Personal Information:
`Home Address:
`Business Address:
`Home Telephone:
`Business Telephone:
`December 20, 1946; Brooklyn, N.Y.
`6473 Avenida Cresta
`La Jolla, CA 92037
`Monaco Enterprises, Inc.
`6473 Avenida Cresta
`La Jolla, CA 92037
`University of California, San Diego
`Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and
`Center for Wireless Communications
`Engineering Building Unit One
`MC 0409, Room 6606
`9500 Gilman Drive
`(858) 459-8123
`(858 735-5438; (858) 534-5438
`Ph.D. (E.E.) Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1973 (Quantum electronics
`and nonlinear wave-matter interaction. Doctoral Thesis Title:
`"Semi-classical Theory of Gaseous Dipolar Media with
`Application to the Gas Laser")
`Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1970
`(Masters Thesis: "Slotted Plasma Waveguide")
`Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1968
`(summa cum laude)
` 1988-Present: Monaco Enterprises, Inc.


`Responsibilities include education, technical analysis, report
`preparation, and live testimony within the field of electrical
`engineering, with a special focus on telecommunications and
`related topics
` 2008-Present: University of California, San Diego
`Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Emeritus
`Responsibilities include research in the fields of broadband
`telecommunication networks, the Internet, cellular/wireless access
`systems, optical networks, network performance management, and
`multimedia applications.
` 2000 – 2007: University of California, San Diego
`Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Responsibilities include teaching of basic courses in
`telecommunications, original research, and supervision of graduate
`students. Research interests include broadband
`telecommunication networks, the Internet, cellular/wireless access
`systems, optical networks, network performance management, and
`multimedia applications.
`1995-1999: University of California, San Diego
`Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Director,
`Center for Wireless Communications
`Responsibilities as Director of the Center for Wireless Communications
`included overall technical and administrative management, funding,
`budget allocation, publicity, and direction of a cross-disciplinary
`program of research and education targeted at the emerging needs of
`the cellular and wireless communications industry. The Center seeks
`to develop a strong university/industrial partnership as needed to
`produce a relevant program of systems and technology-oriented
`research, and places high priority on strategic planning, collaboration,
`technology transfer and the generation of highly trained graduates at
`all degree levels to meet industrial human resources needs. Topics of
`interest include low power circuitry (radio frequency, analog, and
`digital), antennas and propagation, communication theory (including
`modulation, coding, multiple access, and speech, video, and image


`compression), communications networks (including management and
`control policies, cell handoff, quality of service guarantees, and
`spectrum-sharing strategies) and multimedia applications. A unifying
`theme for the Center’s program is that of Broadband Wireless, that is,
`approaches for extending capabilities and services from the emerging
`broadband wireline infrastructure to the wireless pedestrian and
`mobile domains. Activities at the center are supported entirely by the
`wireless communications industry, and representatives from
`participating companies are heavily involved in all aspects of the
`Center’s operations.
`1988-1995: Columbia University
`Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of the Center for
`Telecommunications Research, a National Science Foundation
`Engineering Research Center.
`Responsibilities as Professor of Electrical Engineering included
`teaching of basic and advanced courses in communication theory
`and networks, original research, and supervision of graduate
`students. Research interests included new systems architectures
`and performance analysis for wireless personal communication
`networks and high-speed all-optical networks, self-routing
`broadband packet switching, performance management of
`broadband multimedia networks, and high- speed applications for
`Responsibilities as CTR Director included overall technical and
`administrative management, funding stabilization, budget
`allocation, publicity and direction of a cross-disciplinary research
`center with participation from 25 faculty members, 55 graduate
`students, eight full-time research scientists and engineers, and six
`administrative staff members. Developed CTR vision and strategic
`plan, and organized five focused cross-disciplinary research
`projects involving (1) wireless access/personal communications;
`(2) lightwave networks; (3) network traffic control and fault
`management strategies for integrated telecommunications; (4)
`multimedia telecommunications; and (5) digital image/digital TV.
`These cross-disciplinary projects included fundamental and applied
`research on new systems and concepts, analytical methodologies,
`lightwave devices, VLSI, and telecommunications software. The


`Center was supported by the National Science Foundation as part
`of its Engineering Research Center Program and through an
`Industrial Participants Program involving 27 companies
`representative of telecommunication carrier, equipment vendor,
`and user communities. The annual budget of the CTR was
`approximately $5M. In addition to management of the research
`program, CTR-related responsibilities included maintaining and
`expanding the base of industrial participants, initiating
`university/industrial collaborative research projects, encouraging
`technology transfer for the purpose of timely commercial fruition,
`and implementation of a cross-disciplinary educational program in
`telecommunications to produce students meeting the needs of
`Organized and initiated a major jointly-defined university/industrial
`collaborative research project involving CTR and nine of its
`Industrial Participants. Known as ACORN, this project was targeted
`toward the lightwave network of the 21st century. In addition to
`ACORN project-specific funding, industrial support involved
`committed manpower and device technologies. The ACORN project
`produced two "firsts": the first laboratory implementation of an
`optically-based self-routing ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
`network, and the first working gigabit/sec. ATM network.
`Helped to organize two major university-industrial consortia in response
`to announced Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) programs
`targeted at all-optical networks. The Optical Network Technology
`Consortium participants included Columbia University, Bellcore, Hughes
`Aircraft, and Northern Telecom (principal members), along with United
`Technologies, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Rockwell.
`ONTC research was focused on systems architectures, control
`algorithms, and device technologies for a prototypical all-optical national
`telecommunications infrastructure. ONTC funding in the amount of
`$11.5M was secured for two project phases.
`The on-going National Transparent Optical Network Consortium
`(NTONC) includes University of California (San Diego), Columbia
`University, Northern Telecom, Hughes Aircraft, Lawrence Livermore
`National Laboratories, United Technologies, Rockwell, Pac Bel, and
`Sprint. NTONC research involves deployment of a multi-wavelenth


`wide area all-optical network spanning the San Francisco Bay area
`and emulation of geographically wide area optical networks serving
`very large user populations. Consortium funding in the amount of
`$10.8M has been secured.
`AT&T Bell Laboratories
` Director, Transmission Technology Laboratory.
`Managed an organization of 80 people, consisting of three
`Department Heads, eight Technical Supervisors, 49 engineers and
`scientists (all with PhDs or MS degrees), and 20 support personnel.
`Responsible for a broad spectrum of forward-looking work involving
`broadband data networking, design and application of digital signal
`processors, broadband document storage and retrieval services,
`optical switching and networking, and high resolution real-time
`The scope of work included establishment of fundamental
`theoretical performance limits, the formulation of innovative
`system concepts to approach these limits, and the prototype
`implementation of key elements for the purpose of technical
`feasibility demonstration.
`Department Head, Network Systems Research Department.
`Managed an organization of nine research staff members (all PhDs)
`with a supporting staff of four. Responsibilities included basic and
`applied research on broadband multiuser networks using wire,
`radio, electronics, and lightwave technologies for local and
`metropolitan area application. Emphasis was placed on packet
`communications for integrating voice, data, image, and video
`services. Department performed much pioneering work in
`telecommunication networking and published extensively.
`Supervisor, Data Theory Group. Responsible for basic theoretical
`studies in the field of data communications, including modulation
`and coding, adaptive filtering, and media access schemes for
`channel sharing among bursty computer traffic sources.
`Member of Technical Staff, Satellite Systems Research Department.
`Performed basic and applied research in the field of high capacity
`1968 - 1988:
`1987 - 1988:
`1983 - 1987:
`1981 - 1983:
`1974 - 1981:


`1968 - 1974:
`digital satellite systems, including modulation and coding theory,
`time division multiple access methods, and efficient frequency re-
`use techniques. Work focused on advanced concepts for multiple
`scanning spot beam systems which combine the power advantage
`of highly directive spot beam antennas, the capacity advantage of
`frequency re-use among the spot beams, and the universal service
`capability of an area coverage system. Also worked on innovative
`approaches for sharing satellite resources to overcome rain fading
`at frequencies about 10 Ghz. Collectively, these techniques defined
`the direction for next generation satellite systems.
`Member of Technical Staff, SAFEGUARD Radar laboratory.
`Responsible for radar system design and analysis, including high
`power microwave transmitters and radar signal processing
`algorithms. Also worked on waveguide breakdown phenomena at
`high power levels and techniques to overcome the same, and on
`the implementation of high power coherent burst waveforms.
`Major Technical Contributions:
`Networks for Wireless Access - Developed systems approaches for extending
`bandwidth-upon-demand broadband service into the wireless cellular environment,
`including packet-based media access strategies which insure high link-level
`availability in a harsh multipath fading environment, and a novel "virtual tree"
`approach to permit deployment of high capacity microcells/picocells while
`avoiding the need for call processor involvement to handle the commensurate
`surge in cell hand-off requests.
`Broadband Communications Networks - Guided and contributed to pioneering work
`on local and metropolitan area packet networks. Proposed a short-bus local area
`network architecture which permits perfect capture media access with priority
`contention to integrate diverse traffic types by avoiding the long propagation
`delay associated with distributed networks. Contributed to the theory and
`understanding of high-performance space-division packet switching. Proposed and
`promoted an architecture for a nationwide all-optical telecommunications
`infrastructure suitable for bandwidth-intensive multimedia applications. This
`architecture, known as multihop, solves a major problem by tapping, for the first
`time, the vast bandwidth potential of lightwave technology (tens of terahertz)
`through network ports constrained in speed by electronic technology (several
`gigabits/sec.). Developed and promoted an understanding of the potential of


`passive, all-optical networks. Originated pioneering work on complexity
`managment which exploits the enormous bandwidth potential of VLSI-based
`packet switches and optical communication links to simplify management and
`control software. Formulated theory of re-arrangeable optical networks using
`wavelength agility for network optimization. Conceived novel packet
`compression/expansion technique to further exploit optical spectrum for
`telecommunications. Proposed Free Space Optical Mesh as a highly reliable, easily
`deployed, inexpensive last-mile technology to deliver ultra-broadband services to
`small, medium, and large businesses, residential subscribers. The FSO mesh
`technology may also be applied for cellular/wireless data backhaul. Co-founded
`AirFiber, Inc., to commercialize the FSO mesh.
`High Capacity Digital Satellite Systems - Contributed a basic understanding of the
`factors and fundamental limits governing throughput in multibeam frequency re-
`use systems, and proposed several innovative system architectures to approach
`these limits. Proposed a multiple scanning spot beam system which dynamically
`matches satellite resources to terrestrial traffic patterns, producing both a ten-
`fold increase in system capacity and a ten-fold increase in link power margin.
`Proved a basic theorem governing the non-conflicting assignability of terrestrial
`traffic to multiple satellite transponders which has since found general applicability
`to switching systems. Proposed a scheme for dynamically allocating a limited pool
`of shared satellite resources among a large number of ground stations to relieve
`local rain fade events and showed that this provides yet an additional ten-fold
`increase in capacity. The above contributions appeared as major elements of
`NASA's advanced technology satellite program.
`Major Managerial Accomplishments:
`Identified several emerging topics deserving of focused research efforts, including
`Local Area Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks, Broadband Packet Switching,
`Multiuser Lightwave Communication Networks, and Universal Network Access.
`Organized, secured funding for, contributed to, and managed major research
`initiatives on the above topics involving basic theoretical understanding,
`innovative system concepts, feasibility demonstrations, and applications. Each of
`these initiatives has, in general, produced several major technological innovations
`(see also Publications and Patents).
`Initiated general personnel practices encouraging research staff members to plan
`and organize their research goals and work programs. These plans have had


`substantial benefit with regard to work program directions, expected pace of
`accomplishment, identification of emerging topics to pursue, and termination of
`effort in mature fields no longer requiring major research coverage. Encouraged
`ample flexibility to change directions in response to new ideas and opportunities.
`Raised levels of expectations, regarding both management and subordinates,
`resulting in enhanced productivity. Many colleagues and former subordinates
`enjoy world-wide reputations in their fields. The quality of research
`accomplishment has improved steadily, as has the ability to attract and retain
`top-notch research talent.
`Successfully coupled state-of-the-art device technology with major system
`architectural innovations to produce several major research breakthroughs.
`Served for ten years on AT&T Bell Laboratories' Cooperative Research Fellowship
`Program Committee. This program provides tuition, living stipend, and
`mentoring for Ph.D. students who are members of minority groups.
`Approximately 30 students participated in the program during any given year.
` A) NSF Engineering Research Center Program.
` NSF Engineering Research Center funding was based upon comprehensive annual
`reports and site visits, and evidence of strong cross-disciplinary research
`accomplishments, active industrial participation, and student involvement at all
`degree levels must be apparent. In addition to these thorough annual reviews,
`an exhaustive evaluation was conducted every third year to assess suitability for
`grant renewal. Industrial funding (much more volatile) was based upon
`accomplishment and long-term strategic value of the Center’s programs.
` 1988-1989. Prepared annual reports (each approximately 100 pages) and
`organized NSF site visits leading to the awarding of $6.8M from NSF (two-year
`total) for 1989 and 1990 calendar year.
`- 1990. Prepared renewal proposal (100 pages) and organized successful NSF
`site visit which resulted in a $14.7M renewal grant over a five-year period
`- 1991-1994. Prepared annual reports (108, 55, 40, and 30 pages, respectively)
`and organized NSF site visits to secure NSF funding of $11M total for 1992,
` -


`1993, 1994 and 1995 calendar years (part of 5-year grant requiring annual re-
`- 1989-1995. Secured industrial funding of $10.7M (total) through CTR's
`Industrial Participants Program involving 27 companies. Program involved three-
`year commitment per company. Most industrial contracts extend beyond 1995.
`Many Industrial Participants have previously renewed for second or third three-
`year commitments.
` 1995- 1999. Participated in the organization of UCSD’s Center for Wireless
`Communications and serving as Director from July, 1995, to Nov., 1999. The
`CWC is funded entirely by industrial grants in the amount of approximately $1M
` -
`- 1991-1995. Participated in the organization of the Optical Network Technology
`Consortium (ONTC) involving Columbia University and six companies. Secured
`ARPA funding of $11.5M total for 3 years ($750K to Columbia). Participating in
`preparation of follow-up proposal, in progress.
`- 1994-1995. Participated in the organization of the National Transparent Optical
`Network Consortium (NTONC) involving the University of California (San Diego),
`Columbia University, and seven companies. Secured ARPA funding of $10.8M
`total for 3 years ($360K to UCSD and Columbia).
`- 1999-2001. Co-investigator, In-home Ad-hoc Networks, State of California
`Communications Research Initiative ($194,476 total)
`- 1999-2001. Co-investigator, Space-Time Processing for Mobile Communications,
`State of California Communications Research Initiative ($213,396 total)
`- 1999-2001. Co-investigator, Enhanced Coverage for Wireless Systems, State of
`California Communications Research Initiative ($271,915 total)
`- 1999-2001, Principal Investigator, Universal Wireless Communications, State of
`California Communications Research Initiative ($279,153 total)


`- 1999-2001. Principal Investigator, Wireless Access to the Internet, State of
`California Communications Research Initiative ($245,962 total)
`- 2001-2002. Principal Investigator, various projects, Center for Wireless
`Communications ($100,000 total)
`- 2003-2006. Principal Investigator, various projects, Center for Wireless
`Communications ($300,000 total)
`- 2004-2006 Principle Investigator, Mesh-Based Last-Mile Networks, Center for
`Networked Systems
`1995 IEEE Frederick Elersick Award for Best Paper appearing in IEEE
`Communications Magazine. Paper title: “The Scalable Lightwave Network,” Dec.
`Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) (1988), cited for
`contributions to high capacity digital satellite systems and broadband local
`communication networks.
`Listed, Who's Who in America (1988-present).
`Listed, Who’s Who Register of Business Leaders.
`Sigma Xi (1968).
`Eta Kappa Nu (1968).
`Professional Activities:
`Delivered invited testimony to U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on
`Science, on the role of basic research in economic competitiveness (1991).
`Member, IEEE Communications Society Board of Governors, 1990-92.


`General Chairman, IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia
`Communications (1999).
`General Chairman, International Conference on Universal Personal Communications
`General Chairman, Third IEEE Workshop on Metropolitan Area Networks (1989).
`Tutorial Chairman, IEEE INFOCOM Conference (1988).
`General Chairman, First IEEE Workshop on Space Communications (1981).
`Editor for Local Lightwave Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications
`(1987, 1988).
`Editor for Satellite and Space Communications, IEEE Transactions on
`Communications (1983-1986).
`Organized new IEEE-Sponsored workshops on VLSI in Communications (1981)
`and Metropolitan Area Networks (1986).
`Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE National Telecommunications
`Conference (1981), IEEE INFOCOM (1983, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992), IEEE
`Workshops on Metropolitan Area Networks (1986, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992,
`Participated in two NSF workshops to chart future research directions in
`communications and networks (1990, 1992).
`Advisory Board, Columbia Informatics and Telecommunications Institute (1989-
`Invention Advisory Committee, Liberty Science Center (1991-2000).
`Organized and chaired numerous technical sessions at International
`Communications Conferences, Global Telecommunications Conferences,
`Communication Theory Workshops, INFOCOM Conferences, Eastern
`Communication Forum, International Workshop on Digital Communications,
`European Wireless Conference


`Participated in NSF Networking Panel for Proposal Review (2002)
`Committee Member, National Research Council Computer Science and
`Telecommunications Board Project on “The Intent in the Evolving Telecommunications
`Infrastructure” (1998 – 1999)
`Publications (Textbook)
`An Introduction to Broadband Networks: LANs, MANs, ATM, B-ISDN, and Optical
`Networks for Integrated Multimedia Telecommunications, published by Plenum
`Publishing Corporation (N.Y.), 1994.
`Publications (Book Chapters)
` M. Naghshineh, M. Schwartz, and A.S. Acampora, “Issues in Wireless Access
` Broadband Networks,” Wireless Information Networks, Kluwer Academic
` Publications, 1995.
` A.S. Acampora, “Architectures for Hardware and Software Scalable
` Multiwavelength Networks,” Photonic Networks, published by Springer-Verlag,
` 1997.
` A.S. Acampora, S.V. Krishnamurthy, and M. Zorzi, “Media Access Protocols for
` Use with Smart Adaptive Array Antennas to Enable Wireless Multimedia
` Communications”, Wireless Networks, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
` A.S. Acampora, J.S. Reddy, R. A. Gholmieh, and H. Jin, “Role of Software Defined
` Radio in Wireless Access to the Internet” 12th Tyrrhenian International
` Workshop on Digital Communications, September 2000; also reproduced in
` “Software Radio,” Springer – Verlag, 2001.
`Publications (Archive Journals):
`Digital Multibeam Communication Satellite Systems


`A.S. Acampora, "Reliability Considerations for Multiple Spot Beam Communication
`Satellites," Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 56, No. 4, April 1977, pp 575-596.
`Proposed and studied several highly efficient transponder sparing techniques
`to greatly improve overall multi-transponder satellite reliability.
`A.S. Acampora, "Spectral Sharing in Hybrid Spot and Area Coverage Satellite
`Systems via Channel Coding Techniques," Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 57,
`No. 7, Part 2, Sept. 1978, pp 2613-2632. Proposed and studied channel coding
`to permit universal coverage of the Continental United States from a
`geosynchronous satellite employing overlapping spot and wide-area beams.
`A.S. Acampora and B.R. Davis, "Efficient Utilization of Satellite Transponders via
`Time-Division Multibeam Scanning," Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 57, No.
`8, Oct. 1978, pp 2901-2914. Describes a new communication satellite system
`architecture invented and patented by Acampora to provide universal coverage
`over a wide area by means of a plurality of high capacity scannable spot beams.
`Also contains proof of a theorem governing necessary and sufficient conditions
`for the assignment of terrestrial traffic to transponders. This fundamental
`theorem has since been widely applied to a variety of terrestrial switching
`A.S. Acampora, "Digital Error Rate Performance of Active Phased Array Satellite
`Systems," IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. AP-26, No. 6, Nov. 1978,
`pp 833-842. Computes intermodulation distortion and bit error rate caused by
`nonlinear amplification of signals in a multi-beam phased array satellite system.
`A.S. Acampora, C. Dragone, and D.O. Reudink, "A Satellite System with Limited
`Scan Spot Beams," IEEE Trans. Communications, Vol. COM-27, No. 10, Oct.
`1979, pp 1406-1415. Applies a fundamental theorem, previously proven by
`Acampora, to yield a practical way to implement the multiple scanning spot
`beam concept.
`A.S. Acampora and R.E. Langseth, "Baseband Processing in a High Speed Burst
`Modem for a Satellite Switched Time-Division-Multiple-Access System," IEEE
`Trans. Communications, Vol. COM-27, No. 10, Oct. 1979, pp 1496-1503.
`Presents block diagram designs and analysis of the modules needed to
`synchronize and process signals under the unique constraints imposed by high-
`speed operation.


`A.S. Acampora, "A Shared Resource Time-Division-Multiple-Access Approach to
`Increase the Rain Margin of 12/14 Ghz Satellite Systems," Bell System Technical
`Journal, Vol. 58, No. 9, Nov. 1979, pp 2097-2111. Presents a new technique
`to overcome rain fading in satellite systems by sharing and dynamically
`deploying a small pool of reserved time slots to those ground stations suffering
`local fade events. The basic technique was shown to reduce the required space
`platform power by 90%, representing an order-of-magnitude saving of this
`extremely expensive and fundamentally limiting spacecraft component.
`A.S. Acampora and J.T. Curry, "Frame Synchronization Concept for Time-
`Division-Multiple-Access Burst Modems," IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic
`Systems, Vol. AES-16, No. 2, March 1980, pp 169-179. Presents analytical and
`experimental results for a high-speed frame synchronizer built and tested in the
`A.S. Acampora, "The Ultimate Capacity of Frequency Re-Use Communication
`Satellites," Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 59, No. 7, Sept. 1980, pp 1089-
`1122. Derives a rigorous information-theoretic bound on the informational
`throughput, or capacity, achievable by a multi-beam satellite constrained by
`power, bandwidth, and satellite antenna aperture dimensions (beamwidth).
`A.S. Acampora, "Rain Margin Improvement Using Resource Sharing in 12 Ghz
`Satellite Downlinks," Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 60, No. 2, Feb. 1981,
`pp 167-192. Analytically derives the additional rain margin provided via sharing
`of a small pool of transponder time slots among geographically dispersed ground
`stations when accounting for real rain fade statistics and correlations.
`D.O. Reudink, A.S. Acampora, and Y.S. Yeh, "The Transmission Capacity of Multi-
`Beam Communication Satellites," Proceedings IEEE, Vol. 69, No. 2, Feb. 1981,
`pp 209-225. Describes and analyzes the practical limitations on informational
`throughput delivered by a multi-beam geosynchronous satellite under power,
`antenna size, and bandwidth constraints, and subject to intersatellite
`interference, rain fading, and non-uniform terrestrial traffic patterns.
`A.S. Acampora, "The Use of Resource Sharing and Coding to Increase the
`Capacity of Digital Satellites," IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Communications, Vol. SAC-1,
`No. 1, Jan. 1983, pp 132-142. Proposes and studies a generalized technique
`using adaptive forward error correcting coding for sharing a small pool of unused
`time slots to protect a large number of ground stations against rain fades.
`Contains a rigorous analysis involving coding gain and rain fade statistics to


`show a ten-fold improvement in informational throughput achievable by use of
`this technique.
`Broadband Communication Networks
`A.S. Acampora and M.G. Hluchyj, "A New Local Area Network Architecture Using
`a Centralized Bus," IEEE Communications Mag., Vol. 22, No. 8, Aug. 1984, pp
`12-21. Describes a short bus Local Area Network which integrates voice and
`data, achieves perfect capture, and is shown, by analysis, to provide the best
`throughput-delay performance possible.
`A.S. Acampora, M.G. Hluchyj, C.D. Tsao, "A Centralized Bus Architecture for
`Local Area Networks," Journal of Telecomm. Networks, Vol. 3, No. 2, Summer
`1984, pp 89-102. Elaborates upon the architecture and performance
`advantages of centrally located short bus Local Area Networks.
`K.Y. Eng and A.S. Acampora, "Fundamental Conditions Governing Time-Division-
`Multiplex Switching Assignments in Terrestrial and Satellite Networks," IEEE
`Trans. Communications, Vol. COM-35, No. 7, July 1987. Establishes necessary
`and sufficient conditions governing traffic assignability to the ports of a multi-
`stage Time Division Switch.
`Y.S. Yeh, M.G. Hluchyj, and A.S. Acampora, "The Knockout Switch: A Simple
`Modular Architecture for High Performance Packet Switching," J. Selected Areas
`in Communications, Vol. SAC-5, No. 8, Oct. 1987, pp 1274-1283. Proposes and
`analytically studies a new space division packet switch based on a fully
`connected architecture to achieve the irreducible delay-throughput performance
`arising from congestion at the output port only. The overall complexity is
`controlled by a novel tournament-like contention resolution 1 scheme.
`Reprinted in Performance Evaluation of High Speed Switching Fabrics and
`Networks, IEEE Press, ed. T. Robertazzi, 1992.
`A.S. Acampora, M.G. Hluchyj, and M.J. Karol, "Terabit Lightwave Networks: The
`Multihop Approach," AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 66, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1987, pp
`21-34. Describes a novel lightwave network architecture, originally conceived
`by Acampora, which for the first time, taps the vast bandwidth potential of
`lightwave technology through speed constrained electro-optic ports. This
`approach solves a long-standing problem in broadband lightwave networks and
`permits a one-thousand fold increase in deliverable informational throughput
`compared against alternative approaches.


`A.S. Acampora and K.Y. Eng, "A Decoupled Approach for Fast Time Division
`Multiplex Assignment in Constrained Hierarchical Systems," IEEE Trans.
`Communications, Vol. COM-36, No. 5, May 1988, pp 636-640. Describes a new
`switching architecture using frame memories to decouple the inbound and
`outbound assignments, thereby reducing a very difficult two-dimensional matrix
`search into two trivially simple one-dimensional searches.
`A.S. Acampora and M.J. Karol, "An Overview of Lightwave Packet Networks,"
`IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 1989. Describes opportunities,
`constraints, and novel architectures to realize the capacity potential of
`lightwave networks through speed-constrained electro-optic ports.
`A.S. Acampora, "A High Capacity Metropolitan Area Network Using Lightwave
`Transmission and Time Multiplexed Switching," IEEE Trans. Communications, Vol.
`COM-38, No. 10, Oct. 1990. Presents a combined time and wavelength
`multiplexed architecture to achieve extremely high capacity in a centrally
`located switch. Proves a basic theorem governing traffic assignability and
`applies this to show that with no loss of performance, each wavelength can be
`separately switched, thereby greatly reducing the bandwidth required and the
`dimensionality of the switch.
`J.F. Labourdette and A.S. Acampora, "Logically Rearrangeable Multihop
`Lightwave Networks," IEEE Trans. Communications, Vol. 39, No. 8, Aug. 1991.
`Identifies the independence between physical topology and logical wavelength
`connectivity in multihop lightwave networks and presents and studies heuristic
`techniques to match connectivity with traffic patterns.
`A.S. Acampora and S.I.A. Shah, "Multihop Lightwave Networks: A Comparison of
`Store & F

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