`Patent Owner.
`Case No. IPR2023-00922
`U.S. Patent No. 8,760,454
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 1 of 56


`BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION .................................................... 1
`PRIOR DECLARATIONS .............................................................................. 3
`III. PERFORCE ..................................................................................................... 5
`A. Documents Saved in Perforce ............................................................... 6
`PowerPoint Presentations (Program Reviews) ........................... 7
`Technical Specifications ............................................................. 8
`Other Documents ........................................................................ 9
`B. Metadata Saved in Perforce ................................................................... 9
`Document Logs .........................................................................10
`Folder Histories .........................................................................11
`IV. AUTHENTICATION OF EXHIBITS ..........................................................12
`Exhibit 2024 (Program Review) ...............................................12
`Exhibit 2025 (Technical Specification) ....................................12
`Exhibit 2026 (Technical Specification) ....................................13
`Exhibit 2027 (Technical Specification) ....................................13
`Exhibit 2028 (Technical Specification) ....................................14
`Exhibit 2032 (Program Review) ...............................................14
`Exhibit 2033 (Program Review) ...............................................14
`Exhibit 2038 (Technical Specification) ....................................15
`Exhibit 2040 (Program Review) ...............................................15
`10. Exhibit 2041 (Program Review) ...............................................15
`11. Exhibit 2071 (Regression Report) ............................................16
`12. Exhibit 2073 (Regression Reports) ...........................................16
`13. Exhibit 2079 (Technical Specification) ....................................18
`14. Exhibit 2088 (Program Review) ...............................................19
`15. Exhibit 2089 (Program Reviews) .............................................19
`16. Exhibit 2090 (Folder History) ...................................................26
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 2 of 56


`17. Exhibit 2091 (Folder History) ...................................................26
`18. Exhibit 2092 (Folder History) ...................................................26
`19. Exhibit 2093 (Folder History) ...................................................27
`20. Exhibit 2094 (Folder History) ...................................................27
`21. Exhibit 2095 (Folder History) ...................................................27
`22. Exhibit 2096 (Folder History) ...................................................27
`23. Exhibit 2097 (Folder History) ...................................................28
`24. Exhibit 2098 (Document Logs) ................................................28
`25. Exhibit 2099 (Netlist Excel Files) ............................................34
`26. Exhibit 2112 (Document Logs and Folder Histories)...............35
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 3 of 56


`I, Calvin Watson, declare as follows:
`I am a technical specialist and patent agent at Advanced Micro
`Devices, Inc. (“AMD”). My responsibilities include, among other things,
`supporting the AMD law department on various intellectual property matters.
`I understand that ATI merged with AMD in 2006. I understand that
`ATI’s documents are now managed on AMD’s database system, one of which is
`known as Perforce, which is the same system that ATI used before the merger with
`AMD. From my responsibilities at AMD, I am familiar with creating, editing,
`reviewing, maintaining, and retrieving files in Perforce.
`I understand the above captioned case filed by Petitioner Realtek
`Semiconductor Corp. involves U.S. Patent Number 8,760,454 (the “’454 patent”). I
`understand the ’454 patent is currently assigned to ATI Technologies ULC
`In this declaration, I provide an overview of Perforce and the types of
`files that ATI/AMD engineers saved in Perforce. I also intend to authenticate the
`following Exhibits which were submitted in the ’454 patent IPR. The Exhibits
`below are true and correct copies of documents, folder histories, document logs,
`and/or metadata retrieved from AMD’s document databases. Each of these files
`was kept in the ordinary course of AMD/ATI’s business, and the original
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 4 of 56


`documents, folder histories, document logs, and/or metadata remain in AMD’s
`possession, custody, and control today. I understand these files were produced as
`exhibits to the instant case with the following exhibit numbers:
`Exhibit No. Reference Name
`Ex. 2024
`R400 Executive Review (Sept. 16, 2002)
`Ex. 2025
`GFIXIP 9x SX Micro-Architecture Specification (Version 1.0)
`Ex. 2026
`WD/IA/VGT Micro-Architecture Specification (Version 1.0)
`Ex. 2027
`GX9 SPI Specification (Version 1.0)
`Ex. 2028
`R400 Top Level Specification (Version 0.2)
`Ex. 2032
`R400 Program Review (Feb. 12, 2003)
`Ex. 2033
`R400 Program Review (Jan. 15, 2003)
`Ex. 2038
`R400 Primitive Assembly (Version 0.1)
`Ex. 2040
`R400 Program Review (Aug. 29, 2002)
`Ex. 2041
`R400 Program Review
`Ex. 2071
`Sqsp Regression Report
`Ex. 2073
`R400 Regression Testing
`Ex. 2079
`SQ Thread Trace 2.3 User’s Guide
`Ex. 2088
`R400 Executive Review (Sept. 16, 2002)
`Ex. 2089
`R400 Program Reviews (Various Dates)
`Ex. 2090
`R400 PA Block Folder History
`Ex. 2091
`R400 RB Block Folder History
`Ex. 2092
`R400 SC Block Folder History
`Ex. 2093
`R400 SPI Block Folder History
`Ex. 2094
`R400 SP Block Folder History
`Ex. 2095
`R400 SQ Block Folder History
`Ex. 2096
`R400 SX Block Folder History
`Ex. 2097
`R400 VGT Block Folder History
`Ex. 2098
`R400 Source Code Document Logs 10/1/2002 – 4/17/2003
`Ex. 2099
`R400 Netlist Area Sheets
`Ex. 2112
`R400 Source Code Document Logs and Folder Histories
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 5 of 56


`I previously submitted two similar declarations authenticating AMD
`documents, source code, folder histories, and document logs in two other inter
`partes reviews. The first declaration was submitted in IPR2015-00325, and the
`second declaration was submitted in IPR2015-00326. I understand those
`declarations were submitted for the instant case as Exs. 2003 and 2117. Ex. 2003 in
`the instant case is my declaration from IPR2015-00325, and Ex. 2117 is my
`declaration from IPR2015-00326.
`I understand that some of the exhibits I discussed in my authenticating
`declaration in both IPR2015-00325 and IPR2015-00326 were submitted as exhibits
`in this case, but were renumbered for this case. In order to address any confusion
`created by the two sets of exhibit numbers, below I have included a table for these
`documents with the new exhibit number in the instant case, the old exhibit number
`from my prior declarations in the prior cases, and a citation to the declaration
`where I previously explained why they are authentic AMD/ATI documents.
`Number in
`Instant Case
`Ex. 2009
`Ex. 2010
`R400 Testing Folder
`R400 Sequencer
`(Version 0.4)
`Prior IPR and
`Ex. 2050
`Ex. 2010
`Ex. 2003, ¶145
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 33-
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 6 of 56


`Number in
`Instant Case
`Ex. 2011
`R400 Sequencer
`(Version 2.0)
`Prior IPR and
`Ex. 2028
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 85-
`Ex. 2012
`Ex. 2013
`Ex. 2104
`Ex. 2105
`Ex. 2106
`Ex. 2107
`Ex. 2108
`Ex. 2109
`R400 Shader
`Processor (Version
`Ex. 2042
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 127-
`R400 Top Level
`(Version 0.2)
`R400 Sequencer
`(Version 0.1)
`R400 Sequencer
`(Version 0.3)
`R400 Sequencer
`(Version 1.2)
`R400 Sequencer
`(Version 1.8)
`R400 Sequencer
`(Version 2.01)
`R400 Sequencer
`(Version 2.07)
`Ex. 2041
`Ex. 2007
`Ex. 2009
`Ex. 2018
`Ex. 2024
`Ex. 2029
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 124-
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 26-
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 30-
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 57-
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 73-
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 88-
`Ex. 2035
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 106-
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 7 of 56


`Number in
`Instant Case
`Ex. 2110
`Document Logs and
`File Histories
`Ex. 2111
`Ex. 2119
`Ex. 2120
`Document Logs, and
`File Histories
`Source Code
`Prior IPR and
`Ex. 2043 - Ex.
`Ex. 2057 - Ex.
`Ex. 2007 - Ex.
`Ex. 2073 - Ex.
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 136-
`Ex. 2003, ¶¶ 133-
`Ex. 2117, ¶¶ 23-
`129, 133-148
`Ex. 2117, ¶¶ 130-
`Exs. 2093-2119)
`AMD and former ATI engineers used shared-file repositories for
`documents, source code, and other files. The system that manages the repositories
`is called Perforce. As part of my responsibilities, I understand how Perforce works
`and the types of documents that have been saved in Perforce with respect to this
`Perforce allows many users to connect to shared-file repositories.
`Each shared-file repository is called a depot. Files are organized in a depot using a
`file tree hierarchy. Any user with a permission to access the files can do so.
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 8 of 56


`Perforce maintains time stamped logs, user permissions, and whether
`files are checked out. This information is stored in a separate database. The
`information stored in this database is referred to as metadata.
`10. Users do not work directly on depot files. When a user checks out
`files, the files are saved to the user’s individual workspace according to the same
`file hierarchy in the depot. The user works on the files on his or her workspace.
`When the user is finished editing the files, the user checks in the files. Perforce
`then accesses the files on the user’s workspace and syncs the depot according to
`the user's changes.
`Perforce is a revision-control repository. This means that the system
`saves every revision of every file under Perforce control. When a user uploads an
`edited file, Perforce saves the file as a new version under the folder tree hierarchy.
`This type of system is particularly useful during development. For example, a
`version-control system allows a user to revert to a previous version of code. A user
`can therefore freely edit code while ensuring that the previous version is
`Documents Saved in Perforce
`Some of the Exhibits, which I am intending to authenticate below, are
`documents such as PowerPoint presentations, technical specifications, Excel
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 9 of 56


`spreadsheets, and source code. These documents are maintained in Perforce’s
`depot files and are kept in the regular course of business.
`PowerPoint Presentations (Program Reviews)
`The program reviews are PowerPoint presentations which are
`generally stored in Perforce and summarize R400 progress. These documents are
`kept in the regular course of business.
`14. As customary with AMD’s regular course of business, the program
`reviews include a date on the title slide which corresponds to the day the
`presentation was given.
`E.g., Ex. 2024 at p. 1.
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 10 of 56


`Technical Specifications
`The technical specifications are documents stored in Perforce which
`give a high level overview of the technical details of the R400 project. These
`documents are kept in the regular course of business.
`The author of the document manually enters the specification’s title,
`version number, author, and overview. Each field appears on the cover page.
`E.g., Ex. 2028 at p. 1.
`The cover page header includes the ORIGINATE DATE and the
`EDIT DATE. The ORIGINATE DATE is intended to be the date the original
`document (e.g., the first version within the depot folder) was created. The EDIT
`DATE is intended to be the date the document was last edited. The EDIT DATE is
`auto populated using a macro, and this macro cannot be disabled. So, every time
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 11 of 56


`the document is opened, the EDIT DATE changes. This macro is a revision-control
`feature of Perforce. Further, both the EDIT DATE and the ORIGINATE DATE
`can be manually changed.
`It is the regular and customary practice of AMD (and predecessor
`ATI) to record the date that a technical specification or testing record was edited.
`The record is kept on the document itself, as shown in a sample below.
`E.g., Ex. 2028 at p. 5.
`Other Documents
`19. Other documents stored in Perforce include Excel spreadsheets and
`Regression reports. As explained in further detail below, Perforce also includes
`data regarding revision history of the documents. Where any documents, such as
`some Excel spreadsheets, do not have a date visible on the face of the document, I
`have included the last edit date from the metadata in Perforce.
`B. Metadata Saved in Perforce
`Some of the Exhibits, which I authenticate below, are document logs
`and folder histories. Document logs and folder histories are metadata files. These
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 12 of 56


`metadata files contain information relating to revision history of the depot files
`(e.g., technical specifications) maintained in Perforce. Through document logs and
`folder histories, Perforce allows administrators to track edits, track who made the
`edits, and track when the edits were made. Metadata files are kept in the regular
`course of business.
`In Perforce, there are two types of metadata files: (1) document logs;
`and (2) folder histories.
`Document Logs
`22. Document logs track each revision to the depot files in Perforce. Each
`depot file has a corresponding document log. So, each document log tells the
`revision history of its corresponding file.
`Perforce maintains certain information in document logs. For
`example, Perforce automatically saves the date a document was changed and the
`workspace that made the change. Further, for any edited file a user uploads to the
`system, the user is prompted to enter a description of the file or a brief description
`of the changes made to the file.
`24. An excerpt of sample document log is shown below for the source
`code file pa.v. In this excerpt, four revisions were uploaded. Various users
`uploaded the revisions on various dates.
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 13 of 56


`E.g., Ex. 2098 at p. 1.
`Folder Histories
`Folder histories list the same information as the document logs. The
`difference is that a folder history compiles all the document log files saved within
`the folder and its subfolders. The information in the folder history file is organized
`by date. An excerpt of a sample folder history file is shown below.
`E.g., Ex. 2090 at p. 1.
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 14 of 56


`26. As part of my responsibilities, I verified the Exhibits listed in Section
`IV of this Declaration with documents and metadata stored in Perforce and on
`internal AMD databases. My responsibilities include, among other things,
`supporting the AMD law department on various intellectual property matters. I am
`authenticating these Exhibits. The Exhibits include: (1) technical specifications; (2)
`PowerPoint presentations such as program reviews; (3) Excel spreadsheets; (4)
`regression testing; and (5) metadata, which include file histories and document
`Exhibit 2024 (Program Review)
`Exhibit 2024 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint presentation
`from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the document to
`have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is dated September
`16, 2002. Ex. 2024 at p. 1. The file name is Review020916.ppt.
`Exhibit 2024 is stored in Perforce at
`//depot/r400/web/project/Program Reviews/Executive
`Exhibit 2025 (Technical Specification)
`Exhibit 2025 is a true and accurate copy of a technical specification.
`The file name is GFXIP_9x_SX_MAS.docx. It was last edited by Dong Yiao on
`February 12, 2014. See Ex. 2025 at p. 2.
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 15 of 56


`Exhibit 2025 is stored in Perforce at
`Exhibit 2026 (Technical Specification)
`Exhibit 2026 is a true and accurate copy of a technical specification.
`The file name is IA_VGT_Spec.docx. As provided by Perforce, the last change
`made to this file was on August 12, 2015, by Glenn Ortner. Glenn Ortner is a
`Fellow Software Development Engineer at AMD and is currently still employed at
`Exhibit 2026 is stored in Perforce at
`Exhibit 2027 (Technical Specification)
`Exhibit 2027 is a true and accurate copy of a technical specification.
`The file name is gfx9_SPI_Specification#1.docx. It was last edited November 3,
`2016. See Ex. 2027 at p. 1.
`Exhibit 2027 is stored in Perforce at
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 16 of 56


`Exhibit 2028 (Technical Specification)
`Exhibit 2028 is a true and accurate copy of a technical specification
`describing the development of the R400. The file name is R400 Top Level
`Spec.DOC. Steve Morein created this document on March 11, 2001. See Ex. 2028
`at p. 1, 5. Steven Morein also revised the document on March 14, 2001, and April
`21, 2001. See id. at p. 5.
`Exhibit 2028 is stored in Perforce at //depot/r400/arch/doc/chip/R400
`Top Level Spec.DOC#7.
`Exhibit 2032 (Program Review)
`Exhibit 2032 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint presentation
`from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the document to
`have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is dated February
`12, 2003. Ex. 2032 at p. 1. The file name is Lili S. - R400 reviewfeb03.ppt.
`Exhibit 2032 is stored in Perforce at
`//depot/r400/web/project/Program Reviews/Feb2003_Review/Lili S. - R400
`Exhibit 2033 (Program Review)
`Exhibit 2033 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint presentation
`from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the document to
`have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is dated January 15,
`2003. Ex. 2033 at p. 1. The file name is Lili S. - R400 reviewjan03.ppt.
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 17 of 56


`Exhibit 2033 is stored in Perforce at
`//depot/r400/web/project/Program Reviews/Jan2003_Review/Lili S. - R400
`Exhibit 2038 (Technical Specification)
`Exhibit 2038 is a true and accurate copy of a technical specification
`describing the development of the R400. The file name is R400_CP_PA_Top.doc.
`Clay Taylor created this document on October 29, 2001. See Ex. 2028 at pp. 1, 3.
`Exhibit 2038 is stored in Perforce at
`Exhibit 2040 (Program Review)
`Exhibit 2040 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint presentation
`from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the document to
`have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is dated August 29,
`2002. Ex. 2040 at p. 1. The file name is Bob P. - R400_PD.ppt.
`Exhibit 2040 is stored in Perforce at
`//depot/r400/web/project/Program Reviews/AugustReview/Bob P. -
`10. Exhibit 2041 (Program Review)
`Exhibit 2041 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint presentation
`from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the document to
`have occurred during development of the R400. The file name is Frank H. -R400 -
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 18 of 56


`Program Review - August 2002.ppt. As provided by Perforce, the last change made
`to this file was on September 11, 2002 by Joseph Cox. Joseph Cox was the CVP of
`Silicon Design Engineering at AMD, and he left AMD on December 31, 2020.
`Exhibit 2041 is stored in Perforce at
`//depot/r400/web/project/Program Reviews/AugustReview/Frank H. -R400 -
`Program Review - August 2002.ppt#1.
`11. Exhibit 2071 (Regression Report)
`Exhibit 2071 is a true and accurate copy of a regression report of the
`SQ block of the R400 dated January 22, 2004. The file name is
`Exhibit 2071 is stored in Perforce at
`12. Exhibit 2073 (Regression Reports)
`Exhibit 2073 is a compilation of several different documents.
`Page 1 to 135 is a true and accurate copy of an emulation regression
`test history of the R400 dated April 16, 2003. The file name is
`r400_emu_test_regress_history_041603.txt. The file is stored in Perforce at
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 19 of 56


`Pages 136 to 160 is a true and accurate copy of an emulation
`regression test history of the R400 dated August 5, 2002. The file name is
`r400_emu_test_regress_history_080502.txt. The file is stored in Perforce at
`Pages 161 to 185 is a true and accurate copy of an emulation
`regression test history of the R400 dated August 6, 2002. The file name is
`r400_emu_test_regress_history_080602.txt. The file is stored in Perforce at
`Pages 186 to 273 is a true and accurate copy of an emulation
`regression test history of the R400 dated December 3, 2002. The file name is
`r400_emu_test_regress_history_120302.txt. The file is stored in Perforce at
`Pages 274 to 367 is a true and accurate copy of an emulation
`regression test summary of the R400 dated December 31, 2002. The file name is
`r400_emu_test_regress_history_123102.txt. The file is stored in Perforce at
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 20 of 56


`Page 368 is a true and accurate copy of an emulation regression test
`summary of the R400 dated April 16, 2003. The file name is
`r400_emu_test_regress_statistics_041603.log. The file is stored in Perforce at
`Page 369 is a true and accurate copy of an emulation regression test
`summary of the R400 dated December 3, 2002. The file name is
`r400_emu_test_regress_statistics_120302.log. The file is stored in Perforce at
`Page 370 is a true and accurate copy of an emulation regression test
`summary of the R400 dated December 31, 2002. The file name is
`r400_emu_test_regress_statistics_123102.log. The file is stored in Perforce at
`13. Exhibit 2079 (Technical Specification)
`Exhibit 2079 is a true and accurate copy of a technical specification.
`The file name is GFX9_sq_thread_trace_users_guide.docx. It was authored by
`Brian Emberling, Jeremy Furtek, Andrew Pomianowski, Guennadi Riguer, and
`Andrew Brown. See Ex. 2079, at p. 1. As provided by Perforce, the last change
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 21 of 56


`made to this file was on March 11, 2016 by Edward Mandac. Edward Mandac is a
`Sr. Manager in Software Development at AMD and is currently still employed at
`Exhibit 2079 is stored in Perforce at
`14. Exhibit 2088 (Program Review)
`Exhibit 2088 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint presentation
`from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the document to
`have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is dated September
`16, 2002. Ex. 2008 at p. 1. The file name is R400_September16.ppt.
`Exhibit 2088 is a duplicate copy of a file stored in Perforce under a
`different file name at //depot/r400/web/project/Program Reviews/Executive
`15. Exhibit 2089 (Program Reviews)
`Exhibit 2089 is a compilation of several different documents.
`Page 1 is a true and accurate copy of the original Excel Spreadsheet
`incorporated into another exhibit, Exhibit 2088, at page 9.
`Page 2 is a true and accurate copy of the original Excel Spreadsheet
`incorporated into another exhibit, Exhibit 2088, at page 2.
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 22 of 56


`Pages 3 through 14 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated September 30, 2002. Ex. 2089 at p. 3. The file name is
`R400_September30.ppt. This file is a duplicate copy of a file stored in Perforce
`under a different file name at //depot/r400/web/project/Program
`Reviews/Executive Reviews/Review020930-BW.ppt#1.
`Pages 15 through 28 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated October 28, 2002. Ex. 2089 at p. 15. The file name is R400_October28.ppt.
`This file is a duplicate copy of a file stored in Perforce under a different file name
`at //depot/r400/web/project/Program Reviews/Executive Reviews/Review021028-
`Page 29 is intentionally omitted.
`Pages 30 through 45 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated October 15, 2002. Ex. 2089 at p. 30. The file name is R400_October15.ppt.
`This file is a duplicate copy of a file stored in Perforce under a different file name
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 23 of 56


`at //depot/r400/web/project/Program Reviews/Executive Reviews/Review021015-
`Page 46 is intentionally omitted.
`Pages 47 through 57 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated November 11, 2002. Ex. 2089 at p. 47. The file name is
`R400_November11.ppt. This file is stored in an internal AMD database at
`Pages 58 through 68 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated November 25, 2002. Ex. 2089 at p. 58. The file name is
`R400_November25.ppt. This file is stored in an internal AMD database at
`Pages 69 through 79 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 24 of 56


`dated December 9, 2002. Ex. 2089 at p. 69. The file name is
`R400_December09.ppt. This file is stored in an internal AMD database at
`Pages 80 through 90 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated December 16, 2002. Ex. 2089 at p. 80. The file name is
`R400_December16.ppt. This file is stored in an internal AMD database at
`Pages 91 through 99 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated December 23, 2002. Ex. 2089 at p. 91. The file name is
`R400_December23.ppt. This file is stored in an internal AMD database at
`Pages 100 through 109 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 25 of 56


`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated January 6, 2003. Ex. 2089 at p. 100. The file name is R400_Jan6.ppt. This
`file is stored in an internal AMD database at
`Pages 110 through 118 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated January 13, 2003. Ex. 2089 at p. 110. The file name is R400_Jan13.ppt. This
`file is stored in an internal AMD database at
`Pages 119 through 134 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated January 20, 2003. Ex. 2089 at p. 119. The file name is R400_Jan20.ppt. This
`file is stored in an internal AMD database at
`ATI Ex. 2122
`Page 26 of 56


`Pages 135 through 149 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated January 27, 2003. Ex. 2089 at p. 135. The file name is R400_Jan27.ppt. This
`file is stored in an internal AMD database at
`Pages 150 through 162 is a true and accurate copy of a PowerPoint
`presentation from a program review meeting that is indicated on the face of the
`document to have occurred during development of the R400. The title page is
`dated February 10, 2003. Ex. 2089 at p. 150. The file name is R400_Feb10

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