
`1 of 12
`4 September, 2015
`23 January, 2001
`Andrew Gruber, Andi Skende
`Issue To:
`Copy No:
`Shader Processor
`ver 0.1
`Overview: This document describes the overall architecture of the Shaders, interfaces, partitioning into functional blocks
`as well as the timing of the shaderpipeline. its intended for use by hadware designers.
`Document Location
`Current Intranet Search Title: Shader Processor
`Name/Dept S Signature/Date.
`“Copyright 2001, ATI Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished
`work created in 2001. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that ATI owns a copyrightin this
`unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains
`EEEroprictary information and trade secrets of ATI. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or
`16774 Bytes*** © ATI BRference Copyright Notice on Cover Page © ***pagans 4.44 eM ATI 2042
`transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of ATI Technologies Inc.”
`Exhibit 2042.doo
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`R400 Shader Processor Model
`23 January, 2001
`4 September, 2015
`Table Of Contents
`DL.—STATE. wi ccsscoonsvecsveussvvvensecussnusooenuserssunonssovnuvesssnonavesusssnssennasesuussunsopnanssususnuneovansvessnosuszenseussuessns 5
`SNAG] State ooo ccc c cece ce ve cccecneeeeeseeeeceeseeueeecseeeeeeveaeegetsecevasvesanessiivaestaneststenseses 5
`hida 5
`Constant REGISEOLS ooo ccc cc cece te cee cen eee ees cveeeees Cones ee cree cnc ceeeesrcueeees Crecaeeeenenes 5
`Texture/Memory State... cc ccccccc ccc teen cence cen nceeeeen ceases ccneceeteccunreeeseeccceeeeesenenneeesecnses 7
`IthSTE cece cceaeccccennsvccbeeeesepeeesscueessaneaessneaaeseunaaeeneraaeesssenneanesansensvatnntseneaaes 7
`Vertex SNES occ cece cece cece cceeenee ce ane ee teceeeessaaeeseceeeeas vonneetetevaaasseneeeetenannennnenns 7
`Pixel SECO cece cece cece eee nc anee eee veneanveneeaeeescanaeeavaaeesssaneeasevenganunrevanrenevanerasenee: 8
`2D SIACoooc ccc cce cece ecceeceee venue eececceeevevesegastavevaevesgeceerevaaessegesteterenensenesens 8
`RealTime SHader ooo... cccccceccee cnn cccecueceuecceeseeceueueeecsueueuuuanneeserieeeatneeeevereeaee 8
`PROGRAM FORMAT oo ...scccvsvesevssssvnensecesseuvoonenevevesnono:enuusrnsennezesoussunsennaussususnunooausuvevensnszeenenen 8
`ALLL), sevnenecevsenecnnonevevcunopnceususuuaaunns aus susannunnsayvssuuusancanuasssaunuancaussustunnunonseusunanauansaysauansnayauanuansensas 8
`ALU instruction format.occ cece ccc c cece cece eee ecnveevevanaeessananeeseuaeessnuasesvecaenanienenenevaeeens 8
`ALU OpCodes oo ccc cece cece cece ence nee ee ce neccrseeescceseesecccreeeecetecceteeecrcreessecccteeeeccntenrereseees 9
`MACODCOMES ccc cece eee e neste eee beeen eer He EET CE EERE ECOL OLED COE CCEECGEteEEEGeenAHESctANOHGdeHNabEaaaes 10
`TEMTURE/MIEMOIR Y.isssccsceccccnsnsnncnecnenawnnnnnncusnnnnsnnnon yo sunnsananvaesseuwnsananuusuvaqwnnsnxsuusnnnannnnanesnes 10
`INSTMUCTION FOPMGt cece ccc cc eee cenan ee ceveeeesepeesssupensssnvanesnraneeeuraaeeseraaterivenserrisenss 10
`OPCOMSS ooo. ccccceene cane eeeceeeeeecenene ae seaeeeeseeeseeteauaaaeeseeeeescceen te sauaaaesaeeeeeceeeeettasauaseneasarstaens 1
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`23 January, 2007
`4 September, 2015
`Revision Changes:
`Rev 0.0 (Andi Skende)
`Date: May 09, 2001
`Initial revision.
`Rev 0.1 (Andi Skende)
`Date: May 09, 2001
`Initial revision.
`Rey 0.2 (Andi Skende)
`Date: May 10, 2001
`initial revision
`Document started
`Updated, added the instruction formant, initial block
`diagrams and preliminary interface description
`the SP ->RB
`A more detailed description of
`interface as well as RE/Sequencer->SP interface.
`Exhibit 2042.doc
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`R400 Shader Processor Model
`4of 12
`23 January, 2001
`4 September, 2015
`The shader pipeline processes elements (pixels or vertices) in groups “vectors” of sixteen. R400 operates on tiles of
`2x2 pixels or quad of pixels. There will be four sets of four shader pipes. For ease of reference and relative
`positioning of pixels within the quad that each set of shader blocks operates on, we name this sets as UL (upper left),
`Upper Right (upper right), LL (lower left) and LR (lower right). Please refer to the R400 Shader Processor Model
`(architectural specification) for an overall functionality of the shaders from the programmer's view-point.
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`1. State
`23 January, 2001
`4 September, 2015
`1.1 Shader State
`1.1.1 GPR
`The general purpose registers are 128 bits wide, composed of four 32 bit values. Depending on the operation these
`values are interpreted at RGBA, or XYZW,or STQW, or UVOQW, or YUVA, or.. to simplify matters the only two aliases
`used here are XYZW and RGBA.
`To hide the latency of memory acceses the shaderpipe will switch between different vectors. This is the same as the
`idea of “microthreading’ that some advanced CPU's are investigating. The large register file is split between the
`vectors executing in the shader pipe. The mangment of the shader register file is automatic, and not visibie to a
`program executing on a vector, execept that a program is required to declare the number of GPRsit need to execute.
`The hardware will not start a vector until the required number of registers is available. There is a direct tradeoff
`between the numberof registers each program/vector needs and the number of vectors than can be simultainiously
`If there are too few vectors resident, then the latency of memory accesses can no longer be hidded and
`performance suffers.
`There are a total of 128 registers. We do not yet know how manyregisters per vector is too many, and performance
`starts suffering.
`lt is possible for a single program/vector to request all 128 registers. This will make it impossible to hide memory
`latency, but the program will still execute and generate the correct result.
`Most pixel programs are expectec to have less than eight registers, vertex programs are expected to have less than
`sixteen registers.
`If a
`The number of registers a program needs is the maximum number of registers it needs at any instruction.
`program needs only 3 instructions nearly all of the time, except for a short period when it needs 8, it still needs to
`allocate eight. A significant performance optimization is for the compiler to reorder the instructions to minimize the
`number of needed registers.
`An open issue is if the pipeline will need GPROto store pixel related information. (coverage mask, position, Z, VV). If
`we chose to do this (to avoid having a separate memory for this data) then GPR0Ois unavailble as a general register.
`0 GPR
`[RK| RO
`Po R127
`: Ri
`RO.A refers to the bits 96 to 127 of register one. So does RO.W
`1.1.2 Constant Registers
`There are also (1927) constant registers:
`0 Const
`| C191
`These are ONLY available to vertex and pixel shader program in the primary commands stream. They should not be
`used for real time stream pixel shaders, or 2D shaders.
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`R400 Shader Processor Model
`23 January, 2001
`4 September, 2015
`The constant registers are shared between vertex shaders and pixel shaders, it is the drivers job to allocate one
`section to pixel shaders and another to vertex shaders to match the D3D programming model, other API’s may allow
`more freedom.
`NEW Constant registers are also used to hold texture/memory fetch state. NEV
`To be able to support multiple textures easily, and to save hardware area the texture registers are stored in constant
`registers. A pair of constant registers hold 256 bits of texture state. Rather than have four or six sets of texture
`registers as we do in the R100,R200, and R300 by storing them in the constant memory we can save area by reusing
`the logic already needed to update the constant registers in order. Since any single texture instruction will only fetch
`from one texture we do not need the simultainous access we would get with implementing this as “normal” registers.
`The driver will probably decide to allocate a fixed number of the constant registers as texture registers.
`The constant registers are backed up by control logic to ensure that a pixel sees the correct state, even when partial
`state updates are completed. | want to save area in this logic by having the updates occur on a 256 bit granularity.
`Here is how | expect the driver to work: The driver maintains a copy in cacheable system memory of the constant
`registers. When the driver needs to upload a change of the constantto the chip Gust before drawing) it needs to copy
`two sequential aligned 128 bit words from the system memory version to the indirect buffer, even if only a 32 bit word
`within the two constant values has changed. Since the CPU will read in at least the full 256 bits into its cache, the
`only performance penalty will be the second 128 bit write
`1.1.3 Previous Instruction
`Within a alu clase the result of the previous operation is explicitly available, without requiring a register read.
`(in fact due an exposed pipeline delay, the result of the previous operation can not be read from the registerfile
`without a one instruction delay slot)
`This register is not preserved between the end of one alu clause and the begining of another.
`It can be used to avoid using another GPR if the result is not needed.
`127 0 95 63 31
` AW
`| BZ
`| GY
`| RIX
`| Prev
`1.1.4 Texture Temporaries
`There are two texture temporary registers:
`63 0 47 31 15
` A
`| Tto
`They are used to implement higher order filters (tri-linear, tri-linear (from a volume texture), Bi-cubic, aniso, arbitrary
`TtO can be viewed as an accumution buffer. The result of the bilinear blend can be written into Tt0, after being
`summed with the value that is already there.
`A trilinear filter can be done with twoinstructions:
`TtO = texture(address, and rest of state neeed, but with mipcnil set to “lower mip level”)
`R = Tt0 + texture(address, and rest of state neeed, but with mipentl set to “upper mip level”)
`Volume textures and mipmapped volume textures are implemented in the same way.
`Tt1 is used for implementing filers of arbitrary size. For every four samplesin the filter two acceses are made, the first
`access fetchesthe filter weights, the second fetches the texture values and uses the contents of Tt1 as the weights
`instead of a bi-linear filter.
`We will have explicit support for bi-cubic filters, and seperabie filters to avoid the doubled cycies of the previous
`Exhibit 2042.doc
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`23 January, 2001
`4 September, 2015
`1.2 Texture/Memory State
`Texture/memoryfetch state is stored in the constant registers; each texture uses two sequential 128 bit registers to
`hold the 256 bits of state per texture.
`The contents of these constant registers were stored in normal registers in previous chips.
`A very early version of the data stored in a texture/memory constant register is:
`Field size|Description
`Min_MIPlevel|4 Clamp mip map level to this level
`Max MIP level|4 Clamp mip map level to this level
`First_MIP_level|4 First mip map level in tree. (do we want/need this?)
`Clamp _$
`Clamp control for volume textures
`to 0 after clamp mirror, must be multiplied by txwidth/txheight
`texure is in range 1
`texture has been multipled by the texture size in the pixel shader. (need to work out how
`to deal with clamp modes)
`Texture width (or faceO width)
`Texture height (or face height)
`Texture depth (volume textures)
`Numberofbits will decrease, used with non power 2 textures
`Texture offset (includes endian and tile control)
`e L
`Any memory accesses > limit will be killed, and the pixel that made the requestwill also be
`killed. If the access was from a vertex shader, then the vertex shaderwill for the x value of
`the vertex to be NAN whichwill kill all triangles that attempt to use the vertex.
`1.3 Initial state
`1.3.1 Vertex Shader
`A vertex shader initially has the x value of RO set to the vertex index. No other registers are filled. The vertex shader
`must use the index to fetch the vertex data from the vertex array(s), The pointers to the vertex arrays should be
`placed in constant registers by the driver.
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`R400 Shader Processor Model
`23 January, 2001
`4 September, 2015
`1.3.2 Pixel Shader
`The pixel shader has the interpolated values generated from the values exported by the vertex shader.
`If the vertex shader did expxy, and the appropriate control bit in the rasterizer is set, then the register 0 contains the
`x,y,Z,w of the pixel (screen space). If the pixel shader wants a world space x,y,z,w the vertex shader should output
`1.3.3 2D Shader
`to be defined
`1.3.4 RealTime Shader
`To be defined
`2. Program Format
`A pixel or vertex shader program consists of 16 clauses, eight texture and eight alu.
`The instructions in a clause will be executed sequentially,
`3. ALU instruction format and other instruction related issues
` _Reg/ConstantPointer| [nent
`3.1 ALU instruction format
`Vector Opcode
`_Sealar/Alpha Opcode 7.
`Opcode forthe Scalaror Alpha channelinstruction:
`Scalar Source Select
`Selection the input for the scalar operation out of SRC B or SRC C when a
`scalar instruction is coissued with a vector operation. The vector operation has
`to be 2 sourceinstructions.
`SRC ARGB Select
`SRC B RGB Select
`SRC C RGB Select
`aSRC A Alpha Select|
`SRC B Alpha Select
`SRC C Alpha Select
`Location of Source A in the registerfile
`2 2 2
`SRC RGB|8 Location of SourceBin the registerfileB
`Reg/Constant Pointer|eeannetntnnnnnnnennnennnnensncne
`SRC RGB|8Cc Location of Source C in the registerfile
`Reg/Constant Pointer
`SRC Alpha|&A Location of SourceA in the registerfile |
`Reg/Constant Pointer
`SRC Alpha|8 Location of SourceBin the registerfileB
`Reg/Constant Pointer
`SRC Alpha|8Cc Location of Source C in the registerfile
`Reg/Constant Pointer
`SRC ARGB Arg Mod|2 Argument A modifier
`SRC B RGB Arg Mod|2 Argument B modifier
`SRC C RGBArg Mod|2 Argument C modifier
`SRC A Alpha Arg Mod|2 | Argument A modifier on the alpha channel |
`_SRC BAlphaArgMod |2 |ArgumentBmodifieron the apha channel
`SRC C AlphaArg Mod|2 _ _ArgumentCmodifier onthealphachannel
`SRC Aswizzie|7120
`3hbitsforeach component.
`SRC B swizzie
`3 bits for each component
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`23 January, 2001
`4 September, 2015
`9 of 12
`SRC C swizzle
`| 3 bits for each component
`scalar/Alpha Output|3 Output modifier for the result of the Scalar or Alpha channel operation
`‘VectorExpotfiag [| [TBD
`Vector Output Modifier|3 Output modifier on the vector result (RGB) when alpha operation is being
`: coissued or ARGB when scalar operation is being coissued
`Scalar/Alpha Clamp
`Vector Clamp
`Scalar/Alpha Write|4 Defines which out of 32 bits words (four of them)in the result is written back
`in the register file
`Vector Write Mask
`Defines which out of 32 bits words (four of them)in the result is written back
`| Specifies the addressinto the register files for result of scalar/alpha operation
`Vector result pointer
`Scalar Export flag
`| TBD
`D = A truncated RndV
`3.2 ALU Opcodes
`The following opcodes are native, core opcodes:
`Name Notes Function
`(add is A*1.0
`+ C)
`is A*B +
`(nop/passthrough/move is A*1.0 + 0.0)
`(sub is A*1.0 — C)
`D = (Ax * Bx) + (Ay * B.y)
`D = (Ax * Bx) + (Ay * B.y) + (A.z * B.z)
`D = (Ax * Bx) + (Ay * By) + (Az * B.z) + (A.w* B.w)
`Use broadcast to select something other than w
`D=AifC xx 0.0, else B
`Xx can be: gt,gte,eq (It.lte,neé can be generated by
`swaping a and b)
`CLMP|D=Aif (B>A>C) else Bif (A> B) B else C
`ABSV D=AifA>0 else B
`D = A; the smallest integer D such thatD >A
`D = A rounded to the nearest integer
`MINV|D = min(AB)
`MAXV|D = max(A.B)
`D = area(A)
`Possible opcode:
`Sets D to A.w,A.w,A.w,A.w where each A is from
`a different pixel
`in the quad. Can be used to
`calculate area for LOD calculations, usefull
`antialiasing procedural shaders.
`D = Pow(a)
`Possible opcode, otherwise texture lookup
`RSOR|D = tisqrt(a) Possible opcode, otherwise texture lookup
`D = Log(A, base = 2)
`Possible opcode, otherwise table lookup
`D = Log(A, base = B)
`Possible opcode, otherwise table lookup
`D = A to the B'th power
`Concatinate clip code test results into a single
`Find the largest of x,y,z, place the reciprocal of
`that value in w, set x and y to the two remaining
`values, and identify the face as the integer 0 to 5
`in Z. Used to setup for a cube map.
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`4 September, 2015
`R400 Shader Processor Model
`10 of 12
`23 January, 2001
`_Theexportopcodes mustbeinthe lastaluclause:
`xportpositionand clipcodes of ‘vertex,end
`“EXPP | Export position: position = A, clipcodes = B
`_ vertex shader
`| Export vertex component
`Export vertex component, {D} =A
`to vertex cache,
`| possible destinations
`| Placeholder for the rasterizer to put pixel position |
`EXPAY | Placeholder, {0} = 1,0,0,0
`nd Z into pixel shader.
`Export color
`xport color of pixel, end pixel shader
`| Export Z of pixel
`Export Z
`There are some extraction and data conversion opcodes to be added.
`There will also be a specialized opcode for cube maps.
`The export opcodes will be removed in a future version, and replaces with new destinations for general operations.
`Exports muststill be the last operations executed.
`3.3 Macro opcodes
`These instructions are NOT implemented in the R400. But their functionality can be implemented with the shown
`4 Texture/Memory
`4.1 Instruction Format
`Destination control:
`Field Size|Description |
`If set, destination register is set to 1,0,0,0 before any writes are made (w,z,y,x) (a,b,g,1)
`Wmask 4 Write mask for result of lookup
`0: 1 channel, duplicate across all four channels
`1:2 channels d.x.d.y = a, d.z,d.w=b
`2:2 channels d.x,d.z =a, dy,d.w=b
`3: 4 channels
` Volume filter | 1
`0: unsigned int
`1: none- just write to destination register
`others (Z, apple YUV, mpeg, etc.)
`Do we want a bias other than —-128?
`Result value is (range(s)tbias)*scale
`0 to 1 or O to 255/256 (or 65335/65336 etc..)
`Which texture we want to fetch from
`Texture or linear memory array
`(if linear array, then only offset and limit are noticed, point sampling is forced, format is |
`Destination address of texture/memory fetch
`Source register for address
`Which part of source register contains texture coordinate
`0- Nearest
`1-_ Linear
`0- Nearest
`1-_ Linear
`0- Disabled
`1- Enabled
`Filtering betweeen volume texture levels
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`23 Janua
`4 September, 2015
`y, 2001
`0- Nearest
`{- Linear
`| Filter_mode
`| MIP_enable
`no mipmaping
`treat input as four 8bit values
`treat input as two 16bit values
`treat input as one 32 bit value
`input is notfiltered
`| Scale
`Multiply the x (and y?) cornponents by this value, used for vertex fetching
`| Offset | 4
`Add this integer to the x component, after the scale, used for vertex fetching.
`| Combine
`0: R=R
`| mode
`1:R=R+ Tto
`2: Use Tti values as biend factors
`0: Do not store result of fetch (NOP)
`| Output mode
`1: store result in GPR
`2: store result in Tt
`3: store result in Tt1
`| Mip mode
`0: normal
`2: lower mip filter and bias
`3: upper mip filter and bias
`| Tex3D mode
`0: normal (non volume)
`2: lower z fetch
`3: upper z fetch
`| Sample_bias_|4 2's complementoffsetfor bi-linear sample.
`| x
`0 will generate a normal fetch, a positive or negative number will fetch the 2x2 samples that
`distance in 2x2s away. Used to impement bi-cubic and arbitrary sized filters
`| Samplebias|4 2’s complementoffsetfor bi-linear sample.
`0 will generate a normal fetch, a positive or negative number will fetch the 2x2 samples that
`distance in 2x2s away. Used to impementbi-cubic and arbitrary sized filters
`We can movefields between here and the constant register that hold the rest of the texture fetch state.
`42 Opcodes
`| Name
`| Notes
`i TF
`Texture fetch
`| CTF
`Cube texture fetch
`| AF
`Array fetch
`Used for vertex array fetches, ignores most of the
`state in the texture constant registers, allow driver
`to only store offset+limit values
`in constant
`4.3 Example
`To do a vertex fetch the instruction mightbe asfollows:—ee—eesesesa—isi‘“‘“‘i‘i‘i‘ir
`(Field Size|Description
`| Initialize
`Setfor first fetch to each gpr.
`| Wmask
`Set to write to correct element of gpr- ie if fetching x, would be set to 1000
`| Channels
`0: 1 channel, duplicate acrossall four channels
`| Data_Format
`1: none- just write to destination register
`or 2? Color, unpack to rgba
`| Scale >410
`| Range
`0 to 255/256
`| Texture
`Which texture we want to fetch from
`| Texturet 1 _|linearmemoryarray eee
`| Dest Destination address of texture/memoryfetch I 7
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`12 of 12
`Field : size|Description |
`R400 Shader Processor Model
`4 September, 2015
`23 January, 2001
`Source register for address
`Which part of source register contains texture coordinate
`‘MAGFilter[1 [|2-Nearest
`Min_Filter |2- Nearest22eae1
`2- Disabied
`Filtering betweeen volume texture levels
`| 2- Nearest
`2- nomipmaping
`Filter_ mode
`4-_inputis not filtered
`Multiply the x (and y?) components by this value, used for vertex fetching
`Add this integer to the x component, after the scale, used for vertex fetching.
`And the constant register pair that texture points to would contain:
`| 4
`| NA
`| NA
`| NA
`texture has been multipled by the texture size in the pixel shader. (need to work out how
`to deal with clamp modes)
`| 4
`Texture width (or faceO width)
`14 Sn
`| 4
`?1D array
`1 14
`Number of bits will decrease, used with non power 2 textures
`Texture offset (includes endian and tile control)
`e L
`Any memory accesses > limit will be killed, and the pixel that made the request will also be
`killed. If the access was from a vertex shader, then the vertex shader will for the x value of
`the vertex to be NAN whichwill kill all triangles that attempt to use the vertex.
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