`4/11/22, 10:56 PM
`The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120329131929/http://www.imagemagick.org:80/Usage/dist…
`ImageMagick v6 Examples --
` Distorting Images
` ImageMagick Examples Preface and Index
` General Distortion Techniques
`Forward or Direct Pixel Mapping
`Reversed Pixel Mapping
`Interpolated Pixel Lookup
`Super-Sampling, Improved Results
`Area Resampling, the next step
` Affine Matrix Transforms (separate sub-directory)
` Generalized Distortion Operator
`Distort Options, Controls, and Settings
`Best Fit (+distort) Option
`Image Filters and Color Determination
`Virtual Pixels and Tiling
`Missed and Invalid Pixels
`EWA Resampling and Filters
`Interpolated Color Lookup
`Verbose Distortion Summary
`Viewport, Where Distort Looks
`Centered Square Crop
`Output Scaling, and Super-Sampling
` Introduction to Distortion Methods
`SRT Distortion (scale,rotate,translate)
`Methods of Rotating Images
`Distortions Using Control Points
`Image Coordinates vs Pixel Coordinates
`Control Points using Percent Escapes
`Control Point Least Squares Fit
`Control Point Files
` Affine (Three Point) Distortion Methods
`Affine Distortion
`Affine Projection Distortion
`Affine Distortion Examples
`Affine Tiling
`3D Cubes, using Affine Layering
`3D Shadows, using Affine Shears
`3D Shadows, using Perspective
`Resize Distortion
` Four Point Distortion Methods
`Perspective Distortion
`Viewing Distant Horizons
`3D Boxes, using Perspective Layering
`Perspective Projection Distortion
`Perspective Internals
`Bilinear Distortion Metjods
`Bilinear Tiling
`Bilinear Internals
` Polynomial Distortion
` Circular and Radial Distortion Methods
`Arc Distortion (images in circular arcs)
`Arc into Full Circle Rings
`Arc Distortion Examples
`Arc, Center Point Placement
`Polar Distortion (full circle distort)
`DePolar Distortion (polar to cartesian)
`Depolar-Polar Cycle Technique
`Depolar-Polar Problem
`Polar Rotation
`Rotational Blur
`Radial Streaks
`Barrel Distortion (lens correction)
`BarrelInverse Distortion (alternative barrel)
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`Distorting -- IM v6 Examples
` Projective Distortions
`Cylinder 2 Plane
`Plane 2 Cylinder
` Multi-Point and Freeform Distorts
`Shepards Distortion (taffy pulling!)
`Shepards and Image Rotations
`Shepards Summary
`Having looked at the simple set of built-in image wrapping and distortion operators IM has provided since its early
`days, here we go deeper and look at the internal mechanics and more complex mathematical distortions of images.
`From this deeper understanding, we then looks at a more generalize image distortion operator. This includes
`distortions, from complex rotations, scaling and shearing, to perspective or 3D distortions, to warping to and from
`circular arcs, camera lens distortions, and finally to more general morph-like distortions.
`General Distortion Techniques
`Now that we have been introduce to the simple distortion operators that IM provides, lets take a step back and look at
`the nitty-gritty, and see how image distortions actually work, and how you can improve the way you use them.
`Later we'll go forward to much more complex ways of distortion images, including methods that are not directly built
`into ImageMagick.
`There are only a few basic ways an image processor can distort images.
`The Simple Distortion operators for example are achieved by Pixel Swapping. That is, individual pixels or even
`whole rows and columns of pixels are just swapped around to Flip, Roll, Transpose and even Rectangular Rotates of
`images. No color changes are made, and the number of pixels remains the same.
`The next method of distorting images is by Shifting or Shearing the columns and rows of pixels either horizontally
`or vertically, such as what IM does with Image Shearing and the Wave Distortion above. The shears in turn providing
`one method to Rotate Images by any given angle, in a manner that should be quite fast.
`However pixel shifting methods are limited to those basic distortions. It can not scale an image to a different size for
`example. You also have very little control over the handling of areas in the resulting image that was not covered by
`the original source image. In the above mentioned functions IM just sets the missing areas to the current background
`To be able to distort images in a much more general way you need to use a more general distortion technique known
`as Reverse Pixel Mapping. For example this method is used by the more complex Circular Distortions such as
`Imploding and Swirling images.
`Forward or Direct Pixel Mapping
`The first thing people think of when attempting to distort an image is to just take each pixel in the source image and
`move it directly to its new location in the destination image.
`In fact this is sort of what actually happens for Simple Distorts, Image Cropping and even for distorting Vector
`Images. Each pixel (or coordinate) is is just moved to its new position in the final image.
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`Unfortunately this has problems when you try to do this for anything but a simple distortion. For example here I take
`a Enumerated Pixel list of a small image, and just change the location of each pixel, so as to rotate it to its new
` # Rotate by 17 degrees -- get the Sine and Cosine of this angle
` sin=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:sin( 17 *pi/180)]" info:`
` cos=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:cos( 17 *pi/180)]" info:`
` # For each Pixel, rotate that pixels coordinates
` convert koala.gif txt:- | sed '2,$ s/,/:/' |\
` gawk -F: 'NR == 1 { print }
` NR > 1 { x = $1-32; y = $2-32;
` nx = int( c*x - s*y + 32 );
` ny = int( s*x + c*y + 32 );
` printf( "%d,%d: %s\n", nx, ny, $3 );
` }' s=$sin c=$cos - |\
` convert -background black txt:- koala_rotated_direct.gif
`The distortion is a simple rotation of just 17 degrees, but the results are not very nice at all.
`First of all each new pixel location is a floating point value, but pixels can only exist in an integer grid, so the above
`simply junks the non-integer fraction of the results.
`The second problem is that the result is full of holes where no pixel landed. In fact for every hole in the image, you
`will probably also find two pixels landed on the same coordinate. That is you have a third problem of overlapping
`pixels, which pixel value should you use?
`In other words the resulting image is incomplete, where each pixel in the destination could have multiple results or no
`results at all. This is a serious problem, and one that can not be easily solved when forward mapping pixels from the
`source image directly to the destination image.
`That is not to say that it can not work, and many research papers using a technique known as 'splatting'. Basically
`they take each input pixel, transform its location, and then draw it with appropriate spreading and mixing of pixel
`colors in the new location. This technique is especially useful when dealing with 3-D digitization, of real world
`objects where none of the point locations have structure to them. That is the input is just a 'cloud' of individual points
`on a 3-D surface. Splatting however is beyond IM's scope of handling 2-D raster images.
`Reverse Pixel Mapping
`Rather than trying to map pixels into the final image, you can map the coordinate of each pixel in the destination
`image to the corresponding location in the source image, and from the source image lookup the color that pixel
`should contain. This is known as a Reverse Pixel Mapping and is what just about every image distortion program
`As each and every destination image pixel is processed, we can be sure that every pixel in the destination gets one
`and only one color. So as long as we can figure out the 'source' location for each destination pixel, we can distort a
`source image to the destination image using any mathematical formula you can imagine.
`In Summary, a distortion mapping (reverse mapping) does the following.
`For each pixel (I,J) in the destination or output image
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`Distorting -- IM v6 Examples
` Map the I,J pixel position to a X,Y pixel position in the original image
` Look up the Color of the original image at position X,Y
` Using color interpolation, work out the appropriate color.
` Or the virtual-pixel setting, if it misses the actual source image.
` Set the destination images color for pixel I,J
`Note that I used the variable names 'I,J' and 'X,Y' in the above as these variables map into the variables name that you
`would typically use in the FX DIY Operator.
`For example here I simulate the same 17 degree rotation I attempted before, but this time use the "-fx" operator to
`look up the nearest pixel to that location in the source image.
` # Rotate by 17 degrees -- get the Sine and Cosine of this angle
` sin=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:sin( 17 *pi/180)]" info:`
` cos=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:cos( 17 *pi/180)]" info:`
` cx=37; cy=37; # center of rotation
` convert -size 75x75 xc: koala.gif \
` -virtual-pixel Black -interpolate NearestNeighbor \
` -fx "ii = i - $cx; jj = j - $cy;
` xx = $cos*ii +$sin*jj + $cx;
` yy = -$sin*ii +$cos*jj + $cy;
` v.p{xx,yy}" \
` koala_rotated_fx.gif
`You can get more detail about the above DIY example in the sub-section on DIY Affine Distortion Mapping.
`As you can see we no longer have 'holes' in our image as a color is looked up for each and every pixel in the
`destination. It still does not look very good, but that is a matter of adjusting exactly what color should be placed into
`each pixel.
`That is Reverse Pixel Mapping does not generate either holes, or overlapping pixels. Each pixel has a properly
`defined color producing a complete image.
`The distinction between forward and reverse mapping is important as most mathematical transformations are defined
`as forward mappings, mapping a single source (X,Y) position to a destination (I,J) position. And indeed a 'forward
`mapping' works well for vector graphics, and drawing lines where you can just map the ends of the line and draw it.
`This is especially true for any linear transformation, such as rotations, where lines remain straight. It is in fact what is
`done for all vector based languages such as such as postscript and SVG.
`But for a general raster image, you must use a 'reverse mapping' to distort the image, so that you can be certain that
`you 'fill in' all the pixels of the destination image.
`For example if you look the mathematics that was used to map the coordinates in the above two cases, you will find
`they look almost exactly the same. The reverse mapping of a 'rotate' is another 'rotate', just in the opposite direction. If
`you look closely you will see that the 'sin' constant is negated to the forward mapped version, and that is enough to
`reverse the direction of rotation. This detail is important and critical.
`The problem is not all forward mapping transforms, work well as a reversed transform. Some forward mappings in
`fact have no simple direct solutions.
`On the other hand some image transformations work very well when directly used as a reverse mapping, where they
`would fail badly if used on forward mapped vector images.
`As an FYI here is the faster equivalent to the above using a General Distortion, SRT method that does the same
`rotation of the image.
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`Again the color lookup is restricted to just the color of the closest pixel to the mapped position by using 'point'
`interpolation. This means that no new colors are added to the image (other than when we 'missed' the source image),
`but you also get severe aliasing effects.
` convert koala.gif -virtual-pixel Black -interpolate NearestNeighbor \
` -filter point -distort SRT 17 koala_rotated_srt.gif
`For an alternative discussion of distortion transforms, see Leptonica, Affine Implementation and specifically its discussion
`of 'point-wise' method. The other method, 'sequential', is essentially how IM implements its Rotate and Shear distortion
`What's in a name?
`During my study I found that there is no real clear naming of this image processing method. The actual algorithmic
`process is known a 'Reverse Pixel Mapping', while the use of mathematical equations is known as a 'Geometric
`Transformation'. If the distortion is controlled by the movement of various control points, it often known a 'Image
`Warping' or 'Rubber Sheeting'. The process of defining specific points, usually to find equivalent points between two
`or more images is known as 'Image Registration'.
`Images can also be subdivided into smaller simpler units which are individually distorted using a technique called
`'Gridding' (quadrilaterals) and 'Triangular Meshing' (triangles). By using small incremental distortions with blending
`of colors from two images you can generate animated 'Image Morphs' such as you see in movies and music videos.
`In the 3d modeling, and in 3d computer games, the same techniques are also used to give some type of colored pattern
`to flat and curved surfaces in a method known as 'Texture Mapping'. This can involve sub-dividing images into grids
`and meshes that approach a single pixel. Then you have viewing of a object that is defined in terms of millions of
`single points using a technique called 'Point Splatting', though that is typically applied using a forward mapping
`All the above are very closely related, and most basically involve the look up of a pixels color based on mapping a
`final destination coordinate, to the source image (or object). In other words mapping destination to Source. What term
`should be used... Take your pick.
`Pixel Color Lookup
`There are still a few problems with the above Reverse Pixel Mapping technique. First of all is that when mapping a
`pixel from a fixed integer position in the destination, you can end up with a non-integer position in the source image.
`That is a location that falls somewhere between the individual pixels on the source image. To determine what color
`should be returned a process called Interpolation is used to determine the final color for that real position by mixing
`the colors of the surrounding pixels.
`The Interpolation setting will also handle the case when a part of a distorted image becomes 'stretched out' so that a
`single source pixel becomes smeared over a large area of the destination image. However the opposite is not handled
`very well by a simple interpolation method. And that requires other techniques which we will look at below.
`For example here we again rotate our koala, but this time use a "-interpolate Mesh" setting to mix the four nearby
`pixels so as to produce a better, more correct, color from the lookup.
` convert koala.gif -virtual-pixel Black -interpolate Mesh \
` -filter point -distort SRT 17 koala_rotated_mesh.gif
`As you can see but using a simple merger of neighboring colors surrounding the lookup point, you can greatly
`improve the look of the distorted image.
`Their are other problems involved...
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`For example what do you do when the mapped position 'misses' the source image completely. In this case, what color
`should be returned is determined by the Virtual Pixel setting. This setting will pick a color, such as the nearest edge of
`the source image, pretend the source image is infinitely tiled (or mirror tiled) across the plain, or use some specific
`color such as 'white', 'black', or 'transparent' or the user defined background color.
`There is also the possibility that there is no mathematically valid coordinate for a specific destination position being
`mapped. For example the pixel looks into the 'sky' of a perspective 'plane' (See Viewing Distant Horizons), and thus
`does not even see the 'plane' in which the source image lies.
`In this case a Virtual Pixel is useless as it does 'hit' the source image plane in a N-dimensional space. That is the
`destination pixel is completely invalid! In this case IM uses the current "-matte" setting for the pixel color. If it is a
`'near-miss' IM will anti-alias this invalide color with a neighbouring colors of the image plane.
`Super Sampling
`Interpolation works well for simple image distortions. But if part of the source image gets compressed into a much
`smaller area, each destination pixel could actually require a merging of a much larger area of the source image.
`Remember pixels are not really points, but represent a rectangular area of a real image.
`This means in some cases we really should be trying to compress a large area of the source image into a single
`destination pixel. When this happens a simple Pixel Lookup will fail, as it only looks up the color at a single 'point' in
`the source image (using the surrounding pixel neighbourhood), and does not merge and combine all the colors of the
`input image that may have to be compressed into that single pixel.
`The result of this is that a destination pixel could end up with an essentially random color from the source image,
`rather than an average of all the colors involved. The results are seemingly random, isolated pixels, Moire effects, and
`'stair-casing' along the edges of sharp color changes. Thin lines also start to look more like dotted lines (see examples
`for the Sample Operator), or could disappear entirely. All these effects are known collectively as Aliasing Artifacts
`(see image resizing).
`One solution to this to lookup more color readings from the source image, for each and every pixel in the destination,
`so as to try and determine a more correct color for each pixel in the destination image. The simplest technique to do
`this is generally know as super-sampling, or over-sampling. See the Wikipedia Entry on Super-Sampling.
`By taking more samples from the source image for each destination pixel, the final color of the individual pixel will
`become a more accurate representation of distorted image at that point. The more color samples you make, the more
`accurate the final color will be, and a smoother more realistic look will be generated.
`Remember this technique only really improves the general look of the destination in areas where the source image
`becomes compressed by more than 50%. In areas where the distortion magnifies the source image, or keeps it about
`the same scale, a Interpolated Look Up of the source image look up will generally produce a good result with just one
`single lookup.
`In the Imploding Images warping examples (and many other examples thought), I touched briefly on the simplest
`method of 'super-sampling'. Enlarging the size of the output image (in this case by enlarging the input image), and
`then performing the distortion. After the distortion is complete we then resize the image back to its normal size again.
`For example...
` convert -size 94x94 xc:red -bordercolor white -border 3 \
` -virtual-pixel tile -implode 4 \
` implode_tiled_box.gif
` convert -size 94x94 xc:red -bordercolor white -border 3 \
` -virtual-pixel tile -resize 400% -implode 4 -resize 25% \
` implode_tiled_ss.gif
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`Distorting -- IM v6 Examples
`Normal Implosion of a Box Image
`Super Sampled Implosion
`Of course rather than enlarging the image, you could either use a higher quality (larger) source image, or generate one
`during your previous processing steps.
`This is especially useful when rotating text, which often has very fine detail that needs to be uniformly preserved to
`ensure a good high quality look in the final image. For examples of this see the Polaroid Transform.
`As of IM v6.4.2-6, the General Distortion Operator, can directly generate an enlarged output image, which you can scale
`(or resize) back down so as to merge and super-sample the resulting pixels. See distortion scale setting, as well as the next
`This is only one method of super sampling (known as the 'grid' method), there are however many other variations on
`this method. Eventually these methods may be implemented more directly in ImageMagick, but for now simple
`enlargement and scaling of images work quite well, without any additional coding need.
`One final word of warning. Super-sampling is limited by the number of samples that was used for each pixel in the
`final image, and thus the amount of scaling used in the final resize. This determines the final 'quality' of the distorted
`image. But by using larger scaling factors, the distorted image will of course be much much slower to generate, but
`have even higher quality. Unfortunately even this has limits.
`In the extreme, super-sampling will not handle image distortions that involves infinities (such as in the center of an
`imploded image). In such cases a completely different technique is needed, such as one that is provided by Area
`Resampling (see below).
`In summary, super-sampling can improve the look of images with only minor distortions, such as rotations, and
`shears. But it has limits to the types of distortions that it can improve.
`Adaptive Sampling
`The super-sampling technique can be expanded further. Rather than just using a fixed number of color lookups for
`each pixel, a check is made on either the distance between the lookups in the source image, or on the colors returned,
`to see if we should make more samples for that specific pixel.
`That is the amount of super-sampling could be made responsive to needs of the distortion, without knowing anything
`about the specifics of the distortion itself. This is known as Adaptive Super-Sampling.
`This technique is actually very common in Ray Tracers, where it is next to impossible to determine just how complex
`the resulting image is at specific points. In this case it is often restricted to the use of 'color differences' to determine
`when more samples are needed.
`IM does not currently support adaptive super-sampling at this time. Though it is quite possible to add alternative
`sampling methods into the General Distortion Operator (see below). It will require some functional rearrangement of
`the code, so may not be added anytime soon.
`Area Resampling, for better Distortions
`The best alternative to super-sampling methods is Area Re-sampling.
`Rather than distorting a larger image and averaging the results by resizing, Or just taking and averaging more samples
`from the image, we actually determine exactly how many pixels from the source image should be merged together
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`(based on the 'scale' of the distortion at that point) to generate each specific output pixel. That is figure out a rough
`'area' within the source image, each output pixel represents, and merge (filter) all those pixels together.
`In fact this is exactly what the ImageMagick Resize Operator (in reality a very specific type of image distortion) does
`to generate such good results. However for resize, you only need to calculate the scale and area needed to be sampled,
`once for the whole image, and the areas to be samples are rectangular.
`When area re-sampling a distorted image, the area of pixel being generate covers will change with position. Some
`pixel may only need to merge a few source image colors, or even just one single interpolated color lookup, while
`another pixel elsewhere in the image, may need to sample a very large number of pixels to generate the correct final
`Also the area that a destination pixel represents in the source image, may not be a simple square or circle, but may
`actually be a highly distorted shape, according to the distortion being used. Calculating and handling such awkward
`shapes can be very time consuming, or near impossible to achieve.
`For example here is a diagram showing how a round pixel in
`various parts of the final image needs to use all the colors from a
`larger, elliptical area in the source image.
`Using an elliptical area of the source image to calculate colors for
`each destination pixel, is a method known as Elliptical Weighted
`Average (EWA) Re-sampling, and was outlined in the PDF research
`paper "Fundamentals of Texture Mapping and Image Warping" by
`Paul Heckbert. This was then used to define the new Generalized
`Distortion Operator (see below).
`The results of this algorithm is especially good for extreme scale
`reductions such as produced by perspective distortions. For
`example here are all three re-sampling methods for an infinitely
`tiled perspective image. See Viewing Distant Horizons below for
` # input image: special checkerboard with a gold outline.
` convert -size 90x90 pattern:checkerboard -normalize -fill none \
` -stroke gold -strokewidth 3 -draw 'rectangle 0,0 89,89' \
` -fill red -draw 'color 20,20 floodfill' \
` -fill lime -draw 'color 40,70 floodfill' \
` -fill dodgerblue -draw 'color 70,40 floodfill' \
` checks.png
` # Using Interpolated Lookup
` convert checks.png -filter point \
` -virtual-pixel tile -mattecolor DodgerBlue \
` -distort Perspective '0,0 20,60 90,0 70,63 0,90 5,83 90,90 85,88' \
` horizon_tile_point.png
` # Using Grid Super Sampling
` convert checks.png -filter point -set option:distort:scale 10 \
` -virtual-pixel tile -mattecolor DodgerBlue \
` -distort Perspective '0,0 20,60 90,0 70,63 0,90 5,83 90,90 85,88' \
` -scale 10% horizon_tile_super.png
` # Using Area Resampling (default)
` convert checks.png -virtual-pixel tile -mattecolor DodgerBlue \
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`Distorting -- IM v6 Examples
` -distort Perspective '0,0 20,60 90,0 70,63 0,90 5,83 90,90 85,88' \
` horizon_tile.png
`Check Image
`Super Sampling
`Elliptical Weighted Area
`(EWA) Resampling
`The last image was generated using the default EWA settings of the Generalized Distortion Operator (see below). It
`took 4.6 seconds to generate. Which is rather reasonable.
`The first image however is exactly the same, except that EWA resampling has been turned off by using a "-filter
`point" setting. This forces it to use Direct Interpolated Lookup for each pixel. As such this image was generated
`extremely fast in comparison (.51 seconds).
`The middle image is like the first image but with the distorted output image being enlarged by a factor of 10, before
`being scaled back to the original size. That is more than 100 pixels were looked up for each destination pixel, so as to
`Super Sample the result. It is quite fast to generate (1.2 seconds), and while it improves the quality of the image in
`general, that improvement is limited, and depends on how much super-sampling was provided. The ×10 used in the
`above example is very heavy, far exceeding the more typical 3 or 4 times scaling used for super-sampling.
`The biggest difference is that super-sampling only does a general improvement in quality uniformly over the whole
`image. As the distortion gets more sever it starts to break down. The result is the highly visible Resizing Artifacts in
`the middle ground, and a line of server moire effects just before the horizon. The moire effect is caused when when
`the 10 samples across per pixel closely matches the gross checker board pattern of the image.
`On the other hand area-resampling concentrates more on the problem pixels closer to the horizon (where it spends
`almost all of its time), than on foreground pixels. For simple distortions, EWA lookup remains slower than a direct
`sampled image, but is usually a lot faster than super-sampling as it avoids doing excessive sampling where it is not
`need. But it becomes very slow when distortions become very sever, as it needs to merge more pixels to get the color
`Basically the above is a very extreme distortion, and the time EWA lookup takes is commensurate. More commonly it
`generates much better results than a single interpolated lookup, while not using too many samples on every pixel as
`super-sampling does.
`A simple ellipse used by EWA, may not be perfect for all distortions. For example the "DePolar" distortion actually requires
`a curved circular arc for its ideal resampling area, rather than an ellipse. Because of this you may better off using a Super
`Sampling for these distortions.
`Generalized Distortion Operator
`With the generation of these examples, the ensuing discussions in the IM Forums, and multiple requests from users
`for easier and faster ways to do perspective and other distortions, a new operator was added to IM v6.3.5-1 to allow
`us to more easily add image distortions, of many different types.
`This Generalized Distortion Operator is called "-distort", and you can see what distortion methods it has available
`on your IM version using "-list Distort".
` convert -list distort
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`The "-distort" operator takes two arguments, one of the distortion methods as given by the above, and a second
`string argument consisting of comma or space separated list of floating point values, that is used to control the
`specific distortion method.
` convert ... -distort {method} "{list_of_floating_point_values}" ...
`The number floating point values given is however highly dependant on the distortion method being used, and their
`meanings also depend not only on the method chosen, but can also depend on the exact number of control points or
`attributes needed for a particular method.
`This is especially the case for the 'Scale-Rotate-Translate' (or 'SRT' for short) distortion, which really combines three
`separate 'Affine' distortions into a single distortion.
`Many distortion methods take a list of control points (in Image Coordinates), and typically these are given as pairs of
`coordinates which control how the distortion is to modify the image. These pairs of coordinates are detailed more
`fully later in Distortions Using Control Points.
`Distortion Options, Controls and Settings
`Best Fit +Distort Flag
`By default "-distort" will usually distort the source image(s) into an image that is the same size as the original
`image. There are exceptions to this, such as the 'Arc' distortion (a polar mapping variant) where the input source
`image size really does not have much meaning in the distorted form of the image (see Arc Distortion below for
`The other form of the operator, "+distort" (Added to IM v6.3.5-7), will attempt resize the distorted image so it will
`contain the whole of the input image (if possible), much like what the older Rotate and Shearing operators do.
`However this particular 'mode' of operation also goes further and also sets the Virtual Canvas Offset (page) of the
`resulting image. This way you can later Layers Merge this image onto another image, at the correct position
`according to your control points.
`Also (depending on the distortion method) a "+distort" will attempt to take into account any existing Virtual Canvas
`Offset that may be present in the source image, and use it as part of the distortion process. See the notes about the
`individual disortion methods.
`As such you may need to make judicious use of the "+repage" attribute setting operator to clear or adjust that offset
`before using the 'best-fit' "+distort" form of the General Distortion Operator. You am may need to use it after if the
`virtual canvas and offset is not required. See also Removing Canvas/Page Geometry.
`The normal "-distort" will just ignore any existing offset present in the source image in terms of the distortion itself