E m e r g i n g T r e a t m e n t s a n d T e c h n o l o g i e s
`O R I G I N A L
`A R T I C L E
`Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics,
`Safety, and Tolerability of a Single-Dose
`of NN2211, a Long-Acting Glucagon-
`Like Peptide 1 Derivative, in Healthy
`Male Subjects
`OBJECTIVE — The primary objective of the present study was to investigate the safety, tolerabil-
`ity, and pharmacokinetics of a single dose of NN2211, a long-acting glucagon-like peptide 1
`(GLP-1) derivative, in healthy male subjects. The secondary objective was to investigate the
`pharmacodynamics of NN2211.
`RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — In a double-blind, randomized dose, escala-
`tion, placebo-controlled study, healthy male subjects were enrolled at eight consecutive dose levels
`(1.25, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5, and 20.0 ␮g/kg) with eight subjects per dose level at a 3:1
`active:placebo randomization. After subcutaneous dosing with NN2211, 48-h pharmacokinetic, and
`24-h glucose, insulin and glucagon profiles were assessed. In addition, three subjects at each dose
`level were randomly assigned (one placebo/two active) to an intravenous glucose tolerance test
`(IVGTT) 9 h after the dose (corresponding to the time to maximal plasma concentration of NN2211).
`RESULTS — After subcutaneous administration, the half-life of NN2211 was found to be
`11–15 h. Overall, although there were no statistically significant differences compared with
`placebo in the area under the curve (0 –9 h for insulin or glucagon), there was a borderline-
`significant lowering of glucose levels (P ⫽ 0.066). During the IVGTT, there was a statistically
`significant increase in insulin secretion (P ⫽ 0.0002), but there was no significant effect on
`glucagon levels. Although no significant effect was observed on glucose levels during the IVGTT,
`there was a dose-dependent increase in the glucose disappearance constant. Whereas no serious
`adverse events were observed, there was a higher incidence of adverse events after active treat-
`ment compared with placebo treatment (notably headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting).
`CONCLUSIONS — This study provides evidence that NN2211 has a pharmacokinetic pro-
`file consistent with once-daily dosing in humans.
`Diabetes Care 25:1398 –1404, 2002
`G lucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is a
`sess antidiabetogenic effects in both
`animal models and patients with type 2
`polypeptide hormone secreted
`diabetes (2–7). The mechanism of action
`from the L-cells in the gastrointes-
`rests on a suite of effects: notably, a glu-
`tinal tract (1) that has been shown to pos-
`● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
`From 1Novo Nordisk A/S, Health Care Development, Bagsvaerd, Denmark; and 2Medeval Ltd., Manchester
`Science Park, Manchester, U.K.
`Address correspondence and reprint requests to Milan Zdravkovic, PhD, Novo Nordisk A/S, Health Care
`Development, Novo Alle´, 2880 Bagsvaerd, Denmark. E-mail:
`Received for publication 30 October 2001 and accepted in revised form 2 May 2002.
`B.E., G.J., S.L., H.A., L.B.J., J.S., V.H., and M.Z. hold stock in Novo Nordisk A/S.
`Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; Cmax, maximal plasma concentration; DPP-IV, dipeptidyl
`peptidase IV; ECG, electrocardiogram; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; IVGTT, intravenous glucose toler-
`ance test; Kg, glucose disappearance constant.
`A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Syste`me International (SI) units and conversion
`factors for many substances.
`cose-dependent stimulation of insulin se-
`cretion (8),
`inhibition of glucagon
`secretion (9), inhibition of gastric empty-
`ing (10), and a decrease in appetite
`(11,12). In addition, a direct stimulation
`of growth and proliferation of the ␤-cells
`has recently been demonstrated in mice
`(13). Taken together, these effects suggest
`that GLP-1 is a promising candidate for
`treating type 2 diabetes. However, the
`rapid clearance and degradation of GLP-1
`by dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) re-
`sults in a half-life of ⬃1 h in humans after
`subcutaneous administration, compro-
`mising its therapeutic potential as a new
`treatment modality (2).
`It has previously been demonstrated
`that derivatization of insulin with fatty ac-
`ids facilitates binding to serum albumin
`and provides a protracted action (14,15).
`This approach has also been reported to
`result in prolongation of the half-life of
`GLP-1 after subcutaneous administration
`in dogs (16). NN2211 is an acylated long-
`acting GLP-1 derivative, which, in pre-
`clinical experiments, has shown
`prolonged pharmacokinetic properties
`compared with the native GLP-1 (17)
`while maintaining its biological action
`both in vitro (17) and in vivo (18 –20).
`The primary objective of the present
`study was to investigate the safety, toler-
`ability, and pharmacokinetics of a single
`dose of NN2211 in healthy male subjects,
`and the secondary objective was to inves-
`t i g a t e t h e p h a r m a c o d y n a m i c s o f
`Study protocol
`The protocol was approved by the Inde-
`pendent Ethics Committee in Manches-
`ter, U.K., and conducted in accordance
`with the Helsinki Declaration and Good
`Clinical Practice. Subjects consented to


`participating in the study in writing after a
`full explanation of the study had been
`Subjects were recruited from a volunteer
`database kept at Medeval Ltd. A total of 72
`healthy male subjects in good general
`health, as verified by medical history,
`physical examination, clinical chemistry,
`hematology, and electrocardiogram
`(ECG), aged 18 – 45 years with BMI
`20 –27 kg/m2, were included in this
`study. Mean age was 27 years (range 19 –
`41) and weight 74.5 kg (range 58.0 –
`Study design
`This was a single-center, randomized,
`double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-
`dose, sequential-dose level escalation
`study. Eight different dose levels of
`NN2211 were studied: 1.25 (performed
`twice), 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5,
`and 20.0 ␮g/kg with eight subjects at each
`dose level, and a 3:1 active:placebo ran-
`domization within each dose level. Sub-
`jects were only enrolled at one dose level.
`In addition, at each dose level, three sub-
`jects were randomly assigned (one pla-
`cebo/two active) to receive a 2-h intra-
`venous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT).
`Finally, to determine the absolute bio-
`availability of NN2211, all eight subjects
`allocated at the 5 ␮g/kg subcutaneous
`dose level returned after a 7-day washout
`to receive an intravenous dose of 5 ␮g/kg
`NN2211 or placebo.
`Study medication and blinding
`NN2211 at a concentration of 5 mg/ml or
`matching placebo, manufactured in ac-
`cordance with good manufacturing prac-
`tice, was provided in cartridges. These
`cartridges fit into the NovoPen 1.5, which
`was used for subcutaneous dose adminis-
`tration. The medication was labeled in ac-
`cordance with the blinded status of the
`study. For the intravenous administration
`of NN2211/placebo performed at the 5
`␮g/kg dose level to determine the abso-
`lute bioavailability, a dilution of the trial
`medication was performed correspond-
`ing to 0.1 mg/ml. The intravenous infu-
`sion was performed over 1 h (to avoid
`high peak plasma concentrations), with
`an infusion rate calculated based on the
`weight of the individual subject. Sealed
`codes were kept at the trial site and at
`Novo Nordisk in the U.K. and Denmark.
`A copy of the code was provided only to
`the responsible person performing the
`analysis of the concentration of NN2211
`in blood and was not further disclosed
`(because this analysis would unblind the
`study anyway, it was done to reduce the
`number of placebo samples analyzed).
`The code was only broken after database
`lock but could have been broken for indi-
`vidual subjects in case of an emergency.
`Experimental procedures
`The subjects were admitted to the clinic
`on the day before dose administration and
`given a standardized meal at ⬃7:00 P.M.
`on the day of admittance and at 6:00 A.M.
`the following day. NN2211 or placebo
`was administered between 8:00 and
`10:00 A.M. as a single subcutaneous dose
`in the abdomen. At the first dose level
`(1.25 ␮g/kg), the IVGTT was started 5 h
`postdose; however, because blinded
`pharmacokinetic data showed that the
`time to maximal plasma concentration of
`NN2211 was 9 h in humans, the protocol
`was amended to start the 2-h IVGTT at 9 h
`postdose in all subsequent dose levels, in-
`cluding a repeat of the 1.25 ␮g/kg dose
`level. A standardized meal was served
`11 h after dosing, i.e., after completion of
`the IVGTT. Blood samples for determina-
`tion of the concentration of NN2211 were
`collected at regular intervals from before
`dosing to 48 h after dosing. Furthermore,
`a predose to 24-h postdose glucose, insu-
`lin, and glucagon profile was obtained in
`all subjects. In subjects randomized to
`undergo the IVGTT, additional blood
`samples for a 2-h glucose, insulin, and
`glucagon profile were drawn, i.e., be-
`tween 9 and 11 h after dosing. All subjects
`were monitored for safety during the
`study. Adverse events either observed by
`the investigator or reported spontane-
`ously by the subjects were recorded. In
`addition, subjects were asked at predose
`and at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 24, and
`48 h postdose if they had had any adverse
`events (including any changes in concom-
`itant illness or new illnesses) since the last
`evaluation. Clinical laboratory tests (he-
`matology, biochemistry, and urinalysis)
`were carried out before, during, and after
`dosing. Blood glucose was measured at
`regular intervals after dose administration
`and before discharge using a HemoCue
`device. Physical examination, ECG (be-
`fore dosing and 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, and 36 h
`after dosing), and vital signs, including
`blood pressure, pulse, and temperature,
`Elbrønd and Associates
`were recorded. Urine volumes were as-
`sessed for the period 0 –24 h after dose
`administration. At the 5-␮g/kg dose level,
`the subjects returned after 1 week for the
`intravenous administration of NN2211/
`placebo. At this visit, all procedures were
`performed as described above, with the
`exception of the IVGTT, which was not
`Laboratory procedures
`The concentration of NN2211 was deter-
`mined by a validated two-site immuno-
`assay using a capturing antibody
`(GLPB1F1) and a detection antibody (bi-
`otin-labeled Mab26.1) as described previ-
`ously (21). The selectivity of the assay
`toward NN2211 compared with endoge-
`nous GLP-1 was ensured by removing en-
`dogenous GLP-1 activity by incubating
`the samples for 4 h at 37°C before per-
`forming the assay. In addition, the inter-
`ference from a number of peptides was
`investigated. NN2211 (7-37) isomer in-
`terfered positively but ⬍4%, NN2211 (9-
`37) isomer had negative interference
`⬍12%, GLP-1 (15-37) had negative inter-
`ference ⬍3%, and major pro-glucagon
`fragment had negative interference ⬍4%.
`Because all of these interferences were
`low, and the concentrations of the pep-
`tides in the majority of the samples were
`low compared with the NN2211 concen-
`trations, interference was considered ir-
`relevant. Serum glucose was measured on
`a Beckman CX5 Delta analyzer using the
`glucose oxidase technique. Serum insulin
`was analyzed using the Abbott IMx assay,
`which shows ⬍0.005% cross-reactivity
`with human pro-insulin, and glucagon
`was analyzed with Linco’s glucagon ra-
`dioimmunoassay in accordance with the
`manufacturer’s instructions.
`Statistical analysis
`Because of the exploratory status of this
`study (first administration to humans),
`the sample size of eight subjects per dose
`level was not based on formal statistical
`considerations but was considered suffi-
`cient to meet the primary objectives of the
`study. A significance level of 5% was
`used. Results from the statistical analysis
`are presented with the mean and 95% CI.
`Safety. Urine volume (0 –24 h) was an-
`alyzed by ANOVA with the following
`model: the response for each subject was
`the sum of an overall mean, a fixed dose
`effect (placebo ⫽ zero dose), a random
`block effect of the dose level groups (in-


`Single-dose study of NN2211 in healthy male subjects
`NN2211 plasma concentration time pro-
`file for the single-dose subcutaneous and
`intravenous administration. Dose propor-
`tionality for subcutaneous dosing was as-
`sessed for area under the curve (AUC) to
`infinity and maximal plasma concentra-
`tion (Cmax) by performing linear regres-
`sion analysis on the log-transformed
`parameters versus log-transformed dose.
`An estimate of the slope of the regression
`line and corresponding 95% CI was cal-
`culated. Dose proportionality was as-
`sumed if the slope was not statistically
`significantly different from unity. Of the
`54 subjects exposed to active treatment, 3
`and 2 subjects were excluded at the 1.25-
`␮g/kg (first cohort only) and 5-␮g/kg
`dose levels, respectively. This exclusion
`was due to dosing problems (low dosing
`volume) that caused low exposure when
`compared with other subjects at the same
`dose level.
`Pharmacodynamics. Only pharmaco-
`dynamic data after subcutaneous admin-
`istration were included in the statistical
`analysis. The AUC0 –9 h (all subjects) and
`AUC9 –10 h and AUC9 –11 h (IVGTT-
`treated subjects only) for glucose, gluca-
`gon, and insulin were derived from the
`respective profiles, applying the trapezoi-
`dal rule, and log-transformed. The glu-
`cose disappearance constant (Kg) was
`calculated by linear regression analysis of
`natural log-transformed glucose data
`from the IVGTT between 10 and 60 min
`after glucose administration. For each in-
`dividual subject, the Kg was defined as the
`negative slope of the regression line. In
`one subject receiving placebo, the glucose
`concentration did not peak until 15 min,
`and the 10-min data point was therefore
`omitted for that subject. In another sub-
`Figure 1—Mean pharmacokinetic profiles after subcutaneous administration of eight different
`dose levels of NN2211 to healthy male volunteers (A) and a scatter plot showing dose versus AUC
`of NN2211 after subcutaneous administration (B).
`cluding the two placebo subjects), and a
`random error. All 72 subjects enrolled
`were included.
`Pharmacokinetics. The pharmacoki-
`netic parameters were assessed by non-
`compartmental methods from the 48-h
`Table 1—Pharmacokinetic parameters after NN2211 administration to healthy male subjects
`(ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 kg⫺1)
`Volume of
`distribution (l/kg)
`t1/2* (h)
`Dose (␮g/kg)
`bioavailability (%)
`(n 䡠 nmol⫺1 䡠 l⫺1)
`tmax (h)
`Cmax (nmol/l)
`9.6 ⫾ 1.9
`0.49 ⫾ 0.19
`15 ⫾ 6
`1.25 s.c.†
`10 ⫾ 3.4
`2.3 ⫾ 0.70
`60 ⫾ 29
`2.5 s.c.
`0.07 ⫾ 0.01
`0.10 ⫾ 0.02
`216 ⫾ 43
`5.0 i.v.
`9.3 ⫾ 3.2
`4.5 ⫾ 3.4
`55 ⫾ 37
`134 ⫾ 108
`5.0 s.c.‡
`12 ⫾ 6.0
`7.9 ⫾ 2.7
`235 ⫾ 33
`10.0 s.c.
`11 ⫾ 2.4
`10 ⫾ 2.7
`283 ⫾ 31
`12.5 s.c.
`11 ⫾ 1.1
`13 ⫾ 2.0
`384 ⫾ 57
`15.0 s.c.
`11 ⫾ 1.0
`17 ⫾ 3.0
`451 ⫾ 65
`17.5 s.c.
`10 ⫾ 1.3
`20 ⫾ 3.0
`523 ⫾ 105
`20.0 s.c.
`Data are mean pharmacokinetic parameters ⫾ SD after intravenous and subcutaneous administration of NN2211 to healthy male subjects (n ⫽ 6 unless otherwise
`indicated). tmax, time to maximal plasma concentration; t1/2, half-life. *Harmonic mean; † n ⫽ 9; ‡ n ⫽ 4.


`Elbrønd and Associates
`curred from 10 and 15 ␮g/kg, respec-
`tively. At the highest dose level, 6 of 6
`subjects experienced nausea and/or vom-
`iting compared with 2 subjects experienc-
`ing nausea and 1 experiencing vomiting
`out of 18 subjects in the placebo-treated
`group. There were no clinically signifi-
`cant changes in vital signs, ECG parame-
`ters, physical examination, or safety
`laboratory parameters (hematology, bio-
`chemistry, and urinalysis). There was a
`tendency toward lower urine volumes at
`doses ⱖ12.5 ␮g/kg, but there was no
`overall significant difference in urine vol-
`umes 0 –24 h after dose administration
`between active and placebo treatment
`(mean ⫺167; 95% CI [⫺650 to 316]).
`Figure 1A shows the mean plasma
`concentration time profiles of NN2211
`after subcutaneous administration, and
`the derived pharmacokinetic parameters
`are given in Table 1. NN2211 was slowly
`absorbed after subcutaneous administra-
`tion, with maximum plasma concentra-
`tions obtained ⬃9 –12 h after dosing and
`a subsequent mean elimination half-life in
`the range of 11–15 h. After intravenous
`administration, NN2211 was shown to
`have a low volume of distribution (0.07
`l/kg) and a mean elimination half-life of
`8.1 h. The absolute bioavailability based
`on the intravenous and subcutaneous
`crossover administration of 5.0 ␮g/kg was
`found to be 55%. Figure 1B shows a plot
`of AUC of NN2211 versus dose, indicat-
`ing a linear relationship. However, statis-
`tical analysis showed linearity only in
`the dose range of 2.5–20 ␮g/kg for both
`Cmax (mean slope 1.07 [95% CI 0.91–
`1.24]) and AUC (1.09 [0.94 –1.24]) but
`not in the range of 1.25–20 ␮g/kg (1.28
`[1.17–1.40] and 1.26 [1.15–1.37] for
`Cmax and AUC, respectively).
`The mean 24-h insulin, glucose, and
`glucagon time profiles are shown in Figs.
`2A, 3A, and 4A, respectively. Further-
`more, the derived AUC0 –9 h/9 h is shown
`in Table 2. Overall, in the period before
`the first meal and the IVGTT correspond-
`ing to AUC0 –9 h, there was a borderline-
`significant lowering of glucose levels (P ⫽
`0.066; mean 0.97 [95% CI 0.94 –1.00])
`but no statistically significant difference
`between active and placebo treatment for
`insulin (0.97 [0.81–1.16]) or glucagon
`(0.98 [0.91–1.05]). Furthermore, in con-
`nection with the meal (corresponding to
`11-h postdose) and at doses ⬎10.0 ␮g/
`kg, there was a tendency toward lower
`insulin and glucose levels after active
`Figure 2—A: Mean concentration time profiles of insulin after NN2211/placebo administration
`to healthy male subjects (subjects randomized to the IVGTT have not been included in the figure)
`(n ⫽ 4 in all dose groups except the placebo, where n ⫽ 8, and at the 5.0 ␮g/kg dose level, where
`n ⫽ 3). B: IVGTT profiles of insulin after NN2211/placebo administration to healthy male subjects
`(n ⫽ 2 in all dose groups except the placebo, where n ⫽ 7, and at the 5.0 ␮g/kg dose level, where
`n ⫽ 1).
`ject receiving placebo, the glucose con-
`centration had rebounded markedly at
`the 60-min time point, which was there-
`fore omitted for that subject. Exclusion of
`these data points represents a conserva-
`tive approach for the assessment of a pos-
`sible positive effect of NN2211 on Kg. In
`the statistical model for end points, the
`response for each subject was the sum of
`an overall mean, a fixed-dose effect (pla-
`cebo ⫽ zero dose), a random block effect
`of the dose level groups (including the
`one or two placebo subjects), and a ran-
`dom error, and the data were analyzed
`using ANOVA. All subjects from the first
`cohort of 1.25 ␮g/kg were excluded be-
`cause of the timing of the IVGTT. For the
`AUC0 –9 h glucose, insulin, and glucagon
`analysis, two subjects at 5.0 ␮g/kg were
`excluded because of low exposure, and
`one additional subject was excluded be-
`cause he did not fast (randomized to pla-
`cebo at the 17.5-␮g/kg dose level), giving
`a total population of 61 subjects. Because
`no comparison to placebo could be made,
`all subjects receiving an IVGTT at the
`17.5-␮g/kg dose level were additionally
`excluded in the AUC9 –11 h analysis, giv-
`ing a total population of 20 subjects.
`RESULTS — N o s e r i o u s a d v e r s e
`events were reported, and all subjects
`completed the study. There was a higher
`number of adverse events reported in
`subjects on active treatment versus pla-
`cebo treatment. The higher frequency was
`noted for headache, dizziness, nausea,
`and vomiting. Whereas headache and
`dizziness occurred on the majority of dose
`levels, nausea and vomiting mainly oc-


`Single-dose study of NN2211 in healthy male subjects
`estimate 0.0713 ⫾ 0.0238 [mean ⫾ SE]),
`such that increasing doses of NN2211 in-
`creased the Kg value. However, the statis-
`tical analysis did not show a significant
`overall difference between NN2211 and
`placebo treatment (P ⫽ 0.16; 0.58
`[⫺0.26 to 1.42]),
`indicating that
`NN2211 had an effect on Kg at higher, but
`not at lower, doses.
`CONCLUSIONS — The observations
`in this study of an increase in gastrointes-
`tinal side effects and dizziness after
`NN2211 administration are in accor-
`dance with previously published observa-
`tions after both GLP-1(7-36) amide
`infusion and NN2211 administration to
`healthy male subjects and patients with
`type 2 diabetes (3,9,21,22). The mecha-
`nism behind the occurrence of nausea
`and vomiting is most likely mediated via
`inhibition of gastric emptying (11,12,23,
`Native GLP-1 is a polypeptide that
`undergoes rapid metabolism by DPP-IV
`and, in addition, is rapidly cleared by
`renal elimination (1). The half-life after
`intravenous or subcutaneous administra-
`tion in humans has been reported to be
`⬃5 min (1) and 1 h (2), respectively.
`Findings in this study show an elimina-
`tion half-life of 8.1 h after intravenous ad-
`ministration of NN2211. This increase in
`the half-life of NN2211 compared with
`native GLP-1 is most likely mediated via a
`combination of factors. Notably, NN2211
`has been shown to have a lower suscepti-
`bility to metabolism by DPP-IV (25) and a
`high degree of albumin binding of
`NN2211 (as has been shown for other
`fatty acid derivatives [14,15]), and after
`subcutaneous administration, an addi-
`tional prolongation of the half-life is me-
`diated by a slow absorption of NN2211
`from the injection site, as evidenced by
`the further increase in half-life observed
`from subcutaneous to intravenous ad-
`ministration. Thus, the pharmacokinetic
`terminal half-life of NN2211 after the
`subcutaneous administration observed in
`this study is in accordance with previous
`findings in pigs, where the half-life was
`found to be 14 h (17), and studies with
`NN2211 in humans (21,22) and strongly
`supports once-daily administration of
`NN2211. In addition to improvements in
`compliance and convenience to the pa-
`tients by the once-daily formulation, an
`increase in exposure from 16 to 24 h of
`native GLP-1 showed further improve-
`Figure 3—A: Mean concentration time profiles of glucose after NN2211/placebo administration
`to healthy male subjects (subjects randomized to the IVGTT have not been included in the figure)
`(n ⫽ 4 in all dose groups except the placebo, where n ⫽ 8, and at the 5.0 ␮g/kg dose level, where
`n ⫽ 3). B: IVGTT profiles of glucose after NN2211/placebo administration to healthy male
`subjects (n ⫽ 2 in all dose groups except the placebo, where n ⫽ 7, and at the 5.0 ␮g/kg dose level,
`where n ⫽ 1).
`treatment. Concentration time profiles for
`insulin, glucose, and glucagon during the
`IVGTT (9 –11 h after dose) are shown in
`Figs. 2B, 3B, and 4B, respectively. Fur-
`thermore, the derived AUC9 –10 h/1 h and
`AUC9 –11 h/2 h are shown in Table 2, i.e.,
`corresponding to the first hour of the
`IVGTT and the complete 2-h IVGTT. Al-
`though there was a tendency toward
`higher glucose levels within the first 5
`min after the initiation of the IVGTT in
`the actively treated subjects, a lowering of
`glucose occurred from 30 to 120 min in
`the higher-dose groups. There was a clear
`dose-dependent increase in insulin se-
`cretion during the IVGTT, but there was
`no effect on glucagon levels. Statistical
`analysis showed a significant increase in
`insulin levels after NN2211 administra-
`tion during the IVGTT (AUC9 –11 h) (P ⫽
`0.0002; mean 2.29 [95% CI 1.80 –2.92])
`but no significant effect on glucose (0.97
`[0.82–1.14]) or glucagon (1.13 [0.89 –
`1.42]). Statistical analysis of the AUC9 –10 h
`during the IVGTT showed a similar pat-
`tern to that for the complete IVGTT.
`Thus, there was a statistically significant
`increase in insulin levels in the NN2211-
`treated group compared with the placebo
`group (P ⫽ 0.0002; 2.74 [1.75– 4.28]),
`whereas no significant effect on glucose
`(1.05 [0.89 –1.23]) or glucagon (1.06
`[0.87–1.29]) was observed. The effect of
`NN2211 on intravenous glucose toler-
`ance, as assessed by Kg up to 1 h after
`glucose administration, is shown in Table
`2. There was a clear and significant dose-
`response relationship (P ⫽ 0.0078; slope


`Elbrønd and Associates
`Figure 4—A: Mean concentration time profiles of glucagon after NN2211/placebo administration
`to healthy male subjects (subjects randomized to the IVGTT have not been included in the figure)
`(n ⫽ 4 in all dose groups except the placebo, where n ⫽ 8, and at the 5.0 ␮g/kg dose level, where
`n ⫽ 3). B: IVGTT profiles of glucagon after NN2211/placebo administration to healthy male
`subjects (n ⫽ 2 in all dose groups except the placebo, where n ⫽ 7, and at the 5.0 ␮g/kg dose level,
`where n ⫽ 1).
`ments in glycemic control, indicating the
`therapeutic importance of full 24-h
`GLP-1 exposure (26).
`In the present study, a borderline sig-
`nificant lowering in 0 –9 h glucose levels
`after NN2211 administration was ob-
`served, whereas no significant effect on
`0 –9 h insulin or glucagon levels was
`found. This assessment period was cho-
`sen because the subjects were fasted ex-
`cept for water (before IVGTT and meal).
`Therefore, the previously reported effects
`in healthy subjects on inhibition of gastric
`emptying by GLP-1 causing a lower meal-
`stimulated insulin secretion outweighing
`the stimulation on insulin secretion
`caused by GLP-1 would not be present
`(27). This blunting effect was observed in
`this study in connection with the meals at
`⬃11 h after dosing. Previous studies with
`GLP-1 infusion in healthy subjects have
`shown an acute effect on insulin and glu-
`cose during fasting conditions (4,5),
`whereas the present study only demon-
`strated a borderline significant effect on
`glucose. The basis for this difference re-
`mains speculative but could relate to dif-
`ferences in administration form, notably
`intravenous versus subcutaneous, or sam-
`pling frequency differences. However, in
`accordance with previous findings in
`both animal models and humans (28),
`significant increases in insulin levels were
`observed during the IVGTT in this study.
`Even though the initial higher glucose
`values observed during the IVGTT, for


`Single-dose study of NN2211 in healthy male subjects
`which the explanation is not known,
`could have confounded the observed
`stimulation of insulin secretion, the effect
`on insulin was clearly dose related (in
`contrast to the glucose increase). Al-
`though the increased insulin secretion
`mediated by NN2211 did not signifi-
`cantly decrease glucose levels, there was a
`dose-dependent increase in the glucose
`disappearance constant after NN2211 ad-
`ministration, indicating that the lack of a
`measurable effect on glucose was not
`caused by NN2211 decreasing insulin
`sensitivity. In a recent study with
`NN2211 in patients with type 2 diabetes,
`NN2211 was found to reduce fasting and
`meal-related glycemia. This effect was
`found to be mediated via an increase in
`insulin secretion rate, suppression of glu-
`cagon secretion, and a delay in gastric
`emptying (22). Thus, in contrast to the
`present study, suppression of glucagon
`secretion was found in type 2 diabetic pa-
`tients after NN2211 administration.
`Taken together, these data indicate that
`the pharmacodynamic response of
`NN2211 in patients with type 2 diabetes
`is more pronounced that that in healthy
`subjects and also corroborates the glu-
`cose-dependent mechanism of action of
`GLP-1 and NN2211.
`Acknowledgments — Parts of this study were
`presented in abstract form at the American Di-
`abetes Association Annual Meeting and Scien-
`tific Sessions, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
`22–26 June 2001.
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