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`Author: Todd Martin, Mangesh Nijasure
`Micro-Architecture Specification
`Rev 1.0 —Last Edit: [ SAVEDATE \@ "d-MMM-yy" \* MERGEFORMATJ5
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`Revision History
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`PAGE [createpate|! SAVEDATE \@
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`This document contains a descriptionof the features and hardware implementation of the WD,IA, and the
`VGTblocks and howtheyfit into the overall graphics architecture.
`1.1 Open Issues
`There are no knownopenissues for the WD, IA, or VGT.
`1.2 Scope
`This documentdetails the feature requirements and the hardware implementation for the WD, IA, and VGT
`1.3 Reference
`Noexternal documents other than those explicitly linked in this specification are necessary to understand the
`material presented here. This micro architecture specificationis self sufficient in describing the design and
`features of the WD, IA, and VGTblocks.
`1.4 Definitions / glossary of terms
`- WD-WorkDistributer, receives all the draw commandsand breaks them up into work groups whichare
`sent to one or more IA units
`JA —Input Assembler, receives work groups and breaks themup into prim groups for the VGT. Fetches
`indices from memory.
`VGT- Vertex Geometry Tessellator, this is the main block responsible for supporting all DX and OGL
`- THREAD - A thread isasingle entity in a wavefront, this can be vertices, primitivesetc
`- WAVEFRONT- A groupofthreads that execute in SIMD fashion.
`SE-— Shader Engine
`PA —Primitive Assembler
`LS—Local data Shader
`- HS-—Hull Shader
`- DS—Domain Shader
`ES—Export Shader
`GS — Geometry Shader
`VS-— Vertex Shader
`_CS— Compute Shader
`EOP —End OfPacket
`EOPG- End Of Primgroup
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`1.5 Top Level Diagram
`This diagram showsa 4 shader engine configuration.
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`2 Delta Requirements
`All delta features have been folded into this spec.
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`1.0 [ PAGE]of [
`3 Features / Functionality
`3.1 Overview
`The WD,IA, and VGTare responsible for creating thread data and wavefront assignmentfor nearlyall the
`graphics shaderstages in use bythe graphics core. These are Vertex Shader (VS), Export Shader (ES),
`Geometry Shader (GS), Local Data Shader (LS), and Hull Shader (HS). The remaining shadertype, Pixel
`Shader(PS), is not controlled directly by the VGT, but the VGT does provide primitive information to the
`Primitive Assembly (PA) block which begins a processof clipping and sendsclipped primitives to a Scan
`Converter (SC) that produces Pixel Shader (PS) data and wavefronts.
`Byproviding these workloadsin a deterministic, state-controlled order, the WD/IA/VGTenables and controls
`the various graphics pipelines (from a simple VS->PSpipeline, to a complicated pipeline such as LS->HS-
`>TESS_FIXED_FUNCTION->ES(as DS)->GS->VS). Primarily the WD/IA/VGTaccomplishes this by
`decomposing input packets whichyield all of the shader types. In addition to the controlling shader stages, the
`VGTinparticular, also provides a fixed function tessellation stage of the graphics pipeline. The register
`VGT_SHADER_STAGESENindicates which shaderstages are enabled for a given DrawInitiator.
`There is one WD blockper chip and one VGTper Shader Engine. A single IA is paired with two VGT blocks
`so a two SE chip will have one IA while a four SE chip has 2 IAs. A single VGT has a throughputof one
`primitive per cycle so the number of VGTspresent directly controls the maximumgeometry throughput of the
`The WD/IA/VGTis responsible for:
`Compute support has completely moved to the CP.
`Receiving graphicsstate, draw requests, and synchronizationevents, from the GRBM bus.
`=Fetching, from memory, the individual vertex indices (16 or 32 bit pointers to vertex data) requested by a
`Grouping the indices into primitives such aslines, triangles, or patches.
`Determining index reuse within a fixed windowofindices. This avoids redundantvertex shading.
`Providing primitive informationto the Primitive Assembler (PA) block.
`Providingstatistics and synchronizing events to the Command Processor (CP).
`Alternate graphics workloads to shader engines.
`Support legacytessellation mode (does not use the LS/HS/DSshaderstages, and has a different fixed
`function tessellation algorithm)
`Arbitrate (at a packet boundary) between high and normalpriority drawcalls
`Independent pipeline reset such that work assigned a given VMIDis stopped as quick as possible.
`Front end harvesting including deactivation of individual VGTsand associated IA.
`Order data for streamout.
`IfGeometry Shading is enabled
`o Generate ES wavefronts/vertices/GS primitives and send them to the SPI
`o Uponcompletion of ES, generate GS wavefronts and send themto the SPI
`© Receive Geometry information output from the GS
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`An A
`o Uponcompletion of GS, generate VS wavefronts/vertices (including streamout data) and send them
`to the SPI. In this situation the VS is also known as the CopyShadersinceit is copying data from
`the GSVSring buffer to the position buffer and parameter cache.
`o Generate Primitive information and send it to the PA
`ES/GSoutputdata is eitherall off chip or all on chip
`If Tessellation is enabled
`o Generate LS wavefronts/vertices and send them to the SPI
`© Uponcompletion of LS, generate HS wavefronts and send them to the SPI
`o Uponcompletion of HS,retrieve tessellation factors from memory, and execute the fixed function
`tessellator stage.
`o Create DS wavefronts/data from output of tessellator. Send the DS wavefronts to the SPI as either
`ES wavefronts (Geometry Shader enabled) or as Vertex Shader wavefronts (Geometry shader
`o Optionally (if Geometry Shader enabled) create GS wavefronts/data and send themto the SPI
`© Generate Primitive information and send it to the PA
`Hardwaredata flow
`E off|API VS runsas LS. LS->HS->TE->VSon on on
`C off|Not validon on off
`A off|Not validon off on
`API VS runs as the ES. ES->GS->VS
`8 off|VS->PSon off off
`Not possible VS has to be on
`6 off|Not possible VS has to be onoff on on
`Notpossible VS has to be on
`4 off|Not possible VS has to be onoff on off
`Not possible VS has to be on
`2 off|Not possible VS has to be onoff off on
`Not possible VS has to be on
`0 off|Not possible VS has to be onoff off off
`3.2 Data Flow based on SHADER_STAGES_EN programming
`3.3 Distribution of work amongst shader engines.
`If there is one IA the WDpasses through drawcalls, howeverif there are two IA’s the WD breaks drawsinto
`work groups whichare twice the size of a prim group. The IA sends an entire prim group to a VGTbefore
`switching to the next VGT. A endof prim group (eopg) signal follows each prim group and the SC looks for
`these to know whento switch input FIFOs.
`The WDwill discard any drawcall that that contains 0 indices or aprimitive type of DI.PT_NONE. Beginning
`in gfx8, the WD will also discard any drawcall that sets the numberofinstances to 0. If there is one IA, the
`drawwill be dropped and nothing will be sent downthe pipe, but if there are two IA’s, the WD will send a null
`cop downthe pipe and toggle the IA that will receive work next.
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`1.0 [ PAGE]of [
`Belowis an example of processing primitive groups from IA to SCs.
`The Input Assembler(IA) block processesa serial stream of primitives. The bolded P’s represent primitives
`that will be sent to SEO.
`Pp, P, p (Copg). p. p. p (copg). p (eop/eopg), event, p, p (cop/eopg). event, eop, event, p, p (copg), p, eop/eopg,
`Four packets processed by VGT modules are shownbelowwithdifferent colors. This represents data sent from
`the IA to VGT’s 0 and 1. PA_0 will receive the same sequence as VGT_0 and PA_1 will receive the same
`sequence as VGT_1. After reset processing starts with VGT module 0.
`Eopg marks the end of the prim groupandthis is whattells the IA block to switch SE’s. Eopgis onlysent to
`the active SE.
`Eopis sent to both SE’s in unordered mode. Otherwise the PA drops the eopthat isn’t accompanied by copg.
`Eachline represents a point in time so items onthe sameline occur simultancously.
`Read the data flow fromtop to bottom.
`VGT 1
`P P P
`VGT 0
`P P P
`P P
`The table below shows howPA outputs are loaded into SCs. Some of the primitives which can span scan
`windowsof two SCsare loaded into FIFOs of both SCs.
`The processing of FIFOs of each SCsare done independently for each SC. The diagram below showsorder of
`processing within FIFOsfor a given SC.
`The SC switches the fifo it’s reading from after reading out a eopg. The SC synchronizes FIFOs when
`processing an event or cop though whenordered mode (default) is used the PA will only send copifit is
`accompanied bya eopg.
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`Read the data flowfromtop to bottom. Eachline shows whatis being read out by the SC during aclock cycle.
`P P P
`P P
`The following table shows what each SC seesafter reading from the input FIFOs.
`Readthe data flow fromtop to bottom. Packets are separated forclarity.
`SC 0
`SC 1
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`3.4 Vertex Reuse
`The intent of the vertex reuse determinationis to efficiently use the Vertex Shader by preventing the Vertex
`Shaderfrom processing the same vertex multiple timesif that vertex is used in multiple primitives that occur
`relatively close together in the input stream. The VGT must detect vertex reuse within the previous 30 (or less)
`vertex indices. In other words, vertex reuse is determined bythe redundant occurrence of an external vertex
`index within a limited scope of the external vertex indexlist. If a “hit” is detected for a given vertex index, that
`vertex index is not resubmitted for vertex processing.
`Reuse checksare performed in multiple sub-blocks in the VGT. Hereis a list of shader stages and where vertex
`reuse occurs.
`VS -> PS: Vertex Reuse Block performs the reuse. If Streamout is enabled reuse is automatically disabled.
`ES -> GS -> VS -> PS: The GS Reuse Check Module performs reuse checks to remove redundantvertices from
`ES wavefronts. GS prims output strips, but there is no reuse betweenthe strips. If Streamout is enabled reuse is
`automatically disabled prior to the VS and thestrips are converted tolists.
`LS -> HS -> VS -> PS: Thetessellator performs reuse prior to the VS stage. There is no reuse betweenpatches,
`only betweenprimitives output bya single patch. If Streamout is enabled reuse is automatically disabled.
`LS -> HS -> ES -> GS -> VS -> PS: Thetessellator performs reuse prior to the ES stage. GS prims output
`strips, but there is no reuse between the strips. If Streamoutis enabled reuse is automatically disabled prior to
`the VS andthestrips are converted tolists.
`3.4.1 Bank Conflict Detection
`Withthe increase to a reuse depth from 16 to 30 in gfx8, it became possible for there to be bank conflicts in the
`parameter cache.
`In order to simplify logic in the SPI and the Parameter Cache, there will be bank conflict
`prevention code added to some of the VGT reuse checkers. Anyintra-primrelative indices that would cause
`bank conflicts in the parameter cache will not be allowed.
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`. 21 they are
`stored in the parameter cache as follows. Each of the columns shownis a bank, there are 16 banks in the PC.
`| Poa] 21|20[19|18| [17 [16
`15 }14]13/}12}11}1l0/9
`Joe 15
`If the new incoming primitive(a triangle) has the indices 22, 3 and 6. The indices 22 and 6 will be fetched from
`the same bank and will cause a conflict.
`The newconflict detection code will eliminate this condition by replicating the index 6 as follows
` (15[14[13|12|r]ilo{s|7|e[5[4[3j2[1Jo|
`This produces more unique vertices than ideal but it eliminates the need for complex bank conflict detection in
`the SPI and the PC.
`Indices from different primitives are allowed to request indices from the same bank, this conflict checking is
`handled downstream. The VGTwill only be responsible for eliminating anyintra-primconflicts.
`This conflict detection step is not necessary in the GS RCMorin the TE11 when the GS is enabled. This is
`because the primitives at these pipeline stages do not go to the parameter cache and will not cause bank
`conflicts when fetched
`register nowcontrols reuse depth for all the reuse buffers (DX9, GS and TE11)
`Setting VGT_REUSE_OFF.REUSE_OFFturns off reuse in all blocks. This did not turn reuse off in the GS
`block earlier.
`To support this increased reuse depth, reuse is nowturned off for any degenerate primitives (any primitive with
`repeated indices). This is an implementation level detail to save schedule.
`3.5 Dealloc Distance and Reuse Depth
`The shader always writes 16 vertex parameters. Therefore dealloc_distance and reuse depth is always set to 16
`(points) or 14 (triangles). This also showsthat for legacy (non-DX11) tessellation we can setup
`HOS_REUSE_DEPTH to 16. The following changes were done to remove dealloc_slot issue independent of
`1. The VGT submits 64 vertices per wave unless half pack is switched on.
`if (half_packed flag)
`create 32 verts per vector
`create 64 verts per vector
`2. De-allocate distance will always be 16 and reuse can always be 14 unless driver wants to limitit to be less
`3. The VGT changeto create
`1 NewFlag pervertex vectorattachedto the first primitive containing the first vert of a newvertex
`vector (Same as today)
`1 De-allocate signal per Vertex Vector submitted instead of4.
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`of the previous vector
`It will be variable base onthe resulting numberofvertices per vector set up in number |.
`vert 80 and every 64 thereafter
`1 last signal that
`is sent in the msb of de-allocate signal
`i. This will be attached to the primitive containingthe first reference to a newspecific vert
`for cach vector depending on the vector size
`vert 61 and every 64 thereafter
`ii. This signal is only for SC usage
`4. The largest actual de-allocate count the VGT will send nowwill be 3
`The scan converter change his partial vector submit circuit to emit a partial vector when he hasa de-
`allocate count of nonzero and gets a last flag. This will prevent hang conditions whenthereis a lot of
`culling going on. The Scan converter will also remove the previous partial submit for this reason and add
`asserts for the occurrenceofthe partial submit and a fail assert if de-allocate is everylarger than 2.
`6. The PA changes to pack parameters into the parameter cache. It will use the bad pipe flags and numberof
`parameters to determine nextoffsets.
`It will do a special case
`SQallocates and de-allocate based on num_quad_pipes and numberof parameters.
`limiting when num_quad+pipes > 2 and num_parameters >= 16,it will actuallyact like two quad pipes. So
`if (num_quad_pipes >2 && half_packedflag)
`alloc_amount = num_paramters * 2
`alloc_amount num_quad_pipes * num_parameters
`3.6 VertexID
`VertexID is a 32 bit unsigned integer value created by the VGT and loaded into a VGPRfor the API vertex
`It is unique per vertex though each VGT maintains its own count. This feature is not required by DX or
`OpenGL. The countis reset by a RESET_VTX_CNT event.
`3.7 PrimitivelD
`PrimitiveID is a 32 bit unsigned integer value created by the VGT and loaded into a VGPR. Theregister
`VGT_PRIMITIVEIDRESETspecifies the reset value to be used at the beginning of each instance. Typically
`it’s programmed to 0. For special GS modeslike scenario A and B the VGT_PRIMITIVEID_ENregister
`specifies that the primitive ID value should be loaded into a VGPRat the expense of aninstancestep rate value.
`PrimitiveID is automatically available to the HS, DS and GS. If it’s needed in the PS it must be passed as a
`It is expected that the situations where primitiveID is used by the PS butthere is no GSinstantiated
`are rare. To avoid having the hardware haveto pipe the full 32-bit primitiveID through hundreds of clocks of
`pipeline, the driver will be expected to change the VS into a GS_A, whichis basically a VS whichgets
`primitiveID on the input, and output the primitiveID on the expected vector/component where the PS expects it.
`The onlyother unique processing associated with a GS_Ais that the VGT must guarantee that the leading
`vertex is unique(i.c. does not hit in the vertex reuse cache). This is required so that unique data for the
`primitive (i.e. primitiveID) is available for constant interpolation for the primitive.
`InstanceID is a 32 bit unsigned integer value created by the VGT and loaded into a VGPR.It starts at 0 for all
`of the verticesofthe first instance, and increments thereafier for each instance.
`It should also be 0 for non-
`instance drawcalls.
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`The value will be supplied to the API VS and is available to the GS and PS. The path to the VSis the only
`hardware-dedicated path for instanceID as the driver is expected to create a VS (which would pass it along if
`necessary) if there is no VSinstantiated.
`The VGT will also supplyup to two step-rate divide valuesto assist the fetch shader for cases with a small
`numberof unique step-rates.
`In case the required numberstep rates exceeds what is supported by VGT,.
`remaining instanceID/step-rate will be calculated bythe fetch shader. A vertex wavefront mayconsist of
`vertices with different instanceID’s.
`Ina multiple VGT system, the end of instance flag needs to be propagated to all VGTsinorderto correctly
`increment the instanceID and reset the reuse buffer. In variants with more than one IA, the WD sends a
`null_eoi to the ‘other’ [A which propagates the flag to the VGTs connected to it. Whenthe entire instancefits
`onone IA,the null_eois sentto the other side can add up as dead cycles and showupas performanceglitches.
`If the entire drawis smaller than a primgroup, the null_eois are suppressed and instance_id is still handled
`correctly. This is done by adding an interface bit from the WDto the IA indicating that the draw wasa
`candidate for optimization. Anynull_cois that are not cops will be discarded gracefully and will not exit the IA
`3.9 Reset Index
`It’s typically used to breakstrips, but
`A reset index is a special index value that signifies the end of a primitive.
`maybe enabledforlists. Reset index is not supported with patches. Reset index checking occurs in the IA and
`it’s enabled bysetting the VGT_MULTL_PRIM_IB_RESET_ENregister. The index value to check for is
`Enabling reset index limits performance for designs that have greater than 2x primrate (2 or more IAs) asit
`requires WD_SWITCH_ON_EOPtobeset. For this reason we recommendour developerrelations personnel
`evangelize usinglists instead of strips with reset indices.
`Partial primitives that result from a reset indexor at the end of a packetare silently discarded.
`Prior to gfx8, drivers modified the value of the reset index check register
`VGT_MULTI_PRIM_IB_RESET_INDXbasedonthe index type (8, 16 or 32 bit). In orderto alleviate the
`software validation that is performed, in gfx8 and later projects the hardware masksout the register bits
`depending on the number ofbits in the current index.
`For 16 bit indices, earlier the driver needed to program 0Ox0000VVVV. where VVVV is the reset index.
`Nowthe driver can use OXXXXXVVVV, where XXXXare don’t care
`Besides the performance implications other caveats to using reset indexare:
`1. Line stipple will not produce the correct visual result with this mode. The line stipple pattern will not reset
`between strips (whichit would if the strips were sent with separate VGT_DRAW_INITIATOR
`Edgeflags will not be correct for the prim order VGT_GRP_POLYGON. This will have a visual impact in
`OpenGLforthis primitive order if POLY_MODEis set to LINES or POINTS.(This applies mostlyto the
`3.10 Provoking Vertex
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`1.0 [ PAGE]of [
`Ifflat shading is enabled for aprimitive, then the provvoking vertexis the vertex whose coloris used to shade the
`entire primitive. OpenGL and Direct3D differ (for most primitive types) in their respective selections of the
`provoking vertex. The VGT will be designed so that the OpenGL primitives will always program the provoking
`vertex select to “last vertex” and the Direct3D primitives will always program the provoking vertex select to
`“first vertex”.
`OpenGL Specification
`The following table is based directly on table 4-2 from OpenGL Programming Guide, Second Edition. (The
`version in the OpenGL spec counts vertices and primitives starting at 1, whereas this version counts vertices and
`primitives starting at 0. After swapping for specified vertex order within the primitive, the provoking vertex is
`the last vertex in the primitive with the exceptionof the polygon primitive where the first vertex is the
`provoking vertex.
`| N/A — 4i(first vtx in quad)
`Type of Polygon
`triangle strip
`triangle fan
`quadstrip 1
`independent quad
`Vertex Used to Select the Color
`for the ith Polygon
`i+2 (last vtxoumtwmuntri)
`Vertex Used to Select the Color
`for the ith Polygon
`i (firstvtx intri)
`i+2 (last vtx intri)
`i (first vtx in tri)
`21+3 (next-to-last vtx in quad)
`| 4i+3 (last vtx in quad)
`N/A — 2i (first vtx in quad)
`! For OpenGL quadstrips, the provoking vertexis the last vertex in the vertex buffer that forms the primitive;
`however,it is the next-to-last vertex the primitive using the primitive-relative vertex order. For example,if the
`vertex buffer contains VO, V1, V2. and V3inthat order, then the first quad primitive fromthat strip will have the
`vertex order VO, V1, V3, V2. The provoking vertex for the quad is V3. See [ REF _Ref687713 \r \h ] for more
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`3.10.1 Primitive Vertex Ordering and Provoking Vertex Summary
`Table 2.
`Primitive Vertex Order and Provoking Vertex Summary
`[ PAGE ] of [
`Vo. V1
`Line List
`Line Strip
`Line Loop
`Tri List
`Vo. V1
`Vo. V1
`V1. V2
`V2, VO <= created by VGT
`VO. V1. V2
`V3, V4, V5
`Vo. V1
`V1, V2
`V2, VO <= created by VGT
`VO. V1, V2
`V3, V4, V5
`Tri Stri
`V0. V1, V2
`V1, V3, V2 <= VGT swapslast two
`V0, V1, V2
`V2, V1, V3 <= VGT swapsfirst two
`VO, V1, V2
`V1. V2. VO <= VGTrotatesfirst to last
`Tri Fan
`V2, V3, VO <= VGTrotatesfirstto last
`VO, V2, V3
`Quad List (Native)
`Does not exist — assumed
`V0. V1, V2, V3
`V4, V5, V6, V7
`ve ve ve vy
`Does not exist — assumed
`QuadList (Decomposed)|VO. V1. V2 and V0, V2. V3 vr ve v3 ane ve ve el
`V4, V5, V6 and V4, V6, V7
`Does not exist assumed
`V0. V1, V3, V2 <= VGT swapslast two
`V2, V3, V5, V4 <= VGT swapslast two
`V4. V5. V7. V6 <= VGT swapslasttwo
`Does not exist — assumed
`V0. V1, V3 and VO, V3, V2
`V2. V3. V5 and V2, V5, V4
`V4. V5. V7 and V4, V7, V6
`Polygon (Decomposed)
`voay assumed
`V0. v2. V3 ‘atad
`V0, V3, V4 etc...
`VO, V1, V3, V2 <= VGT swaps last two
`on tye
`/ P
`V2. V3. V5. V4 <= VGT swapslast two
`V4. V5. V7. V6 <= VGT swaps last two

`VO. V1. V3 and V1. V2. V3
`V2, V3, V5 and V3, V4, V5
`V4. V5. V7 and V5. V6. V7
`oo ~
`V1, V2, VO <= VGTrotates first to last
`V2. V3. VO <= VGTrotates first to last
`V3, V4, VO <= VGTrotatesfirst to last
`Direct X Specification
`The DirectX 8.0 documentation states “Whenflat shading is enabled, the system shadesthe triangle with the
`color fromits first vertex.” There is no direct mentionofflat shading lines, but the VGT design assumes that
`lines also use the first vertex in each line segment as the provoking vertex.
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`PAGE [createpate|! SAVEDATE \@
`[ PAGE ] of|
`3.11 Primitive Types
`3.11.1 Triangle List
`The first edge in eachtriangle is a bold line. For OpenGL,the last vertex (shown with a square box in | REF
`_Ref685804 \r \h \* MERGEFORMATJ) is used as the provoking vertex. For Direct3D,thefirst vertex (shown
`ina circle in [ REF _Ref685804 \r \h \* MERGEFORMATJ) ineachtriangle ina triangle list is the provoking
`OpenGL and D3D order.
`3.11.2 Triangle Strip
`The first edge in eachtriangle is a bold line. Note for OpenGL,onlythe last vertex (shown with a square box in
`[ REF _Ref685843 \r\h \* MERGEFORMAT ]}) in eachtriangle progresses in a series (V2, V3, V4, etc). For
`OpenGL,thelast vertex is used as the provoking vertex.
`Provoking Vertex
`- OpenGL
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`ATI Ex. 2026
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`[createpate|! SAVEDATE \@ 1.0
`_Ref685858 \r\h \* MERGEFORMAT]) in eachtriangle progresses in a series (VO, V1, V2, etc). For
`Direct3D, the first vertex is used as the provoking vertex.
`[ PAGE ] of|
`3.11.3 Triangle Fan
`D3D order
`The first edge in eachtriangle is a bold line. Note for OpenGL,the last vertex (shown with a square box [| REF
`_Ref685872 \r\h \* MERGEFORMATJ) is used as the provoking vertex.
`The first edge in each triangle is a bold line. Note for Direct3D,the first vertex (shown ina circle in | REF
`_Ref685888 \r \h \* MERGEFORMATJ) is used as the provoking vertex.
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`[ PAGE ] of [
`D3D triangle fan order
`3.11.4 Quad List
`The first edge in each quad is a bold line. Note for OpenGL,the last vertex (shown with a square box [

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