`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0268629 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Dec. 8, 2005
`US 2005O268629A1
`(76) Inventor: Osman Ahmed, Hawthorn Woods, IL
`Correspondence Address:
`Mr. Michael Wallace, Esq.
`Siemens Corporation
`Intellectual Property Department
`170 Wood Avenue South
`Iselin, NJ 08830 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 25, 2005
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/556,119, filed on Mar.
`25, 2004.
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl. ............................... F24F 7/00; F25D 17/02
`(52) U.S. Cl. ................................................. 62/201; 62/434
`A building component System includes a building compo
`nent that is controllable between a first State and a Second
`State in response to a Sensed condition. The System may
`include a Sensor on a first Side of the building component
`and a Sensor on the Second Side of the building component.
`The building component may be a window that is control
`lable between an opaque State and a clear State by a micro
`electromechanical system (MEMS) network that senses the
`conditions on both sides of the window.
`Emerson Exhibit 1036
`Emerson Electric v. Ollnova
`Page 00001
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 8, 2005 Sheet 1 of 19
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`FIG. 1.
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`FIG. 9
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`FIG. 10
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`FIG. 12
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`FIG 11
`FIG. 13
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`US 2005/0268629 A1
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`0001. This application claims the benefit of and/or pri
`ority to U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 60/556,119,
`filed Mar. 25, 2004.
`0002 The present invention relates generally to control
`Systems, Such as control Systems used to control heating,
`ventilation, air conditioning, fire Safety, lighting, Security
`and other Systems or machinery of a building or facility.
`(“HVAC) systems are used in all types of commercial,
`industrial and residential facilities (hereinafter referred to as
`“buildings”). In general, the HVAC system is designed to
`maintain various predetermined Set points, Such as tempera
`ture. To that end, a System that generates hot air may be
`controlled on or off depending on the need for heat in a
`particular location. The Supply of conditioned air (hot or
`cold) may further be controlled by the use of dampers within
`the air Supply System. In larger buildings, the damperS may
`be actively controlled to regulate the Supply of conditioned
`0004 HVAC systems in larger buildings tend be located
`at a significant distance from the spaces that they are
`Servicing, and a single HVAC unit may be used to provide
`conditioned air to several different floors. To this end,
`ducting is required between the various floors, a number of
`damperS are needed to regulate the distribution of air
`between the various levels, and additional insulation around
`the ducting is needed to reduce heat loSS from the ducting.
`The result is reduced efficiency, additional material cost, and
`additional Space requirements for a given HVAC system.
`0005 Moreover, conditioned air is generally provided by
`an HVAC system based upon a sensed out of limits condi
`tion. In other words, when the temperature in a room is
`determined to be too warm, cool air is Supplied to the room
`so as to bring the room back within a controlled band. The
`HVAC systems are accordingly reactive to actual changes in
`temperature. While this is effective, it results in undesired
`variances in temperature. Moreover, as the magnitude of the
`change in temperature increases, the amount of energy
`required to drive the temperature back into the desired range
`in a given amount of time also increases. Thus, a larger
`HVAC system is needed to provide the needed capacity. As
`the Size of the HVAC system increases, larger ducting is
`needed for the increased Volume of air and more energy is
`required to power the HVAC system. The result is reduced
`efficiency, additional material cost, and additional Space
`requirements for a given HVAC system.
`0006 Some of the above limitations result from the
`approach used to regulate, monitor and control the various
`machines as well as environmental and Safety aspects of
`buildings. For example, to facilitate control over various
`aspects of a building, control Systems employ Sensing
`devices that measure various conditions, Such as tempera
`ture, air flow, or motion. Other Sensors determine the pres
`ence of Smoke, the presence of dangerous or noxious chemi
`cals, light and the like.
`0007 Typical sensor devices for Such uses are expensive.
`Accordingly, the number of Sensors used in a particular
`application is limited to the minimum number required in
`order to reduce costs. For example, in many residential
`Systems a single temperature Sensor is used. Similarly, the
`temperature within a conference room may be controlled
`based upon the Sensing of a Single instrument. Such limited
`Sensing results in large temperature differentials throughout
`the Space. Such temperature differentials result not only in
`reduced comfort for the individuals in the building, but also
`reduced efficiency in the HVAC system as discussed above.
`0008. The above illustration is indicative of a larger
`problem with prior art building control Systems. Namely,
`prior art building control Systems are designed to operate
`with very limited knowledge of the building that they are
`incorporated into. There is little understanding within the
`building control System of the activities within and around
`the building that affect the environment Such as weather
`conditions, the operating Status of machinery and equip
`ment, or the number of people in the building.
`0009 Moreover, the building itself may provide a sig
`nificant contribution to the internal environment. This is
`particularly evident in the instance of a building with a large
`amount of glass on a Sunny day. In Such instances, the glass
`may provide Significantly to the heating of the building. Yet,
`prior art buildings contribute little to the active control over
`the internal environment. Thus, the building control System
`must be manually configured to avoid Significant overheat
`ing of one side of a building while under heating areas that
`are not exposed to the Sunlight.
`0010. As a consequence, there is a need for apparatus and
`method that can reduce at least Some of the drawbacks and
`costs identified above. For example, there is a need for a
`method and/or apparatus that reduces the costs associated
`with the Sensing devices that are necessary for Sensing
`conditions within a building control System. There is a
`further need for a System that incorporates building compo
`nents into the building control network So as to better control
`fluctuations in the building environment. There is yet a
`further need for a building control System that includes
`Sensors located close to the Source of heat and cold distur
`bances within a building So as to provide for more rapid
`moderation of the disturbances.
`0011. The present invention provides a building control
`System for controlling a characteristic of a building compo
`nent. In one embodiment, a building control System includes
`a building control network and an integrated micro electro
`mechanical System module network. The micro electrome
`chanical System module network controls the State of a
`building envelope component based upon a Sensed first
`0012. In another embodiment, a building component sys
`tem includes a building component located between a first
`area and a Second area that is controllable between a first
`State and a Second State. The building component System
`further includes a first Sensor for Sensing a first condition in
`the first area and a Second Sensor for Sensing a Second
`condition in the Second area. A controller controls the State
`of the component based upon the Sensed first condition and
`the Sensed Second condition.
`IPR2023-00624 Page 00021
`US 2005/0268629 A1
`Dec. 8, 2005
`0013 A method in accordance with aspects of the inven
`tion controls an energy transmission characteristic of a
`building component located between a first area and a
`Second area by Sensing a first condition in the first area and
`Sensing a Second condition in the Second area. A signal
`indicative of the first Sensed condition is transmitted to a
`controller and the energy transmission characteristic of the
`component is controlled based upon the Sensed first condi
`tion and the Sensed Second condition.
`0.014. The above described features and advantages, as
`well as others, will become more readily apparent to those
`of ordinary skill in the art by reference to the following
`detailed description and accompanying drawings.
`FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of an exemplary
`building control network according to the present invention;
`0016 FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of an exemplary
`comfort MEMS module control network integrated as a
`control subsystem with the building control network of FIG.
`0017 FIG. 3 shows a block diagram of a window control
`Subsystem used to control a window comfort System;
`0018 FIG. 4 shows a cross section of the window
`depicted in FIG. 3 including a two chromogenic layerS and
`a thermal fluid chamber;
`FIG. 5 shows a flow diagram of an exemplary set
`of operations that may be used to control the window
`comfort system of FIG. 3;
`0020 FIG. 6 shows a top view floor plan of an area with
`Security and comfort hub modules in two micro areas,
`FIG. 7 shows a top view floor plan of an area
`including a simplified ventilation System providing ventila
`tion to two micro areas,
`0022 FIG. 8 shows a schematic diagram of a modeling
`System and an integrated distributed building control net
`work used to control various components of FIG. 7;
`0023 FIG. 9 shows the interrelationships between an
`object representing the open space of FIG. 7 and objects for
`other components of FIG. 7;
`0024 FIG. 10 shows a flow diagram of an exemplary set
`of operations performed to generate a model in accordance
`with aspects of the invention;
`FIG. 11 shows a block diagram of a building area
`template for use in generating building Zone objects in a
`model according to an embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 12 shows a block diagram of a building area
`object of a model of the area of FIG. 7 generated from the
`building area template of FIG. 11;
`0027 FIG. 13 shows a micro area object in the model of
`FIG. 12 of a micro area of FIG. 7 that identifies a relation
`ship to the building area object of FIG. 12;
`0028 FIG. 14 shows a display of a pump efficiency
`graph generated by a modeling System in accordance with
`aspects of the invention;
`0029 FIG. 15 shows a display of temperature profiles at
`different levels in a room generated by a modeling System in
`accordance with aspects of the invention;
`0030 FIG. 16 shows a display of a portion of the
`temperature profiles and the room of FIG. 15 after changing,
`with respect to FIG. 15, the viewing angle and the amount
`of data displayed;
`FIG. 17 shows a display of a portion of a ventila
`tion System including a ventilation shaft, a branch shaft and
`a damper generated by a modeling System in accordance
`with aspects of the invention;
`0032 FIG. 18 shows a display of a partially cutaway
`view of the display of FIG. 17 revealing components within
`the ventilation shaft of FIG. 17 generated by a modeling
`System in accordance with aspects of the invention;
`0033 FIG. 19 shows a display of a magnified view of the
`cutaway portion of the ventilation shaft shown in FIG. 18
`generated by a modeling System in accordance with aspects
`of the invention;
`0034 FIG. 20 shows a display of a dialogue box gener
`ated by a modeling System identifying a fault detected by a
`building control System in accordance with aspects of the
`0035 FIG. 21 shows a display of a pump efficiency
`graph with a current operating point and a modeled future
`operating point generated by a modeling System in accor
`dance with aspects of the invention;
`0036 FIG. 22 shows a display of a chiller performance
`graph with a current operating point and a modeled future
`operating point generated by a modeling System in accor
`dance with aspects of the invention; and
`0037 FIG.23 shows a display of a dialogue box showing
`the change in operating expenses resulting from the addition
`of a new room generated by a modeling System in accor
`dance with aspects of the invention.
`0038 FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of an exemplary
`building control System in accordance with the present
`invention. The building control system 10 includes a Super
`visory computer 12, a wireless area network (WAN) server
`14, a distributed thermal plant (DTP) control subsystem 16,
`three functional control subsystems 18, 20 and 22, and a
`window control subsystem 24. The building control system
`10 includes only the few above-mentioned elements for
`clarity of exposition of the principles of the invention.
`Typically, many more functional control Subsystems, as well
`as many more window, thermal plant, and other building
`HVAC subsystems, will be included into a building control
`network. Those of ordinary skill in the art may readily
`incorporate the methods and features of the invention
`described herein into control Systems of larger or Smaller
`0039. In general, the building control system 10 employs
`a first wireleSS communication Scheme to effect communi
`cations between the Supervisory computer 12, the DTP
`control Subsystem 16, the functional control subsystems 18,
`20 and 22 and the window control subsystem 24. A wireless
`communication Scheme identifies the Specific protocols and
`IPR2023-00624 Page 00022
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`Dec. 8, 2005
`RF frequency plan employed in wireless communications
`between Sets of wireleSS devices.
`0040. In the embodiment described herein, the first wire
`leSS communication Scheme is implemented as a wireleSS
`area network. To this end, the wireleSS area network Server
`14 coupled to the Supervisory computer 12 employs a
`packet-hopping wireleSS protocol to effect communication
`by and among the various Subsystems of the building control
`system 10. U.S. Pat. No. 5,737,318, which is incorporated
`herein by reference, describes a wireleSS packet hopping
`network that is suitable for HVAC/building control systems
`of Substantial size.
`0041. In general, the DTP control subsystem 16 is a
`Subsystem that is operable to control the operation of a DTP
`plant within the building. The DTP is a device that is
`operable to provide hot or cold conditioned air. The DTP
`may further be configured to provide for all or a portion of
`the electrical needs of an area of a building. In Such an
`embodiment, the DTP may include a fuel cell, a micro
`turbine generator, or the DTP may be a hybrid device. Such
`devices produce energy in the form of electricity and heat.
`The heat may be used to heat air if the building area is to be
`heated: The heat may further be provided to an absorption
`chiller used to chill air if the building area is to be cooled.
`0.042 By localized generation of power, significant utility
`Savings may be realized. Additionally, the reliance on elec
`tricity provided over a power grid is eliminated thereby
`eliminating problems related to power grid brownouts and
`blackouts. Moreover, the DTPs produce very little noise and
`minimal exhaust gases. Therefore, they may be positioned
`very close to the area being serviced. Acceptable DTPs
`including combined heat, power and chill devices are com
`mercially available from Capstone Microturbine Corpora
`tion of Chatsworth, Calif.
`Various operations of DTP plants depend upon a
`number of input values, as is known in the art. Some of the
`input values may be generated within the DTP control
`Subsystem 16, and other input values are externally gener
`ated. For example, operation of the DTP may be adjusted
`based on various air flow and/or temperature values gener
`ated throughout the area. The operation of the DTP may also
`be affected by Set point values generated by the Supervisory
`computer 12. The externally-generated values are commu
`nicated to the DTP control subsystem 16 using the wireless
`area network.
`0044) The functional control Subsystems 18, 20 and 22
`are local control Subsystems that operate to control or
`monitor a micro-area or “Space' within the area Serviced by
`the DTP. While such locations may be referred to herein as
`"rooms' for convenience, it will be appreciated that Such
`locations may further be defined Zones within larger open or
`Semi-open Spaces of a building. The various functions for
`which the functional control Subsystems 18, 20 and 22 are
`used include comfort (temperature, humidity, etc.), protec
`tion (fire, detection, chemical detection, etc), Security (iden
`tification, tracking, etc.) and performance (equipment effi
`ciency, operating characteristics, etc.).
`0.045. In accordance with one aspect of the present inven
`tion, each of the functional control Subsystems 18, 20 and 22
`includes multiple elements that communicate with each
`other using a Second wireleSS communication Scheme. In
`general, it is preferable that the Second communication
`Scheme employ a short-range or local RF communication
`Scheme Such as Bluetooth. FIG. 2 shows a schematic block
`diagram of an exemplary functional control Subsystem that
`may be used as the functional control subsystems 18, 20 and
`0046 Referring to FIG. 2, the functional control Sub
`system 18 includes a hub module 26, first and second sensor
`modules 28 and 30, respectively, and an actuator module 32.
`It will be appreciated that a particular functional control
`Subsystem 18 may contain more or leSS Sensor modules or
`actuator modules. In the exemplary embodiment described
`herein, the functional control subsystem 18 is operable to
`assist in regulating the temperature within a room or Space
`pursuant to a Set point value. The functional control Sub
`System 18 is further operable to obtain data regarding the
`general environment of the room for use, display or record
`ing by a remote device, Such as the Supervisory computer 12
`of FIG. 1.
`0047 The first sensor module 28 represents a temperature
`Sensor module and is preferably embodied as a wireleSS
`integrated network Sensor that incorporates micro electro
`mechanical system (“MEMS) technology. By way of
`example, in the exemplary embodiment described herein,
`the first sensor module 28 includes a MEMS local RF
`communication circuit 34, a microcontroller 36, a program
`mable non-volatile memory 38, a signal processing circuit
`40, and a MEMS sensor Suite 42. The first sensor module 28
`also contains a coin cell battery 44.
`0048. The MEMS sensor suite 42 includes at least one
`MEMS sensor, which may suitably be a temperature sensor,
`flow Sensor, preSSure Sensor, and/or gas-specific Sensor.
`MEMS devices capable of obtaining light, gas content,
`temperature, flow, and Smoke readings have been developed
`and are known in the art. In one embodiment, the Sensor
`Suite 42 is a collection of MEMS sensors incorporated into
`a single substrate. The incorporation of multiple MEMS
`Sensor technologies on a Single Substrate is known. For
`example, a MEMS module that includes both temperature
`and humidity Sensing functions is commercially available
`from Hygrometrics Inc. of Alpine Calif.
`0049. The MEMS modules may be self-configuring and
`Self-commissioning. Accordingly, when the Sensor modules
`are placed within communication range of each other, they
`will form a piconet as is known in the relevant art and each
`will enable a particular Sensing capability. In the case that a
`Sensor module is placed within range of an existent piconet,
`the Sensor module will join the existent piconet. By incor
`porating different, Selectable Sensor capabilities, a single
`Sensor module design may be manufactured for use in a
`large majority of HVAC Sensing applications.
`0050. The signal processing circuit 40 includes the cir
`cuitry that interfaces with the Sensor Suite 42, converts
`analog Sensor Signals to digital Signals, and provides the
`digital signals to the microcontroller 36.
`0051. The programmable non-volatile memory 38, which
`may be embodied as a flash programmable EEPROM, stores
`configuration information for the sensor module 28. By way
`of example, programmable non-volatile memory 38 prefer
`ably includes System identification information, which is
`used to associate the information generated by the Sensor
`IPR2023-00624 Page 00023
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`Dec. 8, 2005
`module 28 with its physical and/or logical location in the
`building control System. For example, the programmable
`non-volatile memory 38 may contain an “address” or “ID”
`of the Sensor module 28 that is appended to any communi
`cations generated by the Sensor module 28.
`0.052 The memory 38 further includes set-up configura
`tion information related to the type of Sensor or Sensors
`being used. For example, if the Sensor Suite 42 is imple
`mented as a number of sensor devices, the memory 38
`includes the information that identifies which sensor func
`tionality to enable. The memory 38 may further include
`calibration information regarding the Sensor, and System RF
`communication parameters (i.e. the Second RF communica
`tion scheme) employed by the microcontroller 36 and/or RF
`communication circuit 34 to transmit information to other
`0053. The microcontroller 36 is a processing circuit oper
`able to control the general operation of the Sensor module
`28. In general, however, the microcontroller 36 receives
`digital Sensor information from the Signal processing circuit
`40 and provides the information to the local RF communi
`cation circuit 34 for transmission to a local device, for
`example, the hub module 26. The microcontroller 36 may
`cause the transmission of Sensor data from time-to-time as
`dictated by an internal counter or clock, or in response to a
`request received from the hub module 26.
`0054) The microcontroller 36 is further operable to
`receive configuration information via the RF communica
`tion circuit 34, Store configuration information in the
`memory 38, and perform operations in accordance with Such
`configuration information. AS discussed above, the configu
`ration information may define which of multiple possible
`Sensor combinations is to be provided by the Sensor module
`28. The microcontroller 36 employs such information to
`cause the appropriate Sensor device or devices from the
`Sensor Suite 42 to be operably connected to the Signal
`processing circuit 40 Such that Sensed signals from the
`appropriate Sensor device are digitized and provided to the
`microcontroller 36. As discussed above, the microcontroller
`36 may also use the configuration information to format
`outgoing messages and/or control operation of the RF com
`munication circuit 34.
`0055. The MEMS local RF communication circuit 34
`may suitably include a Bluetooth RF modem, or some other
`type of short range (about 30-100 feet) RF communication
`modem. The use of a MEMS-based RF communication
`circuit allows for reduced power consumption, thereby
`enabling the sensor module 28 to be battery operated. The
`life of the Sensor may be extended using known power
`management approaches. Additionally, the battery may be
`augmented or even replaced by incorporating within the
`MEMS module structure to use or convert energy in the
`form of vibrations or ambient light.
`0056. As discussed above, the sensor module 28 is con
`figured to operate as a temperature Sensor. To this end, the
`memory 38 stores information identifying that the sensor
`module 28 is to operate as a temperature Sensor. Such
`information may be programmed into the memory 28 via a
`wireleSS programmer. The Sensor module 28 may be pro
`grammed upon Shipment from the factory, or upon installa
`tion into the building control system. The microcontroller
`36, responsive to the configuration information, causes the
`Signal processing circuit 40 to process Signals only from the
`temperature Sensor, ignoring output from other Sensors of
`the Sensor Suite 42.
`0057 The sensor module 30 is configured to operate as a
`flow sensor in the embodiment described herein. The sensor
`module 30 may suitably have the same physical construction
`as the sensor module 28. To this end, the sensor module 30
`includes a local RF communication circuit 46, a microcon
`troller 48, a programmable non-volatile memory 23504, a
`Signal processing circuit 52, a Sensor Suite 54, and a power
`supply/source 56. In contrast to the sensor module 28,
`however, the memory 50 of the sensor module 30 contains
`configuration information identifying that the Sensor module
`54 is to function as a flow sensor.
`0058. The actuator module 32 is a device that is operable
`to cause movement or actuation of a physical device that has
`the ability to affect a parameter of the building environment.
`For example, the actuator module 32 in the embodiment
`described herein is operable to control the position of a
`ventilation damper, thereby controlling the flow of heated or
`chilled air into the room.
`0059) The actuator module 32 is also preferably embod
`ied as a MEMS module. By way of example, in the exem
`plary embodiment described herein, the actuator module 32
`includes a MEMS local RF communication circuit 58, a
`microcontroller 60, a programmable non-volatile memory
`62, a signal processing circuit 64 and an actuator 66. The
`actuator module 32 also contains a coin cell battery 68.
`0060. Of course, if AC power is necessary for the actuator
`device (i.e. the damper actuator), which may be Solenoid or
`valve, then AC power is readily available for the actuator
`module 32. As a consequence, the use of battery power is not
`necessarily advantageous. The actuator 66 may Suitably be
`a Solenoid, Stepper motor, or other electrically controllable
`device that drives a mechanical HVAC element.
`0061 The MEMS local RF communication circuit 58
`may be of similar construction and operation as the MEMS
`local RF communication circuit 34. The microcontroller 60
`is configured to receive control data messages via the RF
`communication circuit 58. The control data messages are
`generated and transmitted by the hub module 26. The control
`data messages typically include a control output value
`intended to control the operation of the actuator 66. Accord
`ingly, the microcontroller 60 is operable to obtain the control
`output value from a received message and provide the
`control output value to the Signal processing circuit 64. The
`Signal processing circuit 64 is a circuit that is configured to
`generate an analog control Signal from the digital control
`output value. In other words, the Signal processing circuit 64
`operates as an analog driver circuit. The Signal processing
`circuit 64 provides an analog control Signal to the actuator
`0062) The non-volatile memory 62 is a memory that
`contains configuration and/or calibration information related
`to the implementation of the actuator 66. The memory 62
`may Suitably contain Sufficient information to effect map
`ping between the control variables used by the hub module
`26 and the control signals expected by the actuator 66. For
`example, the control variables used by the hub module 26
`may be digital values representative of a desired damper
`position charge. The actuator 66, however, may expect an
`IPR2023-00624 Page 00024
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`Dec. 8, 2005
`analog Voltage that represents an amount to rotate a stepper
`motor. The memory 62 may thus include information used to
`map the digital values to the expected analog Voltages.
`0.063. The hub module 26 in the exemplary embodiment
`described herein performs the function of the