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`U N I T E D S T A T E S P A T E N T A N D T R A D E M A R K O F F I C E
`B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :
`L E N O V O ( U N I T E D S T A T E S ) I N C . : I P R 2 0 2 3 - 0 0 6 7 9
`a n d M O T O R O L A M O B I L I T Y L L C , : a n d
`P e t i t i o n e r s , : I P R 2 0 2 3 - 0 0 6 9 8
`v s .
`T H E T A I P , L L C ,
`: P a t e n t N o s .
`: 1 0 , 1 2 9 , 8 2 5 B 2
`P a t e n t O w n e r . : 1 0 , 5 2 4 , 2 0 2 B 2
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :
`R e m o t e Z o o m V i d e o t a p e d D e p o s i t i o n o f
`L A W R E N C E E . L A R S O N , P h . D .
`W a s h i n g t o n , D . C .
`T h u r s d a y , A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4
`1 0 : 0 0 a . m .
`J o b N o . P A - 6 6 4 5 9 9 9
`P a g e s 1 - 1 4 9
`R e p o r t e d b y : R o b e r t M . J a k u p c i a k , R P R
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Petitioners Lenovo (United States) Inc.
`and Motorola Mobility LLC - Ex. 1018
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`Videotaped Deposition of LAWRENCE E.
`LARSON, Ph.D., held at the offices of:
`Veritext - Washington
`1250 Eye Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C.
`Pursuant to Notice, before Robert Michael
`Jakupciak, RPR, a Notary Public in and for the
`District of Columbia, when were present on behalf of
`the respective parties:
`1 2
`7 8
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
`On behalf of the Petitioners:
` Bookoff McAndrews, PLLC
` 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 4001
` Washington, D.C. 20006
` (202) 808-3497
`On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Bunsow De Mory, LLP
` 701 El Camino Real
` Redwood City, California 94063
` (650) 351-7248
`Also Present: Videographer, Warren Brey
` Jameson Ma, Esquire
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` C O N T E N T S
` By Mr. Uhr 6
` E X H I B I T S
`2005 Larson Declaration 15
`2015 Declaration of Lawrence Larson in 19
` Support of Patent Owner's
` Responses
`1004 European Patent Application No. 21
` EP 999,649 A2
`1001 Patent No: 10,129,825 B2 59
`1001-a '202 Patent marked in the 698 IPR 71
`1016 Book entitled Analog Integrated 77
` Circuit Design
`1017 Book entitled RF and Microwave 98
` Circuit Design for Wireless
` Communications
`(Exhibits attached to transcript.)
`5 6 7
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are going
`on the record at 10:03 a.m. EST on March 18, 2024.
`This is media unit one of the video recorded
`deposition of Professor Lawrence Larson, Ph.D.,
`taken by counsel for the Petitioner, in the matter
`of Lenovo United States Incorporated and Motorola
`Mobility, LLC, Petitioners, versus Theta IP, LLC,
`Patent Owner, filed in the U.S. Patent and Trademark
`Office. Patent Number 10,524,202 B2.
` This deposition's location is a Zoom video
`conference with participants in various locations.
`My name is Warren Brey, representing Veritext Legal
`Solutions. I'm the videographer. The court
`reporter is Robert Jakupciak from the firm of
`Veritext Legal Solutions.
` Counsel please introduce yourselves for
`the record.
` MR. UHR: This is William Uhr from Bookoff
`McAndrews on behalf of Petitioners.
` MR. MELWANI: This is Dinesh Melwani.
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`Also from the law firm of Bookoff McAndrews.
` MR. AHN: This is Sangwoo Ahn, counsel for
`Petitioners, at Bookoff McAndrews.
` MR. MA: Jameson Ma from Bookoff
`Johanningmeier of Bunsow De Mory, for Theta IP and
`the witness. And with me on the line is one of our
`attorneys, Aaron Hand.
` VIDEOGRAPHER: And court reporter, please
`swear in the witness.
`called as a witness, and having been first duly
`sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` VIDEOGRAPHER: And you may proceed.
` Q Good morning, Professor Larson.
` A Good morning.
` Q My name is William Uhr, and as you may
`have just heard, I represent the Petitioners,
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`Motorola and Lenovo, in these two IPR matters.
` Have you ever been deposed before?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q Okay. While you may already be familiar
`with the procedures, but I'll just run through some
`preliminaries to make sure we are on the same page.
` I'm going to be asking you a series of
`questions today. The court reporter is going to be
`taking down every word each of us says. So it's
`important that we both speak loudly, slowly and
`clearly so that the reporter is able to hear and
`understand what we are both saying. That way we
`will get a complete and accurate record of today's
` If you wouldn't mind, please allow me to
`complete my questions in full before you begin your
`answer. I will extend you the same courtesy and do
`my best to allow you to complete your answer before
`I ask the next question.
` If you and I interrupt each other, the
`record will be filled with dashes, which will make
`the record very difficult to read. The reporter can
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`only write one person speaking at a time. So it's
`important that we try to avoid speaking over each
`other as much as possible.
` From time to time counsel for patent owner
`may object to my questions. Please allow counsel to
`make his objections without speaking over him. Once
`counsel has lodged his objection, you are required
`to provide an answer to the pending question, unless
`counsel has instructed you specifically not to
` Does that all sound okay?
` A Yes. That's fine.
` Q Okay. When responding to my questions,
`please give a verbal response, because that's the
`only type of response that the court reporter can
`record. The court reporter is not permitted to
`interpret a nod or a shake of the head and phrases
`or sounds like uh-huh or huh-uh may be difficult to
`interpret on the record.
` If you do not understand any of my
`questions, please feel free to ask me to repeat or
`clarify. I'm happy to do so. And if at any time
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`you would like to take a break, just let me know.
`I'm happy to accommodate that. And we understand
`that we will be breaking at least at 11:45 to about
`1:15 today. Does that all sound fair?
` A That's perfectly fair. Thank you.
` Q Okay. Would you please state your full
`legal name for the record?
` A My full legal name is Lawrence Ernest
` Q Okay. Could you please state your
` A My address is 97 Condon Street,
`Providence, Rhode Island.
` Q And are you over the age of 18?
` A I am over the age of 18.
` Q Okay. And do you understand that you are
`testifying under oath today; correct?
` A I understand that, yes.
` Q Okay. Did you take any medications or
`substances that would impact your ability to testify
`truthfully today?
` A No, I have not taken any substances.
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` Q Okay. Is there anything preventing you
`from answering questions truthfully today?
` A No, there is nothing preventing me from
`answering truthfully today.
` Q Do you recognize the Case Numbers IPR
`2023-00697 and IPR 2023-00698?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Do you understand that your testimony
`today relates to these two IPR proceedings?
` A Yes. I understand that.
` Q Are you currently at home?
` A I am at home, yes.
` Q Are there other people at home with you?
` A Mr. Johanningmeier is sitting across from
`me here. My wife Lynn is upstairs. That's all.
` Q Do you have a reliable Internet connection
`where you are?
` A It's pretty reliable, yes. Every now and
`then it will slow down once a day, and that may
`happen some time today and I apologize if it does.
`Otherwise, it's very reliable.
` Q No problem. Thank you for letting me
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`know. And are you currently communicating with
`anyone other than me?
` A No. I'm not communicating with anyone
`other than you at this time.
` Q Do you have any electronic devices with
`you other than your laptop?
` A I have got my cell phone here. I guess I
`could turn it off if you would prefer.
` Q Could you please turn it off?
` A Yes. Sure. Just a second. There we go.
`Okay. It's turned off.
` Q On your laptop do you have any electronic
`messaging applications or browsers open?
` A I actually have Chrome open right now. I
`will shut it. And I have Internet Explorer open and
`I will shut that as well.
` Q Thank you.
` A They are both shut now.
` Q Thank you. I would ask that you keep them
`closed while we are on the record and I'm asking you
` A I will. I will keep them both closed.
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` Q Thank you. Do you have any documents open
`on your computer?
` A No. Not at this time.
` Q Okay. Can you affirm that you will not
`communicate with anyone electronically or otherwise
`while you are providing testimony on the record?
` A Yes. I will not communicate with anyone
`by any means while we are on the record.
` Q Did you bring any documents or notes with
`you in physical form?
` A Well, I have three documents here by my
`side today that Mr. Johanningmeier provided for me.
`But I have no notes of any kind.
` Q Okay. What are those documents that you
` A Yes. So the first one is my declaration
`on these two IPR matters, and that's dated January
`29th. And I have two U.S. Patents, the so-called
`'825 patent and the so-called '202 patent. And
`those are the three documents that I have right
` Q Okay. Are there any annotations on those
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` A No. Those documents are all completely
`clean of any markings or annotations.
` Q Okay. Dr. Larson, did you prepare for
`this deposition?
` A Yes, I prepared for this deposition.
` Q How did you prepare?
` A Well, I reviewed my declaration, I
`reviewed the patents, I reviewed some of the prior
`artwork, and, you know, various other documents
`related to the case.
` Q Did you review the petitions?
` A Those would have been like the -- I
`believe I did review the petitions, yes. Maybe you
`would have to show me the document or perhaps Mr.
`Johanningmeier could show it to me and I could
`verify that. But I think I reviewed the petitions,
` Q Okay. Did you review the declarations
`that were submitted by Dr. Baker?
` A I was presented with them and I reviewed
`those declarations briefly, yes.
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` Q And you said that Mr. Johanningmeier
`helped you prepare for this deposition?
` A Yeah. He did help me prepare for this
` Q Did anyone else help you?
` A No. No one else helped me with this
` Q Did you have meetings with Mr.
`Johanningmeier to prepare?
` A Do you mean to prepare for this
` Q Yes.
` A Yeah. Mr. Johanningmeier traveled to
`Providence yesterday and we spent yesterday
`discussing this deposition. So yes, we met as part
`of my preparation.
` Q Roughly how much time would you say you
`spent preparing for today's deposition?
` A Do you mean in total how much time did I
` Q Yes.
` A I would say 30 to 40 hours in total to
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` Q I'm going to go ahead and introduce an
`exhibit and I'm hoping that it will be available to
`Page 15
`you within the Zoom meeting.
` (Larson Exhibit Number 2005
` was marked for identification.)
` Q Did a file pop up for you?
` A No. I'm sorry. It has not popped up for
`me. If you are trying to do a screen share, I'm not
`seeing it.
` Q No. I'm not trying to do a screen share.
`I'm trying to share the document with you through
`the Veritext --
` A Ah.
` Q -- portal.
` A If I have shut my browsers, that may not
`be possible. Just a thought.
` MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: You -- sometimes it
`works with dropping PDFs into the chat. Let me see
`if --
` MR. UHR: Counsel, do you mind if we went
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`off the record quickly to get this exhibit situation
` MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Yeah. Let's do that.
`We don't need to record ourselves talking about it.
`That's right.
` MR. UHR: Thank you.
` VIDEOGRAPHER: We are now off the record
`at 10:18 a.m.
` (Recessed at 10:18 a.m.)
` (Reconvened at 10:23 a.m.)
` VIDEOGRAPHER: We are now back on the
`record at 10:23 a.m. You may proceed.
` Q Okay. Dr. Larson, I asked you to reopen
`your browser to open the Veritext portal; correct?
` A Yes. That is correct.
` Q And now you are able to see Exhibit 2005?
` A I'm able to see it on the Veritext portal
`and I also have a paper copy here.
` Q Thank you for opening the portal. Is this
`a copy of the declaration you submitted with the
`patent owner's preliminary responses?
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` A Yes. This is the document from the
`preliminary responses that was submitted last
`summer, summer of 2023.
` Q And in the version that I have posted to
`the portal it is Exhibit 2005, and then it indicates
`that it is in the proceeding IPR 2023-00698. Did
`you submit the same declaration in substance in the
`697 IPR?
` A Hold on one second. And the reason that
`I -- so you are referring to the 698 and you say
`that because at the bottom right this particular
`declaration is labeled IPR2023-00698, and yes, there
`is a similar one that is IPR2023-00697 that was also
`submitted, yes.
` Q When you say similar, was the text of the
`document the same except for that stamp in the
`bottom right corner?
` A You know, I would have to review the
`documents. I think they are very, very
`substantially similar. Whether they are exactly the
`same, I would have to review both documents to
`review that.
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` Q Okay. Could you look at the first page of
`this document? It says underneath Theta IP, LLC,
`Patent Owner, it says three cases, 694, 697 and 698.
`Page 18
`Do you see that?
` A This is on page one.
` Q The cover page. Yes.
` A The cover page. Yes. Yes. I see that.
`It says 694, 697, 698.
` Q Okay. Does that indicate to you that this
`document was submitted in all three of those cases?
` A Yes, it does. And then there are patents
`associated with each of those below, the '330, '825
`and '202.
` Q Have you discovered anything in this
`declaration that you believe may need to be
`corrected or clarified?
` A Well, you know, once again I would have to
`review it. I haven't reviewed this document really
`in detail since it was submitted. And so I think if
`there has been anything that I would want to change,
`I would want to take a look at it. But nothing
`comes to my mind at this time.
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` Q Okay. And do you believe that this
`declaration you submitted is still complete and
` A As far as I know, yes. Once again I would
`probably want to review it in detail, but as far as
`I can remember it's still complete and accurate.
` Q I'm going to introduce another document
`into the Veritext portal.
` (Larson Exhibit Number 2015
` was marked for identification.)
` Q Please let me know when that becomes
`available to you.
` A Yes. I'm not seeing it on the screen yet.
`Let me -- there we go. Now, this one is Exhibit
`2015. Is that correct?
` Q That's correct. This is previously marked
`as Exhibit 2015 and this document again has the
`identifier at the bottom for the 698 IPR.
` A Okay. Let me open this. Yes. The cover
`page says 697 and 698. I'm sorry. It says 698 at
`the bottom. Thank you.
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` Q And is this a copy of the declaration you
`submitted with patent owner's responses?
` A I believe that this is also a declaration
`that I submitted with the patent owner's responses,
`yes. Let me just check the signature at the final
`line. Yes. This was from January of this year.
` Q That is your signature on page 32?
` A That's my signature on page 32, yes.
` Q And is it your recollection that you
`submitted the same declaration in both the 697 and
`698 IPRs?
` A Yeah. My recollection is that this was
`submitted for both the 697 and the 698 IPRs.
` Q While preparing for this deposition did
`you discover anything in this declaration that you
`believed may need to be corrected or clarified?
` A No. I have no corrections or
`clarifications that I would like to put forward at
`this time.
` Q And sitting here today do you still
`believe that this entire declaration is complete and
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` A Yes. Sitting here today I still believe
`it is complete and accurate.
` Q So for our mutual orientation I may refer
`to your declaration again today during the
`deposition. And when I say your declaration, I'm
`going to be referring to this document, Exhibit
`2015. If I refer back to your earlier declaration,
`I will specifically call that your preliminary
`response declaration or Exhibit 2005. Is that okay?
` A Yes. That's fine.
` MR. UHR: I'm going to introduce another
`exhibit. This was previously marked as Exhibit
` (Larson Exhibit Number 1004
` was marked for identification.)
` A Okay. I don't see it on my screen yet,
`but Mr. Johanningmeier gave me a paper copy. But I
`will bring it up on my screen as well.
` Q We can give it a second. Just let me know
`when it becomes available for you.
` A Yeah. Sometimes the screen has to
`refresh. So, yes, I see it here and I see
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`exhibit -- the screen -- the wheel is spinning, but
`I do see Exhibit 1004 on my screen.
` Q Great. And this is a copy of EP 0999,649
`A2, and I may refer to this as the Rauhala reference
`for short. Do you recognize this document?
` A Yes. I do recognize it. I have reviewed
` Q Can you please look at paragraph 13 of
`this document?
` A So, and just to the clarify, the
`paragraphs are numbered with bold numbers kind of at
`the beginning of the paragraph, so I see 0013 and it
`starts, "Figure 2 shows a", et cetera.
` Q Yes. That's correct.
` A I see it.
` Q So that first sentence says: "Figure 2
`shows a similar signal path structure as Figure 1."
`Do you see that?
` A Yes. I see that.
` Q Okay. So the Rauhala reference describes
`a signal path; correct?
` A Yes. Well, that sentence describes a
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`signal path, yes.
` Q Okay. And that sentence refers to Figure
` A Yes. Let me just take a look at Figure 2
`quickly just to confirm this. But -- yes. Figure 2
`describes a signal path as described in that first
` Q Still looking at Figure 2 then, do you see
`toward the left that there is a component labeled
`with the letters ANT?
` A Yes. I see an ANT there on the left in
`Figure 2.
` Q The component labeled ANT is an antenna,
` A I believe that's correct, yes.
` Q And based on the specification and this
`reference, that antenna would receive an RF signal;
` MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Objection. Scope.
` A Yes. Based on my understanding, that
`antenna would receive an RF signal.
` Q Okay. Do you see the line running
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`parallel to the bottom of the page from the antenna
`component through F1, A1, F2, A2, and then through
`to the block labeled DET? Do you see that line?
` A I have to confess I'm a little confused by
`what you have just described. Could you say that
`again or maybe try to be a little more descriptive
`in your, in which line you are referring to?
` Q Sure. So do you see that the antenna
`connects to the block labeled F1?
` A Yes. I see that connection.
` Q Okay. And then do you see that F1
`connects to A1?
` A I believe that F1 connects to A1 through
`that horizontal line that goes between F1 and A1.
`If that's what you are referring to, yes, I see it.
` Q So there's a horizontal line between F1
`and A1?
` A I see that.
` Q Similarly, there is a horizontal line
`between A1 and F2; right?
` A Correct. Between A1 and F2.
` Q And is there a similar line between F2 and
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` A There is a similar line between F2 and A2,
` Q Okay. And is there a similar line between
`A2 and M1?
` A Yes. There is a similar line between A2
`and M1.
` Q Is there a similar line between M1 and A3?
` A Yes. There is a similar line between M1
`and A3.
` Q Is there a similar line between A3 and F3?
` A Yes. There is a similar line between A3
`and F3.
` Q And is there a similar line between F3 and
` A Yes.
` Q Similar line between M2 and F4?
` A Yes. Between M2 and F4.
` Q And a similar line between F4 and DET?
` A Yes. Correct.
` Q Okay. Now that collection of lines,
`that's a signal path; correct?
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` MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Objection. Scope.
` A I would say yes, the signal goes from the
`antenna through that chain that you just led me
`through to the, to the final block which is labeled
` Q And do you see that there are rectangular
`blocks, there are four of them, labeled with F and
`with a numeral next to it?
` A Yes. I see those blocks.
` Q And those are intended to represent
`filters; correct?
` MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Objection. Scope.
` A Yeah. I believe those are meant to
`represent filters in the signal chain.
` Q Do you see the triangles marked A1, A2 and
` A Yes. I see the A1, A2 and A3 triangles.
` Q Those triangles are intended to represent
`amplifiers in the signal path; correct?
` MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Objection. Scope.
` A Yes. I believe those are intended to
`represent amplifiers.
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` Q And the circles with the Xs through them
`labeled M1 and M2, do you see those?
` A Yes, I see those circles.
` Q And those circles are intended to
`represent mixers within the signal path; correct?
` MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Objection. Scope.
` A Yes. Those, M1 and M2 are mixers in the
`signal path.
` Q Rauhala teaches adjusting bias currents of
`amplifiers and mixers; correct?
` MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Objection. Scope.
` A Well, it -- Rauhala teaches adjusting the
`DC bias of amplifiers and mixers.
` Q Could you please look at paragraph 13
`again of the same document?
` A Yes.
` Q And do you see that second sentence
`beginning with "unit 21"?
` A So paragraph 13, the second sentence, yes;
`"unit 21 includes the linear units, or amplifiers
`A1, A2 and A3," et cetera. I see it, yes.
` Q Okay. And Rauhala is referring there to
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`Page 28
`the amplifiers and mixers in Figure 2 as linear
`units; right?
`A Right. That sentence says unit 21
`includes the linear units of those amplifiers and
`mixers. Yes.
`Q Would you please scroll down to paragraph
`21 of the same document?
`A 21. Yes. I'm there. The paragraph 21,
`and paragraph 21 starts with: "Figure 6 shows an
`example of," et cetera.
`Q Okay. So you see the first sentence says:
`"Figure 6 shows an example of a linear unit's supply
`current control"; correct?
`A Yes. That's the first sentence.
`Q Okay. And do you see in the second
`sentence where it says that linear unit 61 is an
`A I see that second sentence, yes.
`Q And A1, A2 and A3 of the signal path from
`Figure 2 are all amplifiers; correct?
`MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Objection. Scope.
`A Yes. I'll rely on my memory of Figure 2,
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`Page 29
`but I believe that's correct, yes.
`Q Would you agree that the linear units
`being referred to in paragraph 21 is an example of
`one of the amplifiers in Figure 2?
`MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Objection. Scope.
`A So let me just read the sentence again.
`We are talking about the second sentence in Figure
`21; is that correct?
`Q Yes.
`A So let me just read it again and then I'll
`answer your question.
`Yes. I believe these refer, the author is
`referring to the amplifiers in that case.
`Q Could you turn to Figure 6 of the same
`A Yes. I see it here.
`Q Do you see that there is a -- there are
`two portions here shown with dotted lines; one of
`them is labeled 61 and one is labeled 62?
`A Yes. I see that. 61 and 62 in Figure 6.
`Q And the portion labeled 61 is the linear
`unit that we were just discussing; right?
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`Page 30
` A Well, that's the amplifier, which is I
`guess the linear unit from Figure 2.
` Q Do you see the line extending downwardly
`from that box labeled 61 and it's got the label I
`next to it?
` A Yes. I see that line connecting 61 and 62
`and that line goes into the collector of transistor
` Q What is your understanding of what that I
` A Yeah. My understanding of that I is that
`it is the DC bias current of the differential
` Q When the differential amplifier 61 is
`actively amplifying a signal, you would expect I to
`be a non-zero value; correct?
` A Well, yes. Every time an amplifier -- if
`an amplifier is going to be amplifying a signal,
`there has to be some DC current supplied to it to
`provide the energy for amplification.
` Q So if I were zero, differential amplifier
`61 would not amplify the signal; correct?
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`Page 31
` MR. JOHANNINGMEIER: Objection. Scope.
` A So if the DC bias current I were zero, the
`differential amplifier would have no gain. Correct.
` Q And what is your understanding of what
`this portion of Figure 6 labeled 62 is?
` A Well, 62 is a circuit that provides a
`variable DC bias to differential amplifier 61, and
`that DC bias is controlled by the switches at the
`top of the circuit, which I guess are labeled Ka and
`Kb here.
` Q If you removed the entirety of the
`circuits in 62, the value of I on the right side
`would be zero; correct?
` A Well, I'm a little confused by your
`question and if I might ask, do you mean that, that
`the circuit 62 is removed and that line that
`connects the differential amplifier to 62 is simply
`not connected

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