EASTSearch History
`EPO; JPO; |
` mobility nearl management near1
`(mapping or map$4 or information) §
` i mobility near1(mapping or
`yumap$4)) and S585
`AaaennnnnnBaan! Gar! bane! hae
`or criterion) same (mobility neart
`(support or level)
`mobility near4 (mapping or
`imap$4)) same (mobility near1
`(support or level))
` formation) same (map$4 or
`earl management near1
`earl (management or
`| mobility near! mechanism) sameeePUB:‘jon “5 “')2019/10/28
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`EASTSearch History
`mobility near1 mechanism) and
` (management near information)
`same S592
`aanenennaeceneneneensaneceeennnseteLnneeeLEEeSaneesnanssaenrnnsanennnenances Rassaansecannenrnnssnenated fecssecessnecenesnnnnsnsed fssseessnnennnennnad Assssnsnsenesnenrnnesensee!
`$592 same (condition orcriteria or
`ycriterion) same (support$4 or
`waveeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeteenseteeeeeneenetteeeseeseeeeeenreernneeteeesatenl Peaaeeeeesnetreesaeeeetetee! Geeeeeeseeesteseranseal beensted heenteense!
`mobility near1 management near
`formation) same (condition or
`riteria or criterion) same
`(support$4 or level$4)
`“(mobility near! management near
`formation) same (condition or
`criteria or criterion)
`nformation or mechanism)) same
`“(condition or criteria or criterion)
`nformation or mechanism or
`¥mapping)) same (condition or
`ucriteria or criterion)
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`EASTSearch History
` __{{IBM_TDB_
`mobility near! management near
`nformation or mechanism or
`“umapping)) same (mobility near4
`(support$4 or level))
`Sereeeeeeeeeeeee heeene! beeeeebee! hen!
`eeeaed Saneed faent Leeed
`mobility same S604
` ‘mobility near1 ((management near1
`mechanism) or level$1)
` obility near1 management near1
`(mapping or map$4) or
` i condition$1 or criteria or criterion)
`same S606 same S608
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`EASTSearch History
`obility near1 (mechanism or
`608 same ((user near1
`equipment$1) or UE$1}
`(on.demandor(on near1 demand)) |TU:
`iineart (mobility near1
`mobility near! management) near }
`(desired or desir$4) near1 (mobility
`near! management$1)
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`EASTSearch History
` 816 and (mobility near1
` ‘mobility near1 (mapping or mappedillus
`lor map$4 or map)
` :
`1 (mapping or mapped
`jor map$4 on map)
` mobility near1 (management near1
`iimechanism or level$1)) and S623
` mechanism or level$1)) same
`i (mapping or map$4 or mapped or
`map or table or list)
`newereeneed Maa! Gal bee! haeeee!
`mobility adj1 (management near1
`mechanism or level$1)) same
`i (mapping or map$4 or mapped or
`imap or table or list)
`‘(mobility near! management$1)
`‘isame (mobility adj1 (mechanism or
`ulevel$1)) same (mapping or map$4
`lor mapped or map or table or list)
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`EASTSearch History
`(IMS or type or (smart near1
`‘lphone)) and S620
`ui(block$4 or blocked or block$6) _
`‘inear4 (packet$4 near1
`i(transmission$1 or transmit$4))
`aaresneanel betel banned hn erennnrennentennaat
`(frequency near1 bandwidth$1) or
`4((transmission or transmit$4) neart
`yrate$1) or (buffer$4 neart

` hether near4 S629 JUS-PGPUB; [OR
` 630 near6 S631
` category or categories) near4
`Ransangpcemnnnenessnenned fasanesassnnnnenesnnnnesnd fosseenssonenesennnesd Aonssunesenesanerenssseneee!
`4((quality near1 service) or QoS)
`12019/ 10/30:
`i near6 (categary or categories)
`category or categories or index$1
`r index or ID or identifier or
`entification identif$4) near4
`(applications or application)
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`EASTSearch History
`applications or application) near1
`nformation or informations)
`4(congestion or congest$4) near8
`(network near1 session$1)
`congestion or congest$4 or
`ycondition or criteria or criterion)
`iinear8 (network near1 session$1)
`(S636 or S637) same S640
`(S636 or S637) and $642 2019/10/30;
`(applications ar application) same
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`EASTSearch History
`4((congestion or congest$4) near4
`ii(condition or criteria or criterion))
`i near8 (network near1 session$1)
`EPO; JPO; |
`applications or application) near6
`nformation or informations)
` 4((controlling or control or controlled
`or control$4) near4 traffic) same
` controlling or control or controlled }
`ior control$4) near4 traffic) same
`419648 same (traffic near1 flow$4)
`category or categories or index$1
`r index or |D or identifier or
`entification identif$4) near1
`y(applications or application)
`Ac(controlling or control or controlledwosPUB:|‘jon
`EEE aS eee
`3 eee!
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`EASTSearch History
`lor control$4) near4 traffic) same
`i 41 BM
`congestion or congest$4) near4
`(condition or criteria or criterion))
`ysame S654
`20140026169".pn. or
`20140153402" pn.
`aanenennaeceneneneensaneceeennnseteLnneeeLEEeSaneesnanssaenrnnsanennnenances Rassaansecannenrnnssnenated fecssecessnecenesnnnnsnsed fssseessnnennnennnad Assssnsnsenesnenrnnesensee!
`$636 or S637) and S656
`waveeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeteenseteeeeeneenetteeeseeseeeeeenreernneeteeesatenl Peaaeeeeesnetreesaeeeetetee! Geeeeeeseeesteseranseal beensted heenteense!
`4((controlling or control or controlled
`or control$4) neartraffic) near6
`‘(policy or policies)
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`EASTSearch History
`i 359 same (traffic near4 flow$4)
`same congest $4
`4((controlling or control or controlled
`yor control$4) near4 (traffic near4
`‘iflow$4)) same S636 same S637
`45635 same profile$1 same (S636 or |\
`eeeaed Saneed faent Leeed
`application or applications) near6
`(network near1 (session or
`sessions) )
` i (category or categories) near4
`i (application or applications)
`category or categories or
`formation) near4 (application or
`i applications)
`SAAS esesccnereancrnereeneatoed Loccetceteceeeetcrtecid haccirenetecin! lesenecirsesneonersend
`S669 same S666 same ((quality
`nears service) or QoS)
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`EASTSearch History
`678 near6 threshold$1
`20130070599".pn. and (session or jusrarus(8
`category or categories) and
`lockageS! near1 (condition$1 or
`criteria or criterion or
`mer$1 same S675
`(S675 near6 (satisfied or satisfy or
`radio near1 link$1) near5
`¥(measurement or measur$6)
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`EASTSearch History
`lockagest same S679
`lockageSt same S678
` ow-energy or (low near1 energy)) §
`yneart radio near1 technology
`$683 or S684) near1 (user near
` Is687 near4 (radio near1
`i technology)
`(classic-energy or (classic near1
`)) near1 radio near
` classic-energy or (classic near
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`EASTSearch History
`S687 near4 (user near1 interface)
`(S683 or S684) same S687
`aaresneanel betel banned hn erennnrennentennaat
`Ynear1 radio
`haneensssnesenesnnsenesnndtbesesessnessesnnenaed haceeeseetennessee!
`(S683 or S684 or S691) same
`4((advertising or advertis$6) near4
`ow-energy or (low near1 energy)
`‘inear4 ((advertising or advertis$6)
`near4 data)
`691 near6 ((advertising or
`[advertis$6) near4 data)
`Soreneeeneeeeey Se
`B91 near6 (advertising or
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`EASTSearch History
`subset$1 or sub-set$1) same
`record$6 near6 (identities or
`)) same (advertising or
`subset$1 or sub-set$1) same
`record$6 near6 (identities or
`(S683 or S684 or S691) same
`H(record$6 near6 (identities or
`‘inear1 radio near1 peripheral$1
`((Low near1
`energy) or low-energy)) ORBLE
`classic near1 Bluetooth
`reestablishment or re-
`stablishment or reestablish$6 or
`yre-establish$6) near6 link$1
`4((Low near1 energy) or low-energy)
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`EASTSearch History
`EPO; JPO; |
`ineart radio
`i 707 near4 (advertising or
`advertisement or advertis$6)
`201 80295660" .pn.
`AaaennnnnnBaan! Gar! bane! hae
`videntities and S709
`3 eee!
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`EASTSearch History
`708 and (subset or sub-set)
`waveeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeteenseteeeeeneenetteeeseeseeeeeenreernneeteeesatenl Peaaeeeeesnetreesaeeeetetee! Geeeeeeseeesteseranseal beensted heenteense!
`707 same (advertising or
`dvertisement or advertis$6)
`4S720 and S714
`i neart (radio or radios)
`#((Bluetooth near1 ((Low near
`energy) or low-energy)) OR BLE)
`‘ineart (radio or radios)
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`EASTSearch History
`$722 ar S723) near4
`(advertisement or advertis$6 or
`advertising or broadcast$6 or
`imulticast$6 or mulit-cast$6)
`——_|{IBM_TDB |
`recora$6 or recorded or recorded)
`ear4 (identity or identities or ID or |
`entificatian or identifier$1 or
`‘lI dentif $6)
` 729 same $725
`Sereeeeeeeeeeeee heeene! beeeeebee! hen!
`eeeaed Saneed faent Leeed
`i (advertisementor advertis$6 or
`advertising or broadcast$6 or
`imulticast$6 or mulit-cast$6)
` (low-energy or (low near1 energy))
`‘inear1 (radio or radios)
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`EASTSearch History
`48732 near6 (advertising or
`ijadvertises or advertise or
`advertisement or advertis$6)
`y(typeS1 or class$4) near1
`i (peripheral or device$1)
`: 732 same (advertising or
`i advertises or advertise or
`ow-energy or (low$4 near1
`energy) near1 radio
`ior advertis$6 or advertisement) {peripheral or device)
`onitor$6 near4 S737
`S737 same (advertise or advertising
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`EASTSearch History
` 20150043520". pn. or
` low-energy or (low near1 energy))
`yneari (radio or radios)) and RFID
`i and (BLE same Bluetooth)
` Ineart (radio or radios)) and RFID
`and (BLE near1 Bluetooth)
` i managem ent/point--of-sale or
`746 near1 Bluetooth$1
`newereeneed Maa! Gal bee! haeeee!
`747 near1 radio
`u(management near1 point-of-sale)
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`EASTSearch History
`‘(s750 4
`(advertising or advertise or
`advertisement or advertis$6) same $USPAT;
`oint-of-sale or (management near
`42019/4 1/08)
`aaresneanel betel banned hn erennnrennentennaat
`advertising or advertise or
`advertisement or advertis$6) same |
` (advertising or advertise or
`advertisement or advertis$6) same
`S751 same BLE
` Bluetooth near (low-energy or
`(low near1 energy))) or BLE
`advertising or advertise or
`dvertisement or advertis$6) same
`S751 same S754
`NRRW and S755
`= eMTDB_:
`12019/ 11/08:
` g
` YON=12019/11/08:
`eeebeeen! heme!
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`EASTSearch History
`y(advertising or advertise or
`discoverable or discover$6) near6
`i BLE
`BLE near1 favorite
`iinear( radio
`Bluetooth near1 low-energy near1
`‘imonitor$6 near6 (advertising or
`advertise or advertisement or
`: ;
`4(S763 or S764) near4 (advertising
`lor advertise or advertisement or
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`EASTSearch History
`EPO; JPO; |
` advertise or advertisement or
`i advertis$6) same monitor$6
` i S763 or S764) and (advertising or
`i advertise or advertisement or
`jadvertis$6) and S767
`AaaennnnnnBaan! Gar! bane! hae
`imonitor$6 near4 (S763 or S764)
`(discoverable or discover$6 or
`umonitor$6) and S767
` (low-energy or (low near energy)
`vor BLE) near1 (advertising or
`advertise or advertisement or
`| 774 andS775
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`EASTSearch History
`41 BM
`discoverable or discover$6 or
`Y¥monitor$6) and S776
`monitor$6) same S775
`aanenennaeceneneneensaneceeennnseteLnneeeLEEeSaneesnanssaenrnnsanennnenances Rassaansecannenrnnssnenated fecssecessnecenesnnnnsnsed fssseessnnennnennnad Assssnsnsenesnenrnnesensee!
`waveeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeteenseteeeeeneenetteeeseeseeeeeenreernneeteeesatenl Peaaeeeeesnetreesaeeeetetee! Geeeeeeseeesteseranseal beensted heenteense!
`adio near1 range$1
`'1S774 same S781
`<2 \
`vor advertise or advertisement or
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`EASTSearch History
`784 and (S763 or S764)
`——_|{IBM_TDB |
`4S785 and (advertising or advertise
`yor advertisementor advertis$6)
`S785 and ((advertising or advertise
`ior advertisement or advertis$6)
`iisame (S763 or S764))
`re-connect $6)
`lassic near1 Bluetooth YON=2019/11/08:
`reconnect$6 or re-connect$6) same}
`S788 same S789
`jattempt$6 near4 (reconnect$6 or
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`EASTSearch History
`aaasaeeeeeeenad Baearet faseeee! heal Lineee!
`favorites or favorit$6) same S791
` i
`ttempt$6 near4 (reconnect$6 or
`ire-connect$6 or connect or
`“connecting or connectes or
`‘iconnecte or connect$4)
`LE near1 favorite$1
` : LE near6 (favorited or favorite or
` LE same (favorited or favorite or
`uconnect$6 or connect or connecting|
`S800 same (reconnect$6 or re-
`‘lor connectes or connecte or
` BLE near1 (favor or favorite or
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`EASTSearch History
` iineart (connect or connecting or
`iiconnectes or connecte or
`iineart (connect or connecting or
`‘iconnectes or connecte or
`connect$4))) same BLE
` i (reconnect$6 or re-connect$6 or (
`iineart (connect or connecting or
`iiconnectes or connecte or
`yconnect$4))) same BLE
`i near1 (connect or connecting or
`‘iconnectes or connecte or
`iiconnect$4))) near10 BLE
`maseesennseeeeenssenee! Snnsseesenenseeeseed Ganesnnsseesnnsseeessensee!
`14:58 18807
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`EASTSearch History
`fsei1 ‘io
`NOff/Reset and S807
`2019/1 1/08)
`(favor or favorite or favorites) o
`‘(special near1 event$4)
`aaresneanel betel banned hn erennnrennentennaat
` reconnect$6 or re-connect$6or (re |[usPaPus; [on
`near1 (connect or connecting or
`uconnectes or connecte or
`‘iconnect$4))) same BLE same $812 fro:
`haneensssnesenesnnsenesnndtbesesessnessesnnenaed haceeeseetennessee!
` %ON
` dneart (connect or connecting or
`iconnectes or connecte or
`‘iconnect$4))) same BLE
` [renear1 (connect or connecting or
`Ransangpcemnnnenessnenned fasanesassnnnnenesnnnnesnd fosseenssonenesennnesd Aonssunesenesanerenssseneee!
`4S788 same S789 same (dual-mode |US-PGPUB;:HOR
`2019/1 1/08:
`Hor (dual near1 mode$1))
`Soreneeeneeeeey Se
`788 and $789 and (dual-mode or
`dual near1 mode$1))
`iconnectes or connecte or
`iiconnect$4))) and S816
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`EASTSearch History
`neart (connect or connecting or
`‘iconnectes or connecte or
`iiconnect$4))) and S819
`reconnect$6 or re-connect$6 or (re {US-PGPUB;:
`“neart (connect or connecting or
`iiconnectes or connecte or
`‘iconnect$4))) and $818
`near1 (connect or connecting or
`iiconnectes or connecte or
`iconnect$4))) same (S788 or S789)
`iattemptes or attempte) and $826 EPO; JPO;
`20190253857".pn. or
`near1 (connect or connecting or
`ijconnectes or connecte or
`uconnect$4))) and S826
`(attempt$6 or attempting or
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`EASTSearch History
`EPO; JPO; |
`‘lestablish$4 or reconnect$4 or re-
`establish$4 or reestablish$4)
`DERWENT; | aaaeeeennnnnd Baaanne! baet bee! heeee!
`18830 same monitor$4
`45830 and S833
`48830 and monitar$4
`[s830 and (monitor$4 or track$4 oreePUB;‘jon “5 ‘2019/11/09
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`EASTSearch History
`tracking) same BLE)
`20190253857" .pn.
`20190150215".pn. or
`10070292". pn. or
`20170094696".pn. or
`iendly-pairing or friendly-pair$4 or §
`(friendly near1 (pairing or pairS4))
`low-energy or (low near1 energy))
`earl (radio ro radios)
`(Bluetooth near1 (low-energy or
`(low neart energy))) OR BLE
`advertising or advertise or
`i advertisement or advertise or
`yadvertises or advertis$4) same
`(S842 or S843)
` yumonitor$4 near6 (advertising or
`advertise or advertisement or
`advertise or advertises or
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`EASTSearch History
`i $844 same S845
`——_|{IBM_TDB |
`Jattempt$4 near4 (reconnect$4 or
`‘ire-connect$4 or reestablish$4 or re- {
`advertising or advertise or
`advertisement or advertise or
`advertises or advertis$4) near6
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`EASTSearch History
`($842 or S843) near6 S847
`(S842 or S843) near4 (reconnect$4 |
`or re-connect$4 or reestablish$4 or
`‘ire-establish$4 or attempt$4)
`i S856ssame@ 8847
`S856 and S847
`(S842 or S843) and $847
`4S861 same BLE
`Re}connect or reconnect$4 or re-
`yconnect$4 or reconnection or re-
`connection or reestablish$4 or re-
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
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`APPLE INC. / Page 315 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`‘Is862 and $863 and $864
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
`APPLEINC./ Page 316 of 501
`APPLE INC. / Page 316 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`1S872 163650
`—_4(attempt$4 or attemptesor
`‘attempte) near4 S861
` S872 and S870 and $862
`‘os: 20
` $872 and S870 and S862 and S869 US-PGPUB; {OR
`friendly or friend$4) near1 (pairing {
`Yor pair$4)
` 72 and S862 and $875
`$872 and S862 and $870
`4S872 and S878
`eeebeeen! heme!
`‘108: 26
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
`APPLEINC./ Page 317 of 501
`APPLE INC. / Page 317 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`4(low-enery or (low near1 energy))
`iinear1 (radio or radios)
`or dual-modesor (dual near1
`(modes or mode)))
`4S872 same BLE
`i $883 and S872
`yclassic same BLE same (mode or
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
`APPLEINC./ Page 318 of 501
`APPLE INC. / Page 318 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`EPO; JPO; |
`(S888 or S889) and S872
`20190253857". pn. or
`20190150215".pn. or
`'Is891 and $872
`AaaennnnnnBaan! Gar! bane! hae
`4(re)connect or (re)connection or
`yreconnect or reconnect$4 or re-
`iiconnect$4 or reestablish$4 or re-
`DERWENT; | aaaeeeennnnnd Baaanne! baet bee! heeee!
`45893 near6 BLE
`| monitor$4 near6 BLE) and S896 oePUB:‘jon “5 “oratiit
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
`APPLEINC./ Page 319 of 501
`APPLE INC. / Page 319 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`[UsPau: HOR
` lassic same BLE same Bluetooth
`same mode
`waveeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeteenseteeeeeneenetteeeseeseeeeeenreernneeteeesatenl Peaaeeeeesnetreesaeeeetetee! Geeeeeeseeesteseranseal beensted heenteense!
` classic same BLE same Bluetooth
`same S895
` lassic same BLE same Bluetooth
`usame S894
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
`APPLEINC./ Page 320 of 501
`APPLE INC. / Page 320 of 501


`EASTSearch History
` (classic same BLE same Bluetooth)
`eeeaed Saneed faent Leeed
` 2019/11/11
` ——_|{IBM_TDB |
`and S907 Sereeeeeeeeeeeee heeene! beeeeebee! hen!
`onitor$6 near6 S894
`¥(advertising or advertis$4 or
`i advertisement or advertises or
`advertise) and S913
` ¥((low-energy or (low near1 energy)) {
`‘inear1 radio) OR (Bluetooth near1
`(low-energy or (low near1 energy))) |
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
`APPLEINC./ Page 321 of 501
`APPLE INC. / Page 321 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`‘(S916 27786500 ‘ireestablishmentor re-establishment (US-PGPUB: OR
`lor reestablish$4 or re-establish$4 or |USPAT;
`uadvertises or advertise)
`inear4 S916
`915 near1 (advertising or
`vadvertis$4 or advertisement or
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
`APPLEINC./ Page 322 of 501
`APPLE INC. / Page 322 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`924 same S915
`$917 or S924) same $915
`917 and $924 and $927
`917 and $924 and $927 and
`classic same $915)
`luetooth same $917
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
`APPLEINC./ Page 323 of 501
`APPLE INC. / Page 323 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`{so33 11158
`(classic near1 Bluetooth) same
`aaresneanel betel banned hn erennnrennentennaat
`9: 24
` advertisement or advertises or
`i advertise) same S915 same
`: advertising or advertis$4 or
`advertisement or advertises or
`advertise) same S915 same
`iimonitor$4 same S916
`srnsurnrnaennensnesneenesnsaensnssenstenrneennanaatants mannancatecensenecenccaned fcececencenaceecuntna accescseecentsdhoeteeeeeecanteen
`favorite near4 data
` YON=12019/11/11:
` g
`eeebeeen! heme!
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
`APPLEINC. / Page 324 of 501
`APPLE INC. / Page 324 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`(advertising or advertis$4 or
`advertisement or advertises or
`advertise) near6 (preter$4 or
`monitor$4 near6 S942
`i or favorites or favorite or
` 946 same (S917 or S924)
`‘i(prefer$4 or preference or favorites |
`or favorite or preferences) near6
`file:///C/Users/cho/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/16191465/EASTSearchHistory.16191465_AccessibleVersion.htm[ 12/8/2019 3:13:43 PM]
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`APPLE INC. / Page 325 of 501


`EASTSearch History
`EPO; JPO; |
`(advertising or advertis$4 or
`i advertisement or advertises or
`advertise) same S950
` Hadvertisement or advertises or
`vadvertise) same S915
` i(prefer$4 or preference or favorites
`yor favorite or preferences) near6

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