`US 8,881,048 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
`a2) United States Patent
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Nov. 4, 2014
`USPC. ow. 715/781, 848, 764, 766, 767, 782, 788;
`See application file for complete search history.
`Inventor: E. Eddie Bakhash, New York, NY (US)
`References Cited
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C, 1540) by 472 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/751,879
`5319387 A
`6/1994 Yoshika
`5.428.735 A
`6/1995. Kahl etal.
`6,121,969 A
`9/2000 Jain et al.
`6,499,029 Bl
`12/2002 Kurapatietal.
`6,577,330 Bl
`6/2003 Tsuda etal.
`6,725,427 B2
`4/2004 Freeman et al.
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2011/0029907 Al
`Feb. 3, 2011
`“Visualization Using Timelines”, Gerald M. Karam; TRIO Telecom-
`munications Software MethodsProject; PublishedAug. 17, 1994; pp.
`125-137; XP000476876.
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 11/531,676, filed on
`Sep. 13, 2006, now Pat. No. 7,735,018.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/717,019,filed on Sep.
`13, 2005.
`Primary Examiner — Ting Lee
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — FitzsimmonsIP Law
`Methods and systemsare provided for providing an improved
`three-dimensional graphical user interface. In one embodi-
`ment, the method generally comprises: receiving an input
`from an end user, and capturing computing output from at
`least one computer source in response to the received end-
`user input. The computing output can be presented as two or
`more objects within a three-dimensional virtual space dis-
`played to the end user. In one embodiment, the methodfurther
`comprises generating a timelinethat includes an icon for each
`object presented within the virtual space. In another embodi-
`ment, the method further comprises providing a database for
`storing and categorizing data regarding each object presented
`within the virtual space.
`18 Claims, 30 Drawing Sheets
`Int. Cl.
`GO6T 15/20
`GIB 27/34
`GO6F 17/30
`GO6F 3/0481
`(52) U.S. CL
`CPC veeseeeee G06T 15/20 (2013.01); GO6F 17/30873
`(2013.01); GO6F 3/04815 (2013.01); GO6F
`17/30864 (2013.01); G1IB 2734 (2013.01);
`G06F 17/30572 (2013.01)
`USPC. ow. 715/782; 715/764; 715/766; 715/767,
`715/781; 715/788
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC wee GO6F 3/04815; GO6F 3/04817; GO6F
`APPLE 1001
`APPLE 1001
`US 8,881,048 B2
`Page 2
`References Cited
`6,768,999 B2
`2001/0050687 Al
`2002/0033848 Al
`2003/0164827 Al
`2003/0179231 Al
`2004/0268451 Al
`2007/0043700 Al*
`Prageret al.
`lida et al.
`Sciammarellaet al.
`Gottesman et al.
`Dawsonet al. wees 707/3
`“Execution Patterns in Object-Oriented Visualization”, Wim De
`Pauw et al.; Watson Research Center; Published Apr. 27, 1998; pp.
`219-234; XP002534202.
`“Dissatisfaction Sows Innovation”, Andrew Coulter Enright; The
`Treehouse + the Cave; Published Dec. 29, 2004; 6 Pages;
`* cited by examiner
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 4, 2014
`Sheet 1 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`Load Custom Script andits Icon to Alter
`Application Logic of 3D Cartesian Space
`through Programmatic Access
`(External Proto Node) Represented by
`Interactive Icon on interface Panel
`Visit Viewpoint
`Record Viewpoint or
`x,y,z Coordinate
`Add Desktop
`Window Command
`Add Browser
`Add Document or
`Application Command
`Add Text
`Add Picture
`Add Music Command
`Add Video Command
`Record Sound
`Add Map Command
`Add 3D VRML. or
`X3D File Command
`Save Space/Email
`Space Command
`Add Advertising to
`3D Scene
`Scan Event Handler
`for End User Input
`on Interface Panel to
`Execute Appropriate
`Helper Application
`User Input
`Geometry in
`Scene Basedon
`New Viewpoint
`FIG. 1A
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 4, 2014
`Sheet 2 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`End User Selects Load]|,Program PromptsEnd
`Script (Helper
`Userto Locate Script File
`©) Application) Icon from
`from Local Computer,
`Network, Internet
`Input Interface Panel
`or other Location
`Load x,y,z Position or
`Prompt User to Choose Viewpoint Name
`from Compassor Click on icon of Previously—Viewpoint from Compass
`Recorded Viewpoint in 3D Cartesian Space
`File and Bind toit
`() 44
`Prompt Userto
`Input Viewpoint
`Name(s) to be Added
`to CompassFile
`Store x,y,z Position
`and Viewpoint Name
`within 3D Cartesian
`Space to CompassFile
`Draw Interactive 3D
`Icon/Geometry in Scene
`to Represent Viewpoint
`with Viewpoint Name
`Initiate Open File Class or other Web
`Service, API, or Method for Loading
`Data from Local Computer,
`Network or the World Wide Web
`Allow Drag and Drop of File, Document
`or Application into 3D Cartesian Space
`from 2D Desktop
`Draw Interactive 3D Icon/Geometry in
`Scene to Represent Sound or Music
`that if Clicked with Play Sound/Music
`Draw Text, Map, Picture, Video,
`VRML, X3D or other Content
`into 3D Cartesian Space
`Prompt User to Input Name of 3D
`Save Space on Local Computer
`Cartesian Space to Save or Email.
`and/or Our Company Server (FTP).
`Add Name to CompassFile
`Server Files can be Public or Private
`Determine Subject of 3D Cartesian Space by Scanning all Words
`Associated with or within the File Names, Files, htm! Pages,
`Viewpoint Names, Hyperlinked Files or any other Available
`Information Associated with Items within the 3D Cartesian Space
`or Words Enteredinto the Input Interface
`FIG. 1B
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 4, 2014
`Sheet 3 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`interactive Icon that Triggers Script is | End User is Prompted to Click
`Dynamically Added to Interface Panel to
`|}4Interactive Icon on Interface Panel
`Initiate Command Using XML Encoding
`to Initiate Program Altering Script
`Retreive the Kind of Information Requested
`Determine Proper OS Control to
`There is no Control
`for this Information
`Periodically Capture the
`on Screen Output of
`Execute Proper OS Control Specific to the
`Window for
`Kind of Information Requested which
`Program/Information as
`will Act as a Mirror to its 3D Representation
`a Bit Map Image
`Map Visual Output of OS Control, Bit Map
`or API onto Arbitrary 3D Geometry
`Store Bit Mapin
`a Frame buffer
`Pass Mouse Clicks, Cursor Position,
`Create Device
`Keyboard Input and Movements from
`Control Map on 3D Geometry to the Mirror
`Input Event
`Handler in 3D
`Control Running on 2D Environment
`Generate Table of Contents Page in the Form of an htmi Page that is Stored on
`Company Server Next to Saved Space File that Stores Space Name, Hyperlinks
`in 3D Space, Description, Picture(s) of 3D Space with the Purpose of being
`an Index for the 3D Space to be Crawled by the Major Search Engines as Part
`of their Web Crawling/Indexing. Place Subject (See Item "A") of 3D Spaceinto
`Meta Tags of html Page. Embed Option in htm! Page to Download PROGRAM
`Active X Control within html Page to Auto Install Saved Space from
`Company Server for which T.O.C. html Page was Generated and
`Execute on their Computer with the Click of One Button on html T.0.C. Page
`Email Table of Contents html Page to Recipient(s) and Embed
`Option for Recipient to Download PROGRAMActive X Control within
`html Page to Auto Install and Load Saved Space from Company
`Server for which T.O.C. html Page was Generated and Display
`on their Computer with the Click of One Button off html Page
`Return Appropriate text,
`Picture(s), Video(s), Sound(s),
`Sort Words by Frequencyto
`Determine Subject of 3D
`Music, Hyperlinks or other
`Cartesian Space byIdentifying
`Advertisement Content from
`Most Frequently
`Advertising Server, Web
`Appearing Words
`Service or other Location
`Send Subject of 3D Cartesian
`Draw text, Picture(s), Video(s),
`Space via xml File of Most
`Sounds(s), Music, Hyperlinks or
`other Ad Content from
`Frequently Appearing Wordsto
`Advertising Server or other
`Advertising Server through
`Location into 3D Cartesian Space
`Internet Request
`FIG. 1C
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 4 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`User Input
`Recalculate Geometry
`in Scene Based on
`New Viewpoint
`or Perspective
`FIG. 2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 5 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 6 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 7 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`qayyou}{TeJO}0}JOSPUMoly jouegaoepayy|S,wes6olguouoyNgYBnosy)soedsUeIseyeDGEUIUMeIgaq0}sabeYgan,joyoRIS
`Jeadey0}Jas\dWOIg Ole
`42007]0}aIl4aves 8LC
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 4, 2014
`Sheet 8 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`FIG. 5A
`FIG. 5B
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 4, 2014
`Sheet 9 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`FIG. 5C
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 10 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 4, 2014
`Sheet 11 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`End User Clicks Close Button on any Texture Map
`of Web Browser Control Represented in Visual Stack
`Remove Web Browser Page
`from Visual Stack
`Position of Removed Page in Stack
`Animated Page Before it was Moved
`Animate Forward Pageafter
`Removed Page to Replace
`Animate Page after Previously
`Animated Pageto Original
`Position of Previously
`of Previously Animated Page
`Animate Forward Next Page in
`3D Visual Stack to Replace Position
`of Previously Animated Page
`Animate Next Pagein
`Stack to Position
`Exit Loopif the End of Visual
`Stack or Last Elementin
`Array is Reached
`FIG. 7
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 12 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 13 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 14 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 15 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 16 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 17 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
` a5CeBeEEPenhETneEenooo
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 18 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
` gcL‘Siffr="=wuO]|rit(]3>JOaweUa!O}<YaINZ>Ssosq
`uumddReBuryeargwor'saauroymaura-[BPaNON-wor SMISNOBE-MOOGySHUNBDty-4‘TOboSetRpeaYseudolayy-worronuedsmauirdny(GYsy|“2A8SHON|SHOR
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 19 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 20 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 21 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 22 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 23 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 24 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 25 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 4, 2014
`Sheet 26 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 27 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`18sue]smouPuls Usou|S83SIPPIWSinUB1oBis]WONSMOUGUI}e5BSWSTRHwoo
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 28 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
` S|
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 29 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.4, 2014
`Sheet 30 of 30
`US 8,881,048 B2
`juesuyffIL| (up3a18us)sourowEfFIieuuey
` ouibew|Geuy(IaACISNISALWHM
`US 8,881,048 B2
`This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica-
`tion Ser. No. 11/531,676, filed Sep. 13, 2006, now U.S. Pat.
`No. 7,735,018, which claimspriority pursuant to 35 U.S.C.
`§119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/717,019, filed
`Sep. 13, 2005, which application is specifically incorporated
`herein,in its entirety, by reference.
`This patent document contains material that is subject to
`copyright protection. The copyright ownerhas no objection to
`the reproduction of this patent documentorrelated materials
`as they appearin thefiles of the patent offices of the United
`States or other countries, but otherwise reserves all copyright
`rights whatsoever.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention is directed toward graphical user
`interfaces for operating and accessing information on a com-
`puter, and more particularly, to a three-dimensional (“3D”)
`interactive computing interface and sorting interface com-
`prising information from real-time and static sources, includ-
`ing, but not limited to, meta search results from the Web;
`information from APIs, webservices, search engines, appli-
`cation programs, and networks; and files on the end user’s
`2. Description of Related Art
`Currently, people use computers by inputting information
`into the computerto achieve a given output. Often this can be
`aseries oftedious steps (mouse clicks and keyboard inputs) to
`run applications and documents or navigate to information.
`To get to new computing experiences, people often have to
`close their current applications and documents, hide them or
`overlap them on a finite desktop by drawing them on top of
`each other, and then mine through folders within folders to
`find them againat a later date. The user’s desktop is finite, and
`one mustredo the sametasks over and over again. This wastes
`time by (4) requiring many mouseclicks to open and close
`documents, (11) requiring one to rememberall the combina-
`tions of programs and documents one might need for a given
`purpose and(iii) requiring oneto create elaborate hierarchical
`folder systems to aid in the process of storing and recalling
`applications and documents. This is primarily due to the
`limited space the end user has on their desktop.
`People currently compute within operating systems that
`present computer output, such as documents, applications,
`and operating system’s interface in a 2D (two-dimensional)
`visual display. After initially being loaded into the computer
`by the boot program, the operating system controls all the
`other programs in a computer. Typically, the component of
`the operating system that summonsthe style in which this
`output is displayed is called the GUIor graphical user inter-
`face. A successful GUIwill use screen presentations includ-
`ing metaphors that utilize graphic elements such as icons to
`make an operating system’s input and output easier to man-
`age. Most computer operating systems incorporate a GUI that
`utilizes two-dimensional graphics to capture, process, and
`output all input from an end user in a 2D form—havingheight
`and width only.
`This output is usually confined within a windowthat is
`drawn ona finite-sized desktop, 1.e., the working area of a
`computer, that has a given length and width. When the com-
`puter’s output exceeds this finite working graphical area,
`elements ofthe GUI(the windows) are typically drawn on top
`of each other such that the GUI components overlap one
`another other. In some operating systems, a shadow is drawn
`beneath these overlapping windowsonthe desktop to make
`them appearas if they have depth. This technique allows an
`end userto identify the overlapping windows moreeasily.
`Welive in a 3D (three-dimensional) world where we see
`that objects not only have a horizontal position (x) and verti-
`cal position (y) but also have depth (z) that is also known as
`time, according to the three-dimensional coordinate system
`of mathematics. This notion of expressing depth or time in a
`visual computer metaphor is important for the creation of a
`visual history of the end user’s computing sessions. By plot-
`ting new output of the computer (instead of replacing) in a
`virtual space that does not overlap or substitute what exists on
`the finite desktop, a new virtual space through depth and time
`is created. For example, ifone were to pull up the webpage for
`the URL http://www.yahoo.com, and then click on a hyper-
`link (e.g., finance), the current webpagein its window would
`be replaced by the webpagefor Yahoo! finance.
`3D has shownitself in computing primarily in the follow-
`ing areas: (1) games, (2) CAD/medical visualization, and (3)
`virtual worlds. A virtual world is a computer-simulated envi-
`ronmentthat its users can inhabit andinteract with via avatars.
`This habitation usually is represented in the form of two- or
`three-dimensional graphical representations of humanoids
`(or other graphical or text-based avatars).
`The navigation window of many desktop operating sys-
`temsuse controls and buttonsto allow end users to navigate to
`other folders and windowsin the hierarchical structure of the
`file system. Often, in navigating to new windows, the new
`windowsreplace the display of the current window. Accord-
`it would be very desirable to provide an improved
`graphical user interface that allows the user to efficiently
`navigate though a virtual space wherein groups of windows
`can be easily organized, stored, andretrieved.
`The present invention addresses the shortcomings of the
`prior-art systems and methods. In particular,
`the present
`inventionis directed to a system and methodfor providing an
`improved 3D graphicaluser interface.
`In accordance with one aspect of the embodiments
`described herein, there is provided a graphical user interface
`that uses the two-dimensional (“2D”) display of a user’s
`computer to display three-dimensional (“3D”) objects in a
`simulated real-time 3D immersive Cartesian space.
`In one embodiment, there is provided a system whereby
`new computing output occupies new virtual space near the
`original output, without losing the original output. When an
`end user clicks on a hyperlink on the webpage, there appears
`in the virtual space a new webpagethatis linked to but does
`not replace the current webpagein its window; rather, the new
`webpage is drawn in a new virtual space. This way, the end
`user can Visit past visual computing moments in time.
`In accordance with another aspect of the embodiments
`described herein, there is provided a methodfor providing a
`three-dimensional graphical user
`receiving an input from an end user, capturing computing
`US 8,881,048 B2
`output from at least one computer source in response to the
`received end-user input, and presenting the computing output
`as at least two objects within a three-dimensional virtual
`space displayed to the end user.
`In one embodiment, the method further comprises gener-
`ating a timelinethat includes an icon for each object presented
`within the virtual space, wherein the icons are organized in
`linear chronological order according to when the objects were
`presented within the virtual space and displaying the timeline
`within the virtual space. In another embodiment, the method
`further comprises providing a database module for storing
`and categorizing data regarding each object presented within
`the virtual space, providing a hyperlink within the database
`module to respective viewpoint of each object presented
`within the virtual space, and displaying the data regarding one
`or more of the objects within the database module presented
`along with virtual space.
`In accordance with another aspect of the embodiments
`described herein, there is provided a system for providing a
`three-dimensional graphicaluser interface, comprising a dis-
`play screen, an input device for receiving an input from an end
`user, a processor module operatively coupled to the display
`screen and the user input device, and a memory module
`operatively coupled to the processor module. The memory
`module preferably comprises executable codefor the proces-
`sor to capture computing output from at least one computer
`source in responseto the received end-user input and present
`the computing output as at least two objects within a three-
`dimensionalvirtual space displayed on the display screen.
`In one embodiment, the memory module further comprises
`executable code for the processor to generate a timeline that
`includes an icon for each object presented within the virtual
`space, wherein the iconsare organized in linear chronological
`order according to whenthe objects were presented within the
`Cartesian space, and display the timeline within the virtual
`space. In another embodiment, the memory module further
`comprises executable code for the processor to provide a
`database module for storing and categorizing data regarding
`each object presented within the virtual space, provide a
`hyperlink within the database module to respective viewpoint
`of each object presented within the virtual space, and display
`the data regarding one or more of the objects within the
`database module presented along with virtual space.
`In accordance with another aspect of the embodiments
`described herein, there is provided a system for providing a
`three-dimensional graphical user interface in a computernet-
`work, comprising a server connectedto the computer network
`and a user-interface application executing in association with
`the server to provide the functions of receiving an input from
`an end user, capturing computing output from at least one
`computer source in responseto the received end-user input,
`and presenting the computing outputas at least two objects
`within a three-dimensionalvirtual space displayed to the end
`In one embodiment, the user-interface application execut-
`ing in association with the server further provides the func-
`tions of generating a timeline that includes an icon for each
`object presented within the virtual space, wherein the icons
`are organizedin linear chronological order according to when
`the objects were presented within the Cartesian space, and
`displaying the timeline within the virtual space. In one
`embodiment, the user-interface application executing in asso-
`ciation with the server further provides the functionsof: pro-
`viding a database module for storing and categorizing data
`regarding each object presented withinthe virtual space, pro-
`viding a hyperlink within the database module to respective
`viewpoint of each object presented within the virtual space,
`and displaying the data regarding one or moreof the objects
`within the database module presented along with virtual
`In accordance with another aspect of the embodiments
`described herein, there is provided a network system for
`providing a three-dimensional graphical user interface, com-
`prising: a computer-server network comprising a plurality of
`servers in communication with each other; at least one display
`screen operatively coupled to the computer-server network;
`at least one input device for receiving an input from an end
`user, the input device being operatively coupled to the com-
`puter server network; and a software module for providing a
`series of screen displays to the enduser, the software module
`being accessible by one or more ofthe servers of the com-
`puter-server network. The software module preferably com-
`prises instructions for directing the servers to capture com-
`puting output from at least one network sourcein response to
`the received end-user input and to present the computing
`output as at least two objects within a simulated three-dimen-
`sional Cartesian space displayed on the display screen.
`In one embodiment, the software module further com-
`prises instructions for directing the servers to generate a time-
`line that includes an icon for each object presented within the
`Cartesian space, wherein the icons are organized in linear
`chronological order according to when the objects were pre-
`sented within the Cartesian space and to display the timeline
`within the Cartesian space. In another embodiment, the soft-
`ware module further comprises instructions for directing the
`servers to provide a database module for storing and catego-
`rizing data regarding each object presented within the virtual
`space, to provide a hyperlink within the database module to
`respective viewpoint of eac