`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0195927 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Sep. 8, 2005
`US 2005O195927A1
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl." ....................................................... H04L 1100
`(52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 375/346
`The invention relates to a method and apparatus for gener
`ating simple patterns on a terminal and conveying them in a
`communications network. In the method, an element of a
`pattern (201, 301) comprising elements is specified and it is
`assigned a code by which it is identified. The codes of the
`elements in a pattern are used in compiling a Set of codes
`(303a, 303b, 303c) which describes identified elements of
`the pattern. The set of codes (303a, 303b, 303c) is sent into
`a communications network in addition to the message. The
`receiving device receives, in addition to the message, the Set
`of codes (303a, 303b, 303c) containing the codes of the
`elements in the pattern (201, 301), which set of codes is
`analyzed (406) and identified. Element codes included in the
`set of codes (303a,303b,303c) are used to identify elements
`used to generate a pattern (201, 301).
`Inventor: Juha Solonen, Jyvaskyla (FI)
`Correspondence Address:
`MONROE, CT 06468 (US)
`Appl. No.:
`PCT Fed:
`Apr. 25, 2003
`PCT No.:
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`(FI)............................................. 2002O8O1
`Apr. 26, 2002
`compiler of
`COde Set
`Apple EX1012 Page 1
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 8, 2005 Sheet 1 of 3
`US 2005/0195927 A1
`Fig. 1.
`Fig. 2.
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`Patent Application Publication Sep. 8, 2005 Sheet 2 of 3
`US 2005/0195927 A1
`{12: 2B) a tense
`wasn't pleased with his
`work {2,3:2C,3C+3C}.
`Fig. 3c.
`Apple EX1012 Page 3
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 8, 2005 Sheet 3 of 3
`US 2005/0195927 A1
`compiler of
`Code set
`analysis of
`Code set
`of image
`Apple EX1012 Page 4
`US 2005/0195927 A1
`Sep. 8, 2005
`0001. This application is the U.S. National Stage of
`International Application Number PCT/FIO3/00326 filed
`Apr. 25, 2003 and published in the English language Nov. 6,
`2003 under International Application Number WO
`03/091902 and claiming priority from Finnish Application
`Number 20020801 filed Apr. 26, 2002.
`0002 The invention relates to a method and apparatus for
`generating simple patterns on a terminal and conveying
`them in a communications network.
`0.003 Mobile network terminals are widely used to com
`municate not only through speech, as is typical, but also
`through text messages (SMS, Short Message Service), audio
`messages and multimedia messages (MMS, Multimedia
`Messaging Service). Text messages can be used to send a
`message consisting of characters e.g. between devices that
`use the GSM (Global System for Mobile communications)
`network to establish a connection and convey messages. A
`message can be delivered to a receiving terminal even if the
`receiving terminal were not active or within a coverage area
`at the moment of Sending. No immediate response is
`required of the recipient unlike in the case of a voice call, for
`0004 Messages can also be exchanged between a mobile
`network terminal and a device in a fixed internet or local
`area network. In that case there has to be a gateway between
`them, e.g. a web page. A message can be delivered to a
`network terminal via the gateway if the terminal is located
`in a network cell within the coverage area of the gateway or
`if the gateway functions as a public international gateway
`for all devices that are capable of roaming. Messages can
`also be exchanged between digital telephone apparatuses or
`between them and fixed terminals via gatewayS. Sending
`and receiving devices may include e.g. mobile phones,
`digital phones, Smart phones, portable computers, desktop
`computers and internet and LAN terminals.
`0005 So messages can be sent regardless of the recipient,
`and received in a manner resembling the operation of an
`answering machine, i.e. messages can be Saved for later
`reading or processing, but in addition to that, messages can
`also be used for having a conversation, or a chat as it is often
`called. A chat connection requires active participation,
`because conversing is done by typing a comment to a
`message and Sending it to a certain Storage place of mes
`Sages. A chat may take place at a certain location, Such as a
`web site, where the messages are Stored and to which the
`users can connect by means of their terminals via a network.
`Typically, Several people can take part in a chat Simulta
`neously. Most chat groups have a certain topic. Conversa
`tions may be continuous or they may be Scheduled to last for
`a certain period of time.
`0006 Size of messages sent and received by mobile
`terminals is very limited. Typically it is possible to transfer,
`in addition to text messages, also picture, data and multi
`media messages, and in chat Sessions text can be comple
`mented with Sound, pictures and Video. In that case, how
`ever, it is required that the users have hardware and Software
`needed to display, transmit and receive Such files. Since the
`Senders and receivers of messages as well as participants in
`a chat may be using apparatuses which are quite different, it
`is, for compatibility reasons, Safest to use Simple character
`based messages. Moreover, large files Such as pictures Slow
`down network traffic and place a burden on the memory
`capacity of the receiving terminal. HeavineSS and SlowneSS
`of operation are characteristics that are undesirable in inter
`active conversation because the real-time feel and interac
`tivity of chatting Suffer if participants have to wait for
`prolonged times before messages are displayed on their
`terminals. For communication to be as quick as possible, a
`great number of widely used acronyms have been adopted to
`be used in chats So that messages can be produced in leSS
`time. Table 1 below lists a few examples of such acronyms
`on the left column with their meanings on the right column.
`Away From Keyboard
`Be Back Soon
`See You
`Face to Face
`In Any Case
`I See
`Sup? - What's up?
`Smiling Ear to Ear
`0007 Short, quick messages are often enlivened with
`So-called emoticons which are character-based Symbols used
`to describe emotions. Some mobile phone models, for
`example, have special menus where the user can choose a
`Suitable emoticon for a piece of text in his/her message. In
`addition to SMS messages, emoticons are also widely used
`in email messages, newsgroup and chat messages, and
`generally in all relatively short text-based messages which
`do not Substantially consume memory when Saved and
`which do not burden the network when transferred. Typi
`cally emoticons are horizontally oriented face patterns used
`to describe emotions or a feeling associated with a text, for
`example. Table 2 below lists a few examples of emoticons,
`or Smileys as they are Sometimes called, on the left column
`and their meanings on the right column.
`smiling, moustached
`Charlie Chaplin
`smiling, wearing a bow tie
`a duck
`scared (hair standing on end)
`0008 Emoticons are used in Japan with even more enthu
`siasm than in Western countries. The Japanese have come up
`with emoticons of their own, which are better Suited to their
`culture. Since the Japanese keyboard includes also disyllabic
`characters, the users can choose between monosyllabic and
`disyllabic versions of certain characters and this way they
`Apple EX1012 Page 5
`US 2005/0195927 A1
`Sep. 8, 2005
`can have more nuances with their emoticons, too. Table 3
`below lists a few examples of Japanese emoticons on the left
`column and their descriptions on the right column.
`a smile
`CXCSC le.
`cold sweat
`O ;>
`0009. There are numerous different emoticons. Further
`more, as was described above, there are cultural differences
`between emoticons. Emoticons are popular because they are
`available to all, they can be easily modified, and they do not
`require Special hardware or Software, nor do they signifi
`cantly consume capacity when Saved or transferred. How
`ever, the expressive power of emoticons is very limited and
`while a great number of different emoticons can be compiled
`from the many character Symbols, they remain very general
`in nature. Another disadvantage of emoticons is their typical
`presentation: as the emoticons are viewed horizontally So
`that the left border of normal text or display corresponds to
`the top border when looking at an emoticon, and the
`right-hand border of the display corresponds to the bottom
`border of an emoticon, the user, at each emoticon, has to
`either tilt his/her head or rotate the display of his/her device
`by 90 degrees.
`0010. An object of the invention is to provide a more
`advanced pattern which is Simple, uses little memory, and is
`easily transferred between terminals even with limited
`0.011 The objects of the invention are achieved by gen
`erating a Set of codes for a pattern So that the pattern can be
`regenerated using the Set of codes. Furthermore, the objects
`are achieved So that a simple Set of codes generated for a
`pattern is Saved in memory when the pattern is being
`processed, and Said Set of codes is conveyed via a commu
`nications network.
`0012. According to a preferred embodiment of the inven
`tion, a pattern and a set of codes are generated So that the
`pattern can be regenerated using the Set of codes. The size
`of a code Set according to a preferred embodiment of the
`invention is measured in dozens of bytes, while the size of
`a picture file is typically thousands of bytes. AS the size of
`a code Set is Small, it can be Saved without considerably
`consuming the limited Storage capacity of a device proceSS
`ing a pattern. A code Set generated according to a preferred
`embodiment of the invention can be transferred along with
`the message or Separately to the receiving apparatus. Since
`the code Set transferred is Small in size, no excessive loading
`will be imposed on transmission paths, nor will there occur
`any congestion of connections.
`0013. According to a preferred embodiment of the inven
`tion, a pattern is generated using a menu. A menu contains
`elements of a pattern, which may be e.g. facial features, Such
`as different face shapes, hair types, eyes and mouths. Among
`these menu elements are chosen certain elements according
`to a set of codes to form a given pattern. The elements are
`Saved only once in the menu, and each of them is referred
`to by a unique code based e.g. on their position in the menu
`System. On the basis of the references, i.e. codes, a Set of
`codes is compiled which contains the codes of the elements
`of a given pattern. The Set of codes can be Saved and
`transferred to another device. The receiving device is able to
`regenerate the original pattern on the basis of the Set of codes
`transferred if the device for example contains a similar menu
`or has access to the data of a similar menu.
`0014. According to another preferred embodiment of the
`invention, a pattern can be generated from a picture taken
`with a digital camera, for example. An image recognition
`algorithm is used to Select features, or elements, in the
`picture. The nearest equivalent elements are Selected for the
`features from a menu. The menu elements Selected are used
`to compile a set of codes for the features of the picture. An
`image recognition algorithm can be especially designed to
`recognize certain facial features. Using a pattern according
`to a preferred embodiment of the invention generated by
`means of a Set of codes instead of an original photograph
`image, the Size of the picture remains Small, regeneration of
`the pattern will not significantly consume the device's
`capacity, and loading of the pattern will be fast. Therefore,
`Such a simplified pattern is well Suited to accomplish or
`complement a real-time chat.
`0015 The invention will now be described in more detail
`with reference to the accompanying figures where
`0016 FIG. 1 shows a menu according to a preferred
`embodiment of the invention for generating a pattern,
`0017 FIG. 2 shows a message according to a preferred
`embodiment of the invention on a display,
`0018 FIGS. 3a-3c show patterns according to a pre
`ferred embodiment of the invention,
`0019 FIG. 4a illustrates the generation of a pattern
`according to a preferred embodiment of the invention at a
`Sending terminal, and
`0020 FIG. 4b illustrates the generation of a pattern
`according to a preferred embodiment of the invention at a
`receiving terminal.
`FIG. 1 shows a menu according to a preferred
`embodiment of the invention, which menu for the sake of
`example contains a few features for generating a pattern
`according to the preferred embodiment of the invention.
`According to this preferred embodiment of the invention,
`the menu contains elements of a pattern So that a desired
`pattern can be created by combining different elements. A
`pattern element is typically a discernible part of a pattern,
`Such as a facial feature or facial shape, for instance. Each
`pattern element in the menu is associated with a certain code
`So that an element can be uniquely referred to by using the
`code associated with it.
`0022. In the embodiment depicted in FIG. 1 there are
`four rows numbered consecutively from 1 to 4, and four
`columns indicated by letters A, B, C, D. The pattern ele
`ments in the first row describe different facial shapes. Row
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`Sep. 8, 2005
`1, column A contains a round face 101.a. Row 1, column B
`contains a broad face 101b. Row 1, column C contains a
`narrow, longish face 101c.
`0023 The elements in menu row 2 consist of different
`mouths. Row 2, column A contains a Smiling mouth 102a
`where the corners of the mouth point up. Row 2, column B
`contains a grave, Straight mouth 102b. Row 2, column C
`contains a sad mouth 102c where the corners of the mouth
`point down. Row 2, column D contains an open mouth 102d.
`0024. The elements in menu row 3 consist of different
`eyes. Row 3, column A contains a round, open eye 103a.
`Row 3, column B contains an oval, open eye 103b. Row 3,
`column C contains a narrow, Straight or closed eye 103c.
`Row 3, column D contains glasses 103d.
`0.025 Menu row 4 can be used to choose the hair for the
`pattern to be generated. Row 4, column A contains long,
`straight hair with a fringe 104a. Row 4, column B contains
`short, crew-cut hair 104b. Row 4, column C contains curly
`hair 104c.
`0026. In this embodiment, menu elements can be
`uniquely referred to using a row number/column letter
`combination. A given element may also be referred to by
`means of certain keywords so that the keyword “mouth
`refers to menu row 2, and the keyword Smile specifies
`column A. The menu can be saved in the memory of a device
`in tabular or list form, for example.
`0027. The menu described in the embodiment of FIG. 1
`is advantageously located on the terminal. When generating
`a pattern, one item can be selected in each row to produce
`a face pattern consisting of the Selected features. According
`to a preferred embodiment, elements need not be Selected
`from every row, but a pattern can be generated using e.g. just
`the glasses 103d in row 3, column D and the crew cut 104b
`in row 4, column B. According to another preferred embodi
`ment, the user can choose a plurality of features in one row.
`For example, he/she could Select an open, round eye 103a in
`row 3, column A for the right eye, and a closed eye 103c in
`row 3, column C for the left eye.
`0028. A menu according to a preferred embodiment of
`the invention contains many different elements to be com
`bined, thereby making it possible to describe, as well and as
`individually as possible, a given feeling or emotion associ
`ated with a message or to profile oneself. In addition to that
`which is depicted in FIG. 1, a menu according to a preferred
`embodiment of the invention further contains different ears,
`moustaches, hats, glasses, mouth expressions, noses, collars,
`ties, jewelry and So on. According to another preferred
`embodiment, the user may define new elements in the menu
`or edit the features already included in the menu. For
`example, a user could define a piece of jewelry, tattoo or a
`piercing to profile him/herself. Typically the patterns accord
`ing to the invention are face patterns but other simple
`patterns, Such as tattoo patterns or simplified posture pat
`terns, can also be produced. A posture can be described e.g.
`using a Stick figure So that the menu contains different
`positions of the limbs and body.
`0029. According to a preferred embodiment of the inven
`tion, a menu containing elements used for generating pat
`terns is located on a network Server, for example. According
`to this embodiment, the user may download a menu or parts
`of it from the network server to his/her terminal through a
`WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) link, for example. The
`WAP includes communication protocols to standardize wire
`leSS internet connections. The network may also have addi
`tional features or completely new menu entities which the
`users may download. According to a preferred embodiment,
`additional properties and features can be purchased from a
`Service provider. In one preferred embodiment, elements and
`their codes or whole menus can also be exchanged between
`0030 FIG. 2 shows a display 200 divided into an image
`part 201 and text part 202. The view could be e.g. from a
`chat connection with multiple simultaneous participants.
`According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, users
`may send to the chat Server, in addition to text-based
`messages, pictures to profile themselves. A user may define
`a pattern, using his/her device to indicate desired features,
`here e.g. a narrow face, round eyes, bristly hair, and a Smile.
`At the user's terminal each pattern element is associated
`with a code consisting of character Symbols, for instance.
`These codes are fetched for each element selected by the
`user, compiled into a set of codes defining the pattern. With
`this set of codes a pattern can be generated on a display,
`including the pattern elements, properties and features
`defined by the user. The user Sends this code Set e.g. to the
`chat Site, where the pattern can be regenerated in the image
`part 201 of the display 200. The code set compiled according
`to the elements chosen by the user can be linked to a
`message and Sent together with it. The message may be a
`text (SMS) message, audio message or a multimedia (MMS)
`message. The code Set can be visible to the recipient or it can
`be replaced by a control character or Similar indication of a
`code Set.
`0031. According to a preferred embodiment of the inven
`tion, a chat participant may send to the chat Site the
`following message where the code Set is embedded in the
`message, Separated by curly brackets from the rest of the
`0032) I {I:1A2D,3D,4C had {I2:2B a tense discussion
`{S:54} with my colleague. I wasn't pleased with his work
`0033. In the embodiment depicted in FIG. 3a, the begin
`ning of a message and a first code Set 303a in curly brackets
`are displayed in the message part 302 of the display, and an
`image (I) generated according to the code set is displayed in
`the image part of the display. The elements defined in the
`code Set are a round face 1A, open mouth 2D, glasses 3D,
`and curly hair 4C. The continuation to the message is shown
`in the message part 302 of FIG. 3b where there is the text
`and code set 303a shown in FIG. 3a and the text following
`it and a code set 303b associated with the latter. I2 at the
`beginning of the code set 303b means that element 2 shall be
`changed in the pattern defined earlier. After that it is speci
`fied that the earlier element 2 is now replaced by element 2B,
`which in the menu shown in FIG. 1 is a straight mouth. The
`pattern thus generated is displayed in the image part 301 of
`FIG. 3b. The next code set {S:54 in the message above
`refers to a memory location 5 4 for sounds (S), from which
`memory location a Sound is fetched and generated at this
`point of the message by means of a Sound reproduction
`component in the device.
`In the previous embodiment, the mouth in the
`pattern may be alternately open and closed, thereby creating
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`Sep. 8, 2005
`an illusion that the pattern is talking to the recipient. Patterns
`can be updated at a pace even this quick in accordance with
`the message, because simple patterns are generated imme
`diately on the display and, moreover, the code Set only
`requires a space of a few characters. The last code set 303c
`in the above message, shown in FIG. 3c, changes both the
`mouth and the eyes, the elements in row 2 and 3 respec
`tively. This change is represented by the symbol I2,3 at the
`beginning of the code Set. Selection 2C is a Sad mouth, and
`the eyes 3C are Straight lines. The pattern thus generated is
`displayed in the image part 301 of FIG. 3c.
`0035) In the above description, an image (I) and a sound
`(S) were defined by means of codes. According to a pre
`ferred embodiment of the invention, various Sound patterns
`or an animated image, for example, can be defined in a
`Similar manner to accompany a message. A message may be
`accompanied by Sounds generated from real Sound Samples,
`mechanical Sounds or similar Sounds Stored in memory,
`which Sounds can be referred to and which can be edited
`using certain codes. The Sound patterns used are Stored in the
`memory of the device. Sound patterns are reproduced by
`means of Sound reproduction components in the device. An
`animated image may be produced e.g. Such that a certain
`movement is Selected for a certain element of a pattern from
`a menu, and reference is made to the movement using a
`certain code. For example, eyes can be made to blink, a Stick
`figure to jump, or hands to clap. The movement Selected
`from the menu may be e.g. Such that a whole pattern or a
`given element is flashed on and off, moved along a certain
`track back and forth or in circles, moved along the edges of
`the picture area of the display or randomly within the picture
`0.036 The previous examples describe how elements in a
`menu according to a preferred embodiment of the invention
`can be uniquely referred to. However, reference can be made
`to menu features using other designators or in Some other
`way, e.g. by numbering or otherwise identifying the ele
`ments unambiguously, whereby their position in the menu,
`table or Similar Structure is not necessarily fixed. For
`example, a menu may have certain headerS Such as the
`mouth, eyes, nose and So on, for which there are Subheaders,
`i.e. elements that are identified and that can be referred to
`using descriptive words, ordinal numbers or in Some other
`applicable manner. In addition, parameters can be used to Set
`a volume level for a Selected Sound or a Speed for a
`movement. According to a simple embodiment, these quan
`tities are increased when a plus sign follows the Sound or
`movement code, and decreased when a minus Sign follows
`the Sound or movement code.
`0037. A set of codes according to a preferred embodiment
`of the invention for generating a given pattern is conveyed
`along with a message. It is also possible to Send just the Set
`of codes to a recipient. Typically, a recipient will not see the
`code Sets shown above in curly brackets, but the code Sets
`can be hidden in the message, for example. The code Sets
`may also be located Somewhere else, e.g. they may follow
`the message Separately, whereby the message contains e.g.
`a link, control button or Some other pointer on the basis of
`which the code Set is retrieved at a certain point in the
`0.038 A receiving device according to a preferred
`embodiment has to be capable of generating a pattern on the
`basis of a Set of codes Sent to it. Typically, the receiving
`device has a menu, for example, which contains the ele
`ments in the pattern. The original pattern can be regenerated
`using the data in that menu and the Set of codes. Alterna
`tively, the data required can be fetched from a menu on a
`network Server, for example. This requires a network con
`nection with the Site where the menu or the corresponding
`data are located.
`0039 When the receiving device gets the set of codes
`within a message or as Separate data, the pattern can be
`generated on the basis of the Set of codes immediately after
`the set of codes is received. If the code set is embedded in
`the message, the pattern is generated advantageously when
`the user activates the message part in question, i.e. reads the
`text message, for instance, and the cursor is at the code Set
`or at the character or button indicating the code Set. Accord
`ing to a preferred embodiment, the pattern is generated when
`the control character indicating the code Set is activated by
`e.g. clicking on it or upon accepting the activation. Accord
`ing to another preferred embodiment, the cursor progresses
`in the text according to an estimated reading rate of the user,
`and when the cursor comes to a set of codes, the appropriate
`pattern is generated.
`0040 According to an embodiment, the code-based gen
`eration of patterns on the display can be disabled in Soft
`ware. In addition, certain default values can be defined for
`unidentified elements. If, for example, a user Sends a face
`pattern where the eyes have been edited by him/her, the
`receiving device is not able to generate the eyes unless the
`Sender gives an accurate description and code of the eye
`elements edited by him/her. The default may be that an
`unidentified element is not rendered at all, or if e.g. an
`element is recognized as eyes, based on a row number, but
`the column number refers to an empty location, a certain eye
`element, Such as that in the first column of the menu, can be
`used in the pattern generated.
`0041 According to a preferred embodiment of the inven
`tion, a pattern is generated e.g. by means of a digital camera,
`as depicted in FIG. 4a. An image produced by the camera
`401 is Sent to an image-processing component 402 where an
`image recognition algorithm is applied in order to find
`pattern elements 403 Such as outlines, features, edges and
`Shadows. These are matched against elements in a menu
`according to a preferred embodiment of the invention. For
`each element, Such as e.g. shape of head, eyes, nose and
`mouth, found in image processing 402, the code of the menu
`element that best matches the element found is fetched from
`the menu. 404. The difference between an element found in
`the image produced by the camera and a menu element can
`be computed or modeled in Some other known way So as to
`find the best matching elements, features and shapes. A
`pattern and a set of codes for it are thus generated, Said
`pattern being a reduced version of the image produced by the
`camera but, however, including features and elements of the
`original. The set of codes 405 is compiled based on element
`codes selected from the menu. 404. The menu shown in FIG.
`4a can also be used to generate a pattern without a camera,
`manually, so that features are selected from the menu. 404
`and a set of codes 405 is compiled from those features.
`When the set of codes 405 has been compiled, it can be
`transferred to another terminal where the pattern can be
`regenerated on the basis of the Set of codes. It should be
`evident that a pattern can also be generated using a combi
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`nation of the above described techniques, e.g. using menu
`elements to edit a picture originally produced by a camera.
`FIG. 4b shows a device which receives a code set.
`The code Set 406 is analyzed, and a technique, Such as a
`menu, by means of which the pattern is to be generated, is
`Selected on the basis of the code Set used. Patterns may use
`different code Sets and the receiving device has to identify
`the code set used to be able to generate a pattern according
`to it. A code Set compiled from an image taken with a camera
`may consist of pixels of certain features, for example.
`Elements that make up the pattern are fetched from the menu
`404 on the basis of individual codes in the code set identified
`in conjunction with image generation 407. The pattern
`generated on the basis of the elements defined by the codes
`in the code set is shown on a display 409.
`Typically, so-called edges are searched for in an
`image produced by a camera. Facial features Such as eyes,
`nose and mouth have very sharp edgeS. The contrast of the
`original image is a Significant factor as regards the recog
`nizability of features and, generally, pattern elements. Indi
`vidual points, instead of lines describing features, produce
`the sharpest regenerated pattern. That, however, requires a
`lot of processing power in the equipment used. Typically, a
`reduced image regenerated on the basis of a code Set is not
`recognizable any more. In chat groups, for example, recog
`nizability is not even wanted, but the image is meant just to
`emphasize certain Selected features to cause a certain imag
`0044 Patterns can be edited as desired, e.g. by means of
`image editing Software. A pattern or a given element in it can
`e.g. be twisted or Stretched in a certain direction. According
`to an embodiment of the invention, a pattern can be edited
`using menu elements, by changing or adding menu elements
`in/to the pattern. A code Set compiled can be Saved for later
`use. Edited features can also be Saved in the menu.
`0.045 An image produced by a camera can be advanta
`geously kept as a template which can be used to produce
`edited versions, emphasizing certain elements. One Such
`version could be used e.g. as a user profile for a chat group,
`and it could be stored by a Service provider, in a network, on
`a Server or Somewhere else from which place the user can
`fetch it when necessary. Special image banks can be estab
`lished in a network, where images can be Saved and
`retrieved for later use.
`0046) One factor influencing the code set and the sim
`plified pattern generated on the basis thereof is the algorithm
`used in image recognition. If the equipment has enough
`processing power and it is possible to perform image rec
`ognition in real time, a simplified, real-time image from a
`camera can be sent to a receiving device. This requires that
`the Sending device itself has or is connected to a camera, for
`instance to a Video camera, to generate an image in real time.
`This requires that the camera has certain rate of shooting, i.e.
`the camera can produce certain number of images per
`Second. Certain elements are Searched for in the image e.g.
`at certain intervals, and elements found are used to compile
`a code Set to be transferred to the receiving device. Espe
`cially in real-time applications, the data also has to be
`transferred at a fast rate, and the receiving device has to be
`able to generate the pattern based on the code Set immedi
`ately. In real-time applications the receiving device adavan
`tageously uses Some Synchronizing mechanism and buffer
`ing to keep the datastream Steady.
`1. A method for conveying a message including a pattern,
`comprising the Steps of:
`specifying an element (403) of a pattern (201, 301)
`comprising elements,
`assigning a code for the element (403) specified to iden
`tify the element (403),
`compiling a set of code