`Interim Provost
`Sorensen Family Dean of Engineering – Emeritus
`Professor of Engineering
`School of Engineering
`Brown University
`Providence, RI 02906
`1996 M.B.A.(Exec.)
`1986 Ph.D.
`1980 M. Eng.
`1979 B.S.
`Electrical Engineering
`Electrical Engineering
`Electrical Engineering
`University of California – Los Angeles
`University of California – Los Angeles
`Cornell University
`Cornell University
`Professional Appointments
`1/2023 – Present
`Interim Provost, Brown University
`The Provost is Chief Academic Officer and Chief Budget Officer for Brown University and is responsible
`for academic and research excellence; sound budgetary practices; and oversight for all programs in all
`academic departments, research centers, and interdisciplinary institutes. The annual budget for Brown is
`$1.5B, with 10,000 students, 1600 faculty and 3200 staff. The Provost also oversees the academic and fiscal
`operations of the Undergraduate College, Graduate School, Warren Alpert Medical School, School of Public
`Health, School of Engineering and School of Professional Studies. The Provost’s Office currently is
`pursuing a significant expansion of Brown’s research profile through increased collaborative partnerships,
`research funding from corporations and new strategic directions.
`1/2021– Present
`Chairman of the Board, Slater Technology Fund, Providence, Rhode Island
`The Slater Technology Fund is an evergreen not-for-profit venture development seed fund dedicated to
`advancing early-stage technology ventures in Rhode Island, with the overall objective of economic growth
`and workforce development. Slater has invested nearly $50M in recent years, with follow-on funding raised
`by portfolio companies close to $1B.
`7/2011 – 8/2022 Sorensen Family Dean and Founding Dean, School of Engineering, Brown University
`and Professor of Engineering.
` The Brown School of Engineering was created in 2010 from the historic Division of Engineering. I was
`recruited as Founding Dean in 2011, and in that role accomplished the following:
`• Growth of Faculty and Research – Grew research funding in the School of Engineering from
`~$13M/yr. in 2010 to ~$27M/yr. in 2022. Led diversification of funding sources from the NSF only
`to include the DoD, NIH, NIST, DoE, DoT and foundations. Doubled external corporate support for
`research in the SoE. Grew the tenured/tenure-track faculty from 39 FTE to 56 FTE from 2011-
`2022. Recruited and hired almost 50% of the current faculty in all areas of the School. Doubled the
`number of women faculty and recruited the first tenure-track Black and Hispanic faculty in the
`150+ year history of engineering at Brown University.
`Theta EX2006
`• Fundraising, Design and Construction of New Engineering Research Building – Led the
`fundraising, design, architect selection, planning and construction of $88M, 80,000 sq. ft.
`laboratory building, doubling the research capacity of the School of Engineering. The building was
`occupied in Oct. 2017 (four months ahead of schedule). The design process was highly
`collaborative, involving input from students, staff and faculty; and the results have been outstanding
`– a highly functional building that invites collaboration and engagement with the community. The
`design and execution were so innovative that it was one of only five buildings in the nation chosen
`for the annual Architectural Record “Colleges and Universities” issue in Nov2018. This was the
`first new engineering building in over 50 years on the Brown campus.
`• Growth of Fundraising – Built the entire School of Engineering fundraising organization “from
`scratch,” including alumni outreach, targeted communications, campaign development, and donor
`engagement. Led the team that raised over $160M as of 10/2022, including entire funding of an
`$88M laboratory building, and gifts/pledges for ten endowed Chairs and the Nelson center for
`Entrepreneurship. Increased the number of annual donors to Brown engineering from ~30 per year
`in 2011 to over 600 per year in 2022.
`• Growth of the Graduate Program – Dramatically increased the size of the Engineering Master’s
`degree program, from 40 students per year to nearly 200 students per year) led PhD program
`growth of roughly 30%; and created three successful new Master Programs:
`o Master in Technology Leadership (MTL) – Led the development and launch (March 2017)
`of the Brown Master in Technology Leadership. This “blended” transformational executive
`course provides leadership training for mid-career professionals in science and technology,
`grounded in an ethos of liberal learning with a global perspective.
`o Joint Brown-Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Master Program in Design Engineering
`(MADE) - Led the creation of the first joint Brown-RISD degree program in the history of
`the two institutions. This unique program brings together the strengths of the two
`institutions to train students in the emerging field of Design Engineering. The first cohort
`started in June of 2021.
`o Master in Data-Enabled Computational Engineering and Science (DECES). - Created a
`program that provides students with understanding of the significant role that advanced
`data-driven simulation plays in industry and national laboratories. Students gain technical
`knowledge of the foundational subjects in computational engineering, including nonlinear
`finite element analysis and the integration of machine learning and data science. The first
`cohort started in June of 2022
`• Creation of Innovative Co-Curricular Programs
`o Led the creation of the Brown Design Workshop (BDW) – one of the leading “maker
`spaces” in the nation, which has over 1,800 members from Brown and RISD and occupies
`over 8,000 square feet of workspace. The BDW is a campus hub for innovation,
`entrepreneurship, hacking and exploring new ideas. Faculty and students from across the
`campus use the Brown Design Workshop and it is an integral part of courses taught in
`engineering (8 courses), computer science, visual arts, music, English, history of art and
`architecture, and American studies.
`o Led the creation of the Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship – which coordinates and enables
`entrepreneurial efforts in all areas of campus: science, technology, the arts, social sciences,
`Theta EX2006
`graduate, undergraduate and faculty. Developed the initial proposal as part of a multi-year
`campus-wide planning, which resulted in a $25M gift, recruitment of a founding director
`and launch of the Center in fall 2015.
`o Rejuvenation of Student Organizations in the School of Engineering – Doubled funding for
`student co-curricular funding from 2011-2018, in support of 17 student organizations. Led
`the efforts to create Brown student chapters of National Society for Black Engineers
`(NSBE) and Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), which are thriving and
`serve as important support networks.
`• Creation of a Supportive Environment for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
`o Faculty – Initiated a vigorous program for recruiting and retaining a more diverse faculty in
`engineering. We more than doubled the number of women faculty in engineering, recruited
`two Black faculty (the first two in Brown engineering history) and three Hispanic faculty
`members. We fundraised for the first endowed Chairs in Brown’s history for three of our
`distinguished women faculty.
`o Graduate Students – We created one of the most diverse engineering student bodies in
`American academia. ASEE reported in 2017 that the gender balance of our MS program
`was the best in the nation. The gender balance of our PhD program is roughly 34% women
`compared to the national average of roughly 20%. We more than doubled the diversity of
`our PhD population from historically underrepresented groups (from 3% to 7%).
`o Undergraduate Students – We created a welcoming and supportive environment for all
`students, and increased the fraction of undergraduates from diverse backgrounds from 10%
`in 2012 to 28% in 2018 (tops in the Ivy League). And the gender balance has risen to well
`over 40%. Both of these figures are roughly double the national average.
`• Enhanced Operational Excellence
`o New Business Model - I developed a completely new business model for the School of
`Engineering - creating greater incentives for research excellence, more efficient use of
`research space, and transparent and collaborative budget planning. We did this while
`maintaining the close and collaborative ties between the School of Engineering and the rest
`of Brown, and maintained a budget surplus during all subsequent years of operation.
`o School of Engineering Strategic Plan – Developed new five-year plan for the School of
`Engineering in 2015. Engaged all stakeholders (faculty, staff, alums, industry partners,
`administration, students) to develop a complete vision of the direction for the School.
`Identified key areas for School growth and new technical directions for collaborative
`research at Brown.
`o Staff Reorganization – conducted a thorough staff review and overhaul of the entire School
`of Engineering
`in 2013-2014. Realigned administrative
`redundancies, improved customer service and reduced costs.
`• Developed External Partnerships – Created the School of Engineering Industrial Advisory Board
`(IAB), with roughly 20 members. The IAB provides strategic advice for the School, research
`Theta EX2006
`engagement with our faculty, and job and internship opportunities for our students. Created an
`annual Engineering Career Fair to provide networking and career opportunities for engineering
`Professor of Engineering – Brown University
`7/2011 – Present
`My research program at Brown University developed integrated circuits and systems for next-generation
`wireless brain-computer interfaces. Early versions of these devices are in clinical trials; recent versions have
`achieved unprecedented data rates and functionality. During my career: published ~400 papers in journals,
`refereed conference proceedings, graduated 31 PhD students, received 43 US patents, and earned a current
`H-index of 72 (Google Scholar).
`7/2007 - 7/2011
`Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) – University of
`California – San Diego, Jacobs School of Engineering
`The ECE Department at UCSD is the largest graduate program on the UCSD campus, with over $25M in
`funding (2011), 500 graduate students and 600 undergraduates.
`• Oversaw faculty development (hiring, promotion and tenure process), educational policy and
`teaching, a successful accreditation review, resource allocation, and external relations (including
`fundraising for one endowed chair).
`• Led the development (with Computer Science) of the new Executive Master of Advanced Study
`in Embedded Wireless Systems program.
`7/2001 -7/2006
`The UCSD Center for Wireless Communications is the largest industry-funded university research centers
`in the nation. The CWC conducts research in all areas of wireless communications, from fundamental
`devices and materials to software applications
`Director – UCSD Center for Wireless Communications
`I supported the work of over 20 professors and roughly 50 PhD graduate students per year during
`my tenure, and with an annual budget in excess of $3M..
`• During my tenure as Director we received support from more than 18 corporate members - both
`domestic and international. I was responsible for all aspects of the Center, from new member
`development and fundraising, to financial management and establishing the research direction.
`7/1996 - 7/2011
`CWC Industry Chair Professor in Wireless Communications, Department of
`Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California - San Diego.
`Research Program at UCSD for Professor Larson:
`I developed improved integrated circuit techniques and novel semiconductor device structures
`for wireless communications applications. This required development of high-frequency
`circuits, devices,
`and packaging
`for ultra-wide bandwidth
`telecommunications applications, and development of novel data converter and analog-signal
`Theta EX2006
`processing architectures that are matched to communications applications. Many of these
`technologies were licensed to commercial wireless companies.
` Graduated 30 UCSD PhD students since arriving at UCSD in 1996. Published over 350 papers
`during this period and over 40 US patents.
`Distinguished Visiting Professor – TU Delft, Netherlands (on sabbatical from UCSD)
` •
`Developed novel new microwave tuning technology, with unparalleled linearity and performance
`Director – IBM Research West Coast Design Center of Excellence (on leave from
`• Led the international team that developed a complete Wideband CDMA chip set for several “first
`tier” cellular telephone providers, in partnership with Mitsubishi Electric, Osaka, Japan
`• Directed development of SiGe Radio Frequency ICs for third-generation wireless cellular
`Manager, Telecommunications Technology Department, Microwave Devices and
`Circuits Laboratory, Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, CA
`• Directed research and development of integrated circuits for commercial RF and microwave
`communications applications, including DBS, cellular telephone, Very Small Aperture Terminal
`(VSAT) and PCS
`• At Hughes Network Systems (Germantown, MD), I led the development of an RFIC design center
`for communications applications, including the first high volume DirecTV satellite receiver
`• Responsible for the technical direction of the corporate partnership with IBM on Si/SiGe HBT
`technology. This partnership led to multiple system insertions in defense and commercial systems in
`subsequent years.
` •
` Led the team that demonstrated the first microwave ICs in SiGe HBT technology (amplifiers,
`mixers, VCOs, frequency dividers) in the 5-25 GHz frequency range.
`Manager, HEMT Technology Department, Microwave Devices and Circuits
`Laboratory, Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, CA
`Directed research in high-speed III-V materials, devices, and circuits, and was responsible for
`approximately $4M/yr. in Corporate IR&D and Government Research Contracts.
`• Developed the first space-qualified InP low-noise millimeterwave HEMT. This effort was awarded
`the 1996 Lawrence Hyland Award - the highest technical achievement award at Hughes Electronics.
`These devices are still used in defense satellite crosslink communications systems.
`• Developed the first micromachining (RFMEMS) switch and tuner applications for RF and
`microwave applications (1991). This technology has now become an extremely active area of
`worldwide research and development, is a common feature in many high-end cellular telephones,
`and I hold many fundamental patents in the field. The market for RF MEMS devices now exceeds
`$1B (FY22)
`1988 – 1994
`Theta EX2006
`I established and ran a state-of-the-art InP HEMT MMIC foundry at HRL – from materials growth,
`lithography, device fabrication, process development, packaging and text. Devices and circuits from
`this foundry had many aerospace and research system insertions, and the foundry continues
`operation today.
`• Developed some of the first advanced RF/Microwave CMOS technology with performance
`comparable to III-V technology (1991).
`• Directed the research program that demonstrated HEMTs with record fT's and fMAX's above 300
`GHz (1993). This produced the highest frequency room temperature integrated circuit ever reported -
`a 210 GHz VCO (1994).
`Assistant Manager - DARPA / Hughes MIMIC Program
`1992– 1994
`Responsible for Program Management of Advanced Technology Portion of DARPA/Hughes MIMIC
`Program, with a budget of approximately $8M/yr. I led the systems insertions research roadmap of GaAs
`PHEMT and MESFET technology into airborne phased-array radar applications.
`Adjunct Associate Professor – UCLA
`1988 – 1992
`Responsible for senior level digital and analog integrated circuit design courses and graduate analog MOS
`integrated circuit design course; supervised student PhD research
`1980– 1988
`Member of Technical Staff, Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, CA
`Responsible for development of CMOS and III-V analog and digital integrated circuits, modeling and
`characterization of MESFETs and HEMTs, and development of improved III-V process techniques.
`Theta EX2006
`Primary Published Work
`Refereed Journal Articles
` 1
` W. W. Cheng and L. E. Larson, “A Low-Frequency CMOS Triangle Wave Generator”, IEEE J. Solid-State
`Circuits, SC-20 (2), 649-652 (1985).
`2 L. E. Larson, R. J. Burns, M. E. Levy, and W. W. Cheng, “An Analog CMOS Autopilot”, IEEE J. Solid-
`State Circuits, SC-20 (2), 571-578 (1985).
`3 L. E. Larson, J. F. Jensen, and P. T. Greiling, “GaAs High-Speed Digital IC Technology: An Overview”,
`(invited) IEEE Computer – special issue on GaAs computer architecture, pp. 85-94 (1986).
`4 L. E. Larson, G. C. Temes, and S. Law, “Comparison of Amplifier Gain Enhancement Techniques for GaAs
`MESFET Analogue Integrated Circuits”, Electronic Letters, 22 (21), 1138-1139 (1986).
`5 L. E. Larson and G. C. Temes, “Switched-Capacitor Gain Stage with Reduced Sensitivity to Finite
`Amplifier Gain and Offset Voltage”, Electronic Letters, 22 (24), 1281-1283 (1986).
`6 L. E. Larson, “An Improved GaAs MESFET Equivalent Circuit Model for Analog Integrated Circuit
`Applications”, IEEE J. of Solid-State Circuits, SC-22 (4), 567-574 (1987).
`7 L. E. Larson, K. W. Martin, and G. C. Temes, “GaAs Switched-Capacitor Circuits for High-Speed Signal
`Processing”, IEEE J. of Solid-State Circuits, SC-22 (6), 971-981 (1987).
`8 L. E. Larson, T. Cataltepe, and G. C. Temes, “Multibit Oversampled ∑-∆ A/D Converter With Digital Error
`Correction”, Electronics Letters, 24 (16), 1051-1052 (1988).
`9 L. E. Larson, C. S. Chou, and M. J. Delaney, “An Ultrahigh-Speed GaAs MESFET Operational Amplifier”,
`IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 24 (6), 1523-1528 (1989).
`10 A S. Brown, U. K. Mishra, C. S. Chou, C. E. Hooper, M. A. Melendes, M. Thompson, L. E. Larson, S. E.
`Rosenbaum, and M. J. Delaney, “AlInAs-GaInAs HEMTs Utilizing Low-Temperature AlInAs Buffers
`Grown by MBE”, IEEE Electron Devices Letters, 10 (12), 565-567 (1989).
`11 M. J. Delaney, C. S. Chou, L. E. Larson, J. F. Jensen, D. S. Deakin, A. S. Brown, W. W. Hooper, M. A.
`Thompson, L. G. McCray, and S. E. Rosenbaum, “Low-Temperature Buffer GaAs MESFET Technology
`for High-Speed Integrated Circuit Applications”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 10 (8), 355-357 (1989).
`12 R. H. Walden, A. E. Schmitz, A. R. Kramer, L. E. Larson, and J. Pacsiecznik, “A Deep-Submicrometer
`Analog-to-Digital Converter Using Focused Ion Beam Implants”, IEEE J. of Solid-State Circuits, 25 (2),
`562-571 (1990).
`13 A. E. Schmitz, R. H. Walden, L. E. Larson, S. E. Rosenbaum, R. A. Metzger, J. R. Behnke, and P. A.
`MacDonald, “A Deep –Submicrometer Microwave/Digital CMOS/SOS Technology”, IEEE Electron
`Device Letters, 12 (1), 16-17 (1991).
`14 G. M. Atkinson, R. L. Kubena, L. E. Larson, L. D. Nguyen, F. P. Stratton, L. M. Jelloian, M. V. Le, and H.
`McNulty, “Self-Aligned High Electron Mobility Transistor Gate Fabrication Using Focused Ion Beams, J.
`Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 9 (6), 3506-3510 (1991).
`15 L. D. Nguyen, A. S. Brown, M. A. Thompson, L. M. Jelloian, L E. Larson, and M. Matloubian, “650-Å
`Self-Aligned-Gate Pseudomorphic Al0.48In0.52As/Ga0.20In0.80As High Electron Mobility Transistors”,
`IEEE Electron Device Letters, 13 (3), 143-145 (1992).
`16 L. D. Nguyen, L. E. Larson, and U. K. Mishra, “Ultra-High-Speed Modulation-Doped Field-Effect
`Transistors: A Tutorial Review”, (Invited) Proc. Of the IEEE, 80 (4), 494-518 (1992).
`17 A. S. Brown, J. A. Henige, A. E. Schmitz, and L. E. Larson, “Effect of Growth Conditions on the Electrical
`and Optical Properties of AlxIn1-xAs (0.48 < x < 0.7)-Ga0.47In0.53As Heterostructures”, Applied Physics
`Letters, 62 (1), 66-68 (1993).
`18 M. Matloubian, A. S. Brown, L. D. Nguyen, M. A. Melendes, L. E. Larson, M. J. Delaney, J. E. Pence, R.
`A. Rhodes, M. A. Thompson, and J. A. Henige, “High-Power V-Band AlInAs/GaInAs on InP HEMTs”,
`IEEE Electron Device Letters, 14 (4), 188-189 (1993).
`19 J. J. Brown, A. S. Brown, S. E. Rosenbaum, A. S. Schmitz, M. Matloubian, L. E. Larson, M. A. Melendes,
`and M. A. Thompson, “Study of the Dependence of Ga0.47In0.53As/AlxIn1-xAs Power HEMT Breakdown
`Theta EX2006
`Voltage on Schottky Layer Design and Device Layout”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 40 (11),
`2111-2112 (1993).
`20 M. Matloubian, L. M. Jelloian, T. Liu, M. Lui, L. Larson, L. Nguyen, and M. Le, “GaInAs/InP Composite
`Channel HEMTs”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 40 (11), 2112 (1993).
`21 L. E. Larson, M. Matloubian, J. J. Brown, A. S. Brown, R. A. Rhodes, D. Crampton, and M. A. Thompson,
`“AlInAs/GaInAs on InP HEMTs for Low Power Supply Voltage Operation of High Power-Added
`Efficiency Microwave Amplifiers”, Electronic Letters, 29 (15), 1324-1326 (1993).
`22 S. E. Rosenbaum, L. M. Jelloian, L. E. Larson, U. K. Mishra, D. A. Pierson, M. A. Thompson, T. Liu, and
`A. S. Brown, “A 2 GHz Three Stage AlInAs-GaInAs-InP HEMT MMIC Low-Noise Amplifier”, IEEE
`Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, 3 (8), 265-267 (1993).
`23 M. Matloubian, A. S. Brown, L. D. Nguyen, M. A. Melendes, L. E. Larson, M. J. Delaney, R. A. Rhodes,
`M. A. Thompson, R. A. Rhodes, and J. E. Pence, “20-GHz High-Efficiency AlInAs-GaInAs on InP Power
`HEMT”, IEEE Microwave and Guided Letters, 3 (5), 142-144 (1993).
`24 L. Larson, L. Jelloian, S. Rosenbaum, A. Schmitz, M. Thompson, M. Lui, L. Nguyen, and U. Mishra,
`“Manufacturing Study of Yield and Performance Dependence on Gate Length for Submicron AlInAs-
`GaInAs HEMTs”, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 6 (4), 380-383 (1993).
`25 M. Matloubian, L. M. Jelloian, A. S. Brown, L. D. Nguyen, L. E. Larson, M. J. Delaney, M. A. Thompson,
`R. A. Rhodes, and J. E. Pence, “V-Band High-Efficiency High-Power AlInAs/GaInAs/InP HEMTs”, IEEE
`Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 41 (12), 2206-2210 (1993).
`26 W. Lam, M. Matloubian, A. Kurdoghlian, L. Larson, C. Chou, L. Jelloian, A. Brown, M. Thompson, and C.
`Ngo, “High-Efficiency InP-Based HEMT MMIC Power Amplifier for Q-band Applications”, IEEE
`Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, 3 (11), 420-422 (1994).
`27 S. E. Rosenbaum, B. K. Kormanyos, L. M. Jelloian, M. Matloubian, A. S. Brown, L. E. Larson, L. D.
`Nguyen, M. A. Thompson, L. P.B. Katehi, and G. M. Rebeiz, “155- and 213- GHz AlInAs/GaInAs/InP
`HEMT MMIC Oscillators”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 43 (4), 927-932
`28 W. Lam, M. Matloubian, A. Igawa, C. Chou, A. Kurdoghlian, C. Ngo, L. Jelloian, A. Brown, M.
`Thompson, and L. Larson, “44-GHz High-Efficiency InP-HEMT MMIC Power Amplifier”, IEEE
`Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, 4 (8), 277-278 (1994).
`29 K. Kaviani, A. Madhukar, J. J. Brown, and L. E. Larson, “Realisation of Doped-Channel MISFETs with
`High Breakdown Voltage in AlGaAs/InGaAs Based Material System”. Electronic Letters, 30 (8), 669-670
`30 Lawrence E. Larson, “Integrated Circuit Technology Options for RFIC’s – Present Status and Future
`Directions”, J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 387-399, (March 1998).
`31 Lawrence E. Larson, “Applications of Advanced Si/SiGe Technology for High-Frequency Communications
`Systems”, J. Vac. Sci. Techn. B., 16 (3), 1541-1548, (1998).
`32 A. Jayaraman, P. Chen, G. Hanington, L. Larson, and P. Asbeck, “Linear High-Efficiency Microwave
`Power Amplifiers Using Bandpass Delta-Sigma Modulators”, IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, 8
`(3), 121-123, (1998).
`33 L. Larson, “Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Technology”, IEEE Personal Communications Magazine,
`Vol 5, no. 3, pp. 11-19, (June 1998).
`34 R. Langridge, T. Thornton, P. Asbeck, and L. Larson, “A Power Re-Use Technique for Improved Efficiency
`of Outphasing Microwave Power Amplifiers,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
`August 1999, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 1467-1471.
`35 G. Hanington, P.F. Chen, P. Asbeck, and L. Larson, “High-Efficiency Power Amplifier Using Dynamic
`Power-Supply Voltage for CDMA Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
`Techniques, August 1999, Vyol. 47, No. 8, pp. 1471-1476.
`36 L.C.N. de Vreede, H.C. de Graaff, J.A. Willenmen, W. van Noort, H.F.F. Jos, L.E. Larson, J.W. Slotboom
`and J.L. Tauritz, “Bipolar Transistor Epilayer Design Using the MAIDS Mixed Level Simulator,” IEEE
`Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 34, pp. 1331-1338, no. 34, Sept. 1999.
`Theta EX2006
`37 L. Larson, P. Asbeck, G. Hanington, E. Chen, A. Jayamaran, R. Langridge, and Xuejun Zhang, “Device and
`Circuit Approaches
`Improved Wireless Communications Transmitters,”
`IEEE Personal
`Communications, vol. 6, no.5, pp. 18-23, Oct. 1999.
`38 M. Sushchik, N. Pulkov, L. Larson, L. Tsimring, H. Abarbanel, K. Yao, and A. Volkovskii, “Chaotic Pulse
`Position Modulation: A Robust Method of Communicating with Chaos,” IEEE Communication Letters, vol.
`4, no. 4, pp. 128-130, April 2000.
`39 X. Zhang and L. Larson, “Gain and Phase Error-Free LINC Transmitter,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
`Technology, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1986-94, Sept. 2000.
`40 L. Sheng, J.C. Jensen, and L. Larson, “A wide-bandwidth Si/SiGe HBT direct conversion sub-harmonic
`mixer/downconverter,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 1329-1337, Sept. 2000.
`41 G. Niu, S. Zhang, J.D. Cressler, A. Joseph, J. Fairbanks, L. Larson, C. Webster, W.E. Ansley, D.L. Harame,
`“Noise parameter modeling and SiGe profile design tradeoffs for RF applications (HBT’s).” IEEE
`Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 2037-2044, Nov. 2000.
`42 D.C. Laney, L. Larson, P. Chan, J. Malinowski, D. Harame, S. Subbanna, R. Volant, M. Case, “Microwave
`transformers, inductors, and transmission lines implemented in a Si/SiGe HBT process,” IEEE Transactions
`on Microwave Theory & Techniques. Aug. 2001, pp. 1507-1510
`43 J.C. Jensen and L. Larson, “A broadband 10 GHz track-and-hold in Si/SiGe HBT technology,” IEEE
`Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 36, pp. 325-330, March 2001.
`44 M. Iwamoto, A. Jayaraman, G. Hanington, P.F. Chen, A. Bellora, W. Thornton, L. Larson, and P. Asbeck,
`“Bandpass delta-sigma Class-S amplifier,” Electronic Letters, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 1010-1012, June 2000.
`45 W.T. Thornton and L. Larson, “An improved 5.7 GHz ISM-band feedforward amplifier utilizing vector
`modulators for phase attenuation control,” Microwave Journal, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 96,98,102,104,106, Dec.
`46 X. Zhang, L. Larson, and P. Asbeck, “Calibration scheme for LINC transmitter,” Electronics Letters, vol.
`37, no. 5, pp. 317-318, March 2001.
`47 X. Zhang, L. Larson, P. Asbeck, and P. Nanawa, “Gain/Phase Imbalance-Minimization Techniques for
`LINC Transmitters,” IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 2507-
`2516, December 2001.
`48 P. Asbeck, L. Larson, and I. Galton, “Synergistic Design of DSP and Power Amplifiers for Wireless
`Communications,” IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 2163-
`2169, November 2001.
`49 M. Iwamoto, A. Williams, P.-F. Chen, A. Metzger, L. Larson, and P. Asbeck, “An Extended Doherty
`Amplifier with High Efficiency over a Wide Power Range,” IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and
`Techniques, vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 2472-2479, December 2001.
`50 M. Vaidyanathan, M. Iwamoto, L. Larson, P. Gudem, and P. Asbeck, “A Theory of High-Frequency
`Distortion in Bipolar Transistors,” IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 51, no. 2,
`Feb, 2003., pp 278-293.
`51 D. Jessie and L. Larson, “An improved leaded small outline package and equivalent circuit,” IEEE
`Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 13, Issue 7, July 2003 Pp.:273 – 275 (From A.I.58)
`52 D. Jessie and L. Larson “Conformal mapping for buried CPW with finite grounds.” Electronics Letters,
`vol.37, (no.25), IEE, 6 Dec. 2001. p.1521-3.
`53 X. Zhang, L. Larson, P. Asbeck, and R. Langridge, “Analysis of Power Recycling Techniques for RF and
`Microwave Outphasing Power Amplifiers,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems II-Analog & Digital
`Signal Processing, vol.49, no.5, May 2002, pp.312-20.
`54 D. Laney, G. Mario Maggio, F. Lehmann, and L. Larson , “Multiple Access for UWB Impulse Radio with
`Pseudo-Chaotic Time Hopping,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, December 2002, pp.
`55 S. Subbanna, G. Freeman, G.; Jae-Sung Rieh; Ahlgren, D.; Stein, K.; Dickey, C.; Mecke, J.; Bacon, P.;
`Groves, R.; Meghelli, M.; Soyuer, M.; Jagannathan, B.; Schonenberg, K.; Shwu-Jen Jeng; Joseph, A.;
`Coolbaugh, D.; Volant, R.; Greenberg, D.; Huajie Chen; Brelsford, K.; Harame, D.; Dunn, J.; Larson, L.;
`Herman, D., Jr.; Meyerson, B. , “50-200 GHz silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistor BICMOS
`technology and a computer-aided design environment for 2-50+ GHz very large-scale integration mixed-
`Theta EX2006
`signal IC’s,” . Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1, vol.41, (no.2B), Japan Soc. Appl. Phys, Feb.
`2002. p.1111-23.
`56 D. Jessie and L. Larson, “An X-band small outline leaded plastic package for MMIC applications,” IEEE
`Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol.25, no.3, Aug. 2002, pp.439-47.
`57 V. Aparin and L. Larson, “Analysis and Reduction of Cross-Modulation Distortion in CDMA Receivers,”
`IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.51, no.5, May 2003, pp.1591-602.
`58 R. Tenny, L. Tsimring, L. Larson and H Abarbanel, “Using distributed nonlinear dynamics for public key
`encryption,” Physical Review Letters, vol.90, no.4, 31 Jan. 2003, pp.047.
`59 L. Larson, “Silicon Technology Tradeoffs for Radio-Frequency/Mixed-Signal “Systems-on-a-Chip” (Invited
`Paper)” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.50, no.3, March 2003, pp.683-9.
`60 L. Sheng and L. Larson, “An SiGe BiCMOS Direct-Conversion Mixer with 2nd-Order and 3rd-Order
`Nonlinearity Cancellation for WCDMA Applications” IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory and
`Techniques, Volume: 51 , Issue: 11 , Nov. 2003.
`61 D.Y.C. Lie and L.E. Larson, “RF-SoC: Technology Enablers and Current Design Trends for Highly
`Integrated Wireless RF IC Transceivers,” International Journal of Wireless and Optical Communications,
`Vol. 1, No. 1, (2003) pp. 1-23.
`62 D. Mahli, L. Larson, Dawn Wang, C. Demirdag, and V. Pereira, “SiGe W-CDMA Transmitter For Mobile
`Terminal Application” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 38, Issue 9, Sept. 2003 Pp.:1570 –
`63 J. Jensen and L. Larson, “A 16GHz Ultra High-Speed Si/SiGe HBT Comparator,” IEEE Journal of Solid-
`State Circuits, Volume 38, Issue 9, Sept. 2003 Pp.:1584 – 1589
`64 V. Leung, L. Larson and P. Gudem, “An Improved Digital-IF Transmitter Architecture for Highly-
`Integrated W-CDMA Mobile Terminals,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 54, Issue
`1, Jan. 2005 Pp.:20 – 32
`65 V. Leung, L. Larson, and P. Gudem, “Digital-IF WCDMA Handset Transmitter IC in 0.25um SiGe
`BiCMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. Volume 39, Issue 12, Dec. 2004 Pp.:2215 – 2225
`66 C. Wang, M. Vaidyanathan and L. Larson, “A Capacitance Compensation Technique for Improved
`Linearity in CMOS Class-AB Power Amplifiers,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 39, Issue
`11, Nov. 2004 Pp.:1927 – 1937.
`67 V. Aparin and L. Larson, “Modified Derivative Superposition Method for Linearizing FET Low-noise
`Amplifiers,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 53, Issue 2, Feb. 2005
`Pp.:571 – 581
`68 F. Wang, A. Yang, D. Kimball, L. Larson, and P. Asbeck, “Design of Wide Bandwidth Envelope Tracking
`Power Amplifiers for OFDM Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
`Volume 53, Issue 4, April 2005 Pp.:1244 – 1255.
`69 J. Deng, P. Gudem, L. Larson, and P. Asbeck, “High-Average-Efficiency SiGe HBT Power Amplifier for
`WCDMA Handset Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vo