`Young et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,669,564 B1
`Dec. 30, 2003
`(75) Inventors: Neil C. Young, San Francisco, CA
`(US); Richard E. Moore, San Jose, CA
`(73) Assignee: Electronic Arts Inc., Redwood City,
`CA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 66 days.
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/605,070
`(22) Filed:
`Jun. 27, 2000
`(51) Int. Cl.................................................... A63F 9/24
`(52) U.S. Cl. ......................................................... 463/42
`(58) Field of Search ................................ 463/9, 30, 36,
`463/29, 40–42; 725/1, 9, 25, 30, 63–64,
`86-87, 135, 141; 434/307 R, 308, 322,
`323; 345/473; 273/429-432
`References Cited
`5,051822 A * 9/1991 Rhoades
`5,267,734. A * 12/1993 Stamper et al.
`5,659,793 A * 8/1997 Escobar
`5,678,571 A * 10/1997 Brown
`5,679,075 A * 10/1997 Forrest et al.
`5,942,969 A * 8/1999 Wicks
`6,102,406 A * 8/2000 Miles
`Ultima Online information from UO dot com, showing
`periodic updates, changes or patches to game Since Nov. 16,
`1999, 29 pages.*
`Information from gameSpot dot com describing history of
`star wars video games since 1982.*
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner Mark Sager
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Gerald T. Gray; Townsend
`and Townsend and Crew LLP
`A System, method, and apparatus are provided that allow
`episodic delivery of entertainment content to a user. More
`Specifically, an application module is created with episodic
`content technology, which can be purchased as a CD-ROM
`or downloaded from a remote Server. The application mod
`ule contains a current episode of the game and a technology
`shell to allow future episodes to be downloaded and
`executed. The entertainment content delivery System is
`implemented through a centralized Server that provides new
`episodes of the content available for downloading at regu
`larly Scheduled intervals to the users’ computers. The cur
`rent instantiation of the application module Segregates tech
`nology components from content components of the
`application module to allow independent modification of
`either. Technological advancements are incorporated as they
`occur into the new episodes and are executed by the appli
`cation module. An Internet-enabled game using the enter
`tainment content delivery System communicates with users
`through various mechanisms, including e-mail, Voice mail,
`fax machines, web sites, and the like.
`11 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`Netflix v. VideoLabs
`Netflix. Ex. 1009
`Dec. 30, 2003
`Dec. 30, 2003
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`US 6,669,564 B1
`US 6,669,564 B1
`Sheet 1 of 6
`Sheet 1 of 6
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 30, 2003
`Sheet 2 of 6
`US 6,669,564 B1
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 30, 2003
`Sheet 3 of 6
`US 6,669,564 B1
`FIG. 2.
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 30, 2003
`Sheet 4 of 6
`US 6,669,564 B1
`FIG. 3.
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 30, 2003
`Sheet 5 of 6
`US 6,669,564 B1
`400 TN
`FIG, 4.
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 30, 2003
`Sheet 6 of 6
`US 6,669,564 B1
`US 6,669,564 B1
`1. Field of Invention
`The present invention relates generally to computer enter
`tainment content delivery; Specifically, a System in which
`entertainment content is delivered episodically over a net
`2. Background of the Invention
`Currently, computer entertainment ("games') are distrib
`uted to users as complete individual packages. For example,
`if a user would like to play a new game offered by an
`entertainment company, the user typically buys a CD-ROM
`or downloads a file(s) and data. The game provides a
`complete content or theme in which the game takes place.
`For example, if a user wants to play MystTM, the user
`purchases the MystTM CD-ROM and plays through the
`game, as fast as the user is able or desires. Then, when the
`user wants to play a sequel to MystTM, the user waits for the
`makers of MystTM to produce a sequel, typically 18 months
`after the release of the initial version of the game. The user
`then purchases the CD-ROM sequel and plays it as before.
`The games are typically produced by the entertainment
`company using the latest technology available at the time of
`development of the application. Using the latest technology
`is an important marketing tool for application developers, as
`users prefer realistic and immersive gaming environments.
`However, due to the rapid pace of technological
`development, upon release, a game may already be using
`out-of-date technology. For example, during the develop
`ment period of a game, technological advancements may
`occur multiple times. However, these later advancements
`cannot be included in the end product because the developer
`must fix the technology used to implement the game during
`development. Thus, the entertainment company is continu
`ally offering an application module that does not provide the
`most current technology, and generally fails to include
`technological developments occurring during the develop
`ment of the game.
`Additionally, the conventional method of entertainment
`content delivery ineffectively builds a mass following
`becauSe users may purchase the game and become involved
`in different parts of the gaming experience at different times.
`Thus, a significant portion of users may have completed the
`game while many other users have just begun, and thus these
`groups are Segregated based on their different time-based
`experiences of the game. The conventional method also fails
`to provide current gaming experiences for those games in
`which current events play a role in the gaming experience.
`In the conventional entertainment content delivery Scheme,
`the content is fixed at the time of delivery, and cannot be
`updated until a new version or Sequel of the game is
`developed, typically 18 months later. AS with technological
`developments, current events occurring during the develop
`ment of a game may not be able to be used, because of the
`need to fix the content during development. Additionally, the
`Static nature of conventional content delivery Systems can
`not take advantage of new technology, Such as the Internet
`for providing new types of gaming experiences.
`Thus, a new method of delivering entertainment content
`is needed in which technological changes can be incorpo
`rated into application modules as the changes occur, in
`which a broad following of users can be developed through
`providing a common time-based gaming experience, and in
`which current events can be integrated into the content of the
`application module. Further, a new method of delivering
`content is needed which can take advantage of new tech
`nologies for communication with a user to provide new
`types of gaming experiences.
`The present invention provides for episodic delivery of
`entertainment content. More Specifically, in one
`embodiment, an application module for a game or other
`form of entertainment content is created with episodic
`content technology, which can be purchased as a CD-ROM
`or downloaded from a remote Server. In one embodiment,
`the application module contains a current version of the
`game and modular component technology to allow future
`episodes to be downloaded and executed. In a preferred
`embodiment, an entertainment content delivery System is
`implemented through a centralized Server that maintains
`content that is made available to users at periodic intervals,
`for example, monthly. Thus, by providing a game in a
`plurality of episodes, each episode can comprise the latest
`technology then available. Therefore, in accordance with the
`present invention, technological improvements can be deliv
`ered to the public as they occur.
`For example, if the game is a conspiracy role-playing
`game in which users must uncover clues and Solve a
`mystery, the first-obtained version of the application module
`contains the data to Support a current episode of the game
`and the latest technology to implement the game. Then, at
`periodic intervals, a new episode is made available to users,
`and the users can play a new episode as the new episodes
`become available. Each of these new episodes contains the
`latest available technology and/or content. In a preferred
`embodiment, the period for delivery is monthly, and there
`fore any technological improvements can be delivered to the
`public within months after the technological improvements
`occur. In contrast, in conventional Systems, technological
`improvements cannot be easily implemented into a game
`until years after the improvements occur.
`In accordance with the present invention, the current
`instantiation of the application module Segregates technol
`ogy components from content components of the application
`module to allow later developed technology to be seamlessly
`applied to previously created episodes. Also, as the Stages of
`the game are enabled only in an episodic format, all users
`can experience the current Stage Simultaneously, thus creat
`ing the potential for a mass following of a game through the
`generation of Simultaneously experienced game situations.
`A further benefit of the present invention is that as games
`are episodically delivered, an initial episode only requires
`implementation of a portion of the overall Storyline and thus
`the time to market is very short. In contrast, in conventional
`Systems, an entire complex Storyline must be developed and
`perfected prior to initial release of the game. Additionally,
`the technology implementing the entire Storyline must be
`implemented and debugged. Thus, the time to market for a
`product manufactured using conventional processes is much
`longer than the time to market for an initial episode of
`content as generated by the present invention.
`A preferred embodiment of the present invention uses the
`Internet as the medium for delivering the episodic content.
`Accordingly, various new mechanisms for delivering a gam
`ing experience are also provided in accordance with the
`present invention. In one embodiment, a user preferably
`provides or is provided an e-mail address, a voice mailbox,
`and/or a facsimile number and various other content trans
`port mechanisms. Such as web sites, hot mail, and pagers,
`US 6,669,564 B1
`with which the content deliverer can communicate with the
`user. Then, information related to the game is provided to the
`user through these various mediums as part of an episode or
`during the interval between episodes. These new methods
`greatly enhance the gaming experience of a user. For
`example, in a preferred embodiment, a character in an
`episode can leave voice-mail messages to a user relating
`Some information relevant to the game, for example, a clue
`to a mystery posed by the game. E-mails and facsimiles may
`also be used to relay information from within the game to
`users of the game. Thus, the episodic nature of the present
`invention enables new types of transport mechanisms to be
`used to deliver the entertainment content to provide new
`types of gaming experiences.
`In a further embodiment, the pace of play is managed
`from a centralized Server to ensure the communal gaming
`experience is as Simultaneous as possible. For example,
`although monthly installments of the game may be made
`available, episodic content Such as clues required to proceed
`to a neXt Stage may be made available only on a conditional
`basis. The conditions may be predicated on a user accom
`plishing a task, for example, discovering a certain web site,
`or may be time based, to ensure that all playerS reach the
`Same points in the game at approximately the same time.
`Finally, current events can be integrated into the game due
`to its episodic delivery and modular component technology,
`thus providing a more realistic and entertaining gaming
`experience. For example, for a conspiracy game, an actual
`current event of nuclear Secret espionage with a foreign State
`can be integrated into the game, even if the application
`module was first delivered prior to the events occurring or
`being known to the public. If the current event is part of the
`back story, the current event can be incorporated in the next
`installment of the game, thus providing a real-time feel to
`the gaming experience. In one embodiment, a news Story is
`placed on a web site and the link information is transferred
`to the users through one of the means described above. In a
`further embodiment, third party Web Sites having content
`related to the entertainment content are used to host the
`episodic content, and the application developer can place the
`clues at a third party site and thus direct web traffic to the
`third party in exchange for Some monetary or other benefit.
`Thus, the present invention provides delivery of episodic
`content of a game, resulting in a shorter time to market,
`increased responsiveness to technological change, a com
`munal user experience, and flexibility to incorporate current
`tion module as used herein refers generally to an electronic
`game, but can apply to any time of computer Software that
`can be modularized and episodically delivered. The timeline
`illustrates the occurrence of technological improvements
`(T1-9) every four months, a normal rate of technological
`advance. The timeline also illustrates the release of an initial
`product at month 1, year 1, a first Sequel at month 7, year 2,
`and a Second Sequel at month 1, year 4, in accordance with
`a traditional eighteen-month development cycle. In conven
`tional production Systems, the first six months of a cycle are
`used to develop a Storyline for a product and develop the
`technological platform with which the storyline is to be
`implemented. After the first six months, the technology for
`the product is typically fixed. The remainder of the cycle is
`used for further refinement of the Story and debugging the
`finished game product. Therefore, the first Sequel to an
`application module can only incorporate technological
`improvements occurring within the first Six months of the
`development cycle. Technological improvements are
`advances in the State of the art as related to rendering,
`displaying, Storing, and transmitting application modules, as
`well as, in accordance with the present invention, new media
`acceSS technology. Such improvements include new graph
`ics technology, new video or audio compression technology,
`new web content delivery technology, new 3D rendering
`Schemes, new web-enabled communication devices, opti
`mizing existing technology for improvements in processing
`Speed and memory capabilities.
`In accordance with the present invention, episodes are
`preferably delivered episodically over the Internet. Episodes
`may be delivered, i.e., transferred to a user's computer, or
`they may be made available, i.e., located on a central Server
`and access to the episode permitted, in accordance with the
`present invention. In this embodiment, new media access
`technology can also be utilized in future episodes. For
`example, a current episode may require a user to download
`JPEG files to view documents that are part of the content of
`the application module. However, an application developer
`may want to take advantage of newer document represen
`tation technology, such as the Adobe Acrobat Reader"M, and
`therefore Supply this technology to the use in a future
`episode. The use of new media acceSS technology is also
`considered to be a technological improvement. However, as
`shown in FIG. I a, the conventional systems are unable to
`provide technological improvements to users close in time to
`when the technological improvements are available to the
`application developerS.
`For example, in the conventional System the first Sequel
`released eighteen months after the initial products release,
`incorporates only Technological Improvement 1 (T1),
`because only T1 occurred within the initial six-month devel
`opment period. T2-T4 occurred too late to be included in the
`first Sequel. The Second Sequel, released another 18 months
`later, incorporates only T1-6. Thus, there is a significant lag
`between when a technological improvement occurs and
`when the technological improvement can be incorporated
`into the application module and then released to the public.
`For example, T2 occurs in month 9 of year 1, and is not
`incorporated until the 3' sequel in month 1, year 4, twenty
`nine months after the technological improvement occurs. If
`the electronic game is reality-based, current events also
`cannot be incorporated in a timely fashion in a conventional
`entertainment content delivery System. If a major event
`occurs in month 10, year 1, it will not be incorporated into
`a product using conventional development cycles until
`month 1, year 4, twenty-four months after its occurrence.
`FIG. 1b illustrates a timeline of an application module
`delivery System in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 1a is an illustration of timeline for prior art content
`FIG. 1b is an illustration of a timeline for semi-annual
`episodic content delivery.
`FIG. 1c is an illustration of a timeline for monthly
`episodic content delivery.
`FIG. 2 is a diagram of a production interval.
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart of generating episodic content.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a system for delivering
`episodic content.
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of a server and associated
`infrastructure for delivering episodic content.
`Referring to FIG. 1a, a conventional production devel
`opment cycle for an application module is shown. Applica
`The initial version of an application module having episodic
`content technology is made available in month 1, year 1.
`This initial version Supports content for only an initial
`episode. Thus, the initial version of the application module
`can be delivered to market much more quickly than com
`petitor's products using conventional Systems because only
`a portion of the Storyline must be implemented. Subsequent
`application modules having Subsequent episodes are made
`available every six months, in this exemplary embodiment.
`The interval for making episodes available can vary in
`accordance with the present invention, depending on the
`complexity of the episodes. However, the intervals should be
`limited in time to provide the advantages discussed herein.
`AS can be seen, this shortened development cycle allows for
`technological improvements to be delivered to the public
`closer in time to when the technological improvements
`occur. For example, in Episode 3, released in month 1, year
`2, T1 and T2 are already incorporated. In conventional
`systems, as shown in FIG. 1a, T1 is not delivered to the
`public until month 6, year 2. Table 1 below illustrates in
`more detail the differences in the time to market for tech
`nological improvements.
`Difference Between Time When Technological
`Improvement is Released to Public using
`Conventional System and Episodic
`System (In Months
`Delivery Schedule
`Episodic (six-monthly)
`Episodic (monthly)
`AS can be seen, in the Six-month episodic System, T1 is
`released 6 months ahead of when it would be released to the
`public using the conventional System. T2 is released two
`years ahead, T4 and T5 are released one year ahead, and So
`on. This is a significant difference in the time to market for
`technological improvements. Thus, the popularity of a prod
`uct implemented in accordance with the present invention
`will be greatly increased because the product will contain
`technological advances that other competing products will
`not contain for a year or more after the product is released.
`Similar to the conventional cycle, the first month of a
`production interval in accordance with the present invention
`is used to refine the Storyline and generate the technology to
`implement the Story. Therefore, technological improvements
`can be incorporated if they occur within the first month of
`the interval. Thus, Episode 4, released month 7, year 2,
`incorporates T1-3. As shown in FIG. 1b, by the time Episode
`7 is released, T1-7 are incorporated into the application
`module, providing a more Sophisticated gaming experience
`than a competitor's product using a conventional production
`A preferred production cycle is shown in FIG. 1c, in
`which episodes are generated and made available on a
`monthly basis. Although episodes could be generated and
`made available in a single monthly cycle, in order to provide
`a buffer in the event of an episode being delayed, three
`episodes are initially produced and Stored prior to the first
`episode being delivered to a user. Thereafter, episodes are
`generated each month, but are released with a two-month
`delay. Thus, problems arising in the generation of an indi
`vidual episode can be Solved without unduly impacting the
`delivery scheduled. As can be seen in FIG. 1c, this monthly
`delivery cycle having an initial buffer enables Similar
`US 6,669,564 B1
`improved incorporation of technological improvements. The
`timeline illustrates the release times of each episode. If a
`three-episode buffer is built in, then episode 4 is being
`developed when episode 1 is released. Therefore, T1 is
`incorporated into Episode 8 as it is being developed (at
`episode 5’s release date), and is available to the public in
`month 8, year 1. T2 is incorporated into Episode 12, and is
`therefore available to the public in month 12, year 1. Thus,
`as shown in Table 1, this delivery cycle also provides a faster
`time-to-market for technological improvements than a con
`ventional production cycle. T1 is released 12 months ahead
`of when it would be released using the conventional System,
`T2 is released 25 months ahead, and T3 is released 22
`months ahead. Of course, if the monthly delivery schedule
`is interrupted by a hiatus (e.g., vacations for application
`developer team), the Schedule is delayed, but even if a
`Six-month hiatus is taken after 9 episodes, upon the return all
`of the technological improvements occurring during the
`hiatus can be incorporated into the first episode after the
`release, Still providing a faster time to market for a techno
`logical change in comparison to conventional Systems.
`FIG. 2 illustrates a production interval 200 in more detail.
`As shown, in an interval 200 of a certain time period, the first
`portion is a technological improvement portion 204 of the
`interval 200, and it is within this interval that new technol
`ogy can be incorporated into the episode under development
`in the interval. After a certain period of time, the technology
`available to be used to implement an episode becomes fixed,
`and later technological improvements cannot be incorpo
`rated until the next interval 206. Additionally, for reality
`based games, current events can also be incorporated in a
`current event content interval 208 as shown in FIG. 2. In
`accordance with the present invention, content is imple
`mented in a Separate content module, and the technology for
`implementing the content is implemented in a Separate
`module. This allows the content to be independently modi
`fiable of the technology, and allows the content to be
`modified later than the technology. As shown in FIG. 2, the
`current event content interval extends much further into the
`cycle than the technological improvement interval 208.
`Thus, episodes can appear to be very current upon their
`release because late-breaking current events can be incor
`porated into an episode even if the technology for incorpo
`rating the episode is fixed. Typically, if the current event is
`related to the back Story of a game, the current event can be
`quickly worked in to the next installment, by a character
`reference or through posting a link to news Story describing
`the event on a website as discussed below. If the current
`event is to be incorporated into the plot, the event may not
`be incorporated for Several installments, as the plot is being
`rewritten to accommodate the event.
`FIG. 3 is a flowchart illustrating an embodiment of a
`method for generating episodic content in accordance with
`the present invention. First, in this embodiment, a storyline
`are for the application is generated 300. The storyline are
`comprises the overall or Substantial portion of the plot of the
`application, and can include creation of recurring characters
`that appear in most episodes. The Storyline are generation is
`typically performed in conventional methods of creating
`application content as well. However, in accordance with the
`present invention, the storyline is deconstructed 304 into
`Smaller Segments. The Segments may correspond to
`episodes, or the Segments may be larger pieces of the
`Storyline. In this embodiment, the larger pieces themselves
`are later Segmented into episodes. By dividing the Storyline
`into Segments larger than an episode, the application devel
`oper is freer to modify and alter individual episodes based on
`current events or new ideas, and Still meet the overall
`direction of the Story. Also, by Segmenting the original
`Storyline into larger pieces, the work of determining pre
`cisely what content belongs in a Specific episode is dispersed
`over the individual intervals, thus shortening the time to
`market for the initial episode.
`Additionally, the episodic nature of the content delivery
`allows the application developer to alter the Storyline are
`after the initial delivery transparent to the user. Thus, if the
`current Storyline does not appear to be attracting interest, the
`application developer can transparently alter the Storyline
`are on the fly, and deconstruct the new Storyline into new
`Segments and new episodes to the user. In contrast, in
`conventional Systems, if a storyline is not attractive to users,
`the application developer cannot alter the application
`module, and the application module may Suffer from poor
`Sales. Recurring characters are also typically created in the
`initial Stages of the creating a storyline, and these characters
`may be implemented in as many different Segments as
`required. However, due to the episodic nature of the content
`creation, new characters can be created to interact with the
`recurring characters on an episodic basis. The new charac
`ters can recur with greater frequency if there is popular
`interest in a new character, thus driving up Sales of future
`episodes. Further, the ability to add new characters allows
`the application developer to alter the Storyline easily during
`the life of the application. Although the method has been
`described as deconstructing an already existing Storyline are,
`the present invention can also be implemented by creating
`the episodes Serially in time without requiring deconstruc
`tion of an existing Storyline. In this embodiment, episodes or
`Segments are created initially in an episodic format, and
`either are designed to carry out a storyline are or, in Some
`cases, may not carry out any overall Storyline are but may be
`individual Stories connected only by recurring characters.
`After the Storyline has been deconstructed, or initial
`Segments have been generated, a technological platform for
`implementing a first episode is created 308. The technologi
`cal platform is the technology required to implement the
`content of the Story. Typically, the technological platform
`will include the code for generating an animated or other
`wise represented World and characters that interact in that
`World, the interface to user computers, and other technology
`used to implement games for computer Systems. In accor
`dance with the present invention, the technological platform
`is implemented Separately from the content, to allow modi
`fication of the technological platform without requiring
`modification to the content, and Vice versa. In one
`embodiment, the initial technology used to implement the
`Storyline uses commercially available technology using, for
`example, ShockWave (TM) Flash technology from
`MacroMedia, RealAudio/RealVideo (TM) technology from
`RealMedia, and other similar technologies. These technolo
`gies are chosen in part, as discussed in more detail below,
`because the preferred embodiment of the present invention
`utilizes Internet technologies, media, and content as a part of
`the gaming experience. Thus, in this embodiment, the tech
`nology platform comprises the latest or custom versions of
`these technologies from the third party vendors Supplying
`the technology.
`Next, the content for the first episode is completed 312.
`This typically entails specific Storyboarding of the action to
`take place in the first episode, the dialogue, and a determi
`nation of which characters are present in the first episode. If
`larger Segments were deconstructed from the Storyline are,
`then at this point the amount of the story to be related in the
`first episode must be determined. After the content is
`US 6,669,564 B1
`complete, the content is implemented 316 using the tech
`nology of the technological platform to create the complete
`first episode. Then, the first episode is delivered 320 or is
`made available to the users. AS discussed above, the time to
`market for the delivery of the initial episode is much shorter
`than in conventional Systems as only the details of the initial
`episode are required to be finalized, implemented, and
`debugged. In contrast, in conventional Systems, the entire
`Storyline must be finalized, implemented, and debugged,
`which takes a much longer period of time.
`In one embodiment, as discussed above, a predefined
`number of episodes are Stored at the Server as a buffer prior
`to delivering the first episode. The buffer period provides
`more flexibility in the Schedule for delivering episodes, in
`the event that a problem arises during the generation of an
`episode. For example, if a System has a buffer period of three
`months (monthly delivery with three months of episodes
`pre-stored), and an important content developer becomes ill,
`delivery of the next episode is not in jeopardy. Of course, the
`time required to generate the episode under development is
`Shortened, but the impact of the delay is spread out over the
`buffer period.
`After the first episode is delivered, the applic