`) Worl~~;:::~~:! Property ~ 1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 111111111111111 II Ill 111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIII IIII 11111111
`~ (tow)
`lntoern2atoionla9I /Pou b6h8" ca2ti2on4NAumlber
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`11 April 2019 (11.04.2019)
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`H04W 72112 (2009.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`06 October 2017 (06.10.2017)
`(71) Applicants (]or CN only): NOKIA SHANGHAI BELL
`CO., LTD. [CN/CN]; No. 388, Ningqiao Road, Pudong Jin(cid:173)
`qiao, Shanghai 201206 (CN). NOKIA SOLUTIONS AND
`NETWORKS OY [FI/FI]; Karaportti 3, 02610 Espoo (FI).
`(71) Applicant (]or all designated States except CN): NOKIA
`TECHNOLOGIES OY [FI/FI]; Karaportti 3, 02610 Espoo
`(72) Inventors: DAWID, Koziol; Mechaniczna 8, 67-200 Gl(cid:173)
`ogow (PL). JARKKO, Koskela; Kajuuttapiha 3, 90510
`Oulu (FI). WU, Chunli; No. I Wangjing East Road,
`Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102 (CN). TURTINEN, Sa(cid:173)
`muli; Salongintie 15, 91 l 00 Li (FI).
`(74) Agent: KING & WOOD MALLESONS; 20th Floor,
`East Tower, World Financial Centre, No. I Dongsanhuan
`Zhonglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 (CN).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, EH, EN, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
`HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP,
`KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ,
`OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA,
`SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`S1 - UE monitors initial BWP
`S2 - UE enters active or RRC
`connected state - operates on
`different BWP
`S3 - UE monitors for change
`notifications on different BWP
`S4 - When notification received
`revert to in ital BWP
`S5 - When information received,
`revert to different BWP
`Figure 4
`(57) Abstract: A method comprises receiving an indication on a first bandwidth part at a user device. The user device, in response to
`receiving said indication, receives a second bandwidth part. The second bandwidth part is different to said first bandwidth part. The
`first and second bandwidth parts are part of a same carrier and the second bandwidth part comprises information associated with said
`[Continued on next page]
`iiiiiiii -
`!!!!!!!! -
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019 /068224 Al 1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 111111111111111 II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111
`EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
`KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21 (3))
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`WO 2019/068224
`This disclosure relates to communications, and more particularly to a method,
`apparatus and computer program in a wireless communication system. In particular
`but not exclusively, some embodiments relate to use of bandwidth parts.
`A communication system can be seen as a facility that enables communication
`between two or more devices such as user terminals, machine-like terminals, base
`stations and/or other nodes by providing communication channels for carrying
`information between the communicating devices. A communication system can be
`provided for example by means of a communication network and one or more
`compatible communication devices. The communication may comprise, for example,
`communication of data for carrying data for voice, electronic mail (email), text
`15 message, multimedia and/or content data communications and so on. Non-limiting
`examples of services provided
`two-way or multi-way calls, data
`communication or multimedia services and access to a data network system, such
`as the Internet.
`In a wireless system at least a part of communications occurs over wireless
`interfaces. Examples of wireless systems include public land mobile networks
`(PLMN), satellite based communication systems and different wireless
`networks, for example wireless local area networks (WLAN). A local area wireless
`networking technology allowing devices to connect to a data network is known by the
`tradename WiFi (or Wi-Fi). WiFi is often used synonymously with WLAN. The
`25 wireless systems can be divided into cells, and are therefore often referred to as
`cellular systems. A base station provides at least one cell.
`A user can access a communication system by means of an appropriate
`communication device or terminal capable of communicating with a base station.
`Hence nodes like base stations are often referred to as access points. A
`communication device of a user is often referred to as user equipment (UE). A
`communication device
`is provided with an appropriate signal receiving and
`transmitting apparatus
`for enabling communications,
`for example enabling
`communications with the base station and/or communications directly with other user
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`devices. The communication device can communicate on appropriate channels, e.g.
`listen to a channel on which a station, for example a base station of a cell, transmits.
`A communication system and associated devices
`typically operate
`accordance with a given standard or specification which sets out what the various
`entities associated with the system are permitted to do and how that should be
`achieved. Communication protocols and/or parameters which shall be used for the
`connection are also typically defined. Non-limiting examples of standardised radio
`access technologies include GSM (Global System for Mobile), EDGE (Enhanced
`Data for GSM Evolution) Radio Access Networks (GERAN), Universal Terrestrial
`10 Radio Access Networks (UTRAN) and evolved UTRAN (E-UTRAN). An example
`communication system architecture is the long-term evolution (L TE) of the Universal
`Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) radio-access technology. The L TE is
`standardized by the third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The L TE employs
`the Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) access and a
`further development thereof which is sometimes referred to as L TE Advanced (L TE(cid:173)
`Since introduction of fourth generation (4G) services increasing interest has
`been paid to the next, or fifth generation (5G) standard. 5G may also be referred to
`as a New Radio (NR) network. Standardization of 5G or New Radio networks is an
`on-going study item.
`According to an aspect, there is provided a method compns1ng: causing
`receiving, on a first bandwidth part, at a user device, an indication; and in response
`to said indication, causing said user device to receive a second bandwidth part, said
`second bandwidth part being different to said first bandwidth part, said first and
`second bandwidth parts being part of a same carrier and said second bandwidth part
`comprising information associated with said indication
`The carrier may be a wideband carrier.
`The first and second bandwidth parts may belong to the same serving cell.
`The method may comprise causing tuning of said user device to a frequency
`associated with said second bandwidth part, in response to said indication.
`The indication may comprises an indication of one or more of alert information
`and change information. The change information may be update information.
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`WO 2019/068224
`The method may comprise causing receiving, as said information, one or
`more of said change information and alert information on said second bandwidth part.
`The alert information may comprise one or more of earthquake and tsunami
`warning system information and commercial mobile alert system information.
`The change information may comprise one or more changes in system
`The method may comprise monitoring a paging occasion on said first
`bandwidth part.
`The indication may be provided in a paging message.
`The indication may be provided by downlink control information.
`The information may be provided periodically on said second bandwidth part.
`The method may comprise after receiving said information associated with
`said indication, causing receiving a different bandwidth part to said second
`bandwidth part.
`The different bandwidth part may comprise said first bandwidth part.
`The method may comprise causing information to be transmitted from said
`user device to cause said user device to receive said different bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may be an initial bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may comprise system information blocks.
`The method may comprise causing receiving said first bandwidth part and
`said second bandwidth part at the same time.
`According to another aspect, there is provided a method comprising: causing
`transmission, on a first bandwidth part, to a user device, an indication; and causing
`transmission to said user device of a second bandwidth part, said second bandwidth
`part being different to said first bandwidth part, said first and second bandwidth parts
`being part of a same carrier and said second bandwidth part comprising information
`associated with said indication
`The carrier may be a wideband carrier.
`The first and second bandwidth parts may belong to the same serving cell.
`The indication may comprises an indication of one or more of alert information
`and change information. The change information may be update information.
`The method may comprise causing transmission, as said information, one or
`more of said change information and alert information on said second bandwidth part.
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`The alert information may comprise one or more of earthquake and tsunami
`warning system information and commercial mobile alert system information.
`The change information may comprise one or more changes in system
`The method may comprise providing a paging occasion on said first
`bandwidth part.
`The indication may be provided in a paging message.
`The indication may be provided by downlink control information.
`The information may be provided periodically on said second bandwidth part.
`The method may comprise after causing transmitting of said information
`associated with said indication to the user device, causing transmission to said user
`device using a different bandwidth part to said second bandwidth part.
`The different bandwidth part may comprise said first bandwidth part.
`The method may comprise receiving information from said user device to
`cause transmission to said user device of said different bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may be an initial bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may comprise system information blocks.
`The method may comprise transmitting said first bandwidth part and said
`second bandwidth part to said user device at the same time.
`According to another aspect, there is provided an apparatus in a user device
`comprising: means for causing said user device to receive, on a first bandwidth part,
`an indication; and in response to said indication, means for causing said user device
`to receive a second bandwidth part, in response to said indication, said second
`bandwidth part being different to said first bandwidth part, said first and second
`bandwidth parts being part of a same carrier and said second bandwidth part
`comprising information associated with said indication
`The carrier may be a wideband carrier.
`The first and second bandwidth parts may belong to the same serving cell.
`The indication may comprises an indication of one or more of alert information
`and change information. The change information may be update information.
`The means for causing said receiving may be for causing said user device to
`receive, as said information, one or more of said change information and alert
`information on said second bandwidth part.
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`The alert information may comprise one or more of earthquake and tsunami
`warning system information and commercial mobile alert system information.
`The change information may comprise one or more changes in system
`The apparatus may comprise means for monitoring a paging occasion on said
`first bandwidth part.
`The indication may be provided in a paging message.
`The indication may be provided by downlink control information.
`The information may be provided periodically on said second bandwidth part.
`After receiving said information associated with said indication, said causing
`means may cause said user device to receive a different bandwidth part to said
`second bandwidth part.
`The different bandwidth part may comprise said first bandwidth part.
`The apparatus may comprise means for causing information to be transmitted
`from said user device to cause said user device to receive said different bandwidth
`The second bandwidth part may be an initial bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may comprise system information blocks.
`The causing means may be for causing said user device to receive said first
`bandwidth part and said second bandwidth part at the same time.
`According to another aspect, there is provided an apparatus comprising:
`means for causing transmission, on a first bandwidth part, to a user device, an
`indication; and means for causing transmission to said user device of a second
`bandwidth part, said second bandwidth part being different to said first bandwidth
`part, said first and second bandwidth parts being part of a same carrier and said
`second bandwidth part comprising information associated with said indication
`The carrier may be a wideband carrier.
`The first and second bandwidth parts may belong to the same serving cell.
`The indication may comprises an indication of one or more of alert information
`and change information. The change information may be update information.
`The means for causing transmission may cause transmission, as said
`information, one or more of said change information and alert information on said
`second bandwidth part.
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`The alert information may comprise one or more of earthquake and tsunami
`warning system information and commercial mobile alert system information.
`The change information may comprise one or more changes in system
`The apparatus may comprise means for providing a paging occasion on said
`first bandwidth part.
`The indication may be provided in a paging message.
`The indication may be provided by downlink control information.
`The information may be provided periodically on said second bandwidth part.
`The means for causing transmitting may be for, after causing transmitting of
`said information associated with said indication to
`the user device, causing
`transmission to said user device using a different bandwidth part to said second
`bandwidth part.
`The different bandwidth part may comprise said first bandwidth part.
`The apparatus may comprise means fir receiving information from said user
`device to cause transmission to said user device of said different bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may be an initial bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may comprise system information blocks.
`The means for causing transmitting may be for causing transmitting of said
`first bandwidth part and said second bandwidth part to said user device at the same
`According to another aspect, there is provided an apparatus in a user device,
`said apparatus comprising at least one processor, and at least one memory including
`computer program code, wherein the at least one memory and the computer
`program code are configured, with the at least one processor, to: cause receiving, on
`a first bandwidth part, an indication; and in response to said indication, causing
`receiving of a second bandwidth part, said second bandwidth part being different to
`said first bandwidth part, said first and second bandwidth parts being part of a same
`carrier and said second bandwidth part comprising information associated with said
`The carrier may be a wideband carrier.
`The first and second bandwidth parts may belong to the same serving cell.
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to causing tuning of said user device to a frequency
`associated with said second bandwidth part, in response to said indication.
`The indication may comprises an indication of one or more of alert information
`and change information. The change information may be update information.
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to cause receiving, as said information, one or more of said
`change information and alert information on said second bandwidth part.
`The alert information may comprise one or more of earthquake and tsunami
`10 warning system information and commercial mobile alert system information.
`The change information may comprise one or more changes in system
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to cause monitoring of a paging occasion on said first
`bandwidth part.
`The indication may be provided in a paging message.
`The indication may be provided by downlink control information.
`The information may be provided periodically on said second bandwidth part.
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to after receiving said information associated with said
`indication, cause receiving of a different bandwidth part to said second bandwidth
`The different bandwidth part may comprise said first bandwidth part.
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to cause information to be transmitted from said user device
`to cause said user device to receive said different bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may be an initial bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may comprise system information blocks.
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to cause receiving of said first bandwidth part and said
`second bandwidth part at the same time.
`According to another aspect, there is provided an apparatus, said apparatus
`comprising at least one processor, and at least one memory including computer
`program code, wherein the at least one memory and the computer program code are
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`configured, with the at least one processor, to: cause transmission, on a first
`bandwidth part, to a user device, an indication; and cause transmission to said user
`device of a second bandwidth part, said second bandwidth part being different to
`said first bandwidth part, said first and second bandwidth parts being part of a same
`carrier and said second bandwidth part comprising information associated with said
`The carrier may be a wideband carrier.
`The first and second bandwidth parts may belong to the same serving cell.
`The indication may comprises an indication of one or more of alert information
`and change information. The change information may be update information.
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to cause transmission, as said information, one or more of
`said change information and alert information on said second bandwidth part.
`The alert information may comprise one or more of earthquake and tsunami
`15 warning system information and commercial mobile alert system information.
`The change information may comprise one or more changes in system
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to provide a paging occasion on said first bandwidth part.
`The indication may be provided in a paging message.
`The indication may be provided by downlink control information.
`The information may be provided periodically on said second bandwidth part.
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to, after causing transmitting of said information associated
`25 with said indication to the user device, cause transmission to said user device using
`a different bandwidth part to said second bandwidth part.
`The different bandwidth part may comprise said first bandwidth part.
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to receive information from said user device to cause
`transmission to said user device of said different bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may be an initial bandwidth part.
`The second bandwidth part may comprise system information blocks.
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`The at least one memory and the computer code may be configured with the
`at least one processor to cause transmitting of said first bandwidth part and said
`second bandwidth part to said user device at the same time.
`A device and/or a communication system comprising an apparatus configured
`to provide at least one of the embodiments can also be provided. The device may
`comprise a communication device such as a user equipment or another node
`capable of wireless communication, or a network node.
`A computer program comprising program code means adapted to perform the
`herein described methods may also be provided.
`In accordance with further embodiments apparatus and/or computer program
`product that can be embodied on a computer readable medium for providing at least
`one of the above methods is provided.
`Various other aspects and further embodiments are also described in the
`following detailed description of examples embodying the invention and in the
`attached claims.
`Brief description of Figures
`Some embodiments will now be described in further detail, by way of example
`only, with reference to the following examples and accompanying drawings, in which:
`Figure 1 shows a schematic example of a wireless communication system
`20 where the invention may be implemented;
`Figure 2 shows an example of a communication device;
`Figure 3 shows an example of a control apparatus, for example provided in a
`base station;
`Figure 4 is a flow chart of a method according to an example;
`Figure 5 schematically shows BWP (bandwidth parts) used by a user
`equipment; and
`Figure 6 is a flow chart of a method according to an example.
`Detailed description
`Before explaining in detail the examples, certain general principles of a
`30 wireless communication system and mobile communication devices are briefly
`explained with reference to Figures 1 to 2 to assist in understanding the technology
`underlying the described examples.
`In a wireless communication system 100, such as that shown in Figure 1, a
`wireless communication devices, for example, user equipment (UE) or MTC devices
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`102, 104, 105 are provided wireless access via at least one base station or similar
`wireless transmitting and/or receiving wireless infrastructure node or point. Such a
`node can be, for example, a base station or an eNodeB (eNB), or in a 5G system a
`Next Generation NodeB (gNB), or other wireless infrastructure node. These nodes
`5 will be generally referred to as base stations. Base stations are typically controlled by
`at least one appropriate controller apparatus, so as to enable operation thereof and
`management of mobile communication devices in communication with the base
`stations. The controller apparatus may be located in a radio access network (e.g.
`wireless communication system 100) or in a core network (CN) (not shown) and may
`be implemented as one central apparatus or its functionality may be distributed over
`several apparatus. The controller apparatus may be part of the base station and/or
`provided by a separate entity such as a Radio Network Controller. In Figure 1 control
`apparatus 1 08 and 1 09 are shown to control the respective macro level base
`stations 106 and 107. In some systems, the control apparatus may additionally or
`alternatively be provided in a radio network controller. Other examples of radio
`access system comprise those provided by base stations of systems that are based
`on technologies such as 5G or new radio, wireless local area network (WLAN)
`and/or WiMax (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access). A base station can
`provide coverage for an entire cell or similar radio service area.
`In Figure 1 base stations 106 and 107 are shown as connected to a wider
`communications network 113 via gateway 112. A further gateway function may be
`provided to connect to another network.
`The smaller base stations 116, 118 and 120 may also be connected to the
`network 113, for example by a separate gateway function and/or via the controllers
`of the macro level stations. The base stations 116, 118 and 120 may be pico or
`femto level base stations or the like. In the example, stations 116 and 118 are
`connected via a gateway 111 whilst station 120 connects via the controller apparatus
`108. In some embodiments, the smaller stations may not be provided.
`A possible wireless communication device will now be described in more
`detail with reference to Figure 2 showing a schematic, partially sectioned view of a
`communication device 200. Such a communication device is often referred to as
`user equipment (UE) or terminal. An appropriate mobile communication device may
`be provided by any device capable of sending and receiving radio signals. Non(cid:173)
`limiting examples comprise a mobile station (MS) or mobile device such as a mobile
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`phone or what is known as a 'smart phone', a computer provided with a wireless
`interface card or other wireless interface facility (e.g., USB dongle), personal data
`assistant (PDA) or a tablet provided with wireless communication capabilities, or any
`combinations of these or the like. A mobile communication device may provide, for
`example, communication of data for carrying communications such as voice,
`electronic mail (email), text message, multimedia and so on. Users may thus be
`offered and provided numerous services via their communication devices. Non(cid:173)
`limiting examples of these services comprise two-way or multi-way calls, data
`communication or multimedia services or simply an access
`to a data
`communications network system, such as the Internet. Users may also be provided
`broadcast or multicast data. Non-limiting examples of
`the content comprise
`downloads, television and radio programs, videos, advertisements, various alerts
`and other information.
`A wireless communication device may be for example a mobile device, that is,
`a device not fixed to a particular location, or it may be a stationary device. The
`wireless device may need human interaction for communication, or may not need
`human interaction for communication. In the present teachings the terms UE or "user"
`are used to refer to any type of wireless communication device.
`The wireless device 200 may receive signals over an air or radio interface 207
`via appropriate apparatus for receiving and may transmit signals via appropriate
`apparatus for transmitting radio signals.
`In Figure 2 transceiver apparatus is
`designated schematically by block 206. The transceiver apparatus 206 may be
`provided for example by means of a radio part and associated antenna arrangement.
`The antenna arrangement may be arranged internally or externally to the wireless
`device. The transceiver apparatus may comprise a tuner 210 which tunes the
`transceiver to the desired receiving frequency.
`A wireless device is typically provided with at least one data processing entity
`201, at least one memory 202 and other possible components 203 for use in
`software and hardware aided execution of tasks it is designed to perform, including
`control of access
`to and communications with access systems and other
`communication devices. The data processing, storage and other relevant control
`apparatus can be provided on an appropriate circuit board and/or in chipsets. This
`feature is denoted by reference 204. The user may control the operation of the
`wireless device by means of a suitable user interface such as key pad 205, voice
` Ex. 1023
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`WO 2019/068224
`commands, touch sensitive screen or pad, combinations thereof or the like. A display
`208, a speaker and a microphone can be also provided. Furthermore, a wireless
`communication device may comprise appropriate connectors (either wired or
`wireless) to other devices and/or for connecting external accessories, for example
`hands-free equipment, thereto. The communication devices 102, 104, 105 may
`access the communication system based on various access techniques.
`Figure 3 shows an example of a control apparatus. This control apparatus
`may, for example, be provided in a base station or a gNB. The control apparatus 300
`comprises at least one memory 301, at least one data processing unit 302, 303 and
`an input/output interface 304. Via the interface the control apparatus can be coupled
`to a receiver and a transmitter of the base station. The receiver and/or the
`transmitter may be implemented as a radio front end or a remote radio head. For
`example the control apparatus 300 or processor 301 can be configured to execute
`an appropriate software code to provide the control functions.
`In NR, new concept of bandwidth part (BWP) has been introduced where
`each UE may be operating on different bandwidth part within a single wideband
`carrier. It is defined in 3GPP TS 38.211 V1 .0.0 (section 4.4.5) as a contiguous
`subset of the physical resource blocks for a given numerology on a given carrier. As
`opposed to previous 3GPP systems, where system bandwidth was cell-specific,
`bandwidth parts can be configured specifically for particular UEs only using
`dedicated signalling from gNB and may, e.g. depend on UE's ca

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