`The Application of a 3500-hp Variable Frequency
`Drive for Pipeline Pump Control
`Abstmct- AEC Pipelines, a Division of Alberta Energy Company
`Ltd., has expanded the capacity of its Bitumen Blend Cold Lake Pipeline
`from 130000 barrelshay (bpd) to 185000 bpd by the installation of a
`new midpoint booster pump station utilizing a 3500-hp adjustable speed
`drive. The unit is a variable frequency induction motor'drive (VFD)
`supplied by GE Canada employing gate turn-off thyristors (GTO's) . It
`was the first of its type in Canada and was the largest induction motor
`variable frequency drive in a crude oil pipeline application in North
`EC Pipelines owns and operates two major pipelines in
`A the Province of Alberta, Canada. A 22-in line transports
`synthetic crude oil from the Syncrude Canada facility near
`Fort McMurray to Edmonton. The second pipeline is a dual-
`line system from the Cold Lake area to Edmonton. A 12-
`in pipeline carries natural gas condensate to the producers
`in Cold Lake who in turn use it to decrease the viscosity
`and increase the American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity
`of the produced bitumen. The blended bitumen is then trans-
`ported back to Edmonton via a 24-in pipeline (Fig. 1).
`In early 1986 a need to expand the capacity of the 24-in
`bitumen blend pipeline was identified. This would require the
`addition of a booster station at the hydraulic midpoint of the
`line near Bellis, Alberta. Colt Engineering was selected to
`design the facility. Conventional centrifugal pumps driven by
`two-pole induction motors were to be employed. Future pump
`change outs were to be minimized while accommodating a
`flow range between the present 125 000 bpd to the ultimate line
`capacity of 400000 bpd. In addition to the large flow range,
`the bitumen blend properties can vary between 60 centistokes
`(cst) to 480 cst viscosity and 5°C to 45°C temperature.
`The station would be an unattended facility located in a
`rural area approximately 140 km from any major center. The
`existing power service was a 25-kV rural distribution system.
`Fig. 1. AEC pipeline system
`pipeline pressure control device to use. Conventional practice
`is a fixed speed motor with a throttling control valve on the
`station discharge. The other option was an adjustable speed
`drive with no control valve. The major concerns on choosing
`a variable frequency induction motor drive (VFD) were
`initial capital cost versus energy savings
`accepted industry practice
`The VFD, harmonic filter, associated 5-kV contactors, air
`conditioning system, spare parts, installation, and engineer-
`ing would require $800 000 (Canadian) more than fixed speed
`starters in equipment and installation costs.
`The power system in the area had a very limited capacity.
`It was possible to draw only 3500 kVA starting or operating a
`motor without building new substations and distribution lines.
`The use of either reduced voltage or across-the-line starting of
`a fixed speed unit would have resulted in an inrush in excess of
`the 3500 kVA allowed. This would then have required an addi-
`tional capital cost-sharing contribution by AEC to the power
`utility company to upgrade the 25-kV system of $1 000000
`(Canadian) plus a four-month delay in station startup.
`Fig. 2 shows the pipeline system curve plotted on the mul-
`tispeed head curve for the pump. Present throughput requires
`the pump to operate at a maximum of 80 percent of rated
`speed. This results in an overall operating cost savings of ap-
`proximately $129000 (Canadian) per year in the first year
`with a decline in savings as the flows increase in the sub-
`sequent years. This provides a discounted cash flow rate of
`return of approximately 18 percent. Fig. 2 also shows that
`by proper pump selection, the pump can be continuously op-
`erated at its best efficiency point throughout the pumpstation
`system curve.
`0093-9994/89/1100-1019$01.00 O 1989 IEEE
`The engineering and operational concerns for the station
`both encouraged and complicated a decision as to what type of
`Paper PID 89-28, approved by the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Com-
`mittee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1988
`Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conference, Dallas, TX, Septem-
`ber 12-14. Manuscript released for presentation February 22, 1989.
`F. A. DeWinter is with Colt Engineering Corporation, 120, 5008 86th
`Street, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6E 5S2.
`B. J. Kedrosky is with AEC Pipelines, 10707 100th Avenue, Edmonton,
`AB, Canada T6E 5S2.
`IEEE Log Number 893023 1.
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Robert Durham. Downloaded on June 23,2022 at 13:54:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 1


`Fig. 2. Pipeline system curve.
`An extensive review of similar pipeline applications essen-
`tially agreed with the findings of a survey presented at a recent
`Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee (PCIC) Confer-
`ence [3]. There was very limited use of VFD’s with induction
`motors in the oil pipeline industry, certainly none of compa-
`rable hp rating in North America. However, based on wide
`general industry acceptance of VFD’s, the technology was
`considered to be well established and accepted, and not of a
`“prototype” nature.
`The VFD had to perform at least with the same degree of
`reliability as a control valve so as not to reduce the pipeline
`service factor. Of key importance in reducing this risk fac-
`tor was that it was a booster station, and therefore its outage
`would only cause a reduction in line capacity, not a complete
`shutdown of the line. Maintenance and troubleshooting of the
`VFD would be required of pipeline maintenance staff. Ven-
`dor support and service had to be readily available for more
`complex problems. Training was provided both in-house and
`at the vendor’s facility. The VFD was a microprocessor-based
`system; hence diagnostics are essentially a software function
`and therefore plentiful. Spare parts totalling approximately 10
`percent of the drive cost were purchased.
`The final decision was made to use a VFD rather than a
`control valve due to a lower overall capital cost (the difference
`between the utility capital cost contribution and the additional
`equipment costs.) It was felt that the required reliability and
`maintainability could be achieved.
`The booster pump station is an unmanned fully automatic
`facility, which is remotely controlled through a supervisory
`control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. It is designed to
`incorporate two parallel trains of two series pumps, with a fifth
`pump being a common spare (Fig. 3). The initial installation
`consists of one 3500-hp VFD and two 3500-hp centrifugal
`pumps (P2 and P3). Ultimately the station will be equipped
`Fig. 3. Pumpstation configuration.
`with five pumps and two VFD’s. Each pump motor is rated
`at 3500 hp, 3600 r/min, 4160 V with a 1.15 service factor.
`The VFD will normally operate a motor between 60 and 105
`percent of the rated 3600 r/min.
`The VFD will vary the speed of a pump to control the
`pipeline suction pressure. The pipeline initiating stations use
`control valves to control flow (Fig. 1). As the flow in-
`creases there will be an increase in pressure drop between
`Bellis and Edmonton that results in a pressure rise at Bel-
`lis. The microprocessor-based proportion-integral-derivative
`(PID) controller then increases the speed of the VFD to reduce
`the suction pressure back to the set point. This circumvents
`the need for the traditional control valve and thereby improves
`station efficiency [6]-[8]. Suction pressure control was used
`to avoid pump cavitation and provide the simplest operation
`of the initiating stations.
`The VFD is capable of operating only one pump at a time.
`Separate motor starters were designed and purchased to allow
`the VFD to start, run, or synchronize to the line either motor.
`A programmable logic controller (PLC) performs the logic
`for controlling these starters, the VFD, and all pump station
`logic [4].
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Robert Durham. Downloaded on June 23,2022 at 13:54:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 2


`102 1
`The variable frequency drive is a General Electric induction
`motor drive. It is rated at 3500 hp with the capability to drive
`the 3500-hp motors to their full 1.15 service factor. The drive
`is a current source inverter (CSI) with silicon-controlled recti-
`fiers (SCR's) utilized in the rectifier section and GTO's in the
`inverter end. The supply to the VFD is 4160 V fed through
`line reactors but without an isolation transformer. The control
`for the drive is a microprocessor-based digital system. This
`allows very flexible application, specific control, and excellent
`diagnostics. The total unit is air cooled with fans exhausting
`into the electrical room. It was felt that liquid cooling pre-
`sented greater risk due to coolant leakage and the associated
`maintenance, although air cooling results in a noisier environ-
`ment and increased air conditioning costs.
`The motors are 3500-hp 3600 r/min units with WP I1 enclo-
`sures. They are a rigid shaft design to eliminate the problem
`of operating at critical frequencies. The motors have class F
`insulation and a 1.15 service factor. This provided a safeguard
`if harmonic heating was higher than anticipated. It also allows
`future pipeline operational flexibility for variations in viscos-
`ity and flow. The motor protection included bearing vibra-
`tion and temperature, stator temperature, differential current,
`ground fault, extreme overcurrent, and overload. All motor
`protective devices were active during VFD operation as well
`as during across the line operation. The VFD also provided
`current related protection.
`In Alberta the utility applies a strict standard which limits
`permissible harmonic currents to very low values. This ne-
`cessitated the installation of a large harmonic filter. The filter
`contained 3.04 Mvar of capacitance. It consisted of 5th, 7th,
`12th, and 17th high pass filters. The 12th was designed to re-
`move the 11th and 13th harmonic currents. Due to the physi-
`cal size of the filters they were designed as outdoor substation
`type of structures.
`The VFD, motors, and filter were all purchased as a single
`package. By using a single vendor, we avoided the need to act
`as a coordinator between the VFD supplier and the filter and
`motor suppliers. This also squarely placed the responsibility
`on one vendor to meet the utility's harmonic specification.
`This proved invaluable as precise values of harmonic currents
`generated by the drive to both the motor and the filter were
`difficult to define. The motor contactors and PLC were pur-
`chased and programmed separately to provide the customized
`application required.
`Harmonic Currents
`The first difficulty that arose when the decision was made
`to use a VFD of this size was how to meet the power util-
`ity harmonic specification. The basis of their specification is
`telephone interface factor current product (TIF-IT) outlined in
`[l]. In this installation the measured percent total harmonic
`distortion (THD) percentage of the voltage was 1.5 percent
`resulting from the harmonic current levels, which just met
`the TIF-IT limits. The consequence of this specification was
`that harmonic current distortion, which normally have been
`- u o m
`Fig. 4. Simplified single line diagram.
`A motor will be started through the VFD and output contac-
`tor and accelerated to 60 percent speed. At this point the speed
`set point from the PID controller is fed to the VFD with the
`4-mA minimum signal representing 60 percent or 2 160 r/min
`and the 20-mA maximum signal representing 105 percent or
`3780 r/min. If the first pump cannot get down to the required
`suction pressure at full speed the operator can remotely re-
`quest the motor to synchronize. The PLC then brings the VFD
`to within three percent of the rated speed, checks that there
`is still adequate suction pressure and low enough discharge
`pressure and power draw, then commands the VFD to syn-
`chronize. The VFD will now synchronize the motor to the
`supply line and then, in conjunction with the PLC, close the
`bypass contactor and open the output contactor (Fig. 4). This
`pump will now operate as a fixed speed unit. The operator can
`then command the second pump motor to start. The second
`unit will now operate off the VFD the same as the first unit
`had. Both pumps are in series allowing for continued suction
`pressure control. The future second train of pumps (P4 and
`P5) will perform identical to the first.
`The VFD speed is set by a PID controller that monitors sta-
`tion suction pressure, station discharge pressure, and station
`kW power draw. The controller then performs a low select
`on these three variables, that is, controls off the signal, which
`would require the slowest speed. The operator will remotely
`set the suction pressure he would like to achieve and the VFD
`will be ramped up in speed to achieve this set point. The PID
`controller monitors all three variables, and if either discharge
`pressure or power draw reaches the internally programmed
`preset values, it will control the VFD speed with that variable
`rather than suction pressure. The discharge pressure is im-
`portant because, at flows below the rated station maximum,
`the maximum operating pressure (MOP) of the pipeline could
`be exceeded. The discharge pressure set point therefore is set
`near the MOP. The power draw set point is used to prevent set-
`ting a higher kW demand than the station normally requires.
`In Alberta the power company charge on kW demand is nor-
`mally 50 percent of the overall bill and, once a new demand is
`set, it remains in effect for twelve months. The kW set point
`in the PID controller is adjusted periodically if increased flow
`rates are forecast to be required on a continuing basis.
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Robert Durham. Downloaded on June 23,2022 at 13:54:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 3


`1/2 MILE
`1.05 -
`=--- -----____
`0.95 -
`__ / -
`r---- -_______
`Fig. 5. Distribution system voltage profile.
`found acceptable in most locations in North America, had to
`be filtered out. Due to the specialized nature of filter design
`it was decided to have the source of the harmonics, the VFD
`manufacturer, engineer and supply the filter equipment. The
`vendor still required information from the utility on harmonic
`impedances of the supply and sources of other harmonics.
`This proved time consuming and difficult to obtain due to the
`limited availability of good computer models and the lack of
`utility measured harmonic data.
`Adjacent Loads
`A major reason for purchasing the drive was the weak
`power distribution system in the area. The pump station was
`to be serviced from an 18-mi 25-kV distribution line. The
`only other major load was an 8000-hp twelve-pulse load com-
`mutated inverter (LCI) drive located one-half mile from the
`new station (Fig. 5). The adjacent load not only provided
`for harmonic current interaction but also incorporated a 25-
`kV 12th high pass filter with 3.53 Mvar of capacitance at
`the fundamental frequency. With a properly designed filter it
`was possible to limit the harmonic current interaction. At the
`60-Hz frequency the filters acted as straight capacitance. Al-
`though the power line had voltage regulators on it, when the
`3.53-Mvar filter was energized a 10-percent voltage rise was
`seen on the 25-kV line. The regulators raised automatically
`when the 8000-hp LCI drive was operating to compensate for
`line voltage drop. Upon stopping the LCI drive these regu-
`lators provided a further 10-percent rise above the capacitive
`reactance rise of 10 percent for the one half second prior to
`the filter also being disconnected. These large voltage swings
`would be further irritated by the Bellis 4.16-kV 3.04-Mvar
`filter capacitors. The Bellis station was fed from a 25- to
`4.16-kV transformer. The voltage rise on the 4.16-kV side
`due to the Bellis filter was a further 15 percent. When this
`transformer was modeled it was found that the transformer
`saturated at these high voltages and acted as a barrier be-
`tween the two systems. Therefore rather than experiencing a
`35 percent or more voltage rise, it would be limited to 25
`percent for one half second as the 3.53-Mvar filter is discon-
`nected then dropped to below 20 percent. The line regulators
`would then tap down from there to below 10 percent over 45
`s. Tests performed during commissioning verified these re-
`sults. All 4160-V equipment was specified to withstand these
`over voltages.
`Mechanical Resonances
`The specification for the VFD motor package included a
`requirement that the motor be of a stiff shaft design. This was
`done to avoid the motor operating at any critical frequencies
`normally encountered on a 3600-r/min motor. It became ap-
`parent immediately that different manufacturers disagree on
`whether a motor can be built with no natural frequencies over
`this operating range. It was possible though to purchase a mo-
`tor that had no critical frequency in the range although it had
`a highly damped natural frequency (i.e., an operating speed
`which would normally create resonant oscillations but through
`motor design were damped such that they would not increase
`in amplitude). Shop tests later done on these motors proved
`that no increase in vibration could be detected when the motor
`was run at its natural frequency point.
`A more difficult problem was the torsional analysis. Ref-
`erence [2] outlines the potential torsional vibration problems
`of applying a large VFD to a motor. The high speed pump
`had a mass of only one tenth that of the motor, which helped
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Robert Durham. Downloaded on June 23,2022 at 13:54:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 4


`to minimize the concern. The VFD generated the harmonic
`current produced torques and the motor was affected most;
`therefore the VFD vendor was commissioned to do the tor-
`sional analysis. The pump and coupling were provided by a
`separate vendor, resulting in a slow transfer of technical in-
`formation between the two vendors. The torsional analysis did
`prove useful and removed concerns over potential equipment
`Displaced Neutral
`A CSI drive shifts the neutral with respect to ground. Ref-
`erence [5] outlines how this occurs on an LCI drive. The same
`phenomenon is seen in a CSI drive. The drive used at this sta-
`tion incorporated two dc link inductors and therefore had an
`anticipated worst-case neutral-to-ground voltage of 90 percent
`of the normal line-to-ground voltage. This would result in a
`neutral-to-ground voltage of 2 100 V or line-to-ground voltage
`of 4200 V. In this installation it was anticipated that these
`voltages would actually be lower since the drive output volt-
`age was not 4160 V at full speed and the rectifier side firing
`angle at full speed was below 45".
`This voltage stresses the insulation on the motor and all
`equipment on the load side of the VFD. To limit this an un-
`grounded isolation transformer can be used on the input to the
`drive and the motors grounded. At Bellis this was not done
`because the motors must be able to operate either off the VFD
`or across the line. Grounding the motors would then have in-
`troduced multiple ground paths and defeated the effectiveness
`of the high resistance ground resistor on the 4.16-kV trans-
`former. The motors were instead designed to withstand the
`higher neutral-to-ground voltages. All cabling and contactors
`were rated for 5 kV to ground so there was no problem with
`the equipment.
`The only difficulty came in the application of surge capac-
`itors on the motors. These would normally be wye connected
`with a ground on the wye. When the motors operate on the
`drive this would have resulted in a ground current. The mo-
`tors could be tripped by an across-the-line contactor, so it was
`felt that some surge protection was required. As a result, wye
`connected surge capacitors isolated from ground were used.
`The drive package was air cooled with fans drawing air
`through the rectifier and inverter modules. The dc link was
`convection cooled. This resulted in approximately 60 kW of
`heat rejection into the building. Two air conditioners were
`installed in the building each rated at 240000 Btu. In the
`future when a second drive is installed a third air conditioner
`will be added. At the present one air conditioner can maintain
`the building to a safe temperature. The second unit brings the
`temperature down to a comfortable level on very hot days and
`acts as a backup for the first unit.
`The Bellis pumpstation installation was designed very con-
`servatively. It was the first application of a VFD of this size
`for both the pipeline company and the consultant. The result
`was that the power system and all the electrical equipment
`were thoroughly analyzed. Any areas where it was deemed
`that there was a potential for a problem, an alternate solution
`was planned in advance.
`For future VFD's at this horsepower or larger, serious con-
`sideration would be given to liquid cooling. This would reduce
`the amount of auxiliary equipment required for the VFD and
`thereby the installed cost. It would introduce new technical
`complications for avoiding leaks and condensation.
`In Alberta, under the present harmonic specifications, a
`twelve-pulse rectifier bridge would be considered. The twelve-
`pulse design reduces the amount of harmonic filtering required
`[ 11. This not only reduces the filter cost but also simplifies the
`installation. The decrease in the amount of capacitance would
`eliminate the voltage rise problems.
`In the long term as industry and utilities gain experience
`with large rectifier loads, a better understanding of harmonics
`will become available. This will allow more precise model-
`ing and smaller filter designs. At the present time the tools
`for analyzing harmonic currents, voltages, and their angles
`produce data that only partially define the sources of possible
`problems. The result of more experience will also promote
`realistic standards.
`The station and drive commenced operation in July 1987.
`We have yet to experience an outage caused by the VFD itself
`or associated equipment. In addition to the economic benefits
`the VFD has provided many less tangible benefits:
`greatly reduced wear on mechanical equipment and seals
`due to slower operating speed and acceleration,
`expanded range of overall line flow control,
`unlimited number of repetitive starts,
`greatly improved suction pressure control particularly
`during startup,
`elimination of surging during startup,
`reduced noise levels due to slower speed operation and
`absence of a control valve,
`avoidance of annoying power dips for other rural customers.
`The VFD concept has been well received by the pipeline
`operating and maintenance groups.
`We believe that variable frequency drives will gain wider
`acceptance in the oil pipeline industry. While their application
`has to be studied on a case-by-case basis, they are particularly
`suited to a pipeline system such as this, which is providing
`for significant growth in the next five years. The justifica-
`tion, however, should consider more than just the economics,
`particularly in Canada where electric power is still relatively
`inexpensive. Our concerns regarding reliability, proven tech-
`nology, and maintainability continue to diminish. AEC, along
`with Colt, are presently installing a 5000-hp variable fre-
`quency drive at the LaCorey Terminal for startup in January
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Robert Durham. Downloaded on June 23,2022 at 13:54:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 5


`1989. This unit was justified on energy costs and a strong
`preference by the operating group.
`IEEE Guide For Harmonic Control and Reactive Compensation
`of Static Power Convertors, IEEE Std. 519-1981, 1981.
`D. J. Sheppard, “Torsional vibration resulting from adjustable fre-
`quency ac drives,’’ in 1987 Petroleum and Chemical Industry Tech.,
`Conf. Rec., Calgary, AB, Canada, pp. 29-34.
`E. B. Turner and C. P. LeMone, “Adjustable speed drive applications
`in the oil and gas pipeline industry,” in 1987 Petroleum Chemical
`Industry Tach. Conf. Rac., Calgary, AB, Canada, pp. 139-145.
`F. A. Dewinter, L. M. Benke, and B. J. Kedrosky, “Pipeline pump
`control utilizing a PLC in conjunction with a VFD,” in 1987 IEEE
`Wescanex, Conf. Rec.
`R. Quirt, “Voltages to ground in load commutated inverters,” in 1986
`Petroleum and Chemical Industry Tech. Conf. Rec., Philadelphia,
`PA, pp. 221-225.
`H. N. Hickock, “Adjustable speed-A
`tool for saving energy losses in
`pumps, fans, blowers, and compressors,” ZEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.,
`vol. IA-21, no. 1, pp. 124-136, Jan./Fkb. 1985.
`J. R. Pottebaum, “Optimal characteristics of a variable frequency cen-
`trifugal pump motor drive,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-20, no.
`1, pp. 23-31, JanJFeb. 1984.
`R. E. Sieck and C. L. Becnel, “Pipeline characteristics and economic
`consideration of electric pump drives,” IEEE Tmns. Ind. Appl., vol.
`IA-16, no. 5 , pp. 633-640, SeptJOct. 1980.
`Frank A. DeWinter (M’82) received the Journey-
`mans Electrician Certificate in 1976, and the B.Sc.
`in electrical engineering from the University of Al-
`berta, Canada in 1980.
`Since 1980, has worked for Colt Engineering
`Corporation where he is now employed as a Se-
`nior Electrical Engineer. At Colt he has been the
`Lead Electrical Engineer on projects for refineries,
`pipeline pump stations, petrochemical plants, and
`tarsands handling. His specialty has been in the ap-
`plication of the programmable logic controllers and
`variable frequency drib
`Registered Professional Engineer in the Province of
`Mr. DeWinter is a
`Brian J. Kedrosky (M’81) received the B.Sc. de-
`gree in electrical engineering from the University
`of Toronto, Toronoto, ON, Canada.
`He joined Alberta Energy Company Pipelines Di-
`vision in 1980 and is currently a Senior Project En-
`gineer responsible for the design and construction
`of new facilities and pump stations on the Cold Lake
`Heavy Oil Pipeline.
`Mr. Kedrosky is a Registered Professional Engi-
`neer in the Province of Alberta.
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Robert Durham. Downloaded on June 23,2022 at 13:54:18 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 6

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