window. 2. 2 0 ee 58
`Errors Window. 1) ee eB
`NetlistImport. 20 5G
`TechnologyMapping... 60
`Instance Removal...2. 62
`Memory Specification...0 ee 65
`RegFile Schematic.2. 74
`Timing Specification.© 76
`Unsupported Circuit when Clkl and Clk2 arein Different Domains... ... BO
`Rising Edge Synchronous Inputs 2... 200005, 835
`Falling Edge Synchronous Inputs... 2.2... 02 ee 86
`Both Edge Synchronous Inputs... 2.2.00. 02 87
`Rising Edge SynchronousOutputs... 88
`Falling Edge Synchronous Outputs... ee 89
`Both Edges Synchronous Outputs .........2..20.22.20...20.... 90
`Output Clack0 93
`Feedthrough...0. 94
`Verification. ©.2. Loo
`VSMVerification Process Steps... 0. ee 107
`Probing Window. 2...22 114
`Compiler Window.2 124
`Compiler Process Flow Chart...0 125
`No-flows to Break Multicycle Paths... 7 1 _.. 175
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`Manuals | index |<n|=>|| contents | cS [ ables | | Back
`Figure 30
`Figure 31
`Figure 32
`Figure 33
`Figure 34
`Figure 35
`Figure 36
`No-Flow Bidirectional /O Net.0. 176
`Multi-ASIC Window... 2... ee _.
`. 196
`FPGA Compile Window... BC _.
`. 198
`Emulation Window. 2.20 216
`One Clock with Even Duty Cycle 2022 _.
`. 224
`Two Clecks with Even Duty Cycle. || BC _. 225
`Analysis Window0.0 228
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`List of Tables

`Table |
`Table 2
`Table 3
`Table 4
`Table 5
`Table 6
`Table 7
`Table 8
`Table 9
`Table 10
`Table 11
`VirtuaLogic Commands»... 36
`Compiler Options List Alphabetically 9.0. 128
`Compiler Options that can be Used Together 2.2 13]
`Configuration Input Files... 0 0 ee 187
`Unsupported Verilog Constructs. 62.254
`Compiler Options for Behavioral Code.2)254
`Keywords and Terminal-Binding Formats... .....0........0.,256
`Timing Specification Elements 2... .0...002000-.......0..258
`VirtuaLogic Reference Library
`. 0... ....202002.202200..0....260
`Avatar Configuration Directory 2.0.0288
`Avatar Form Elements... 0)De 289
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`{| <=] >|
`_| bis |
`Emulation is a technology that creates a prototype of an Application Specific Integrated
`Circuit (ASIC) design in hardware. The prototype is generally built through partitioning the
`design into smaller pieces and then mapping or compiling the design onto a large array of
`Field Programmabie Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or custom chips. The prototype is a complete
`functional implementation of the design including all digital functions and memories.
`The ASICs can be tested under real world operating conditions rather than using an
`approximation of their operating environment. In-system emulators get their stimuli directly
`from the target system, unlike simulations, which require test programs, testbenches, and
`stimulus files. The advantages of emulation include full system integration and debugging
`before the ASIC design is finished and the device fabricated. This 15 especiallytrue of low
`level software, such as diagnostics and device drivers, which often require actual target
`systems for complete testing. The user can design and verify the ASICs, system hardware,
`and system software at the same time.
`VirtuaLogic’s Technology Advantages
`The VirtuaLogic Emulation System uses a unique patented technology called Virtual Wires.
`Virtual Wires provides significant improvements over previous technologies because it
`makes emulation less expensive and easier to use.
`Virtual Wires does not just map a design to the hardware, it actually compiles it for the
`specific hardware resources. ASIC designs do not map directly to FPGA and emulation
`custom chip architectures. Traditional emulation products execute a trivial translation
`process and mapthe design to the hardware, then attempt to tune the timing implementation
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`Manuals [ Index | |<n|=>|[ Contents | Figures [ Tables | Topics { ' Back
`by inserting delays into the data path to compensate for hold time violations. Virtual Wires
`uses advanced synthesis technology to create a functionally identical design thatis targeted
`for the specific hardware of the VirtuaLogic emulator.
`By compiling the design into a single high speed clock and pipelining signals through the
`machine using this clock, there is only one important delay, which ts the worst case path
`through a Xilinx chip. Ifthe VCLK period is longer than this path, then no setup and hold
`issues occur. As a result, the operating frequency of the design is immediately known at the
`completion of the configuration process.
`Theuse of Virtual Wires provides time domain multiplexing of multiple signals onto a
`single FPGA pin or backplane pin. This eliminates the constraint of interconnect,greatly
`simplifying the hardware and software and decreasing the cost of the hardware.
`Without the need for interconnect chips, the resulting hardware is more compact and fewer
`ICs translates to higher reliability. In addition to eliminating the interconnect chips, the time
`domain multiplexing is used on the backplane which eliminates the costly connectors and
`backplanes. The implementation does not have the added propagation delay of the
`interconnect chip and board delays, pctentially resulting in faster emulation speeds. By
`eliminating interconnect challenges, Virtual Wires provides increased visibility for
`VirtuaLogic Emulation System Components
`The VirmaLogic product consists of a reconfigurable hardware system, debug hardware, and
`interfacing hardware. The hardwareis driven by software tools used to implement and
`debug the ASIC design. The entire system is called the VirtuaLogic Emulation System.
`The VirtuaLogic Emulator is the primary hardware component. It is a configurable system
`that consists of a System Board, up to six Array Boards, an interface to a Logic Analyzer
`and an interface for the target system. When programmed with the user’s design, the
`VirtuaLogic Emulator becomes the chip prototype.
`figure / on page 27 shows the major system components and the demonstrates the
`connections between them.
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`Manuals [ Index | |<n|=>|[ Contents | Figures [ Tables | Topics { ' Back
`data and clock cables »
`User’s target system
`Sun Sparc Workstation ‘
` *
`IKOSVirtuaLogic Emulator
`Figure | System Components
`The emulator runs at a reduced speed relative to the final silicon due to the partitioning of
`the design across manychips. The resulting emulation frequency generally ranges between
`500 KHz and 2 MHz. The emulation frequency is dependent on the number oflogic levels in
`the design, the partitioning and implementation, and the size of the design. As a rule, most
`emulated designs run about 50 times slower thanthe final silicon.
`Logic Analyzer
`In order to debug the design while it is running in-circuit, an Hewlett Packard Logic
`Analyzeris used to trigger and capture data. The full event and triggering capability of the
`Logic Analyzer is supported. The Logic Analyzer must be connected on the Ethernet
`network with the Spare’**workstation and be assigned an unique IP address.
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`Manuals [ Index | |<n|=>|[ Contents | Figures [ Tables | Topics { ' Back
`The Logic Analyzer is connected to each Array Board through the System Board. Each
`Array Board has the capability to multiplex up to 5000 signals to the System Baard,
`allowing a six Array Board configuration to have up to 30,000 signals available for
`Target Interfaces
`The 512 I/O from each Array Module are connected through a data cable to the target. The
`data cables can connect directly to the target system, or package specific target interface
`adaptors are available for many common package types. The interface can be programmed
`to be 3.3V¥ CMOS, 5V CMOS, TTL, or LVTTL.
`Target System
`The target system 1s a custom system designed and built specifically for the application that
`is under emulation, An example is a standard Pentium PC which has been slowed down to
`operate between 500 KHz and 10 MHz. The useofthis PC as a part ofa target system can
`aid in the emulation of PC graphics cards, networking cards, or ather PC interfaces.
`Additional components such as a video frame grabber may also be used as a componentof
`the target system to assist with system slowdown.
`The VirtuaLogic Software consists of the following primary components:
`* VirtuaLogic Compiler
`« Backend Place and Route Manager
`* Virtual Probe Analysis Tools
`* Diagnostics
`VirtuaLogic Compiler
`The VirtuaLogic Compiler includes the graphical user interface, the design importer, and the
`resynthesis tools. In order to implement the design using the proprietary Virtual Wires
`technology, the design will be resynthesized to an implementation that is better suited to the
`reprogrammable hardware. This resynthesis provides interconnect and timing resynthesis,
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