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`Provisional Application
`0203-2117 (YPF201708-0014/US-pro_DMC)
`INVENTION TITLE: System and Method of SI Transmission and Recetliion on a Carrier supporiing l\.luitiple Bandwidth
`This description should be written in the Inventor's own ·words and shouldfollow this guideline:
`1.Describe the disadvantages of the prior art without mentioning your invention (In duding any related !}ll blidy available
`documentation, such as journal articles or patents).
`In the recent years several broadband wireless technologies have been developed to meet the growing number of broadband subscribers
`and to provide more and better applications and services. The second generation wireless communication system has been developed to
`provide voice services \vhile ensuring the mobility of users. Third generation wireless communication system supports not only the
`voice service but also data service. In recent years, the fourth \;,,·ireless communication system has been developed to provide high
`speed data service. However, currently, the fourth generation wireless communication system suffers from lack of resources to meet the
`grmving demand for high speed data services. So fifth generation wireless comimrnication system is being developed to meet the
`grovving demand for high speed data services, support ultra-reliability and low latency applications.
`The fifth generation v,ireless communication system vvill be implemented not only in iower frequency bands but also in higher
`frequency (mm\Vave) bands, e.g., 10 GHz to 100 GHz bands, so as to accomplish higher data rates. To mitigate propagation loss of the
`radio waves and increase the transmission distance, the beamforming, massive J\;foliiple-!nput JVIultiple-Output (MIMD), Full
`Dimensional ML_\11O (FD-MIMO), array antenna, an analog beam forming, large scale antenna techniques are being considered in the
`design of fifth generation wireless communication system, In addition, lhe fifth generation wireless comnmnicalion system is expected
`to address dii1erent use cases having quite different requirements in terms of data rate, latency, reliability, mobility etc. However, it is
`expected that the design of lhe air-interface of the fifth generation wireless communication system would be flexible enough to serve
`the UEs having quite different capabilities depending on the use case and market segment the UE cater service to the end customer.
`Few example use cases the fifth generation wireless communication sysiem wireless system is expected to address is enhanced T'vfobilc
`Broadband (eJ'vIBB), massive Machine Type Communication (m-MTC), ultra-reliable lovv latency communication CURLL) etc. The
`elvIBR requirements like tens of Gbps data rate, low latency, high mobility so on and. so forth address the market segment represen1ing
`everywhere, all the time and on the go. The m-J'v1TC
`the conventional ·wireless broadband subscribers needing internet connectivity
`requirements like very high connection density, infrequent data transmission, very
`long battery life, low mobility address so on and so
`forth address the market segment representing the Internet of Things (IoT)ilnternet of Everything {IoE) envisioning connectivity of
`billions of devices. The URLL requirements like very lmv latency,
`very high reliability and variable mobilily so on and. so fmth address
`the market segment representing the Industrial automation application. vehicle-to-vehicle/vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
`foreseen as one of the enabler for autonomous cars.
`In the fourth generation wireless commmrication system, enhanced node B {eNB) or base station in cell broadcast system information.
`System information is structured into master information block (MIR) and a set of system information blocks (SIBs). MIR consists of
`System Frame Number (SFN), Downlink System bandwidth and Physical Hybrid .ARQ Feedback Indicator Channel (PHICH)
`configmation. JVHB is transmi!ted every 40ms. It is repeated every toms wherein the first transmission occurs in subframe #0 when
`SFM mod 4 equals zero. MJB is transmitted on physical broadcast channel. System Jnformation Block Type 1 carries cell indemnity,
`tracking area code, cell barring information, value tag (common for aH scheduling units), and scheduling information of other SIBs,
`Ju,.eutmu Dm:losur-e For-m -J\/fan::h 2mw
`(outidenbal ami i'mprn:tary foformahon
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` Ex. 1018
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`Provisional Application
`0203-2117 (YPF201708-0014/US-pro_DMC)
`SlB l is transmitted every 80ms in subframe #5 when SFN mod 8 equals zero. SIB l is repeated in subframe#5 when SFN mod 2
`equals zero. SIB 1 is transmitted on Physical downlink shared chmmel. Other SIBs (SIB 2 to SIB 19) are transmitted in System
`Information (SI) ntessage ,vherein scheduling info of these Sms are indicated in SIB l .
`U E acquires the system irSomiation a t cell selection, cell reselection, after ]iandover completion. after entering E-UTRA from another
`RAT, upon re-entering service area, upon receiving a notification (paging), and upon exceeding the maximum validity duration (3 hr).
`In RRC idle and inactive state, UE needs to acquire l\lHB, SIB 1, SIB 2 to SIB 5, Sm 6 to SIB 8 (depending on RAT supported), SlB
`17 (ifLTE-WLAN IWK is supported), and SlB 18 to SIB 19 (ifD2D is supported). In RRC connected state, UE needs to acquire MIB,
`SlB l , SIB 2, SIB 8 (depending on RAT supported), SIB l7 (if LTE-\VLAN !WK is supported), and SIB 18 to Sm 19 (if D2D is
`supported). System irrfonnation acquired and stored is considered invalid if value tag in received SIB 1 is different from the one in
`stored SI. Sysiem information can be changed and is notified as follows: Change is notified through paging message On RRC_JDLE,
`RRC_lNACTIVE or RRC_CONNECTED) with cause �-ystemlnfoModification to let UE know that some Sl is changing in the next
`modification period_ Modification period boundaries are in terms of SFN such that SFN mod rnodificationPeriod = 0. Change of SI
`only occurs at specific radio fram.es. Notification of changes in modification period N will be reflected in N+l. SIB l also carries value
`tag to indicate change in SL UE finds the change in SI by fooking at value tag in SIBl at the end modification.Period (if missed
`checking page) or receiving paging with systeminfoModification.
`Issue Description
`In the fifth generation wireless communication system, canier bandwidth can he partitioned into mu11iplc bandwidth parts (BWPs) in
`frequency domain_ In downlink (DL), UE can be configured to monitor and receive DL transmissions from gNB in one or more DL
`BWPs. DL BVv'Ps in which UE receive in DL is referred as active DL BWP. Similarly in UL, UE can be configured to transmit to gNB
`in one or more UL B\\-'Ps. UL BWP in which UE transmit in UL is referred as active UL BWP. UE can be configured with BWP in
`terms of physical resource blocks (PRBs).
`resource set (CORESET) 'With common search space. Each one control On a given carrier, one of configured DL B\VPs includes
`configmed DL B WPs indudes ai least one CORESET with UE specific search space for the case of single active BWP at a given time.
`This means that the active DL B\VP of a UE may or may not h.-'lve CORESET with common search space. Physical downlink common
`control channel (PDCCH} for broadcast signals such as paging and system information is transmitted by gNB in common search space
`and UE monitors t.he common search space for receiving the PDCCH for paging and system information (SI). For a lJE in connected
`state, if the active DL BWP of a UE does no, have CORESET with common search space ,hen UE cannot receive Sl update indication
`and updated system information. In a given cell, system information can be updated and UE will fail to receive t.he updated system
`informatioR So a system and method of delivering updated system information is needed for the scenario ,vbere active DL B\VP does
`not have CORESET with conm1on search space.
`Ju,.eutmu Dm:losur-e Fonn -J\/fan::h 2mw
`(outidenbal ami i'mprn:tary foformahon
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` Ex. 1018
`APPLE INC. / Page 7 of 49
`Provisional Application
`0203-2117 (YPF201708-0014/US-pro_DMC)
`Description of the invention in detail (Including its operation, purpose, environment anrl how your invention overcomes the
`sh.ortcmnings of the prior art). Begin with a system level diagram and associated high level description of your inveniion in the
`context of a possibk product deployment of your invention, for examitle a handset, a base station, and/or a wireless network
`comprising one or more base stations and one or more handsets.
`DL B\VP of a UE does not have CORESET with common search space then UE cam,ot For a UE in com,ected state, rr the active
`receive SI update indication and updated system information. 1n a given celL system infomiation can be updated and UE will fail to
`receive the updated system information. Various methods of delivering updated system infonnation in the disclosure are as follovvs:
`Method 1: Dedicated RRC message carrying updated SIBs transmitted in active DL B'WP
`Embodiment 1:
`The gNB on a carrier. multiple DL B\VPs are configured Figure lA illustrates the gNB operation for updating SI in a system wherein
`performs this operation for each configured DL BWP. Figure lB and Figure IC illustrates the signaiing flow betvveen UE and gNB in
`the proposed method. In this method we propose tliat for one or more UE(s) which are configured with active DL BWP without
`common search space, gNB provides the updated SI in dedicated RRC signaling message. The dedicated RRC signaling message is
`transmitted by gNB in UFs active DL BWP. \Ve propose to define a RRC signaling rnessage to include SlB(s) for delivering SI in a
`dedicated 1nam1er.
`In an embodiment, if the DL BWP includes CORESET with common search space, gNB broadcast SI update indication in this B\VP
`and also broadcast the updated SI in this B\VT'.
`In another embodiment, if the DL BWP is configured as active BVVP for at least one UE and ii includes CORESET with corrunon
`search space, gNB broadcast SI update indicatioH in this BW:P and also broadcast
`ilie updated Si in this BWP. if the DL B\VP is
`configmed as active BWP for at least one UE and it does not include CORESET with common search space, gNB provides the updated
`Sl in dedicated RRC signaling message.
`In this method. UE is configured with one active DL BWP. If active DL BWP is not corrfigmed with common search space, UE
`receives the updated SI (e.g. one or more SIBs or Sl messages) in dedicated RRC sigmihng in active DL BWP Otherwise If active DL
`B\VP is configmed ,vith common search space. UE receives tile updated SI indication brnadcasted (e.g. in paging message) by gNB in
`active DL B\JVP. UE then receives the updated Sis broadcasted by gNB in the ac!ive DL BWP.
`Broadcast 51 update indication in this BWP;
`Broadcast the updated S! (e.g. S!Bs/51 messages) in this BWP;
`Updated Si and/or SI update indication is not transmitted on
`this BWP
`Transmit dedicated RRC message in<::!tJding updated SI to UE{.s)
`Ju,.eutmu Dm:losur-e Fonn -J\/fan::h 2mw
`}'igure 1A
`(outidenbal ami i'mprn:tary foformahon
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` Ex. 1018
`APPLE INC. / Page 8 of 49
`Provisional Application
`0203-2117 (YPF201708-0014/US-pro_DMC)
`• Transmit dedicated RRC message •
`No common search space in
`• • induding updated SI to UE(s) configured
`configured active DL B\tVP
`· with DL BWP with no common search
`L .......... ............ ....... �p9ce
`Dedicated RRC Message
`{Ind. updated SI )
`f'igure lB
`Common search space in
`configured active DL B'WP
`Broadcast SI Update indication
`Receive updated SI in active Dl BWP.
`l'.rnbodiment 2:
`Figure 1C
`Figure 2A illustrates the gNB operation for updating Sl in a &ystem wherein multiple DL BWPs are configured on a carrier. The gNB
`performs this operation for each configured DL BWP. Figure 2B and Fig11Te 2C illustrates the signaling llmv between UE and gNB in
`the proposed rnetbod. In ihis meihod vie propose that for one or more UE(s) which are configured with one or more active DL B\1/Ps
`and each of the active DL BWPs are configured without common search space, gNB provides the updated SI in dedicated RRC
`signaling message, The dedicated RRC signaling message is transmitted by gNB in UE's active DL BVVP We propose to define a RRC
`signaling message to include SlB(s) for delivering SI in a dedicated manner.
`[nan embodiment, if the DL. BWP includes CORESET with common search space, gNB broadcast SI update indication in this BWl'
`and also broadcast the updated Si in this BWl'
`[n another eiribodiment. if the DL BWP is configured as the only active BWl' for at least one UE and it includes CORESET with
`common search space, gNB broadcast SI update indication in this RWP and also broadcast the updated SI in this B\1/P. If ihe DL BVVP
`is con_figmed as the only active B\1/P for at least one UE and it does not include CORESET ,vith common search space, gNB provides
`the updated SI in dedicated RRC signaling message.
`UE is configured with one or more active DL B\VPs. If none of the active DL BVlPs is configured ,vith common search space, UE
`receives the updated SI in dedicated RRC signaling in active DL BVv'P. If at least one of the active DL BWPs is configured with
`common search space, UE receives the SJ update indication in broadcast signaling in active DL B\VP and updated Sis in the aclive DL
`Ju,.eutmu Dm:losur-e Fonn -J\/fan::h 2mw
`(outidenbal ami i'mprn:tary foformahon
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`APPLE INC. / Page 9 of 49
`Provisional Application
`0203-2117 (YPF201708-0014/US-pro_DMC)
`B'NP. ht case of multiple active DL B\VP(s) with common search space, lJE can receive updated SI from DL BWP indicated (e.g. in
`update inclication) by network for SI transmission or UE can receive updated SI from DL B\VP in which it has received update
`Broadcast SI update indication in this BWP;
`Broadcast the updated Si (e.g. SIBs/SI messages} in thls BWP;
`TsfheDL B;:;;;, ;onflgu red �s.th� ��!y··"
`--'·· c..;··••.
`DL B\JVP for at least one UE?
`Updated Si and/or SI update indication is not transmitted on
`this BV\/'P
`Transmit dedicated RRC message including updated Si to UE(s}
`l<'igure 2A
`Transmit dedicated �RC message
`No common search space in
`including updated SI to UE in a DL BWP
`anv of the configured active
`if this is the oniy active BWP with
`c:ommon search s ace.
`Figure 28
`l.Ommon seaicn space 111 at ·s: updaie H1d1cat:on ·:
`i in Dl. BWP(s) with
`ieast one configured active
`'·················s.e:ar.ch.;;,o<1.c.e ...
`................ D.l.B.WP.(s.l.
`SI Update Indication
`·Rece,ve cipdal:ed srrn acnve DLB\AJP.lrfrase
`Sl from DL B\NP configured for SJ
`transm1ssion or frorn Dl B\.'VP in \.Vhich
`•······· ....... u,o.date.indica\to!lis.ce.ce:iv:e:ct ..
`1 of multiple active DL BWP(sl, receive updated
`Embodiment 3:
`Figure 2C
`Ju,.eutmu Dm:losur-e Fonn -J\/fan::h 2mw
`(outidenbal ami i'mprn:tary foformahon
`5 of28
` Ex. 1018
`APPLE INC. / Page 10 of 49
`Provisional Application
`0203-2117 (YPF201708-0014/US-pro_DMC)
`Figure 3A illustrates the gNB operation for updating SI in a system wherein multiple DL B\VPs are configured on a carrier. The gNB
`performs this operation for each configured DL BWP. Figure 3B and Figure 3C illustrates the signaling flov,c between UE and gNB in
`the proposed met