`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 1


`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 2


`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 3


`in connection with the description ofthe operation of
`the paraHelinverter11,the diodes D1,D3feed back
`reactive powerinto the supplyandtherebyreduce volt
`Continuing with the description of the circuitshown
`Schematicalyin FIG.1,it wil be seen thatone end
`of theinductor L2is connectedin circuitwith commu
`tating capacitor C1and controled rectifer SCR3,The
`otherend oftheinductor Laisconnectedincircuitwith
`the anodes of diodes D8,D4,Theyare so poled that
`when either controled rectifer SCR1 or SCR2isin a
`conducting State,the lower plate of capacitor C,as
`Seeninthe view of FIG,1,wiHbenegativelycharged to
`aVoltage considerablygreaterthanthesource ofvoltage?
`D3 and D4andalsothe circuittime constants?Prefer
`ably,the inductor L2 provides an inductance suficient
`to keep the currentfow through itto alow value un
`tilthe controledrectiferSCR3isturned of bythe re
`Versal ofthe currentinthe oscilatorycircuitcomprised
`ofthecapacitorC1andtheinductor L1…
`The controledrectifers SCR1,SCR2 and SCR3used
`in the ilustrative embodiment of the invention were
`PNPN Semiconductors each having threeterminals,an
`anode represented bythearrowsymbol,acathoderep
`resented byaline drawn throughtheapex ofthearrow
`Symboland a gate Tepresented by a diagonalline ex
`tending from the cathode?Silicon controled rectifers
`are desirable power switching devices since relatively
`largeamountsofpowercan beSwitchedintoaloadusing
`aninsignificantamount ofpowertotriggerthe Switching
`device,The operating characteristics ofasicon con
`troled rectifer are Such thatit conducts ina forward
`direction with a forward characteristic very simiar to
`thatofan ordinaryrectifierwhenagatesignalisapplied.
`Thus,whena positive voltageisapplied tothe outside
`Playerandanegative voltageisappledtothe outside
`N layer,the two outside junctionsare biasedin afor
`ward directionwhietheinnerjunctionisreverselybiased,
`Current does notfow through the controledrectifer
`underthese conditions,exceptforasmal11eakage cur
`rent?Whenthe voltageisincreasedtoa breakovervojt
`age,the currentgain ofthe device increasesto unityat
`which time the currentthrough the controledrectifer
`wilincrease Suddenlyand becomeafunction oftheap
`plied Voltage and the loadimpedance,The controled
`rectifer wilremainina conductive state providedthe
`current through the device exceedsaminimum hoiding
`ASmalamount of currentsuppied tothegate1ead
`can be usedfor controlingthe fring ofthe controled
`breakover voltage,The controledrectiferisnormaiy
`0perated wel below the forward breakover vojtageand
`istriggered bySupplyingcurrenttothegatelead,
`AcapacitorC2isconnectedincircuitwith thecathode
`of controledrectiferSCR1andacrosstheprimarywind
`ingportion P1sothatthe cathodeisclampedtoground
`controled rectifiers SCR1?It also servesto minimize
`Switchingtransientsfrom the load,Similarly?capacitor
`C3is connectedincircuitwith controledrectferSCR3
`andacrossprimarywindingportion Paoftheoutputtrans
`former T So that the cathode of controled rectifer
`SCR2 is clamped to ground when a negative turn-of
`pulseis appliedtoitsanode,CapacitorsCand Csen
`hance the performance ofthe circuit,buttheyarenot
`In orderto provideaunidirectionalsupply voltagefor
`fringcircuit22,diodes D5and D6areconnectedacross
`the primary winding P,Alead23isconnectedincir
`cuit with cathodes of the diodes D5,D6,the anodes
`being connected in circuit with the cathodes of con
`troled rectifers SCR1,SCR2,Thus,fring circuit22
`isconducting,Itwi?be seenthatthe diode D5ispoled
`sothat when controledrectifierSCR1startsconducting,
`a currentissupplied tofiringcircuit22,Also,diode D6
`is poled sothatcurrent wil be Suppliedtofiring circuit
`22the instant controHedrectiferSCR2istriggered,In
`thismannerthe fringcircuit22issynchronized with the
`start ofeach half cycle of theinverter output which be
`gins with the triggering of one of the controlled recti
`fiers SCR1,SCR2?
`?n FIGS,2and 3,I have ilustrated the Schematic
`circuit diagrams whicharerepresentedintheschematic
`diagram of FIG,1 in blockform?Firing circuit12is
`connectedincircuit with thegatesand cathodes of con
`troled rectifers SCR1,SCR2 by electricalleads25,26
`and27,28,respectively,The gate and cathode of cut
`of controledrectifersSCR3areconnectedincircuitwith
`type offring circuits12and22which wereemployed
`inthe exemplification oftheinvention shownin FIG.1
`are Wel knownin the artandare describedinthe Gen
`eral Electric Controled Rectifer Manual,first edition,
`In accordance with the invention,the firingcircuit22
`providesa current pulse to fre controledrectifer SCR3
`Which turns of the conducting controHedrectiferSCR1
`orSCR2ata predetermined pointineach halfcycle,It
`wil be Seenthatinputlead23connectsfiring circuit22
`in circuit with the controjled rectiferssothata current
`is Supplied only when one ofthe controledrectifiersis
`conducting,Aresistor R2 andthe Zenerdiode Z imit
`themaximum interbasevoltage ofunjunctiontransistor
`UJT1,The Zener diode Z1is a semiconductor diode,
`preferably a silicon diode,having a predetermined re
`Verse breakdown voitage,For voltages belowthe break
`downvalue,the ZenerdiodeZ1actsasarectiferandonly
`When the reverse voltage exceedsthe breakdown value,
`the Zener diode Z presents a very low resistance and
`permits current to fow freelyin the reverse direction
`With no Substantialincreaseinvoltage,
`AresistorR3isconnectedincircuitwith thebase-two
`electrode 31 in order to compensate for temperature
`Variations of the interbase resistance of the unjunction
`transistor UJT1,Capacitor C3 is charged through re
`sistor R4andthe variableresistor R5,Therateatwhich
`the capacitor C3ischarged tothe peakemittervoltage
`of unijunction transistor UJT determinesthe pointin
`each half cycle at which unjunctiontransistor UT1is
`fred,When unjunctiontransistor UT1isfred,apulse
`ofcurrentfowsthrough primarywindingPsofthepulse
`transformerT3anda currentpulseisinducedinthesec
`ondary windingS3,electricalleads29,39applyingthis
`pulseacrossthegateandcathode ofcut-ofcontroledrec
`is connectedatone endwith base-oneelectrode32and
`TransistorQ1actsasashuntto divertchargingcurrent
`fowingthroughtheresistor R4and R5,Theamountof
`charging current divertedisproportionaltotheamount
`of currentSuppliedtothe baseelectrodeofthetransistor
`throughlead35,Thus,as basecurrentisincreased,
`additionalcurrentis divertedandthe fringangle ofthe
`unjunctiontransistors UJT is retarded,Accordingy,
`thefringof controledrectiferSCR3isalsoretardedand
`the cut-of ofthe conductingcontroledrectiferSCR1or
`?n FIG.3,I haveilustratedatransistormulti-vibrator
`frig circuit12that wasusedintheilustrativeembodi
`ment oftheinventiontoalternatelyapplyfringpulsesto
`controledTectifersSCR1and SCR2,Twopairsofout
`withthe SecondarywindingsS4,S5ofpulsetransformers
`T4 are provided for connection across the gate and
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 4


`cathode of controledrectifersSCR1,SCR2,respectively,
`age duetothetransformedactionthatchargesthe Capac
`asshownin FiG,1,The primary windingportionsP4,
`itor C1 through the dode D4,Also,when controled
`P5areconnectedincircuitwith thecolectoroftransistors
`rectifer SCR1istriggered,currentfows through diode
`Q2,Q3,?nputterminallead36is providedforconnec
`tion tothe positiveside ofthedirect currentsource used
`toenergizethe paraielinverterin FIG.1.
`Dependingupon the settingofthe variable resistor or
`Although in the exemplifcation of the invention a
`?otentiometer R5and the feed-back current being SUp
`multi-yibrator circuitconfguration wasused to provide
`DiedtothetransistorQ1,the unjunctiontransistor UJTL
`alternatingtriggerpulseswithgoodsymmetrytothe con
`wiltriggerthe controlrectiferSCR3 ata predetermined
`troledrectifers SCR1,SCR2,itwibe appreciatedthat
`pointinthe halfcycle ofthe alternatinginverteroutput,
`otherfring circuitscan be usedtogenerateand provide
`alternate triggeringpulsesata predeterminedfrequency
`thatthe lower plate of the commutating capacitorC1is
`to apairof controledrectifers,Asan example,a pair
`of unjunction transistor reaxation osciators coupled
`istriggered,commutating capacitor C1 is connected in
`together bymeans ofa capacitor connected betweenthe
`parale circuitreation with theinductor L1?An osci
`emitters may be employed to providethe alternating
`latory pulse is developed across the inductor L1 which
`pulses,Aiso,fringcircuitsutizing Saturatingreactors
`reverse biasescontroledrectifierSCR1andtherebyturns
`maybe USedasapulsesource,
`The unjunction relaxation oscilatorportion of the
`The commutating capacitor C1Wilmaintainareverse
`multi-vibrator circuit providesgoodsymmetry andfre
`biasacross controledrectiferSCR11ongenough forthe
`Guency COntrolto the mui-vibrator,Aithough in ex
`controled rectifier SCR1to return to a blocking state?
`empication of the invention the inverter circuit ??
`Capacitor C2 clamps the cathode of controledrectifer
`shownin F?G.1 wassuppiedwithshortdurationtrigger
`SCR1toground ?6 while the negative turn-of pulseis
`pulsesto fire controled rectifers SCR1 and SCR2,for
`applied to the ancde,It wil be seen that controled
`highlyreactivekadsthetriggerpulse widthmustbeex
`rectifier SCR3 conducts fora Very shortinterval since
`tendedintime forthe duration ofreactivecurrentfow.
`itisreverse biased whenthe currentreversesinthe osci
`The maximumpulse widthatthegateconnotexceedthe
`1atorycircuit comprised of capacitor C and theinduc
`inverter pulse width,therefore for large reactiveloads
`tor L1,
`thetrigger pulse width mustfolowthechanginginverter
`During the commutating interval an inductive load
`pulse width?This varying trigger pulse width can be
`connected atthe outputof theinvertercircuit11Would
`obtained byvaryingthe symmetry ofamultivibratoras
`preyent themainloadcurrentfrom reversinginStantane
`ously. Diodes D1,D2are therefore provided to feed
`Continuingnowwiththe descriptionofthefringcircuit
`back this current to the direct currentsupply untilthe
`12shown Schematicailyin FIG.3,itwilbeseenthatthe
`1oad currentreverses,In the frst halfofeach cycleit
`fringcircuit?2employstwo PNPtransistors Q2,Qsina
`Wil be appreciated that duringthe intervalthatcurrent
`flows through diode D2,controlledrectiferSCR2 wil1be
`UJT2Servestotriggerthefp-fopfrom onestatetothe
`back-biased,andifconducting,would beturnedof,For
`other byproyidinganegative trigger pulse,Thisnega
`highlyreactiveloads,thetriggeringpulse width provided
`tive pulseisdevelopedacrossresistorR15andiscoupled
`byfiringcircuitwasextendedintimeforthe duration of
`to the resistor R6 by means for the capacitor Cg?
`the reactive currentfow but did noteXceedtheinyerter
`Dulse width?
`capacitors C7and Caarerelativelysmalinsizeandare
`Continuing with the description of the operation of
`connectedin paralelwiththecross-couplingresistors R7,
`the inverter circuit,the second half of the cycle com
`R8 andincircuit with the base electrodes oftransistors
`rnences whenapulseisSupplied tothegate of controled
`Q2,Q3,Diodes D7and D8clamp the baseelectrode of
`rectiferSCR2,With controled rectifierSCR2 conduct
`ing,the commutating capacitor C1 is charged through
`Resistor R9 andthe Variable resistoror potentiometer
`diode D3,thelowerplate of capacitorC1asseenin FIG?
`R10controlthe chargingrate ofthetiming capacitorCa
`1,again beingnegativelycharged,Theturn-of of con
`troledrectiferSCR2isaccompishedinthe Same manner
`circuit,Resistor R11isconnectedto the base-twoelec
`as theturn-of of controled rectiferSCR1,Firing cir
`trode370f the unjunction transistor UJT3,Base-one
`cuit22triggers controledrectifer SCR3 which connects
`electrode38is connectedincircuitwithaground39 by
`thenegativey charged plate of the commutatingcapaci
`means ofleads4ö,41,Resistors R6,R13,R14serveas
`tor C in circuit with the anode of controled rectifer
`temperature stabizing resistors,Resistor R10 provides
`SCR2 and alSoconnects the capacitor C1in paralelcir
`the frequencycontrolforthe outputoftheinvertersince
`Cuit withinductor L1?Thus,a negative pulseis devel
`it controlsthe rate at which the fip-fop istriggered,
`Oped across the inductor L1 which results in a reverse
`Capacitors C93nd C10in conjunction with thegateto
`bias being applied across controled rectifier SCR2 and
`cathodeimpedance ofthecontroledrectiferdferentiate
`itisturned of,Simiarly,diode D1feeds backto the
`thesquare Waveacrosssecondary windingsS4andS5to
`direct current Source reactive powerduringthe commu
`provide a pulse output,Pulse triggering can be used
`tatinginterval,the amount ofthe feed-back being pro
`unless the load has a low and lagging powerfactor,
`portionaltotheinductive components of the load,
`Throughtheaction ofthezenerdiodeZ2andresistorR16
`?twilbe Seenthatasthefringcircuit12appliesposi
`aregulated D.C.Voltageisappliedtotheunijunctiontran
`tive trigger pulses alternately to the gates of the con
`sistor UJT2…
`troledrectifersSCR1,SCR2,the currentfrom the direct
`Havingreference nowtothecircuitshownin FIGS,1,
`currentsuppywilfowalternatelythroughthe opposite
`2and3,the operation ofthe paralelinvertercircuit?l
`endsofthe primary windingPofthetransformerT1and
`wil now be more fuly described,When the positive
`generate analternating current voltage across secondary
`terminal of a direct currentsourceis connectedincircuit
`winding S1?Accordingto the invention,regulation of
`withinputterminallead 7 andtheinvertercircuit?lis
`the Outputacrossthesecondary windingS1isachieved by
`efectivey groundedasshown in FIG.1,invertercircuit
`turning of the conducting controled rectifer in each
`??isenergized,Letus assume arbitrariythatafring
`halfcycleto varythe pulse width oftheinverteroutput.
`puise issuppliedinitiaHyto the gate of the controled
`From the foregoingdescription of the inverter circuit
`rectifer SCR1,When controled rectifer SCR1istrig
`anditsoperation?itwilbeseenthatthe conductiontime
`ered,thecommutatingcapacitorC1ischargedto avolt
`is regulated byfringcontroledrectiferSCR3ata pre
`agethatisgreaterin magnitude than theimpressedvolt
`determined pointin each half cycleto connectthe com
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 5


`frstinductorsothatwhensaid cut-of controledrectifer
`nutatingcapacitorC1inparalelwith theinductor L1So
`istriggered Said commutatingcapacitoris connectedin
`thatan oscilatory pulseisprovided toturn of the con
`?aralelcircuitrelation with saidfirstinductor,Saidfrst
`ductingcontrolledrectifer?The pulse width ofthe out
`putvoltage can bereadyvariedinresponseto demands
`cuit,asecond inductor connected in circuit with Said
`ofthe loadthereto?The componentsusedintheturn-of
`commutating capacitor,a pair of diodes,circuit means
`circuitarrangementinaccordancewiththeinvention have
`connecting said diodesin circuit with Said pair of con
`1ow powerrequirements since they hande onlytheturn
`troledrectifersand said commutating capacitor S0that
`ofenergyforthe controlledrectifierSCR1,SCR2,Fur
`said capacitorischarged duringeach half cycle when
`ther,thearrangementinaccordancewith theinventionis
`one ofsaidfirstand second controlledrectifiersis con
`readiyadaptabletoafeed-backtype of control…
`ducting,fringcircuitmeans connected with thegate of
`Itwilbeunderstoodthatthe preferredembodimentof
`said cut-of contro?edrectifer,Saidfiring circuit means
`theinvention described hereinisintendedasanilustra
`triggeringsaid cut-of controled rectiferata predeter
`tive example oftheinvention and that the inventionis
`ninedpointineach halfcycle,circuitmeansaiternately
`notnecessarily limited to such an embodiment thereof?
`triggeringone ofsaidpair ofcontroledrectiersintoa
`Itwilbeapparent thatmanymodifications oftheinven
`conductingstate to provide an alternating outputacroSS
`tiondescribed herein maybe made,As,forexample,the
`the secondary ofsaidtransformer,saidcut-of controlled
`invertercircuitmay be modfied sothatthe positive ter
`rectiferwheninaconductggstateconnesting Said com
`minalandnegativeterminalconnection ofthe powerSup
`Tnutating capacitorin parallel circuit with Said frstin
`Ply are reversed,Further,the inverter circuitarrange
`ductorthereby producingan oscilatory pulSeacroSS Said
`ment ofthe inventionisadaptable to three phase appli
`inductorto turn of the conducting one of Said pair of
`cations?Itistobe understood,therefore,that?intend by
`the appendedclaimstocoveralsuch modficationsthat
`controled rectifers,
`5,Aparalelinvertercomprisingatransformer having
`fallwithinthetruespiritandscope oftheinvention?
`asecondary windinganda primary windingspitinto a
`What Iclaimas new and desire to Secure by Letters
`frstprimarywinding portionandasecond primarywind
`Patentofthe UnitedStatesis:
`ing portion,afirst controledrectifer connectedin Series
`1,In a paralelinverter havinga frst controled rec
`circuitrelation with said first winding portion,a Second
`tifier and a frst primary winding portion connected in
`controHed rectifier connected in series circuit relation
`paralelcircuitrelation with a Second controlledrectifer
`with said second windngportion,a directCurrent Supply
`andaSecondprimarywindingportionacrossa direct cur
`means,said serialy connected first controlled rectifier
`rentsupplymeans,aninductor connectedin circuitwith
`andfrstwindingportion beingconnectedin paralelcir
`Said frstandsecond controledrectifer,a commutating
`cuit relation with said serially connected Second con
`capacitor,a cut-of controled rectifer,circuit means
`troledrectiferand secondwinding portion,fring circuit
`connectingsaid cut-of controlled rectifierin Series cir
`means connected in circuit with Said frst and Second
`cuitrelation with saidinductorandin paralelcircuitre
`lationship with said commutatingcapacitor,afirstfiring
`controledrectifiersto cause a currenttofowin one d
`rectionthrough Saidfrstwindingportionin onehalfcycle
`circuitmeanstoalternately fire Saidfirstandsecond Con
`andin an opposite direction through a Second winding
`troledrectifier,asecond firingcircuit means connected
`portioninthe other halfcycle,aturn-of controledrec
`incircuitwith saidcut-of controledrectiferto fresaid
`tifierhavingan anode,a cathode andagate,aninductive
`cut-of controled rectifierat a predetermined point in
`meansconnectedincircuitwith saidfirstandSecond con
`each halfcycleafter SaidfrstandSecond controledrec
`troled rectifiers andin circuit with the anode of Said
`tifers are fred,said cut-of controled rectifer when
`cut-of controledrectifer,a capacitor connectedin cir
`triggeredcausinganoscilatorypulseto beinducedacross
`Saidfirstinductortherebyturningofthe conductingone
`cuit with the cathode of said cut-of controled rectifer,
`Said capacitorand Saidinductive means comprisingan
`ofsaidfirstandSecond controledrectifers.
`oscilatory circuit,circuit means connecting Said capaci
`2,Theinvertercircuitassetforthin claim 1 wherein
`torin circuit with Said firstand second controledrecti
`Said Second fring circuit meansincludes a first and a
`fersothatsaid commutatingcapacitorischargedineach
`Second diode,each ofsaid diodes havingananode anda
`half cycle when one of said frstand second controled
`cathode,theanode of saidfirstdiode beingconnectedin
`rectifiers is conducting,fring circuit means connected
`circuit with the cathode of said first controled rectifier
`to the gate of Said cut-of controlled rectiferand firing
`and the anode of Said Second diode beingconnectedin
`Said cut-of controHed rectiferata predetermined point
`circuitwiththecathode ofsaidsecondcontroledrectifer,
`ineach halfcycle after one ofsaidfirstand Second con
`the cathodes beingconnectedincircuitwitha unijunction
`troledrectifersisfired to controlthe pulse width ofthe
`transistor osciator and causing said oScilator to be
`outputacrossthe secondary winding ofsaidtransformer?
`energized Only when one of Said first and Second con
`6.In a paralelinverter circuit havinga transformer
`troledrectifiers are in a conducting state thereby syn
`with a frst primary winding portion and a secondary
`chronizingsaid Second fringcircuit meanswith saidfirst
`?rimary windingportioninductively coupled withasec
`andsecond controled rectifiers?
`ondary winding,a pair of controled rectifers,each of
`3.The inverter circuitassetforthin claim1 wherein
`Saidcontrolledrectifers havingananode,a cathode and
`a capacitoris connected across each of said first and
`agate,one ofsaid controledrectifersandsaidfrst pri
`Second primary winding portionsin order to clamp the
`ImaryWinding?ortion beingconnectedinparalelwith the
`cathodes of said first and second controlled rectifers
`other of Said controled rectifers and said second pri
`toground whenanegative Oscillatory pulseisapplied to
`nary winding portionandincircuitwithadirect current
`the anodesthereof?
`Supply means,a cut-of controlled rectifer having an
`4,In a paralle inverter haying a pair of controlled
`anode,a cathode andagate,an oscilatorycircuitmeans
`rectifiersandatransformer with asecondaryandafrst
`connectedincircuit with theanodes ofsaid pair of con
`anda Second primary winding portion,one of said con
`troledrectifiersandsaidfirstwinding portion beingcon
`troled rectifers and in circuit with said cut-of con
`troledrectifier,saidcut-of controlledrectiferwhentrig
`1ectedin paralel circuitrelation with the other of said
`gered causing a negative oScillatory pulse to be pro
`controlledrectifiersandsaidsecondwinding portion and
`ducedin Said oscilatory circuittherebyturning ofthe
`in circuit with a drect current Supply means,a cut-of
`conducting one of Said pair of controled rectifers,and
`circuit meansconnectedincircuit with the gate ofsaid
`electrode,afrstinductorconnected in circuit with said
`cut-of controled rectiferto fresaid cut-of controled
`?air of controled rectifers,a commutating capacitor
`rectiferata predetermined pointin each half cycle to
`connectedin Series circuitrelation with the cathode of
`controlthe conduction period of said pair of controled
`Said cut-of controled rectiferandin circuit with said
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 6


`rectifers and therebyregulate the pulse width of the
`outputof Said paralelinverter?
`Drimarydividedintoafrst primary winding portion and
`a Second primary winding portion inductively coupled
`with a Secondary winding,a direct current Supply means,
`andapairofcontrolledrectifers,each of Said controled
`rectifershavingananode,acathodeandagate,Said pair
`of controledrectifiersbeingalternatelyfredata prede
`termined frequency to provide an alternating output
`acrosssaidsecondarywinding,one ofsaid controledrec
`tifiers and Said frst winding portion being connected in
`Parallelcircuitrelation with the other of Said controled
`rectifersand Said Second primary windingportionacross
`Saiddirectcurrentsupplymeans,acut-of controledrec
`tifier havingananode,acathode andagate electrode,an
`inductor connected in circuit with the anodes of Said
`pair of controlledrectifiersandincircuit with the anode
`of said cut-of controlledrectifier,a capacitor connected
`in circuitacrosssaidinductorand said cut-of controled
`rectifier,apair of diodes,Saiddiodes beingconnectedin
`(ircuit with said capacitorandthe cathodes of said pair
`of controled rectifiers sothat when one of said pair of
`controled rectifersis fred said capacitoris charged,
`fringcircuitmeansfiringsaidcut-of controledrectifer
`ata predetermined pointineach halfcycleto cut-ofthe
`conductingone ofsaid pair of controlledrectifersthere
`byregulatingthepulse width oftheinverteroutput.
`8.In an inverter circuit havingatransformer with a
`?rimaryWindingspitintoafirst primary windingportion
`anda second primary winding portion,a direct current
`Supplymeans,a pair of controHedrectifers,one of Said
`controHed rectifiers and said frst primary winding por
`tion beingconnectedin parallelcircuitrelation with the
`other of Said controled rectifiers and said second pri
`mary winding portion in circuit with the direct current
`supply means,a cut-of controled rectifer having an
`anode,a cathode anda gate,anda firstinductor con
`nectedin series circuitwith the anodes of said pair of
`controled rectifers and the anode of said cut-of con
`troled rectier,a capacitor connectedin circuitacross
`Said firstinductor and said cut-of controlled rectifer,
`Saidfirstinductorand Said capacitor comprisingan Osc?
`latory circuit,a Second inductor connectedat one end
`with the cathode of said cut-of controled rectifer and
`incircuitwith said capacitor,apairof diodes,each hav
`ingananode and cathode,the anodes ofSaiddiodesbeing
`Connectedin circuit with said secondinductor and the
`cathodes being connectedin circuitacross said primary
`winding of Saidtransformerand fring circuitmeansto
`triggersaid cut-of controlledrectifierata predetermined
`Dointineach half cycle duringthe conduction period of
`Saidpairofcontroledrectiferstoturn oftheconducting
`one ofsaid pairof controledrectifersandtherebyregu
`latethe pulse width ofsaidinverteroutput.
`9.Aparallelinverter comprisingatransformer having
`a primarywindingwithacentraltap dividingthe primary
`windinginto afirst winding portion anda secondwind
`ing portion,and a secondary windinginductively cou
`?led with the primary winding on a magnetic core,Said
`tap being provided for connection toground,a pair of
`controled rectifers,each of said controled rectifers
`havingan anode,a cathode andagate,the cathode of
`one of Said controled rectifers beingconnectedin cir
`cuit with one end of said first winding portion andthe
`cathode of the other of Said controlled rectifiers being
`connectedin circuit with the otherend ofsaid primary
`winding,a direct current Supplymeans,aninductor hav
`ing one end connectedincircuitwith the anodes ofsaid
`controledrectifers,andthe otherendthereof connected
`in circuit with Said direct currentsupplymeans?afrst
`diode connectedininverserelation across saidfrst con
`troHed rectifer and Said inductor?asecond diode con
`rectifer and Saidinductor,a cut-of controlled rectifer
`hayingananode,a cathode andagate,a Secondinductor,
`Said cut-of controHed rectifer havingits anode con
`nectedin circuit with saidfrstinductoranditscathode
`in circuit with one end of Said Secondinductor,a pair
`of diodesconnectedincircuitwith the otherend ofsaid
`Second inductor,each of Said diodes having an anode
`and cathode,the cathode of one of Saidaforementioned
`diodes being connectedin circuit with the cathode of
`saidfirst controledrectiferandthe cathode ofthe other
`of Saidaforementioned diodes beingconnectedincircuit
`with the cathode of said second controled rectifer,a
`capacitor connected in circuitacross Said frstinductor
`and said cut-of controlled rectifier,Said capacitcr and
`firstinductorcomprisingan oScilatory circuit,fringcir
`cuit means connectedin circuit with the gates of Said
`first and second controled rectifiersto alternately fre
`said controled rectifersto provide an output voltage
`of alternating polarity across the Secondary winding of
`Saidtransformerand a Secondfiring circuit means con
`nectedincircuitwith thegateandcathode ofsaid cut-of
`controledrectifer to fresaid cut-of controledrectifer
`ata predetermined pointin each half cycleto cause Said
`first inductor and Said capacitor to be connected in
`ParaHelthereby reSultingin an oscilatory pulse across
`Said first inductor,Said oscilatory pulse causing the
`conductingone of Said frstand Second controledrecti
`fiersineach half cycle to beturned of therebyregulat
`ingthepulse widthattheinverteroutput?
`10?In a paralelinverter apparatus havinga pair of
`controled rectifiers connected in paralel across the
`to be alternately dischargedthroughafirstandasecond
`primary winding portion,an inductor connectedin cir
`Cuit with the controled rectifiers,a turn-of controled
`rectifier havingan anode,acathodeandagateelectrode,
`a fring circuit meanstriggeringsaidturn-of controled
`rectifierata predetermined pointin each half cycle,a
`commutating capacitor,circuit means connecting Said
`inductor,Saidturn-of controledrectiferand commutat
`ingcapacitor So that when Saidturn-of controledrecti
`ferisina conducting State Saidinductoris connected
`in paralel circuitrelation with Said commutatingcapac
`itor,Saidinductorand Said commutating capacitor com
`prisingan oscilatory circuit,Said conductingcontroled
`rectiferineach halfcyclebeingturned of bytheresonant
`pulse produced across said inductor and said turn-of
`controled rectifer being turned of when the current
`reverSesin saidoscillatorycircuit,
`11·A paralel inverter circuit comprising a trans
`former havinga primary windingandasecondary wind
`ing,atap on Said primary windingdividingsaid primary
`windinginto afirstandasecond winding portion,Said
`Secondary windinghavingapairofoutputterminalleads,
`a pair of controled rectifers,each of said controled
`rectifers having an anode,a cathode and agate,fring
`circuit means connected in circuit with said gate and
`cathode of said controledrectifersto alternatelytrigger
`Said controlled rectifers ata predetermined frequency,
`one of Said controled rectifers being triggered atthe
`start of the first half of each cycle and the other of
`Said controled rectifers beingtriggered atthe start of
`the Second haif of each cycle,a direct current supply
`means,circuit meansconnectingsaid controlledrectifers,
`Said direct current Suppy,Saidtapincircuit with said
`first and Second winding portions sothat when one of
`Said controled rectifersistriggered a currentiscaused
`to fowin the first winding portionin one directionand
`whenthe other of said controled rectifersistriggered
`a currentis caused to fowin an opposite direction in
`the Second winding portion thereby producinganalter
`nating currentin the Secondary winding of saidtrans
`former,aninductor connectedincircuitwith said con
`troled rectifers,a capacitor,a turn-of controled
`rectifer,a fring circuit meanstriggeringsaid turn-of
`controled rectifer at a predetermined pointin each
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 7


`half cycle thereby regulating the pulse width of the
`inverter output,and circuit means connecting said in
`ductor,Saidturn-of controledrectiferandsaidcapacitor
`incircuitsothatwhensaid controledrectiferistriggered
`Said capacitoris connected in paralelcircuit with Said
`inductor andin circuit with the conductingcontroled
`rectifier to reverse bias Said conducting one of said pair
`of controled rectifers,said inductor and commutating
`capacitorformingan oscilatorycircuitwhen saidturn
`of controled rectifieris conductingand the reversal of
`currentin Said oscilatory circuit causing saidturn-of
`References Citedinthefie ofthispatent
`Lowy---------------- Ju

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