Trevor Mudge
`Bredt Family Chair of Computer Science & Engineering
`Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
`Computer Science & Engineering
`Bob & Betty Beyster Building
`The University of Michigan
`2260ward Street
`Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121
`tel: +1 734 323-4613
` Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1977. Thesis: A Computer Hardware
`Design Language for Multiprocessor Systems.
` M.S. Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1973. Thesis: SEMANTRIX: A
`Semantically Guided Digital Electronic Machine.
` B.Sc. (Hons.) Cybernetics, University of Reading, England, 1969.
`Work History
` 2002-present: The Bredt Family Chair of Computer Engineering and Professor Electrical Engineering
`and Computer Science, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of
`Michigan, Ann Arbor
` 1990-2002: Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan,
`Ann Arbor
` 1992-2002: Director of the Advanced Computer Architecture Lab., The University of Michigan,
`Ann Arbor
` 1984-1990: Associate Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of
`Michigan, Ann Arbor
` 1977-1983: Assistant Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of
`Michigan, Ann Arbor
` 1974-1977: Research Assistant, Digital Systems Research Group, Coordinated Science Laboratory,
`University of Illinois. Research in the areas of digital systems design languages, parallel processing, and
`fault tolerant computing.
` 1970-1974: Research Assistant, Information Engineering Group, Digital Computer Laboratory,
`University of Illinois. Design and construction of several digital machines.
`Professional Society Membership
` Life Fellow IEEE and member of the IEEE Computer Society
` Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery
` Member of the IET: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (was Institution of Electrical
` Member of the British Computer Society
` Member of Sigma Xi
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0001


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
` 2021 Test of Time Award for Razor: A low-power pipeline based on circuit-level timing speculation.
`36th Ann. IEEE/ACM Symp. Microarchitecture (MICRO-36), Dec. 2003, pp. 7-18.
` 2021 Best paper for: Prodigy: Improving the Memory Latency of Data-Indirect Irregular Workloads
`Using Hardware-Software Co-Design. Int. Symp. on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA),
`Seoul, S. Korea, February 2021.
` 2018 Most Impactful Paper—25 years Awarded at International Conference on High-Performance
`Computing (HiPC) Silver Jubilee in December 2018. “Power: A first class design constraint for future
`architectures.” Proc.7th Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing - HiPC, (Springer Lecture Notes in
`Computer Science), Dec. 2000, Bangalore, India, pp. 215-224.
` 2017 ACM SIGARCH/IEEE-CS TCCA Influential ISCA paper award, for “Dowsy Caches: Simple
`Techniques for Reducing Leakage Power” (with K. Flautner, N. Kim, S. Martin, D. Blaauw) from the
`Proc. of the 29th Ann. Int. Symp. on Computer Architecture, May 2002. The award recognizes the paper
`from the ISCA proceedings 15 years earlier that has had the most impact on the field during the
`intervening years.
` 2017 Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery, “For contributions to power aware
`computer architecture”.
` 2015 Top Pick: selected as one of the 12 best papers in computer architecture for 2015
`J. Hauswald, M. A. Laurenzano, Y. Zhang, C. Li, A. Rovinski, A. Khurana, R.G. Dreslinski, T. Mudge,
`V. Petrucci, L. Tang, J. Mars. Sirius: An Open End-to-end Voice and Vision Personal Assistant and Its
`Implications For Future Warehouse Scale Computers. IEEE MICRO May/June 2016, vol. 36, no. 3, pp.
` 2014 International Conference on Supercomputing 25th Anniversary Issue 1987-2011 (35 most
`influential papers). For the paper: Improving data cache performance by pre-executing instructions
`under a cache miss. (James Dundas and Trevor Mudge) Proc. 1997 ACM Int. Conf. on Supercomputing,
`July 1997. Reprinted in the anniversary issue, U. Banerjee Editor, 2014.
` 2014 Best paper for: Sources of Error in Full System Simulation. 2014 IEEE Int. Symp. on Performance
`Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), Monterey, CA, March 2014, pp. 13-22.
` 2014 Distinguished Achievement Award from the University of Illinois Computer Science Department
`as an “outstanding educator and researcher whose work has advanced the field of low-power computer
`architecture and its interaction with technology.” Given at the Department's CS @ Illinois 50th
`Anniversary Celebration, October 20th , 2014.
` 2014 ACM/IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award. For pioneering contributions to low-power computer
`architecture and its interaction with technology. June 2014.
` 2014 Chartered IT Professional (CTIP), British Computer Society, c. 2014.
` 2013 Life Fellow of the IEEE, 2013
` 2012 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design’s Ten Year Retrospective Most
`Influential Paper Award in 2012. For the paper: Combined dynamic voltage scaling and adaptive body
`biasing for lower power microprocessors under dynamic workloads. (S. Martin, K. Flautner, D. Blaauw,
`and T. Mudge.) Appeared in Proc. Int. Conf. of Computer Aided Design (ICCAD-2002), San Jose, CA,
`Nov. 2002, pp. 721-725.
` 2011 Winner in the 11th Annual International VLSI Symposium Low Power Design Contest. For
`the paper: SWIFT: A 2.1Tb/s 32x32 Self-Arbitrating Manycore Interconnect Fabric. (S. Satpathy, R.
`Dreslinski, T. Ou, D. Sylvester, T. Mudge, D. Blaauw.) Appeared in the Symposium on VLSI Technology
`and Circuits. Kyoto, Japan, June 2011, pp.138-139.
` 2011 Winners of the DAC/ISSCC Student Design Contest for 2011 Mentor for (With David Blaauw
`and Dennis Sylvester) their project “Design and Implementation of Centip3De, a 7-layer Many-Core
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0002


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
`System”, D. Fick, R. Dreslinski, B. Giridhar, G. Kim, S. Seo, M. Fojtik, S. Satpathy, Y. Lee, D. Kim, N.
`Liu, M. Wiekowski, G. Chen, T. Mudge, D. Sylvester, and D. Blaauw. Proc. of the ACM/IEEE Design
`Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, CA, June, 2011.
` 2009 Top Pick: selected as one of the 12 best papers in computer architecture for 2009
`M. Woh, S. Seo, S. Mahlke, T. Mudge, C. Chakrabarti, and K. Flautner. AnySP: Anytime Anywhere
`Anyway Signal Processing. 36th Int. Symp. on Computer Architecture, Austin, TX, June, 2009, pp. 128-
` 2009 Ted Kennedy Family Team Excellence Award for 2008-9 from the College of Engineering,
`University of Michigan, April 2009.
` 2008 Top Pick: selected as one of the 12 best papers in computer architecture for 2008
`K. Lim, P. Ranganathan, J. Chang, C. Patel, T. Mudge, S. Reinhardt. Understanding and designing new
`server architectures for emerging warehouse-computing environments. 35th Int. Symp. on Computer
`Architecture, Beijing, China, June, 2008, pp. 315-326.
` 2008 Best paper for: From SODA to Scotch: The Evolution of a Wireless Baseband Processor. 41st
`IEEE/ACM Int. Symp. on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Lake Como, Italy, Nov. 2008, pp. 152-163.
` 2007 Best Paper Nomination for: B. Zhai, R. Dreslinski, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, and D. Sylvester.
`Energy Efficient Near-threshold Chip Multi-processing. Int. Symp. on Low Power Electronics and
`Design - 2007 (ISLPED), Aug. 2007, pp. 32-37.
` 2007 Best paper for: Next Generation Challenge for Software Defined Radio. M. Woh, S. Seo, H. Lee,
`Y. Lin, S. Mahlke, T. Mudge, C. Chakrabarti, and K. Flautner. SAMOS VII, Greece, April 2007, pp. 343-
` 2006 Top pick paper selected as one of the 12 best papers in computer architecture for 2006, for:
`Y. Lin, H. Lee, M. Woh, Y. Harel, S. Mahlke, T. Mudge, C. Chakrabarti, K Flautner. SODA: A low-
`power architecture for software radio. Proc. 33rd Ann. Int. Symp. on Computer Architecture, Boston,
`MA USA, June 2006, pp. 89-101.
` 2007 Microprocessor Report Innovation Award: “RAZOR—Error-Tolerant Approach Supports
`Speculative Correctness” MPR Analysts' Choice Award in the Innovation category – 2/26/07.
`(Microprocessor Report has been the leading technical publication for the microprocessor industry since
` 2003 Top pick paper selected as one of the 12 best papers in computer architecture for 2003, for:
`D. Ernst, N. Kim, S. Das, S. Pant, T. Pham, R. Rao, C. Ziesler, D. Blaauw, T. Austin, T. Mudge, and K.
`Flautner. Razor: A low-power pipeline based on circuit-level timing speculation. 36th Ann. IEEE/ACM
`Symp. Microarchitecture (MICRO-36), Dec. 2003, pp. 7-18.
` 2003 Best paper for: D. Ernst, N. Kim, S. Das, S. Pant, T. Pham, R. Rao, C. Ziesler, D. Blaauw, T.
`Austin, T. Mudge, and K. Flautner. Razor: A low-power pipeline based on circuit-level timing
`speculation. 36th Ann. IEEE/ACM Symp. Microarchitecture (MICRO-36), Dec. 2003, pp. 7-18.
` 2003 Bredt Family Chair of Engineering, conferred by the College of Engineering in 2003.
` 1997 Research Excellence Award for 1995-96 from the College of Engineering, University of
`Michigan, Feb. 1997.
` 1996 Heaviside Premium. Awarded by the Institution of Electrical Engineer for the best paper of the
`year: A comparison of two common pipeline structures. Proc. Computers and Digital Techniques, 1996.
` 1995 Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, “For contributions to the design
`and analysis of high performance processors,” 1995.
` 1995 Research Excellence Award for 1994-95 EECS Department , University of Michigan, Feb. 1995.
` Best paper nomination for “Analysis and design of latch-controlled synchronous digital circuits,” (15
`out of 377) at the 27-th Design Automation Conference, June 1990.
` 1986 Best IEEE MICRO article of 1986 for “A Microprocessor-based Hypercube Supercomputer.”
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0003


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
` 1983 Outstanding Teaching in Engineering. Awarded by the College of Engineering, University of
`Michigan, Dec.1983.
` 1982 Quest for Technology Awards (2). Awarded by Control Data Corporation, Oct. 1982.
` 1981 Best paper runner-up. Honorable mention from the editors of the IEEE Trans. on Education for
`runner-up best paper published in 1981: “A Course Sequence in Microprocessor-Based Digital Systems
` 1981 John A. Curtis Award. Awarded by The Computers in Education Division of the American
`Society of Engineering Educators, June 1981, for the paper: Teaching Assembly Language Using an
`Assembly Language Interpreter.
` 1981 Best paper. Awarded by The Instrument Society of America at their 27-th Int. Symposium, Apr.
`1981, for the paper: VLSI Implementation of a Numerical Processor for Robotics.
`Miscellaneous Recognition
` International Symposium on Computer Architecture Hall of Fame:
` MICRO Hall of fame:
` Erdős number = 3
`Post Docs
`1. Xin He, November 2018 – May 2022. Current position: Senior Engineer at Tentorrent
`2. Ronald G. Dreslinski Jr.,
 April 2011 - January 2012 Current position: Associate Professor
`Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan
`3. Reetuparna Das, September 2011- September 2015 Current position: Associate Professor
`Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan.
`4. Yoonseo Choi, September 2007 – September 2010 Current position: Software Engineer Intel
`Ph.D. Theses Supervised
`1. Optimizing Sparse Linear Algebra on Reconfigurable Architecture, Dong-hyeon Park, The
`University of Michigan, 2021. Current position: Military service in the Republic of Korea Army.
`2. Rethinking Context Management of Data Parallel Processors
`in an Era of Irregular
`Computing, Jonathan Beaumont, The University of Michigan, 2019. Current position: Lecturer IV
`Dept Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
`3. Architecting Memory System for Emerging Technologies, Byoungchan Oh, The University of
`Michigan, 2017. (Co-chairman Ronald G. Dreslinski Jr.)
Current position: Senior Memory
`Architect, Intel Federal LLC.
`4. Heterogeneous Mobile Platform Characterization and Accelerator Design, Cao Gao, The University
`of Michigan, 2017. (Co-chairman Ronald G. Dreslinski Jr.) Current position: Software Engineer,
`Google Inc.
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0004


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
`5. Studies in Exascale Computer Architecture: Interconnect, Resiliency, and Checkpointing,
`Sandunmalee Nilmini Abeyratne, The University of Michigan, 2017. (Co-chairman Ronald G.
`Dreslinski Jr.) Current position: Performance Architect Intel Corporation.
`6. Designing Flexible, Energy Efficient and Secure Wireless Solutions for the Internet of Things,
`Yajing Chen, The University of Michigan, 2017. (Co-chairman Hun-Seok Kim)
Current position:
`Digital Design Engineer, Intel Corporation.
`7. Datacenter Design for Future Cloud Radio Access Network, Qi Zheng, The University of Michigan,
`2016. (Co-chairman Ronald G. Dreslinski Jr.) Current position: Software Engineer, Square Inc., San
`Francisco, California.
`8. Dense Server Architectures, Anthony Thomas Gutierrez, The University of Michigan, 2015. Current
`position: Member of Technical Staff, Design Engineer at AMD Research, Seattle Washington.
`9. Scaling High-Performance Interconnect Architectures to Many-Core Systems, Korey LaMar
`Sewell, The University of Michigan, 2012. Current position: CPU Performance Architect, Apple.
`10. Near-Threshold Computing: From Single Core to Many-Core Energy Efficient Architectures,
`Ronald G. Dreslinski Jr., The University of Michigan, 2011. Current position: Assistant Professor
`Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan, Ann
`11. Energy-efficient Architecture For Mobile Signal Processing, Sangwon Seo, The University of
`Michigan, 2011. Current position: Qualcomm Inc.
`12. Architecture and Analysis For Next Generation Mobile Signal Processing, Mark Woh, The
`University of Michigan, 2011. Current position: Google Inc.
`13. A Hardware/Software Approach for Alleviating Scalability Bottlenecks in Transactional Memory
`Applications, Geoffrey Wyman Blake, The University of Michigan, 2011. Current position: Senior
`System Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services.
`14. Efficient Data Center Architectures Using Non-Volatile Memory and Reliability Techniques, David
`Andrew Roberts, The University of Michigan, 2010. Current position: Senior Member of Technical
`Staff at AMD.
`15. Disaggregated Memory Architectures for Blade Servers, Kevin Te-Ming Lim, The University of
`Michigan, 2010.
 (Co-chairman Steven Reinhardt)
Current position: Google Inc.
`16. Cache Resource Allocation in Large Scale Chip Multiprocessors, Lisa Rufeng Hsu, The University
`of Michigan, 2009.
 (Co-chairman Steven Reinhardt) Current position: Staff Engineer in
`Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies.
`17. Full-System Critical-Path Analysis and Performance Prediction, Ali Ghassan Saidi, The University
`of Michigan, 2009.
 (Co-chairman Steven Reinhardt)
Current position: Principal System
`Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services.
`18. Microarchitecture Choices And Tradeoffs For Maximizing Processing Efficiency, Deborah T. Marr,
`The University of Michigan, 2008.
Current position: Senior Principal Engineer and Director of
`the Accelerator Architecture Research Lab, Intel Corporation.
`19. Realizing Software Defined Radio – A Study in Designing Mobile Supercomputers, Yuan Lin, The
`University of Michigan, 2008. (Co-chairman Scott Mahlke)
Current position: Senior Principal
`Engineer, Compiler Technical Lead, Sambanova Inc.
`20. The Fast, Efficient, And Representative Benchmarking Of Future Microarchitectures, Jeffrey Stuart
`Ringenberg, The University of Michigan, 2008.
Current position: Lecturer IV Dept Electrical
`Engineering and Computer Science, U Michigan, Ann Arbor.
`21. Architecting Energy Efficient Servers, Tae Ho Kgil, The University of Michigan, 2007. Current
`position: Head of Cloud and Security Engineering at MagicCube.
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0005


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
`22. A Baseband Processor For Software Defined Radio Terminals, Hyunseok Lee, The University of
`Michigan, 2007. Current position: Assistant Research Professor Arizona State University, Tempe
`23. Improving Performance and Energy Consumption in Region-Based Caching Architectures, Michael
`J. Geiger, The University of Michigan, 2006. (Co-chairman Gary Tyson)
Current position:
`Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Massachusetts Lowell.
`24. Application-Specific Architecture Framework for High-Performance Low-Power Embedded
`Computing, Allen Chao-Hung Cheng, The University of Michigan, 2006. (Co-chairman Gary

`25. Virtualizing Register Context, David W. Oehmke, The University of Michigan, 2005.
`position: Principal Engineer, Cray Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`26. Circuit and Microarchitectural Techniques for Processor On-Chip Cache Leakage Power Reduction,
`Nam Sung Kim, The University of Michigan, 2004. Current position: Senior Vice-President
`Samsung, on leave as a Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois,
`Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.

`27. Design, Implementation and use of an Experimental Compiler for Computer Architecture Research,
`David Anthony Greene, The University of Michigan, 2003. Current position: Senior Compiler
`Engineer, Cray Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
`28. Limits and Misconceptions in Branch Prediction, Avinoam Nomik Eden, The University of
`Michigan, 2001.
 Current position: Serial Entrepreneur.
`29. Compiler and Microarchitecture Mechanisms for Exploiting Registers to Improve Memory
`Performance, Matthew Allan Postiff, The University of Michigan, 2001.
 Current position: Pastor
`of the Fellowship Bible Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
`30. Automatic Monitoring for Interactive Performance and Power Reduction, Krisztian Flautner, The
`University of Michigan, 2001.
Current position: VP Technology at Arm Holdings.
`31. Modern DRAM Architectures, Brian Thomas Davis, The University of Michigan, 2001. (Co-
`chairman Bruce Jacob)
 Current position: Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, HAECO
`32. Efficient Execution of Compressed Programs, Charles Robert Lefurgy, The University of
`Michigan, 2000.
Current position: Research Staff Member, Austin Research Laboratory, Austin,
`33. Pseudo-Vector Machines for Embedded Applications, Lea Hwang Lee, The University of Michigan,
 Current position: DSP Architect, ZTE Corp., Richardson TX.
`34. The Impact of Computer Architecture Features on Image Processing Application Execution times:
`A Case Study Using MPEG Image Sequence Compression on the IBM SP2, Jeremy Alan Salinger,
`The University of Michigan, 2000. (Co-chairman Gregory Wakefield) 
 Current position:
`Innovation Program Manager, General Motors R&D, Warren MI.
`35. Functional Design Verification for Microprocessors by Error Modeling, David Van Campenhout,
`The University of Michigan, 1999. 
 Current position: Senior Staff Engineer, Xilinx, Inc.
`36. Improving Processor Performance by Dynamically Pre-Processing the Instruction Stream, James
`David Dundas, The University of Michigan, 1998. 

`37. Optimizing High Performance Dynamic Branch Predictors, Chih-Chieh Lee, The University of
`Michigan, 1997. 

`38. Enhancing Instruction Fetching Mechanism Using Data Compression, I-Cheng Chen, The
`University of Michigan, 1997. 

`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0006


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
`39. Software-Oriented Memory-Management Design, Bruce Ledley Jacob, The University of Michigan,
 Current position: Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of
`Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
`40. Reducing the Penalty of Branch and Load Hazards in Pipelined Microprocessors, Michael Leonard
`Golden, The University of Michigan, 1995.

`41. OS/Architecture Interactions and Influence on Computer Architecture, David Frederick Nagle, The
`University of Michigan, 1995. 

`42. Cache Behavior in the Presence of Speculative Execution - The Benefits of Misprediction, James E.
`Pierce, The University of Michigan, 1995. 

`43. Architectural Macro-Modeling of Processor Memory Components, Ghazanfar Ali Khan, The
`University of Michigan, 1995. 

`44. Trace-driven Memory Simulation, Richard Albert Uhlig, The University of Michigan,
`1995. Current position: Intel Fellow and Managing Director of Intel Labs.
`45. Architectural Trade-offs in a Latency Tolerant Gallium Arsenide Microprocessor, Michael Douglas
`Upton, The University of Michigan, 1994. (Co-chairman Richard Brown) 

`46. Loop Optimization Techniques on Multi-Issue Architectures, Dan Richard Kaiser, The University
`of Michigan, 1994. 

`47. Technology-Organization Trade-offs in the Architecture of a High Performance Processor,
`Oyekunle Ayinde Olukotun, The University of Michigan, 1991. Current position: Professor of
`Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University and Director of the Pervasive
`Parallelism Laboratory.
`48. Run-Time Support for Parallel Programs, Russell Mace Clapp, The University of Michigan,

`49. Design of a Non-Interfering Debugger for Embedded Real-Time Systems, Venu Prabhakar Banda,
`The University of Michigan, 1990. (Co-chairman Richard Volz)

`50. Machine Recognition and Attitude Estimation of Three-Dimensional Objects, Paul Gunther
`Gottschalk III, The University of Michigan, 1990.

`51. A Distributed Real-Time Language and Its Operational Semantics, Padmanabhan Krishnan, The
`University of Michigan, 1989. (Co-chairman Richard Volz) 

`52. Parallel Processing of Best-First Branch and Bound Algorithms on Distributed Memory
`Multiprocessors, Tarek Saad Abdel-Rahman, The University of Michigan, 1989. Current position:
`Professor at The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, U
`Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
`53. Bus and Cache Memory Organizations for Multiprocessors, Donald Charles Winsor, The University
`of Michigan, 1989. 
Current position: Departmental Computing Organization Coordinator;
`Adjunct Professor Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of
`Michigan, Ann Arbor.
`54. High Performance Communications for Hypercube Multiprocessors, Gregory Dean Buzzard, The
`University of Michigan, 1988. 

`55. Recognition of Partially Occluded Parts, Jerry Lee Turney, The University of Michigan, 1986.
`56. A Study in Memory Interference Models, H.B. Humoud, The University of Michigan, 1985.
`57. A Stochastic Model of Multiprocessing, Brad Alan Makrucki, The University of Michigan, 1984.
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0007


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
`Patents Issued
`▪ J. Kloosterman, J. Beaumont, D. Jamshidi, J. Bailey, T. Mudge, S. Mahlke. Dynamically Allocating
`Storage Elements to Provide Registers for Processing Thread Groups. USPTO 10,585,701 Issued March
`10, 2020.
`▪ K. Flautner, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, D. Bull. Error Recovery within Integrated Circuit. USPTO
`10,579,436 Issued March 3, 2020.
`▪ K. Flautner, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, D. Bull. Error Recovery within Integrated Circuit. USPTO
`10,572,334 Issued February 25, 2020.
`▪ Y. Chen, T. Mudge, R. Dreslinski Jr., S. Lu, H.-S. Kim, D. Blaauw, F. Cheng. Configurable Arithmetic
`Unit. USPTO 10,409,615 Issued September 10, 2019.
`▪ S. Jeloka, S. Aberaytne, R. Dreslinski Jr., R. Das, T. Mudge, D. Blaauw. Apparatus and Methods for
`Generating a Selection Signal to Perform an Arbitration in a Single Cycle Between Multiple Signal
`Inputs Having Respective Data Send. USPTO 10,037,295. Issued July 31, 2018.
`▪ B. Oh, S. Aberaytne, R. Dreslinski Jr., T. Mudge. Enhanced Memory Device. USPTO 10,002,657. Issued
`June 19, 2018.
`▪ J. Pusdesris, T. Mudge, T. Manville. Data Processing Apparatus and Method for Decoding Instructions
`In Order to Generate Control Signals for Processing Circuitry of the Data Processing Apparatus. USPTO
`9,880,843. Issued January 30, 2018.
`▪ S. Jeloka, S. Abeyratne, R. Dreslinski Jr., R. Das, T. Mudge D. Blaauw. Single Cycle Arbitration Within
`an Interconnect. USPTO 9,514,074. Issued December 6, 2016.
`▪ T. Mudge, A. Pellegrini, B. VanderSloot, J. Pusdesris Y. Kang. Data Processing Apparatus with Memory
`Rename Table for Mapping Memory Addresses to Register. USPTO 9,471,480. Issued October 18, 2016.
`▪ G. Blake, T. Mudge, S. Biles. Contention Management for a Hardware Transactional Memory. USPTO
`9,513,959. Issued December 6, 2016
`▪ K. Flautner, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, D. Bull. Error Recovery within Integrated Circuit. USPTO
`9,448,875. Issued September 20, 2016.
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0008


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
`▪ T. Mudge, T. Manville. Next Branch Table for Use with a Branch Predictor. USPTO 9,135,011. Issued
`September 15, 2015.
`▪ K. Flautner, D. Blauuw, D. Bull, T. Austin, T. Mudge. Single Event Upset Tolerant Flip-Flop. USPTO
`9,164,842. Issued October 20, 2015.
`▪ S. Satpathy, D, Blauuw, D, Sylvester, T. Mudge. Crossbar Circuitry for Applying an Adaptive Priority
`Scheme and Method of Operation of Such Circuitry. USPTO 8,868,817. Issued October 21, 2014.
`▪ D. Bull, D. Blaauw, T. Austin, K. Flautner, T. Mudge. Error recovery within Integrated Circuit. USPTO
`8,650,470. Issued February 11, 2014.
`▪ S. Satpathy, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, D. Sylvester. Crossbar Circuitry and Method of Operation of Such
`Crossbar Circuitry. USPTO 8,549,207. Issued October 1, 2013; Japan Patent Number: 5816063. Issued
`October 2, 2015.
`▪ K. Flautner, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, D. Bull. Error recovery within processing stages of an
`integrated circuit. USPTO 8,407,537. Issued March 26, 2013.
`▪ D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, D. Sylvester, R. Dreslinski Jr., D. Fick. Vertical Interconnect Patterns in Multi-
`Layer Integrated Circuits. USPTO 8,381,155. Issued February 19, 2013.
`▪ T. Mudge, D. Blaauw, C. Tokunaga. Random Number Generator. USPTO 8,346,832; China Patent
`Number: 200710181971.0; Japan Patent Number: 4938612; United Kingdom Number: GB2442838.
`Issued January 1, 2013; March 6, 2013; March 2, 2012; May 11, 2011.
`▪ R. Dreslinski Jr., T. Mudge, D. Blaauw, D. Sylvester, G. Chen, Cache Memory System for a Data
`Processing Apparatus. USPTO 8,355,122. Issued December 18, 2012.
`▪ D. Roberts, T. Mudge, T. Wenisch. Cache Memory with Power Saving State. USPTO 8,285,936. Issued
`October 9, 2012.
`▪ S. Satpathy, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, D. Sylvester, R. Dreslinski Jr. Crossbar Circuitry for Applying a
`Pre-selection Prior to Arbitration Between Transmission Requests and Method of Operation of Such
`Crossbar Circuitry. USPTO 8,255,610. Issued August 28, 2012.
`▪ D. Roberts, T. Mudge, G. Dasika. Storage of Data in Data Stores Having Some Faulty Storage Locations.
`USPTO 8,230,277. Issued July 24, 2012.
`▪ S. Satpathy, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, D. Sylvester, R. Dreslinski Jr. Crossbar Circuitry and Method of
`Operation of Such Crossbar Circuitry. USPTO 8,230,152. Issued July 24, 2012.
`▪ D. Roberts, T. Mudge, G. Dasika. Storage of Data in Data Stores Having Some Faulty Storage Locations.
`USPTO 8,145,960. Issued March 37, 2012.
`▪ S. Satpathy, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, D. Sylvester, R. Dreslinski Jr. Crossbar Circuitry and Method of
`Operation of Such Crossbar Circuitry. USPTO 8,108,585. Issued January 31, 2012.
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0009


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
`▪ T. Mudge, K. Flautner, D. Blaauw, T. Austin, D. Bull, S. Das. Cost Effective Razor Pipeline Recovery
`with micro-Architectural Support. China Patent Number ZL200580050138.1. Issued December 2, 2009;
`United Kingdom Patent Number: 2439019. Issued June 2, 2010; Japan Patent Number: 472299. Issued
`April 15, 2011.
`▪ K Flautner, D. Bull, T. Austin, D. Baauw, T. Mudge. Integrated circuit with error correction mechanisms
`to offset narrow tolerancing. USPTO 7,701,240. Issued April 20, 2010.
`▪ K. Flautner, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge. Error Detection and Recovery Within Processing Stages
`of an Integrated Circuit. USPTO 7,650,551. Issued January 19, 2010; Israel Patent Number:168928.
`Issued May 31, 2010; Republic of Korea: 982461. Issued September 9, 2010.
`▪ K. Flautner, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, N. Kim, S. Martin. Data processing memory circuit. USPTO
`7,533,226. Issued May 12, 2009.
`▪ K Flautner, T. Mudge. Performance Level Selection in a Data Processing System by Combining a
`Plurality of Performance Requests. USPTO 7,512,820. Issued March 31, 2009.
`▪ K. Flautner, D. Blaauw, T. Austin, T. Mudge. Using Shadow Latches As Low Leakage Retention
`Latches. China Patent Number: ZL200480007397. Issued March 11, 2009; Japan Patent Number:
`4335253. July 3, 2009.
`▪ T. Mudge, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, K Flautner. Systematic and Random Error Detection and Recovery
`Within Processing Stages of an Integrated Circuit. USPTO 7,337,356. Issued February 26, 2008;
`Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, and Europe Patent Number: 1604281. Issued
`August 9, 2006.
`▪ K Flautner, T. Mudge, D. Flynn. Data Processing System Performance Counter. USPTO 7,321,942.
`Issued January 22, 2008.
`▪ T. Mudge, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, K. Flautner. Data Retention Latch Provision Within Integrated Circuits.
`USPTO 7,310,755. Issued December 18, 2007; India Patent Number: 7. Issued ?; Germany, Europe,
`France, Netherlands, Korea, Israel, and Italy Patent Number: 1604265. Issued June 14, 2006; China
`Number ?, Issued May 20, 2010; Japan ZL200480007397.1. March 11, 2009.
`▪ K. Flautner, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge. Error Detection and Recovery Within Processing Stages
`of an Integrated Circuit. USPTO 7,278,080. Issued October 2, 2007; Malaysia Patent Number MY-
`136842-A. Issued November 28, 2008. China Patent Number: ZL200480007338.4. Issued July 9, 2008;
`India Patent Number: 225122. Issued October 31, 2008; Japan Patent Number: 4426571. Issued
`December 18, 2009.
`▪ K Flautner, T. Mudge. Data Processor Memory Circuit. USPTO 7,260,694. Issued August 21, 2007.
`▪ K. Flautner, T. Mudge. Performance Setting of a Data Processing System. USPTO 7,194,385. Issued
`March 20, 2007.
`▪ T. Mudge, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, K. Flautner. Systematic and Random Error Detection and Recovery
`Within Processing Stages of an Integrated Circuit. USPTO 7,162,661. Issued January 9, 2007; France
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1003, 0010


`Trevor Mudge
`Curriculum Vitae
`August 24, 2022
`Patent Number: 1604281. Issued August 9, 2006; China Patent Number: ZL200480007372.1. Issued
`September 3, 2008; Japan Patent Number: 4317212. Issued May 29, 2009; Israel Patent Number:
`168453. Issued September 1, 2010; Republic of Korea Patent Number: 10-0981999. September 7, 2010.
`▪ K. Flautner, T. Mudge. Performance Level Selection in a Data Processing System Using a Plurality of
`Performance Request Calculating Algorithms. USPTO 7,131,015. Issued October 31, 2006.
`▪ T. Mudge, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, D. Sylvester, K. Flautner. Memory System Having Fast and Slow Data
`Reading Mechanisms. USPTO 7,072,229. Issued July 4, 2005;
`▪ K. Flautner, D. Blaauw, T. Mudge, N. Kim, S. Martin. Drowsy Cache Data Processor Memory Circuit.
`USPTO 7,055,007. Issued May 30, 2006.
`▪ T. Mudge, T. Austin, D. Blaauw, D. Sylvester, K. Flautner. Memory System Having Fast and Slow Data
`Reading Mechanisms. USPTO 6,944,067. Issued September 13, 2005; India Patent Number: 6.7. Issued
`April 21, 2010; Israel Patent Number: ZL20048000739. Issued January 17, 2009; Europe, United
`Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands, Korea, Japan, and Italy Patent Number: 1604371. Issued July
`26, 2006.
`▪ R. Lougheed, T. Mudge. Design Rule Checking Using Serial Neighborhood Processors. USPTO
`4,510,616. Issued April 9, 1985.
`▪ R. Lougheed, T. Mudge. Design Rule Check

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