NEMA ICS 61800-4
`1000 V A.C. AND
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`NEMA Standards Publication ICS 61800-4-2004
`Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems
`Part 4: General Requirements-Rating Specifications for a.c. Power Drive Systems
`above 1000 V a. c. and Not Exceeding 35 kV
`Published by:
`National Electrical Manufacturers Association
`1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847
`Rosslyn, Virginia 22209
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. All rights including translation into
`other languages, reseNed under the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention for the
`Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. and the International and Pan American Copyright Conventions.
`Licensed to Robert Durham. ANSI store order# X_739783. Downloaded 07/06/2021. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited .
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 2


`The information in this publication was considered technically sound by the consensus of persons
`engaged in the development and approval of the document at the time it was developed.
`Consensus does not necessarily mean that there is unanimous agreement among every person
`participating in the development of this document.
`The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards and guideline publications, of
`which the document contained herein is one. are developed through a voluntary consensus
`standards development process. This process brings together volunteers and/or seeks out the
`views of persons who have an interest in the topic covered by this publication. While NEMA
`administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of
`consensus, it does not write the document and it does not independently test, evaluate, or verify
`the accuracy or completeness of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in
`its standards and guideline publications.
`NEMA disclaims liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature
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`any information published herein, and disclaims and makes no warranty that the information in this
`document will fulfill any of your particular purposes or needs. NEMA does not undertake to
`guarantee the performance of any individual manufacturer or seller's products or services by virtue
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`In publishing and making this document available, NEMA is not undertaking to render professional
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`his or her own independent judgment or. as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent
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`Information and other standards on the topic covered by this publication may be available from
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`NEMA has no power, nor does it undertake to police or enforce compliance with the contents of
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`or health purposes. Any certification or other statement of compliance with any health or safety(cid:173)
`related information in this document shall not be attributable to NEMA and is solely the
`responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement.
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`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page v
`This document is an adaptation of the I EC Standard 61800-4 with the addition of requirements pertinent
`to use of these devices in the U.S. U.S. differences are indicated with (U.S. Differences) and italics.
`is a worldwide organization
`(International Electrotechnical Commission)
`1) The
`standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees
`(IEC National
`Committees). The object of the IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions
`concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields . To this end and in addition
`to other activities , the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation is entrusted
`to technical committees; any I EC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may
`participate in this preparatory work. International , governmental and non-governmental
`organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates
`closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with
`conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.
`2) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters express , as nearly as
`possible , an international consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical
`committee has representation from all interested National Committees.
`3) The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are
`published in the form of standards, technical specifications, technical reports or guides and
`they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.
`4) In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC
`International Standards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and
`regional standards . Any divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding
`national or regional standard shall be clearly indicated in the latter.
`5) The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered
`responsible for any equipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.
`6) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard
`may be the subject of patent rights. The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any
`or all such patent rights.
`International Standard IEC 61800-4 was prepared by IEC sub-committee 22G: Semiconductor
`power converters for adjustable speed electric drive systems, of IEC technical committee 22:
`Power electronic systems and equipment.
`Annexes A, Band C are for information only.
`The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
`2008. At this date, the publication will be
`reconfirmed ;
`• withdrawn ;
`replaced by a revised edition , or
`• amended .
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Robert Durham. ANSI store order # X_739783. Downloaded 07/06/20 21 . Single user ltcense only. Copying and networking prohibited.
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`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 1
`Section 1
`It applies to power drive systems (see figure 1) with converter voltages (line-to-line voltage), between
`1 kV a.c. and 35 kVa.c. , input side 50 Hz or 60 Hz, and load side frequencies up to 600 Hz.
`Requirements for voltages above 15 kV are not included and are defined by agreement between the
`manufacturer and the system supplier.
`For power drive systems, with voltages above 1 kV, using a step-down input transformer and/or a step-up
`output transformer In connection with a low voltage converter (below 1 000 V), IEC 61800-2 applies.
`EMC aspects are covered in IEC 61800-3.
`U.S. NOTE: EMC Immunity and Emission requirements of IEC 61800-3 are not applicable within the U.S.
`Specific safety requirements for drive systems with voltage above 1 kV will be covered in IEC 61800-5.
`This standard gives the characteristics of the converters, their topologies and their relationship with the
`complete a.c. drive system. It also states their performance requirements with respect to ratings, normal
`operating conditions, overload conditions, surge withstand capabilities, stability, protection, a.c. line
`earthing, topologies and testing. Furthermore, it deals with application guidelines, such as control
`strategies, torsion analysis, recommendations for earthing and drive system component integration.
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Roben Durham. ANSI store order# x_739783. Downloaded 07106/2021. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 5


`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 6
`Section 3
`For the purposes of this part of IEC 61800, the following definitions, and the definitions given
`in IEC 60050(111), IEC 60050(151), IEC 60050(351). IEC 60050(441) , IEC 60050(551) , IEC 60050(601),
`IEC 60146-1-1 , IEC 60146-1-2, and IEC 60146-1-3 apply.
`3.1 .1
`a.c. power drive syste m (PDS)
`System with voltage above 1 kV (see figure 1) is an interconnected combination of equipment which
`provides a means of adjusting the speed of a mechanical load coupled to a motor. consisting of:
`power equipment (possible harmonic filters, input transformer, converter section, possible output
`transformer, a.c. motor);
`control, protection and auxiliaries;
`motor mounted auxiliary devices: encoders, tachometers, thermal switches and detectors, air
`blowers, heaters, and vibration sensors.
`NOTE 1 Figure 1 illustrates the main functional elements. II also includes equipment which may be optional on many
`drive systems. It is intended to encompass a wide variety of a.c. drive configuration possibilities . The converter
`section does not illustrate or imply a specific topology using a specific type of switching device, due to the wide variety
`of combinations in current use. An input and/or output filter may be included in the converter section (except harmonic
`filters. which are listed separately). See clause 4 and annex A.
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Robert Durham. ANSI store order# X_739783. Downloaded 07/06/2021. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 6




`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 8
`3 .1.2
`point of cou pling
`PCC, IPC, PC: these definitions are given in IEC 61000-2-4:
`- PCC is the point of common coupling on a public network;
`IPC is the in-plant point of coupling on a private network;
`- PC is the point of coupling for either of these cases.
`3.1 .3
`harmonic filter
`circuit designed to reduce the flow of harmonic currents into the associated power system
`process of converting the mechanical energy of the system to electrical energy and transferring
`it to the input supply.
`NOTE During regeneration the motor is working as a generator and the ratings of the motor may be different.
`PDS efficiency , 110
`the efficiency, ,,0 , of the drive system is the ratio of the power delivered by the motor shaft to
`the total power drawn from the input power supply feeding lines (see figure 1 and figure 25), and
`is usually expressed as a percentage.
`NOTE Auxiliaries and any needed excitation power are included in the power drawn from the input.
`power conversion efficie ncy, 1Jc
`the efficiency, 77c• of the power conversion is the ratio of the power delivered by the converter to
`the total power drawn from the input power supplies feeding lines. including the converter
`auxiliaries (see figure 1 and figure 25), and is usually expressed as a percentage.
`fundamental frequ ency
`a frequency, in the spectrum obtained from a Fourier transform of a time function , to which all
`the frequencies of the spectrum are referred. For the purpose of IEC 61800, the fundamental
`frequency is the same as the power frequency supplying the converter, or supplied by the
`converter according to the case which is considered [IEV 101-14-50 modified].
`In the case of a periodic function. the fundamental frequency is generally equal to the frequency of the
`function itself (see IEV 551-20-03 and IEV 551-20-01 ) The above definition corresponds to the genuine definition of
`"reference fundamental frequency" according to IEV 551-20-04 and IEV 551-20-02. for which the term "reference "
`may be omitted where there is no risk of ambiguity. This definition has been adopted for the revision of IEC 61000-2-
`2 and IEC 61000-2-4.
`In case of any remaining risk of ambiguity, the power supply frequency should be referred to the polarity and
`speed of rotation of the synchronous generator(s) feeding the system .
`NOTE 3 This definition may be applied to any industrial power supply network, without regard to the load it supplies
`(a single load or a combination of loads, rotating machines or other load). and even if the generator feed ing the
`network is a static converter.
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Robert Durham. ANSI store o rder# X_ 739783. Downloaded 07/06/2021 . Single user license only. Copying and networking proh1b1te<l.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 8


`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 9
`3.1 .8
`fundamental component (or fundamental)
`the component whose frequency is the fundamental frequency example:
`fundamental RMS current: The root mean square function of a periodically varying current waveform
`that contains no other function than a sinusoidal function . Such a periodically varying current waveform
`can be represented by the function:
`l(t) = Ip sin(wt + <p) , where Ip is the peak current in amperes , w is the fundamental angular
`frequency in radians/second , t is time in seconds , and <p
`is the phase shift in radians. The
`fundamental RMS amperes is then defined as:
`Where T ;:;: 2 rr/w seconds
`I (" 2 . 2(
`I RM:> = T ~ I p Sln OJ{ + <p
`harmonic frequency (order II)
`a frequency which is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency , the ratio of the harmonic
`frequency to the fundamenta l frequency is named harmonic order (recommended notation ''h")
`(see IEV 551-20-05, IEV 551-20-07 and IEV 551-20-09).
`harmonic component
`any of the components having a harmonic frequency, its value is normally expressed as a r.m .s.
`NOTE For brevity. such a component may be referred to simply as a harmonic.
`interharmonic frequency
`any frequency which is not an integer mu ltiple of the fundamental frequency (see IEV 551-20-05 ,
`IEV 551-20-07 and IEV 551-20-09).
`NOTE 1 By extension of the harmonic order, the interharmonic order is the ratio of interharmonic frequency to the
`fundamental frequency, this ratio is not an integer (recommended notation "m"').
`In the case where "m < 1· the term of sub-harmonic frequency may also be used (see IEV 551-20-10).
`lnterharmonic component
`a component having an interharmonic frequency, its value is normally expressed as an r.m.s.
`NOTE 1 For brevity, such a component may be referred to simply as an interharmonic
`time window has a width of
`IEC 61000-4-7, the
`NOTE 2 For the purpose of IEC 61800, and as stated in
`10 fundamental periods (50 Hz systems) or 12 fundamental periods (60 Hz systems), i.e. approximately 200 ms. The
`difference in frequency between two consecutive interharmonic components is, therefore, approximately 5 Hz. In case
`of other fundamental frequencies. the time window should be selected between 6 fundamental periods (approximately
`1 000 ms at 6 Hz) and18 fundamental periods (approximately 100 ms at 180 Hz).
`harmonic content, H C
`sum of the harmonic components of a periodic signal [IEV 551-20-12).
`NOTE 1 The harmonic content is a time function.
`NOTE 2 For practical analysis, an approximation of the periodicity may be necessary.
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Robert Durham. ANSI store order# X_739783. Downloaded 07/06/2021. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 9


`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 11
`NOTE 1 The total distortion ratio depends on the choice of the fundamental component. If it is not clear from the
`context which one 1s used an indication should be given.
`NOTE 2 The total distortion ratio may be approximated to a certain harmonic order. This 1s to be stated.
`NOTE 3 THO may be considered as an approximation of TOR where mterharmon1cs are disregarded due to their low
`amplitude .
`NOTE 4 The waveform of the voltage on the distribution network 1s usually less distorted than the waveform of the
`current. Therefore, the assessment of these two ratios related to voltage , total harmonic distortion THO and total
`distortion ratio TOR. leads to the same resu t. There may be a significant difference when applied to current.
`3.1 .17
`total distortion factor, TDF
`ratio of the r.m.s. value of the total distortion content to the r.m.s. value of an alternating
`[IEV 551·20-16 and IEV 101-14-55]
`NOTE 1 The total distortion ratio depends on the choice of the fundamental component. If II is not clear from the
`context which one is used an indication should given.
`NOTE 2 The ratio between TDF and TOR equals the ratio between the r.m s value of the fundamental component
`and the total r.m s. value . It is the fundamental factor (IEV 551-20-17 and IEV 161-02-22):
`FF=Sh_= TDF $ 1
`indiv idual harmonic d istortion , /DR
`ratio of any component to the fundamental.
`characteristic current harmonics
`orders of the current harmonics produced by converter equipment in the course of normal
`NOTE 1 For example, in a six-pulse converter the characteristic current harmonics are the non triple, odd harmonics,
`h = 6 k ± 1 (k any integer) .
`In addition to power system frequency harmonics, there can be other harmonics resulting from interaction
`with the converter load . They are called interharmonlcs.
`rated voltage
`the r.m.s. line-to-line voltage under rated conditions
`Primary side of input transformer: L'LN
`Converter input:
`Converter output:
`Motor voltage:
`3 . 1 .21
`rated fundamental voltage
`the r.m.s. value of the fundamental voltage under rated conditions
`Primary side of input transformer: U LN 1
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed 10 Roben Durham. ANSI swe order# X_739763. Downloaded 07/06/2021 . Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 10


`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 12
`Converter input:
`Converter output:
`Motor fundamental voltage:
`U aN1
`U AN1
`rated a.c . current
`the r.m.s. value of the a.c. current under rated conditions
`Primary side of input transformer:
`Converter input:
`Converter output:
`Rated motor current:
`I aN
`rated fundamental current
`the r.m.s. value of the fundamental component of the current under rated conditions
`Primary side of input transformer:
`Converter input:
`Converter output:
`Rated fundamental motor current:
`JAN 1
`3.1 .24
`overload capabi lity
`maximum current wh ich can be supplied, for a specified period of time, without exceeding
`established limitations under prescribed operating conditions
`Primary side of input transformer:
`Converter input:
`Converter output:
`Motor overload current:
`I aM
`line-side input power, PL
`the total active power at the line input.
`line-side input apparent power, SL
`the total apparent power at the line input.
`Input total power factor, J.L
`ratio of the total power input, to the apparent power, as determined at the connection of the PDS
`to the supply.
`Example: in a three-phase system where the voltage is considered sinusoidal.
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Robert Durham. ANSI store order# X_739783. Downloaded 07/06/2021 . Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 11




`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 14
`converter section (voltage above 1 kV)
`electronic power converter employing semiconductors for the transformation of electric power to
`be supplied to a motor operating at voltage above 1 kV and not exceeding 35 kV according to
`figure 1. Examples:
`rectifier: A converter that changes AC power to DC power.
`inverter: A converter that changes DC power to AC power.
`pulse-width modulated inverter (PWM): An inverter whose switching will vary the time duration of voltage
`or current for control of the output.
`converter: A combination of the converter section , control protection and auxiliary circuit
`included on one chassis. The converter may include a disconnecting means. (See Figure 1-2-
`converter input filter
`circuits connected to the power input of the converter to reduce dvld1 (voltage stress of
`transformer insulation) or radio frequency emissions.
`converter d.c. li nk voltage, ud
`average value of the voltage in the d.c. link (on the input converter side).
`converter d .c. link current, /d
`average value of the current in the d.c. link (on the input converter side).
`snubber (circuit)
`a sub-circuit connected to one or more power semiconductor devices in order to rel ieve it (them)
`of stress in regard of high rate of rise of current or voltage, overvoltage transients, switching
`losses, etc.
`d.c. link
`power d.c. circuit linking the input converter and the output converter of an indirect converter,
`consisting of capacitors and/or reactors to reduce d.c. voltage or d.c. current ripple .
`converter output filt er
`circuits connected to the power output of the converter to reduce d l'ldt (voltage stress of motor
`insulation and generating bearing currents) or harmonics (losses).
`a.c. converter output power, P31
`the fundamental power at the converter output terminals.
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Robert Durham. ANSI store order # X_739783. Downloaded 07/0612021. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 13




`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 65
`Section 9
`In general, the PDS consists of the following main subsystems :
`converter section:
`control and protection;
`harmonic filters (if needed).
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Robert Durham. ANSI store order# x _739783. Downloaded 07/0612021 . Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited .
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`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 67
`the main power supply;
`the main breaker;
`the main power cables;
`the EMC immunity and emissions:
`the civil installation;
`the driven machine;
`the auxiliary power supply;
`the main process control.
`Within the PDS, special attention shall be paid to the interfaces and interference of the different
`subsystems in regard to:
`the system dimensioning;
`the safety requirements;
`the EMC according to internal requirements and IEC 61800-3;
`the possible interaction of subsystems.
`The system supplier shall give all necessary information for the correct installation and cabling
`of the equipment. The general requirements for the integration of PDS are stated in the following
`Information to be exchanged
`The system supplier shall give the necessary documentation for the customer of a PDS to allow
`the correct installation into a typical system or process. The customer and the system supplier
`shall agree at an early stage, if special measures have to be taken to achieve compliance with
`the EMC requirements of the dedicated environment.
`The following information shall be made available to the system supplier:
`network impedance and structure (existing capacitor banks, filters , etc.);
`high voltage cable lengths;
`EMC information (actual distortion of the network);
`earthing conditions and specifications ;
`information on driven equipment;
`safety requirements according to local regulations, for example colour coding .
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Robert Dumam. ANSI store order# X_739783. Downloaded 07106/2021. Single user license only. Copying and networK1ng prohibited.
`Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. v. U.S. Well Services, LLC, IPR2023-00558, Page 17




`ICS 61800-4-2004
`Page 69
`assumption of a sinusoidal magnetizing current, the energy stored in the magnetizing impedance
`of the transformer can be calculated by the equation:
`E =--~--xSN
`is the magnetizing current, referred to the rated transformer current (p.u.);
`is the rated frequency (Hz);
`is the apparent power of the transformer (VA).
`Earthing requirements
`(U.S. Difference)
`The application of DC-linked converter systems requires that proper design consideration be given to the
`system grounding and the voltage ratings of isolation transformers, the motor, and the power converter.
`An improperly grounded system can result in ground currents circulating between the source and the
`motor through the power converter. Higher than normal voltage to ground may occur at the terminals of
`the isolation transformer or the motor. These voltages are caused by common mode voltage generated
`by the power converter system, which displaces system neutral voltage from ground potential.
`The motor terminal-to-ground voltage can be reduced by:
`a. Isolating the installation electrical system ground with a transformer.
`b. Utilizing separate reactors in both the positive and negative DC link.
`c. Connecting the motor neutral to ground through impedance.
`If this design practice is properly followed, motor neutral-to-ground voltage can be reduced to near zero.
`The drive isolation transformer insulation system should be designed for voltage to ground which may
`exceed rated line-to-line voltage of the secondary winding. Consult the converter equipment supplier for
`the specific voltage to ground insulation levels required for the motor and isolation transformer.
` Equipotential bonding of main components
`The earthing concept (grounding, earthing , screening) of the drive system should take into
`common mode stresses due to the point of earthing of the PDS;
`EMC issues.
`The protective bonding circuit and the equipotential bonding (its interconnection) between main
`components should be considered . Typically it is also necessary to take into account local
`requirements. The protective bonding concept should be agreed upon between system supplier
`and customer. It should cover the whole PDS, includlng:
`the transformer;
`the main converter;
`the motor.
`The following items are important examples:
`the material of the protective bonding;
`© Copyright 2004 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`Licensed to Rober1 Durham. ANSI store order# X_739783. Downloaded 07/06/2021. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
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