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`It is hereby certified that the attached copy is a true copy of the record copy of
`International Application No. PCT/US2012/030388 filed with the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office as receiving Office on 23 March 2012 and received by the
`International Bureau on 26 May 2012.
`By: The International Bureau
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`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 1
`For receiving Office use only
`International Application No.
`23 MAR 2012 (23.03.12)
`International Filing Date
`The undersigned requests that the present
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`RIDDELL,Stanley R.
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`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 3
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`Declaration as to the applicant's entitlement, as to the internationalfiling date, to
`claim the priority of the earlier application.
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`Declaration ofinventorship (only for the purposes ofthe designations ofthe United
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`Declaration as to non-prejudicial disclosures or exceptions to lack ofnovelty
`‘See Notes to the requestform
`Form PCT/RO/101 (last sheet) (April 2007)
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`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 4
`Sheet No.
`Box No. 1X
`This international application contains:
`This international application is accompanied by the item(s) (mark the applicable
`check-boxes below and indicate in right column the numberofeach item):
`(a) on paper, the following numberofsheets:
`request (including declaration
`fee calculation sheet
`and Supplemental sheets)
`original separate power ofattomey
`description (excluding
`sequencelisting and/ortablesrelated thereto) : 46
`[1 original general powerofattorney
`: 6
`copy ofgeneral powerofattorney; reference number,ifany:
`statement explaininglack of signature
`[priority document(s) identified in Box No VI as item(s):
`Sub-total number ofsheets
`: 72
`translation of international application into (language):
`tables related thereto
`separate indications concerning deposited microorganism or other
`biological material
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`paperform, whetheror notalsofiled in computer readable
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`Total numberof sheets
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`additional copies including, where applicable, the copy for the
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`purposesof international search under Rule 13¢er
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`with the sequencelisting mentioned in left column
`(c) CJ alsoin electronic form
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`tablesin electronic form related to sequencelisting
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`with the tables mentioned in left column
`11. 1__Other (specify):
` Figure of the drawings which
`Language offiling of the
`should accompanythe abstract:
`international application: English
` Box No. X
`Next to each signature, indicate the nameoftheperson signing andthe capacity in which the person signs (ifsuch capacity is not obviousfrom reading the request).
`DeMaster, Eric E.
` 7 For receiving Office use only
`1. Date of actual receipt of
`the purported
`2. Drawings:
`international ap lication: me
`23 MAR 2012 (23 03.12
`3. Corrected date of actualreceipt dueto later but
`[| Teceived:
`timely received papers or drawings completing
`the purported international application:
`L] not received:
`Dateoftimely receipt ofthe required
`corrections under PCT Article 11(2):
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`(if two or more are competent):
`For International Bureau use only
` Date ofreceipt of the record copy
`by the International Bureau:
`See Notes to the requestform
`Form PCT/RO/I01 (last sheet) (April 2007)
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 5
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 5
`This application is being filed on 23 March 2012, as a PCT International
`Patent application in the name of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, a U.S.
`national corporation, applicant for the designation ofall countries except the US.,
`and, Stanley R. Riddell, a citizen of Canada, and Michael Hudecek,a citizen of
`Germany, applicants for the designation of the U.S.only, and claimspriority to U.S.
`Patent Application Serial No. 61/466,552 filed on 23 March 2011, the disclosure of
`whichis incorporated herein by referencein its entirety.
`Field of the Invention
`The presentinvention relates to the field of biomedicine and specifically
`methodsuseful for cancer therapy. In particular, embodimentsofthe invention relate
`to methods and compositions for carrying out cellular immunotherapy.
`Statement Regarding Federally Sponsored Research
`This invention was made with government support in the form of grants
`RO1CA18029 from the United States Department of Health and HumanServices,
`NationalInstitute of Health and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society SCORE grant.
`The United States government hascertain rights in the invention.
`Backgroundof the Invention
`Studies in rodents have demonstrated that adoptive immunotherapy with
`antigen specific T cells is effective for cancer andinfections, and there is evidence
`this modality has therapeutic activity in humans'®.Forclinical applications,it is
`necessary to isolate T cells of a desired antigen specificity or to engineer T cells to
`expressreceptors that target infected or transformed cells, and then expand these
`cells in culture’'*. The transfer of T cell clonesis appealing because it enables
`control of specificity and function, andfacilitates evaluation of in vivo persistence,
`toxicity and efficacy. Additionally, in the setting of allogeneic stem cell
`transplantation, the administration to recipients ofT cell clones from the donorthat
`target pathogensor malignant cells can avoid graft-versus-host disease that occurs
`with infusion of unselected donor T cells?*!5, However,it is apparent from clinical
`studies that the efficacy of cultured T cells, particularly cloned CD8°T cells,is
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 6
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 6
`frequently limited by their failure to persist after adoptive transfer",
`The poolof lymphocytes from which T cells for adoptive immunotherapy
`can be derived contains naive and long-lived, antigen experienced memory T cells
`(Tm). Tw can be divided further into subsets of central memory (Tc) and effector
`memory (Tew) cells that differ in phenotype, homing properties and function'®,
`CD8* Tew express CD62L and CCR7atthe cell surface, which promote migration
`into lymph nodes, andproliferate rapidly if re-exposed to antigen. CD8* Tem lack
`cell surface CD62L andpreferentially migrate to peripheraltissues, and exhibit
`immediate effector function’’. In response to antigen stimulation, CD8* Tow and
`Tzu both differentiate into cytolytic effector T cells (Tg) that express a high level of
`granzymes and perforin, but are short-lived’. Thus, the poor survival of T cells in
`clinical immunotherapytrials may simply result from their differentiation during in
`vitro culture to Tg that are destined to die'’?!, There is a needto identify cell
`populations and methodsthat provide enhanced survival of adoptively transferred T
`cells in vivo.
`Summary of the Invention
`In one aspect, the present invention relates to methods and compositionsto
`confer and/or augment immune responses mediated by cellular immunotherapy,
`such as by adoptively transferring tumor-specific, subset specific genetically
`modified CD4+ T cells, wherein the CD4+ T cells confer and/or augmenttheability
`of CD8+ T cells to sustain anti-tumor reactivity and increase and/or maximize
`tumor-specific proliferation.
`In one embodiment, the present invention provides a method of performing
`cellular immunotherapy in a subject having a disease or disorder by administering to
`the subject a genetically modified cytotoxic T lymphocyte cell preparation that
`provides a cellular immuneresponse, wherein the cytotoxic T lymphocytecell
`preparation comprises CD8+ T cells that have a chimeric antigen receptor with an
`extracellular antibody variable domain specific for an antigen associated with the
`disease or disorder and anintracellular signaling domain of a T cell or other
`receptors, such as co-stimulatory domains; and a genetically modified helper T
`lymphocyte cell preparation that exhibits a predominant Th1 phenotype as well as
`produceother cytokines,elicits direct tumor recognition and augments the
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 7
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 7
`genetically modified cytotoxic T lymphocytecell preparations ability to mediate a
`cellular immuneresponse, wherein the helper T lymphocyte cell preparation
`comprises CD4+Tcells that have a chimeric antigen receptor comprising an
`extracellular antibody variable domain specific for the antigen associated with the
`disease or disorder and an intracellular signaling domain ofa T cell receptor.
`Various modifications of the above method are possible. For example, the chimeric
`antigen receptor modifying the CD4+ T cell and the CD8+ T cell can be the same or
`different. In alternative embodiments, the T cells can be modified with a
`recombinant T cell receptor (TCR). TCR could be specific for any antigen, pathogen
`or tumor. There are TCRs for many tumorantigens in melanoma (MARTI, gp100,
`for example), leukemia (WT1, minor histocompatibility antigens, for example),
`breast cancer (her2, NY-BR1, for example).
`In another embodiment, the present invention provides an adoptive cellular
`immunotherapy composition having a genetically modified CD8+ cytotoxic T
`lymphocyte cell preparation that elicits a cellular immune response, wherein the
`cytotoxic T lymphocytecell preparation comprises CD8+ T cells that have a
`chimeric antigen receptor with an extracellular variable domain antibody specific for
`an antigen associated with the disease or disorder and an intracellular signaling
`domain of a T cell or other receptors, such as a costimulatory domain, and a
`genetically modified helper T lymphocyte cell preparation that exhibits a
`predominant Thi phenotypeas well as produce other cytokines, elicits direct tumor
`recognition and augments the ability of genetically modified cytotoxic T lymphocyte
`cell preparations to mediate a cellular immune response, wherein the helper T
`lymphocyte cell preparation has CD4+Tcells that have a chimeric antigen receptor
`with an extracellular antibody variable domain specific for the antigen associated
`with the disease or disorder and an intracellular signaling domain of a T cell
`In yet another embodiment, the present invention provides an adoptive
`cellular immunotherapy composition having a chimeric antigen receptor modified
`tumor-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytecell preparation that elicits a cellular
`immuneresponse, wherein the cytotoxic T lymphocytecell preparation comprises
`CD8+ T cells that have a chimeric antigen receptor comprising an extracellular
`single chain antibody specific for an antigen associated with the disease or disorder
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 8
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 8
`and anintracellular signaling domain ofa T cell receptor, and an antigen-reactive
`chimeric antigen receptor modified naive CD4+ T helpercellthatis derived from
`CD45RO negative, CD62L positive CD4 positive T cells, and a pharmaceutically
`acceptable carrier.
`In another embodiment, the present invention provides an adoptive cellular
`immunotherapy composition having an antigen specific CD8+ cytotoxic T
`lymphocyte cell preparation that elicits a cellular immune response comprising
`CD8+ T cells derived from the patient together with an antigen-reactive chimeric
`antigen receptor modified CD4+ T helper cell that elicits a Thl cytokine response
`and augments the CD8+ immuneresponse to pathogens, wherein the helper T
`lymphocyte cell preparation with CD4+ T cells that have a chimeric antigen receptor
`with an extracellular antibody variable domain specific for the antigen associated
`with the disease or disorder and an intracellular signaling domain of a T cell
`In another embodiment,the present invention provides an adoptive cellular
`immunotherapy composition with an antigen-reactive chimeric antigen receptor
`modified CD4+ T helper cell that elicits direct tumor recognition and augmentsthe
`CD8+ immuneresponseto pathogens, wherein the helper T lymphocytecell
`preparation comprises CD4 + cells that have a chimeric antigen receptor
`comprising an extracellular antibody variable domain specific for an antigen
`associated with a disease or disorder and an intracellular signaling domain of a T
`cell receptor.
`In anotheraspect, the present invention provides a method of manufacturing
`an adoptive immunotherapy composition by obtaining a chimeric antigen receptor
`modified tumor-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte cell preparation that elicits a
`cellular immune response and an antigen-reactive chimeric antigen receptor,
`wherein the modified cytotoxic T lymphocyte cell preparation comprises CD8+ T
`cells that have a chimeric antigen receptor with an extracellular antibody variable
`domainspecific for an antigen associated with the disease or disorder and an
`intracellular signaling module of a T cell receptor; and obtaining a modified naive
`CD4+ T helpercell that elicits a Thl cytokine response, wherein the modified helper
`T lymphocyte cell preparation comprises CD4+ cells that have a chimeric antigen
`receptor with an extracellular antibody variable domain specific for the antigen
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 9
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 9
`associated with the disease or disorder and an intracellular signaling domain of a T
`cell receptor.
`In another embodiment, the present invention provides a method of
`manufacturing an adoptive immunotherapy composition by obtaining a modified
`naive CD4+Thelpercell that elicits a Th1 cytokine response, wherein the modified
`helper T lymphocyte cell preparation comprises CD4+T cells that have a chimeric
`antigen receptor comprising an extracellular antibody variable domain specific for
`the antigen associated with the disease or disorder and an intracellular signaling
`domain ofa T cell receptor, and combining the modified naive CD4+Thelpercell
`with an antigen specific central memory CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte cell
`preparation that has a chimeric antigen receptor with an extracellular antibody
`variable domain specific for the antigen associated with the disease or disorder and
`an intracellular signaling domain of a T cell or other receptors.
`In one embodiment, the present invention provides a method of performing
`cellular immunotherapyin subject having a disease or disorder by administering to
`the subject a genetically modified helper T lymphocyte cell preparation, wherein the
`modified helper T lymphocyte cell preparation comprises CD4+ T cells that have a
`chimeric antigen receptor comprising an extracellular antibody variable domain
`specific for an antigen associated with the disease or disorder and an intracellular
`signaling module of a T cell receptor.
`These and other embodiments ofthe invention are described further in the
`accompanyingspecification, drawings and claims.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Fig. 1: showsthe phenotype and analysis of chimeric antigen receptor
`(CAR)expression in a CAR-transduced with ROR1-CARencodinglentivirus ,and
`an untransduced CD8+Tcell line as a control. The RORI-CARcassette contains a
`truncated EGFRthat serves as transduction marker and can be detected by staining
`with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies. Truncated Fe-ROR1fusion protein binds
`directly to the antigen-binding domainofthe ROR1-CARandselectively stains the
`ROR1-CARtransducedbut not the untransduced control T cell line. Expression of
`the ROR1-CARonthe cell surface of CD8+ T cells is measured directly by binding
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 10
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 10
`to ROR1-Fcfusion protein andindirectly by expression of a truncated EGFRthatis
`encoded downstream of a 2A sequencein the vector.
`Fig. 2: shows cytolytic activity of CD8+ T cells expressing a RORI-specific
`chimeric antigen receptor against a panel ofhuman ROR1-positive tumorcell lines
`(K562) and primary tumorcells (B-CLL) and autologous normal B-cells in a Cr
`release assay. Consistent with the uniform expression ofROR1 on malignant but
`not on mature normalBcells, genetically modified CD8+ ROR1-CAR T cells only
`lysed ROR1+ tumorcells but not mature normalB cells. CD8+ ROR1-CART cells
`exert specific lytic activity against ROR1-positive tumorcells including primary
`CLL,but not against normal B cells.
`Fig. 3: shows the phenotype and CAR expression of a RORI-CAR
`transduced and an untransduced CD4+T cell line as a control. Expression ofthe
`RORI-CARonthe cell surface of CD4+T cells is measured by specific binding to
`ROR1-Fcfusion protein.Truncated Fc ROR fusion protein but not Fe protein alone
`binds directly to the ROR1-CARand selectively stains the ROR1-CAR transduced
`but not the untransduced control CD4+Tcell line confirming expression ofthe
`RORI-CARonthecell surface and binding to ROR1 -protein. Expression ofthe
`RORI-CARonthecell surface of CD4+ T cellsis measured by specific binding to
`RORI-Fc fusion protein, but not to a control Fe fusion protein.
`Fig. 4: (i.e., FIGS 4A-4B, collectively) shows weak but specific cytolytic
`activity of CD4+ RORI-CAR T cells ina °'Crrelease assay. against a panel of
`RORI-positive tumorcells including primary CLL,the mantle cell lymphomaline
`Jeko-1, K562 cells that were stably transfected with ROR1 (K562/ROR1),but not
`native ROR1-negative K562 cells. CD4+ RORI-CART cells exert weak but
`specific lytic activity against RORI-positive tumorcells.
`Fig. 5: (.e., FIGS 5A-5B, collectively) show the results from an IFNy
`ELISA (Fig. 5A) and multiplex cytokine assay (Fig. 5B). Cytokine secretion of
`CD4+ and CD8+ RORI-CARTcell lines. CD4+ RORI-CAR and CD8 ROR1-CAR
`T cells were co-incubated with ROR1+ tumor cells, and levels of interferon gamma
`(IFNg) was measured by ELISA (5A), and IFNg, TNFa,IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-17
`were measured by Luminex assay (5B). CD4+ ROR1-CAR modified T cells
`specifically recognize ROR1 -postive tumorcells and tumor cell lines and produce
`higher amounts ofThl cytokines including IFN-y, TNF-o and particularly IL-2 than
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 11
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 11
`CD8+ ROR1-CARmodified T cells. These data demonstrate that CD4+ RORI-
`CART cells exert helper effector functionsafter stimulation through the ROR1-
`CARandin addition to mediating direct anti-tumorreactivity, could also be utilized
`to augmentthe ability of CD8+ ROR1-CAR modified T cells to mediate a cellular
`Fig. 6 depicts the results ofa proliferation study showing that CD4+ RORI-
`CART cells are inducedto proliferate after stimulation with ROR1-positive tumor
`cell lines and primary tumorcells (CFSE assay)and that both the percentage of
`proliferating cells and numberofcell divisions that the proliferating subset
`underwent weresignificantly higher compared to CD8+ ROR1-CARmodified T
`cells. CD4+ ROR1-CARTcells proliferate more vigorously after stimulation with
`ROR1-positive tumorcells (K562/ROR1, primary CLL, and Jeko MCL) compared
`to CD8+ ROR1-CAR CTLs.
`Fig. 7: Polyclonal unselected CD4+ RORI CARTcells provide help to
`CD8+ ROR1-CAR CTLsby promoting their proliferation in response to tumor.
`CD4+ RORI-CART cells (derived from bulk CD4+ T cells) significantly increased
`proliferation of polyclonal unselected CD8+ ROR1-CAR CTLs(18% in individual
`culture > 31.5% after co-culture with CD4+ CAR T cells).
`Fig. 8: (i.e., FIGS 8A-8D, collectively) shows the generation of CD4+ CAR
`T cell lines from flow sort purified CD4+ naive, central memory and effector
`memory subsets and analysis ofT-cell function. Cytokineprofile and proliferative
`capacity suggest that CD4+ RORI-CART cells derived from naive CD4+ T cells
`may bebest suited to provide help to CD8+ CTLs. Similar data were obtained in
`experiments comparing the function ofCD4+ CAR T-cell lines expressing a CD19-
`specific CAR. Figure 8A shows flow sort purification ofnaive, central and effector
`memory CD4+Tcells based on expression ofCD45RA, CD45RO, CD62L.Figure
`8B showsanalysisofproliferation of ROR1-CART celllines that were derived by
`lentiviral transduction ofsort purified naive, central and effector memory CD4+ T
`cells (CFSE assay). Figure 8C shows analysis ofcytokine secretion ofRORI-CAR
`T cell lines from sort purified naive, central and effector memory CD4+Tcells
`(Luminexassay). Figure 8D shows analysis of cytokine secretion of CD19-CAR T-
`cell lines from sort purified naive, central and effector memory CD4+T cells
`(Luminex assay). The cytokine profile obtained by multiplex cytokineanalysis (FIG.
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 12
`Miltenyi Ex. 1005 Page 12
`8B)andproliferative capacity by CFSEstaining (FIG. 8C) shows that CD4+ ROR1-
`CARmodified T cells derived from the naive subset produced the highest levels of
`Thl cy