'I I,
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`This is a Dotes
`Dots'"' represent an entirely new way
`to brand, package, and distribute your
`Internet content and applications.
`A Dot is essentially a small package of
`Internet content that is delivered
`directly to your customers' desktops.
`Anything that can be delivered on
`a Web page can be delivered in a Dot,
`including applications and rich media,
`but unlike a traditional Web page,
`your customer no longer needs to
`"go out" to the Web to interact with
`your content or your company.
`Dots Run On Personal Computers
`Dots and DotPacks are actively displayed
`on your online customers' desktops and
`can be viewed while using any other
`application, eliminating the need for
`your customers to stop other work
`to access your Internet content. Any
`number of Dots or DotPacks can be open
`and running simultaneously, providing
`your customer with a rich Internet
`experience. Dots provide you with direct
`access to your customer and a persistent
`presence on their desktop.
`This is a DotPack"
`The DoDots proprietary messaging
`architecture allows Dots to work
`together in DotPacks. Dots "talk" to each
`other, so they can be combined in
`custom, multi-window Internet
`applications that deliver information on
`demand, provide a service, even close a
`sale. Compact and simple to create, Dots
`are nonetheless a versatile, powerful
`new tool for interacting with your
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys Eyes Only


`It's A New World
`Business as usual? Not anymore. The Internet
`has changed everything. It's made the world a
`smaller place and the market a bigger space.
`The opportunities are global.
`But the Internet's original promise has hit the wall.
`Content flows freely—which is great, unless it's your
`content. Brands co-mingle on Web pages—which is
`fine, unless it's your brand getting lost in the shuffle.
`Access to information is limitless—which is
`wonderful, unless you want people to actually read
`and understand your message.
`The Internet today doesn't work for your business
`or your customers. And if someone doesn't do
`something, it's going to get worse before it gets
`Off the Desktop
`The Internet is expanding beyond the desktop, fast.
`Soon more and more of your customers will expect
`to access your content—and do business with you—
`from anywhere, anytime, on a variety of devices. And
`they'll expect not just any content, but content
`that's specific to them.They won't sit still to page
`through your Web site. Much of the time, they won't
`even have a browser.
`DoDots: A New Internet
`DoDots is a digital infrastructure company. Our
`technology enables you to deliver your Internet
`content—your brand, products, applications, and
`services—directly to your customers, regardless of
`their physical location, platform, or device.
`Dots focus content on the customer.They create
`more personal, private, and secure relationships
`online. It's not just a new and better way to deliver
`content: it's a new and better way to build brands,
`drive sales, and increase advertising revenues.
`DoDots technology also allows you to understand
`what your content is doing: how it's being
`distributed, collected, used, and shared. For example,
`with DoDots, you know how many unique users are
`accessing your content, how often, and for how long.
`As a simple, quick-to-deploy way of packaging and
`delivering your content, DoDots Technology is ready
`to help you revitalize and extend the realm of your
`Internet business now. And the scalable DoDots
`infrastructure will enable you to exploit new ways
`of using the new Internet of the future.
`Dots Co Mobile
`The DoDots digital infrastructure allows
`you to automatically extend Dot-based
`content and applications to your
`customers' mobile devices, letting you
`reach your customers with relevant,
`branded content or applications anytime
`and anywhere. Our solution allows you to
`optimize content delivery for each device,
`while providing a seamless customer
`experience, on and off the desktop.
`Wherever the Internet Goes, Dots Go
`The DoDots extensible architecture will
`allow you to deliver Dot-based solutions
`to virtually any Internet-enabled device
`and is designed to accommodate
`the future innovations of the industry,
`our partners, and our developers. As
`the Internet moves off the desktop and
`as customer behavior evolves, our
`technology assures long-term viability
`for your content, applications, and
`services. Wherever the Internet goes,
`Dots will go.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys Eyes Only


`oDots Toda
`New access devices and new user behaviors
`are rapidly changing the Internet and for
`savvy businesses expanding its potential by
`orders of magnitude.
`Dots can distribute news in real-time—essential
`because the value of news diminishes quickly.
`Because Dots are delivered directly to desktops,
`they're available and viable for longer periods
`throughout the day, extending the useful life of
`both content and advertising. Dots also extend the
`reach of your content and applications beyond
`traditional distribution vehicles, such as PCs, as the
`Internet extends to other devices.
`Track More Page Views and Clickthroughs
`Dots have been proven to increase viewers' use of
`online content and applications by as much as
`Because many Internet businesses today are built
`on advertising revenues, Dots are configured to
`provide comprehensive, auditable reports on
`number and frequency of page views, unique users,
`and clickthroughs. And Dots can track and report on
`the same metrics as the Internet leaves the
`desktop. The DoDots infrastructure is equipped to
`monitor Dot activity regardless of where it takes
`place, on or off the desktop.
`Deliver Dots as Rich as Your Media
`Anything that can be put on the Internet can be put
`into a Dot. So Dots can deliver your existing media
`content, from graphics and text to streaming stereo
`music, digital video, or virtually anything else. And
`with DoDots technology, various types of content
`can be grouped.
`Delivered in packs, Dots can be configured to"talk'
`to each other and interact when opened. DotPacks
`provide users with a richer experience. They give
`you a way to distribute content that's both more
`engaging and more profitable—for example, an
`advertising message coupled with a sales
`application—in a single package.
`DoDots solutions can change the way you do
`business online now—and make your Internet
`initiatives more effective, more successful, and
`more profitable.
`DoDots today can multiply the uses and
`effectiveness of your Web site...create new
`opportunities for packaging and distributing
`content you already have... broaden your reach, and
`build your presence on the Internet.
`Drive Sales
`With DoDotstechnology,you can build product
`awareness, increase customer response and
`interaction, remove barriers to purchase, and shorten
`the sales cycle. Dot-based product offerings have
`distinct advantages over other Internet sales tactics.
`Delivered directly to the viewer's desktop or other
`device and displayed persistently, they increase
`exposure of your message. Dots are inherently
`"permissioned,"so people who receive them are
`effectively pre-screened as receptive prospects. Dots
`can be designed to take a viewer to other Dots or to
`specific Web pages for additional product and sales
`information. Because Dots can be configured to
`include any application, customers can even
`purchase products or services directly from them.
`Increase Advertising Revenue
`DoDots technology delivers advertising in context
`with your targeted content, creating demand and
`awareness directly from the Dot, increasing
`advertising efficiency and response rates.
`As a Web publisher, Dots enable you to offer
`advertisers more effective, and more valuable ad
`services. And as an advertiser, you can count on
`increased sales and revenue from Dot-based
`advertising—as well as building better
`relationships with your customers online.
`Distribute Content Faster and Farther
`Content providers and publishers,from media and
`news organizations to entertainment companies,
`are adopting DoDots technology for the simple
`reason that it represents a better, more timely,
`more profitable way to brand, package, and
`distribute digital content and applications.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Escort Customers Through the Sales Cycle
`StartSampling uses Dots to distribute free product
`samples to interested consumers, By "ticking down" on
`remaining samples in real time, this Dot adds both
`urgency and interactivity to the product information at
`hand. Users can keep abreast of sample Web site offerings
`without opening their browser. Beyond acquiring
`prospects, Dots can also take customers through the entire
`sales cycle, from initial product awareness to purchase.
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`Deliver News and Data on Time in Real Time
`CNET uses Dots to distribute timely industry news,
`product reviews, and shopping information. Like all Dots,
`CNET Dots can be configured to open upon startup to
`provide viewers with industry news when they turn on
`their PCs or other devices at the beginning of the day.
`Dots can be set either to sit on top of other applications
`or recede to the background—but still update in real time
`to meet users' information needs.
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`Reach Customers Ready to Buy
`MapBlast uses Dots to deliver maps directly to customers
`on the go from where they are to their advertisers' nearest
`location. Overtime, and especially as the Internet extends
`beyond the desktop, this type of immediate,"context-
`based advertising" will increase advertising efficiency by
`delivering information and offers just when customers are
`nearby or otherwise likelyto buy.
`Enter a Location:
`Sbeet Address (mOon.n:
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`unnyvale, CA
`Brand Your Content All Day, Every Day
`Using Dots to distribute its Word of the Day feature and
`the Merriam—Webster Dictionary online, Merriam—Webster
`has dramatically increased the number and duration of
`user views of M—W content. The Dots reside on the user's
`desktop—fully functional, whether there's a browser open
`or not. Because Dots work alongside other applications,
`customers can use the dictionary and a word processor, or
`other application, simultaneously.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`DoDots Tomorrow
`DoDots technology today offers unique,
`powerful solutions for your existing Internet
`business. But what it will do for you tomorrow
`is even more important.
`Become a DoDots Customer
`If you would like to use DoDots to make your
`Internet business more successful, visit
`, or contact us directly at
`Become a DoDots Partner
`DoDots is actively teaming with technology
`partners to help spread the DoDots vision of a New
`Internet for a New World. Device manufacturers,
`service companies, and other technology
`integrators can all benefit from the DoDots
`infrastructure and business model.
`If you'd like to learn more about integrating Dots
`into your product, solution, or service, please visit
`Become a DoDots Developer
`The rapidly growing community of Dot developers
`is using Dot technology to solve problems and
`create profitable new opportunities for their
`customers.The unique characteristics of Dots, the
`ease with which they can be created, and the value
`they represent to customers make them an
`attractive service offering for developers. To learn
`about becoming a DoDots developer or to enroll in
`the DoDots Developer Program, please go to
`As the Internet extends beyond the desktop to
`other devices, businesses will need to adopt new
`technologies and behaviors in order to maintain
`contact with customers and partners. And it's going
`to happen faster than you think.
`DoDots technology has been designed from the start
`to anticipate the future, which is now rushing at us
`all. Here's how the DoDots digital infrastructure will
`help you stay competitive, grow your business, and
`take fall advantage of the New Internet.
`New Distribution for New Devices
`DoDots technology will allow you to distribute
`content and applications to a wide range of
`portable and other next-generation Internet access
`devices. With Dots, it's easy to scale and optimize
`your content and applications for delivery, display,
`and performance on any device.
`Content Management, Tracking, and Reporting
`Managing and tracking Internet content becomes
`far more complicated as the Internet leaves the
`desktop. But monitoring and measuring how your
`content is being used—while ensuring both your
`security and the privacy of your customers—will be
`essential to profitability.With Dots,you can
`manage, monitor, and analyze your customers'
`interactions, while maintaining their privacy and
`your security.
`E-Commerce Opportunities
`As the Internet leaves the desktop, new e-
`commerce opportunities will emerge that will
`dwarf today's Internet commerce models. Smart
`ordering, context-based advertising, and hybrid
`delivery schemes will evolve to meet customer
`expectations. The flexible, scalable DoDots
`digital infrastructure will provide an integrated
`e-commerce platform for new business models
`addressing new customer behaviors and demands.
`Direct Customer Contact
`Your customers will expect to be able to interact
`directly with your content and applications—
`wherever they are, using any device and any
`platform.The DoDots digital infrastructure will make
`that level of ubiquitous customer contact a reality.
`Robust, Extensible Solutions
`In the rapidly changing, wide-open environment of
`the New Internet, you do not want to invest in
`closed architecture or un-scalable solutions.
`The DoDots digital infrastructure is an open,
`standards-based, scalable architecture that will
`assure the long-term viability of your content,
`applications, products, and services.
`How Dots Work
`The DoDots digital infrastructure for Dot
`distribution and use involves interaction between
`DoDots application servers, DoDots client software,
`and Dot providers' Web servers.
`One-time installation of DoDots client software is
`simple, fast, and virtually transparent to the user.
`Dot development isjust like Web page
`development, and Dot providers serve Dots the
`same way they serve content to their Web pages
`No additional server software is required.
`Dot Development: Easy and Inexpensive
`The first step in Dot development is designing and
`generating content for the Dot. Any content that
`can be displayed in a Web page can be displayed in
`a Dot, including text and graphics, streaming
`media, Flash, HTML, JavaScript, and secure
`transactions. Dot developers can use their existing
`tools and methods to develop Dot content.
`Once the content has been defined, developers use
`the DevDot" to create a new Dot. This process is
`much like generating normal HTML content for a
`Web site. Starting with an empty Dot definition, the
`developer simply configures the input fields
`provided by the DevDot.
`How Dots Are Served
`When a Dot developer creates and publishes a Dot,
`a new Dot description is saved to the DoDots
`application server. The Dot description defines the
`Dot package and behavior. URLs in the Dot
`description point to the Dot content, which is
`hosted on the Dot provider's Web server.
`When installed, the DoDots client software sets up
`and maintains a HomeDot" on the user's computer
`or other access device. The HomeDot acts as a
`manager of all Dots the user might collect.The client
`software also creates a user account on the DoDots
`application server the first time it connects with
`the server.
`Anytime a user starts the DoDots client software and
`logs in, the HomeDot requests the user's account
`from the DoDots application server. The server
`returns the profile, which contains descriptions of
`all the Dots the user has collected and a snapshot
`of the state they were saved in when the user last
`logged off, The user's DoDots client software
`restores all Dots in that state.
`DoDots Customer Reporting
`DoDots provides content providers with a full suite
`of audience and use measurement reports—on a
`secure server, of course. Optimized to help you
`make informed strategic business decisions, these
`comprehensive, auditable reports cover:
`• Dot page views
`. Unique users
`. Clickthroughs
`. Dot usage by time intervals
`• Dot sharing patterns and trends
`• Demographic profiling
`■ User retention
`In addition, DoDots offers custom data mining and
`analyses based on your specifications.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Deliver and Sell Media in a DotPack
`Dot technology will enable music studios to promote and
`distribute samples of a new recording—even sell music
`directly to consumers. An "album" Dot can be bundled with
`other Dots containing a picture of the artist and traditional
`album cover. Another Dot can list the songs, where clicking
`on a title would start a sample playing, while a third Dot
`could allow the user to purchase the CD.
`Provide and Gather Information
`Some companies already use Dots to package and
`distribute financial information specific to each customer's
`requests. DoDots technology allows you to "cluster"
`information such as charts, customized portfolios, industry
`research, and-eventually—advertising and transaction
`capabilities in a single DotPack. While the customer gets
`information that encourages more transactions, you gain a
`better understanding of how your content is being
`accessed and used.
`Technically Speaking
`DoDots application servers deliver millions of Dot
`descriptions and user accounts. Your content is still
`delivered direct from your servers to support the scalability
`needs of your company.
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`Confidential - Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only
`DDDots, Dots, Homenot, DevDot, DotPacks and the DoDots logo are trademarks and service
`marks of DoDots, Ino.All other trademarks and service marks contained herein are the
`property oftheir respective owners.
`02000, Do0ots, Inc. All rights reserved


`~0 DoDotsM
`DoDots, Inc.
`830 Stewart Drive
`Suite A
`Sunnyvale, CA 94085
`Phone: 408 3317200
`Fax: 408331 7410
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


` DoDotsm
`Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ Section
`Presentation Modules
`Shared Vision ..................................................................................................... 1.
`Technology Overview and H3G Integration ...............................................2.
`Working Together — Team .............................................................................. 3.
`Financial and Legal Situation —Asset Purchase ........................................4.
`Working Together —Cost ...............................................................................5.
`Moving Forward —Timeline .......................................................................... 6.
`Supporting Documentation
`DoDots Team Roles ..........................................................................................7.
`Technology Details ...........................................................................................8.
`Technology Summary
`Jacob APIs / XML
`Client APIs
`Server APIs
`XML Data Specifications
`Patent Overview
`Patent Status Report
`Select Abstracts
`Common Background and Summary
`Sample Figure
`DevZone Materials / SDK ...................................................................separate
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


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`-- outline H3G reasons to purchase DoDots
`technology and retain team
`Address technical questions and
`establish technology fit
`Understand the needs and wishes of the
`keyteam members
`-- -Identify best way to manage remotely
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`CD 0 DoDot
`Agenda - Monday
`9:O Oa Introductions and •Overview
`Technology Review
`1:0O• Lunch
`I :30p Team meetings
`- Team Discussion
`H3G presentation to team
`Individual meeting with team
`5:OOp social
`- Drinks with team
`dinner in Pale: Alto
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`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`What's the situ ation?
`H3G needs to deploy a 3G Network
`(on time) in 2001 with a CMS that will
`help drive customer adoption and
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`What's the situation?
`• DoDots has built and deployed a
`complete Content Manageme nt
`System strategically aligned with
`H3G needs
`000122.dl 0
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Best fit for H3G's core CMS
`• Key attributes of a complete Content
`Management System:
`- A scalable architecture supporting millions of users
`- Client technology deployed across multiple devices
`- Back end integration with billing and CRM systems
`- SDK for providers to publish, track, and monetize content
`• DoDots is the only company that has built,
`deployed, and baffle tested that complete
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`'•000~.- DoDots best fit for H3G's core CMS
`• DoDots existing infrastructure and
`team makes it possible for H3G to
`deliver the complete solution on time
`with lowest risk and highest reliability
`of final deployment
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`What's the decision?
`• DoDots as a part of H3G is
`essentiaY to H3G success
`- Purchasing DoDots and hiring core
`team is best alternative
`000122.d 10
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Technology Review
`• Goal : Review of DoDots technology
`components and their fit with H3G
`CMS goals
`- Architecture
`- Reporting
`Environment Management
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`DoDots Architecture
`UMTS Network.
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`t?aDoti CMS Server
`HI ContentServer::
`Content Providers
`At Uent
`H3G Network Infrastructure
`with tai ass CM sense;
`3GPP Terminals
`with DeDets CMS CSients
`010122.d 10
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Architectural Benefits
`• Fundamentally scalable
`• Multiple device support
`• Activity tracking
`• Application management &
`• Advanced development and
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Server - Function
`• The DoDots Java servers do the
`"heavy lifting"
`- Run content publishing and delivery
`Centralize Users` Personalization
`• Accounts and Sessions, content collection,
`permissions and personalization, Personal Dot
`Implement "live packaging"
`* Notification, sharing, Dot definitions
`Accumulate statistics
`Cif O122.d10
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Server -Battle Tested
`• Scalability
`- Neither proxy nor serve content
`- Dynamically adjust for traffic bandwidth
`- System modeled & simulated for 2M users
`• Reliability proven
`Over a year of releases with four revisions,
`QA testing, and end user load scaling
`- Server is now scaled to 40 Sun CPUs with
`over 250k users
`• Portability confirmed
`Several single server configurations have
`been deployed on Solaris, Linux and NT
`O14122.d1 O
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Server - H3G Integration
`• How to integrate into the H3G
`-~ Configure and install database and app
`server(s) at H3G
`Integrate our data collection with H3G
`billing and CRM systems
`Integrate account authentication with
`H3G user database
`Enhance administrative functionality
`• Initial provisioning of user content accounts
`• Ability for administrators to add/remove/reset
`010122. 110
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Client -Function
`• The client is the content delivery
`- Core Dot Client Services
`• Login, User Preferences, Dot Object
`Model, Dot Messaging
`- OS Integration
`- Device Specific User Experience
`• Windowing GUI, etc.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Client - Thin Client Development
`• DoDots architecture facilitates rapid
`client development
`Much of the "work' is done by the server
`- Core services design is .platform agnostic
`• The current thin client prototype
`- Account retrieval from production server
`- Layout of web content panes
`- Generation of basic activity events for
`billing and auditing
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Client - H3G Intearation
`• Map H3G desired system
`functionality to native terminal
`• Collaborate with H3G on terminal
`user experience design
`- Incorporate content partner feedback
`- Test usability of mockups and prototypes
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`• Wide array of usage activity events
`captured for billing and auditing
`Click throughs, impressions, notification
`Sent to database by DoDots client
`• Aggregated activity information is
`exposed to content partners
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Reporting - H3G Integration
`• Move usage activities profiling to thin
`client or server based scheme
`• Add event tags to track provider
`specific multimedia, commerce, etc.
`• Integrate with H3G billing & CRM
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Software Development Kit
`• SDK allows deployment of Dot
`content using a content provider's
`existing assets, tools, and practices
`- Core Development Tool ("DevDot')
`- API documentation
`- Training materials
`Course outlines
`- Examples
`• SDK ensures your content partners
`deliver on time
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`SD K - H3G Integration
`• Modify content scripting model
`and tools as required
`• Create Dot samples to canonize
`H•3G's user experience
`• Extend provider specific tags as
`010122.d 10
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`E nvi ronment Ma
`• Administration Zone
`A browser based interface exists to
`administer our database tables
`• Allows system administrators to manage user
`account and Dot content registry
`• Production Support
`Production monitoring and alerting
`• Includes Oracle db monitor tools, server
`health polling, etc
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`'i0000te- H3G Content Management System
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only
`DODOTS002581 0


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`DoDots / H3G integration
`- Roles
`- Establishing and measuring
`common vision and goals
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`• Engineering
`Continue on H3G specific development
`- Team managed by Engineering Director
`(Jim Mackraz)
`John Kembel will manage the long
`range technology vision
`-- Begin building small QA team in 6/2001
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`• Management
`- George Kembel could act as
`General Manager
`- Eric Klein could act as Project
`Liaison, based in London?
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Challenaes in th i s structure
`• Bridging the time and distance
`• Aligning management goals
`• Ensuring robust communication
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`: iTi
`• Previous experience managing
`geographically disperse offices
`Erie, Jim,, Neil have such experience
`Strategic location
`- 15 minutes from major hardware,
`software.. eCRM and wireless vendors
`Quick trip to Asia (terminal
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`'I DoD ts
`E n su rinp communication
`• Provide reciprocal access to
`engineering servers
`• Station a H3G SV liaison in London to
`facilitate com mon goal and
`information flow
`• Frequent engineering team meetings
`here or in London
`• Regularly scheduled tele/video
`conferences and milestone reviews
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only

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