`By,bt May t b. &h sibht±a tBD,h had 0110ryao,red and tB uec,ule4eam uasvrnous.v®drns wae.staBato call more f:1, aUy abouttheu biB, but Medaam and to 50111¢depaztmLwasdeadedly bgbt mm 15111/151 Wyk¢ewdwould Meat weep at BA to£wtiu my S
`ma ¢15011[Mb
`gw JohnSkevbag the Mag1Pueltre of Stmbesg'PmhuePiB Wale 111115¢15 lead w1v115fte 501¢1Bsaved Mk 11.,
`We hlkedwit 111,x011 atalmtre caplati ad DDv6[511.1 Bt oft1Bfivm some large late 1031 fiords Bk h10ls Weixt Pmtasa.Goldman Sachs PsicaB EquM MalywOe alas.611m,1m we uas 0les[ing tthetme. They badsemlhe LPOwmdowdvse avdyf*e
`YvetulntlBtt"were lath hBdog txplltBt baggage.Errlyiwdydmdedmot a'Yvti1-IMse¢"sppmaahmt UlDtt1 WIt iyaavgbtbetvremaraakmdahlttplace aflx GTase H&Q; baeLE wtofthe 11W 15111 at to last 11±111115
`Som May1M,11at1 std to➢0➢0, teamwmkedarnaritcilg Staelbug ,lead DIDW'bIllIB- MIBIW klealblt Storelbl1t111allIemme fund 111[11sett[quickly ad indepeodlltly 8tambeg w1. also fly rspeble0f dM111111111¢W±1I stdhada W goodtlttimabtp 1110 Heidi Roizm 0f
`1mm11mu 1 11,111111-Ite DlD,tsteam III[ goodablm Ns 11115„s5lPw1hltltW 111 was cmtodm10]atbe 1111011 11111115 11 t 01¢,1115
`SIOb11kwh,aat WDIDIBBondifdlecmrs.SBkB&gwaz c1111W1s If KIWI SKI SWII1±d HWdat SchoolIIBmi,ee, 11415¢au1b1dstmxlk.tlE
`ace De c~itlal
`Shwbesg rvu awalyata lead ±alto[ He hadjoatapeledaaw tnd,Sta®bag 44mae l91mea1LttH all pltilgtobe$31M Thad ,he IlBW ly1±111 ha0ete1a$Stlmake a±sgle$20M iaeslm®110 aaway, espa±aly silty tts w1. po[sdWlygomg B Btt futt Wtt11t of
`111new fiord. 51111503 vs,slyfvllvwed"alasg±leadimxsmrs,h.0 Ill 5115Kleine Ptkiw1101-£h1.tsmsathaosavl00atrd0wy 11$1-214chwbI10rd0m 1115.5[& holdings vfhis
`Nmateka M.tav, w1.. tM about getlg wylead 11th rinte ties¢. regau1 1,111111115 tosmoke a Ian 5501. Be view. going froSOatagw0elead 00111 leasthw ideal Ibarecacwsidaivgthe aitatiw thec®pwy w1.Wit seawdB Medsam wdte ham B 11111 afiategy wino
`fawlxa.Plus the NASDAQ badtebw-dedt 11113500 modmwythl Ighttt wouldmuSmlem sae.(II F1Wb55) Leadilga lewdwould be somewkl 1111111 Stamberg atdbaitgblt 101¢1omya fee! 111110/11/1 o1, 110-2614 toutsam a0mew5t wasul. But, 55¢16x3was thaxredo
`11151511!0 tSe 11115¢5 std 1111 111W emm5mem wax t0 ocu153M 111111110 at a $13514 pre tarcy 1zf#ioa Owe Stambesg 111mmtlt&mttntl fxuaed a closing the 1.11010 the lattwl weeks. 0¢0011 to p11113 11th ivw MMtwI badlhe±11¢1[00 m 1101.1 by M5t15th dw t0 t€ teprlritg of ualmtt
`gitmto Wester¢iech¢obgy 1¢lottmmts(WHO) 1115
`It equipment 11,11011W
`Mry 15,1111101151115,[11[thy fora tomreasons-Fes5it0WlayGoleta 0e 015 DIDIOstyout If 11111101 They pl,bably w,-mlme brew lb e mmaket€Sum1 paytolt, fl
`aab1'11115051e1a5otltpswltlmdols, 110it
`Bdbacebadbfmtel eatmifellpayablea-Th!€nm-Whalebe1011€dl
`€1101 5110111111110 m a 11 of Ample KB D,Dns 11a11151-HIe- Fmtamme till 111,001115111111±5 101111 by WH 1±111111 III] b p¢sslbtl 510511 m all 1511151411111511 same 11111111111 Ott p,tmIll 4±11511 Ntdm¢t lam ppo!tutity IIDID-h 111 wt BIll S 0111113 M May 1511,1,50111%,f tht
`romPmry woddlre gnwt W1I.Medmvo 1111[[¢watStottetg uhltows:
`t the coop y ad &aef could III be ma-11aphuh.. Dada fete 1115,[ candliom 10c,tars were m 111311
`'Imxnax 0111 to 1111 11,x1 to claw a deu. Whm fe mated ss teal ecmpebtial 0111 eta imxsburs 501±&1 the ±11115.x. C&ta ly, ➢11111 cast coeds uwld Il ly be wed ago
`twdeals'thy all.5,11 th smsome 1011 mr®®dice had11h at! . lye Moy I5 wz[rmd[¢pacing w1. malt,61i[gore DoD1s ±date by w14r5511111B0,81111111510±,11ww15t AM1101¢ SIBbwkowned 13 oflhe1105115 and 00111]5.5lz 0e ]uga[0ra11s 0151 SailH1
`to pink 1010011±, Id ewlw a 5oflba0ks 11551st tsrehmz wee now in the "10151151" 511 had 10111th¢ pot €k±l0fuaxala511115101111 slt.0ptt01110 to Sail B."
`01151111 111111±1 fnwdingtelmald Kaiut:ahLrtieaxdthta It an€ppmhmitym ouch ±lag tltllyay Itt EepIle 111 elm bx¢tatluced by 505-DIDIO IttI11 ¢11111111115±35-11511311115±15 thlplE till evlymazkethttmlU audthefllitllltotmuchpmibvxptasa tl1l1O51 wd1¢sxamr 1[1[11!
`d51'1x¢Mny 11tty to them off d11.dShmbag 1115eo®p11}rs AdOiamy HoadtM giveh®5.41100 chases of®m®sfttkiv to 11x11 oft"beefed-
`➢11115 trmmds0fel0a[ Sltbagat101110031511€omewhm o£. faausbivsaswgao gw151y 11Goae t, dal -As fuM.a 0cwti11t 1551 11,
`up"Adrisa package. D1u addalslack 3111 made only to 5511513 the clos1101145155515 a 15th ,¢1151¢15511513'1 fimdw eHcfr1011 reduce to 11513¢puce 1tlhermmd11a$]11111 pre money ratwtiw. Mall
` 51111513 had g1a and was wiflivgt help DIIB11151101 1111111 path 0lweae
`more thwhappy mcompelsaze 5±551111? Thit gam helpedsetw 5hmber3ll tldre15t, illesmaem doming m earmsdylalt4e market 1±1111 hnveg mre1,3II It IS],. 1¢1151¢ emit illeatmem. B aLsoappear,d to 31[5±110¢11±11, 15305110ct€€Ii0« wltfe companv, and fact 5±1111 rtmpleelgfe deal.
`1511111May7Mefaln1tss awakened by Staeabetg w this cell pbwea15A21I ±time at1101tfere uO11mli01¢1ood¢exn. Wlw 11111$xg1udfghdmd MSt t.Hetdd MedrmOft ,BB to taHlff,Ltmited Puma±(LPs)(ie.10,x1111) 5± 11is01a1, SYambtg VefePmmas H, bad backed cutof flit
`m11a1 ranmitmm5 m 1,105±1 511111
`Stambag Vmlu€ Patel, 1101, wtque 11111[ it nos both mall (51011) sd 513515 d®lgmpluclLY twceolatd. Moll 05511 LPa was €1Mta„ofl ®plltees,1150 bad 11111111100t11110 In 5011¢1,11 tm1k114 angel va,tmellx o 001, slag€ 11111011105 lompwies-11,01 wee 101 the 105111 LPs It large 4C
`ttltal o p1nall.51.110.
`Prl4t1111 SapBla&K]®a Pattlll Most lttb€se Stye VC 50I11ti H1e 0 t11t1elmt1g Ott mfi' ofteitmw€y DIII ItKtWItIt0h1tly shb]e 10100101€ Ilk. 11vem®[1wdsw5wtratsity md,wme11s. These types of LPs wneualally0eryw,D 011&IBalz¢di¢1e1.1e511101105,f tllt
`1I1h111thy apots30x3lo5.1e10m11,111e111er. OntSt etabald,most of Stambag'a LPswasa0Sv5vgthemajoatyoftheirlm-el al'lpm
`hclmologyrvmpalttt ft ±11111! oft6equukald setaeda015v10totah1ll15y±IlBl0011111e551 LPshadsematage c1±110k Ifaheu1¢1x114 ecaporahz.could
`II lagso01 tt muchu teyb0plavval0 his 1.-11111111ord.
`D IIIBII 8w10agat mw ovlY 11511111111$1014, Si he 101154t Me4rwo01t his 0vdmldvm lead wlh 1$3141,155011[. Mehmmo [Salta ^Shenbeg was hopovg to flare 11-111 1£0!11¢111114 5[5±155 15 111 1mmcdl lety workal15th S1.15 1¢1,11 tls sibt.hl"Medrm 1W 511 1,
`[mdy11salwaw€1101 ROimxv'lltl±hwtip 11±01am110 Sdte DoDILI louldmgtvmwas alsokeyto
`, 1, ehlmtla$2Mlead 1111101.311; ut10w0mla 1m0 b 05151€ 01111. 1-vc1m wm
`o whI
`3±111111-Sire 11/51111115 l€ y1Iind Eeumpany 11111,0155511515 alsmbalft®Sts
`1115 af'0m t '^±" 5185111[5 Rota®ilputicoLl, wt. 1ery committsdto closivgthiscalal.
`Medan 0x15¢1 mee5 11511 mmplaete deal. 55 uas rarefitl cot t0 alatmplte¢tlll101estasby fl1uog m 0e 5[011¢3 task issue- AmislIp here mr1.m that DIDoh 111115111, to take 11 expeesnre 51431111, mote±5, 0 at 11111'11mplesxiII, wmldjIB 5111¢30¢ 13115 a. 1111111 the ask,[ H,a10g the
`Slott H. Tlw team 11,0 0i4551111[10110[,,mtab¢ adcamage of to 555111 by"1[15¢1-wddimeilg"111111[1 waw±ous1t1W II delayitg fe cash tmbsiovua leglb±tiollnll Efft1i,Iy fatIKg the 1,11001101 May154te 11wpwroonedu11tp5llEWtym 5411,1110,1Itdthe aaattc€psirmg old 11
`Ippotmlyh get W lll -ll w1h1 green o®p®y lt a tmpamlilyrldnwdpsice.
`comp.tho 11151 Bclmdogy actor seemed to mneme ¢let 1111 01111W &It 10,0315.0±11 d naa cot the rigba time S h ll om fat 1* 51111¢ 5±10010
`DlDlB was 100 Gerdy alt of 001 11±,11' self mod fe to®war 1.111a1 Kmm ±151011111111±15 [11¢1[11®t S IhI um tea - week. Hal vea3 from t
`IepUiate lams 0 cillatim, bm instead to that w raim.g csh—aled- Possibly sassing 1St; w May 1115 Staevbes55.gbt 11 t0a1te1alw5a f0 $IZSM-1411[11, Sat tht DIDwate® had m 111115, mod 11111me come tat 1111[1451¢ with E,1. new vabutiwu „ 11th,! 51.6111. a. p011e 1lmp11±u
`1t thenew 1ztu1±€.a11h0dtelrteam of111111151111101515 BMa
`t,]±m Fullolwhohad waked 0115tommpanyswee i6 i1ceptiol,111118 to 001111111.
`the fiat
`12II1f111mte 1,11,®1 paeparatiw P1S111 McOza®tlmoed 11 wohd,selyoot EW1w May15thw1.IspS.tyhxticbllawe 111-11,111 1 -111 01 110111[ 11501113 allp015e. ±00115551110051,11 each and 1115 10sma555 lly1t4 01tt,o11og.0511651± Staenble and So0b,*wan€.
`oftlf€lmauwandfe apptavd pta€1at1tlyt1,¢became al4compte.Kla0011emwe dwhlhem is stole leeway mod usually 111101 day 111001, lkecae of dll0olamatequkmgaipyabueotwve 11111{rg 5,1D10101. 511,13 didmthavefu lmwy. Fildiagfegmerupmmemmstg11tth documem, d.At.0
`nth ft 1Atl11h ±It 511111111 11 111.ISSxr0g malty, 1111 oeglh€bogh,Wteda IfpapIl I11lga15111111111 m 1111,. shpt 1610151111 is much more ecwptilatedtao ¢bung a 1!1311 inlHmw a Sala 511114-
`5111* "closing" the [awl by May 15 wazthe x1111 plot ofhm5vg 0111151111IS0- Llwa10g0I5111 m $12514 std gi,mg 5tmb11g 14d1i011! '151,111 ales" 11-111 11110! ways to c1BPmmS fate 4ectma5011hemtk11 uas 4111aing t0 sllltltty sl011ed 1€cbwlogy 01115111¢1 mdlc11tlmtket tola5515
`1t51151111 101110.Iterc 1- Delay Ile teams' maba weglal wart, make sore 1tm DlElIS 51010111 make to lwe 11141111 SB I¢Mey I5 5111,111. SIae16e1g K1vm, affi the,msper,51-1terns If lanyat sport ltgbthlutl i1€o1famte-cala 101-11111 t 0e tompleatams1ffe 01-lte-h.
`Mon afahew11t1.bas0ldaywae dtactlyr,Iatllothe nghB andpltttftl of the Series B 5.111±11101,101 111015±15 co®olaitmasllatolhpetm,rtrns, 111111111 difiattterehung$ts framt,seofte5eriu Awlertma. KB realty fmahuutm diffawt lolndoflatto.ate 00,011W
`at at iltitllbat. 110151lk bad paid tl 111[x51 stare toll/3 of the £ampwy m t1A,wd—ltey was far 111 aaay felatgert 1[115111. Mahe 11011011011 SWISItg ass efiecmely buyilg ablut2% oft6e wmpwy 111$25.5 wdwaspayt p±Iatt Eft per stare.. Itoixa ald Sofltwktad also at oUDd to 01,111
`Eet1 pto,1111 stem, m 1151 cue they 01111141¢012 of IS, 115th 1-111111®1!1 coda to 111,51¢ their 0aw1111.p 50€115511,,1 wppm10e c®p11y. (O8W potm5l new mlamts 0111111±11114 away fi®m i11utm®[ opIlIMnlly if 111®1 .11111111 11 able S I wwillmg, II maxst 1111 matt 0111510500
`10±111. 11101€ 1511 5o1bmkbad1lll1alad 114111,001 dallms Dom 0 Sod t 11551-1[ 0e company 111161111¢1,111ldsoff thio%) So faserampie if 55¢1613 mom tl ±mall $214 Soflbavkwodd m1mmt$IM-
`0.21 Ws 1115010 S1aEag 1111 tm tf tl "Psi ¢115110" Hod te51101±0 and 5100ege111111101115h11 111111111114 11011 11 bet 511111015/ Sma H 010011113 110141 hat Bte PIwa t IImpelt ma11140 15.,11,,.,attl p&150131,f oaambp. 11511101111; thla appears lvmpldely flu,
`500e005.il1s11l1e1of0e 5en€s Aavd515116 10111111
`111 31,1111115 a131eddwlothe tiff
`tfr0eltbry- pay III 15,101& Fmext11plt 151WM.11,1£00015 a@et5lambxg's1¢11101e¢t amWdslNrnahuge psuftmyo@balk, butps€1t51511105ugwltllass. Sleobmgwatedll Wl11sure5ehadas
`11101011/13111 u passible 11 adata pr1tehht®se1111¢11 511 aysa11ym1em nit SOfHIIdItmelests.141 0 1111 11111,
`itecomPw)•s lIlltt1111l1lll1I11 was 11101111 10 111 0111 11 5tllAbwkhlra1ete1alasgeplul per 15111110111 lma. Pro, bog Stwaba8lt51111-+alli1L011-14 allow him to eff a0Iy 11,151111101150001 51318¢ ilattausla0atwu 511¢61±11 fm to rmaitog 98% If/HI llmPwy N€woWd
`to So1ey wdmwey tell 515. mod, ax made 1111111
`50 .511 B 1[[110 a 101ofsalu1 fat hwf U t 101151.101151±101,0 mod to Series A isxl0s dEt tl5n301wawu dupmpa5wte 1151 11€111, ,p. Thin 1011 wasnt fail fr,holds oft% of fe 101(5005.131[. wlhe eta hsd, DIDIb a..
`to aam1BIX1.aesllry m Set tht Honey i00e door."
`and genrethetat
`So ahaalong dey 1011515, Ill11mmeetivg wiE all of t¢pasuu'at1111151 01111110051€,, 13114mod$2148®55mbag,ilaguotlhe $114 G®5.,15115, uas kansfm.101heom}wymM1y15. fag
`1111011 ±11100111111 11115[1 could meet[ Wy11ll.pao b 1111111, andh. Sore 11111.1 101151 1,15fIlo feomlwzstms 0110110515m'0m tae51.111.Ro, it alt appm.Oat 56e115no0gym1hd1115h[11e1Srnaingoloty, ell1though ec®u1emod Ivt®et 1111® [mod Matlsog 51011100500111,1011
`II 1015101 then gtlok demise.
`001 1110111. who was 10111111 111511±111 1011111 urohedlosltytlltm.dam 0.rllg al If 151 rawp051t h.ateWla 115wt He 1111.1¢0[14 "15th 1111 the belt mashlwdlag I1Iams1101,1 tSatare has'. 10111111&101 11-0e1011111'015¢1011 set, lets 50 gm 0e1e1_ -. . o± less 15.1101-1 mallet-"
`AS. 11I11g Et1 mmt lnullmmt 0555/503 m41oftba105 ref 11551 made w 1.1111111111-45 [5¢11[1¢ compmy Dow Apg01,DIO,h' t1 mpkyII014 Du11laofHR &Oplahas,111111,,
`a m151e of 1®510115110I0®oel0w±t 0,1151,5¢¢1 sad rally0g 111 loW 11,1014115±0 111111511 keyhuq key 011,,1101-1111W and big imeslme111 the whole III±I1pwy knew the ivtaoe! make[ ht uha1 105041 11115 dWvY wdlslm±401 ho0-1,tt15101uetI
`"the fwd01
`y115a510mae ®5±h10G ARk1ew Etl➢oDots 011€ old rmliog maey a. Ely 1,114 see ±111113 1(1 mod Sao Iee1y11hac"
`Iv110 trcteases iv taltmlw 1111, 101111- 1511 midst lftoll m±ke[
`±11,14 hem we11 o1L evxyb,dy [mod w atlas 11111^ mod M€Mm, wort through±11111151511 brief IMails 1f the 1015110011- 111 11115. 1015115tH 15105±14 5111010±045 wl that .11111b14111 1115100 o 15e comp®Y had 511011111 weft€
`1,1111. Apgar c,®ems. "Ihe Ka-belt 1,¢d Metlr110 [blip 11511 ffie 1111101101 1t1115 the ¢1511!¢ 1£11115 raatllt 11th mtylhl,ked ela}=lldy fa 111,1151110 they III 1111 and cold to CItlOa1Y 0e. deptlatl 31015®the amfitlm1ef0l Dl➢o1,llW Pelllgfllded wduas 1111-g 11,11±11001 tt111t14t11! malkel'
`OIiawIy, $314±151111akm vaaal d totgh A few tombs ether IluDot had plated 10 raise $6514 mod had bu,d WIt 01[[11 growth plat w 01±113 a Sage chat af0aley (111 Eohib53), t l,io€ Aped mod May, f, focus Imdqutckly atged m 11t1t14 any twxam±to Soothe 11111 at 1,w valuauonald
`gtMW malghmlle510t6e deed men pmat Nlw,ahe oampmotademKgt cowry mlm0emaktsele 11dlo atlg aboad lags 10cmmrems 6om Saga VC fads. MeawbdeD1D.5 load almost 51011. 1± 11,51,01
`0.211 ti1 meallllo h.1 the d1sina o£tl11,11 B 10111 wit 0510513114±115115 11110515wa1 really cot a Ne "clr.-±." U6d14.055. 003011 p,1, Chase and 51Rbw1:aroWdhmc.11,151±111W lhaze 11510511111110010W 0.2,0 Chase bcked 1111 oft[tldlaldm 15,11, 4111105' strrtefy-hId
`t adapt 00110910[¢1511 111101/015aket
`010155.001 10110 "£11111' uas really 1111110010 115.1 1±100 whir0 was 110 50 11±11±11 111-110 0111110
`if 5[111513 Vmm1e Patters mod Slflbwk, mttmg $314. UVSh [he Series A tllclamts, ukeu➢IDa6 fe! 15e,ame,f the cI¢@unY (111111 rNmapec[,111, 11.tkt)11th imeasi¢g 1111115 14115011 101115
`±15111110 daum®h waswnnelt, 1llow10esawtlsadte1¢0901001 Sotmm.tatly afterGW11lg 1ItfeS0l1S0oSmem 1100SOm5agad1105.15,temabageamttea at l5±udmwak Mthota11100,0110rat±¢taemwey. 51511mk1±.,®±1111to mreativg10pro- Ill. .Ilo*11ulce00w.133%
` 150111±Il0h m 0e mmpa0y 111111111111 1up011ll11
`1£[111111111111111 ±151111151111111014 01-111101111 11-11010111050 211,11151-111101111111.101 Ore,f 5411110115111111111 011111 111.111111x101 mmh mercy u 51101111 w 0111 t 1110111511111±1111151101501-1! llelol and to SofOmkpl BI1I.p at
`tlIugblmte Summa012006.Hs111515e115 rslabh1hIItM,lnsedl!radouesmr t
`to SlSesB made) lllltr DODlNm a[hlttlmtlotsetars az t, jmtlylf0e fimwala-dlegatdw tlltgmcemdvegata1mwualteadyclmplae.1111.1
`01111,me 51005131W 101111xmMlesserkmwlfim45mat,
`ateclm8 m1re llsbhshed 1,,d ltga 11,01151111 0111111150;11 lryech¢Iogy DoIttl1H4mSo6, come awt,H. 515011 01111,5
`'DIcummtolMtaslsurea 15015 let,I1tkmavw 11001551sh0ityf1clmeslm1tId13 5031 010 015 51011wsshll-bm110£mdm11ha11ea4 i,,x11[11se1Ipncelvdthelam0111115150 rm0at0a £Ia-er1aatnpby-thla131It Ee5111w1Wdfmillyjampa°
`Ime 501010 114 111111, 111,111 Cwcemtiw1 moth (lase 0 ,1Sls 5011e penodll 10110110 Nlrvtbt Hl It1 mom!¢ 11¢11 tumefable 51±511,111111101111bottl a*t time m 11-Wilt 05111. 0111151 Wafer haw Chase III the Managi-g Patina 11te11mbae eapiTW lam, w,1 s5lt¢t11ened m 111-11110
`111041111- hadch,swao 1111 tomagege 1¢111 feyclddll11110 u 1111,1 Sta111ra8. wet, muchmofe 611¢110151 ofaf app<mal Imcesses,1¢111, aas 111 51101 between lh®avd Uw D,Do, t111.I111e111 111111[1 a.,dUm money mod 1111 Day ±111111.. 10th111[3±1 sehuovsllll 101 mt,1.11yftalage
`11like 111. mod a pf®1m161111111111m1 11
`tIe 5±11±[tke I Chase 11111!1 11.141±1015!, ± 110 111-Pe1 days 1150 Staeobags lead 01015011, Chasmlah4$3M011 Walk 11111 a seal wth ervmp1151101l1HD1a10a 11s 111 brovgbt 0madthhllal El1 5 Got 50101111
`±101 dSoIlbwk 11511,0 and 1sea0aabte10110! ofmwey mthe 510514 Wmof 1sNwmarg smnll ilwetors ate hai psniouily ¢1111151[1¢151111 was feu 01101! II ±1,001111 tItlIblIg 1111111,11. Nlmaocs A1±15e151amrs hI5511.1, 11-ch wit tffi 11±lpmy 111 11,1
`Now, 1111511115511
`pll II1I3 6mwO1-0111111 the 111111CPO 1'Chlalmm and a 5oflbavk Sl01p1mem-O-R1s±IIIIILam14DOIid Kim. 011101111111115111-,1511111±,, &omw5mteywaeadelgmdl,tu 1551101 bgIE1. K® 01191.1 $1514, and along came SIfd tell, $7501
`Meeting plch1vgand111, gmc6w±llt mall 0c-11[111 waatime 11101-b1-g mod evagy iw111111HowecaMetes, mod 1St 11101 wwi14u much 115 as possible 11510111 wmlug hard 11,11001111111111.-5w011mmvsly,at1111111m511111m2114001 11 early 1113fa0the company lye 1111115
`rum 1111. a E200K 0¢051111 £® MassVmhues.
`441±0110105 0111.011111111111110±111.1 Silicon 1051y55 15151 Takwg 1.31150111110
`SloSh .total mmmlmlem,bm 11e511*ptvedttmestdlll±Ew Domthemawgalmttelm
`1111510513,11151111111111111101100501111.01 111155' PR f11 fad estate firm mod hw firm 1,U mttrihuffi 11,11110111111011111111100 1011115.0±11111111501 h,IpM Nlmtt the SeSev B round std 1111114
`Meww6le, 0101,10110:1¢ team 0111 sill p1160g 111¢1¢ of loge VC £1101 .1 4 "1 It1gi1" 111511111 kaxahal 510151 Ike 11111111 and AOL all 15110¢ co—y Fi 115, two 100, rmh0e lolts c®itt. 511111111011111 Series H. Plaff V1hves pat in 550051 and 141101 Lyob 5011 Fgwty 1111¢111
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`111x15 wuealBM atom 0e 5clmnllgy mdpbdg. his support f0 [¢1111511,05110¢ tO window la0pmrd mlo w1. paxisely the tpp, if rebtialh±pDlDoh w1.111510g Etc 1011,0 oft¢ primary n±sow lh,y 11f101150011050 80011 B tvumr.
`0111111111 [,leas. 161 total 11110156¢ 111111 t 01151 114 elha 1,1 the pot
`ptotlucmgdm 44131.11 11000111,, mdwmkl¢gthluug5sales 55 1115111!, 11cmtlgatralegiea-
`tit 111101011 1511 51 empty lad cahUld. 101,11 mow 11101y void-A^g`h. Dl11Od mtagemmt had be®ate 1115 the tote 51,11,11 511/0/03,11 VC Gads ham 1011111101115 11 1100 1101 CI y, 11115,01141
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`meeting. "Managing 011101 If 101111111 doting tv 1-165[111 £51111011 elhemelytime [1111111,1080!1" Kmbe111114-Medrw1r11lLL5
`"Flmdmvivg 1s 6111-wtiv5. 1e00e.105I mom c011wfly w 101. mad, 11110 1111 11 Dace 01x5031 a day 511 015111 Sptmg 55 5011W this 111. fill mwfs 0fhy0g [o squeeze blood from a [115 011 10504 ±1 111015 and That 1.w ow E1501115 Howeea l[ tmk away from o-[1'
`11031.. 11.1. 1101061 c0115100?
`' mPmSm
`1510111111 team mow fu-11±113.011 compely remllwd mgaw-15111i1w dep00t1m06eadswae 111113111101111001(10011151103) 111±1 s cmtou. m 11311 111 0 11x1 ad 5111[11 urell 5501105±1 ofmAriu aftx 011 bell 5100111lavlch (see E 1111/116 & 5) 141110 lgt110154 11l51/l. 111111 (00
`P111110107)0100111111501101,1(11 Elhwlogy mmpmtec Cumpa56 alhe Nl1d1B up11ialty "DotCIllo. arethd t0 else up strop. By 010150 111011 mM,lthlt a Ill of 1s 11001000 had gwe 011 ofbusous,twat viable to pay m lcense DlD0111101l1. The mNlils by wWcb DODlh moat measur10g the
` 6PR:11011 oompkltlyrecma.
`100111,1,0c1nom11 tloleas.dm1awaod011,,1115 10,11 01111 cot 1101101±1¢ 0.05111111 to Plofipbtltry. The indus1ywuus0 slawH111HlOIo 11,1±11,11501± bet 1111111110! 01011 alt
`By 011 Sore 1110011 had g01111 toms 1011 people, mo0105111-rte n1 alylowhwg$2M P11111-mh.MIIe im1mb1115,,Dlbm'telmoe,muted 11a5w1t31311151103 off ho ttedatmautofaht IIOPIIII customs be. DIDo0 had 101mded II follbwdilH±Ut10gte Pm0111 aadaakivg manly 00
`11115€15111111010e01111111111±5,101am00(1ee Exhibit2)£11999 sad15 2000, w51lce0ewe HII1010.0for➢o1Cams ald mw Da➢ub 1113acwtomas were 101101110 111155±1 seat.115e431,111m1e10..5t5t0etmo10te te0h1ol13y1d 51111110,4.e1.,0111110 appemlitubetaa5itoflm0ble.
`011015 mom also 3013 to hate111111 htghll m[1,h soon the 011,11±111 1101 bad made auo£t6aplgallas 111.0010013110110 Savory 11111011®11 but 0110IllS1,115t1 11mp115 11e000551to.111011of9955eat0l0-4.50110115 the dolt tat DODO, hod 0111. hat Llghtawe andthe
`150i5051111110 cog from Uffl,uat add 15111$101K plc mvmt iv lavuary 1£101DlDol, Had 51,1111 EiMfiom Lightvus0 C0pr,loa51111.blt wbvrdivand live, wit to il®tia 101 Gv11®g temmry10±rvughte V2Kp111o0 51111.0155101 o5hee11ll1th0rte Sties B WI delayed l6e company uas
`11,011101 11111', 0e 11111 1.111115
` beck. cot 1£151 £111011.111101, but 115151111 waappllazhta.g and tnxlueawme mtdeeelopm311511¢114Medrw11±0. ,
`"Due thlgl6at 11110616a,e 35'11 m a 511th Of010gs m Dome w1.0th the 1,'61111 we met moll a Febsuay axle atom a set of um audselmw p0ojxk0ts belle 0, Iamb Ofatuprodvet. Still k akin axwwt bwk to those same or'.1,a 10 illy lad Aug0Iitll5 sere dilapplored o lwalvs.t rlrxwe
`1101110(100005,110151) By S1ft106er t€ p1111111011 x5111 mtm5W tat10aslly 1181110101¢ 1151t tedlwnmtk11 std Im l'0111154511 1100111W 1111010011.¢431011.".
`51-1eof16e11mp115+a 10 1011 11111111 0 1 111,1 1..1 anddis5ibutilg IA11001hdmdvgylilyl llhlt
`gelloatal 1111110 1111111 F6a50, 11111110iued dl 1111111 hgls
`oloojmi05 ofvetcu1la1ers1111dmag 11175511/15 whethad seepedanumb¢[ofc1usl~me1 who11111airedaboutthem11.p1v}a15ec6nalvgy but totechvolvgywasnv[1111byfeu1111®mmwayathat
`By I115, the Dl111leamvl5IMlbm 1€11151111,1111111-5eed dutrtbulia¢an11d¢It11mx 15111111/1 ill0thw mod 11110111 101111 w 1 eahmm5apll& Dley 6,11111101510 a 0wltgy 11amgoduh 11 mdm m make W 1111514111100 11th,! 1011010.11011111111 Ole lfHlllI w101lechIKmgy tice¢v1g
`dll1llIh ADC.11m Sm14101111, 511115 4Raf0n fiveenvg 01111111 "Om t pllatlg 11111 1111115 day and wgll Em.math m make ABC Sappy -0.4 fag(4 111!111111.1114 pm m±the 01±5. 5140 .15 0¢5511 hat sge ilvegatiatiIll and we 5/05/111 [111111. P110,151551 m11.I11ao1iIol d1HIt the 115111
`teuweblle was a0dwha[ it wlWd d1, £[111111, "


`ch,00 d ISP Spmaay
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`Men prodach bgsoaivg ]v[amteompaoiez DoDwbegantof I6ms6 rejection by We musket ateocompames 0k,] CO a,d Snn reported earnings sh OI1 Q3 and Q4o02000.
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`Deal Summary


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`Headcount summary
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`Cgr570 12 001 65 14.BSmdafr ofllrelalm35f555211muar 5'020110)21421502 rermffi

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