a») United States
`a2) Patent Application Publication (1) Pub. No.: US 2015/0184840 Al
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jul. 2, 2015
`US 20150184840A1
`Publication Classification
`CORP., Airdrie (CA)
`Inventors: Matthew GOWANLOCK,Airdrie
`(CA); Darey K. DUPUIS, Calgary (CA)
`CORP., Airdrie (CA)
`(21) Appl. No.: 14/632,592
`(22) Filed:
`Feb. 26, 2015
`Related U.S, Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 14/093,097,
`filed on Nov. 29, 2013.
`Int. Cl.
`F21V 2130
`F21V 14/02
`E21B 15/00
`F21V 21/116
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC wee F21V 2106 (2013.01); F21V 21/116
`(2013.01); F21V 14/02 (2013.01); E21B 15/00
`(2013.01); F21W 2131/40 (2013.01)
`A lighting system for a drilling rig including a lighting frame
`attachable to a crownofthe drilling rig, wherein the lighting
`frame includesa fixed or adjustable frame portion attached to
`the crownof the drilling rig and a light bearing frame portion
`supported by the frame portion. Also providedis at least one
`light support post attached to the light bearing frame portion
`for holding a lighting fixture and at least onelighting fixture
`attachedto each light support post.
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 1 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 1 of 13


`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 2,2015 Sheet 1 of 7
`US 2015/0184840 Al
`FIG. 1
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 2 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 2 of 13


`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 2, 2015 Sheet 2 of 7
`US 2015/0184840 Al
`GES fel hee
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 3 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 3 of 13


`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 2, 2015 Sheet 3 of 7
`US 2015/0184840 Al
`penemuseny an 0 pee,
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`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 4 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 4 of 13


`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 2,2015 Sheet 4 of 7
`US 2015/0184840 Al
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 5 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 5 of 13


`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 2,2015 Sheet 5 of 7
`US 2015/0184840 Al
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 6 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 6 of 13


`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 2,2015 Sheet 6 of 7
`US 2015/0184840 Al
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 7 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 7 of 13


`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 2,2015 Sheet 7 of 7
`US 2015/0184840 Al
` eae
`IN f
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 8 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 8 of 13


`US 2015/0184840 Al
`Jul. 2, 2015
`[0001] The present application is a continuation-in-part of
`US. patent application Ser. No. 14/093,097 filed Nov. 29,
`2013, the disclosure ofwhich is expressly incorporated herein
`by reference.
`[0002] Thepresent invention relates generally to the field of
`drilling apparatuses, such asoil drilling rig arrangements, and
`in particular to a lighting system for use in an oil drilling rig.
`[0003] Drilling rigs are used to form wellbores for the pur-
`poseofextracting oil, natural gasor other fluids from subsur-
`face deposits. Drilling rigs can also be used for sampling
`subsurface mineral deposits, testing rock or ground fluid
`properties andforinstalling subsurface utilities, instrumen-
`tations, tunnels or wells. In implementation, drilling rigs may
`be mobile equipmenttransportable bytruck,rail, trailers, or
`similar, rigs may also be semi-permanent and permanent
`It is an object of the invention to improve upon one
`fixtures as in the casefor oil drilling of large wells. Marine-
`or more of the aforementioned deficiencies with the priorart.
`based structures are also widely known. Generally, the term
`Accordingly, in one embodiment of the invention, there is
`drilling rig refers to an arrangement of equipmentthatis used
`provided a lighting system for a drilling rig includinga light-
`to penetrate the subsurfaceof the earth’s crust.
`ing frame attached to a crownofthe drilling rig, wherein the
`[0004] Aconventionaldrilling rig 30 is illustrated in FIG.7,
`lighting frame includes a fixed or adjustable frame portion
`wherethe drilling rig 30 includesaderrick 14, which provides
`attached to the crown ofthedrilling rig and a light bearing
`a support structure for a majority of the equipment used to
`frame portion supported by the frame portion; at least one
`raise and lowerdrillstring 25 into and outof a wellbore. The
`light support post attached to the light bearing frameportion
`drillstring 25 may be an assembled collection of drillpipe,
`for holding a lighting fixture; and,at least one lighting fixture
`drill collars, or any other assembled collection of assorted
`attached to each the light support post.
`tools and equipment connected together and run into the
`[0010] According to an aspectofthis first embodiment, the
`wellbore to facilitate the drilling of a well. Thedrillstring 25
`frameportion is adjustable and includesat least four support
`mayberaised and lowered into an doutofthe wellbore by the
`posts for rigidly fixing the adjustable frame portion to the
`draw-works 7, which includes a spool powered bya motor or
`crown, and further includes, between at least two adjacent
`other power source 5. A drill line 12, which maybea thick,
`support posts, a first tubular load bearing member connected
`stranded metal cable, is run through a travelling block 11.
`to one of the adjacent support posts; a second tubular load
`Typically, the crown block 13 remainsstationary while trav-
`bearing member connectedto the other of the adjacent sup-
`elling block 11 moves vertically with the drillstring 25. The
`port posts; an extendable frame member extending between
`combinationofthe crown block 13 andthe travelling block 11
`and into each ofthe first and second tubular members; such
`provides a significant mechanical advantage for lifting the
`that the first and second tubular load bearing members are
`drillstring 25. Further, a swivel 18 may be attached to the
`moveable with respect to the extendable frame member to
`travelling block 11 to allow rotation of the drillstring 25
`thereby adjust a distance between adjacent support posts.
`without twisting the travelling block 11. Drill pipes 16 and
`[0011] Another aspectofthis first embodiment, includes a
`hole casing 26 are also shown.
`pin extending through the respective tubular load bearing
`[0005] The drilling rig 30 further includesa rotarytable 20
`memberand the extendable frame memberforfixing each of
`mounted ina rig floor 21, which is used to rotate the drillstring
`said first and second tubular members with respect to said
`25 along with a kelly drive 19. Kelly drive 19, attached at an
`extendable frame member.
`upperend to the swivel 18 and ata lowerendto the drillstring
`25, is inserted through therotary table 20 to rotate the drill-
`string 25 (drillstring rotation shown by arrow “R”). Kelly
`drive 19 may be square, hexagonal, or any other polygonal-
`shaped tubing and is able to move freely vertically while the
`rotary table 20 rotates it. Alternatively, drilling rig 30 may
`include a top drive (not shown) in place of kelly drive 19 and
`rotary table 20. Additionally, blowout preventers (‘BOPs’’)
`may be located below the rig floor 21 and installed atop a
`wellhead 27 to preventfluids and gases from escaping from
`the wellbore. An annular BOP 23 and one or more ram BOPs
`24 are shown and are commonlyunderstood inthe art.
`[0006] Duringdrilling operations, drilling fluid may be cir-
`culated through the system to carry cuttings away from the
`bottom of the wellbore as drilling progresses. Drilling fluid
`may be stored in mud tanks 1 before being drawn through
`suction line 3 by mud pumps4. Drilling fluid (drilling fluid
`route is indicated by arrows “F”) is then pumped from mud
`pumps 4 through a hose 6, upa standpipe 8, througha flexible
`hose 9, and downinto the wellbore. Drilling fluid returning
`from the wellbore is routed through a flow line 28 to shakers
`2, which are used to separate drill cuttings fromthe drilling
`fluid before it is pumped back down the wellbore.
`[0007] Drilling operations typically occur during daylight
`hours andvisibility in and around the drilling rig has histori-
`cally only been required when manual work is being done,
`inspection and calibration, for example. There is a desire to
`increase productivity by providing visibility during hours of
`low daylight, and this has thus far been accomplished by
`providing mobile lighting arrangements on vehicles proxi-
`mate the drilling rig, or otherwise manually adding
`impromptu lighting arrangements.
`[0008] These arrangements are inadequate andnot readily
`adaptable to systematic visibility improvements in appropri-
`ate locations arounda drilling rig.
`[0012] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`ment, the at least two adjacent support posts comprisesall of
`the at least four support posts; wherein the at least four sup-
`port posts are arranged to form a generallyrectangular shape.
`[0013] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`ment, the light bearing frame portion comprises an outer
`structural frame consisting ofa plurality of connected beams
`fainting a perimeter around whichtheatleast one light fixture
`1s attached.
`[0014] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`ment, the light bearing frame portion further includesatleast
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 9 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 9 of 13


`US 2015/0184840 Al
`Jul. 2, 2015
`twocross-braces connectinga first side ofthe outer structural
`frame to a second side ofthe outerstructural frame; thefirst
`and second sides being generally parallel to each other; at
`least one support brace connecting the at least two cross-
`braces to each other; and a locating brace connecting one of
`the at least one support brace to a third side of the outer
`structuralframe; the third side being generally perpendicular
`to the first and secondsizes.
`[0015] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`ment, there is provided a second locating brace connecting a
`secondofthe at least one support brace to a fourth size of the
`outerstructural frame; the fourth side being generally perpen-
`dicularto the first and secondsizes.
`[0016] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`ment,at least one of the extendable frame members comprise
`a recess at a midpoint thereof sized and otherwise dimen-
`sionedto receive a main body portion ofthe locating brace,
`suchthat the recess restricts movement ofthe locating brace
`in a direction parallel to the extendable frame member.
`[0017] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`ment, at the at least of the extendable frame members com-
`prises two of the extendable frame members positioned par-
`allel to each other.
`memberand the extendable frame memberforfixing each of
`said first and second tubular members with respect to said
`extendable frame member.
`[0026] According to another aspect of this second embodi-
`ment, the at least two adjacent support posts comprisesall of
`the at least four support posts; wherein the at least four sup-
`port posts are arranged to forma generally rectangular shape.
`[0027] According to another aspectof this second embodi-
`ment, the light bearing frame portion comprises an outer
`structural frameconsisting ofa plurality of connected beams
`forming a perimeter around whichtheat least one light fixture
`is attached.
`[0028] According to another aspect of this second embodi-
`ment, the light bearing frame portion further includesatleast
`two cross-braces connectinga first side ofthe outer structural
`frame to a secondside of the outer structural frame; thefirst
`and second sides being generally parallel to each other; at
`least one support brace connecting the at least two cross-
`braces to each other; and, a locating brace connecting one of
`the at least one support brace to a third side of the outer
`structural frame; the third side being generally perpendicular
`to the first and second sizes.
`[0029] According to anotheraspectof this second embodi-
`[0018] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`ment, there is further provided a second locating brace con-
`ment, the light bearing portion further comprises a plurality of
`necting a secondofthe at least one support brace to a fourth
`light holding platforms spaced aroundaperimeterofthe outer
`size of the outer structural frame; the fourth side being gen-
`structural frame; the light holding platforms each comprising
`erally perpendicularto the first and second sizes.
`a first portion for attaching to the outer structural frame and a
`[0030] According to another aspect of this second embodi-
`second portion for holding the light support posts.
`ment, at least one ofthe extendable frame members comprise
`[0019] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`a recess at a midpoint thereof sized and otherwise dimen-
`ment, each of the light support posts are adapted to hold at
`sioned to receive a main body portion ofthe locating brace,
`east twolight fixtures.
`such that the recess restricts movementofthe locating brace
`[0020] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`in a direction parallel to the extendable frame member.
`ment, the at least twolightfixtures are spacedvertically from
`[0031] According to another aspect of this second embodi-
`each other.
`ment, at the at least of the extendable frame members com-
`[0021] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`prises two of the extendable frame members positioned par-
`allel to each other.
`ment, the corner support postsare rigidly affixed to the crown
`by a bracket positioned proximate a bottom end of each the
`corner support posts; the bracket being attachableto a body of
`he crown, proximate a base of the crown.
`[0022] According to another aspect of this first embodi-
`ment, each lighting fixture can swivelortilt.
`[0023] According to asecond embodimentofthe invention,
`here is provided a frame for holdingatleast one lightfixture
`in a drilling rig arrangement; the frame including a fixed or
`adjustable frameportion,a light bearing frame portion sup-
`ported by the frame portion, at least one light support post
`attached to the light bearing frame portion for holding a
`ighting fixture, and at least one lighting fixture attached to
`eachthe light support post.
`[0024] Accordingto one aspect ofthis second embodiment,
`he frame portion is adjustable and includes at least four
`support posts for rigidly fixing the adjustable frameportion to
`he crown,andfurther includes, betweenatleast two adjacent
`support posts: a first tubular load bearing member connected
`[0036] FIG. 21safront view of the embodiment of FIG.1.
`o one of the adjacent support posts; a second tubular load
`FIG. 3 is a side view of the embodimentof FIG.1.
`bearing member connectedto the other of the adjacent sup-
`FIG. 41s a top view of the embodiment of FIG.1.
`port posts; an extendable frame member extending between
`FIG. 5isa detail perspective view of an example of
`and into each of the first and second tubular members; such
`how thelighting system may be connected to the drilling rig.
`hat the first and second tubular load bearing members are
`FIG. 6isa perspective view ofanexemplary lighting
`moveable with respect to the extendable frame member to
`frame according to an embodimentofthe invention.
`hereby adjust a distance between adjacent support posts.
`[0025] Another aspectof this second embodimentincludes
`FIG. 7 is a prior art drawing depicting a general
`a pin extending through the respective tubular load bearing
`[0032] According to another aspect of this second embodi-
`ment, the light bearing portion further comprisesa plurality of
`light holding platforms spaced arounda perimeterofthe outer
`structural frame; said light holding platforms each compris-
`ing a first portion for attaching to said outer structural frame
`and a secondportion for holding said light support posts.
`[0033] According to another aspect of this second embodi-
`ment, each lighting fixture can swivel and/ortilt.
`[0034] Embodiments will now be described, by way of
`example only, with reference to the attached Figures,
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a lighting system
`mounted on a drilling rig according one embodimentof the
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 10 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 10 of 13


`US 2015/0184840 Al
`Jul. 2, 2015
`[0042] Referring now to FIGS. 1 to 4, a crown 100 of a
`drilling rig is illustrated in combination with the lighting
`system 200 of the present invention. Crown 100 includes a
`base 105 and anouter framestructure 110 includingvertical
`115 and horizontal 120 frame members arranged to extend
`rom the base 105 suchthat the base 105 provides an internal
`floor to the crown 100. Various drilling rig functional ele-
`ments are illustrated, as previously described with respect to
`FIG.7, but these are not described herein in additionaldetail.
`The inventionis not limited to particular types of drilling rig
`unctional elements and may be used in variousdrilling rig
`applications. The crown 100 as herein illustrated and
`described is an exemplary crown intended to showthose
`eatures and elements interacting with the lighting system
`200. The lighting system in combination with other crown
`arrangements as are known in the art are equally contem-
`plated by the invention.
`[0043] Lighting system 200 generally includes a lighting
`rame 205 (shown in FIG. 6, and described in more detail
`herein below), a plurality oflight support posts 210, which are
`rotatable so as to allow eachindividuallightfixture to swivel,
`arranged arounda perimeterofthe lighting frame and extend-
`ing vertically such that one or morelight fixtures 215, 215a
`and/or 215, may be connected to each light support post 210.
`Light fixture brackets 251 are also structured so as to allow
`eachlight fixture to tilt up and down. Theplurality of light
`fixtures 215 arranged and separated vertically from each
`other by their positioning on the light support posts 210
`permits for light to be directed in a predetermined region
`proximate the crown 100 and at a predetermined region
`encompassing a ground area surrounding the drill rig. Thatis,
`one group oflights may be directed towards particular equip-
`menton the drilling rig, while another group maybedirected
`o an area surrounding the drilling rig to provide maximum
`ighting for personnel working in or aroundthe drilling rig.
`The light to weight ratio of the light fixture should be as high
`as possible. For example, about 1000 lumens per pound could
`typically be used.
`[0044] Referring also to FIG. 6, there is shown an exem-
`plary lighting frame 205 includes four corner support posts
`220 extending from the base of the crown,or froma position
`proximate the base ofthe crown. The corner support posts 220
`prop up, or otherwise raise above the base of the crown an
`adjustable frame portion 225. The adjustable frame portion
`225 supports a light bearing frame portion 230, which will be
`described in further detail below. Adjustable frame portion
`225 is provided suchthat the lighting system can be employed
`on crownsof various sizes. Providing the adjustable frame
`portion 225 in a manner independent of the light bearing
`frame portion 230 permits adjustment of the lighting frame
`205to fit various sized crowns without having to adjust the
`attachment ofthe individual lights 215 or adjust the number
`of lights 215 beingattached to the fixture. In this manner, the
`lighting system canbe readilyretrofitted to an existing crown
`for long term use, or moved from one crown to another where
`short term use is required.
`[0045] More particularly, the adjustable frame portion 225,
`includes along each ofits outer portions, a pair ofload bearing
`members 235 rigidly connectedto respective corner support
`posts 220: Each pair of load bearing members 235 has posi-
`tioned therebetween an extendable frame member 240. Each
`of the load bearing members 235 are tubular, such as tubular
`steel, and are positioned and otherwise arranged suchthat the
`extendable frame member 240 extends into the tubular por-
`tion of each pair of load bearing members 235. A pin orother
`protruding element 247is arranged on the load bearing mem-
`bers 235 and is adapted to extend through a hole in the
`extendable frame member240 to thereby fix the positioning
`ofthe load bearing members 235 with respect to the extend-
`able frame member.In operation, the load bearing members
`235are slidable along the extendable frame member 240 to a
`desired point, where they can belocked in place by extending
`the pin 247 through the hole in the extendable frame member
`240, and though a rear portion of the load bearing member
`235 to lock the load bearing member 235 with respect to the
`extendable frame member 240. This permits the lighting
`frame 205 to be linearly adjustable in a rectangular manner
`along the x andy axis shownin FIG.6. For completeness and
`clarity, it will be apparentthat the frame 205 includes four
`pairs of the load bearing members 235 described above,
`adjustable about four respective extendable frame members
`240. Extendable frame members 240a and 2406 located on
`the longersides of the frame 205 include a recess 275 proxi-
`mate a midpoint thereof,
`the purpose of which will be
`described further below. Optionally, a similar recess may be
`providedin eachof the extendable frame members 240.
`[0046] The light bearing frame portion 230 is positioned
`atop the load bearing members 235 which provide support for
`the light bearing frame portion 230. The light bearing frame
`portion 230 includes an outer structural frame 243 consisting
`of a plurality of tubular or solid beams 250 forming a perim-
`eter around whichthe series of lights are to be mounted. The
`bearing frame portion 245 further includes cross-braces 255
`holding the structure together, where such cross-braces 255
`are preferably perpendicular to a side of the lighting system
`having a longer length, for example perpendicular to the y
`axis shown in FIG. 6. Connectingthe pair of cross-braces are
`one, and preferably two support braces 260. The support
`braces 260 are positioned internally to the outer structural
`frame 245 and each have at a midpoint thereof a locating
`brace 265 connecting the support brace 260 to one member
`270 of said outer structural frame 245.
`Inorderto locate the light bearing frame portion 230
`with respect to the adjustable frame portion 225, a recess 275
`is providedin the extendable frame members 240a and 2408,
`into which the locating braces 265 are positioned. Fixing
`braces 280 connect the outerstructural frame members 245to
`the extendable frame members 240 along the shorter side of
`the frame,that is along the x axis ofFIG.6. With this arrange-
`ment, the adjustable frame portion 225 can be installed in a
`crownof varying sizes while the light bearing frame portion
`230 is held centered upon the lighting frame, resulting in it
`being centered with respectto the crown on whichitis placed.
`One skilled in the art will appreciate that various addition
`meansforfixing the light bearing portion are also contem-
`plated, including clamps, screws or additional locating pins.
`[0048] Atop the light bearing frame portion 230, spaced
`along the perimeter of the tubular or solid beams 250 are a
`plurality of light holding platforms 285. The light holding
`platforms 285 are preferably welded, or otherwise attached,
`to the beams 250. The light holding platforms 285 generally
`comprise a portion attaching them to the beams 250 and a
`portion adapted to hold the light support posts 210, onto
`whicheach ofthe lights 215 are mounted. In the illustrated
`embodiment, the portion adapted to hold the light support
`posts 210 includes a recess or hole 290 into whichthelight
`support posts 210 can befriction-fit, clamped, screwedinto,
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 11 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 11 of 13


`US 2015/0184840 Al
`Jul. 2, 2015
`or otherwise attached. It is also contemplated that the light
`support posts 210 can be welded into the recess or hole 290.
`[0049] Light support posts 210 preferably comprise a ver-
`tically extending post onto which a variety of styles of light
`fixtures 215 may be mounted. As discussedearlier, in a pre-
`ferred embodiment two light fixtures may be mounted on
`each light support post 215, spaced vertically from each other,
`thus allowing light to be directed to a plurality of key posi-
`tions around the drilling rig.
`[0050] As shown in FIG.5,in ordertofix the lighting frame
`205 with respect to the crown 100, brackets 300 may be
`provided proximate a bottom portion of each corner support
`post 220. The brackets 300 may be adapted to be connected to
`corresponding brackets (not shown) on the crown 100 or
`alternatively, to be attacheddirectly to a portion of the crown
`itself. For example, bolts may fix the brackets 300 directly
`into a portion of the crown.
`[0051] The base frame whichis attached to the crown, is
`typically made of carbon steel, for example, for strength,
`especially in cold weather. The light frameis typically made
`of aluminum, for weight reasons. And while the frame has
`primarily been described above as adjustable, the pieces
`described above can also be fixed, for example, where a
`specific frame is pre-designed for a particular sized crown,
`rendering the need for the adjustable pieces unnecessary.
`[0052] The scope ofthe claims should notbe limited by the
`preferred embodiments set forth in description ofthe pre-
`erred embodimentsor in the examples, but should be given
`he broadest interpretation consistent with the description as
`a whole.
`1. A lighting system fora drilling rig comprising:
`a lighting frame attached to a crown ofthe drilling rig,
`wherein the lighting frame includesa fixed or adjustable
`frame portion attached to the crown of the drilling rig
`and a light bearing frame portion supported by said
`frame portion;
`at least one light support post attached to said light bearing
`frameportion for holding a lighting fixture; and,
`at least one lighting fixture attached to each said light
`support post.
`2. The lighting system according to claim 1, wherein said
`frame portion is adjustable and includesat least four support
`posts for rigidly fixing said frame portion to the crown, and
`further comprises, between at least two adjacent support
`a first tubular load bearing member connected to one of
`said adjacent support posts;
`a second tubular load bearing member connected to the
`other of said adjacentsupport posts;
`an extendable frame member extending between and into
`eachofsaid first and second tubular members;
`such that said first and second tubularload bearing mem-
`bers are moveable with respectto said extendable frame
`memberto thereby adjust a distance between adjacent
`support posts.
`3. The lighting system according to claim 2, including at
`least one pin extending through said respective tubular load
`bearing memberandsaid extendable frame memberfor fixing
`each ofsaid first and second tubular members with respect to
`said extendable frame member.
`4. The lighting system accordingto claim 2, wherein said at
`least two adjacent support posts comprisesall of said at least
`four support posts; wherein said at least four support posts are
`arranged to form a generally rectangular shape.
`5. The lighting system according to claim 2, wherein said
`light bearing frame portion comprises an outer structural
`frame consisting ofa plurality of connected beams forming a
`perimeter around which said at least one light fixture is
`6. Thelighting system according to claim 5, wherein said
`light bearing frame portion further comprises:
`at least two cross-braces connectinga first side of said outer
`structural frameto a secondsideof said outer structural
`frame; said first and second sides being generally paral-
`lel to each other;
`at least one support brace connecting said at least two
`cross-braces to each other;
`a locating brace connecting oneofsaid at least one support
`brace to a third side of said outer structural frame; said
`third side being generally perpendicularto said first and
`7. The lighting system accordingto claim 6, further com-
`prising a secondlocating brace connecting a secondof said at
`least one support brace to a fourth size of said outer structural
`frame; said fourth side being generally perpendicular to said
`first and secondsizes.
`8. The lighting system according to claim 6, wherein at
`least one ofsaid extendable frame members comprise a recess
`at a midpoint thereof sized and otherwise dimensioned to
`receive a main body portion ofsaid locating brace, such that
`said recess restricts movement of said locating brace in a
`direction parallel to said extendable frame member.
`9. The lighting system accordingto claim 8, wherein at said
`at least of said extendable frame members comprises two of
`said extendable frame members positioned parallel to each
`10. The lighting system according to claim 5, wherein said
`light bearing portion further comprises a plurality of light
`holding platforms spaced around a perimeter of said outer
`structural frame; said light holding platforms each compris-
`ing a first portion for attaching to said outer structural frame
`and a secondportionfor holding said light support posts.
`11. The lighting system according to claim 10, wherein
`said each ofsaid light support posts are adapted to hold at
`least two light fixtures.
`12. The lighting system according to claim 11, where said
`at least two light fixtures are spaced vertically from each
`13. The lighting system according to claim 2, wherein said
`corner support posts are rigidly affixed to said crown by a
`bracket positioned proximate a bottom end of each said cor-
`ner support posts; said bracket being attached to the body of
`the crown, proximate the base of the crown.
`14. The lighting system according to claim 1, wherein each
`lighting fixture can swivel and/ortilt.
`15.A frame for holding at least one light fixture ina drilling
`rig arrangement; the frame comprising:
`A fixed or adjustable frame portion;
`a light bearing frame portion supported bysaid frame por-
`at least one light support post attachedto saidlight bearing
`frame portionfor holding a lighting fixture; and,
`at least one lighting fixture attached to each said light
`support post.
`16. The frame according to claim 14, wherein said frame
`portion is adjustable and includes at least four support posts
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 12 of 13
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1019 - Page 12 of 13


`US 2015/0184840 Al
`Jul. 2, 2015
`at least one support brace connecting said at least two
`cross-braces to each other;
`a locating brace connecting oneofsaid at least one support
`brace to a third side of said outer structural frame; said
`third side being generally perpendicularto said first and
`21. The frame according to claim 19, further comprising a
`second locating brace connecting a secondofsaid at least one
`support brace to a fourth size of said outer structural frame;
`said fourth side being generally perpendicularto said first and
`for rigidly fixing said adjustable frameportion to the crown,
`and further comprises, between at least two adjacent support
`a first tubular load bearing member connected to one of
`said adjacent support posts;
`a second tubular load bearing member connected to the
`other of said adjacent support posts;
`an extendable frame member extending between and into
`eachof said first and second tubular members;
`such that said first and second tubular load bearing mem-
`bers are moveable with respect to said extendable frame
`memberto thereby adjust a distance between adjacent
`support posts.
`17. The frame according to claim 15, includingatleast one
`pin extending through said respective tubular load bearing
`memberandsaid extendable frame memberforfixing each of
`said first and second tubular members with respect to said
`extendable frame member.
`18. The frame accordingto claim 15, wherein said at least
`two adjacent support posts comprisesall of said at least four
`support posts; wherein said at least four support posts are
`arranged to form a generally rectangular shape.
`19, The frame

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