`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1029 - Page 1 of 4


`No. 788,707,
`La. a.
`SamuelT Covrerstone
`LHSchum by SAHAypthlssepee
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1029 - Page 2 of 4
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1029 - Page 2 of 4


`No. 788,707.
`Patented May 2, 1905.
` form a square or rectangular head 6. Upon
`SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 788,707, dated May 2, 1905.
`Application filed January 30,1906, Serial No. 243,301.
`Lo all whom it may concern:
`Be it known that I, SaworiT. Coverstonr,|this head 6 is secured a frame 6’, which con-
`a citizen of the United States, residing at|sists of two curved or bowedbars 7, crossed
`MountPleasant, in the county of Isabella and|at their center and having their ends 8 ex-
`5 State of Michigan, have invented certain new|tending downwardly and connected to the 55
`and useful Improvements. in Light-Towers;|head 6, so as to form continuations of the cor-
`and I do declare the following to be a full,|ner-beams 2.
`clear, and exact description of the invention,
`Extending centrally throughthe tower is a
`such as will enable others skilled in the art to|vertical guide-rod 9, upon whichis slidably
`ro whichit appertains to make and use thesame.|mounted a light-hanger 10. This rod 9 may 6°
`Myinvention relates to improvements in;be solid or tubular in cross-section, and its
`light-towers, and particularly to that class of|upper end is screw-threaded, as at 11, and
`such devices in which the lights may be low-|passed through alining openings formedin
`ered from their normally elevated position in|the crossed portions of the bows or bars 7.
`1§ the tower, so as to permit the person in charge|The lowerendof the rod 9 is secured upon a 65
`to have ready access to them for the purpose|platform 12, which is provided adjacent to
`of trimming, renewing, cleaning, repairing,|the lower end of the towerfor the purpose of
`or the like.
`supportingthe mechanism, by meansof which
`The object of the invention is to improve|the light-hanger 10 is raised and lowered.
`20 and simplify the construction and operation|This platform may be of any desired con- 7°
`of devices of this character, and thereby ren-|struction and is atasufficientheight from the
`der the same more durable and efficient in|ground to prevent persons upon the latter
`use and less expensive to manufacture.
`from having access to the operating mechan-
`With the above and other objects in view|ism upon it.
`25 the invention consists of certain novel fea-
`The light-hanger 10 comprises a sleeve or 75
`tures of construction, combination, and ar-|tube 13, which is adaptedto slide freely upon
`rangement of parts, as will be hereinafter|the rod 9, and which has projecting radially
`morefully described, and particularly pointed|from its upper and lower ends supporting-
`out in the appended claim,
`arms 14 and 15. The upper arms 14 are
`30 ©6©In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1|braced from the sleeve 18, as shown at 16, 80
`isa side elevation of a light-tower constructed|and from their outer ends are suspended elec-
`in accordance with my invention, the lights|tric lights 17, preferably in the form of the
`being in their elevated position. Fig. 2 is a|usual electric-arc lamps. The lower portions
`similar view of the same, the lights being|of the lamps are connected, as shown at 18,
`35 shown in their lowered position. Fig. 3 is a|to the outer ends of the lower arms 15, so 85
`vertical sectional view on an enlarged scale.|that they will be prevented from swinging.
`Fig. 4is a horizontal sectional view taken on
`In order to move the lamp-hanger 10 from
`the line 44 of Fig. 3and looking in the direc-|its elevated position within the frame 6’
`tion indicated by the arrow, and Fig. 5 is an|(shown in Fig. 1) to its lowered position above
`40 end view of the windlass used for raising and|the platform 12, (shown-in Fig. 2,).I provide 90
`lowering the lights.
`upon the platform 12 a windlass or hoisting
`Referring to the drawings by numeral, 1|device 19 and connect the same by means of
`denotes a tower which may be of any desired|cables or other flexible connections to said
`size,. form, and construction, but which is|hanger 10 and a counterbalancing-weight 20.
`45 preferably made of iron orsteel, and con-|The windlass 19 comprises adouble drum 21, 95
`sists of four upwardly-converging corner|which is secured upon a shaft 22, journaled in
`posts or beams 2, connected by crossed di-|suitable bearings in a support or bracket 23,
`agonal braces 3 and intermediate parallel|secured upon the platform 12. Secured upon
`braces 4. The upperends of the corner-beams|
`said drum 21 and wound in opposite direc-
`tions thereon are two cables 24 and 25, the 100
`2 are connected by bars or beams 5, which
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1029 - Page 3 of 4
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1029 - Page 3 of 4


`lamp-hanger 10 may be readily raised and |
`these loose
`In order to prevent
`ormer of which is secured to the weight 20|
`portions 42 of the cables from interfering
`’ and the latter of which is secured to the lower
`| with the movementof the lamp-hanger when
`end of the lamp-hanger 10. Another cable,
`the same is operated, I] provide upon said
`26, is provided and has oneof its ends secured
`portions weights 48, which cause the same to
`to the weight 20 andits other end secured to
`lower as the hanger is lowered.
`the upper end of the lamp-hanger 10 after
`The construction, operation, and advan-
`being passed over a guide-pulley 27, whichis
`tages of the invention will be readily under-
`journaled in a block 28, secured upon the up-
`stood from the foregoing description, taken
`per threaded end 11 of the guide-rod 9. The
`in connection with the accompanying draw-
`cable 26 passes through a guide ring or loop
`It will be seen that when the lamp-
`29, which has its upper and lower ends out-
`hangeris in its elevated position in the top of
`wardly flared or funnel-shaped, as shown at
`the tower the counterbalancing-weight will
`30, to permit the weight 20 to pass freely|
`be in its lowered position above the platform,
`The weight 20 is of eylin-
`as shown in Fig. 1, and that when the lamp-
`drical form and has its upper and lower ends,
`hanger is lowered by operating the crank-
`to which the cables 26 and 24 are secured,
`handle 32 of the windlass 19 the weight 20
`tapered, as shown at 31, so that the weight
`| will be elevated.
`mayreadily enter the guide 29. The drum
`While I have shown and described the pre-
`21 is operated by means of a crank-handle 32,
`ferred embodiment of my invention, it will
`which is secured upon ashort shaft 33, mount-
`be understood that I do not wish to be lim-
`ed in bearings upon the support 23. Upon
`ited to the precise construction herein set
`said shaft 83 is a pinion 34, which meshes
`forth, since various changes in the form, pro-
`with a gear 85, secured upon one end of the
`portion, and the minordetails of construction
`winding-drum 21. A pivoted locking-pawl
`may be resorted to without departing from
`36 is provided upon the support 238 and en-
`the principle or sacrificing any of the advan-
`gages the pinion 34, as clearly shown in
`tages of this invention.
`Having thus described myinvention, what
`In order to throwthe light from the lamps
`I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters
`17, which are preferably but not necessa-
`Patent, is—
`rily fourin number, as shown, down upon
`A tower havingavertical guide-rod therein,
`the groundorstreet adjacent to the tower, I
`a light-holder having a sleeve slidable verti-
`provide upon the top of the frame 6 a re-
`cally on said guide-rod, a guide-loop on one
`flector 37, which is dished or concave, as
`side of said sleeve, a pulley above the guide-
`shown. This reflector is preferably made of
`rod, a lowering-cable attached to the light-
`copper or other suitable metal and has its
`holder, a hoisting-cable attached to the light-
`underside nickel-plated or otherwise finished,
`holder, passed over the pulley, through the
`so as to provide a good reflecting-surface.
`guide-loop of the holder and having. a coun-
`The reflector is secured -upon the bows 7 of
`tersunk balancing -weight adapted to pass
`the frame 6’, preferably by means of bolts or
`through the guide-loop, and an endless cable
`screws 38, andat its center is provided a dome
`to which the lowering and hoisting cables are
`. 89, which is adapted to cover and protect the |
`geuide-pulley 27 andits block 28.
`In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
`~ Electricity is supplied to the lamps 17
`my handin presence of two subscribing wit-
`through electric-conductor cables 40, which
`extend from the platform 12 to the top of the
`tower. These cables have their lower por-
`tions 41 secured upon the corner-beams 2; but
`their upper portions 42 are loose, so that the|
`2 f
`~T mn
`C. A. KELLoae,
`C. W. RicHEs.
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1029 - Page 4 of 4
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1029 - Page 4 of 4

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