`Bing-Yu Chen, Jan Kautz, Tong-Yee Lee, and Ming C. Lin
`(Guest Editors)
`Volume 30 (2011), Number 7
`Creating Fluid Animation
`from a Single Image using Video Database
`Makoto Okabe†1,2
`Ken Anjyo‡3
`Rikio Onai§1
`1The University of Electro-Communications
`3OLM Digital, Inc. / JST CREST
`We present a method for synthesizing fluid animation from a single image, using a fluid video database. The user
`inputs a target painting or photograph of a fluid scene along with its alpha matte that extracts the fluid region of
`interest in the scene. Our approach allows the user to generate a fluid animation from the input image and to enter
`a few additional commands about fluid orientation or speed. Employing the database of fluid examples, the core
`algorithm in our method then automatically assigns fluid videos for each part of the target image. Our method
`can therefore deal with various paintings and photographs of a river, waterfall, fire, and smoke. The resulting
`animations demonstrate that our method is more powerful and efficient than our prior work.
`Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.4.8 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Scene
`1. Introduction
`Pictures were first animated in lift-the-flap books, and the
`animation of pictures is now recognized as a classic vi-
`sual effect
`in the animation industry. It
`is also an ac-
`tive area of research within the field of computer graph-
`ics [HAA97, IMH05, HDK07]. In the animation of pictures,
`the designer specifies a single target image along with sev-
`eral characteristics regarding motion and uses a computer to
`synthesize animated sequences derived from the input. Of
`course, the level of difficulty involved in animating a picture
`varies markedly according to the complexity of the scene and
`the objects to be animated. It is difficult to animate a picture
`of a fluid. Early research [CGZ∗05,OAIS09] was successful
`in designing fluid animation. Here, we focus on this chal-
`lenging issue using an efficient data-driven approach to han-
`dle a wide variety of fluid motions that could not be animated
`A picture of a fluid can be animated in three ways. First,
`a physics-based fluid simulation can be applied to the fluid
`part of a target image. However, it is difficult to set the many
`† m.o@acm.org
`‡ anjyo@olm.co.jp
`§ onai@onailab.com
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Author(s)
`Computer Graphics Forum c(cid:13) 2011 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publish-
`ing Ltd. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ,
`UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.
`physical parameters required to reproduce the target appear-
`ance. The second method can synthesize relatively calm
`fluid motions, such as water surfaces [CGZ∗05]. However,
`our study focuses on synthesizing more dynamic motions,
`such as water splashes, smoke, or fire, in addition to calm
`fluids. A third method, which we described in our previous
`paper, requires users to specify a video and then transfers
`its fluid features to the target image [OAIS09]. This tech-
`nique relies on a single video example that limits variation in
`the available fluid features. Another problem is that the user-
`specified motion field is temporally stationary, which limits
`the dynamics. The user must also expend considerable effort
`to find an appropriate video example and specify the motion
`To address these problems, we develop a data-driven
`method to create a fluid animation from a picture (Fig. 1).
`The user inputs a target image and an alpha matte that ex-
`tracts the fluid region of interest, while providing a few op-
`tional suggestions about fluid motion (i.e., flow direction and
`speed). We employ a video database that includes hundreds
`of video examples of fluids, which therefore helps the user
`to synthesize better quality animations with less effort than
`with previous methods. The quality of the synthesized ani-
`mation is improved due to the large variety of available video
`examples. We test the flexibility of our method by synthesiz-
`Lightricks Ltd.
`Page 1 of 10
`M. Okabe et al.
`/ Creating Fluid Animation from a Single Image using Video Database
`Figure 1: We employ a database of video examples of fluids (a). The user specifies a target image (b) with a few optional
`suggestions about fluid motion, e.g., sketches of flow direction, shown as orange arrows. The user also provides an alpha matte
`of the region of interest (c). The system synthesizes an animation (d).
`ing a wide variety of fluid animations, i.e., river, waterfall,
`smoke, and fire.
`The present study makes in three major technical con-
`tributions to solve the problem addressed in this paper.
`First, we develop an image-search-based technique to effi-
`ciently extract local fluid features from a video database. We
`then cut each video into smaller pieces, which are vector-
`quantized to construct a bag-of-features codebook for effi-
`ciently finding a video piece with an appearance that is sim-
`ilar to part of the picture. Second, we develop an algorithm
`to assign the video pieces to the picture so that the integrated
`appearance and motion become smooth. This task is for-
`mulated as a multi-label assignment problem based on the
`Markov random field (MRF). The third contribution is the
`extension of the original synthesis algorithm. In our previ-
`ous study, we decomposed a video into three components,
`i.e., the average image, the motion field, and the residu-
`als [OAIS09]. However, we found that two components (the
`average image and the differences between the average im-
`age and the original frames) produce a wider variety of dy-
`namics than previously possible by using the video database
`effectively. Additionally, our approach markedly reduces the
`user burden, as illustrated below.
`2. Previous Work
`Image and Video Database Image and video searching is
`an active research field. Recently, this kind of search has
`also been applied to image and video syntheses for com-
`puter graphics applications. Millions of images are useful
`for scene completion [HE07]. Sketch2Photo allows a user to
`draw rough sketches and search for adequate images from a
`database to synthesize a desired scene [CCT∗09]. Skyfinder
`searches for a user-desired sky image, modifies its appear-
`ance, and creates a composite [TYS09]. With regard to video
`synthesis, SIFT Flow can be used to estimate the motion
`field in a single image and also to transfer part of a video
`example onto a single image [LYT∗08]. Webcam Clip Art
`provides a video database of outdoor scenes and is useful
`for scene relighting [LEN09]. However, no existing method
`addresses the problem of animating a picture of fluid using
`a video database.
`Animating Pictures Many methods have been proposed for
`creating an animation from a single image [HAA97,IMH05,
`HDK07]. These methods are useful for touring into a pic-
`ture and creating character animations, but fluid animation
`is beyond their scope. Chuang et al. proposed a method to
`synthesize an animation with stochastic motion from a sin-
`gle image [CGZ∗05], but this technique only supports oscil-
`lation of the water surface, such as ripples, and not flowing
`fluid animation. Lin et al. synthesized animation from mul-
`tiple, instead of single, high-resolution stills [LWW∗07].
`Video Texture Synthesis Video texture synthesis has
`also been well-explored [WL00, BJEYLW01, SSSE00,
`DCWS03]. However, it is difficult for users to modify the
`appearance or motion of a synthesized animation. Wang and
`Zhu analyzed fluid animation, represented it with textons,
`and synthesized an animation [WZ03]. Bhat et al. proposed
`a sketching interface that enables users to edit a fluid anima-
`tion of a video example [BSHK04]. Users can also change
`the appearance of the animation, but the problem of animat-
`ing a picture of fluid has not yet been solved. Kwatra et al.
`developed a method that can design the animation of a tex-
`ture flowing over a user-specified motion field [KEBK05],
`where only a stationary motion field is demonstrated with-
`out any high-frequency fluid features. Ma et al. extended
`example-based texture synthesis to allow an exemplar to af-
`fect the details of motion fields [MWGZ09]. These methods
`enable users to modify an existing fluid animation and syn-
`thesize an animation, but they do not allow users to specify a
`single image as an appearance constraint. Okabe et al. devel-
`oped a technique for animating a picture of fluid [OAIS09];
`this technique requires users to design a motion field manu-
`ally and to search for an appropriate video example. We ex-
`tended this work, incorporating a video database to reduce
`user effort and to improve the quality of the synthesized an-
`3. System Overview
`Given a target image of fluid that a user wants to create a
`fluid animation, our process involves selecting appropriate
`video examples from a database, assigning them onto parts
`of the target image, and integrating them all seamlessly into
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Author(s)
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
`Page 2 of 10
`M. Okabe et al.
`/ Creating Fluid Animation from a Single Image using Video Database
`Figure 2: System overview.
`a final animation. We assume that the user inputs a single
`target image and an alpha matte that extracts the fluid region
`of interest. The user can also provide a desired motion field
`by sketching the flow direction and painting a speed map,
`which is used as a constraint in the assignment process.
`Our system consists of three components: 1) construction
`of a video database of fluids (Fig. 2-a), where each video
`example is cut into small pieces, 2) a best-match search for
`an appropriate video example piece and assignment of this
`to a part of the target image, and 3) synthesis of the final
`animation through seamless integration of all the assigned
`pieces and adjustment of the overall appearance. The of-
`fline process of database construction begins with gathering
`original video examples of fluids (Fig. 2-b). To increase the
`number of video examples, we cut each video example into
`smaller pieces (Fig. 2-c). For each video example, we com-
`pute the average image by averaging the frames (Fig. 2-e) to
`obtain representative appearance information. We also com-
`pute differences between the average image and the frames
`(Fig. 2-f) that have no significant color properties but cap-
`ture high-frequency fluid features. From all of the averaged
`images in the database, we construct a bag-of-features code-
`book and describe each average image using a histogram of
`visual words (Fig. 2-d).
`Given a target image (Fig. 2-g), we cut it into pieces using
`the same process used in the database construction (Fig. 2-
`i). Next, we compute the histogram of visual words for each
`piece (Fig. 2-h), perform a best-match search between his-
`tograms of visual words (see Figs. 2-d and h), and assign
`video example pieces that have appearances similar to target
`image pieces. When a user-specified motion field is given, it
`is used as a constraint for solving the assignment problem.
`Based on the assignment results, differences are copied onto
`the corresponding target image pieces (Fig. 2-j). Finally, all
`assigned differences are integrated seamlessly and the fi-
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Author(s)
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
`nal appearance is synthesized by adjusting the appearance
`(Fig. 2-k).
`Our data-driven transfer of fluid features to a target image
`was inspired by Image Analogies [HJO∗01]; the transferred
`differences relate to the target image piece in the same way
`as the differences originally related to the average image of
`the video example. Our method differs from Image Analo-
`gies in that it is not pixel-based but rather is a patch-based
`texture synthesis, similar to Image Quilting [EF01]. When
`integrating patches, Image Quilting computes a minimum
`error boundary cut to remove seams between patches; we
`compute alpha blending using a computationally inexpen-
`sive image pyramid. A video example piece is decomposed
`into its average image and differences; the former captures
`the overall low-frequency appearance and the latter has high-
`frequency fluid features. The high-frequency features can be
`integrated seamlessly through simple alpha blending.
`4. Database of Video Examples
`We need to prepare as many video examples as possible, be-
`cause a large amount of data is always important to achieve
`high-quality data-driven image synthesis [HE07, TYS09].
`However, despite the large volume of video data available
`on the Internet, we found it difficult to gather the tens of
`thousands of video examples suitable for our purpose. Our
`criteria for video examples are:
`• The camera be fixed and focused on the fluid itself, i.e.,
`the fluid must be the primary character of the video.
`• The video examples of fluids need to be of sufficiently
`high quality for animation synthesis.
`• To simplify our method, we use only video examples with
`no other significant moving object other than fluids.
`We gathered several hundred video examples of water scenes
`from commercially available video footage collections, but
`discarded any that did not satisfy our requirements. Finally,
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`M. Okabe et al.
`/ Creating Fluid Animation from a Single Image using Video Database
`we have a total of 151 video examples of water scenes
`(Fig. 3). All video examples in the database have a resolution
`between 640× 480 pixels and 400× 300 pixels.
`Figure 3: Thumbnails of video examples in the database.
`All video examples satisfy three requirements: 1) the fluid is
`the main character in each scene, 2) each video example has
`a resolution quality between 640×480 pixels and 400×300
`pixels, and 3) no other moving objects appear in the scene.
`To increase the amount of data, our strategy is to observe
`each video example locally. For example, a video example of
`a waterfall may have a different global shape from the shape
`of the waterfall in the target image. However, its local parts,
`such as droplets or splashes, may be used to animate a part
`of the target image.
`To increase the number of video examples in the database,
`we flip each video example horizontally (thereby doubling
`the number of examples); we also scale and rotate each ex-
`ample (Fig. 4-a). We then cut examples into smaller video
`pieces (Figs. 2-c and Fig. 4-b). We make three versions of
`each video example by scaling them to 50, 75, and 100% of
`their original size. We also make three versions of each video
`example by rotating the original by −22.5, 0.0, and +22.5
`degrees. Each version is then cut into smaller pieces with a
`resolution of 48× 48 pixels, allowing neighboring pieces to
`overlap each other (Fig. 4-b). Such an idea of patch library
`is also used for synthesizing facial image [MPK09].
`Figure 4: Database construction.
`Video example pieces that include not only fluids but also
`other objects such as rocks, trees, or the sky degrade the effi-
`ciency of the database. Therefore, we remove such stationary
`examples by calculating the significance of motion. For each
`piece, we compute optical flow between neighboring frames
`(Fig. 5-b) to obtain an average through all of the frames
`(Fig. 5-c). In a video example, only a pixel position with a
`significant averaged motion is used; other pixels are masked
`out (Fig. 5-d). In addition, any video example in which no
`pixel position has significant motion is completely removed
`from the database. We use OFLib to compute a dense optical
`flow [ZPB07]. This algorithm has three important open pa-
`rameters: θ, λ, and the number of iterations, which we set to
`1.0, 0.8, and 25, respectively. Because a fluid video has high-
`frequency dynamics, we set parameters that reduce sensitiv-
`ity to such dynamics but still yield relatively smooth results.
`We have collected 246,477 video examples of water scenes.
`Figure 5: Processing a video example piece.
`To ensure efficient best-match searching and efficient as-
`signment of video examples, we construct a bag-of-features
`codebook, by which each video example piece is described
`using a histogram of visual words (Fig. 2-d). The bag-
`of-features technique works well for searches involving
`small image patches such as those in our database, espe-
`cially when it is combined with spatial pyramid represen-
`tation [SSSFF09]: while bag-of-features has only informa-
`tion of presence of textures, the spatial pyramid representa-
`tion adds information of location of textures that is important
`even for our small patches. We make a representative image
`by averaging the frames of each video example piece when
`constructing the codebook (Fig. 2-e). Averaging involves the
`motion blur that often appears in a picture of fluid; this mo-
`tion is often intentionally portrayed by a painter or a photog-
`rapher to visualize the trajectories of fluid motion. We ex-
`tract SIFT features of each representative image by applying
`a SIFT descriptor, and compute 128 dimensional feature vec-
`tors at each point on a regular grid of 9× 9 over the 48× 48
`pixel resolution image. The use of SIFT descriptors on a reg-
`ular grid is often better for image searching than using key
`points detected by Gaussian differences [LP05].
`We then compute vector quantization on all extracted
`SIFT features to obtain the visual words used to construct the
`codebook. For the vector quantization, we apply a repeated
`cluster bisectioning approach, because this method is report-
`edly faster and yields a better quality of clustering than K-
`means [ZKF05]. Similarly to K-means, we set the number of
`clusters, k, based on experimental results for settings of 100,
`200, 300, and 500; we have chosen 200 as the best parameter.
`Given the codebook, we generate a bag of features for each
`representative image of a video example piece. We assign
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Author(s)
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
`Page 4 of 10
`M. Okabe et al.
`/ Creating Fluid Animation from a Single Image using Video Database
`each SIFT feature to its nearest visual word and construct a
`histogram with spatial pyramid representation [LSP06].
`field at x, i.e., [M1(x),M2(x), ..., , MN (x)] and N is the num-
`ber of frames. We can thus define the smoothness of neigh-
`boring motion fields, Mi and M j, as
`d( ˆMi
`f , ˆM j
`f ), (2)
`smooth(Mi,M j) = d( ˆMi
`1, ˆM j
`1) + σ
`(F(x)− G(x))2,
`d(F,G) = ∑
`where Ω is a set of pixel positions in the overlapping area
`between neighboring target image pieces, F and G, and σ is a
`parameter balancing the DC component, which corresponds
`to the average motion field, and the AC component, which
`describes the higher-frequency dynamics.
`Figure 6: Fourier analysis on motion fields.
`For the third criterion, we can describe the textureness of
`an assigned video example piece and measure its similarity
`to neighboring pieces. Fig. 7 illustrates why this criterion
`is required. The two video examples of smoke have differ-
`ent appearances: one has strong contrast and the other has a
`smooth appearance. However, because they have similar mo-
`tions, flowing from left to right, the first and second criteria
`allow them to be neighboring pieces and will result in a vi-
`sual artifact with inconsistent neighboring textures: one has a
`high contrast appearance and its neighbor has a low contrast
`appearance. This is because the first criterion is based on a
`bag of features of a SIFT descriptor, which is invariant to
`illumination and contrast change and therefore too weak to
`preserve consistency. To solve this problem, we can describe
`the textureness of each frame of a video example piece us-
`ing a four-level scale-space Laplacian pyramid, and sum the
`texture through all frames; this process distinguishes Fig. 7-
`a and b, because the former has stronger coefficients than the
`latter through all of the sub-bands. The textureness of each
`video example piece, T , has a dimension of 48 × 48 × 4.
`The similarity of neighboring textureness, texture(T i,T j) is
`computed as the Euclidean distance in the overlapped area,
`similar to Eq. 3.
`We solve the assignment problem by first selecting mul-
`tiple video candidates for each target image piece based on
`their similar appearance (Eq. 1). We set the number of can-
`didates to 100, i.e., each target image piece has 100 labels,
`then determine which label should be assigned to each tar-
`get image piece. We next formulate the assignment problem
`with all of the criteria using MRF, which can be expressed
`5. Assignment of Video Example Pieces
`Given a target image, we first decompose it into pieces
`(Fig. 2-i) in the same manner as in the database construc-
`tion (Fig. 4-b). Next, we assign an appropriate video exam-
`ple piece to each target image piece. Our solution of the
`assignment problem involves three criteria: 1) appearance
`similarity between a video example piece and a target im-
`age piece; 2) smoothness of motion fields between neighbor-
`ing assigned pieces; and 3) appearance similarity between
`neighboring assigned pieces. The first criterion means that
`the more similar a video example piece is to a target image
`piece, the more likely it is that both pieces have similar fluid
`motions. The second criterion means that if a part of the tar-
`get image is assigned a fluid motion, its neighboring piece
`is likely to have a similar fluid motion, i.e., their velocities
`and temporal video textural patterns would be similar. The
`third criterion prevents neighboring pieces from generating
`an inconsistent appearance in the video texture.
`To address the first criterion, we compute appearance sim-
`ilarity by comparing bag-of-features histograms (Figs. 2-d
`and h). As in the database construction, we extract SIFT
`features on the regular grid in each target image piece and
`describe the image feature as a histogram of visual words.
`Appearance similarity is computed using a histogram inter-
`I(He,Ht ) =
`min(He[i], Ht [i]),
`where He and Ht are the histograms of visual words of a
`video example piece and a target image piece, respectively.
`For the second criterion, we assume that the similarity
`measure of the average motion field is a simple definition
`of smoothness between neighboring motion fields (Fig. 5-c).
`However, this definition is insufficient, as shown in Fig. 6,
`when each video example piece has a similar average mo-
`tion field; that is, when they all flow from top to bottom at a
`similar speed. However, if we select motion fields and assign
`them to neighboring target image pieces, the result looks un-
`natural because their temporal video textural patterns differ.
`Fig. 6-a shows a small waterfall captured from a short dis-
`tance in which the motion is temporally unstable due to vis-
`ible droplets and splashes. Fig. 6-b , however, shows a large
`waterfall captured from a long distance, with a temporally
`smooth motion. These differences in temporal patterns are
`well described by Fourier analysis; Fig. 6-a has uniformly
`strong coefficients at all frequencies whereas Fig. 6-b has
`strong coefficients only in the DC component and weak co-
`efficients at other frequencies. We can compute the Fourier
`transform at each pixel position x as ˆM(x) = F (M(x)). F is
`the one-dimensional discrete Fourier transform and conver-
`sion to the power spectrum; M(x) is a sequence of motion
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Author(s)
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
`Page 5 of 10
`M. Okabe et al.
`/ Creating Fluid Animation from a Single Image using Video Database
`Figure 7: Analyzing textureness using Laplacian pyramid.
`Figure 8: User-specified motion field. Here, the user wants
`fire to move from bottom to top along the green arrows (a
`and b) with a slower speed at the bottom and a higher speed
`at the top (c).
`tween neighboring pieces. Our strategy for seamless inte-
`gration is to decompose a video example piece into its av-
`erage image and differences. We average all the frames of
`N ∑N
`each video example piece as A = 1
`i=1 Fi, where Fi are
`the frames of the video example piece and N is the number
`of frames. We compute differences as Di = Fi − A. These
`differences capture high-frequency fluid features, which can
`be integrated using alpha blending without introducing ar-
`tifacts, and not the low-frequency appearance (Fig. 9). To
`merge smoothly overlapped areas between neighboring tar-
`get image pieces, we apply an image pyramid [BA83] and
`perform alpha blending for each sub-band. This generates
`better results than standard alpha blending along boundaries
`because it can introduce more continuity at low frequencies
`and also preserves high-frequency fluid features.
`Figure 9: Integration of neighboring video example pieces.
`The left side illustrates how each target image piece has an
`assigned video example piece, and the right side illustrates
`how corresponding differences are copied and integrated us-
`ing alpha blending with an image pyramid.
`Recovery of Color Appearance The integrated differences
`have video textures but no color appearance. To recover
`the color of the target image, we can synthesize an image
`that corresponds to the average image (Fig. 2-e) and add it
`onto the integrated differences. We can synthesize this ap-
`proximated average image by applying image-based motion
`blur [BE01] and Gaussian blur to the target image. For mo-
`tion blur, we compute a motion field over the target image,
`based on the motion fields of assigned video pieces. An open
`parameter to simulate shutter speed controls the effect of
`motion blur. The additional Gaussian blur removes the sharp
`edges that are introduced by image-based motion blur; ker-
`nel size is determined in proportion to the magnitude of the
`motion field.
`Appearance Matching Finally, we can match the appear-
`ance of the synthesized animation more precisely to the
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Author(s)
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
`E = ∑
`Vp(li) + λ ∑
`Wp,q(li,l j),
`where labels, li and l j, are assigned to the neighboring tar-
`get image pieces, p and q. Vp is the data term and Wp,q is
`the smoothness term; these are defined using a balancing pa-
`rameter ρ, as follows:
`Vp(li) = I(Hp, Hli ),
`Wp,q(li, l j) = smooth(Mli ,Ml j ) + ρ· texture(T li , T l j ).
`To ensure energy minimization, we apply the graph-cut
`method with a-expansion [BVZ01], which is provided as a
`package by [SZS∗08]. After the graph cut is run, each target
`image piece has an assigned video example piece that best
`satisfies all criteria.
`User-Specified Motion Field A user can manually spec-
`ify a desired motion field and influence the assignment pro-
`cess, which is useful for controlling dynamics or modify-
`ing a failed assignment. To make the editing process as easy
`as possible, we can decompose motion field into orientation
`and speed maps [OAIS09]. The user draws using strokes
`(Fig. 8-a) and generates an orientation map by interpolat-
`ing the sparsely drawn strokes using a radial basis function
`(Fig. 8-b). The speed map is a gray-scale image that is easily
`edited using paint software (Fig. 8-c). The user can specify
`the orientation and the speed map, or only one of these. It
`is possible to edit a speed map from scratch, but it is eas-
`ier to edit a speed map obtained from the already assigned
`video example pieces. The edited motion field affects the se-
`lection of the 100 candidates: before the selection, we can
`narrow down candidates in advance by discarding video ex-
`ample pieces with motions that differ greatly from the user-
`specified motion field.
`6. Video Synthesis
`Integration of Assigned Video Example Pieces After as-
`signment, we expect neighboring target video example im-
`age pieces will have video textures. However, because they
`are likely to come from different parts of different video ex-
`amples, naïve integration of these pieces causes visible ar-
`tifacts, especially discontinuities along the boundaries be-
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`M. Okabe et al.
`/ Creating Fluid Animation from a Single Image using Video Database
`target image. We apply histogram-matching between each
`frame of the synthesized animation and the target image in
`the same manner as [OAIS09] using Heeger and Bergen’s
`texture synthesis algorithm [HB95]. To recover local appear-
`ance, we divide the image space into regular grids and apply
`the process to each region independently.
`Figures. 1, 11-d, and 11-g. Designing a speed map from
`scratch is difficult, but when synthesizing the first version of
`an animation, our system outputs the resulting speed map.
`This is a gray-scale image that can be easily loaded into any
`paint software. By editing the map, the user can make the
`animation run faster or slower.
`Dynamic Boundaries of Fluid The synthesis method de-
`scribed above is useful for rendering fluid features with
`a static overall shape, e.g., a waterfall seen from a long
`distance. However, when we apply this method to fire or
`smoke, the synthesized animation looks unnatural. We de-
`velop a simple ad-hoc method to achieve dynamic bound-
`aries of fluid by advecting the alpha matte according to mo-
`tion fields [BNTS07]. We can define an image-warping func-
`tion Wi(I) that deforms an image I according to the motion
`field Mi of the synthesized animation. Given an alpha matte
`α, we repeatedly synthesize the time-varying alpha matte Bi:
`Bi+1 = τWi(Bi) + (1−τ)α, where B1 is equal to α and τ con-
`trols the dynamics of Bi. We also apply an area-preserving
`adjustment each time Bi is computed to ensure that the area
`of Bi is always the same. Synthesis of dynamic boundaries
`requires that the user perform an additional task: manual de-
`sign of the background image. The background is hidden
`by fluid in the original image, but it appears when the fluid
`moves. In our experiment, we used Adobe Photoshop’s clone
`stamp tool and found that it took less than 10 min to design
`each background.
`Figure 10: Each frame of a fire animation has dynamic
`boundaries and a corresponding alpha matte.
`7. Results and Discussion
`We employed an independent database for water, fire, and
`smoke scenes. This involved gathering 151, 96, and 89
`video examples for the water, fire, and smoke databases, re-
`spectively. From these, we obtained 246,477, 226,986 and
`195,318 video example pieces. We synthesized fluid anima-
`tions for target images, including photographs and paint-
`ings (Figs. 1 and
`11). Figure 1 shows the application
`of our technique to a tour into the picture in the supple-
`mentary video [HAA97]. We designed an alpha matte for
`each target image using a scribble-based image segmenta-
`tion tool [LSTS04]; this process takes less than 5 min. We
`specified the orientation map for all target images; design-
`ing the orientation map requires a sparse set of user-drawn
`strokes, which is a simple task and takes less than 1 min.
`We specified the speed map only for the examples shown in
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Author(s)
`c(cid:13) 2011 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
`Figure 11: Thumbnails of synthesized animations: pho-
`tographs(a,b,c,e,h) and paintings (d,f,g).
`Assignment of Video Example Pieces The supplementary
`video demonstrates that our assignment algorithm works
`well, using Figures 11-e and 11-f as target images. Render-
`ings from the assigned video example pieces shown in the
`supplementary video already resemble the target image. In
`Figure 11-e, the top region has strong flames, with smaller
`flames appearing around the tree trunks. For each region,
`the assignment process copies and pastes appropriate ani-
`mations from various video examples. Figure 11-f has re-
`gions with waterfalls, whitewater, and calm water surfaces;
`each of these areas is based on appropriate video examples.
`Waterfalls or regions with flames tend to have successful
`assignment even without any user input because they have
`strong image edges that correlate to the flow direction. For
`example, waterfalls and flames always move from top to bot-
`tom and from bottom to top, respectively. High-frequency
`regions tend to have slower, more detailed motion. However,
`the flow direction of the water surface in Figures 11-a and
`11-h is ambiguous. It is also difficult to determine the flow
`direction of smoke, because image edges do not correlate
`to an underlying flow direction and speed. The correlation
`between appearance and motion is most noticeably absent in
`paintings. In these cases, orientation and speed maps become
`especially important.
`Timing In our current implementation, which is not opti-
`mized, we spend an average of approximately 1 hour cre-
`ating the first version of the synthesized animation. We use
`a workstation with an Intel(R) Xeon(R) 3.33 GHz cpu for
`video synthesis and a remote file server for the database.
`We spend 30 min on the assignment process and 30 min on
`video sy
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