`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2023-00701
`U.S. Patent No. 8,510,407 B1


`I, John Kembel, declare as follows.
`I am one of the named co-inventors for United States Patent No.
`8,510,407. At the time of the invention, I was the Chief Technology Officer and a
`co-founder of DoDots, Inc.
`Along with my twin brother, George Kembel, we founded DoDots,
`Inc. with a goal of disrupting and changing the paradigm of how internet content
`was created by companies and how it was delivered to users.
`As discussed below in detail, we realized that existing web browsers
`had significant limitations -- trapping content in monolithic documents, and
`requiring users to navigate from site to site, one page at a time. This presented an
`unexpected opportunity for a novel internet technology, one that broke out of the
`page-based browsing model and instead packaged interactive content in forms that
`felt more like “apps”, while maintaining all the flexibility of the web.
`At the time, other (large) technology companies were taking a range
`of approaches to advancing the web, including: developing portals, media
`channels, news streams, even pursuing the webification of operating systems. We
`took a different approach, breaking out of the dominant browser and web-page
`paradigm, and envisioning a more “app”-centric internet. This paradigm proved to
`be prophetic as it is now reflected in the ubiquitous App and App ecosystem.


`Identifying a Long-Felt Need & a Non-obvious Innovation Opportunity
`As a threshold matter, I am not a lawyer, but I have been informed by
`counsel that courts may often look at “evidence that an invention satisfied a long-
`felt and unmet need that existed on the patent’s filing date.” With this in mind,
`there was certainly the existence of a need to change how users accessed and
`interacted with content on the internet. At the time of invention, my brother and I
`began to appreciate that there was a constellation of needs from users and content
`providers that was not being met by the primary means of accessing internet
`content at the time, a web browser. Specifically, the limitations of web browsers
`and page-based web sites kept companies from engaging customers directly,
`content creators from developing interactive app-like experiences, and users from
`easily accessing the information and functionality they wanted from the
`burgeoning internet.
`As our patents note, “internet content and web applications are
`designed to fill the entire web page.” See ’083 patent, 2:5-35. “Users and
`application developers therefore have limited control over the presentation of
`internet content: content is typically trapped within the frame of the browser.” Id.
`Under this paradigm, the internet at the time of the invention had the following


`Internet content was typically viewed by users one page at a time,
`with each page displayed serially in a browser application window
`which took up the majority of a user's computer screen real estate.
`Internet content was designed by companies and web developers for
`delivery in the form of web pages. Even if content was modularized, it
`was reassembled into full web pages and served up as part of a larger
`document or site.
`There was a distinction both visually and architecturally between the
`“viewer application” (browser) and the “content/document” (web
`page) such that a browser window was not tailored to the content
`being displayed, but rather mediated the display of any web page.
`Internet content was effectively limited and trapped within the
`“frame” of the browser (viewer application). Therefore, content and
`web developers were limited in how interactive their content could be
`as well as in the types of user experiences they could offer.
`Although internet programming technologies (such as Java script,
`CSS, layers, flash, etc.) gave web pages more functionality, the pages
`had limited access to application functionality such as controlling the
`window and frame, the size of the frame, branding, application
`behavior such as size and menu items, etc.
`See also ’083 patent, 2:60-3:29.
`As we began to commercialize our product, it became apparent that
`multiple people had recognized the limitations of accessing internet content with a
`web browser.
`In fact, leading experts in the field recognized that the paradigm of
`web browsers navigating web pages was holding the internet back. In a February
`21, 2000 article published in Forbes magazine, the author wrote “Tim Berners-Lee,
`the creator of the World Wide Web, thinks [the browser] stifles creativity. Jakob


`Nielsen, the reigning guru of Web usability, thinks [web browsers are] a disgrace.
`Bill Gates wishes it would just go away and become ‘part of the operating
`system.’” See Ex. 2022 (Gimein, Mark, “Imagining a Web Beyond the Browser,”
`Forbes, Feb. 21, 2000 (DODOTS0026225)).
`These experts and others pointed to the “bookification” of the internet
`and emphasized that it created a slow and unwieldy process of browsing web
`content by clicking on links to navigate forward or backward, step-by-step.
`Moreover, the paged-based paradigm of the web led to information being
`predominantly organized in hierarchical structures akin to document outlines –
`which worked well for news, articles, and other static content, but was
`cumbersome and counterintuitive as content became increasingly interactive.
`10. The web browser also meant whoever owned the initial browser
`landing page, search engines and portals became the mediator of the user
`experience separating users from direct access to the content and services they
`might want and companies from their customers. And the rising internet
`disconnected companies from their customers, customers from their solution
`providers and developers and users. It anointed a new class of intermediaries (web
`portals, search engines and more) to navigate the web page by page document


`Indeed, the 2000 Forbes article noted that the prevailing knowledge
`was that people “hate[d] the browser because it turns the Web into nothing more
`than ‘pages.’ That metaphor works well for reading text, but less well for other
`purposes. Like a book, the browser functions best when one is looking at one page,
`and much worse if one wants to look at several at once. It does little to help people
`exchange information (unless pasting Web addresses into email is your ideal
`information-management solution). When it comes to building applications,
`adapting software to the ‘page’ makes for clunky design.” See Ex. 2022 at
`12. This point was echoed by another article stating that “[t]he big
`problem with the typical browser is that it relies on the metaphor of pages in a
`book; you can view only one page at a time then click on another. That is fine for
`displaying a simple brochure, but it’s a big step backward as far as users’ interfaces
`are concerned. Some experts liken it to the limited interfaces of computers in the
`1970s. The printed page is a wonderful thing for communication but it is crippling
`what we can do on the internet.” See Ex. 2023, Lyons, D., “Browser Bashers,”
`Forbes, May 15, 2000 (DODOTS0026105).
`13. As such, navigating the internet was a tedious process. One article
`noted that “There’s too much happening, and accessing even the simplest stuff - a
`quickie stock quote or weather forecast - takes too long. Sure, I can bookmark


`favorite sites or customize a portal page. But those involve surfing from site to site.
`What if I’m not in the mood, or simply don’t have the time? Why must I be exposed
`to a full Web page each time I want to digest a slice of the material on display?” See
`Ex. 2024, Baig, E., “Bits of Organization Clear Clutter,” USA Today,
`(DODOTS 0026099).
`14. Elaborating on this point, another article noted that browsers were an
`issue because “[l]inks go only in one direction instead of two, so it is difficult to
`retrace your steps; it takes too many mouse clicks to get from one place to another;
`the arrangement of information sometimes makes no sense. And many sites are just
`plain ugly.” See Ex. 2023 at DODOTS0026105-06.
`Put another way, “the basic problem is that typical Web sites arrange
`information in a hierarchical structure. You spot an underlined ‘link,’ click on it
`and go down one step, then another, then another-then realize you're in the wrong
`place. So, you back up, back up, back up, then start all over again on a different
`ladder.” Id. at DODOTS0026104.
`16. This archaic structure was simply cumbersome. “Nobody would
`expect to explore the world’s biggest library page by page, yet some would say
`that’s exactly what it’s like trying to get around on the Internet” using a web
`browser. Navigating, using a web browser was neither “intuitive nor as visual as it


`ought to be.” See Ex. 2025, Heim, K., “Tools turn browser into galaxy,” SJ
`Mercury News, July 7, 2000 (DODOTS0026228).
`In fact, Donald Norman – recognized interaction design guru and
`President of Unext’s learning division – at the time noted, “We need to just forget
`the browser. The browser has set us back ten years.” See Ex. 2023 at
`In sum, a “growing dissatisfaction with the way the Web looks and
`works. Many critics blame the browser.” And, another expert noted “Web usability
`is a disgrace. … For seven years, we’ve had close to zero progress in enhancing
`the user’s main tool for using the internet.” Id. at DODOTS0026105.
`19. People craved change. In May 18, 2000, an article in the Wall Street
`Journal also noted that “[f]or lots of people, the Web has ceased to be about idle
`browsing. Instead, they’ve settled on a routine collection of sites related to their work
`or interests, …. When you approach the Web that way, the standard browser
`experience becomes tedious.” See Ex. 2026, Mossberg, W., “New Metabrowsers
`Allow You To Create a Quilt of Web Pages,” Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2000
`20. Because of these issues several companies were working on ways to
`change the basic architecture of standard web pages. Id. For example, Microsoft
`sought to merge the internet into the operating system through “webification” of


`their ubiquitous Windows products. Likewise, other companies created web
`portals, media channels, and search engines. But none of those strategies moved in
`the direction our company eventually took.
`This is where we directed our energies because the limitations of web
`browsers and page-based web sites were clear. We believed that the potential of
`the internet extended far beyond simply consuming information and content
`trapped in documents.
`Inventing & Developing a Novel Internet Technology: The Dot
`To address these limitations, we applied a rigorous design and
`innovation process to create a new and novel set of internet technologies. We
`realized that by breaking out of the dominant page-based paradigm of the web,
`companies would be able to engage their customers directly, web developers
`would be able to develop new app-like experiences, and users would be able to
`more easily access the information and interactive functionality they wanted from
`the rapidly growing internet.
`23. We envisioned a new way to package and distribute interactive web
`content outside of the web browser in small configurable windows that felt more
`like native software applications than static web pages. By packaging and
`delivering select web content in lightweight and configurable windows, new
`internet-powered and interactive “app”-like experiences were made possible across


`a range of computer and mobile devices. We called these new web-based
`applications “Dots”.
`24. We founded a venture-backed startup (“DoDots”) to pursue this vision
`and to commercialize the technology. At the time, our company’s marketing
`materials described Dots as follows:
`See Ex. 2027 – DoDots Brochure (DODOTS0025768).
`Each Dot could be tailored for a specific purpose and deliver select
`information and interaction features accordingly – such as for weather, games,
`dictionaries, maps & traffic, financial information, or e-commerce. As an
`example, here’s a screenshot of one of the first Dots offered by ecommerce leader


`Ex. 2033 at DODOTS0024868.
`26. Dots could be branded by the companies or web developers that
`created them, and they could be distributed directly to their end-users, rather than
`having to reach customers through content mediators such as portals and search
`engines. Moreover, instead of navigating cumbersome browsers to different web
`sites (page-by-page), users could simply open up the Dots they wished to use. And,
`because Dots lived outside the browser, they could stay visible and persistent as
`users used other native software applications. An example of the range of Dots could
`been seen in the example below:


`Id. Ex. 2028 at 11.
`27. Because Dots could be persistent on a user’s computer or device,
`companies could make timely information and interactive applications available
`directly to their customers, as described below.
`Ex. 2027 at DODOTS0025771.
`28. And, since Dots were independent of each other, multiple Dots could
`be used at the same time. Users could collect, organize, and share Dots in sets
`called “DotPacks”. DotPacks could be easily opened and closed with a single


`click. This simplified task switching and helped users seamlessly integrate useful
`Dot applications into their day-to-day computing experience. Our marketing
`materials explained this as follows:
`Id. at DODOTS0025768.
`Leveraging these capabilities, companies could offer sophisticated,
`real-time, multi-dot “application” experiences, tailored for their customers' unique
`needs. Moreover, companies could better track and understand how their users
`interacted with specific content. The following financial Dots show this:


`Id. at DODOTS0025773.
`30. Additionally, because Dots enabled interactive web content and
`applications to be displayed in smaller, dedicated windows, Dots could naturally be
`made available on various devices with displays of all sizes, as noted below:
`Id . at DODOTS0025772.
`Importantly, this also allowed for Dots to offer a seamless experience
`across customer mobile devices as seen in the following excerpt:


`Id. at DODOTS0025769.
`32. At the heart of the Dot architecture was the notion of “Dot Templates”
`(also known as “Dot Definitions”). Dot Templates defined the “package” – the
`attributes of the small, dedicated windows – for each Dot’s web content and
`interactive applications, as described in the excerpt below:


`Ex. 2028 – Technical Overview at 1.
`33. Dot Templates could consist of three primary elements: a Topbar, a
`Bottombar, and a Web Control. Every element could be designed and branded in a
`manner consistent with the Dot’s functionality and purpose. Id.
`Through the Dot Templates, DoDots offered a lightweight and
`configurable system that enabled fully configurable Dots with content in
`interactive applications that existed outside the browser.
`35. Additionally, Dot-enabled devices were described in the following


`Ex. 2028 – Technical Overview at 4-5. The Dot-enabled devices could access
`collection of Dots – get new Dots, open and close specific Dots and DotPacks,
`even share Dots and DotPacks.
`36. As we continued to refine and develop the Dots technology, we
`created a digital infrastructure and development platform for content creators and
`web developers to create and publish Dots.
`37. Becoming a Dot Developer was easy, as it did not require advanced
`software coding skills, but rather was accessible to anyone versed in the fast-
`emerging web design and development practices. As such, we launched a Dot
`Developer program and made development tools and documentation available to
`companies, brands, and independent developers.


`Ex. 2029 (DoDots Developer Brochure) at 1.
`38. Using our tools, a Dot Developer could quickly define a new Dot, set
`its window size and attributes, and customize its branding. This was done as


`Id. at 1-2.
`39. A Dot Developer could create the interactive web content and
`application functionality for the Dot. Anything that could be rendered in a browser
`could be packaged in a Dot. Moreover, this “Dot Content” could be hosted and
`served by their own standard web servers. Companies and developers appreciated
`this as developing Dots did not require extra expensive tooling or custom
`Ex. 2027 at DODOTS0025772.
`In addition to offering interactivity through the development of Dot
`Content, Dot Developers could also leverage the DoDots “Dot Messaging”


`protocol to give users a full, application-like experience. Dot Messages enabled
`Dot Content to modify a Dot’s behavior, communicate with and access additional
`HomeDot services, and interact with other Dots. Examples of Dot messages
`Ex. 2045 at 2.


`And, Dot messages could be routed as follows:
`Ex. 2045 at 3.
`41. Once a Dot’s Content was designed and developed, a Dot developer
`finished defining their new Dot by specifying an URL pointing to where that
`content was hosted.
`Ex. 2029 – Dot Developer Guide at 2.


`42. A key benefit of allowing companies and developers to host their own
`Dot Content was that the content could be delivered directly to end users without
`going through any intermediaries such as portals, search engines, or even browsers.
`Finally, to publish a new Dot, a Dot Developer simply needed to
`provide enough information to index it appropriately and for end users to find it.
`Ex. 2029 – Dot Developer Guide at 2.
`44. All of the relevant characteristics of a Dot’s design could be described
`in XML as described below:
`Ex. 2027 at DODOTS0025850.
`45. DoDots maintained XML schemas for valid Dot Templates (along
`with Dot Shares, User Profiles, and Sessions) . Here’s an excerpt from such a spec:


`Ex. 2045 at 4.
`46. When a new Dot was published the Dot’s description was saved to the
`DoDots application server, and the Dot became immediately accessible to end
`Ex. 2027 at DODOTS0025772.


`End users could collect Dots they were interested in a variety of ways.
`And instead of downloading custom software for each Dot “application”, only Dot
`Templates needed to be transferred to the user’s device. A Dot’s definition was all
`that was required for a new Dot instance to be rendered, pulling all necessary
`branding and interactive content directly from the internet.
`Ex. 2028 at 4.
`The Dot digital infrastructure allowed for the transmission of requests
`for Dot descriptions or content for dots over a web server, receive those Dots
`descriptions, and the presentation of information on devices after receiving that
`content, as seen in the exemplary diagrams below:


`Ex. 2027 at DODOTS0025773.
`Ex 2045 at 1.
`49. This technology was decades ahead of its time. Indeed, we believed
`that creating interactive web applications that felt like user-friendly apps rather
`than “pages” had the potential to change the way users interacted with the Web. A
`thought validated by the fact that our invention has been adopted across modern
`mobile devices.
`I was involved in the design/development and commercialization of
`Dots at DoDots and am also an inventor on all the DoDots patents. Based on my
`knowledge of Dots as well as my review of DODOTS-2026, 2027, 2028, 2029,
`and 2045, which is source code and detailed technical materials describing the
`operation/configuration of Dots, I believe that the ’083 patent, ’407 patent, and
`’545 patent accurately describes the Dot technology.


`IV. Closing
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are
`believed to be true; and further that these statements were made with the
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine
`or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code
`and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the results of these
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Sworn to this __day of February, 2024 in ______, _______.
`John Kembel

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