`PTOISB/39 (10-07)
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`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Attorney Docket Number
`March 19, 2008
`Randall J. Amerson
`2008P05081 US
`I Methods To Manage Power Of Wireless Multi-
`sensor Device
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`March 19, 2008
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`IDNR: 7328 / 29.10.2007 I Brief-ID: 1894104
`Emerson Exhibit 1045
`Emerson Electric v. Ollnova
`Page 00001
`A Abstract
`Our proposed invention relates to several methods to manage the battery power needed to send sensed
`values from a battery-powered multi-sensor wireless device. The goal is to extend battery life.
`In a typical multi-sensor wireless device, the device always sends all of the sensed values to the receiving
`device (i.e., field panel controller, application specific controller) regardless of whether or not all of the values
`are currently being used by the control application that resides in the receiving device. The disclosed method
`#1 and #2 propose that the receiving controller communicate to the wireless multi-sensor information about
`which sensed values are currently being used by the controller's software. With this information, the wireless
`multi-sensor can limit its battery-draining radio transmissions to only those containing the sensed values
`currently needed.
`Method #3 proposes a method by which the receiving device can command the multi-sensor wireless device to
`the ON state, when it should transmit sensor values, or to the OFF state, when it should not transmit sensor
`values and save battery power.
`B. Background Information
`The battery-powered multi-wireless sensor device is composed of:
`multiple sensors (temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds)
`signal processing hardware and software
`radio transmitter and receiver hardware and software
`A long life for the battery that powers the wireless multi-sensor is a desirable product feature. The part of the
`wireless multi-sensor that consumes the most power is the radio transmitter when it is transmitting a signal.
`Significant power draw can also come from some sensors (such as the CO2 sensor) that need to be pre(cid:173)
`heated to get an accurate measurement.
`Traditionally, a wireless multi-sensor updates the values of all of its sensors every predefined number of
`milliseconds. Sensors that need to be pre-heated to get an accurate measurement (such as CO2 sensors)
`have their circuitry energized at intervals determined by the heating time requirements. The wireless multi(cid:173)
`sensor transmits a signal containing the values of all of its sensors In the one message. Transmission occurs
`whenever any of the sensors' values exceed their respective change-of-value (COV) threshold value. The
`receiving device (field panel controller or application specific controller) accepts all of the sensor values from
`the wireless multi-sensor. The application software in the receiving device (controller) may be such that only
`one sensed value at a time is actually controlling the output device. The other sensor values are ignored. An
`example is a cooling device capable of both cooling and dehumidifying the air. If the sensed humidity is very
`high, the cooling device will be controlled by the humidity sensor. Changes in the air temperature will have no
`effect on the cooling device. Therefore, the battery power to transmit air temperature values from a wireless
`multi-sensor device is wasted.
`IPR2023-00624 Page 00002
`C. Details
`1. Method #1 to disclose consists of a multi-sensor wireless device that:
`that continually senses the values of all of its sensors every predefined number of milliseconds
`b. compares each sensed value against each sensor's respective change-of-value (COV) threshold
`receives information from the receiving device regarding which sensor is currently in control
`then only transmits changes of the sensed value(s) that are in control as refer to the above
`regardless of sensed value in control, still transmits all of its sensor values at a specified interval to
`indicate that its sensors are still operating and to provide the sensed values not in control to the
`receiving device so that it may make necessary switchover decisions concerning which sensor should
`be in control.
`By sending only the sensed value that is in control, the following advantages are realized:
`conservation of the battery usage to energize the radio transmitter and send a sensor value, thus
`extending the life of the battery.
`reduction of message size that needs to be transmitted by the wireless network, because the wireless
`message will only contain the sensed value that is in control.
`network throughput can be especially increased if the wireless messages, which are reduced in size
`by this invention, have encryption or additional error-checking.
`Additional battery power can be conserved by not unnecessarily energizing those sensing elements
`that require heating or some other significant power draw.
`2. Method #2 to disclose is a multi-sensor wireless device that:
`same as #1 a above
`b. same as #1 b above
`receives data from the receiving controller that can be processed by the multi-sensor wireless
`device's own processor in order to determine which sensed value is in control
`d. same as #1 d above
`same as #1 e above
`3. Method #3 to disclose is a multi-sensor wireless device that receives an ON/OFF signal from the receiving
`device. Upon receiving an ON signal, the multi-sensor wireless device will implement a transmission method
`that may be method #1 or #2 above or some other method. Upon receiving an OFF signal, the multi-sensor
`wireless device will go into a "sleep" mode during which it will not transmit sensor value signals. It may or
`may not transmit short "I'm OK" signals during this "sleep" mode. By limiting its transmissions while in the
`"sleep mode," battery power is conserved.
`IPR2023-00624 Page 00003
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`Methods To Manage Power Of Wireless Multi-sensor Device
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`IDNR: 7049 / 04.10.2007 / Brief-ID: 1894052
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`PTOISB/16 (10-07)
`Approved f0< use through 06/30i2010. 0MB 0651-0032
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`SIGNATURE ~ (Y½ ; ~CJ '
`Rashmi S. Raj
`March 19 2008
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`Docket Number: __ 2=0=0'""8""""P....;.0-=-50""'8""'1~U'""S'""'"/-'R""'""'S""'R-'-'-/ "'""'R"'""'R=O'--_
`IDNR: 7049 / 04.10.2007 / Brief-ID: 1894052
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`Pornsak Songkakul, Mequon, IL;
`William Thomas Pienta, Prospect Heights, IL;
`James J. Coogan, Des Plaines, IL;
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