A complex multiplier with low logic depth
`Berkeman, Anders; Öwall, Viktor; Torkelson, Mats
`Published in:
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`Citation for published version (APA):
`Berkeman, A., Öwall, V., & Torkelson, M. (1998). A complex multiplier with low logic depth. In [Host publication
`title missing] (Vol. 3, pp. 47-50)
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`Apple EX1029 Page 1


`A Complex Multiplier with Low Logic Depth
`Anders Berkeman, Viktor Owall and Mats Torkelson
`Department of Applied Electronics, Lund University
`Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
`Tel. $46 46 2229377, Fax. +46 46 129948
`E-mail: Anders.Berkeman@ t de .It
`A complex multiplier has been designed for use in
`a pipelined fast fourier transform processor. The
`performance in terms of throughput of the processor
`is limited by the multiplication.
`Therefore, the
`multiplier is optimized to make the input to output
`delay as short as possible. A new architecture based
`o n distributed arithmetic and Wallace-trees has been
`developed and is compared t o a previous multiplier
`realized as a regular distributed arithmetic array.
`The simulated gain i n speed f o r the presented mul-
`tiplier is approximately 100%. For verification, the
`multiplier is currently under fabrication in a three
`metal-layer 0 . 5 ~ CMOS process using a standard
`cell library.
`1. Introduction
`A pipelined Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) proces-
`sor has been designed for use in an Orthogonal Fre-
`quency Division Multiplex (OFDM) system. Mul-
`tiplication is often the most time-critical and area
`consuming operation in a digital signal processor.
`Therefore, effort has to be made to decrease the
`number of multipliers and to increase their speed.
`In the designed FFT processor the critical path con-
`sists of a complex multiplier in series with a butterfly
`performing addition and subtraction. A part of the
`FFT pipeline is shown in figure 1. Since the butterfly
`processors are much faster than the complex multi-
`plier, the maximum clock frequency of the processor
`strongly depends of the multiplier delay.
`This paper present a novel multiplier architec-
`ture based on distributed arithmetic and Wallace
`trees. The new architecture is compared to a
`multiplier realized as a regular array and the speed
`improvement is 100% while power consumption is
`decreased. The multiplier is fully parameterized, so
`any configuration of input and output wordlengths
`could be elaborated. Both the array and the tree
`multiplier are under fabrication on the same die and
`will be evaluated for speed and power consumption
`on return.
`Figure 1: Part of the FFT processor pipeline. The but-
`terfly processors are named “BF I” and “BF 11”. Shaded
`boxes are combinatorial logic.
`2. The FFT processor
`In the early versions of the FFT-processor, a complex
`array multiplier was used [2]. The array multiplier
`is a highly regular structure resulting in a minimal
`wire-length, which is important for high-speed design
`in sub-micron processes where wiring delay gives a
`significant contribution to the overall delay. How-
`ever, in a process where cell delay dominates wire
`delay, the logic depth of the design is more important
`than regularity. In the complex array multiplier the
`logic depth is proportional to the input wordlength
`N . In the adder tree multiplier, on the other hand,
`the depth is proportional to logN [3]. Even for a
`small wordlength, this is a significant improvement.
`This also affects the amount of energy per opera-
`tion for the multiplier. A lower logic depth will lead
`to a lower power consumption since the unnecessary
`switching activity is reduced.
`A way to decrease the critical path of the FFT pro-
`cessor would be to pipeline the multiplier in two or
`more stages. However, due to the pipelined struc-
`ture of the FFT processor, complexity of the control-
`ling hardware would increase [l]. Furthermore, the
`word lengths of the data paths are wide due to the
`application of the processor and the usage of com-
`plex arithmetic. A multiplier in this application has
`between 44 and 52 inputs, and a pipeline register
`inserted somewhere in the middle of the multiplier
`would need a word length of more than a hundred
`bits. This would increase area, routing and clock
`0-7803-5008-1/98/$10.0001998 EEE.
`Apple EX1029 Page 2


`load and is not a preferable solution. Instead, the
`multiply operation is entirely combinatorial.
`The FFT processor is implemented using the
`R22DIF FFT-algorithm 111.
`In this algorithm,
`every second multiplication can be exchanged to a
`multiply by - j , which for an 8192-point FFT leaves
`only six complex multipliers. This is to be compared
`to thirteen using a straightforward implementation.
`The multiplication by - j is realized without a
`multiply by real-imaginary swap and negation of the
`imaginary part. This is the reason for two different
`butterfly processors, “BF I” and “BF 11” in figure 1.
`By using this algorithm, the number of instanciated
`multipliers is minimized compared to an ordinary
`radix-2 FFT without any loss in throughput.
`3. Multiplier algorithm
`A complex multiplier calculates two inner products,
`{ ZI = ARWI + AIWR.
`In the case of the FFT-processor, W = WR +jWr are
`the twiddle-factors stored in a ROM. The wordlength
`of WR and WI is denoted M . According to equa-
`tion (l), four real multiplications and two additions
`are needed.
`There are two methods to decrease multiplication de-
`lay if it is assumed that multiplication is performed
`by summation of partial products, with the excep-
`tion of logic minimization. The first is to reduce the
`number of partial products, and the second is to use
`a faster adder strategy to sum all the partial prod-
`ucts together [3]. Both methods have been combined
`in the presented architecture.
`Distributed arithmetic [4] was chosen as a means to
`reduce the number of partial products, and a Wal-
`lace tree adder was selected for adding the partial
`products together. By using distributed arithmetic,
`the complex multiplication is treated as two inde-
`pendent inner products ZR and 21. Each of the in-
`ner products will be calculated using one distributed
`arithmetic multiplier, as explained in section 3. This
`should be compared to a multiplier realized using
`equation (l), in which case four real multipliers are
`As an alternative to distributed arithmetic, modi-
`fied Booth-encoding was considered. However, as
`the number of partial products are about the same
`for both methods, modified Booth-encoding requires
`more logic gates to implement. This is due to that in
`the modified Booth algorithm, three variables have
`to be decoded to select the proper partial product.
`In a complex multiplier based on distributed arith-
`metic, a simple two-input xor-gate does the selection.
`When using distributed arithmetic, the twiddle-
`factors have to be transformed from WR and WI to
`Ws and WO, where
`{ W D = WR - WI
`WS = WR + WI
`This transformation does not cause any problems
`in the implementation, since the twiddle-factors are
`pre-calculated in the WS and WD format before
`realization. However, it is important that Ws and
`WD are calculated using floating-point arithmetic
`before they are converted to fixed point. Otherwise,
`accuracy is reduced.
`4. Mathematical background
`This section gives a mathematical background to the
`operation of the multiplier. In the equations that fol-
`low a bit-variable is treated as a variable holding the
`arithmetic value 0 or 1. In this way bits can be used
`together with arithmetic variables and operators. If
`A is an N-bit fractional number in two’s complement,
`the value of A is calculated as
`A = -a0 +
`ai 2-i.
`By using the identity
`A = - [ A - (-A)]
`and the rule for negating a two’s complement number
`- A = + 2--(N-1),
`equation (3) can be written as
`(ai -z) 2-i-1 -2-N.
`A = -(a0 --%) 2-1 +
`Introduce a0 = (G - ao), and for IC # 0, CY^ =
`(uk - a). Note that all cyk E (-1, +l). Using this
`notation, A can be written as
`A = A’ - zwN,
`A‘ =
`cyi 2-a-l.
`The relationship between ai and ai is
`{ -1 , if a+o = 0 or a0 = 1
`+1 , if a+o = 1 or a0 = 0
`ai =
`Using this encoding the complex product can be writ-
`ten as
`N - 1
`ZR = x(wfiaRi-wIar<) z-‘-’-(wR-wI) 2 - N (10)
`Apple EX1029 Page 3


`M + N - l ..........
`.......... ................
`Figure 3: All partial product bits by significance for ZR
`or 21. Input wordlength is N and coefficient wordlength
`is M .
`is suitable for hardware mapping. It is realized as
`a multiplexer selecting &Ws or &WO, depending on
`the value of p = ( a ~ i @ a ~ i ) . If UR+O = 0 (or URO =
`l ) , an inverted version of the coefficients is chosen,
`and a '1' in the least significant position is added,
`corresponding to a two's complement negation. The
`is treated similarly. Figure 3 shows all the partial
`product bits that has to be added to generate ZR
`or 21. The wordlength for the twiddle factor, W,
`is M bits and for the data, A, it is N bits, in this
`case 10 and 16 bits respectively. The top sixteen
`lines in the figure is the partial products generated
`inside the sum of equation (12) or (13), and the
`third line from bottom is the ones that form the
`corresponding two's complement of these products.
`The last two lines is the - W s l ~ 2 - ~
`5. Implementation
`The proposed multiplier consists of two distributed
`arithmetic blocks, one calculating ZR, and the other
`21. The two blocks are similar and the difference
`is basically the sign in equation (1). Each block is
`divided into three parts, partial inner product gen-
`erator, adder tree and carry lookahead adder, see
`figure 2.
`The multiplier is synthesized to a 0 . 5 ~ cell library
`that does not contain any dedicated half or full adder
`cells. Estimated delay for a 10+10 by 16+16 mul-
`tiplier using a worst case industrial environment is
`about 16 nanoseconds, compared to 34 nanoseconds
`for the array multiplier. About 55% of this delay is
`due to the adder tree. The partial inner-product gen-
`erator takes 20% and the carry-lookahead adder uses
`25% of the total delay. Most of the delay is spent in
`the adder tree, and by using dedicated adder cells
`Figure 2: The multiplier for ZR or 21. The complete
`complex multiplier consists of two of these. Partial inner
`product generator at top, adder tree in the middle and
`fast carry-lookahead adder at the bottom.
`W I ~ R I ~ : ~
`a ~ i
`2: 1
`N - 1
`2 - N . (11)
`2 1 = x ( m a R i + W R a r i ) 2 - " ' - ( m + W R )
`The expression WIaRi +WRaIi is for z # 0 examined
`in the following table.
`a i i a;i
`- WD
`Where Ws and WD were introduced in equation 2.
`From the table it is clear that p = ( a ~ i @ a ~ i ) can
`be used to select Ws or WO. Using p , Ws and WD,
`equation (10) and (11) can be written as
`ZR =
`( - 1 ) q I W s VpWo] 2-i-' - WO 2-N =
`(=@ [pws v FWD] f G) 2-2-l -WO 2-N (12)
`N - 1
`N - 1
`ZI =
`2-"' - WS 2 - N =
`(-1)""i~pwD V ~ W ~ I
`N - 1
`(G@[PWo V P W s ] + G ) 2-i-1-Ws 2 - N . (13)
`When evaluating the sum, the powers G and ali
`should be replaced with U R ~ and a ~ i for the case
`i = 0, since these bits represent the sign in two's
`complement representation. The partial inner prod-
`aRi @ [PWD v pWS] f G
`Apple EX1029 Page 4


`this delay could be decreased. However, the target
`cell-library does not contain any such cells and such
`improvements have not been made.
`When designing the adder tree, a generic tree gener-
`ator was used. This generator produces a tree with
`y inputs of wordlength x, that is a rectangle of x by
`y input bits. This rectangle has to be large enough
`to cover all the partial product bits of figure 3, i.e.
`x = M + N - 1 and y = N + 3. For certain sizes of
`N and M , the two last lines in figure 3 can be joined
`with two of the N first lines, minimizing y to N + 1.
`Unfortunately a lot of inputs to the adder tree are
`unused, and extra logic will be generated. There-
`fore, the area for the tree multiplier is about 75%
`larger than for the array multiplier. The number of
`gates for the array multiplier is 3000, while the tree
`multiplier uses 6200 gates, of which 4400 belongs to
`the two adder trees. Theoretically for a dedicated
`tree generator, the area should be only slightly larger
`than for the array multiplier. Both multipliers are
`currently under fabrication and the layout plots are
`shown in figure 4.
`When data flows through the pipeline of the FFT
`processor, the wordlength has to increase to keep ac-
`curacy in the calculations. For the current applica-
`tion the input wordlength is 12+12 bits (real + imag-
`inary) and the output wordlength is 16+16 bits. The
`twiddle-factors are kept constant at 10+10 bits at all
`stages of the pipeline. Different wordlengths in the
`datapath means that a set of multipliers of differ-
`ent wordlengths has to be instantiated if the longest
`wordlength is not to be used for all multipliers with
`a corresponding increase in area. Also, as FFT pro-
`cessors will be built for different applications the
`wordlength is subject to change. Therefore, the mul-
`tiplier is fully parameterized and a multiplier of spe-
`cific wordlength can be elaborated when needed.
`For our application, the output wordlength should
`equal the input wordlength, that is, some of the least
`significant bits of the result are cut away. A simple
`rounding scheme is applied to lower the distorsion
`when the output is truncated. A rounding bit is
`added to the right of the rightmost bit to be kept
`after truncation, causing a carry to propagate when
`the most significant position of the bits cut away is
`a one. A feature of the adder tree is that this bit
`can be inserted together with the partial inner prod-
`ucts at the top of the tree, see figure 3. In the array
`multiplier, an additional row of half-adders had to be
`included to handle rounding. As rounding includes
`addition of a one with the product, arithmetic over-
`flow at the output is possible. Therefore, a saturation
`unit is placed at the output of the carry-lookahead
`adder. This unit checks the most significant bits of
`Figure 4: Plots of the two multipliers. Tree multiplier to
`the left and array multiplier to the right. The pad-frames
`are 3.2x2.9 mm2 and equal for both designs.
`the result and modifies the output if an overflow has
`5. Conclusion
`A Wallace-tree based complex multiplier has been
`designed and simulated with a speed improvement
`of approximately 100% compared to a previously de-
`signed array multiplier. In a worst case industrial en-
`vironment, the delay of a 10+10 by 16+16 multiplier
`is about 16 nanoseconds. This is when synthesized to
`a three metal-layer 0 . 5 , ~ process with a standard cell
`library that does not contain any dedicated half- or
`full-adder cells. The figure is an estimation without
`post-layout delay information. Under equal condi-
`tions the complex array multiplier currently being
`used has a delay of 34 nanoseconds.
`the multiplier
`together with
`adder/subtractor is located in the critical path
`of the FFT-processor, throughput is expected to
`increase with approximately 80% while energy
`per operation is decreased.
`The multiplier is
`fully parameterized so any configuration of input
`and output wordlengths can be elaborated and
`synthesized. Both the array and the tree multi-
`plier are currently under fabrication on the same die.
`“A New Approach to
`S. He and M. Torkelson.
`Pipeline FFT Processor”. In Proc. of IEEE Inter-
`national Parallel Processing Symposium, 1996.
`S. He and M. Torkelson. “A Complex Array Mul-
`tiplier Using Distributed Arithmetic”. In Proc. of
`IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1991.
`C.S. Wallace. “A Suggestion for a Fast Multiplier”.
`IEEE Transactions on Electronic Components, Vol.
`EC-13, Feb 1964.
`S.G. Smith and P.B. Denyer. “Efficient Bit-Serial
`Complex Multiplication and Sum-Of Products Com-
`putation Using Distributed Arithmetic”. In Proc. of
`Apple EX1029 Page 5

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